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St Botolph’s Church, Shepshed
1st Sunday of the month
8.00am, Holy Communion
10.00am, All Age Worship
2nd Sunday of the month
10.00am, Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of the month
8.00am, Holy Communion
10.00am, Morning Worship
4th Sunday of the month
10.00am, Holy Communion
5th Sunday of the month
Article by Nigel Holmes
10.30 am
Morning Worship including Sunday School and creche
6.00 pm
Evening Worship
7.30 pm
Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays Term time only
10.00 am
Ladies’ Bible Study (fortnightly)
2.15 pm
Ladies’ Fellowship
*Prices per magazine area. Free artwork design included. Artwork required in PDF format.
Next Issue For July
Deadline Date: Friday30th June
Delivery Date: Saturday 8th July
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Joint Benefice Service with St James the Greater
• House Groups also meet Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.
• Mother's Union (2nd Wednesday of the month), Tuesday Club (1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month).
• Cheeky Chops Toddler Group every Friday, during term time, 10am-11 30am in the Church Hall.
St James’ Church, Oaks in Charnwood
8.30am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
11.00am, 3rd Sunday of the Month Family Service
Everyone is warmly welcome to all our services
For further information please visit www.shepshedandoaks.co.uk or ring the Parish Office on 01509 502255.
Article by Ian Relf
10.30 am-2.00 pm
Day Centre for Senior Folk
Thursdays 9.30 am-11.00 am
Kirkhill Kangaroos (parent & toddler group)
Fridays 7.30 pm-8.45 pm
Youth activities plus Christian message for around year 7/8
For more information visit www.shepshedwordoflife.org or ring 07473 952161, or email us at contact@shepshedwordoflife.org
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The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the original advertisers & contributors and do not necessarily represent OpenBox Promotions Ltd. OpenBox Promotions Ltd reserves the right to amend or refuse to publish articles or adverts submitted for publication. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine, but no liability can be accepted for loss or inconvenience caused as a result of error or omission. To see full terms & conditions visit www.openboxpromotions.co.uk/terms Magazine
We are situated off Forest Street, at the entrance to the Iveshead School site.
As a small group of Christians who "Seek to know Jesus Christ & to make Him known" we gather for worship at 3pm on Sundays & for Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesdays at 2.30pm.
You are invited to our meetings & will be sure of a friendly welcome. Enquiries to:
01509 829166 (Ian) or 01530 223625 (Malcolm)
Article by Michael Stokes
Train times altered to allow families to visit the footplate of steam engines. The Great Central Railway is trying out a new timetable for its award winning heritage trains. The aim is to encourage visitors to visit the locomotive footplate and meet the driver and fireman. The timetable change will be used again for a special gala event celebrating fifty years of trains on the heritage line over the weekend of 17th and 18th of June.
Article by Ripon
Spice Lounge Restaurant was proud and honoured on Thursday 25th May 2023 to be a sponsor of a fantastic fundraising event for "PENNIES BUILD POUNDS IN OUR POT".
In total, we donated £410 pounds to send three children's names: Priyanka, Prakash and Punam to school in Karnataka(India) and also support them to get a good education and improve their prospects in life through this wonderful local charity in Shepshed. Everyone who dined, thoroughly enjoyed this great night for a great cause.
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you.
Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.
But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
A testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the beneficiaries.
As the surviving partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property.
The speaker for the May meeting held on the 9th was Dr. Anne Featherstone and an enjoyable evening was spent hearing about the origins of Victorian Melodramas.
The plots in many cases portraying exaggerated real life events that occurred in day to day life, but made more macabre in order to bring enjoyable grisly drama to the masses as they sat spellbound absorbed in watching the intrigues and murders of the day played out in the lavish over the top scenery.
The word Melodrama coming from two Greek words Melos meaning song or melody and Drame meaning theatrical plot.
The speaker for the June meeting to be Kath Reynolds recalling ‘Keeping the Home in days gone by.’
New newcomers always welcome and for further information please contact 07563164315
As the song goes, ‘June is busting out all over’ from the film Carousel, no I’m not dancing. We continue at a pace and we are in our six month of 2023.
By the time you read these etching I will be back from Bronte Country and all the delights of good ol’ Yorkshire hospitality.
We have seen the local election come and go with big changes and new faces being given the chance to make a difference. The longer you may have been on Planet Earth, will maybe decide your politics. Candidates start off with Idealistic ambitions only to be thwarted by the system. On my podcast and the missives I write daily I attempt to put forward unbiased views toward politics and Religion.
Im hoping with the co-operation of some Shepshed councillors to make them more visible to the voters. I interviewed Jane Hunt not on the government policies, but
Article by Brenda Snape
The photos show the memorabilia purchased by the Town Council for the Coronation. Aluminium water bottles and balloons were delivered to all of the Primary Schools in Shepshed, by the Chairman of Council, Cllr. David Northage.
Balloons were offered to local groups, organisation and businesses and street parties. Coronation flags were flown outside of the Council Offices and lamp post emblems distributed throughout the Town.
on the job and what it requires to be an M.P. Of any party.
The biggest gripe I heard during the Local Elections from all sections was, ‘ we don’t know who the candidates are’. I will be putting out dates and times when the councillors will be holding their surgeries. We need to play our part in this democratic process, just voting and then not showing an interest is not the fault of our councillors. There are many issues I see around the town and we need to back our council when they come up against Leicester highways or any organisation outside Shepshed. I will keep you all informed on my daily missive pages on Facebook and on the weekly podshow.
