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PRINTED BY NORWOOD PRESS T: 01530 262020 E: info@norwoodpress.co.uk W: www.norwoodpress.co.uk Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, LE67 1EU
Wednesday 1st May 2019
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Report from Anstey Parish Council Parish Elections Residents, you have until 4pm on the 3rd April 2019 to get your nomination forms in to become a parish councillor. Nomination forms are available from the parish office and need to be completed and hand delivered to Charnwood Borough Council.
Parish Meeting – Grant Giving Could your community group benefit from an injection of cash? The Parish Council have set aside £1000.00 to support local groups who contribute to the community. Four cheques of £250 each will be issued on the night to groups who gain the most votes at the Parish Meeting. Groups are invited to apply to take part in the meeting which this year is being held on Tuesday the 7th May starting at 7pm at the Jubilee Hall. If you would like an application form to join in with this event, contact the parish office (0116) 236 2646. Completed application forms need to be returned to the parish office by Tuesday the 30th April 2019, spaces will be limited and offered on a first come first served basis. The Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council meeting but a meeting of the electorate, this is an opportunity to come along vote for your favourite group to receive money and ask questions of the Council. We look forward to meeting you then.
Community Hall Project Steering Group The steering group has been set up as a direct result of the needs of the Scouts Group within Anstey. The Scout building on Leicester Road is in need of extensive repairs and a 30 year lease with the Scouts is coming to an end. The inaugural meeting of the Steering group met on the 12th March 2019. The
meeting was attended by 30 people representing groups within the village and was a very constructive first meeting. The Aims of the groups are to influence the design of a new community facility by acting as a channel for requirements on behalf of their group. The preferred option of the Council is to extend the Jubilee Hall and we would like to hear your views. There will be a public consultation on Tuesday 9th April 2019 between the hours of 12 noon and 7.30pm at the Jubilee Hall. Do take this opportunity to let us know your views. If you are unable to attend please email your comments through to clerk@ansteypc.org or write to us at the Jubilee Hall.
Public Toilets The public toilets in the Nook car park were refurbished at a cost of £35,000 shortly after Christmas this was made possible in part with a grant from the National Lottery of £10,000. For those of you have used the facilities I hope that you will agree that this has been a big improvement. Unfortunately over the weekend of the 22nd March the toilets were vandalised. The walls were written on with a marker pen and the toilet rolls dispensers bent. This is extremely disappointing after the efforts that have been made and the money spent to improve the facility. The Council have been able to clean the walls and repair the dispensers. Over the same weekend a new bench at the recreation ground that had been purchased in November was smashed beyond repair. This mindless vandalism affects everyone, if you have any information about either of these incidents do let us know.
Having written this report, I have just been made aware that the toilets have been vandalised for a second time this week.
Community Spring Clean – Saturday 6th April 2019 The Parish Council will again being working in partnership with the Scouts and Nomads Juniors and Charnwood Borough Council to litter pick the village. Other community groups have yet to confirm if they can take part this year. We would like to thank all those involved again this year. If you would like to take part and clean up the village, you can take responsibility for your own surroundings, or let us know where you think it is the rubbish is particularly bad so we can add these areas to our routes. Parish Council Meetings will be held on the following Tuesday evenings 9th April & 30th April 2019 starting at 7.30 at the Jubilee Hall, all members of the public are welcome to these meetings.
Liz Hawkes Clerk to the Council Your councillors are: Martin Broomhead, Nigel Aston, Vicky Ball, Sue Billington, Emma Bown, Ian Grogan, Melissa Hadfield, Mandy Jordan, Glyn McAllister, Roger Peat, Matt Rogers, Brian Rowlinson, Deborah Taylor and Chris Tunaley. Your councillors can be contacted through the council offices: Tel: (0116) 236 2646 or email: clerk@ansteypc.org
Glenfield Bowling Club Looking for New Members Looking for a new sport, gentle exercise, helps keep you fit. Glenfield Bowling Club on Ellis Park Greenfield ( behind the Council Offices) is looking for new members either beginners or experienced people. An annual subscriptions required, be you only pay 50% in your first year, and you can bowl from 8th April to the end of September with no green fees to pay. If you play in the league's (men's, ladies, mixed) then you pay for refreshments and a raffle. Monthly event nights are organised ie-skittles, meals etc. IF YOU are interested in joining just come along any Monday from 1-30 to chummies (a friendly game among members) and see somebody there to find out how to join, all ages welcome.
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THE LATIMER PRIMARY SCHOOL CELEBRATING LEARNING As the nights finally seem to be getting lighter and there are new signs of spring within nature everywhere, let’s celebrate what has been happening here too at Latimer this month. We hope you enjoy these snippets of information however, this month more than ever, we couldn’t cover everything here on our newsletter so please do head over to our Twitter page where there is even more to see! Check out @latimerprimary for more information. March really has been a busy month for us! The new month has brought an exciting new change to our dinner hall. The layout of tables has changed as has the cleaning station and we even have new plates and bowls! This change may seem small but in fact it has already had a huge positive impact. We have heard so many positive comments from the children about the changes and they are really enjoying the new crockery. It wasn’t only the children who really enjoyed taking part in World Book Day this year! As you can see, the whole school took part and had fun dressing up as one of their favourite storybook characters. Activities took place across the school, celebrating and enjoying a vast array of favourite books. Thanks to everyone who took part, be that dressing up or having fun on the day and taking part in activities in class or at breakfast and after school club!
A massive thank you to Miss Cannon for organising and running another highly successful Book Fair here at school. This is one of our favourite dates on the Latimer calendar as not only does it give our pupils the chance to pick up some exciting new reads (often at very competitive prices) but it is also a way that we raise money for the school to buy new
books for our classes. A big thank you if you came along picked up a bargain!
Fair Trade Another exciting event that happened this month was our work alongside the An-stey Co-op about Fair Trade. The event was organised to inform us about Fair Trade and our responsibilities, as a community to think of others and about where our food is sourced from. The children took part in many activities including a whole school assembly, delivered by the wonderful Central CO-OP in Anstey, to discuss giving farmers a fair price for the food they produce.
As ever, events like this at school take a lot of careful planning and so we would like to thank all the teachers involved for their hard work. Miss Bailey initiated the event and worked incredibly hard, liaising with the Central Co-op and coordinating the event. We are very lucky to have such passionate and enthusiastic teachers here at Latimer, who by running events like these enrich the school day for all the children. Likewise, without the support of our fantastic Lati-mer families, these event just wouldn’t be the same, so thank you to everyone for joining us to celebrate Fair Trade. EYFS coloured fair trade pictures given to us by the CO-OP and the Key Stage 1 children produced some amazing posters based of their Fair Trade learning. Key Stage 2 children were invited by the Central COOP in Anstey to take part in their "Ethical Challenge". The children had the opportunity to visit the store and were given a talk about Fair Trade products and the symbols to look out for on packag-ing, raising awareness of products which have been ethically sourced. Latimer held its own Fair Trade event after school whereby each class made goodies to sell using a range of Fair Trade products! Thank you to everyone who was able to join us! There was such an impressive turnout that some classes actually sold out of their produce in un-der 10 minutes! The Central Co-op in Anstey very kindly donated £30 towards the event and we raised £78 - money to go towards outdoor learning equipment here at school! At the event the LTS catering, our school food providers were also invited into
Developing Responsibility; Caring about Achievement school so that parents, grandparents and children could sample the school lunches we provide. This proved a huge success with parents commenting how delicious the food was. We would like to thank everyone at Central CO-OP Anstey for their support throughout our Fair Trade learning. Jason Tomkins the store manager was very impressed with the children's knowledge and enthusiasm. It has been a really wonderful opportunity for the children to take part in, not only have they learnt some important new information about the food available here to us in our local Co-op but they have had the chance to work alongside members of our community. Here at Latimer we are always proud of our pupils and the wonderful learning behaviours that they show and it makes it that extra bit special when we get to share that with others in our community. Year 3 have shown our gratitude by writing thank you letters to the Co-op and these can actually be found on a display in store! So next time you’re out and about at our local Co-op, make sure you look out for some of the familiar faces we have come to know! We must also thank LTS catering, our school food providers for coming into school with food sam-ples. What a fabulous way for parents and carers to be able to taste the delicious and nutritious food that is offered here to the children at lunch times.
