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St Botolph’s Church, Shepshed Services: 8.00am, Holy Communion (except on the 2nd Sunday of the month)
10.00am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion
Possible to join on line: www.shepshedandoaks.co.uk
10.00am on Wednesdays, Holy Communion
Family Service, 1st Sunday of the month at 10.00am with Holy Communion
Children take a central role at this service which has crafts, action songs and much more!
St James’ Church, Oaks in Charnwood Services: 8.30am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
11.00am, 3rd Sunday of the Month Family Service
Everyone receives a warm welcome to any of our services
For further information please visit www.shepshedandoaks.co.uk or ring the Parish Office on 01509 502255.
Sundays 10.15 am Sunday worship and crèche
Mondays 9.45 am - 11.45 am Prayer time in church Come and Go as you please
Sunday Services
23rd October 30th October 6th November
6.00pm Evening Worship on: 16th October (Memorial Service)
Everyone is warmly welcome at all of these services.
Weekend Services
Saturday 6.00pm Mass
Sunday 10.00am Mass
Children's Liturgy on 1st and 5th Sunday of the month for children aged 4 to 8 years
Weekday Services
Monday, Tuesday
Thursday 9.00am Mass
Wednesday, Friday 12.30 Mass
Regular Events
Monday 2.00pm Holy Rosary in Annexe
Last Tuesday of the month 7.30pm St. Winefrides Ladies group in Annexe Wednesday10.15am Toddler Church
For further information, any enquires and to see the newsletter published each week, please visit the Parish website, www.stwinefrideshepshed.org and Facebook
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2.30 pm and 7.45 pm Bible Study on Zoom
Wednesdays 9 am – 11 am Little Lambs Baby and Toddler Group (Term Time Only)
Wednesday Fellowship 2.45 pm
Prayer Meeting 7.30 pm
Friday 29th September 10.30 am McMillan Coffee Morning Cakes and Bring and Buy
We are an independent, non-denominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people.
We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE
• Worship: Sunday, 10:45am.
• Bible Classes for all ages: Sunday, 11:45am.
• Bible Study: Thursday, 7:30pm.
Contact: info@shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk Phone: 07917260297
You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook.
Sundays 10.30am Morning Worship including Sunday School for children.
6.00pm Evening Worship
7.30pm Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays Term time only 10.00am Ladies’ Bible Study (fortnightly)
2.15pm Ladies’ Fellowship
10.30am-2.00pm Day Centre for Senior Folk
9.30am-11.00am Kirkhill Kangaroos (parent & toddler group)
7.30pm-8.45pm Youth Club for 11+
For more information on any of these activities please visit www.shepshedwordoflife.org and click on ‘regular meetings and activities’, or ring 07473 952161, or email us at contact@ shepshedwordoflife.org
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you.
Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.
But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
Neil Entwistle first became aware of the crash of an American fighter plane in Shepshed some 24 years ago, but could find very little information about it. Having a keen interest in World War 2 aviation, he was determined to find out more about what happened. Little did he know at the time that this would take 20 years to complete and involve a 7,000 mile journey of discovery across the Atlantic. The talk looks at some of the work that has gone into unravelling the mystery of this World War 2 local air crash. Forgotten since the 1940’s, this investigation has now enabled Neil to build up a clear picture of the aircraft involved, and the path that would lead a young American pilot to his fate, 3,500 miles from home, in the quiet corner of a Shepshed field. The talk covers the story exactly as it unfolded, from the very first pieces of wreckage that Neil recovered from the crash site, to the final recognition of this forgotten pilot’s sacrifice, 75 years after his death.
Investigated by Neil Entwistle Talk presented by Richard RockA testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the beneficiaries.
As the surviving partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property.
The Scaresheep Festival and garage sale weekend was a great success with over £700 raised, which will help us to continue to provide our services to the Shepshed Community.
In the photos above, we have Woolliam Shakespeare, Bob’s burger bar and Crazy Baaarber! So many creative people, the ideas they come up with each year are amazing. Thank you to all who took part.
The last Bank Holiday of the year, on 29th August saw the biggest community event of the year in Shepshed. Once again, Shepshed Lions invited Shepshed to join them in Glenmore Park for their Annual Charity Carnival. This is the event’s 12th year.
