5 minute read
Christine Radford
Borough Councillor for Shepshed
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
We hope you all had a good Christmas and that New Year has started off well. As Cllrs we get the blame for everything, such as vehicles being parked on pavements or double yellow lines, speeding and dog dirt. We try our best to get this sorted, BUT it is residents that are causing these issues not your Cllrs.
Planning – Garendon Park SUE
P/22/2094/2 – Land West of Loughborough – discharge of condition 37 (arboriculture Method Statement) of P/14/1833 (outline planning permission for residential development up to 3,200 dwellings.
P/22/1994/2 – Land West of Loughborough – discharge of condition 9 (Phasing Plan) of P/14/1833/2
P/22/2003/2 – Land West of Loughborough – discharge of conditions 10 (development Framework) and 13 (Employment Parcel Design Brief) of P/14/1833/2
P/22/1918/2 – Land West of Loughborough (SUE) discharge of condition 20 (Strategic Link Road) of P/14/1833/2 amended plans received 22/12/2022
P/22/1474/2 – land off Tickow Lane – discharge of condition 19 (phased landscaping of P/18/0586/2)
P/22/1934/2 – 51 Brick Kiln Lane
– erection of raised children’s playhouse with raised decking area, Rope Bridge and climbing wall to rear of dwelling
P/22/2078/2 – 99 Oakley Road –outline planning permission for the erection of 3no. Dwellings following demolition of existing P/22/2079/2 – 73 The Meadows –proposed single storey extension (following demolition of existing garage) and render to house
P/22/2085/2 – 16 Glenmore
Avenue – erection of single storey extension to rear of house
P/22/1917/2 – land off Ashby Road
West – discharge of condition 9 (archaeological investigations) of P/20/2088/2 (residential development of up to 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space and sustainable drainage (Outline –access only to be considered)
P/21/2428/2 – 41 Iveshead Road – erection of 2 storey and single storey extension to rear of dwelling
P/22/2106/2 – 70A Brick Kiln Lane – outline application for 5 no dwellings (all matters reserved except Access)
P/22/2198/2 - Boal, Ashby Road
– application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed Installation of Solar Photovoltaic array to roof (Schedule 2 part 14 class J of GPDO refers)
P/22/2201/2 – 90 Grange Road
– proposed construction of 1no single storey dwelling
P/22/2205/2 – Blackbrook Farm, Ashby Road West – prior Approval Application for erection of Agricultural building
P/22/2191/2 – Lindum Mill, Ashby Road East, (LE12 9BS) - installation of single combined heat and power (CHP) engine (Retrospective Application)
P/22/1606/2 – 10 Northwood
Drive – change of use of part of garage to dog grooming business
P/22/1359/2 – 214 Charnwood Road – retrospective application for a pergola and raised decking to rear garden
P/22/2205/2 Blackbrook Farm
Ashby Road West – Prior approval application for erection of Agricultural building.
P/22/2229/2 – land east of Iveshead Road – outline planning application (all matters reserved except for access) for up to 55 dwellings with associated access, public open space and landscaping, drainage and infrastructure works
Planning application for 210 dwellings at land junction of Tickow Lane/Ashby Road West
P/22/1524/2 – reserved matters approval for 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping open spaces, sustainable drainage and other associated infrasture, following approval of outline app.
Ref: P/20/2088/2
The amendments comprise of the following:- to the layout and design to include, east-west footpath connections, young person’s play provision, amended the ancient woodland buffer in line with existing ditch, changed house types and parking to reflect LCC Highways comments, rendered local units for prominent locations, affordable housing - M4(3) requirements and the need to provide safe access to Jubilee Way.
Planning applications granted subject to conditions
P/22/1437/2 – 9 Ring Fence – the erection of replacement timber double garage with first floor office and storage over, two dormer windows and external staircase. Erection of single storey front porch extension. New first floor rear window.
P/22/12/1212/2 – 3 Glenmore
Avenue – demolish existing garage to be replaced with proposed single-storey side extension and two storey side extension and two storey front infill extension rendered in a white/cream colour
P/22/1155/2 – land rear of 14-22 Field Street – erection of detached three storey building to provide two self contained flats.
P22/1540/2 – 5 Purbeck Avenue –demolish existing conservatory to be replaced by the proposed single storey rear extension
P/22/1864/2 – 23 Paradise Close – conversion of garage into habitable space with changes to fenestration (Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed Development)
P/21/2428/2 – 41 Iveshead Road – erection of 2 storey and single storey to rear of dwelling
P/22/2198/2 – Boal, Ashby Road East – application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed installation of Solar Photovoltaic array to roof (Scheduled 2 part 14 class J of GPDO refers) (Prior approval from Council is not required)#
P/22/2205/2 – Blackbrook Farm Ashby Road West – prior approval for erection of Agricultural building (not required for consideration)
Applications refused
P/22/0242/2 – Land rear of 10 Pick Street – Proposed erection of detached bungalow with associated garden and parking area
A Planning application your Councillors are looking into and keeping an on
Persimmon homes are asking for a discharge of condition 9 (phasing Plan) on application
P/22/1994/2 which shows that the developer has brought forward the employment area to phase 3, this will have an impact on Hathern Road especially the Hathern Road junction which for many years has seen an increase in traffic. The only access to the employment area for construction will be via Hathern Road, as the main link road through the development (Garendon Estate) won’t be in place. We feel based on this change to the phasing plan it is extremely important that the Hathern Junction is upgraded prior to any works on the employment area, as you may be aware Persimmon are asking that they do not carry out these improvements which was part of the original planning application condition.
Tree Protection Orders (TPO’s)
We are working with officers at Charnwood to get TPO’s on trees on Jubilee Walk and also on land off Tickow Lane which could in the future be part of development applications. Thanks must be given to the Town Cllr Ken Lowson who did this survey which was submitted to Charnwood.
ALDI supermarket
At the December plans meeting which Cllr Popley attendented and spoke on the planning application concerning Aldi’s desire to purchase and build a new complex near to Leicester Road/Ashby Road East. Cllr Popley spoke mainly in favour of the item. Cllr Popley raised concerns regarding the need to improve the highways nearby to account for this change, not only in relation to the prospective store itself, but also, any other additional businesses which may be built adjacent to it. TPO’s have been put on the trees nearby. We look forward to continuing the discussion about the road layout ahead of the scheme’s main build phase.
Jubilee Walk
We are pleased to report that Charnwood managed to successfully lodge the foot path as an Asset of Community Value. We are very grateful to all the residents who have completed the forms to ask that county make this as a permanent right of way, lodging these forms with the Town Council and Cllr Radford as the County Cllr has taken them into County’s Right of Way department. We will keep you all informed as to what is happening. (A full report from Cllr David Northage Chairman of Shepshed Town Council is in this magazine)
Over 60,000 has been awarded to 15 fantastic community projects in Charnwood
Two groups in Shepshed received grants. Passion based in Shepshed which engages and works with young people across the borough to help develop their skills to make them employable and offers a safe space. They have been awarded £5,000 which will be put towards staffing youth workers at the hub to continue their good work.
Shepshed Dolphins Swimming Group has been awarded £2,500 towards pool hire costs. The group supports disabled residents. Subscribe to Charnwood email alerts Charnwood residents are being urged to stay in the loop with news from the borough council by signing up to its email alerts.