As ever, events like this at school take a lot of careful planning and so we would like to thank all the teachers involved for their hard work. Miss Bailey initiated the event and worked incredibly hard, liaising with the Central Co-op and coordinating the event. We are very lucky to have such passionate and enthusiastic teachers here at Latimer, who by running events like these enrich the school day for all the children. Likewise, without the support of our fantastic Lati-mer families, these event just wouldn’t be the same, so thank you to everyone for joining us to celebrate Fair Trade.
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club
Arthur doesn’t have the luxury of a large garden or greenhouse at home, but he has developed a style of gardening based on containers. His talk focused on this type of gardening and provided much inspiration to Club members. He demonstrated how he creates lavish displays that are bold, exciting and bee-friendly with cut and come again colour a priority.
Arthur Parkinson cutting flowers from his summer Arthur Parkinson cutting flowers from his summer containers. He loves deep containers. He loves deep colours and lavish displays. colours and lavish displays.
grown hard to make them tough. This creates ‘gladiators’ rather than thin whips. Arthur also uses dahlias and salvia in his containers. He recommended using birch twigs and branches to support plants. This gives a much softer feel rather than using canes.
displays. These include snowdrops, amaryllis, irises, hyacinths, alliums, and tulips. He often plants ‘bulb lasagne’ with layers of bulbs that Tulips planted by Arthur, featuring flower at different times different varieties but similar colour in one container. to make the display last longer. Arthur likes deep red coloured tulips and uses different varieties in the same container. He suggested that white tulips shouldn’t be mixed with deep colours.
Arthur provided us with an inspirational talk. He was clear about his approach to container gardening and put his ideas across with humour. This young presenter is clearly ‘one to watch’ in the future.
Throughout the talk Arthur used many However, this photos to can be very illustrate the expensive if points and you use concepts he terracotta made. One pots, but concept he Arthur has introduced built up a Planting tulips in galvanised Planting tulips in galvanised containers. Arthur plants in quantity for of was that collection of maximum impact.Arthur plants in containers. ‘leading old galvanise quantity for maximum impact. flowers’, iron dolly tubs, ‘guest dustbins and baths which he uses to very flowers’, and good effect. He starts each year with a plan ‘supporting of what he wants to grow and effective colour foliage’. He combinations. He grows plants throughout An example of a ‘leading flower’ example of a ‘leading flower’ in Arthur’s summe uses all three An in Arthur’s summer displays. the year using bulbs, seeds, plug plants and f owers include Cosmos, Dahlia and Salvia. ‘Leading flowers include Cosmos, types of tubers and enjoys them in containers and as Dahlia and Salvia. flowers in his cut flowers. summer containers. Early in the He made the point that containers need lots year Arthur of water and feed throughout the growing uses mainly season. bulbs for his
Colourful Containers by Arthur Parkinson We welcomed Arthur Parkinson to the March meeting of the Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club who delivered a brilliant talk called ‘Colourful Summer Containers’. Arthur received much praise for creating a cutting garden in the courtyard of the famous potter Emma Bridgewater. He now works as assistant to the renowned gardener and florist Sarah Raven.
Arthur suggested that container gardening works best by using the largest pots possible.
He starts to sow sweet pea seeds on Boxing Day and other seeds, such as cosmos, at the end of April. He recommends that seeds be
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The Gardening Club meets in the Thurcaston and Cropston Memorial Hall Whether an experienced gardener or an enthusiastic beginner we are sure you will find something of interest in this year’s programme. New members are made most welcome. What’s more, it is excellent value!! The membership fee is still only £12 for the year (pro rota) or £3.00 per meeting. So, if you are interested in gardening - come and give the Club a try. For more information, and for a copy of our eye-catching poster of the 2019 Programme of Events, please contact Dave Haddon (0116) 235 9758:
Tel: 0116 236 4875
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The next club events are: Wednesday 10th April, 7.45 pm Pelargoniums - Heather Godard – Key Heather runs Fibrex Nursery, a family run nursery that has been going for 60 years. They hold the Pelargonium National Collection. They show at all the major RHS Flower Shows and have countless Gold Medals for their efforts. Heather will give a brief history of the species, explain why they are PELARGONIUMS and NOT Geraniums. There will be lots of tips on overwintering and propagation with plenty of good advice for general maintenance. Heather will also bring plants to show and sell. Wednesday 8th May, 7.45 pm Asters - Helen Picton
During her presentation, which was accompanied by many interesting illustrations, Katie offered us a whistle-stop tour of Landscape history, in order to answer the question ‘What’s That All About Then?’.Katie assured us that it involves not only ‘putting on muddy boots’ to explore the great outdoors, but also ‘getting dusty hands’, from exploring long-forgotten archived material. From these activities, the most surprising conclusions could be drawn. We were told about three main types of historical documents, held in the National Archives, namely ‘Inventories’, ‘Wills’ and ‘Records of cases from the Court of the Star Chamber’. The latter was a type of simplified court service which offered a quicker and cheaper outcome compared to the usual more expensive courts. Katie had examined many examples from each source, during her doctoral research into the lives of certain Leicestershire Gentry who lived between 1450 and 1650 AD. She made a strong case for using such documents to reveal details of the lives, wealth, livestock, property, legal battles and feuds of three prominent Leicestershire families of the time. Through the analysis of these documents, we gained a surprising insight into the lives of John Beaumont Esq. of Grace Dieu Priory; the Grey and Hastings families of Leicester Forest; the Skeffington family of Skeffington; and others. Wills and Inventories even allowed these people to make their final statements ‘post-mortem’. By the end of the presentation, in addition to feeling academically challenged, we had also realised that ‘Landscape History’ can lend another dimension to our understanding of the past, and that the study of documents can help us to recreate landscapes and societies. Thank you, Dr. Katie!
It was a pleasure to welcome back Dr. Katie Bridger and to congratulate her on her recent Doctorate from Leicester University, where she has been researching various aspects of Leicestershire’s local history, for the past four years.
Sylvia Cole (Committee Member)
PLEASE NOTE – There is no meeting in April. CHANGE OF VENUE: Our meeting on 21st May 2019, will start at 7:30pm as usual and will be held at Richard Hill CE Primary School, at ‘The Wheatsheaf’ Inn’ end of Anstey Lane, Thurcaston. Wendy Scott will talk to us on ‘The History of English Coinage’ and we will have a chance to examine, and learn more about, coins found over many years in our Parish (kindly donated by Brian Kimberley). Please invite your family and friends as this topic should interest everyone. There is a £3 admission charge for non-members and tea and coffee will be served.
Charnwood Group the Brand
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visitors especially at peak times. I will let you know the outcome once I receive the reply at the meeting.
David Snartt Reports...
Charnwood Grants
Borough Councillor for Forest Bradgate
Charnwood Borough Council Elections Charnwood Borough Council elections will take place on Thursday 2nd May 2019. The Council has 52 Councillors across 28 Wards and all seats are up for election. Borough Councils must hold a whole council election every 4 years. This is a chance for people to vote for someone to represent their Ward on the Borough Council. To vote in the local elections on May 2nd this year, you need to be on the electoral register. If you are not on the register, you will need to register by Friday 12th April. Although this is the last date to apply, if you leave it until the last minute and there are any issues with your application, then you may not be registered in time to vote in Mayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s local elections. If you do not believe you are on the electoral register, please contact the Council on 01509 634546. Visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/local _elections_2019 for more details about this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s local elections. Some key dates: Deadline for receipt of postal vote applications 5pm April 15th: Deadline for receipt of proxy vote applications 5pm April 24th: Polling Day 7am to 10pm May 2nd: Counting of votes May 3rd. There is a change to the usual polling station for Newtown Linford and Ulverscroft. This will now be at the Linford, 66 Main Street, Newtown Linford. The change has taken place because the old venue had issues relating to disability access and parking. There are no other changes to the other two polling stations within Forest Bradgate Ward, The Village Hall, Woodhouse Eaves and the Community Hall, Woodhouse.