Hundreds, nay thousands, came down to enjoy the carnival atmosphere and see the spectacular arena acts. The event was opened by the Chairman of the Town Council, Cllr David Northage and also our local MP Jane Hunt and Lion President Lynn Jackson. There was the fire brigade showing us how to keep safe with their fire raising demonstrations. There was the Punch and Judy man with his show and magic tricks. Mad Dom the clown performed and entertained all during the whole afternoon culminating in his family tug of war. And last but not least there was the spectacular “Extreme Mountain Bike Show” which had us all holding our breath at the expertise and excitement. And of course there was the usual fun fair and many, many stalls of all kinds. Of course none of this could have happened without the donations made by our sponsors who all deserve to be mentioned.
Our main sponsors were:
• Shepshed Town Council
• Loughborough Building Society
• F Sherwood Ltd
• Charnwood Road Auto Repairs
• Prima IT
• Bull & Bush
• The Horse
• Norwood Press
• Winnie & Bill Cooling Butchers
• Hall Croft Opticians
Others who donated were: Ryatt Optometry, Field St Fitness, Numark Pharmacy, New and Nearly, Meet’n’Eat, Fydella Hair, Shepshed News, Edge Hair, Twiggs Butchers, Mancini Hair, Spencer’s Bakery, Jo’s Uppercut, Charnwood Cleaning Services, Royston Window Cleaners, Market St. PO., Charnwood Road PO., Vape HQ, Love, Heart, Home, Shepshed Water Mill, Sew Retro, Jamie - Oven Cleaners, Frobishers Sales & Lettings, Newbolds & Sons Flooring and 2 private sponsors.
Our Fossl’s (Friends of Shepshed Lions) were once again exceptional and made it clear that we can’t do without them. Our thanks go to them and especially Neil McHugh from the Watermill who gave us so much help in many different ways. Thanks also to MP Jane Hunt and her husband who helped the day before carnival to mark out the park for the stalls etc.
For more information on becoming a Lion or a FOSSL please contact : lynnjac19@gmail.com.
Same place, same time, August Bank Holiday Monday 2023.
The Steps Centre in Shepshed was delighted to welcome the High Sheriff of Leicestershire, Ms. Mehmooda Duke, and her consort, Krishna Kotecha, during their recent visit.
Steps is a well-known charity that provides a free service for families who have children with conditions that affect their movement, such as Downs syndrome and cerebral palsy.
Ms Duke was very keen to meet the parents and children, and to hear their stories, each one tugging at the heartstrings with descriptions of how they coped when their child was diagnosed with a serious illness that would probably impact their development for the rest of their lives.
The patron of Steps, Rosemary Conley, introduced Ms. Duke to the charity several years ago. Since that time, Ms Duke has chosen Steps as one of four charities that she supports and was even inspired to raise money for Steps, through events such as a sponsored walk.
Other visitors present were Tony Carr and Jeanette Cooper-Hudson, two of the Steps trustees, Janet Russell, the former Steps manager and Rosemary Conley who presented Ms. Duke with a wonderful bouquet of white lilies and roses as a token of her gratitude for all her support.
Steps is always working on fund-raising projects to help towards the £220.000 that is needed to cover the centre’s running costs every year.
Currently the staff need raffle prizes for the Christmas Draw and were thrilled recently to receive a voucher for afternoon tea for two at the Gates Garden Centre near Oakham.
If you are able to donate a prize, please contact the centre manager, Natalie Roberts by email: manager@stepscentre.org.uk or phone 01509 506878.
To learn more about Steps, please go to www.stepscentre.org.uk
T: 01509 557701
E: cllr.keith.harris@charnwood.gov.uk
Today I attended the medal awards ceremony for the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge at the library. Children signed up to reading six books over the summer and received a sheet and stickers as they progressed. 31 children entered and 27 completed the programme. Some were unable to attend the ceremony and collected their medals before. Ann Clark read a story in her engaging manner and had the kids spellbound due to her experience in running the All Join In programme for toddlers every second Thursday. I have seen many children come in to take books during my sessions. It is great to see so many of them eager to get books and I congratulate the parents who are bringing them up to love books and not to be obsessed with screens. I am no technophobe myself as I have a smart phone, tablet, laptop, Kindle and iPod but I am sad to see kids holed up in their rooms addicted to screens. Kids (and adults) need balance and variety. The highlight of my summer sessions was seeing a little girl coming up the library ramp with her arms in the air, excited at the prospect of arriving at the library and getting some new books. That’s exactly how I was 60 years ago.
Don’t forget to harvest your seeds for the Swap in February. You can get envelopes at the library and keep them till the event or leave them at the library. You will have a wide choice and everything is free.
