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Satur Sat Sa atu urda da ay y 15th 15th Decem De ece ember mb be er Childr Child dren' en's C Christmas hriis stmas P Party arty a rty rt y
This is for Members Child dren and Grandchildren Only - 2PM 2PM-4:30PM. M4 Disco, Magic, Games and a special visit from Santa. Put u your name down on the lisst on the inside notice board. d
Friday 7th h December
Sean Sea S ean L ea Laney La an aney ne ey Fantastic F antastic c Male Solo l
Saturday 8 8th December
Chloe C hlo oe o eA Allen lle en
We W e Give Her H AW Warm arm Welcome T Welcome To o The Club Friday 14tth December
Ad dam am J James ames Wilf lford Brillia ant Solo
Saturday 15 5th December
Zoe Zo Z oe S Sno no n ow
Excellent Loc cal Female Duo Friday 21s st December
Ali A li By By Request Re R eq e qu ues ue est e stt s
You Y ou Requestt The Songs S For Her T To o Sing Saturday 22 2nd December
Co ollette llet ett tte te e Carthy Carthy Lively Fem male V Vocalist ocalist
Monday 24 4th December
Ke K ellie e lliie
Out Of This W World Vocalist V To T o Bring The Ch hristmas Spirit Friday 28tth December
Toni T o oni
Fantastic F antastic Female Solo
Monday M ond da ay 24 24t 4ttth hD De December ece em e mb ber Christm C hriis stma mas mas s Ev ve
We have the Excellent Kellie. e She is back by popularr demand and is a singer not to be missed. She will ensure to get us in the Chriistmas Spirit - EVERYONE IS S WELCOME!! (No Ticketts Needed) FREE ENTRY
Monday M ond day 311st st De December ece emb be er r2 2018 20 018 Ne ew Y Year ear ea rs Ev ve
Neil Warner and Eye 2 Eye are here with us to celebrate the New Y Ye ear and bring in 2019. Tickets go on sale to Members on nly on Saturday 1st December 2018. Members Ticket price is £4.00. Non n-Members tickets go on sale Saturday 15th December 2018. Non-mem mbers ticket price is £8.00 - No Children allowed under 5 years of age. Ticckets available from the Club Bar Staffff
Sa Satur Sat atu tur rda day d y 12 12t 12th 2tth J January anuar ry y2 201 20 2019 019 Our O ur a annual nnual C Christmas hriis ist stma as P Pantomime ant nto ntomime nto omime e
This year is Jack and The Beanstalk. 2PM-5PM - Everryone is welcome. Tickets go on sale on Saturday 1st December 2018.. Ticket prices are Family Ticket (2 Adults & 2 Children) - £17.00 - Adultts £6.00, Children £4.00. Tickets available from the Club Ba ar Stafff. f.
Bn Bingo Bi ngo go Ev ve ery ry Fri riday id day d & Sa S Sat Satur atu at t r rd rda da day d ay N Night ight ig From 9:30PM (Tickets Finish Selling at this Time)
Sunday S Su nd day Lunch Lunch Bingo L Bin B ngo go o From 1.00PM (Tickets Finish Selling At This Time)
Saturday 29 9th December
Chris C hriis Ge Ge Geor eo or rge ge Li ely Liv l Ma Male l V Vocalist ocalist lii t
Monday 31st 1 December
Neil Ne eiil W Warner ar a rner rne ne er And And Eye E ye 2 E Eye ye D Duo uo 2 Excelllent Acts To T o Bring The Th he New Ne ew Year Year In
Bo Bo oxing xing x xi in ng Matches Match Mat atc tch hes es & F Foot ootball o ottba ball Matches Mat atc tche hes es The club features 2 big screens that we sh how sporting events ev ents on via Sky Sports Spor rts and BT Sports. Also o there are 3 HD TV V’s in the Front Bar.
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DAWN HARRIS T: 0800 6446 150 E: dawn@openboxpromotions.co.uk
Anste ey’s Annual A San nta Gro otto
DISTRIBUTION MANAGER ANDREW LEWIS M: 07504 634 838 E: andy@openboxpromotions.co.uk
Saturday y 8th December 2018
PUBLISHED BY OPEN BOX PROMOTIONS LTD T: 0800 6446 150 E: sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk W: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk Open Box Promotions Ltd, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ
PRINTED BY NORWOOD PRESS T: 01530 262020 E: info@norwoodpress.co.uk W: www.norwoodpress.co.uk Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, LE67 1EU
NEXT ISSUE OUT DELIVERY DATE: Friday 4th January 2019
10am Wednesday 2nd Janaury 2019 Deadline and delivery dates are subject to change depending on how far we are ahead or behind.
Meet Santa and his Elves s and receive eive a spe ecial cuddly dly toy - £3 per Child ild Th his year we are de d lighted to welcome back
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Report from Anstey Parish Council
World War One Bunting
History Society, Women’s Institute, Arts and Craft groups, the Scouts, Brownies, the Anstey Swifts FC. This project has united the community in remembrance and there has been great enthusiasm to be involved. Thanks goes out to all that have made this project a success. As well as the countless individuals who have volunteered to create this.
The bunting is being displayed at Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey, there will be an open day on Monday 17th December for people to come in a view the bunting between 10.30 – 4.30pm. It is planned for the bunting to stay up until after remembrance 2019 and will be displayed every remembrance after. The bunting will also be available to view on the Anstey Parish Council website.
Over the past few months the community of Anstey have pulled together to create a lasting memorial to the fallen soldiers of have taken part in this project. Craig Clarke a resident of Anstey who w Anstey who lost their lives in the First and Pupils from tSecond World War’s. R
This project has united the community in remembrance and
Residents have been making individual pieces of bunting that contains the name of each soldier as noted on the war memorial at Stadon Road, Anstey.
The bunting project is part of the commemorations this year put together by Anstey Parish Council to celebrate the centenary of the end of World War I. A tea party was held in August attended by residents over the age of 90 for an afternoon of cake and singing. Memorial benches have been placed at
A date for your diary the Parish Council is organising a mosaics workshop on Thursday 24th January 2019. This will be an opportunity for a small number of residents to come along to the Jubilee Hall to learn more about mosaics artwork and discuss appropriate artwork for Groby Road housing estate. This workshop will be hosted by award winning artist Julie Vernon, further information about this will be available in the new year. Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 11th December starting at 7.30 at the Jubilee Hall all members of the public are welcome to these meetings.
Clerk to the Council
The following groups have all been instrumental in creating the finished bunting. Pupils from the Martin High School and Latimer Primary School, Mini Movers mother and toddler group, U3A quilting group, the
Public Art – Mosaics Workshop
Liz Hawkes
This project has been co-ordinated by Anstey Parish Council and more than 130 residents (132 pieces of bunting in total) have taken part in this project. Craig Clarke a resident of Anstey who works at HM Prison Leicester has also involved the prisoner’s in creating beautiful bunting and a painting that symbolises the sacrifice.
the War Memorial and restoration work to the memorial has been carried out.
Your councillors are: Martin Broomhead, Nigel Aston, Vicky Ball, Sue Billington, Emma Bown, Ian Grogan, Melissa Hadfield, Mandy Jordan, Glyn McAllister, Roger Peat, Brian Rowlinson, Deborah Taylor and Chris Tunaley. Your councillors can be contacted through the council offices: Tel: (0116) 236 2646 or email: clerk@ansteypc.org
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The Royal British Legion
Charity Number 219279
We would Like to start this month by thanking everyone who attended the Memorial Parade in the village of Anstey, it was very heartwarming to see so many residents attending the Parade and service.
Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council
A Big thank you to all the residents on the Parade route that supported the road closure it was much appreciated by all attendees. There are so Many people we would like to say Thank you to here are just a few as I think we would need the whole of the Local to convey thanks to everyone Firstly Anstey Parish Council for the room and facilities at the Jubilee Hall. The Stadon Club Bradgate Road for supplying the Bar Beverages and the Buffet along with their time on Remembrance Sunday. Beaumont Leys shopping Centre for allowing the Members to collect for poppies during the period running up to remembrance day , The Local shops Restaurants and Public Houses who very kindly had the poppy appeal boxes on their premises .
November's film showed us the hardship in Guernsey under Nazi rule during WW11. It necessitated eating potato peel in a pie at the astounding literary society but, somehow, it was possible for members to drink home-made liquor to wash it down. For years, there was an awful mystery. Where was the key member of the book club, Elizabeth? Questions were answered and unbreakable bonds were made. This was a fine, rewarding film. "The Greatest Showman" will be shown on December 14th and lasts 105 minutes. Our December musical film is ideal to prepare for Christmas joy.
Our schools Woolden Hill Anstey Latimer and Anstey Martin High just to name a few , A Huge Thanks to Anstey and District funeral directors who not only donated to the Branch so we could provide a fitting tribute to celebrate the Anniversary of the end of the 1st world war but also providing support for the Marshals on the Parade date itself.
Hugh Jackman sings so well as P.T. Barnum who is a politician, businessman and showman in the Barnum and Bailey Circus. This “rags to riches” story is touching at times and such a pleasure to watch.
As a thank you our Chairman present Aaron from Anstey and District Funeral Directors with a Plaque as per the photo below. Currently we have estimated we have collected over £30,000 with the combined efforts of Anstey, Beaumont Leys and Glenfield so a massive thank you to everyone.
"Edie" will be shown on January 11th 2019 and lasts 102 minutes.
Our Next Meeting is Monday January 14th 2019 at 7.30pm at the Stadon Club Bradgate Road Anstey if you are interested in becoming a member please come along and see us you will be made very welcome.
Having been advised to go into a residential home by her daughter, the 85 year old Edie decides to climb Scotland's remotest mountain instead. The stalwart Sheila Hancock, who is the same age as her character, sublimely plays this determined widow, to fulfil her dream. Our New Year film is set against the stunning backdrop of the Scottish Highlands.
Finally the Members of the Anstey Branch of the Royal British Legion would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy new year.
"Mamma Mia-Here We Go Again" will be shown on February 8th.
Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost the usual £5 which will includes refreshments and a lucky prize draw during the interval. Advanced tickets may be purchased via the parish office – 0116 236 7626 or at the door.
Paul Clarke our Chairman is always available on 07738599846 John Dowling Vice Chairman also available on 01163193452 or 07990065263.
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
GRANTS FOR LOCAL CAUSES Anstey Town Charity trustees will be holding their annual grants meeting in April next year to distribute funds to local charities and groups Applicants must be based in the village or serve the community of Anstey. These include non profit organisations, voluntary groups, youth organisations, sports clubs, faith and community groups. The Charity also has the discretion to award grants to individuals who may require support for educational or special needs projects. The Trustees require an independently up to date verified or audited statement of accounts. It is also helpful if applicants can indicate what activity, age group, equipment or project the grant is needed for and an approximate costing. They are also interested to know how many Anstey residents will benefit from the grants and are required to include a contact name and address and telephone number with their applications.
Charnwood Voices Christmas Concert Saturday December 15th at 7.30pm Charnwood Voices are looking forward to their Christmas Concert at St Paul’s Woodhouse Eaves – ‘On the Way to Bethlehem‌’ which promises to be a magical evening of Christmas songs and carols conducted by Nicholas Scott-Burt. This is a return visit for the choir after a very successful concert two years ago which was standing room only! So get your tickets in advance by emailing tickets@charnwoodvoices.org or from a member of the choir. There will be some available on the door but to be sure‌ The tickets cost ÂŁ10 and that includes a glass of wine and a mince pie. U16s are free. We do hope to fill the church once more so come along for a fantastically festive evening!
In 2018 ÂŁ1,860 was awarded to seven local groups and organisations. During the last 12 years the Charity has awarded over ÂŁ30,000 to over 30 local applicants. Applications should be sent by the 31st of January 2019 to Anstey Town Charity, Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey LE7 7AY. For further details ring Vicky Ball 2125315 We Need Your Help. The charity, under the terms of its scheme laid down by the Charity Commission, cannot invest any of its income, this must be given to the community of Anstey. However the Anstey Town Charity is able to invest grants and donations with the Charities Investment Fund. With increasing demands for financial support the nine unpaid Trustees are anxious to attract this kind of funding from local bodies and individuals, perhaps in memory of a loved one or in appreciation of the work done by the Charity on behalf the village. They are very grateful for the support they receive from the Anstey Parish Council and the Gala Committee but hope that groups who have benefitted from their grants may feel able to make donations to the Anstey Town Charity to enhance their work in the local community.
Anstey Local History Society
If you would like your family named poppy that was displayed at Anstey War Memorial, please tel: 07870197958
0800 64 446 150
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Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club Botanic Gardens of the Commonwealth by Jonnie Amos
support from George III’s wife, Queen Charlotte. Johnnie explained that few Botanic Gardens had such help. However, their importance is such that groups of people often come together to create them with little resources or money.
The November meeting of the Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club was Johnnie Amos talking about Botanic Gardens of the Commonwealth.
One of the most important functions of Botanic Gardens is conservation. There is a high risk of plants dying out in the wild in many parts of the world. So one key aim of is to collect rare plants, and preserve seed, so that plants can be re-introduced to their natural habitat. Kew has over 9000 plants that are under threat.
Johnnie has had a long life in horticulture and has been lucky enough to be able to visit many Botanic Gardens all over the world, both for work and pleasure. In this talk he showed some examples of Botanic Gardens but also talked about the importance of their work.
Perhaps the greatest and earliest Botanic Garden is at Kew. The developments at Kew originally brought about by royal were
Johnnie also stressed how important it is for Botanic Gardens to work closely together because another important job is to stop the spread of diseases across the world. Another aspect of their work in some countries is to attempt to remove nonindigenous trees and plants. In South Africa, there is an attempt to remove eucalyptus trees in the wild because they absorb so much water which in turn produces drought. Through this talk, Johnnie helped us understand better the important work of Botanic Gardens across the world. The Club meets in the Thurcaston and Cropston Memorial Hall. New members are always welcome. The annual membership fee is still only £12 (£3) for visitors. Fees are on a pro rata basis after the first 3 months. And, if you would like to come as a visitor and then you decide to join, your visitor fee will be refunded!! For more information please call Dave Haddon on (0116) 235 9758 or email: david.haddon20@ntlworld.com
Programme of Events 2019 9th January 2019 It shouldn’t happen to a Nurseryman, but it did. Steve Budding 13th February 2019 Grow The Best Glorious Plants - Adam Pasco 13th March 2019 Colour Combinations - Arthur Parkinson 10th April 2019 Pelargoniums - Heather Godard-Key 8th May 2019 Asters - Helen Picton Friday 11th May 2019 Club trip to the RHS Malvern Spring Show 12th June 2019 Colour in the Leaf - Anthony Norman 10th July 2019 Evening Visit to Barkby Hall 14th August 2019 Cottage Gardening - Tony Clear Saturday 7th September 2019 36th Annual Show Richard Hill Primary School Thursday 13th September 2019 Day trip to Trentham Gardens 9th October The Life and Colour of thePyrenees Antony Powell 13th November 2019 The Winter Garden - Joe Whitehead 11th December 2019 Festive Evening
Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans. So - Breedon on the Hill is from three languages, each providing a word meaning ‘Hill’: thus ‘Hill Hill on the Hill’.