Planning Application Update I previously referred to a planning application for the erection of two detached dwellings on land rear of 80 Main Street, Woodhouse Eaves. I requested that this application should be
determined by a planning committee. I concluded after reading the reasons for refusal this could be dealt with by officer delegated powers. The decision was to refuse this application. The reason being; the proposal, including the loss of trees, would be detrimental to the setting of the Woodhouse Eaves Conservation Area and the neighbouring listed building. Contrary to policies CS2, CS13 and CS14 of the Charnwood Local Plan, Core Strategy and policy EV1 of the Borough of Charnwood Local Plan.
Promoting Tourism For sometime now, I have been receiving concerns from local residents about vehicles belonging to visitors to our local attractions, parking inconsiderately and sometimes illegally on our village streets. This has been particularly concerning to residents living in Newtown Linford and the areas close to the entrances to Bradgate Park. In my view, this is a greater problem at peak times when there is an issue with capacity in the venueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car parks. I have now put forward a question to the main meeting at Charnwood Borough Council, this stating: We all want to see tourist venues and visitor attractions thrive, and I can understand this Council wanting to promote tourism. However, may I seek some assurances from the Leader that attractions with capacity issues such as Bradgate Park, which at peak times causes horrendous vehicle parking issues on the highway within the village of Newtown Linford and the surrounding area are not included in any advertising programmes that are promoted by Charnwood Borough Council? I do hope by raising this issue it will bring a better understanding of the current problems associated with visitor numbers and raise an awareness that in some cases certain tourist attractions cannot cope with an increase in
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I just wanted to make sure that all organisations, charities and community groups within my Ward know about the Charnwood Grant Scheme, which is to help access funding support. There are a range of grants on offer, which include: Community Development and Engagement; This grant can provide up to ÂŁ10,000 for organisations currently running projects within the community benefit in Charnwood. Deadline to submit an application 22nd April 2019: Community Facilities Grants and Feasibility Studies; This grant can award funding of up to ÂŁ20,000, to a maximum of 50% of the cost of a project which assists with r enovation and improvement of community buildings, and small-scale environmental improvement schemes. Deadline to submit an application 22nd April 2019: Sports and Leisure Grants; A variety of grant funding for individuals, clubs and organisations in need of additional finance to run their projects and activities. Deadline to submit an application 23rd April 2019. The latest application forms, deadlines and more information at www.charnwood.gov.uk/ charnwoodgrants, e-mail grants@charnwood. gov.uk or call 01509 634730.
Changes to Housing Register in Charnwood I have received information from Charnwood Borough Council that it is changing the way in which it handles applications for social housing to ensure services are helping the most in need. The Council has revised its housing allocations policy to focus on people who have the greatest and most urgent housing needs and who have strong connections to the Borough. Everyone who is currently on the housing register will need to re-apply online if they want to stay on the register. The Council has written to all current applicants to inform them of the changes.
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More details can be found on the Charnwood Borough Council website by reading the Housing Allocations Policy 2019.
Netball Sessions I notice from a press release from Charnwood Borough Council that new netball sessions are giving women a flexible way to play the sport. The Borough Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Active Charnwood Team is hosting the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Netball Nowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sessions at Wreake Valley Academy in Syston. These are fun and informal sessions aimed at women over 16 who simply want to turn up and play without any coaching or commitments. These sessions are perfect for anyone who enjoys playing netball but doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to play in a competitive environment.
ROTHLEY/BIRSTALL BIRDWATCHING CLUB present: Tuesday, April 9th., 2019 at 7.30p.m. BRENTINGBY MEADOWS by Julia Hawley Julia first gave us a talk 10 years ago about her family farm near Melton Mowbray. Tonight, she reflects on 18 years of involvement in Agri-environment schemes. The family has a traditional mixed farm of cattle and sheep with a small area of cereals. It has been managed with wildlife and heritage in mind and boasts an array of wildlife. The River Eye, which is a designated SSI, runs through the farm. There is also an 18th. Century abandoned canal and acres of medieval ridge and furrow. This meeting will be preceded by a short annual AGM. The Rothley Centre, 12, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley, LE7 7PR. Members are free, visitors ÂŁ2.50. Ample free car parking on site.
Sessions cost ÂŁ3 and all you need to do is turn up and bring appropriate footwear. The sessions get underway on Thursday 18th April 6.30pm to 7.30pm. If you would like more information, contact Sam Chamberlain at Samantha.chamberlain@charnwood.gov.uk or call 01509 632534. If you need to contact me on any issues, please write to 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH. e-mail cllr.david.snartt@charnwood.gov.uk or telephone 01530 244804.
David Snartt
Simply call 0116 269 4019 or email leicswest@greenthumb.co.uk
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Auction of painting by local artist helps to raise money to protect local wild flower meadows The Charnwood Local Group of the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust recently held a “blind auction” for a painting which had been kindly donated to the Trust by local Woodhouse Eaves' artist, Sally Matterson. The painting was of the local geological feature, the Bomb Rocks at Charnwood Lodge Nature Reserve, and raised £350 in the auction.
Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council During the week when we commemorated international women, we showed "The Children Act". This was a powerful film portrayed by Dame Emma Thompson as an eminent high court family judge. She ruled that hers was a court of law, not a court of morality. The film was adapted brilliantly by Ian McEwan CBE from his 2014 novel. "The Wife" will be shown on April 12th and lasts 100 minutes.
This money was added to other money raised by the Charnwood Local Group throughout the year and a cheque to the sum of £1000 was presented by the local group chairperson, Cathy Schou, to the Director of Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust, Simon Bentley, at the recent AGM of the local group held at Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall. Sally Matterson was present to see the cheque being handed over. The money raised by the local group is to be put towards an exciting project, which will help to protect and enhance key wildlife flower meadows in the Charnwood Forest, by purchasing a specialised mower. The Charnwood Local Group of the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at Woodhouse Eaves Village and has a varied programme of interesting talks from September to May inclusive. There are also other events, such as; walks, visits to nature reserves and a forthcoming open day at The Brand, near Swithland. For further information about the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust and the Charnwood Local Group visit https://www.lrwt.org.uk/ Charnwood Local Group of the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust
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"King of Thieves" will be shown on May 10th and lasts 108 minutes. In May, we are showing this true British crime thriller, starring Michael Caine, uniting an incredible cast. A crew of retired crooks pull off a major safe deposit burglary in London's Hatton Garden. This is a huge heist in the famous jewellery district. We see humour but will greed overtake the gang? “First Man” will be shown on June 14th.
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Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost the usual £5 which will includes refreshments and a lucky prize draw during the interval. Advanced tickets may be purchased via the parish office –0116 236 7626 or at the door.
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Our meeting in March saw the welcome return of our speaker, Sandra Moore, who (to an accompanying soundtrack of an extract from a Winston Churchill speech and other wartime sound effects) appeared in costume as the “ghost” of May Clements to bring us a flavour of the Second World War as experienced by the ordinary women of Leicestershire. Gleaned from her personal reminiscences of family, friends and acquaintances, “May Clements” paused from her housework to bring us the gossip of 1940. Starting with her arrival in Leicester from London with her husband and son to escape the bombing, “May” told us that her father, who had served in WW1, cried when war was declared in 1939 and did not take refuge in air-raid shelters as he believed, if a bomb had his name on it, then the inevitable would happen whatever precaution he took. She said that an air-raid had taken a neighbouring house, killing the whole family who were buried together in Belgrave Cemetery. German bombers would fly up Britain’s west coast and look for a large white building (the library) in Aberystwyth before turning east towards the Midlands’ industrial centres such as Birmingham, Coventry and Leicester. We heard about food shortages and were told that people would resort to searching hedgerows for food and herbal remedies. Apparently digging for victory even meant that the moat around the Tower of London was utilised for this purpose and locally 1 million plants were dug up at Bentley’s Roses.