We held a promotion event on September 17 in Daisy Bank. Several residents stopped to see our stall and expressed an interest in joining. If you haven’t got round to it yet, pop down to the library to become a member. You can join on the spot, get a card and a pin and walk away with books. You can then order books in other libraries online and collect them in Hathern and download a wide range of ebooks.
We are still a small group who have signed up for the library sponsored walk on October 15th and 16th. You can do all of the walk or part. If you want to take part, you can get a sponsorship form at https://hwpatherncommunitylibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Sponsorship-formPDF.pdf If you don’t fancy walking, please consider sponsoring someone who does, such as Gill Rockett, Martin Clayton or Yours Truly. I believe Annette Harper and your parish council Chair Roy Dann are doing part of it.
The Wicked Fest didn’t attract as many punters as we would have liked, most likely due to the intense heat. That is not going to be a problem for the next event. Please get your tickets for the Fireworks event (no need to give the date!). We need to sell out to stay solvent and make a bit of profit. Access is not going to be as easy as before due to the completion of the roundabout. Last year people headed for the exit as soon as the display was over as if there was a bomb scare. Then they couldn’t get out for ages and complained about it. There is a bar and music. Please stay a while and enjoy the facilities and then we can avoid the log jam at the exit. Also please come along and help set up the structures the weekend before and take them down on the Sunday after. Volunteers are required on the day for the gate, the bar, stewarding and other functions. There is a WhatsApp volunteer group for info.
The long drawn-out process of adoption of Daisy Bank by the parish is at last drawing to a conclusion. The sum which William Davis will pay to the council has been agreed and we are now just waiting for the lawyers to get their act together. We are hoping to get the replacement trees in during the winter so that they can withstand any spring or summer drought better. The trees going down the hill to the cemetery walk are doing OK and are starting to reach a decent size.
There will be planting this autumn and winter in the new woodland. It will be organised by contractors whose expertise is required to plan it all. But there will be plenty of scope for volunteers to do their bit. So don’t put your wellies and spades away just yet.
Member of Parliament
T: 01509 262723
E: jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk
Like many readers, I was deeply saddened when the Queen passed away last month. Although she was 96 when died, it was still nonetheless a shock – a day I shall never forget. The Queen was a constant in my life – and in everyone’s lives – and I know her loss will be felt strongly in Shepshed and Hathern. I was touched to see so many heartfelt tributes locally and an outpouring of love for Her Late Majesty. I was able to pay my tributes to the Queen in the House of Commons the day after she passed, recounting the times she visited our part of Leicestershire. I also had the honour in attending Charnwood’s Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Her Majesty the Queen in Loughborough prior to her funeral. She really was Elizabeth the Great. We now have a new King in Charles III and I offer him my full support as he takes on the heavy burdens as head of state. I took an oath to the new King, again in the House of Commons, following the Queen’s funeral. Long live the King.
In happier times, I was delighted to help with the Shepshed Carnival which took place in late August. As ever, it was a brilliant success, and my thanks go to Shepshed Lions for organising such an enjoyable day. As always, all profits went to charitable causes. I was delighted to be a part of it.
I was again in the House of Commons chamber to listen to the new Chancellor of the Exchequer deliver the Government’s Growth Plan recently. The Chancellor set out further measures of support for families to help with their energy bills, as well as tax cuts and investment incentives. The measures will see energy bills cut by up to £1,400 through the Energy Price Guarantee, whilst businesses eligible for The Energy Bill Relief Scheme will have their energy bills slashed by cutting the price of wholesale gas. The Chancellor also confirmed that people will benefit from personal tax cuts – cutting National Insurance contributions by 1.25 per cent, putting an extra £330 a year in people’s pockets and helping them with cost-of-living pressures.
Alongside these measures the Government announced further personal cuts – including cutting stamp duty permanently by doubling the nil-rate band to £250,000 (from £125,000), increasing the nil-rate band for first time buyers to £425,000 (from £300,000) and increasing the value of the property which first-time buyers can claim relief to £625,000 from (£500,000). These measures combined mean a typical family moving into a semi-detached property will save £2,500 on stamp duty and £1,150 on energy bills – and if they have a combined income of £50,000 around an additional £560 on tax. This is around £4,200 in total.
In the face of rising energy prices and cost of living pressures it is right that this Government has come forward with a serious support package and a plan for growth and I welcome the support set out. I will continue to lobby for continued support of families and businesses locally. I have a particular interest in business rates and have long been advocating that this system of taxation should be reviewed. This is something I will be pursuing in the coming months.