In The Beans? Dr D McNeil Long ago there was on the radio a series called ‘Dick Barton, special agent’. He was never associated, as far as I know, with a bean. Yet again, Hill Hill on the Hill does sound a rather improbable name. Yet such places exist in our countryside. Have you ever wondered about a ‘thorpe’, a ‘by’, or a ‘ton’? And where on earth would someone concoct a name like Loughborough?
specialist in interpreting names, but while working on the Roots project she had encountered a lady who was. Also there were a couple of books which she recommended which listed the meanings of place names in Leicestershire.
Of course there are other complications. Land ownership may be celebrated by places being named after the owner. The syllables ‘ough’ in Loughborough are pronounced in two different ways, the second of which is derived from ‘Burgh’. This leads me to suspect that some names have been altered as time has gone by rather than by a new culture. I knew an old lady several years ago who pronounced ‘Woodhouse’ as “woodus’. As the spelling of the English language became more organised, think what chaos that could have caused. One of my ancestors had six children, and ‘McNeil’ was spelt differently in every case on the census return.
English place-names often come from ancient sources. In those times England was peopled by various cultures which usually swept in from the east. Each of these cultures had its own language, and over time place names may have been altered or added to These are some of the questions that by them. First – as far back as it is practical to confronted Julie Attard, late of the At one At one timetime every every family’s family’s diet diet included included bread relied on aon constant a constant supply of of go,which as which no relied doubt there were very supply ancient Charnwood Roots project and now thebread If we did nef time every family’s diet included bread which relied on a constant supply ofnot find out about Barton in the names from languages and peoples we Charnwood Forest development manager, Beans, at least she cleared up Woodhouse know nothing about – are the Celts; with when she spoke at the Friends of the Eaves. The ‘Eaves’ part means ‘on the edge each wave of immigrants these people’s Charnwood Forest meeting on Monday of’. Would you like to live in a place called culture would have been pushed into the (Charnwood – from the Celtic ‘carn’ – a pile ‘On The Edge Of Woodhouse’? People do, more remote, mountainous areas of these of stones ans ‘wudu’ – a wood). She started apparently without realising it. islands. Then there were the Romans, the her talk by stating that she was not a
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David Snartt Reports... Borough Councillor for Forest Bradgate
John Sutherington I was pleased to see so many people at the Service of Thanksgiving for John. It was a fitting tribute to someone who had devoted so much of his life for the good of other people. The service reflected the man himself, especially the pieces of music chosen throughout the service, with a ‘tribute to our dad’ spoken by his daughter. It was also good that Councillors had the opportunity to record their thoughts about John at the Full Council meeting on Monday 5th November.
Moving on In my view, it will be hard to fill the shoes of this long serving Borough Councillor. I understand a by-election will take place on the 20th December 2018, where a new Borough Councillor will be elected to serve alongside Councillor Deborah Taylor. Perhaps this is not the best time to have an election just before the busy festive period, but I am hopeful that residents within the Parish will take time to go and vote. In my opinion, Anstey need full representation at Charnwood Borough Council, especially as the number of residents living in the Parish has increased over recent years.
Remembrance Sunday This year Remembrance Sunday was a special day, the Centenary of the end of the First World War. Many services of Commemoration took place in local towns and villages across the County. I attended the service at Welbeck Defence 6th Form College, Woodhouse. This takes the form of a drumhead service, which is a Religious service conducted in the field during armed conflict, often near the battle front. This year, it seemed a fitting way to remember all the people who paid the ultimate sacrifice during the First World War. The College was also proud to support the special commemorative event for the fallen, “There But Not There�. This commemorates the
centenary through a nationwide installation of life-size silhouettes of soldiers. These figures represent every name of the British and Commonwealth fallen during the First World War. In the evening I attended a service in Leicester Cathedral to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War. This service included a poignant dance routine performed by students from the Curve Dance Company lead by Mel Knott (daughter in-law to Lydia). I also made time to call in at the Linford, Newtown Linford to look at the impressive commemorative stone which has been placed at the front of the building, It was also interesting to see the many photographs that were on display showing the history of village life.
Land Adjacent to 57 Main Street You may recall that a planning application to develop 3 dwellings on land between Grey Crescent and 57 Main Street, Newtown Linford was refused by Charnwood Borough Council and dismissed by a Government Inspector on appeal. After a recent meeting with the resident living at 57 Main Street, I was delighted to hear that they had purchased the land and do not have plans to develop this. I am sure residents living adjacent to this part of the village, who objected to the planning application will be very pleased with this outcome. Especially as the new owners are looking to improve the area of land, returning part of it to its previous use as an orchard. In my view, this will again help to maintain and enhance the Newtown Linford Conservation Area, therefore I am grateful to the residents who have purchased this land, keeping it as green space.
Planning Application Maplewell Road. P/18/0715/2
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I have now received the refusal notice from Charnwood Borough Council about the proposal to develop up to 50 dwellings, adjacent to Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves. In my opinion, this was a very contentious planning application with many objections to the proposal by local residents, I thought I would make sure the two reasons outlined in the refusal notice were communicated in my report. These reasons included the following: The application site lies outside the limits to development of Woodhouse Eaves, which is identified by Policy CS1 as being in the ‘Other Settlements’ category of its settlement hierarchy. Policy CS1 makes provision to meet the local social and economic need to development in Other Settlements by responding positively to small scale opportunities within defined limits to development. The proposal is not small scale and not within the settlement boundary and neither has a local housing need been demonstrated. It is also stated: The proposal would cause substantive and significant harm to the character and appearance of the landscape and the setting of Woodhouse Eaves. If you would like to see the full refusal notice please visit Charnwood Borough Council’s website. I am sure you are aware applicants can appeal against the decision of the Local Planning Authority. This must be done within 6 months of the date of the decision notice. I just want to add my thanks to all residents who took the time to respond to this application. In my view, it did show very clearly the local response, not only in numbers (over 200) but the planning reasons put forward for refusal. I will keep you informed of any changes in the current position.
Local Government in Leicestershire I have indicated in previous reports I would keep you informed about the proposed changes to the structure of local government in Leicestershire. The Leader of Charnwood Borough Council has stated: Leicestershire MPs have written to the Leaders of all seven district councils and the Leader of Leicestershire County Council about their respective reviews of the structure of local government in Leicestershire and specifically the County
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Council’s ambition to create a single unitary council. The MPs have made it very clear that, in their view, which is supported by the Secretary of State, commissioning any reviews of the local authority structure is “wholly unnecessary� and any such reviews should immediately stop – which the district councils accept. Therefore, Charnwood Borough Council, along our fellow district councils in Leicestershire have agreed to halt the review of structural changes in the county.
that amount of time, my application was deemed invalid. Therefore, in my view, the opportunity to have a strong local voice to represent local communities has been lost. I do hope that whoever is successful when filling the vacancies understands the Deed of Trust and the subsequent Charity Scheme along with a good knowledge of the local area.