Lettuces and other salad crops were grown on the tops of Anderson shelters, along with marrows which probably posed just as much of a threat as Hitler’s bombs to the people sheltering below! Queuing and rationing were other hardships to be stoically endured, often with meagre reward. It was a time of “make do and mend”. Soldiers were often seen on crowded railway stations, hanging from carriages, shouting their farewells and evacuee children with identification labels, gas masks and little carrier bags would arrive bewildered and tearful, which seemed cruel but necessary for their safety. Few houses had bathrooms, which usually meant bathing in a small tin bath in the kitchen in front of the fire once a week. Thick fogs (pea-soupers) and blackouts were also remembered. It was hard to feel your way home in fog because metal railings and gates had been utilised (along with household pots and pans) for making tanks and weapons. But all was not bleak and “May” told us how she loved the “pictures”- Errol Flynn, Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. She even sang us a snippet - “You Must Remember This …” She also said she liked to go dancing with her husband who refused to copy the “Yanks” and their lively jitterbugging. These social events helped you to keep warm, especially when coal supplies were running low at home.
“May” remembered one night seeing the sky lit up so bright to the south that newspapers could be read by it – Coventry had been hit by a bombing raid, including its Cathedral. One of her friends in munitions lost 7 of her family, including 4 children. There were air-raid shelters in parks and streets and, if events prevented early evacuation, cups of tea were shared and sing-songs started to keep up spirits. If use of an air-raid shelter was not possible, then the pantry often gave protection and was labelled “the glory hole”. “May” then told us a very amusing story about a noisy cockerel called “Rommel” and how it eventually arrived on the Christmas table. Rommel had taken three hours to cook and three hours to chew! “May Clements” worked a capstan lathe in the munitions factory and enjoyed receiving her own wage packet. This was a sign of things to come as hitherto a woman’s place had been in the home. To an accompanying soundtrack of “We’ll Meet Again Some Sunny Day” and with a flick of her duster, “May” bade us a fond “TA-RA”. Although the topic covered a difficult time in history, Sandra’s approach to it through the guise of “May Clements” was both insightful and amusing. It was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and we were encouraged to record our own personal reminiscences for future generations. Our next meeting is at Cropston Evangelical Free Church at 2.15 p.m on 8 April when our speaker will be Penny Hodgson and is entitled “Rickshaws and Chopsticks” about living and working in China. Visitors and new members are most welcome. Any queries, please telephone Jenny Kennington 0116 2365402.
MacMillan Coffee and Cake Saturday 20th July - 11.00 to 2.30pm Cropston Chapel School Room
All welcome
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Visit www.candorstairlifts.co.uk to arrange a FREE stairlift assessment or call us on 0330 100 4564 Scotlands Industrial Estate | London Road | Coalville | Leicestershire LE67 3JJ info@candorstairlifts.co.uk | www.candorstairlifts.co.uk We are delighted to have recently been awarded the Which? Trusted Trader accreditation
Deborah Taylor... Latest News County Councillor for Bradgate Division 6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW - Tel: 0116 2350126 - Email: Deborah.Taylor@leics.gov.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/CllrDTaylor - Twitter: @CllrDTaylor information being shared. It was exceptionally busy when I was there so I hope it was a successful event. On Thursday 28th February I was delighted to attend the Children in Care Achievements Awards at the King Power Stadium. This was an amazing evening celebrating the academic and personal successes for children that have suffered real trauma in their young lives. You couldn’t help but be moved by some of the stories that were shared. We were also treated to several songs sung by the Children in Care Choir. I was very privileged to be able to congratulate every child who received an award as I stood with them for a photo; last count was about 200 children! On Tuesday 5th March I attended the Overview and Scrutiny for Children and Families committee meeting. On the agenda was the evaluation of Early Help Services, the new Safeguarding Arrangements for 2019 and an update on complaints. The Early Help review was regarding the ‘Supporting Leicestershire Families Program’; a Government funded project for intensive help for families. There were some real positives in the report and this review will guide future work with families. On Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd March I attended my last module of my ‘Next Generation’ training program in Coventry. This has been an excellent training course and really pushed me out of my comfort zone. I have learnt so much and have already put some of that into practice. During this module we all took part in a mock political debate, this was a good learning curve! On Sunday 24rd March I popped into the Woodhouse Eaves Community Fair organised by the Woodhouse and Woodhouse Eaves Good Neighbour Scheme. There were many stalls and activities to enjoy with some great
Review of Subsidised Bus Services In October 2018, Leicestershire County Council approved a new Passenger Transport Policy and Strategy (PTPS) to ensure its passenger transport provision is fit for purpose, cost-effective and meets the essential travel needs of the community. The council is now starting to implement the new strategy by assessing all their subsidised bus services against the new policy. The bus services that will be assessed against the new policy in my Division is the Centre Bus 154, 18.25pm service from Leicester to Quorn, the Centre Bus 154 Saturday service and the Roberts 120 service. The proposed plan going forward is a discussion with elected members and then community engagement to explain the results to residents. I have attended a meeting to discuss the Centre Bus 154, 18.25pm service. This service crosses other elected members Divisions and once they have been spoken to the decision will be made public; this should be in the next few weeks. The other two services in my Division are programed to be reviewed later on in 2019.
Care Online Service Following the decision to decommission the ‘Care Online Service’ officers have been working closely with a voluntary organisation, ‘Enrych Connect’ to develop an offer of training and support to disabled and vulnerable people who are experiencing social isolation to access digital technology. Enrych Connect has been successful in obtaining Big Lottery Funding and have begun the roll-out of the new service. I have included their leaflet explaining all their services and their contact details. If you require any further details, please let me know.
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Welbeck It was with great sadness that I received a telephone call from our MP, Edward Argar, to inform me that the Ministry of Defence have decided to close the Welbeck Defence 6th Form College in Woodhouse. The last intake of students will be in September 2019 with the closure planned for 2021. There are just over 300 boarding pupils at the college who will be allowed to complete their studies before the school closes. The college focuses on teaching pupils’ science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) to provide graduates who are then likely to go on and serve in the armed forces. The Defence minister Earl Howe said in his statement ‘a new system was being introduced to recruit undergraduates and that Welbeck did not fit into long-term plans’. ‘He said that the
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Government was looking to use the 70 acre campus for some form of educational or military use but did not say specifically what for at the moment. Defence has been reviewing its STEM graduate requirement and will put in place a new, targeted scheme to recruit undergraduates in related subjects called the STEM Graduate Inflow Scheme (SGIS). This scheme has been designed to significantly increase the number of STEM graduates brought into Defence and the variety of STEM disciplines they are from. It will be open to undergraduates across all UK Universities and be supported by a competitive financial package. The new scheme will also be more flexible and enable Defence to adapt quickly to future changes in requirement’. As soon as I receive any further updates I will publish the details in my monthly reports.
The Nook, Anstey Following the joint surgery, I held with my fellow Borough Councillor, Paul Baines, we were asked several questions about the relocation of the bus stop on Leicester Road. Just to update you, the money for the bus stop relocation has been paid to Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) from the developers, Bloor Homes. Charnwood are now completing some final checks and then the money will be transferred to Anstey Parish Council. The Parish Council have already agreed to work towards moving the bus stop and the first step will be to go out to public consultation to gather local views to see if the relocation is supported. If you have any issues or concerns, I’m here to help.
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Online booking for eggs-cellent Easter activities An exciting programme of activities is on offer for kids this Easter in Charnwood and for the first-time people can book online. Charnwood Borough Council is introducing a new online booking system for the holiday activity programme and bookings will open on Monday April 1. The programme is once again offering plenty for the kids to do including archery, tennis and den-building. Activities will run from Monday, April 15 until Friday, April 26. Zoe Griffiths, sport and active recreation manager at the Council, said: “We’re pleased to be offering another holiday programme with a range of activities, but the main difference is that people will now be able to book their activities online. “We appreciate it’s not always convenient to call the contact centre during office hours which is why we’ve introduced the online booking system. I hope it offers an easier and alternative way to book activities.” Activities include a treasure hunt, boxing, arts and crafts, football and orienteering in the Outwoods.
Activities on offer include: All-stars cricket • Archery Cheerleading • Climbing • Cricket Den building • Dodgeball Forest Schools • Horse riding Tennis • Treasure hunt Sessions are taking place around the borough including Birstall, Mountsorrel, Shepshed and Loughborough. Prices start from £1 and some activities are free to attend.
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Holders of the Council’s Wild Card can also enjoy great discounts on all activities. If you are aged five to 16, or have a disability and live or go to school in Charnwood, you can get your hands on a Wild Card by visiting www.charnwood.gov.uk/wildcard Activity sessions will not run on Good Friday, April 19 and Easter Monday, April 22. For a full list of activities available this Easter and to book online, please visit, www. charnwood.gov.uk/holidayprogrammes Alternatively, people can call 01509 634561 or email active.together@charnwood.gov.uk to book a place.