As ever, if I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Mon 7 Nov 19:30 - Mon 5 Dec 19:30
Tel: 01509 842813 Email: clerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk www.hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Like us on Facebook: @hathernparish
Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Ben Murdoch
Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Many times in life we read about History, but never think for one moment we will witness it. The passing of The Queen is just one of those moments, it can pass without a thought. The future is unknown for you and I in any walk of life, but the changes in life soon become the norm.
Writing a book can be a journey into the unknown, you want the public to like what you do, and that’s the dilemma. The literary Journey is fraught with many diversions and disappointment. People who are well known are well place to get any book they care to dish up, accepted. You and I face different challenges with the first book they try to get into print. Taking the D.I.Y approach is a good way to approach this mountain clime, it is still costly, but you can keep your literary masterpiece in your control. The three Shepshed authors I had the privilege the speak with, take on the task from a totally different angle, but their craft shine through. I will continue to follow their progress and the new literary offerings.
As we are into October, I’ve started plotting the last few Podshows of the year, it has come upon us very quickly. This year I have met with some new contributer’s to the pods, and it’s great to have them along. It is also good to keep the very first ones. Added to the features this year have been the out and about Shepshed and next year I will continue them with some new ideas.
My first ‘Noseh’ with Steve Picker will be out Saturday October 8th, you may have seen it, depending when you read, ‘your Local’. It’s great to join forces with others who are doing things on the media and are local. On October the first on the pod I spoke with Amanda from Botany Bees, but previous to that I listened to a very interesting talk she did on the subject of these amazing creatures. Without them life on Planet Earth would be very difficult.
Its been a very difficult few weeks with time for reflection, in a positive way. Queen Elizabeth has been part of all our lives, and has been part of stability in public life. All the changes in the leadership and in Government are all new, but they will soon become the norm. Back for the Bonfire month Al..
Tickets are now on sale for the annual Open Meeting of Loughborough Flower Lovers’ Club on Thursday, 17th November, when members of the public are invited to what promises to be a spectacular evening featuring the award-winning florist Dean Sharpe from Staffordshire, with his demonstration entitled ‘Winter Wonder’. Dean is renowned for his stunning floral displays full of imagination and flair.
Whilst studying at Moreton Morrell College Dean was encouraged to enter national floristry competitions, the prospect of which seemed very daunting at first, but he was encouraged by his early successes. His awards include Gold at the prestigious UK World Skills competition held at Birmingham’s NEC in November 2016, and more recently, a Bronze medal at the Chelsea Flower Show 2018 in May and a Silver Gilt medal in May 2019.
The demonstration will be held at the Amherst School, Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ. The venue is spacious and airy, there is parking within the school grounds, and new members and visitors can always be assured of a very warm welcome. Although the performance starts at 7.30 pm, the doors will open at 6.30 pm when raffle tickets will be on sale, the raffle prizes being the spectacular flower arrangements produced during the evening.
Anyone who loves flowers is welcome to come along to the friendly club. There’s no audience participation, so just sit back, relax and be entertained.
Tickets priced £10 are available from 01509 853740, 01509 880099, 01509 842334, or on the door. If you would like to know more, please ring 01509 853740.
The town was awarded with the highest recognition in the ceremony which was held at Loughborough Town Hall on Wednesday September 21st.
July 2022 and were shown around the beautiful open spaces including the Outwoods, Queens Park and the Forest Road Green Belt.
Councillor contact details
All the local councillors are deeply saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth ll and we offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family.
Over the few days following her passing, history had unfolded before our eyes with the nation mourning our longest-serving Monarch and King Charles lll proclaimed as our new Sovereign.
Her Majesty The Queen faithfully served our country for decades with grace, resilience, wisdom and courage. In 1947, she declared “that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service.”
She was a woman of her word, and will be greatly missed.
P/22/1464/2 – 15 Wicklow Close – proposed rear and single storey side extension with pitch roof
P/22/1293/2 – Land adjacent to Mill Close, 20 Tickow Lane –outline planning application for erection of 1 dwelling on land adjacent to existing dwelling.
P/22/1155/2 – 14-22 Field Streeterection of detached three storey building to provide two selfcontained flats to the rear.