It will be interesting to see how this item develops over the coming months and the future direction the County Council will take.
A planning application to erect 2 detached dwellings adjacent to 293 Bradgate Road, which was refused by Charnwood Borough Council has now gone to appeal to be decided by a Government Inspector. As this is close to the Newtown Linford Parish boundary, I sent details of my concerns and objections to the Planning Inspectorate.
Bradgate Park Trustees You may have seen on the Bradgate Park website the Trust were advertising for interested people to apply to become Independent Trustees. You also may know I was a Trustee whilst I was a County Councillor. Therefore, I thought I was in a unique position to become part of the Trust again as an Independent Trustee. Not only for my experience gained, but to represent the local community as a Borough Councillor. In my view, Bradgate Park has a big impact on the local area and, in my opinion, the Trust need to understand more fully the consequences of their actions going forward and be good neighbours when making strategic decisions for the future wellbeing of local communities, especially the host village of Newtown Linford. It seems now because there is a time limit of nine years a Trustee can serve on the Trust for
Land Adjacent to 293 Bradgate Road Anstey
Although this is within Anstey Parish, in my view, it compromises the area of separation between Anstey and Newtown Linford. This conflicts with the Local Pan, Core Strategy Policy CS11 which states: “we will retain the following areas of separation – Anstey/ Newtown Linford�. The proposed site is situated outside the development area of Anstey and is only served by a two hourly bus service, which, in my opinion, would make the car the main mode of transport, adding to the unsustainability of this site. I believe the Policies within the Core Strategy should carry full weight now the Council can demonstrate a five year housing land supply. This is in contrast when we have seen so much piecemeal development in all areas of the
village when the Council’s land supply was under five years. I will be interested to see the decision made by the Inspector when deciding this appeal.
Doorstep Callers I have had residents contact me about a male doorstep caller to their property after dark. I have contacted the Police, they have given the following advice. You should only let someone in to your home if you’re absolutely sure that they are genuine and you want them in your home. You don’t need to open the door for them and don’t feel embarrassed about turning them away. Be wary of bogus callers who try and trick their way into your home by pretending to be a meter reader, police officer, council official, or any ordinary person needing help. You can ask the person to come back another time when someone you trust will be with you. If you are worried about doorstep callers dial 999 and ask for the Police. May I take this opportunity now we are leading up to the festive season, to wish all residents a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. If you need to contact me on any issue, please write to 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH e-mail cllr.david.snartt@charnwood.gov.uk or telephone 01530 244804.
David Snartt
Glenfield Ladies Coope erative Choir presents
Saturday DECEMBER 8th 7.30pm
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There was also a very special assembly on Friday afternoon, organised by Mr Foote, where the children were introduced to Author Rachel Greaves who performed one of her most recent stories, centred around the theme of WW1.
There are some fantastic pictures on our Twitter page so do please take a look @latimerprimary for more information.
Alongside all of our work on Remembrance Day, the school a whole also took part in ran SAA in Paint by a Poppy competition association with The British Legion. As Arts coordinator across the school, Mrs Broome discovered the competition and thought it would be something very special for us all to take part in. Each year group worked incredibly hard to create a display that would be put together to create our school’s entry Here are some examples in the competition… work. of the amazing
Class CJ created their own Haiku poems for Remembrance day.
to find We will wait out how we get on in the competition and keep you posted, but regardless of winning , it is safe to say that the children all had a fabulous time and did proud with their creative us hard work!
Class ER have been learning about the significance of the Poppy Appeal and how it still helps veterans today. They also shared their research homework.
Hundreds supported to quit smoking for Stoptober
In-house service helps people kick the habit
Check out the SAA website for more information on this and upcoming competitions https://www.saa.co.uk/.
Poppy Competition Paint a
As you can see the children have been busy learning incredibly about Remem this in many ways. brance week, different
memorial for Anstey!
Here at Latimer we understand the Classes KB and their importance of showing our respect to mark HC made own Remembrance Day, this year being very poppies particularly special as it marked 100 years to wear in the since the end of WW1. The whole school took assembly on part in a two minute silence on Friday, either Friday, and they in the school hall led by Ms Mitchell or in looked very classrooms and each of the classes did some smart. additional learning around Remembrance As part of their on work Remembrance, Class Day and why we celebrate it. VC have been busy designing a new war
More than 300 people in Leicestershire attempted to ditch the cigarettes during last month’s Stoptober challenge. Figures show a total of 332 people were supported by our in-house QuitReady service. We are delighted that more than 300 Leicestershire residents took part in Stoptober as kicking the habit can be difficult. “Sadly, smoking is still a leading cause of premature death, which is why we would encourage people to sign up to our free service. Councillor Pam Posnett, cabinet member for health and wellbeing
five times more likely to stop smoking for good. However, QuitReady advisors say that the Evidence shows that people who quit for 28-days, are first 12 months as an ex-smoker may still present challenges and have issued some top tips to stay smoke free: place; Remind yourself of the reasons you decided to quit in the first • Make a list of all the good things quitting smoking has given you so far; • Keep busy and if you want to smoke, distract yourself – cravings shouldn’t last for more than five minutes; • The support of friends and family can be vital – tell them that you are determined to quit for good and let them know how they can help you;
• Staying smoke free is a big achievement. So whether you buy yourself something special with the money you have saved, or go out for a meal with friends, make sure you treat yourself. You can contact QuitReady for stop smoking advice and support, including free stop smoking medication and E-Cigarette starter kits with follow on nicotine liquids, by calling 0345 646 66 66, texting 'ready' to 66777 or visiting: www.quitready.co.uk
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The Martin High School... “Inspiring to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.” We are Martin High School Remembrance Bunting
Our Christmas Spectacular
Our Year 10 Design Technology Textiles have been working on design and development all term and have completed 13 small Remembrance banners for Anstey Parish Council as part of a mock NEA for GCSE prep.
The Anstey Parish council has run a bunting project to commemorate each of the 109 men on the Anstey war memorial by name. Different community groups have been making 109 small banners. Here at MHS we have made 13 banners and pour brief was to decorate them with the soldier's name. We did a lot of research about some of the individuals, such as family and where in the village they lived. The finished work is to be displayed in the Anstey Jubilee hall.
Remembrance Assembly On Friday 9th November, the Martin High School marked Remembrance Day with their annual Remembrance assembly. One way in which the significance of 2018 being the 100th year since the end of WW1 was marked, was with a field of poppies in front of the school. There were 109 poppies which is a significant number, as it is the number of names that appear on the Anstey war memorial. This ties in with the Anstey Remembrance bunting project which sees each name featuring on a small banner made by community groups around the village. That work is currently on display in the village hall.
Our drama productions are legendary and certainly a great night out for all the family.
The poppies at MHS were made over a period of weeks leading up to Remembrance Day by the engineering club, as the work involved laser cutting the acrylic pieces, thermo forming them into shape, threading the aluminium bar and then final assembly. They are being sold for a suggested donation of £5 to the Royal British Legion Poppy appeal.
If you would like tickets to secure your place, please contact: office@martinhigh.org.uk and collect from the school.
Miss Bridie Milner
Drama Subject Lead/Head of Creative Arts Pilgrim Foodservice have sponsored the refreshments for this production.