I’ve been speaking about Artificial Intelligence and how it’s creeping into our lives. AI as it is becoming known at best can be a Blessing and at worst a curse with jobs being lost.
Some energy companies are already using it to write letters and billing to their customers, you’ve probably already received such correspondence.
In the entertainment industry this is already happening. AI can mimic the
voice and in the future Radio stations could be using AI as presenters. I don’t want to hear a voice on the radio that’s flat, I want to hear spontaneous laughter when things go wrong, when equipment dies. AI could well put an end to that, along with cash and many other traditions we face challenging times.
On 24th June which is a Saturday you come be entertained and in fact you can join in with the ‘Golden Oldies Show’. There are two shows which consists of Matinee at 2pm and the evening show at 7.30pm. Both shows are at the Polish Social Club on True Lovers Walk, Loughborough, LE11 3DB. Tickets are £ 8.00 and there are still some left at both shows, these can be obtained from; Sue James; 07856 746461 and Suzanne Buckeridge; 07754 799639.
If you remember last year I did a feature on my podshow about Dementia and I’m pleased to report all profits will go to Charnwood Musical Memory Box which is Music for Dementia.
I will be getting along to the Matinee show so see you there.
Back next month…Al. not Artificial Intelligence.
Sundays 10.15 am
Morning Worship and Crèche
Sunday 18th June
Breakfast cobs followed by Baptismal service
9.45 am – 11.45 am
Prayer time in church
Come and go as you please
2.30 pm and 7.45 pm
Zoom Bible Study
9 am to 11 am
Little Lambs Toddler Group (Term time only)
2.45 pm
Wednesday Fellowship
7.30 pm to 8.30 pm
Prayer Meeting
6 pm – 7 pm
Girls Brigade (Term time only)
Many of you have supported our 50/50 club helping raise funds for Shepshed Volunteer Centre, over the years this has been a successful fundraiser for us. However, in recent years the numbers renewing has dropped, we have decided that we will no longer be running the 50/50 club as a fundraiser after the last draw in June 2023.
Instead, we are promoting the Charnwood Lottery, the total cost is £52 for a year with one draw each Saturday, of each £1 you donate 50p comes to Shepshed Volunteer Centre and 10p goes to other causes in Charnwood. You can see details of how the money is allocated here; www.charnwood. gov.uk/pages/lottery 20% of each £1 is for prize money and the remaining 20% is for VAT and administration costs.
To join the Charnwood Lottery and support Shepshed Volunteer Centre go to www.Charnwoodlottery.co.uk/support/find-agood-cause “search for a good cause”, type in “Shepshed Volunteer Centre”, that will take you to the page with the information about us. You can select your own numbers (if they aren’t already taken) or let Charnwood Lottery choose the numbers for you.
You will set up a direct debit and Charnwood Lottery take care of everything else. We are notified of new supporters and your email contact details. You can join over the phone if you don’t have an email address; telephone Charnwood Lottery on 01509 357575 , they will talk you through how to set up a Direct Debit. We hope that you will consider joining the Charnwood Lottery and continue to support Shepshed Volunteer Centre.
We are a group of local people, male and female of varying ages, who meet on Wednesday evenings at Shepshed Community Offices to play Bingo and enjoy a sociable evening together. We provide our own drinks and (nibbles if you wish) and the evening starts at 7.30pm and finishes at approximately 10.10pm.
Currently, we are looking to welcome a few more members to join our group who could commit to attending on a regular basis each Wednesday. The venue is situated on the ground floor for easy access and disabled toilet facilities are available.
For more information and to book your place to join us for the opportunity to meet new people and play Bingo, please telephone 07944609415.
For those enquirers who are interested, places will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis.
Shepshed Open Garden Event is fast approaching and will be held on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd July, 1-6pm each day. There will be musical entertainment in the Wellbeing Garden at Shepshed Volunteer Centre, 9a Charnwood between 1.30 and 4.30pm on Saturday 1st July, from Sax Mundi and Barrow Upon Soar Ukulele Band. We will be running a raffle with lots of prizes, if you have anything suitable for a raffle prize we would be very grateful to receive it. Donations can be dropped off at the volunteer centre, 9a Charnwood Road, Shepshed, 9am to 12noon Monday to Friday.
If you would like to enter your garden for people to visit over the weekend, the closing date is 9th June 2023 we will then have time to create the map for the event.
Tickets and maps will be on sale for the event approximately two weeks before the event, from Shepshed Volunteer Centre, Shepshed Library and Finkins. We have kept the ticket prices the same as last year at £3 per adult and accompanied children under the age of 16 are free.
Mini Sweets Bags
Favour Boxes
Birthday Boxes
Marshmallow Kebabs
Fudge & Nougat Bars
Plus lots more!
for all your gifts & sweet treats!
Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd July 1-6pm each day
Tickets £3.00 per adult includes map
Gardens Open across Shepshed
Tickets can be purchased from the open gardens, cash only Refreshments and plant sales in some of the gardens
In the garden at Shepshed Volunteer Centre (SVC 9a Charnwood Road)
Tickets, maps, refreshments and raffle ticket sales
Sax Mundi and the Barrow upon Soar Ukulele Band will be playing between 1.30-4.30pm on Saturday
Tickets and maps on sale at:
Shepshed Volunteer Centre (cash or Sumup card payments)
Shepshed Library and Finkins (cash only)
For more information ring SVC on 01509 508040
Family run business with 30years experience in repairing and servicing all makes and models of garden machinery. Business is carried out on site at a time and date convenient to the customer. We also carry out repairs on Sunday’s.
Please call or text 07904 103602
7 days a week 8am-9pm Email ikmowers@yahoo.co.uk and we will get back to you asap.
Shepshed Dolphin Swimming group is a swimming group with a difference. Swimming for anyone with a disability, need or health condition. We run every Saturday morning from Iveshead Community Pool in Shepshed, 10.30am12.30pm, with an AquaFit class at 11.15am included in your swim fee, £2.50 adults £1 under 18's.
For more information email admin@shepsheddolphins.org.uk or call 07739 760 725 www.shepsheddolphins.org.uk
What is the only American state to have a name beginning with the letter “a”, but ending with a letter other than “a”?
We are a two-partner practice in Shepshed with a list size of nearly 3000 patients. We feel we offer a friendly professional and caring practice that is led by our experienced GP’s Dr Parveen Ghatora & Dr Prakash Kumaraswamy.
The Practice has recently been inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and our overall rating for the services we provide are all GOOD for which we feel proud to have achieved.
We are supported by a very willing and enthusiastic Patient Participation Group (PPG) who look at ways of improving our services to patients and have regular meetings to address any suggestions/queries that patients may raise. The PPG are always happy to welcome new members to their group.
Shepshed Labour Party would like to thank the Shepshed residents who voted for the Labour Party candidates in the Charnwood Borough Council and Shepshed Town Council Elections that were both held on 4th May 2023.
True or False… the letter “e” in the Google logo is the same colour as the letter “e” in the eBay logo? __________________________
What name is given to the dot on a lowercase letter “i”?
With a name that means “little o”, what is the 15th letter of the Greek alphabet?
What word represents the letter “u” in the NATO phonetic alphabet?
What does the letter “A” stand for in DNA?
Which duo, who had a number one hit single in 1992, took their name from a song by The Smiths, but without the apostrophe and the letter “e” towards the end of the first word of the two word name?
What does the letter “i” stand for in the name of the TV network ITV?
Which is the only one of the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with a name that doesn’t end in the letter “o”? __________________________
Which Asian capital city has three occurrences of the letter “u” in its name?
See page 12 for answers
Together with our PPG we are arranging a coffee/tea morning with a raffle to raise awareness for Ehlers-Danos Syndrome (EDS) www.ehlers-danlos.org and would like to invite you to join us.
On Saturday 17th June
At Shepshed Health Centre 10.00-2.00pm
The 13th June members will meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm. New members will be made most welcome to this event.
On the 25th June members are going on a five day break to Northern Ireland.
July 4th our walk & talk group will meet.
The 11th July members will meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm. New members will be made most welcome to this event.
Wednesday the 19th July members are going on a day trip to Whitby.
Anthony Norton
01332 703996
Email: anthonynorton@outlook.com
Graham Askew
Email: hazelburton44@gmail.com
Article by Keith Bailey
Sunday Services
10.45am Morning Worship on: 11th June
25th June
2nd July
6.00pm Evening Worship on: 18th June
Coffee Mornings: Every Friday 9:30am until 12 noon
Article by Stephen Woodcock
We are an independent, non-denominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people. We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE
Worship: Sunday, 10:45am.
Bible Classes for all ages: Sunday, 11:45am.
Bible Study: Thursday, 7:30pm.
Contact: info@ shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk
Phone: 07917260297
You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook.
The Baldwin Trust’s 40th anniversary season began on 1st April with smiles and balloons to mark the occasion. The Baldwin Trust have been operating their fully accessible narrowboat cruises along the Leicestershire waterways since 1983, when the Trust was started by Bert Halsey and his wife as a way of providing respite to the patients of the Baldwin Ward at Leicester Frith Hospital.
The Trust currently operate 2 narrowboats: Dandelion, from Barrow Boating, and Halseyon Days from Leicester Marina. Both boats are wheelchair accessible and can accommodate up to 12 people. Many local community groups have benefited from trips along the canals and rivers, with one user recently commenting “it was so tranquil travelling at a slow pace, enjoying each other’s company and the river wildlife”.
All cruises are crewed by fully trained volunteers; stops along the route can be arranged, and you are welcome to bring your own picnic and refreshments to enjoy.
If you would like to share this experience with family and friends, you can see availability and book online at www.baldwintrust.co.uk or email: web@baldwintrust.co.uk
The Trust are always seeking new volunteers to train as crew and skippers, and to assist with the running of the charity; if you would like to learn a new skill, meet new people and spend time on the water, then we would love to hear from you.
With warmer, longer days on the horizon, the beautiful bright colours of your garden are best enjoyed alongside a lush, green lawn. As the centrepiece of your garden, GreenThumb Lawn Treatment Service will ensure your lawn reaches its full potential as a weed-free, healthy, and well-loved lawn.
Our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is applied between April and June and features a fully coated fertiliser designed to give your lawn a timed release of nutrition over several months, feeding your grass and stimulating growth. This sophisticated treatment also includes a weed control to help eradicate those which are unwelcome on your lawn, keeping your lawn looking its best ready for summer.
