1 minute read
(Methodist) Field Street, Shepshed
Article by Keith Bailey
Sunday Services
10.45am Morning Worship on: 12th February
19th February (Church Anniversary)
26th February
5th March
6.00pm Evening Worship on: 19th February (Church Anniversary)
Coffee Mornings: Every Friday 10am until 12 noon
Church Of Christ Shepshed
Article by Stephen Woodcock
We are an independent, nondenominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people. We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE
• Worship: Sunday, 10:45am.
• Bible Classes for all ages: Sunday, 11:45am.
• Bible Study: Thursday, 7:30pm.
Contact: info@ shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk Phone: 07917260297
You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook.
Central Meditation Group
Article by Chris North
Central Meditation Group will soon resume meeting after a winter break. Our first event is a Meditation Super Sunday at 2pm on 26th February: two periods of meditation guided by an expert teacher, plenty of wide-ranging discussion, and free tea and coffee! Our weekly meetings resume on 1st March, every Wednesday from 10am until noon. All the events are at Charnwood Road Community Centre in Shepshed, newcomers are always welcome, there is no advance booking (people can just come along on the day), and the cost is minimal (a small charge just to cover the room hire cost). Anyone who would like more details can phone Chris on 01509 506585.