PGL 2018 At the end of September 46 Year 8 students made the journey to PGL in Shropshire for a weekend residential. During the weekend the students completed numerous challenging activities with most of them overcoming a fear or achieving more than they first believed they could. PGL is all about engaging children to learning through adventure. Their adventure activities are designed to motivate, build confidence and encourage development. The students did themselves and our school community proud using our APROUDER Way expectations in order to prove that they could be respectful, resilient and determined. As staff we had a fantastic time too and can’t wait to take next year’s Year 8 students!
Miss S Yeabsley
Subject Lead for Media Studies
Classics Enrichment Following a successful club run last year, 10 Year 8 students have chosen to begin study in Classical Civilisations GCSE. These twilight
Mrs J Mercado – Teacher of Textiles/Mr G Davidson – Design Technology Subject Lead sessions are running after school with the intention for these students to sit the GCSE in Year 10. The class focuses on delivering an education in Classical literature and the students are studying and developing a love for Classical Greek heroes and villains such as Hercules, Persephone and Hades. These narratives often form an integral part of private education because of the belief that a secure grounding in Classics is beneficial to all aspects of school life. Here at The Martin High School we share this belief and want to give students the opportunity to experience new areas of the curriculum. The class is run in collaboration with Leicester University and the Lionheart Trust. Throughout the year students will have opportunities to visit the university, attend lectures and take part in other enriching trips.
have been completing the PROUDER way. Using the school’s seven key values of punctuality, respect, organisation, uniform, determination, environment and resilience. – Year 7 pupils have had to prove that they can meet each element of these throughout their learning in order to graduate into a full member of the Martin High community and join older students in their Houses.
Subject Lead for Media Studies
The pupils began by taking part in an intense week of PROUDER focused lessons learning skills from how to introduce yourself to tips and time saving advice so that you are not late in the morning. After the initial week, pupils have been putting these values to the test under the watchful eye of their tutors and Head of Transition. Successful pupils will be invited to attend a Graduation Evening on Monday 17th December, where alongside their fellow graduates and in front of staff and parents they will receive their House colours.
Year 7 Graduation Evening
Miss S Coates – Head of Transition
Miss S Yeabsley
As part of the transition process from primary to secondary school, Martin High Year 7 pupils
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Making Christmas Special
Engineering Week Employees from the RAF came in to talk about what a normal day looks like, what it is like to join how technology and engineering is used in day-to-day life. We have all heard of Sky…our learners met with Sky engineers to see what happens behind the scenes, and how technological advances means faster internet and better TV. We also looked inside their van to see all the equipment they use. The Big Assembly is an annual online viewing for schools and ordinary people around the UK. It is an interactive assembly, with real engineers taking part in a Q and A. Matt joined us to discuss his personal journey through school, university and then finally into the world of engineering. Matt now works for Uniper, one of the top 30 worldwide electricity generators, as a Chartered Mechanical Engineer.
Ever wondered what it takes to be a space engineer? Whether that’s remaining safe on the ground or venturing into space, Sophie talked us through how and why engineering is used to get us out of this world!
Mrs N Kinsey Exams/Careers Officer
Fundraising Events for Nowzad Charity On Friday 18th January we are looking forward to a visit from Pen Farthing an ex-serviceman, author and founder of the Nowzad charity. Nowzad proudly boasts the first official animal shelter in Afghanistan. This well designed and purpose built shelter in Kabul provides a safe home for 150 dogs and over 40 former street cats rescued by locals and soldiers. Often soldiers adopt these animals and they become ‘lifelines’ to them providing a respite from war, so when the soldier’s tour of duty comes to an end, it is unthinkable to leave them behind so Nowzad carries out all necessary checks and paperwork so they can return home with them, wherever it is in the world. To date Nowzad have reunited over 1200 dogs or cats with the compassionate soldiers that have rescued them. In the lead up to Pen Farthing’s visit we have been involved in various fundraising events for Nowzad. The first was a cake sale which was held on the last day of half-term which raised £120. We also raised £40 by holding a prize draw to pick a rescue dog’s name and the lucky winner was Amy Calvert (7I) and she won a lovely Halloween cake. The school also had a ‘Halloween Accessory day’ to raise even more funds. At this year’s Christmas Fair we intend to do a tombola for Nowzad so if anyone would like to donate a prize it would be very much appreciated as we hope to raise as much money as possible for this very worthwhile charity (www.nowzad.com).
Mrs P Wait –
Library Manager/Lisa Sharma – Catering Manager
This overwhelmingly popular campaign launched on 1st November this year for donations of small gifts for older people in hospital on Christmas Day. The campaign has run with Leicester’s Hospitals for the past 5 years and we are delighted that older people in community hospitals now also benefit. Gift bags (please do not wrap gifts) of a few small items can be donated at any of our Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland shops or resource centres by 14th December. This campaign really does make a difference to older people unable to return home for Christmas and possibly not receiving any other gift on Christmas Day.
mas hundreds of older will have to stay in pital because they are not well enough to go home. Cou uld you donate a present to help make someone’s Christmas speccial?
To donate a prese s nt to an older pati
Suggested gifts: Last donation date: Friday 14 December 2018 • Lip balms, hand lotions, foot A partnersh hip initiative betw ween University Hospitals H of Leicesster NHS Trust r and Leicesttershire Partnersh hip NHS Trust r lotions or other moisturising lotions or hand wipes (either fragrance free or gently fragranced)
Support pp ted byy
Soaps, body wash or deodorant
Slipper socks or bed socks
Chocolates, biscuits, sweets, cereal bars, Halal / Indian sweets (not homemade)
Cordials, original, herbal or flavoured tea-bags, hot chocolate or coffee sachets
Pens, pencils, notepads, notelets, cards, books and puzzle books
Unfortunately we are not able to accept: Edible homemade gifts (cakes, sweets etc), alcohol, electrical items, used clothing or books, DVDs or VHS tapes, political, denominational or religious material, glass items or bottles, and candles. For more information please call 0116 2992233
Nikky Miles - Corporate Fundraiser - Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland
ANSTEY BOROUGH COUNCIL BY ELECTION THURSDAY 20th DECEMBER Are you registered to vote? If you’re not yet on the electoral roll, you can do so very easily online in about 5 minutes. Just go to: www.gov.uk/register-to-vote Don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of local democracy to elect a Borough Councillor for our village. If you need help with this, you can also contact Charnwood Borough Election Office at: electoral.services@charnwood.gov.uk or phone: 01509 634613
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
Deborah Taylor... Latest News Borough Councillor for Anstey & County Councillor for Bradgate Division 6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW - Tel: 0116 2350126 Email: Cllr.Deborah.Taylor@charnwood.gov.uk & Deborah.Taylor@leics.gov.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/CllrDTaylor - Twitter: @CllrDTaylor
It has been a difficult month following the sad passing of Cllr John Sutherington. I had the honour of attending John’s funeral on Monday 29th October along with many family, friends, colleagues and residents of Anstey to say goodbye to ‘Mr Anstey’. The church was full, with many people standing in the aisles, I know John would have been surprised at all the support his family received. On Monday 5th November, following the closure of the main business at Full Council at Charnwood Borough Council, members were invited to remain in the chamber and share their memories of Cllr Sutherington. This recording has been sent to John’s family. The week before, we managed to have a week away in beautiful Anglesey. The weather was very kind to us, with no rain and a week full of rest and long dog walks on the lovely beaches. Anglesey is a beautiful part of the country and well worth a visit, we plan to return in the not too distant future. On the first weekend in November I attended my first module of the Local Government Association ‘Next Generation’ program at Warwick University. It was an extremely intense weekend, but I learnt a lot and I will now try and impart that learning into practice. It was also nice to meet other Councillors from all over the country and I enjoyed our discussions over dinner. We have also set up a ‘WhatsApp’ group to keep in touch to help and support each other through difficult times. I look forward to the next module in January 2019. On Friday 9th November, I attended a Remembrance Service at County Hall by the ‘Stand Easy’ memorial. Leicestershire County Council’s Chairman also planted a large oak tree at the front of County Hall as a mark of the 100 years anniversary of the end of World War I. This was ahead of Remembrance Day on Sunday 11th November. I attended the service in the morning at Anstey’s war memorial and in the evening the service at St Mary’s church in Anstey, where we remembered all the lives lost during the two World Wars. This included the roll call of the names of residents from Anstey who lost their lives in these wars. On Tuesday 21st November I attended the Pride in Practice Conference at the King Power Stadium in Leicester. The event was organised by Leicestershire County Council and there were 350 frontline staff attending who are working with families and children.