An added benefit of our ‘Summer Ready’ Treatment is that you’ll also receive an application of our fantastic water conserver, Oasis. Now is the perfect time for an Oasis Treatment as it helps your soil to make the best use of any available moisture, meaning you’ll need to water up to 80% less. Our popular Oasis Treatment now features an innovative, highly concentrated seaweed extract which has proven to have an almost immediate visual effect on the colour of your lawn.
At this time of year, we also recommend implementing a regular mowing regime to help your lawn be the best it can be. Dry, sunny days are the best conditions for mowing, however it’s important that your mower blades are kept sharp or replaced when needed to avoid causing damage to the grass plant. It is also important, especially during the summer months, that your grass isn’t cut too short as this will weaken it, attracting unwanted weeds. When dry, we advise raising the height of your cut from 1” up to 2” and give it a good drink the day after mowing.
Let’s create the lawn we both love.
Contact your local GreenThumb branch today 0116 269 4019 or email leicestershirewest@greenthumb.co.uk
Kuala Lumpur
8. Independent 9. Raphael 10.
7. Shakespears Sister
6. Acid
5. Uniform
4. Omicron
3. Tittle
2. True (its red in both)
1. Arkansas
AEIOU Answers
Banns, 23 Emir.
Rustic, 18 Suture, 19 Elk, 20
Importer, 14 Cavemen, 16
Referee, 4 Batik, 5 Camera, 6 Seashell, 9 Lac, 12
Down: 1 Dame, 2 Cassia, 3
Legion, 25 Earwig, 26 Sun.
Dressage, 22 Trek, 24
Across: 3 Rib, 7 Parade, 8 Azalea, 9 Lens, 10 Epilepsy, 11 Citadel, 13 James, 15 Spire, 17 Capsule, 21
General Knowledge Answers
3. Bits and bobs
2. A bad spell of weather
1. Close, but no cigar
Pictogram Answers
Get ready for a fun-filled day with the family at Whatton House. Join us for our Bow Bear Hunt, where you can explore the beautiful 15-acre gardens and search for Bow Bear in various locations. Complete the trail and receive a prize at the end, plus a special performance from the Loughborough Rock Choir!
Tickets are only £6 per person (adults and children aged 3 and over). No need to book in advance, just come along and pay on the day. Last entry to take part in the Bow Bear Hunt is 3 pm. See you there. Visit website for more details https://tinyurl.com/3cfpdpma
Article by LOROS
Garden enthusiasts, this one’s for you! Open your gardens and be part of the LOROS Open Gardens scheme this summer. By opening your garden, not only will you provide people with a lovely day out, but you’ll also connect with a fantastic community of passionate gardeners in your local area.
And if you’re looking for garden inspiration, join us at the LOROS Open Gardens on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th June. Immerse yourself in the beauty of stunning gardens, gather new ideas, and make a difference for those who need it most. Interested? Head to loros.co.uk/opengardens
4 words
Loughborough Flower Lovers’ Club –Would like to invite you to join us at our next meeting on June 15th at 7.309.30pm at Amherst School (formerly Our Ladies Convent School) Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ.
If you love flowers and would enjoy a relaxing evening watching North Midlands NAFAS area demonstrator Helen Chambers present her interpretation of “Best of BritishCelebrate Summer” then please do come along.
Helen is a British flower expert and award winning florist who specialises in promoting the British flower industry with her seasonal designs.
Visitors are always welcome to meetings which are held on the third Thursday of the month at the above venue. There is free, close, onsite parking and easy access to the ground floor hall. Take part in the raffle and at the end of the evening you could win one of the beautiful arrangements to take home. There is no need to book in advance just arrive on the night and for a small visitor fee of just £6, enjoy the evening’s demonstration.
At our last meeting in May, we were pleased to be able to present the local Air Ambulance Charity with a cheque for £1000 to support their fantastic work.
For more information or if you have any questions, either call 01509 853740 or email loughboroughflowerloversclub@ hotmail.com
We look forward to welcoming you.
5 words
3 words 101101001 HOPE MARLEY
See page 12 for answers
Shepshed Special Community Bus 47a Charnwood Road Shepshed LE12 9QE 01509 650531 sscb9a@gmail.com
These services are a door-to-door service with a passenger assistant to offer help if required, please contact us (details above) with any enquiries.
To reserve a seat for any of the following please call the above number:
• Monday Morrisons, Coalville fortnightly
• Tuesday Shepshed Co-op and a coffee at café
• Thursday Loughborough
Dropping off at Sainsburys, Wilkinsons and near Queens Park. Pick up from Queens Park (Packe Street)
Local groups, clubs and organizations can hire the bus for events, outings etc. Please call to enquire.
National assistance dog charity Canine Partners has announced it is moving to a single centre organisation based at its Midlands Training Centre in Leicestershire this Spring.
The charity, which trains amazing assistance dogs to help disabled people is closing its older training centre facility in West Sussex and relocating the head office to its modern, purposebuilt facility in Osgathorpe, near Loughborough.
Canine Partners, like many other charities, is experiencing tough financial challenges. Becoming a single operating site will reduce costs and safeguard the financial future of the charity ensuring funds remain focused on delivering as many of our amazing partnerships as possible, now and in the future.