P/22/1465/2 – 62 Iveshead Road – proposed installation of nonilluminated advertisement sign. P/22/1583/2 – Land off Tickow Lane – proposed 1no. Post mounted sign and 2no. Flag pole signs
P/220897/2 – 7 Brick Kiln Lane – AMENDED PLANS AND DESCRIPTION - single storey extension to rear
P/22/1540/2 – 5 Purbeck Avenue –demolish existing conservatory to be replaced by the proposed single storey rear extension
P/22/1358/2 – Phase 1a Garendon Park – discharge of condition 15 (Highways details) of P/14/1833/2
For information Charnwood switched off the cleaner.greener@ charnwood.gov.uk on 15th September. Residents are being asked to report issues with recycling, cleansing or one of our open spaces on the website www. charnwood.gov.uk/recycling, www.charnwood.gov.uk/cleansing and www.charnwood.gov.uk/ openspaces
This is because Charnwood now have a number of online forms which can be used to report issues.
The online forms are significantly better for the service and the customer as they ensure customers gives us the relevant information, we need at the first point of contact. This means the service can respond more quickly. When customers email in they are often lacking key information such as addresses and therefore the service has to request it from the customer and further delay any action.
Wellbeing Cafe one of many projects awarded with a Charnwood Community Grant. The cafe is one of the many activities delivered by Loughborough Wellbeing Centre at its new venue at Asha House on Woodgate (down the side alley) and it offers a safe space for those who are recovering or experiencing mental health difficulties. The Well being Cafe receive £3,500 out of £23,000 in the latest round of community grants given to 17 Voluntary and Community Sector organisations.
The Wellbeing Cafe is open across the week and visitors can take part in activities such as board games, yoga, arts and crafts and coffee mornings. You can find out more about the Wellbeing Cafe on their website www.thewellbeingcafe. org/weekly-activities
You can find out more about Charnwood Community Grants including eligibility criteria and application forms on the Council’s website at www.charnwood.gov. uk/charnwoodgrants
Help and support with rising cost We understand residents may be concerned about rising costs of living and Charnwood have put together a web page to provide information and useful links to a range of different agencies which may be able to help those needing further support.
Whether you are worried about loan repayments and want to know where to get financial support or legal advice, want to know more about the support available for food provision or need information about housing go to the website www. charnwood.gov.uk/costofliving
Loughborough in Bloom secures gold Loughborough has struck gold once again in the East Midlands in Bloom awards
It is the eleventh time since 2011 that Loughborough has now received gold for its wellmaintained open spaces.
Loughborough also picked up two other awards, winning the ’Least Littered Environment’ and ‘Spring Bulb Display’ categories.
The judges visited Loughborough in
Cllr.robin.popley@charnwood. gov.uk, 07909 447105 cllr. john.savage@charnmwood.gov. uk 550508(Shepshed East)cllr. christine.radford@charnwood. gov.uk 502974, cllr.ian.williams@ charnwood.gov.uk 07739 389960 (Shepshed West). We meet the first Saturday of the month, 10-11 am in the Town Council offices, 47a Charnwood Road (opposite Tesco)
We are a group of local people, male and female of varying ages, who meet on Wednesday evenings at Shepshed Community Offices to play Bingo and enjoy a sociable evening together. We provide our own drinks and (nibbles if you wish) and the evening starts at 7.30pm and finishes at approximately 10.10pm.
Currently, we are looking to welcome a few more members to join our group who could commit to attending on a regular basis each Wednesday. The venue is situated on the ground floor for easy access and disabled toilet facilities are available.
For more information and to book your place to join us for the opportunity to meet new people and play Bingo, please telephone 07588102226. For those enquirers who are interested, places will be offered on a “first come, first served” basis.
Welcome to the very first edition of Passion Post. I will be writing on a regular basis to give you all the low down and behind the scenes happenings. I have taken up the task of marketing the project and making sure the news gets out into the surrounding area.
The passion project is a youth initiative for young people between the ages of 11-18. Their premises are in the Bull Ring Shepshed at no.8, and as I write in the forthcoming months I will introduce to you all the aspects of the work that continues to grow as our young people serve and are being served.
I have no idea as to your understanding of youth work in the community today. One certain aspect of the work that has changed is the depth the work now takes on. Gone are the days when coffee bars were sufficient and the youth leader was ill equipped. The present work has to be well organised with A.G.M’s and regular meetings, Finance, Trustees and Managements teams to see the rules regarding young people are adhered too. This is mainly because the work has to be funded with grants from all sources and this comes with a strict structures before any money is passed on to be used. Money that is given in grant support has restrictions on where it is spent and can be spent.