They provide support and practical advice to improve the lives of our young people. It was an inspiring day and showcased the great work that goes on in Leicestershire. There is still work to do but we are moving in the right direction.
averaged around 700 ticket sales. This is a great start for the lottery and if you need any further information so you can support your local groups, please visit the lottery website: www.charnwoodlottery.co.uk
By-Election, Anstey
In the week commencing Monday 5th November all the scrutiny meetings were begun to be held at County Hall with unitary status on the agendas. I attended the Children and Families Overview Scrutiny meeting on the Monday 5th. There was a good discussion held and many questions were put forward. The questions from all the scrutiny meetings were fed into the Scrutiny Commissioners meeting held on 14th November. There are no clear answers yet, but these meetings have highlighted the concerns and issues that members want clarification on. All the meetings held are available to be viewed on the County Council website: www.leicestershire.gov.uk
Following the passing of Cllr Sutherington, Charnwood Borough Council have advertised the Councillor vacancy for Anstey. This might seem a bit quick, but this is in line with national policy to ensure that Anstey residents are fully supported and properly represented at Charnwood Borough Council. The By-Election will be held right before Christmas on Thursday 20th December. My fellow Conservative candidate joining the Anstey Conservative team is Paul Baines. Paul lives in Anstey and works at University of Leicester as a lecturer in Political Marketing. I know Paul well and he will be an excellent councillor to work alongside me for the benefit of Anstey residents. Paul, with his background in politics, will be able to transfer all those skills to become a great councillor. I know this is a busy time of the year but please spare 5 minutes and make every effort to go out and vote for Paul to be your local councillor, we will make a great team. Please ensure you are registered to vote and if it is easier for you, please register for a postal vote. The deadline to register for a postal vote is 5pm on 5th December 2018. Further information can be found on the website: www.charnwood.gov.uk or telephone: 01509 634546 or email: www.charnwood.gov.uk/ contacts/electoral_services I have also set up an online survey, not only for the election campaign but also for me to find out more about any issues affecting Anstey residents. Please take the time to complete the survey, there are only a few questions to answer. If you do not have access to the internet at home, you can access the internet at Anstey Community Library if you are a member of the library. The survey can be found on this website: charnwoodconservatives.org.uk/ campaigns/anstey-election
Charnwood Community Lottery The Charnwood Community Lottery has been running now for just over a month. It is gathering momentum and providing much needed money for local community groups. The latest data I have, following the first four draws is, it now has 39 good causes registered, with another eight pending approval. 394 players have registered, and each draw has
Unitary Status
A cross party working group has also been set up. They met for the first time on 19th October. The main discussions were: ➢ A register of key risks should be prepared ➢ Consider the merit in understanding whether there is a link between the size of a unitary authority and financial viability ➢ Note that Parish and Town Councils were a key and integral part of the proposals for a unitary structure of local government ➢ Opportunities offered for sharing and rationalising the existing property portfolios of all Councils ➢ Update on the development of the Strategic Alliance ➢ Ask members to reflect on the proposals in the report concerning the new roles for members, the use of individual budgets for members and the role and remit of the proposed Area Committees. These meetings are held in private, but the minutes are published. They will next meet on 14th December 2018.
Innovation Partnership Children’s charity Barnardo’s is to team up with Leicestershire County Council in a trailblazing project to help improve the lives of children and families. The partnership is one of the first of its kind in the UK and signifies a new way of working. It will bring together the council’s skills and expertise with those of a key partner to design and deliver support for vulnerable children and families.
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The ‘Innovation Partnership’ covers the whole system, from the point of entry into children’s services through to leaving care. It aims to manage demand, provide the most costeffective placement and support services to deliver the best outcomes for children and young people. The council has more than 550 children in its care, and the figure is rising. The partnership will help to enhance support to young people and families on the edge of care, in care and care leavers. This is a great opportunity for the looked after children of Leicestershire and I look forward to working with Barnardo’s to support this scheme in the coming months and years.
Energy Improvements Carbon dioxide emissions have been cut by 34% in the past 12 months by Leicestershire County Council, thanks to several energysaving projects. The council’s performance for 2017/18 showed a significant improvement in the last year, with carbon dioxide (Co2) emissions reducing by over 7,000 tonnes. In the same period, there was a 29% reduction in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated from its operations. The most significant decrease was attributed to reduced gas use in buildings, because of a new biomass boiler installed at County Hall. Other factors include: ➢ The county council’s scheme to change its street lights to LEDs, which has resulted in a 68 per cent reduction in carbon emissions since 2014/15; ➢ A decrease in electricity and gas consumption following a review of council buildings and an investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy ➢ A 23 per cent reduction in emissions from the council’s fleet vehicles.
Empty Homes Premium Consultation Charnwood Borough Council are holding a consultation about proposals to increase a council tax premium paid by the owners of empty homes in Charnwood. There are more than 200,000 properties across the country which have been empty for six months or more and in Charnwood that figure is just under 500. Charnwood is keen to encourage home-owners to bring the properties back into use – either by selling them or renting them out. They currently charge a 50% extra premium on council tax to anyone who has a property that has been empty for two years. This extra money goes into funding the same services as normal council tax. Charnwood are considering increasing the empty homes premium in Charnwood to 100% from April next year and they are seeking your views. They are also considering whether to increase the empty homes premium to 200% for properties which have been empty for five years and then 300% for properties which have been empty for 10 years. Charnwood also want views on changing the current arrangements for the discount for unoccupied
or uninhabitable properties. Currently, if a property is uninhabitable owners get a 50% discount for 12 months on council tax. They are considering changing that to 100% discount for six months to encourage property owners to bring homes back into use sooner. The consultation runs until 6th January 2019. Following the consultation, the Council's Cabinet will make a recommendation to Full Council about whether to introduce any changes to the premium. The consultation can be found on the website: www.charnwood.gov.uk
Don’t Muck Around Campaign Charnwood Borough Council are encouraging people to get their wheelie bins off the streets to make sure paths and pavements look smart and tidy and are free of obstructions. If bins are left out for longer than 24 hours after collection, then the Council can give out advice and ultimately issue fines of £60 to people.
Anti-Bullying Week shines a spotlight on bullying and encourages all children, teachers and parents to take action against bullying throughout the year. The theme this year is 'All Different, All Equal' with the aims to: ➢ Empower children and young people to celebrate what makes them, and others, unique ➢ Help children and young people understand how important it is that every child feels valued and included in school, able to be themselves, without fear of bullying ➢ Encourage parents and carers to work with their school and talk to their children about bullying, difference and equality ➢ Enable teachers and other children's workforce professionals to celebrate what makes us 'all different, all equal' and celebrate difference and equality. Encouraging them to take individual and collective action to prevent bullying, creating safe environments where children can be themselves.