“Canine Partners has been training puppies and dogs and creating life-changing partnerships with disabled adults from our Midlands Training Centre for 10 years. I am delighted that our centre of operations will be based from the Centre, bringing lots of exciting additional volunteering and other opportunities into the Leicestershire area,” says Alex Lochrane, the charity’s new CEO.
“We currently have 93 disabled adults on our waiting list for one of our amazing canine partner assistance dogs, and our wonderful community of supportive volunteers are key for us to provide this service.”
Alex, who joined the charity in December, is making an urgent appeal for Puppy Parent volunteers in the area to help offer the best start in life to puppies training to assist disabled people.
“We are urgently appealing for Puppy Parent volunteers across the country, particularly in the Midlands area, to take on this highly rewarding, fulfilling and fun role. It’s a great chance to
learn new skills and do something really amazing by helping to transform the life of someone living with disability,” says Alex.
“Since joining the charity in December last year, I have seen the vital role that Puppy Parent volunteers play in the early socialisation and training of a canine partner, meaning that this role gives the puppy the best possible chance to become a fullytrained assistance dog.”
Puppies-in-training live in a volunteer’s home from around eightweeks-old until they are ready to start advanced training at the charity’s Midlands Training Centre from 14 months old.
Canine Partners trains amazing assistance dogs to transform the lives of people living with disability, boosting their confidence and independence as well as providing unique companionship.
The dogs are taught a range of tasks that will give essential support to their partner, including picking up and fetching items, opening doors and helping with dressing and undressing. They can even help to load and unload a washing machine and they can fetch help in an emergency.
Canine Partners’ expert trainers support Puppy Parent volunteers every step of the way.
Training involves home and town visits, one-to-ones and puppy classes to socialise the puppy to situations they may encounter as a fully trained canine partner.
To become a Puppy Parent volunteer in one of Canine Partners’ 11 puppy training areas across the country, the primary Puppy Parent volunteer needs to be aged 18 or over, able to flex work around training and able to commit to provide care and support for a puppy for around 12-14 months.
No previous experience is necessary and Canine Partners expert staff will support you every step of the way. If you would like to talk about whether this role is right for you or to find out about other voluntary roles in the area, please get in touch with the team.
To find out more about becoming a Puppy Parent volunteer for Canine Partners, please visit caninepartners.org.uk/volunteer call 03456 580480 or email volunteer@caninepartners.org.uk
At long last our annual Garden Fete is back. It will take place on July 1st between 2pm till 4pm in the grounds of St. Winefrides Church on Charnwood Road. As always there will be games to play, cakes, books bric-a-brac and plants to buy. A cream tea or ice cream will be there for you to enjoy. So please come along and meet old friends and new, we look forward to seeing you all.
by Brenda Fox
8.45am. Rosary 9.15am. Mass
WEDNESDAY 11.30am Rosary 12pm Adoration 12.30pm Mass
FRIDAY 11.30am. Rosary 12.00am Adoration 12.30pm Mass.
10.30 - 1200pm Adoration & Confession
5.30pm Rosary
6pm Vigil Mass
SUNDAY 9.30am Rosary 10am. Mass
Last Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm Ladies Group In annexe, all welcome.
Toddler Church
Every Wednesday at 10.15am (term time only).
For more information please email stwinefrides@ dioceseofnottingham.uk or check our Facebook page.
St Botolph’s Church patronal festival will be celebrated on Saturday 15th June 12 – 2pm. Shepshed Camera Club will be staging an exhibition of their photographs and we will be holding a photo competition. Entries will be £1 each in categories “churches” or “nature”, maximum 3 entries per category.
Photos 8” x 6” with name and contact number on the reverse can be handed with fee to any social and fundraising group committee member or to the parish office, Church Gate, Shepshed. Office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30am – 12pm.
Unusual, unique diesel loco visits line for first time.
Thousands of enthusiasts packed trains at the Great Central Railway as vintage diesel took centre stage for a gala. Steam power was side lined for the weekend as different locomotives dating from the 1950s and 60s wowed visitors.
“Diesel locos have their own generation of fans,” said Great Central Railway General Manager Malcolm Holmes. “These machines represent a time when lots of different ideas for modernising Britain’s Railways were being tried out. Some when on to have long careers, others were retired quickly!” Among those which didn’t make the grade was the Class 17, which was star guest at the GCR gala. Built in the 1960s, they had a distinctive central driving cab, with low bonnets covering the engines. The idea was the driver could see in both directions clearly. However they were not a success and all but one was scrapped. Happily as guest of honour, on its first ever visit to the GCR, it turned heads and painted a picture of a ‘what might have been’ future!
“As diesels get older, they are just as important a part of our heritage railway story,” continued Malcolm. “When enthusiasts come to the line for our events, they boost the whole local visitor economy and we’re delighted to play our part bringing people from all the country to Leicestershire.”
Over the weekend of the 17th & 18th June 2023, the Great Central will celebrate fifty years of running heritage trains, hauled by steam and diesel traction, with another special once in a lifetime gala event, featuring a fifty wagon freight train, full details will be on the GCR website shortly www.gcrailway.co.uk
In addition there will be raffle and we will be serving light lunches. Do come along and join in!