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ANSTEY CHESS CLUB The talk at our meeting on the 18th of this month was given by Mr P Tyldesley, Director of the Bradgate Trust, on the subject of ‘Colourful Characters of the Bradgate Park’. Certainly some of their names were equally colourful. For example, in the reign of Edward the Confessor the land was owned by a Mr Ulf. Later it was owned in turn by the Beaumont family, the de Quincys, de Ferrers and lastly the Greys – rather a let-down namewise, it would seem, but they stayed for 500 years. In 1928 the Park went up for sale and bought by Charles Bennion, who gave it to the people of Leicestershire. The first mention of a deer park dates form 1241, when it was much smaller than it is now. Over the years bits of land were added and other bits taken away – usually to pay for debts incurred by the family. Cropston reservoir occupies one of the latter ‘bits’. About the time it passed to the people the council had added more land, and as well an agreement was reached with the trustees of Bradgate Wood to bring that under the Bradgate Trust as well. The house was the ambition of the son of Elizabeth Woodville who was one of those powerful women ultimately of the royal household. It was her grandson who finally finished the project in about 1520. It was occupied until 1732 when the new owner prefered one of his other houses. The Grey family were one of those moderately successful families of their
age. They seemed to be politically adaptable, changing sides several times during the Civil War, though not always at the right time. They were good at having their lands confiscated, then restored to them. They slowly accumulated titles, often it seems by marriage, and they were good at not producing heirs. This latter strength meant that often distant relatives occupied Bradgate in the absence of an heir, and did result in 1732 when the relative preferred his current dwelling to Bradgate House. The outstanding name, of course, is Lady Jane, the ‘9-days queen’, though for four days before she was proclaimed the country was in limbo. This was thanks to Henry VIII declaring children of his previous marriages illegitimate. Nobody knew where they stood when he shoffled off. Mary stepped in and order was restored. At this moment the Greys demonstrated their political versitility which resulted in yet another family talent – having their heads chopped off. The last Grey of note seems to have been George Harry (1828-1883), who had a bit of a gambling problem; he took up owning race horses, and even had a race track around Old John tower. He actually lived in Field Head House, and when he died he left it to his widow to restore the family fortunes. The ‘Friends’ meet in the Woodhouse Eaves village hall at 7.30 p.m. once a month as well as organising visits in the summer.
We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: yourlocal@ openboxpromotions.co.uk
League update - We are now sat in 6th position as I type (25/3/19), having played a game more than those around us. This is one of our best positions so far and we are trying to keep our head afloat and avoid the wooden spoon. Our cause was helped by a wonderful 2.5-1.5 win away at Market Harborough. The 45 minute journey became worth it, in the end! A win for myself and Mick Squire, with a 'team draw' agreed by Mick Sandham. (Team draw is agreeing a draw in a winning position to ensure the win for the team). A word for John Whitmore too, who travelled all that way and lost. (Sorry John!) We now play away at Melton Mowbray on 3rd April (current holders of the wooden spoon trophy). If we avoid defeat, we should be safe! Free Chess Sessions - I am still running informal sessions for beginners or slightly more experienced players on Saturday mornings from 10am-1pm, with the help of Anstey Community Library. These sessions are for anybody that would like to learn to play chess, has some experience playing chess, or already knows how to play and would like to play some friendly games. These sessions are still free of charge. April Club Nights/Fixtures Why not come and join us on a club night? 3rd April - AWAY fixture vs Melton Mowbray 4 4th & 11th April - Club Night 18th April - Club Night (I'll be away - please check before attending) 25th April - HOME fixture vs Loughborough 3 **The above fixture may have to be moved to Wednesday 24th, due to a skittles fixture clash** Please check if you wish to attend
Club Nights tend to be relaxed and quite often, we do a little bit of coaching with our league players. When players have lost, drawn or maybe even won, myself and Mick Sandham give the players practical advice on what they could/should have done. We then usually move on to playing some friendlies amongst ourselves. League matches are a little more intense and require the room to be silent or very little ambient noise. You are welcome along on any night so please pop along to see what we're all about. New players are welcome along at any time - regardless of standard.
Ben Vaughan - Anstey Chess Club 0116 3320956 - 07469 207548 ansteychess@hotmail.com
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
Cropston Road Allotment Association The Cropston Road Allotment Association AGM took place on 27th February 2019 at the Jubilee Hall in Anstey. 2018 was a good gardening year but with both dry then wet weather gardening challenges. The "Best Kept Allotment Cup" for 2018 was presented by Martin Broomhead, the Chairman of Anstey Parish Council and cash prizes for First, Second, Third and Highly Commended places were kindly donated by White Young and Green in Anstey. Judging in July 2018 was carried out by Steven Budding, the previous owner of Brookside Nurseries in Anstey.
Phil Dews accepted on behalf of Alan Youd. 2018 Best Kept Allotment Cup
The winner of the 2018 Best Kept Allotment Cup was Alan Youd. Alan was on holiday and so was unable to be present for the award. It was accepted on his behalf by Phil Dews, the Association vice-chairman. Alan was awarded the cup, First place rosette, 1st place card and prize money. There were place cards, rosettes and cash prizes for the other winners. 2nd was awarded to Ron Hudson and 3rd was awarded to Elaine Platts. The Highly Commended place was awarded to Graham Cox.
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Anstey Local History Society Our next meeting will be held on: Wednesday April 17th 2019 at 7.00.p.m. in Anstey Community Library 2nd Place Ron Hudson
3rd Place Elaine Platts
Highly Commended Place Graham Cox
Castle Hill â&#x20AC;&#x201C; In search of the Knights
The Allotment Association wishes to convey thanks Martin Broomhead for coming to the AGM and making the presentations. Thanks goes also to W Y G for donating the cash prizes and to the Anstey Parish Council for the use of the Jubilee Hall for the AGM.
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Speaker: Matthew Morris (Leicester University) Come and find out about the excavations that have taken place on Castle Hill (situated between Anstey & Beaumont Leys).
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Steve Goodger
Yoga classes accessible to all levels, all bodies and abilities. *Groby Village Hall, LE4 1DE Mondays 9.30 am - 10.30 am *Anstey Methodist Church, LE7 7BP Thursdays 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm Free your mind and body / Uplift your spirit
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Open Day for Young Adults Gynsill Tennis Club in Anstey is holding an open day for young adults on Saturday 13th April from 2:30 pm. Tennis is a great sport and the open day is a perfect opportunity for young people to exercise in a fun and sociable way outdoors. Guests will receive a free tennis lesson after which there will be the opportunity to socialise with Wimbledon themed refreshments. Gynsill Tennis Club offers many social and competitive opportunities throughout the year with players of all ages and abilities. If you are interested in the open day or have any queries please contact the Head Coach, Adam Charlton, at charltontennis@yahoo.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you.
The Charnwood Gardener Making the Most of April
April is usually the time when the garden finally shows signs of shaking off winter, as one might a lingering cold. March is sneezy and unsettled, with good days and bad days, but come April a sense of healthy resolve starts to be felt around the beds and borders. Recently, of course, the weather rarely behaves itself (20 degrees in February?!) and nothing is off the table, so it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be surprising if by the time youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re reading this the trees are losing their leaves and there are bush fires in Bristol. But even if April acts only a little as it should, then itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really the most remarkable month for just being in the garden and soaking up the fresh, vibrant vibes. It makes you feel like a half-dead houseplant suddenly finding itself back in the Amazon. The soft flushes of the early bulbs have faded, and in their place come sudden shocks of vivid colour. Tulips open in succession, their shades as varied as bright umbrellas in spring showers. Flowering currants and Kerria erupt at the back of the border in a mesmerising clash of hot pink and acid yellow. And everything is suddenly pulsing with life â&#x20AC;&#x201C; herbaceous perennials that have been sheltering underground now bulge forth in gorgeous, glossy-green mounds. But by far the biggest treat is away from our tended plots (or, more likely, suddenly very weedy plots â&#x20AC;&#x201C; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re making the most of it too). Head out to any number of secret woodland spots and witness the perfect, ethereal carpet of violet-blue. The bluebells have arrived, and on a sunny April day itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as though pieces of lazy sky are dreaming on the ground. APRIL TIP: Weed, weed, weed. Getting on top of it now will pay off later. Even better â&#x20AC;&#x201C; lay a deep woodchip mulch and suppress annual weeds long-term for minimal effort.