As part of the Don’t Muck Around Campaign, the Council will be door-knocking in frequently complained about areas of Charnwood and There is support out there so please head to talking to residents about the issue. In the past the website www.beyondbullying.com to find year the Council has issued 260 letters advising out what help is available. people make sure bins MC WILLIto AM, Andre w Sttheir uart (U kipare ) 29 wheeled in Thank You and Happy Christmas after collection. The simple advice to residents This is my last report of Risich rd Huyour ddlest one wasbins dulyout elect ed. by 6am toaput wheelie either the year, so I would on the day of collection or the night before Cabinet and Committees like to thank everyone and return them back to your property once who Cthey harnhave wood Bo ro u g h C o u n ci l L e a d e r , C l l r Sl a t e r h a s ma de sohas me chsupported anges to the been emptied. s witthis h imme diateIte has ect a cabinet. Cllr Jenny Bokor has replaced Cllr David Hayeme year. tThis akeshas on been David’san poissue rtfolioinasome s Cabiareas net Meof mbAnstey er for Regubeen latory aSe rvicebusy s andyear the T very make area Cand entrethey . Duedo to Je nny bthe ecomi ng palook rt of untidy, the cabinso et thewith re has b een a redifficult -shu le o some so me of ensure the commi tteebins s. I hare avebrought now beein n aoff ppothe inted to the Overview Scrutiny please your to Ddeal Cstreet ommitonce tee anthey d thehave refore been have co me o the Member Rissues eference evelowith. pmentI G emptied. always use all the Committee. tools that I have at my disposal to resolve issues for my residents. Tip of the Month My aim is to try and resolve the problem but Did you know… unfortunately, there is not always a solution, in which case I try to make life a little easier for ….that you can have your bulky waste collected fremy e? residents. I am honoured to hold the ….there is support out there if you are being position I do and take nothing for granted. I Bbullied? e e requesting a bulky waste collection, please conswould ider whalso etherlike yourto itethank ms the team at ‘Your Leicestershire County Council have a new Local’ for their continued support in allowing website called ‘beyond bullying’. The aim of me to submit my report here every month. the website is to provide an online information I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas service for young people, parents and and I hope you find time to have some rest professionals seeking guidance on bullying. and recharge your batteries. Monday 12th November 2018 saw the start of If you have any issues or concerns, I’m here to anti-bullying week and ‘Odd Socks Day’. This help. day offers a great opportunity to wear your best odd socks for the day to express your uniqueness.
Cllr Deborah Taylor
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Charnwood Hearing Aid Centre Lynne Leeming, MSc RHAD, MSHAA
Your local hearing specialist 5 Stadon Road, Anstey, Leicester, LE7 7AY Existing hearing aid users welcome Hearing protection for both children and adults Free parking in the Nook car park For friendly and professional advice please call for an appointment
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Stay well this winter The NHS are running a campaign to keep you informed on how you can stay well this winter and stay out of hospital. Here’s some top tips to help you, your family and friends keep healthy and be well-prepared for the colder months.
Com Co ome om me annd nd Jooi oin in u s a t
If you start to feel unwell, even if it is just a cough or cold, don’t wait until it gets more serious – get help from your pharmacist. If you have a long-term health condition like COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, diabetes, heart or kidney disease, or have suffered a stroke, get advice from your pharmacist or GP on how to keep well during the colder months. Remember to pick up your prescription before the Christmas holidays start. Many GPs and pharmacies will close over the holiday period.
NHS 111 will help you get the right medical attention urgently or visit www.nhs.uk which can direct you to a local service that is open during the holiday period.
For people over 70 in Anstey and surrounding vvillages
Older neighbours, relatives, friends and other elderly members of the community are more vulnerable in the winter months and may need a bit of extra help this winter, so make sure you keep in touch.
It is important to keep warm in winter, both inside and out as it can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems, such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression. Leaflets from Anstey Surgery and the NHS website www.nhs.uk/staywell give more advice for people with long term conditions, people over 65 and people caring for relatives.
Christmas Concert, Thursday 6 December, Newtown Linford Church A ‘Colours of Christmas’ concert will be presented by Newtown Linford Choral Society at 7.30 pm on Thursday 6 December in the village church. The programme of music will follow the Christmas theme, including carols, Christmas songs, and classical pieces such as an excerpt from The Messiah. In addition, there will be songs about colours, such as ‘Fields of Gold’. There will be performances by the full choir, by the ‘After Eight’ quartet, and by the ‘Eight Misbehavin’ octet, making for a varied and entertaining evening. All proceeds will be contributed to the church redecoration fund. Tickets at ÂŁ7.50 each including refreshments, are available from Newtown Linford Stores and 01509 890771.
07979 607099-Kerry Sharpe or 0116 2368811-Julie Ford
There is no charge forr the day, we just want everyone to have There the opportunity of being with otherrss on what can be a lonely day
Newtown Linford Choral Society In 2019 the Choral Society will be celebrating the twentieth anniversary of its foundation. The Choral Society started as a small group meeting in a house in the village, and since then has grown into a very successful community choir of 73 singers. Its inspirational Musical Director throughout has been Dr Sue Ford. On Friday 1 February, and Saturday 2 February 2019, the Choral Society will be presenting the first concert of its anniversary year in Ratby Parish Church. The choir will be performing the Faure’s Requiem, and Hummel’s Mass in Bb, accompanied by a chamber orchestra. There will be two talented soloists - soprano Ella McNamee, and baritone Clive Hilton. Tickets will be available for this very special concert from the Old Post Office in Newtown Linford, Ratby Post Office, Peter Sayer 01530 243822, or online from https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/newtown-linford-choralsociety.
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t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
Anstey WI
Labour selects local Councillor to fight Charnwood Borough Council by-election in Anstey on December 20th
Anstey WI held their Annual meeting in November. It has been a successful year, with excellent speakers, and numerous social events, and a small increase in membership. Members also took part in national and county federation events, and we won the Bradgate Group skittles cup for the second consecutive season.
Following the sad death of long-serving Charnwood Borough Councillor, John Sutherington, a by-election has suddenly been called to fill the seat he vacated.
Anstey Labour Party have selected local man, Glyn McAllister, as their candidate for the election which will take place on Thursday 20th December. Many around the village will know Glyn as he has lived in Anstey for most of his 59 years, having attended the local schools and being active in local sports clubs.
He has been an Anstey Parish Councillor since 2011 where he plays a leading and vocal role in the Council. He is currently Vice-Chairman of the Council, as well as serving on the Finance and Projects (previously as Chairman), Staffing, Events and Finance Committees He was a senior Trades Union official for over 25 years representing Royal Mail and Post Office workers and has wide experience of dealing with issues locally and nationally. He now works locally as an HGV Driver. Glyn is a local man who knows the village and is committed to fighting for Anstey residents and believes that we should get a fair share from Charnwood. Decisions made in Loughborough sometimes seem to forget our part of Charnwood. If elected Glyn is determined to stand up for Anstey. All the committee members and officers will continue in post, and Gill Jones joined the committee. Most members also perform tasks essential to the running of the institute, and were thanked for that. We were asked to consider taking over from some officers next year, or at least assisting them in their duties. New refreshments arrangements for the coming year will ensure that nobody has to miss things through having to wash up! Liz Heggs was presented with the trophy for gaining the most points in the monthly competitions. During social time at the end of the meeting, we worked on our entry for the Christmas tree competition at the Anstey Christmas gala. The next meeting will be in the Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, on 12th December at 7.30. we will be entertained by the After Eight Quartet, and there will be a festive supper. Visitors will be most welcome, for a £4 fee.