Article by Chris North
We all like to have harmonious relationships with everyone we interact with, and the serenity developed through meditation practice helps us to enrich these relationships. On 25th June Central Meditation Group is holding a "Meditation Super Sunday: Enhancing Relationships" event from 2pm to 6pm at Charnwood Road Community Centre in Shepshed. The format will include guided meditation, discussion, teaching, and free tea and coffee. There is no advance booking (anyone can come along on the day), and the fee is minimal (£4 each towards the room hire cost). The Group also holds meditation meetings every Wednesday from 10am until noon at the same venue. Further details can be obtained from Chris by phoning 01509 506585.
You are invited to a Morning with the Cancer Research UK East Midlands Team
Hear about the charity & the research being funded in the East Midlands
Visit our health awareness stands & meet the Senior Health Awareness Nurse
Quorn Village Hall, 64 Leicester Rd, Quorn, Loughborough LE12 8BB
Tuesday 27 June 2023
10am until 12.30pm
This event is free but please RSVP at rebecca.elphick@cancer.org.uk by 12 June as refreshments will be provided
Borough Councillor for Hathern
T: 01509 557701
E: cllr.keith.harris@charnwood.gov.uk
On behalf of Councillor Kanchan Jadeja at Cllr. Kanchan.Jadeja@charnwood. gov.uk
I have arranged with Your Local that I will continue to write the article for a while to allow time for Kanchan, your new councillor, to delve into all the myriad issues and events in the village. I will share my knowledge of that with her to facilitate a smooth transition of service.
I will continue my involvement in the village. I am helping to set up the infrastructure for Big Week and I have taken on one session of All Join In at the library.
After the exciting events of Big Week Hathern will open its best gardens on the weekend of Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th 12 noon to 5 pm. Around 17 gardens will be accessible with at least one new opener. The History Society will be having a slide show of old Hathern running in the church and there will be a children’s quiz around the gardens. The church and a few gardens will also provide refreshments and there will be a large plant sale. Entrance is £3 including a map (accompanied children up to 16 free) and can be purchased at the church or in the gardens. Each garden will be clearly marked. Hathern Wildlife will be involved with an exhibition and demonstration in the church yard and there will be spinning demonstrations in the church porch.
The library is as busy as ever. After a substantial presence in Big Week there will be at least 2 talks this year. On June 22nd at 7.30 Peter Yorkstone will deliver a talk on ‘The Joys and Sorrows of Litter Picking in Hathern’. On October 11 the library’s very own Gill Pritchard will tell us about Loughborough from its origins to 1871, again at 7.30. The Summer Reading Challenge will run from July 1st to September 2nd on a sporty theme of Ready, Set, Read. There will be an activity in August and a medal ceremony
in September. It was a great success last year with lots of children taking part and most completing. In my first sessions of All Join In and my staffing slots I am amazed at the way Hathern parents and grandparents are bringing their kids up from babies to love books and libraries. With hundreds of kids being treated by the ever overstressed NHS for gaming disorder and screen addiction, this is the way to do it right.
The library will take part in the Scarecrow Festival in October and the Christmas Tree Festival in December.
I am organising a sponsored walk in aid of the library in August and will announce details very soon. This will be a shorter route than last time, around 10 to 15 miles. Please consider taking part or sponsoring those who do.
Please also consider becoming a volunteer in the library. We are managing to keep the place open 15 hours a week with two staff on in each session but it is a struggle at times with volunteers leaving or needing cover. There are some permanent slots to fill and quite a lot of covers at the moment due to holidays. If you have some spare time, you could train up a bit before and then learn on the job with an experienced volunteer and then just do covers if fixed slots are difficult.
In an amazing example of how quickly nature can return and biodiversity increase if we allow it, dragonflies have been flying around , mating and laying eggs on the plants in Hathern Wildlife’s new pond at the allotment site. Two water lilies have opened up alongside more irises. The first wildflowers are popping up and the volunteers are going to spread more seed. Some brambles, bindweed and grass need to be removed. If you fancy a bit of fresh air and productive exercise, go along on a Tuesday morning and/or Sunday afternoon and help out.
Jane HuntMember of Parliament
T: 01509 262723
E: jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk
I know, from speaking with local residents, that agricultural equipment theft really affects farmers and people who work on farms locally to Shepshed and Hathern. That is why I have been supporting the Equipment theft (Prevention) Bill and following closely its passage through parliament.
When the Bill was presented, it was focused on measures preventing the theft of certain agricultural equipment. I spoke in the Chamber in support of the Bill, relating the story of a farmer, local to Shepshed, who was targeted, having had £2,000-worth of GPS equipment stolen from a tractor. He highlighted to me that it is a common occurrence in the farming community and that he had already taken extensive security measures on the farm, which cost a great deal of money. However, despite their efforts and expenditure, thefts still took place.
While agricultural equipment theft is a significant problem and the Bill will certainly go a way to reducing the impact of that on farmers in Shepshed and Hathern, I understand that the problem is, sadly, wider than just agricultural equipment.
In 2018, a national campaign was launched by a local resident called ‘noVANber’.
This drew attention to the shocking reality of how the theft of tools from vans harms tradespeople and their businesses in our local community. The campaign cited statistics such as ‘51% of UK builders have been victims of tool or van theft’.
This is why I called for the Bill to be expanded to include measures to prevent the theft for all types of trade equipment, including tool theft from vans, in the hope it will stop farmers and tradespeople in Shepshed and Hathern and throughout the country being targeted for theft of their equipment. I followed the Bill to the committee stage where I was pleased to see that the Minister took the issue seriously and is taking it further.
