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Shepshed Shepshed
Open Gardens Open Gardens
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd July 2023
Share your beautiful garden, large or small, with the community and raise funds for Shepshed Volunteer Centre
Contact Shepshed Volunteer Centre
9a Charnwood Rd; 01509 508040
To enter your garden is free and can be done over the phone
Shepshed Volunteer Centre 40th & Open Gardens
Article by Jayne Curnock
This year at Shepshed Volunteer Centre we are celebrating our 40th year of helping the community in Shepshed. During this time, the services we offer has expanded, however the basis of what we do remains the same, to help those most in need in our community. Currently we offer community transport, a befriending service to those who are socially isolated or housebound and gardening.
As with many voluntary organisations, demand often outstrips supply and we are always looking to recruit new volunteers. Volunteer drivers use their own cars to take people to doctors, dentists and hospital appointments, as a driver you choose whether you do local journeys or ones further afield, as well as getting paid 50p per mile expenses. Befrienders visit Shepshed residents in their own homes, or speak to them by telephone, usually once a week. To be a volunteer driver or befriender we ask for two references and also a DBS (identity check), which we do in house. If you are interested in volunteering with us, call in and have a chat, the office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 12noon, 9a Charnwood Road, Shepshed.
To raise funds to ensure we continue in the heart of the Shepshed community, we run the Open Gardens weekend and Scaresheep Festival each year. This year the Open Garden event will be help on the 1st and 2nd July 2023, 1-6pm each day, the Scaresheep Festival will be on the 17th and 18th September 2023 10am to 4pm each day. If you would like to register early for either event as a household who will open your garden or will make a scarecrow with a sheep theme, please contact Shepshed Volunteer Centre 01509 508040.
The Shepshed Rotary Club Community Christmas Tree Festival

Article by Ngaire Hall
Shepshed Rotary Clubs Annual Xmas Tree Festival was back on track after a three year Covid delay. 43 highly decorated trees from Groups covering all corners of the Community lit up St Botolph’s Church. We give our sincere thanks to the Church for giving us the opportunity to hold the event. All funds made over the weekend are poured back into the Community and the Rotary Charity Foundation. The public vote for the best trees in Three Categories, and