This also means the youth leader or manager has to be trained to the highest spec, and on a regular basis, but the task of such a manager has a very high standard attached to the post.
We have just had this years A.G.M, which has covered all the activities in 2021. I wanted to get this written and out in the community as a touching base type report. Next month I will give details of the plans ahead and the new officers voted in. So back next month with more news as I settle into this role.. Yours Marketing Al.
Aug 9th and Sept 13th Shepshed History Society had two very successful summer meetings in which to end this present year of very enjoyable business, getting to learn intriguing and fascinating facts of history far and wide, culminating in a very enjoyable trip on the River Soar. The weather was perfect, brilliant sunshine all the way and then members enjoyed a delicious cooked meal at the Plough Inn, Normanton on Soar before returning home.
Sept 13th Mel Wilson was the speaker booked to explain the intriguing facts about Leics Heritage apples of which there are at least 6,000 different sorts in Leics alone. A different topic to the usual talks of historical interest but just as entertaining.
It would appear that there are over 2,000 different sorts of apples which can be grafted onto one tree, even pears and apples can be grown on the same tree. Apples apparently cannot be grown from seed, hence the need to learn the art of grafting. Mels daughter meanwhile shared numerous pieces of chopped apples amongst the members who were interested to find so many different tastes and textures available that night.
The start of the new year on October 11th the meeting is to be given by Stuart Warburton and the subject to be 'A 100 years of Cycling'
New member are always welcome please ring 07563164315 for more information.
It is difficult to describe the impact Her Majesty has had on each of our lives, not many of us knew her, or had met her, but for most of us she has been ever present throughout our lives – an example of how to behave, of quiet dignity and duty over 70 years – in short the very best of what Britain stands for.
A great many of you will have shed a few tears and prayed for her, the new King and her family. At times like this it can bring back memories of your own lost loved ones. In my case it was 8 years on 21st September when I lost my husband, but we did go together to a Queens garden party at Buckingham Palace back in July 2010. We were less than 10 feet away from Her Majesty and remarked on how small she was and what a lovely smile she had.
Special meeting of the Full Council on 13th September
A special meeting was held to allow the chairman and councillors to pay tribute to the late Queen and pledge allegiance to the new King Charles lll.
Cabinet meeting 23rd September
This meeting was cancelled from 16th September due to the 10 days of mourning. There was a large agenda. The first item was Medium Term Financial Strategy –Latest Position – I had 3 items on the agenda which fell under my portfolio, Adult Social Care Reform – Market Shaping and Charging Reform, Extra Care Service Review and Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adult Board Annual Report 2021/22. In total there were 15 items down for discussion including a confidential item.
The report sets out the council’s budget gap – which is set to grow from £8m to £28m next year and could surpass £140m by 2026. Global events (such as Covid and the war in Ukraine) rising inflation and the cost of living, plus growing infrastructure costs, and an unrelenting demand on services.
Inflation is expected to continue to rise despite recent interventions adding another £20-£30m every year, while service demand is expected to go up by £18m per year. The nationally agreed pay offer alone, if accepted requires the council to find an extra £8m, whilst every 50p added to the
National Living Wage costs the council over £10m.
The Leader Nick Rushton has commented to the media regarding the financial situation facing county. The cash strapped council is looking at reductions to bus services, road repairs, gritting runs, grass cutting, street lighting bills, public health support such as stop smoking programmes, access to day centres and respite services for adult with extra needs,
Projects in the pipeline including the Melton Distributor Road, and the A511 to Coalville could also be halted due to spiralling costs and the council is even considering selling Beaumanor Hall.
The Leader went on to say the decisions facing the council are frightening and the message that people are ‘going to pay more and get less’ is hard to share. Nothing is off the table.
Newhurst Incinerator site The Newhurst facility is entering its commissioning phase. This involves multiple activities to test, calibrate and clean the plant, which will enable the facility to safely commence operations next year. Importantly, this is also in-line with Environment Agency requirements.
A vital part of the commissioning process is called Steam Blowing. This planned activity which was conducted on Friday 9th September. The main objectives of this activity is to heat up the boiler to generate high pressure steam, which is then used to clean the internal steam pipe work prior to connecting it with the facility’s Steam Turbine at a later stage in the commissioning process. However on the 9th September a “huge cloud of orange/brown smoke” was reported, that was not smoke but steam.