The Government is currently holding a call for evidence to gather information and opinions on widening the scope of this legislation to include other types of farm machinery and also the high value tools of tradespeople, just as the noVANber campaign called for. If you would like to contribute to this call for evidence, please do let me have the details, or get in contact so I can send you more information.
Should you like my assistance with another matter, please get in touch with me by post, telephone, or email.
Have Fun & Make Friends for Life at your Local Social Rugby Club
FREE SUMMER TOUCH RUGBY - for child age 7+ and all adults starting on Thursday 8th June, 6:30pm-7:30pm for 6 weeks.
Membership starts from as little as £50 for the season
Location: Rugby Pitches @Iveshead School
For the 2023/24 Season, we will be running the following teams:
School Years 1-6 (Boys & Girls)
School Years 7-9 (Boys)
Senior Men’s Team (age 18+)
County Councillor for Shepshed
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
We now have new Cllrs for the Borough and on the Town following the election. Cllr Jane Lennie was elected Chairman of the town council on Wednesday evening 24th May and David Northage ViceChairman. There is a complete change at the Borough. The new Borough Cllrs for the west are Jane Lennie and David Northage and for the east Robin Popley and Miriam Roberts.
Anaerobic Digester –
Commercial Food Waste Some of you may be aware of a pending planning application for the above. The proposal is for an Anaerobic Digester site between Charley and Shepshed. (Between Beacon and Whittle Hill cross roads with close proximity to Charnwood Forest Farm). The proposal is for a 4 acre site with access off Shepshed Road. It is expected that the A512 will be the main trunk road for access turning into Ingleberry Road.
The information we have so far is that the site will be the sixth of the size of Newhurst Incinerator, with 40 vehicle/ lorry movements per day.
I am working very closely with Cllr Jane Lennie who attended a meeting at Charley. At the moment there is no planning application and County are not aware of this application neither are Charnwood.
When Jane and I have more information regarding this proposal we will keep you informed, it will be discussed at the Town Council as this will impact Shepshed.
As this was the annual meeting of the County Council the Chairman and vice-Chairman were elected to office together with the leader of the Council.
A Statement from the Lead Member for Communities and Staff Relations was read out and the Youth Justice Plan for
2023-26 was approved.
Dates of the Council Meetings for 2022-23 and 2023-24 were agreed. I was appointed for another year as Cabinet Lead for Adults and Communities.
Changes to contacting the Customer Services for Members of the Public Members of the public will now have to use an online form on the County Council’s website.
The previously used email addresses have now been discontinued. Please use the below.
www.leicestershire.gov.uk/ contact-information this covers highway issues as well
Islamic scholar exhibition hosted at Battlefield centre. The life of a renowned Islamic scholar is being celebrated at Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre. ‘ A Tale of Two re-interments’ reveals the similarities between Richard III and His Eminence Murshid Muhammad Abdul Wahab Siddiqi (RA); two high-profile mend who died young and were re-interred in scared places in the local area.
I would encourage everyone to take a trip to see the exhibition.
National Numeracy Day
Adults across Leicestershire who would have liked to boost their confidence with numbers and improve their numeracy skills got a chance to get help. The council supported the day by holding a number of events around the county. I visited the one held in Coalville on 17th May and I understand a course was held in the Glenmore Centre the course also dealt with budgeting. Numeracy is a vital skill that has so many practical applications in everyday life.
Dementia Awareness Week; 15-21 May
The week was run by the
Alzheimer’s Society and focused on early diagnosis. There were various activities and events around the county which I attended. If you are living with dementia contact your GP or go on line to see what support is available in the county www.leicestershire.gov.uk/ adult-social-care-and-health/ living-independenently-athome/living-with-dementia
An advice service for individuals worried about their memory or who are waiting for an assessment at the Memory Clinic can self-refer by contacting the service on 0116 223 7363 or via email at dementia.support@ageukleics. org.uk
Dedicated Neighbourhood Team for Shepshed
PS 836 Gina Baxter –gina.baxrer@leicestershire. pnn.police.uk
PC 1782 Mike Hodgson –Michael.hodgson@ leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
PC 196 Jo Freeman –Jospehine.freeman@leics. police.uk
PCSO 6554 Lucinda Bailey –Lucinda.bailey@leicstershire. pnn.police.uk
PCSO 6136 Julia Parker –Julia.parker6136@ leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
We now have the name of the sergeant who is Gina Baxter for the area.
Advance Notice of a Temporary Traffic Regulations (TTRO)
Please check the Town Council web page for up to date information. Sometimes emergency road works have to take place with only hours notice, If I am able and have been given plenty of notice I will inform you of any forthcoming works.
There will be over the coming months many road works and diversions in the Market Place area of Shepshed during the improvements. This work starts towards the end of July and will carry on for a number of months. This work is to allow Fitzgerald Contractors on behalf of Charnwood Borough Council to safely facilitate the
A TTRO is to be made for the following location: Charnwood Road. The purpose of the TTRO is to allow Severn Trent to replace a manhole cover and frame.
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of 1 day commencing 19th June.
The works can be viewed at https://one.network/?tm= GB133537925
A TTRO is to be made for the following location: Forman Road – the purpose of he TTRO is to allow Severn Trent to replace a manhole cover and frame.