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WEA Courses The WEA are offering a number of courses in Loughborough, East Leake and Rothley from May.
Monday: Primitive Art from the beginning to contemporary: Mixed media – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341126 Art in the afternoon – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341108 Poetry: Traditional & Contemporary: Palgrave’s Golden Treasury & Forward Collections – Gorse Covert Centre, L’Boro ref C2341149
A Chesterfield Doctor Has Helped Hundreds Of People In India Have Access To Vital Eye Services. Kantilal Jain, who is a consultant ophthalmologist at Chesterfield Royal Hospital, travelled to Rajasthan, India, where he and a team helped around 400 people over two days as part of charity work. The people they helped do not have easy access to eye services and were in need of cataract operations or glasses. Mr Jain, who is also a medical director at Lumivision Eye Clinic, said: “I was really, really proud and I am going to go again next year.” People were able to have their eyes examined for free and Mr Jain said he saw around 120 people by himself. Of the 400 people who attended, around 50 were listed as needing a cataract operation and 200 needed glasses. Many of the people they helped were aged 50 and above. A Chesterfield Royal Hospital spokesperson said: “We are lucky to have some terrific surgeons, consultants and healthcare professionals. We are immensely proud of Kantilal and his like-minded colleagues for everything they do at the Royal and, as ambassadors for the hospital, they are a credit to their profession.” And a Lumivision spokesperson said: “We are particularly proud to see our surgeon Mr Jain leading the way in delivering his ophthalmic expertise to help the less fortunate.”
Primitive Art from the beginning to contemporary; Mixed media – at Rothley Centre, Rothley ref C2341124 Tuesday Multi-media Life Class/Figure Drawing – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341110 British Films of the 1960’s – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341146 Wednesday Pop Up Art Workshop: Surface Elaboration - at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341127 Eastern Europe – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341119 From Arabian Nights to Arab Springs, Middleeastern Literature Past and Present - at East Leake Library ref C2341183 All the World’s a Stage: Appreciating Theatre – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341188 Creative Writing - at Rothley Community Library ref C2341145 Thursday Colour Workshop for Artists – at WEA, Loughborough ref. C2341147 Archaeology of Life and Death in Ancient Egypt – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341109 One Small Step for Man: The Moon, 50 years after Apollo 11 – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341112 Friday Intensive Creative Writing (May) – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341113 Intensive Creative Writing (June) – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341117 Saturday Marxist Philosophy in the 21st Century – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341156 Philosophy: Planning Housing & Green Spaces – at WEA, Loughborough ref C2341157 For information or to enrol, please visit wea.org.uk or call 0300 303 3464; or to discuss please contact WEA Loughborough Office on 01509 268636
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
thinking about becoming a leader?
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Welcoming in the new year & the antics of 2018...
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Welcome to our Spring Newsletter " The new year has brought changes in our leadership, but we continue to offer our members exciting opportunities and experiences that prepare young people with skills for life. As ever we continue to need your support, so please get in touch "
By Mia aged 13 and Richard aged 12
Over the course of 2018 the Scouts enjoyed many activities and adventures. These consisted of charity events, camps, games and many more.
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Throughout the year we went on many camps, some were more chilled than others. One of the earlier camps was St Georgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s camp, where we hiked from Bradgate Park to Charnwood Oaks campsite. The scouts slept in bivi bags overnight; it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the sunniest camp! Later on in the year we went on Splash Camp at the Leicester Outdoor Pursuit Centre. This consisted of doing many water activities and a few dry activities (such as high ropes, climbing and archery). Whilst we were there, we got to know two other scout groups, who we shared our campsite with. We also supported Water Aid and the community during the year. We hiked from Bradgate Park to the Scout Hut carrying two 2 litre bottles of water as a patrol and raised money to donate to the charity. Later on in the year, we prepared for the yearly duck race by playing water games and also clearing out Anstey Brook, in preparation.
Jenny Mulligan Chairperson
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We also worked together and completed a litter pick around Anstey, collecting a total of 5 full bags of rubbish!! During the summer we made bug hotels and placed them
around Anstey.
Busy Beavers BEAVERS had a busy 2018 and managed to pack in lots of activities. Some of the highlights included bell boating at the Leicester Outdoor pursuits centre. This saw some of our beavers conquering fears and happy faces at jumping in and making the leaders do the same! A bear hunt at Beacon Hill involved chasing our own special beaver bear through the woods. A number of the beavers had an action packed day at the Cirque de Charnwood district event in the summer. Many of the beavers got to experience their first sleep over at the scout hut. They had tonnes of fun playing games and eating pizza. So much fun but not a lot of sleep was had!! At the end of the year we said a fond farewell to our section leaders Penny and Greg. A massive thank you for their commitment. They haven't gone too far, we're sure we'll see them often. Wednesday beavers is now lead by Anita and Thursday by Amy and Tom who already have lots more fun planned. To join our waiting list: secretary.anstey@charnwoodscouts.org.uk
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Deborah Taylor & Paul Baines… Borough Councillors for Anstey Latest News Deborah Taylor 6 Geary Close, Anstey, LE7 7LW Email: Cllr.Deborah.Taylor@charnwood.gov.uk Tel: 0116 2350126 - Twitter: @CllrDTaylor Facebook: www.facebook.com/CllrDTaylor
A very wet and windy month! Deborah and Paul held their first joint residents’ surgery on Saturday 9th March. Deborah and Paul were kept busy with residents’ concerns and are now working their way through all the issues raised. Paul attended the Overview Scrutiny Committee on Monday 11th March which Deborah also attended as Lead member for her item on the Children and Young People’s Strategy. They will both be attending Full Council on Monday 25th March where Paul is asking a question of the Lead Member responsible for parking. Paul is working on nuisance parking in Anstey and is asking what plans the Council has, if any, for dealing with nuisance parking, including pavement parking and double yellow line parking within the Borough and whether this includes enhancing the Council’s civil parking enforcement powers.
Local Borough Elections Just a reminder that the local Charnwood Borough Council (CBC) elections will take place on Thursday 2nd May 2019. The polling station for Anstey is at Jubilee Hall and will be open on the day from 7am until 10pm. Please ensure you are registered to vote as the closing date to register to vote is 12th April 2019, please visit www.gov.uk/register-tovote. If you would like a postal vote the closing date is 5pm on Monday 15th April. To request a postal vote please get in touch with Electoral Services team at CBC either by phone or email and they will send you an application form, contact details are: Tel: 01509 634 613; Email: electoral.services @charnwood.gov.uk. Please return your completed forms to Electoral Services at CBC. If you wish, you can fill the form in, sign it, scan it in and email it to electoral.services@charnwood.gov.uk. To keep up to date on the latest local Charnwood elections news, please follow the Council on Twitter @CharnwoodBC and look for the hashtag #CharnElections19. More information about all the local elections in Charnwood can also be found at www.charnwood.gov.uk/localelections2019. There will also be Parish Council elections held on the same day if more than 14 candidates submit forms to trigger an election in Anstey. If you are interested in standing as a parish councillor, please contact the Clerk of the parish on Tel: 0116 2362646. Please make every effort to vote in these important local elections.