The 9th September activity was the initial blow, so the steam quality was at its worst and this will get progressively cleaner as further steam blows take place. This was fully expected and is a standard process when cleaning boilers of this type
This is an essential activity which is required of all industrial boilers prior to the commencement of operations, as the steam blow removes any small debris and rust left in the pipe work, which might
otherwise cause premature failures to the Turbines blades.
127 Bus
I am receiving a large number of complaints regarding this service, such as them not turning up, stopping before they reach Shepshed, even though it states on the front Shepshed as the end destination and in one case where a gentleman with sight problems was made to get off and wait for another bus which never arrived.
In all cases I have forwarded these complaints to county and the bus company. I am happy to receive any issues that residents have regarding this services so that a complaints sheet can be compiled.
I attended a celebration event on 8th September. The event marked the recent refurbishments of the library which included a permanent community work of art by children from the neighbouring St Peter & St Paul CE Academy. Monies to carry out this work came from S106 following recent developments in the area.
The children from the school attended throughout the morning to view their artwork.
2022 marked 100 years of the Rural Libraries Network. The refurbishment of the library seeked to modernise the children’s area to create a welcoming, fun, contemporary and inspirational space to provide vital support for education and wellbeing post pandemic and create a new generation of library users.
Children in care’s book-inspired artwork reached the finals for two awards celebrating excellence in care of children and young people
In total 54 youngsters from across the county came forward to join the project. They have reached the finals in the National Children and Young Peoples Awards in the category of wellbeing. The exhibition and the year long-
long project that led to it was developed and led by the County Council’s Cultural Participation team which supports engagement with Heritage and Library services. The hard work of young people has paid off, showing just how incredible the children in care are.
The art was originally a pop up at the Highcross Shopping Centre, which I had the pleasure in visiting, and has been transformed by a panel of young people into a virtual exhibition which can still be viewed digitally at Culture Leicestershire’s website. Libraries across the County are hosting popup displays showcasing the work.
The winners of the Children and Young Peoples awards will be announced at the international Convention Centre in Birmingham on Thursday 6th October.
A TTRO is to be made for the following location Oaks Road/ Charley Road. The purpose of the TTRO is to allow Leicestershire County Council to safely undertake carriageway patching works.
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of 3 days commencing on the 31st October.
The works can be viewed on https://one. network/?tm=GB130651023
Without your help in keeping me informed regarding issues around Shepshed, I would not be able to do my job. For help and advice on County matters, I can be contacted on 01509 502974, or 07796 544817 or e mail christine_radford@hotmail. com or christine.radford@leics. gov.uk my monthly surgery, is held on the first Saturday of the month in the Town Council Offices, 47a Charnwood Road, (opp. Tesco) You do not need an appointment; I will be there from 10-11am.
We are an amateur art group who have been going
many years. We are a friendly and happy group of people with different talents and we work in a variety of mediums, very much whatever
Normally once every month or so we have either a demonstration or a workshop from a professional, this is always fascinating and enjoyable, and a great way to pick up new ideas and techniques.
We are opening the club to new people and you will be made very welcome. We meet at the Glenmore Centre (Shepshed) every Thursday at 10am, and finish just after midday, We’d love to hear from you, and you can contact us through... GlenmoreartGroup@outlook.
Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th November 2022, NEC Birmingham
Christmas isn’t just about buying gifts, it’s making sure every corner of your home looks fabulous and your table is set for a festive feast! All of which can be found at this much loved Christmas Shopping Fair returning to the NEC, 17-20 NOVEMBER for its 26th year!
Often the most time-consuming part is finding unique presents but there’s no need to be stuck for ideas this year! Get your Christmas off to a cracking start at THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR and you’ll see how fun and easy Christmas shopping can be!
From the moment you arrive, you’ll be caught up in the excitement of the day, exploring 300 stalls (over 100 NEW stalls this year!) overflowing with thousands upon thousands of clever gift ideas and decorations at affordable prices. The variety is HUGE, with something for everyone.
To get you into the Christmas spirit, while you’re shopping at the fair, you can enjoy a whole line-up of fantastic musical entertainment to get your toes tapping!
Back by popular demand is David Julien, finalist of The Voice UK, The Grinch, The Stilt Jazz Band, choirs and more! And of course, Santa will be there along with his fabulous sleigh… plenty of photo opportunities!!
It’s no wonder THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR is the most popular Christmas shopping event in the heart of the country… here’s a little sneak preview of some of the goodies you’ll see …
Christmas is the one time of year when everyone can over indulge a little. At THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR you’ll find a whole array of delicious artisan food and drink to sample, before you buy.