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed 1 day commencing 26th July.
The works can be viewed at https://one.network/|?tm= GN133947592
A TTRO is to be made for the following location: Anson Road – the purpose of the TTRO is to allow County to safely undertake carriageway patching works.
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of 3 days commencing on 12th June 09.00-15.00 each day.
The works can be viewed on https://one.network/?tm= GB134082391
Your help and support – my contact details
Without your help in keeping me informed regarding issues around Shepshed, I would not be able to do my job. For help and advice on County matters, I can be contacted on 01509 502974, or 07796 544817 or e mail christine_radford@ hotmail.com or christine. radford@leics.gov.uk , my monthly surgery, is held on the first Saturday of the month in the Town Council Offices, 47a Charnwood Road, (opp. Tesco) You do not need an appointment; I will be there from 10-11 am
Public Realms project.Next Council Meetings
Mon 19 Jun 19:30
Mon 31 Jul 19:30
Clerk: Maureen Spencer
Tel: 01509 842813
Email: clerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk www.hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Like us on Facebook: @hathernparish
Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Ben Murdoch bmurdoch@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Please call Val on 07970059250 for bookings this is a door-to-door service
May 12th - Long Eaton Shopping, lots of shops, café, restaurants - £10
June 9th - Bakewell, delightful little market town on the banks off River Wye plenty to see and do - £12
July 7th - Cherry Lane Nursery, gardening, indoor furniture, homeware, clothing and a wonderful café - £10
August 11th - Melton Mowbray Shopping Trip, lots of shops and cafés - £10
September 1st - Notcutts Wheatgrofts Garden Centre, gardening, home and gifts, pets and wildlife, restaurant - £10
October 20th - Trentham Gardens, a unique outdoor shopping village, garden centre, high street of timberlodges, cafés - £12
November 10th - Gates, so much more than a garden centre, with lots of choice. There is a well stocked farmshop, restaurant, coffee shop and a wonderful Christmas shop - £10
With the promise of warmer weather just around the corner, thoughts turn to outdoor activities again. But for those of us with some form of arthritis, pottering in the garden may not be as enjoyable as it once was.
Arthritis literally means ‘inflammation of the joints’. As you grow older your body is often unable to replace new cartilage to counteract any loss, allowing insufficiently cushioned bones to rub together causing inflammation, pain and stiffness.
3. Chest bone (3)
7. Ceremonial procession (6)
8. Plant similar to the rhododendron (6)
9. Transparent optical device (4)
10. Disorder of the central nervous system characterised by convulsions (8)
11. Fortress (7)
13. ___ Cagney, Hollywood star who died in 1986 (5)
15. Steeple (5)
17. Gelatinous container with medicine inside (7)
21. Equestrian display (8)
22. Long arduous journey (4)
24. Large military unit (6)
25. Insect with large pincers at the rear of the abdomen (6)
26. Earth’s nearest star (3) Down
1. Female pantomime character (4)
2. Cinnamon-yielding tree (6)
3. Official who is expected to ensure fair play (7)
4. Method of producing designs on cloth by covering with wax, then dyeing (5)
5. Equipment for taking pictures (6)
6. Outer casing of a marine organism (8)
9. Resinous substance used to make varnish, sealing wax, dyes, etc (3)
12. Merchant who brings goods into the country from abroad (8)
14. Troglodytes (7)
16. Countrified (6)
18. Surgical stitch (6)
19. Northern deer with very large antlers (3)
20. Public announcement of a proposed marriage (5)
23. Independent ruler or chieftain (4)
See page 12 for answers
There are things you can do though to that can help.
Diet is important. Eating less of the foods that can increase inflammation and lots more of the anti-inflammatory foods that can help to reduce it, can help: reduce your intake of coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks and foods made from refined white flour and white sugar, as these foods are known to promote unhealthy levels of inflammation.
Do eat lots of oily fish or plant oils, nuts and seeds, and plenty of fresh vegetables and berries; they are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can help to reduce inflammation. Replace refined foods with brown rice, millet, barley, quinoa or buckwheat and spice things up! Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that are known to help relieve muscle soreness, menstrual cramps, headaches and arthritis. Turmeric also has heaps of antiinflammatory potential.
Another popular choice for muscle and joint pain is Devil’s Claw, a plant only found in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa. It has been used for many years to help reduce rheumatic, muscle and joint pain and studies suggest that long-term use of Devil’s Claw is not only safe, but may also lead to improvements in those with chronic lower back pain. Try A. Vogel’s Atrosan Devil’s Claw tablets.
For topical relief from inflammation you may wish to try Arnica. It’s well-known for its homeopathic use for bumps and bruises, but when used in its herbal form it can also help with pain and stiffness in joints and muscles, with research showing it may be just as effective as ibuprofen at reducing pain and stiffness in the fingers of osteoarthritis patients. Atrogel Arnica Gel contains herbal extracts of Arnica flowers and can help with muscular aches, pains and stiffness, sprains and bruising.
Finally, stay active. Regular, gentle exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight, which in turn lessens the stress you place on joints, helping to improve the pain of arthritis.
For further information contact Raj Sheladiya and his team at Health & Glamour, 17 Leicester Road, Wigston, LE18 1NR or call 0116 288 9424.