John Sutherington I am sure many residents remember the scam
Paul Baines 3 Ruskin Field, Anstey, LE7 7QP Email: Cllr.Paul.Baines@charnwood.gov.uk Tel: 07977 178869
that John was a victim of a few months before his death. Charnwood residents are being warned about the dangers of scams in memory of John. Cllr John Sutherington, was a member of Charnwood Borough Council for 19 years and lost thousands of pounds after being targeted by thieves last year. Fellow councillors in Charnwood are now using John’s story to warn others about how to avoid becoming a scam victim. The leaflet is going out to Charnwood homes alongside the annual council tax bills. The leaflet tells John’s story about how he received an unsolicited phone call from someone claiming to be from a phone company and then another phone call claiming to be his bank. They convinced him to hand over his bank details and proceeded to transfer a significant amount of money out of his account. Most of these funds were never recovered. On the leaflet there are some tips and advice about how to avoid scams, such as never giving out banking or personal details to anyone you do not know or trust and by always logging onto a website directly rather than clicking on links provided in an email. This story has received a lot of media coverage since the leaflets were sent out. Deborah also took part in a piece for TV on the BBC East Midlands news bulletins on Tuesday 12th March 2019 to promote the dangers of scams and highlighting how to protect yourself. You can view the interview Deborah did on Deborah’s twitter feed @CllrDTaylor.
examples of people being on the housing register for many years and have never made a bid for a property. Everyone who is currently on the housing register will need to re-apply online if they wish to remain on the register. The Council have written to all current applicants to inform them of the changes. Please do make sure you re-apply. The Council operates an online ‘Choice Based Letting Scheme’ which means that if people are on the housing register they can ‘bid’ for available properties. The Council is introducing a new online housing application and bidding system. Under the current system, when someone is accepted onto the housing register, they are put in one of four bands depending on their level of housing need: low, medium, high or priority. Under the new policy, people will be put into one of three bands: ➢
Band 3 for applicants who have a housing need
Band 2 for applicants who have a high level of housing need
Band 1 for applicants who have an emergency level of housing need
Other changes include amending the local connection criteria from six out of the last 12 months' residence within Charnwood to two years' residence within Charnwood. The policy is designed to prioritise applicants who have the greatest and most urgent housing needs.
For more information about avoiding scams, please visit www.leics.police.uk/onlinesafety or www.actionfraud.police.uk. You can also report scams on the Action Fraud website or call them on Tel: 0300 123 2040.
There are currently over 2,800 people on Charnwood’s housing register and over 1,300 of those applicants are in the low housing need band. People on the register can apply to rent a property from the Council or a registered provider.
Housing Register in Charnwood
British Spring Clean
Charnwood Borough Council is changing the way in which it handles applications for social housing to ensure services are helping those most in need. The Council has revised its housing allocation policy to focus on people who have the greatest and most urgent housing needs and who have strong connections to the borough. This means that some people who are currently on the housing register, including many who are in the lowest housing need band, are unlikely to qualify for the register under the new policy.
Communities in Charnwood are being encouraged to become litter heroes and help give the borough a spring clean as part of a national tidy-up campaign. The Great British Spring Clean is organised by Keep Britain Tidy and will be held across the country between 22nd March and 23rd April 2019.
Under the current system there are many people who qualify to be on the housing register but whose chances of being offered social housing are slim. There are also some
Charnwood Borough Council is hoping residents will get involved and organise events to tidy up local areas over the month-long campaign. Charnwood Borough Council is offering to help projects by providing free litter-picking equipment and organising the collection of rubbish and recycling. Groups can arrange litter picks or undertake any other tasks which will keep the borough looking tidy.
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
The focus of this year’s campaign is to collect and safely dispose of single-use plastic but the Council is encouraging people to help remove as much general litter from the community and recycle as much as possible. People are being asked to get in touch as soon as possible as the Council has a limited amount of equipment available. Schools are being asked to also get involved by taking part in the Great Big School Clean. Keep Britain Tidy is offering schools that take part the chance to win £1,000 worth of school equipment. Individuals, schools and groups are being asked to register their events at www.greatbritishspringclean.org.uk. If you think the Council could support your event by supplying some litter picking equipment, please email cleaner.greener@charnwood.gov.uk
Charnwood Grants
Community groups and charities are being invited to apply for funding in 2019. The Charnwood Grants scheme is run by er displays. ‘Leading Charnwood Borough Council in a bid to help local organisations, charities and community groups access funding support. So far, the Council has awarded around £100,000 during the 18/19 rounds of funding. There is a range of grants on offer including: Community Development and Engagement – Deadline 22nd April 2019 This grant can provide up to £10,000 for organisations currently running projects with community benefit in Charnwood.
Community Facilities Grants and Feasibility Studies – Deadline 22nd April 2019 The community facilities grants scheme can award funding of up to £20,000, to a maximum of 50% of the cost of a project which assists with the renovation and improvement of community buildings, and small-scale environmental improvement schemes. Loughborough Community Grants – Deadline 23rd April 2019 These grants can provide up to £2,000 for properly constituted voluntary sector and community organisations and projects, which deliver activities with community benefits in
Loughborough. Sports and Leisure Grants - Deadline 23rd April 2019 A variety of grant funding for individuals, clubs and organisations in need of additional finance to run their projects and activities. The latest application forms, deadlines and more information are available at: www.charnwood.gov.uk/charnwoodgrants , email: grants@charnwood.gov.uk or Tel: 01509 634730. If you have any issues or concerns, we are here to help.
Deborah and Paul
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SPRING SESSI SIONS April 18th & 25th 2.30pm-4.30pm and May 2nd, 9t 9 h, 16th, 23r rd 3.30pm-5p pm See ansteylibrary. nsteylibrary.com/codeb brary. com/code-club clu ub fo for r full full details details and to download booking g form form
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Anstey WI
Netball now sessions
Members of Anstey WI and friends held their first knit and natter/fundraising coffee morning recently. Amid the industrious knitting of squares for a blanket, or in one case, learning to knit for the first time, £47 pounds was raised for Women’s Aid. It was very enjoyable, setting the world to rights and eating delicious cakes washed down with excellent coffee and tea. More such events will follow. Gill Jones was the first hostess.
New netball sessions are giving women a flexible way to play the sport. The borough council’s Active Charnwood team is hosting the Netball Now sessions at Wreake Valley Academy in Syston.
At the March meeting, Anne Spanswick presented an excellent report of the federation Annual Council Meeting, using Power Point. Four other ladies enjoyed this event along with Anne, especially the main speaker, Gyles Brandreth. He was very entertaining, and received a standing ovation.
The fun and informal sessions are being run in partnership with Leicestershire County Council and Leicestershire and Rutland Sport.
Then Alan Heggs spoke about his hobby, marshalling at Silverstone. Some hobby! Although no racing can take place without marshalls, they are volunteers who have to train for 2 years, perform extremely responsible tasks, such as dealing with fires and accidents, and have to provide all their own equipment, of which there is a considerable amount. In return they have an excellent view of the racing. Alan obviously derives a great deal of pleasure from this activity. He then judged the competition, a model car. The winner was a wonderful Rolls Royce made from nuts, nails, hinges and other hardware, by the late husband of Ann Haywood. This was quite a night for husbands, three of whom enjoyed the meeting as visitors.
They’re aimed at women over 16 who simply want to turn up and play without any coaching or commitments.
The WI meet at the Jubilee Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, and visitors are always welcome. The entrance fee is £4, including refreshments.
Oaks in Charnwood Spring Fair Spring Bank Holiday Monday 27th May 2019 To be held at: Oaks Road, Oaks in Charnwood, LEICS, LE12 9YD 10am-4pm If you are in need of some entertainment for the whole family this spring bank holiday weekend, why not come along to the Oaks in Charnwood Spring Fair on Monday 27th May 2019. There is plenty to see and do for people of all ages. A wide selection of over sixty stalls and attractions including: heavy horse log pulling demonstrations, inflatable maze for children, excellent food, face painting, games, hog roast, live entertainment, quad bikes, dog show, flower festival and much more. This is a great way to support local businesses while having a good time in the beautiful setting of Oaks in Charnwood. Entry cost: £3 per adult, under 16’s free and dogs welcome. Stalls are still available for booking Mary Hayward Email: oakscountryfair@shepshedandoaks.co.uk - Tel: 07545 817664
Samantha Chamberlain, community sport and physical activity development officer said: “These sessions are perfect for anyone who enjoys playing netball but doesn’t want to play in a competitive environment. “It’s not a coached session, people are able to simply turn up, pay a small fee and play a game of netball.” Sessions cost £3 and all you need to do is turn up and bring appropriate footwear. The sessions get underway on Thursday April 18, 6.30pm-7.30pm. If you want more information, contact Sam Chamberlain at samantha.chamberlain@ charnwood.gov.uk or 01509 632534. Keep up to date with Active Charnwood on social media, follow @Activecharnwood or like their page on Facebook.