NEW! The Panettone Store will be selling mouthwatering panettone in beautiful Dolce & Gabbana designed tins. A perfect dinner party gift.
NEW! Add a little heat to your
cooking with Leithal Hot Sauces … hot, tangy and fruity sauces and even a mojo rub!
NEW! Beautiful gift sets from The Cherry Tree – pick your own chutneys, jams and curds from a huge selection of flavours ranging from Christmas pickle with mead to Cherry curd, plum and mulled wine jam to bloody mary chutney.
NEW! Not just for your table but great present idea from Drury & Alldis…build your own gift of bottle stacked oils and vinegars…black garlic vinegar, oak smoked oil and mango vinegar are many more!
NEW! Put your feet up at the end of the day and enjoy a glass of Moonshine…you’ve earned it! O’Donnell Moonshine, as seen on BBC Dragons’ Den, will tempt your taste buds with roasted apple moonshine, wild berry, tough nut and blood orange …wow!
Deck you home for Christmas.
Seasonal dried fruit wreaths, swags and garlands from the Natural Cone & Fruit Company are a tradition to adorn any home.
From gonks galore to magical unicorns and Christmas stockings the 1 Stop Christmas Shop has it all!
NEW! Colourful, beautifully crafted handmade mosaic table lamps and ceramic wall décor to brighten any home available from Turan Mosaic Arts & Craft.
You’ll find loads of clever stocking fillers, toys and games to keep tots, school children and teenagers amused for hours!
For over 15 years now the ever popular Lanke Kade are back with their fair trade wooden toys and gifts. Their distinctive range offers bright, bold colours and natural wood finishes from Noah’s Ark to Nativity sets - a great heirloom for any family.
NEW! Head to the TwirlySkirts stall for a special party dress for your little Princess!
Cuddly and fun plush toys and inflatables for boys and girls available on The Little Shop stand.
NEW! 1000’s of books for kids from fiction to fantasy available from Books 2 Doors.
NEW! Discover the inner artist in you by assembling beautiful crystals on canvas using a new amazing technique called diamond painting available on the Diamond Art Studio stall.
Competition closes on Monday 31st October 2022.
Please send entries to: Festive Gift Fair Competition, Norwood Press, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EU
Terms & Conditions
Venue - This ticket is for the Festive Gift Fair at NEC, Hall 5, Birmingham, B40 1NT
Promoter - The organiser of this event is Orchard Events Limited. If you have any queries regarding your ticket please contact 020 8332 9595 or email info@orchardevents.co.uk
Data Protection - Please note that your contact details may be passed on to the event organiser. They may be used if, in the event of a query or an emergency, they need to contact you. Your details will not be used by the third party for marketing purposes. Visit www.festivegiftfair.co.uk/terms-conditions
Buying presents is often quite a challenge but at THE FESTIVE GIFT FAIR you’ll find decorations and gifts to treasure forever.
NEW! UK Print Studio will personalise your family prints.
Have your choice of name on a huge selection of baubles… Delightful Decorations will again be offering their personalised service at the fair for you.
Using pyrography, Spinney Cottage can personalise a huge range of wooden items from keepsake boxes to bookmarks and stools to keyrings
Let’s face it we all want to look good for all the Christmas parties and there’s nothing like a bit of pampering once the busy season is in full swing!
The Perfume Shop, have a range of 130 brands of women’s perfumes and men’s aftershave at affordable prices.
NEW! Feel Good CBD offer a range of sports recovery aids, flavoured oils, creams & lotions …drift away at the end of a busy day!
NEW! Beautiful home fragrance and candle gift sets available from Rock Home & Leisure – there’s even a Passion Fruit Martini scent!
NEW! Indulge in some self
pampering from Rokamar with their whipped body butters…put your feet up and relax!
Always a popular stall, The Handbag Company offer a huge range of genuine leather bags, purses and wallets at great prices!
NEW! Head to the Twilly & Hyde stall for hide bags, fedora hats , ladies jumpers and gloves.
NEW! For the magic of Disney, Kingdom Threads have a range of embroidered Disney themed apparel.
Ready for winter…Lucido Boutique offer a gorgeous range of knitwear from casual to smart.
BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW! and get ready for a brilliant, fun day Christmas Shopping.
The Fair is open daily 9.30am-5pm daily from Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th November at National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. Adult tickets from just £6
For much more information, list of exhibitors, video, show highlights and the musical entertainment programme, visit www.festivegiftfair.co.uk
Book tickets online at www.