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Als Electronic Shepshed Experience
Article by Allan Dobb
Well here we go again tapping away at the computer key board and making comment about all that affects us. I have had six weeks taking time from all this media stuff. Any project whether paid or unpaid needs time away from the coal face, time to reflect and fire up new ideas. Artists tell us material is gobbled by T.V, but even in a local way it’s difficult to keep projects fresh. Its a fine balance to keep what works and implant new or fresh ideas.
The podshows aimed at Shepshed and all that goes on in the Parish and neighbouring outposts has picked up from last year when I put the mantle down for the short break. As I write this we have had the first snow of the winter, and to me it doesn’t seem right if we don’t see the white stuff early on. My birthday drops right in the middle of February, and thats not a hint for a celebration, I very rarely had any birthday parties as a youngster due to blizzards and ice. So in birthday parties Im about six, thanks Feb.
By the time you read this the interview I did with our local M.P. Jane Hunt will be out on the Feb 4th, first pods how of this year. I spoke with Jane about the job of an M.P. in Westminster, what it takes, a little about her week. This is a non political conversation as I know not many of us have a grasp on how our system works. My interview was aimed at any M.P. and what they would face week in week out. Good constituent members are very rarely given the credit by the media, they only go for the headline grabbers. You and I have totally differing ideas as to what is needed in our towns and villages and how to achieve it. I hope with this small insight I have given some indication on how things work.
Last Summer I interview three Shepshed authors and one of them Rosemary Blake inquire of me, had anyone asked to interview yours truly about my life and this podcast I put out on Facebook. Well thats been complete and is out on February. 11/18, and my thanks goes to Rosemary for taking time out to help me put this together. We all have interesting lives and experiences that mould our characters and our relationships, anyway I hope you enjoy it and find it interesting.
The new year for some is full of fear or maybe loss, anxiety. Having someone to speak with or have a cuppa on a cold day may be all it takes. In Shepshed we have several venues through out doing just that, providing places to chat and have a tea or a coffee. Go to my page on Facebook if you can; Al’s Electronic Shepshed Experience.
Keep safe and back in March. Al.
Rolls-Royce Retired Employees Association
Article by Graham Burton

On the 12th members will be going on a rearranged visit to the Birmingham Military Tattoo. The 14th members meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm.New members will be made welcome to this event. March events on the 7th members of the walk & talk group will meet. The 14th members will meet at Roll-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm New members will be made welcome to this event. On the 22nd members are going on a day trip to York.