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Charnwood Hearing Aid Centre Lynne Leeming, MSc RHAD, MSHAA
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The Martin High School... “Inspiring to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.” We are Martin High School Romeo and Juliet Year 7 Production Miss Milner and her student codirectors Weronika Archacker and Grace Richardson (Year 9) are currently working on directing their 30 minute adaptation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet with 14 year 7 pupils who auditioned earlier in the term. They are working tirelessly to refine an exciting adaptation of Romeo and Juliet involving dance, music and stage combat, which will be performed to an audience in Nottingham this coming March (26th and 27th March) at Friesland Performing Arts centre as part of 'The Shakespeare Project' involving 3 other East Midland schools. Thank you for parents for supporting this new creative collaboration. More information will follow on our school website.
Miss Milner – Head of Drama/Creative Arts
GCSE Art and Design
A huge well done to our Year 11 pupils who completed their final coursework at the start of December. They have spent the Autumn Term experimenting and developing ideas to produce their final piece of artwork under exam conditions as part of their Mock Exams. This was not an easy task – a whole 10 hours of silence over 2 days! We are confident that this has prepared them well for their final art exam in May. We are really proud of their achievements and how they have risen to the challenges of completing meaningful and personal artwork - some on a very large scale indeed! You will be able to see the whole collection in the Summer Term.
Ms Newton and Ms Marsh
National Apprenticeship and British Science Week
Over the last 2 weeks we have been putting on a range of events for National Apprenticeship and British Science Week. We have had lots going on with competitions, talks and presentations!
For Science Week we saw workshops everyday which included getting involved in creating chemical reactions, physics extravaganza which included a giant hover board, discovering how the brain works and also a visit from The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair who gave us exciting shows, interactive workshops, exhibits and careers information. Dr Chris Blatchford who is a Senior Analytical Specialist in the Research and Development Department at 3M came along to talk to our students who are involved in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).
Ofsted - 5 – 6th February 2019 ‘We are delighted that the hard work of staff, pupils, and parents/carers has been recognised in this report. We are particularly pleased that as well as vital areas such as safeguarding, leadership, and teaching and learning, the work we do with extra-curricular activities has been highlighted. We work hard encouraging pupils to express themselves in music, sport, and the arts so to see that singled out for praise is very pleasing. We firmly believe in the value of these activities when it comes to pupils’ sense of potential.’ We would again like to thank all in our school community for their continued support as this has helped Martin High go from strength to strength. The report addressed a number of very positive achievements since the previous report in 2016. These include: Leadership and management • Senior leaders, including governors, have established a culture of high expectations. They continue to seek improved progress and higher attainment for all pupils. • Leaders have made marked improvements in the quality of teaching and learning. Pupils are now making good progress in most subjects. Teaching, learning and assessment • Most teachers prepare lessons that interest pupils and are pitched at the right level. • Pupils develop their literacy and numeracy skills across a range of subjects. • Behaviour in most lessons and around the school is good. Pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning. • The curriculum and enrichment activities promote pupils’ development well. Personal development, behaviour and welfare • The support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive has improved. • The curriculum and enrichment activities promote pupils’ development well. • Provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is particularly strong. Pupils can participate in a number of clubs, trips and curriculum events. • The promotion of pupils’ personal development and welfare is strong. The school’s arrangements for keeping pupils safe are effective. Pupils feel safe and well supported. Outcomes for pupils • The progress of most pupils who leave Year 11 has improved. Their attainment is in line with the national average. • Additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils is having a positive effect. Disadvantaged pupils’ rate of progress across a wide range of subjects is in line with that of their peers and other pupils nationally. The report has given some examples of areas that needed further development; improving the attendance of disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND needs to be looked at as does working on plans to spend additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils. • The school joined the Lionheart Academies Trust in September 2018 and the report identified that this - ‘brought a renewed vigour to local governance.’ Being part of the Lionheart has enabled us to hugely improve our learning environment and the curriculum vision of the trust will mean our learners achieve the success they deserve as we work in partnership to constantly improve the quality of teaching and learning. • Safeguarding at Martin High was also recognised as a stand-out quality of the school, with the work done around internet safety and extremist behaviour highlighted. The relationship with parent/carers was also credited as an important part of keeping students safe.
Laura Sanchez – Executive Head Teacher /Paul Wicken – Associate Head Teacher N.B. All the news stories included are just a small snippet of what we do as a school, if you would like to find out more please go to our website…www.martinhigh.org
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
Country Market It is 100 years since the first Country Market opened. In 1919 members of the fledgling Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Institute saw the need, after World War I, for preserves and fresh food to be available for all. In that time of food shortages and hardship following the return of men from the front, women were suddenly asked the leave the jobs they had been doing in factories and on the land in order to provide employment for the men. This left them with no income of their own, so an opportunity to use garden produce for jam and to sell the surplus veg they had grown was welcomed. So, WI markets was formed and held in village halls around the country.
Did you know that Glenfield has a weekly Country Market? A wide range of homemade cakes and preserves, quality crafts, plants and home-grown produce are on sale.
Refreshments are served Free entry. Come along to see us and to support this local event. Where? St Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church Centre When? Each Friday morning 9am-11am
For more details contact: glenfieldmarket@gmail.com They came into their own during World War II as well, making sure every raspberry was turned into jam and not a single cabbage was wasted. Some craft was done too as women were encouraged to â&#x20AC;&#x153;make do and mendâ&#x20AC;? and produce clothing and blankets which were in short supply. Jams and preserves were so precious and the fear of invasion so real, that they were kept in locked and guarded cupboards between markets with instructions that they should be destroyed rather than be allowed to fall into enemy hands! Again, after the war, women were sent â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;back to the kitchenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and found a welcome outlet for their time and skills at the WI market.
The next big change was when the Charities Commission came into being and stated that the WI could not run a business as well as having charitable status, so restructuring and a name change to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Country Markets Ltdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; was necessary, though still with the WI ethos for high standards and only products grown or made by producers allowed to be sold. So here we are, a century later.
In partnership with
Me Time Carers â&#x20AC;&#x201C; join us at Cedar Mews for this FREE session
Thursday 11th April, 2.00-4.00pm
You may have read before that there is a Country Market every Friday in Glenfield. We open at St Peterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church Centre from 9am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 11am. There is a cake stall with preserves and a wide choice of tasty home bakes, savoury and sweet. There is a craft stall where our talented crafters present a vast array of different handmade goods to suit all pockets. On the plant and gardens stall a range of homegrown plants are available, both for indoors and outdoors, and seasonal homegrown produce. There are also handcrafted birdboxes, bat boxes, bug hotels and hedgehog-nest boxes and feeders to help us to encourage wildlife into our gardens. This popular weekly event is open to members of the wider local community who come along to have a chat over refreshments from our friendly cafĂŠ area. People who attend the Market, as customers or producers, are encouraged to get involved in activities organised to reflect the seasons. In December we once again invited everyone to wear festive clothes and colours and are currently in the process of organising our popular Easter Bonnet Competition which is usually well supported and much enjoyed. As Glenfield and the surrounding villages expand with new housing developments, we know that new residents wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily know that we exist. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s free entry and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parking at the Church Centre itself! Expect a friendly welcome when you arrive. New comers and regulars alike frequently say they love the friendly atmosphere. We are also looking out for more producers, particularly bakers, to attend and to sell their wares â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all you need is an up to date Hygiene Certificate (this can be done on line) and to take up Country Market Membership (5p for life membership!) We do hope that this makes you feel you would like to give us a try. Bring a friend and join us one Friday soon! For more details/enquiries contact: glenfieldmarket@gmail.com
Come and discover ways to make time for yourself in your busy caring role, why it matters and the benefits for your health. Speak to professionals about support and network with other carers. To book please contact Jeanette Silver at Age UK t: 01509 260 327 Or contact: Cedar Mews Care Home, Hallam Field Road, Birstall, Leicester LE4 3LX t: 0116 267 4835 I e: cedar.haa@cinnamoncc.com
GOT AN ARTICLE TO SEND US? We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: yourlocal@ openboxpromotions.co.uk
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