If you see him around the village he is always available for a chat, or he can be contacted via https://www.facebook.com/glyn4Anstey/ or at glyn4anstey@gmail.com
Don’t forget to vote at the Jubilee Hall on 20th December.
Grand Central Chorus Christmas Show Grand Central Chorus, the East Midlands-based Barbershop Harmony group who are five times UK champions, host their 2018 Christmas Show on Sunday 16th December starting at 4.00pm at May Hall, Trent College, Long Eaton NG10 4AD. The Show also features the 2018 UK Quartet Champions, The Locksmiths and soprano, Lily Taylor-Ward. Tickets for the show are £10 for adults and £5 for under 16’s, and available from chorus members or online at www.grandcentralchorus.com
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SYKES JEWELLERS Tel - 0116 236 2510 8 Bradgate Road, Anstey, LE7 7AA www.sykesjewellers.co.uk
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE Can you find the 7 differences in the picture below.
Join the Charnwood Lottery to help
Anstey Community Library and just maybe help yourself The Charnwood Borough Council lottery scheme has been set up to raise funds for good causes in the Charnwood area. Anstey Community Library is one such cause, and we are raising money to help meet our running costs and to provide additional facilities for the community in the Anstey, Newtown Linford, Cropston and Thurcaston areas. Tickets cost £1 a week. Each ticket will have a chance of winning a cash prize of up to £25,000. To find out more or join in please go to https://www.charnwoodlottery.co.uk/ and choose Anstey Community Library For help : 01509 357575
t: 0800 6446 150 • e: yourlocal@openboxpromotions.co.uk • w: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk
ANSTEY POLICE UPDATE - NOVEMBER 2018 Protect your shed - Theft from sheds is a • Obscure the windows of your shed or problem all year round. It can become more garage to prevent thieves seeing what the spring and summer of an issue during you have inside months gardening equipment when and • Use metal rings and chains fixed to the valuable items, such tackle as fishing and shed frame with security screws to enable bikes, regularly. are being used more you to secure your electrical items, it has been happening recently in However ladders and tools. our village and nearby surrounding villages. • Fit a battery powered alarm. These can disciplined about locking You are probably be purchased from DIY stores and garden and windows when you leave your doors centers. your home, but what about your shed? • Consider having lockable steel boxes Things to consider fitted to the floor to store your tools • Ensure sheds and garages are in a good • Shackle state of repair high value items together, such as bikes and lawn mowers, to and ideally • Fit a good quality padlock or to a metal post cemented the building or ground • Ensure the hasp through into the ground is bolted the anchor shed and into a steel plate • Make a note of the make/model/serial
• Secure garage doors with padlocks number of any tools or bicycles, take photographs and keep them in a safe through the inside runners, or fit a padlock place (with hasp and staple) to either side of the doors • Use signage to let others know that you security marked your property and • Check that windows are secure and are have you are a member of a watch scheme in a good state of repair
• Make sure that the door, door frame and walls are solid and replace any damaged sections. or rotten areas with new
• Replace ordinary screws on outbuilding doors with non-return screws or coach bolts. You can also smear glue over the stop a thief heads of the screws, to help from unscrewing them. are left unlocked • Often sheds or without any appropriate security, such as
padlocks, chains or lighting. By installing these simple items you can give better protection to your property.
• Replace broken glass panes with laminated glass. Fit windows with grille fixed steel plates inside the shed.
• Fit key-operated window on locks
• Make sure your household insurance policy covers theft from your garden and outbuildings.
We’d like to meet you Please check the Leicestershire policing website for dates and venues for our forth coming beat surgeries. The next beat surgeries will be held on: and Friday 7th December between 10:00
11:00 at Nook Corner
21st December between 14:00 and Friday 15:00 at Peppercorn café
Please report any suspicious activity at the time by calling 101. Please ring 999 if you be- lieve a crime is taking place.
PS 2992 Rod Smart
opening windows. If the windows are screw them permanently PCSO never opened, shut from the inside. PCSO
6556 Ali Cochrane 6093 Mitch Jarvis
Merry Christmas
to all of our readers and advertisers,
have a lovely Christmas and a
peaceful and prosperous new year
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Anstey Rugby Club floodlit on Newtown Linford Gardening Club Wednesday nights There was another packed house in Newtown Linford Village Hall last month to hear Bunny Guinness, the renowned gardening expert speak about ways of enhancing our gardens. Bunny has made her name, firstly as a garden designer with Chelsea Medals and other awards for her work, plus some private commissions for major gardens, and more lately as a broadcaster on BBC Radio’s Garden Question Time and as a writer in many different newspapers and magazines.
For the first time in many years Anstey RFC are able to hold outdoor training sessions over the winter months due to full height and very bright floodlights organised by our First Team Captain Liam Curtis. It is good to see Club Coach Matt Belcher organising practice sessions including rugby set pieces like line outs and scrums also for the players to have enough light for work outs and some good outfield moves. Our last home match at Link Road was against Oadby Wyggs 3rds where we were able to muster a full team with a couple of replacements. Ironically it was the turn of our opposition to turn up a few short, so in the spirit of the game and make a decent match Anstey lent our guests a few players. A lively good game ensued, but the bad news was that our visitors won the game by scoring 42 points to Anstey’s 17 During December there is a full programme of home and away fixtures. All our club needs is a few more regular players, a few back from injury and together with those regulars available every week we could have a successful final month of 2018. After a successful Halloween event the next Club Social is on Saturday 22nd December where the theme is Christmas Jumpers - the most hideous the better! See Matt for details. All Anstey Rugby players, current or anyone who has played since 1980 are welcome to join in, or indeed anyone involved with our club. As mentioned above our Club Coach, Matt Belcher, is organising regular sessions every Wednesday starting at 6.30pm at our ground adjacent to the Martin High School on Link Road. All players both new or regular, experienced or total novices, fit or unfit, old or young are all welcome. Matches are on Saturdays kicking off at 2:15pm, until March when they revert to the traditional 3pm kick off time. Details for all the club officials are on the Anstey RFC noticeboard inside our clubhouse at The Coach and Horses pub in the Nook in Anstey. Or call our Captain Liam Curtis on 07727 118362 Or visit www.pitchhero.com/clubs/anstey
Article by Chris Apperley
Although many of her slides were of larger creations it was clear that many of these ideas could be scaled down to suit gardens of domestic size. Her creations with pleached trees, ornamental box designs and paving were particularly striking. Many of our members and visitors told us how much they has enjoyed her visit and were looking forward to the next celebrity evening. Our next celebrity speaker will be coming to Newtown Linford on Tuesday February 26th. The speaker on that occasion will be Matthew Biggs who is also well-known for his contributions on Gardeners’ Question Time. He was one of the guests when we hosted two recordings of that programme last January and he proved to be very popular with the audience on that occasion. As usual we will be inviting non-members of our club to come and hear him and there are now tickets available. There will probably be between 30 and 40 tickets available for non-members so a prompt call could well be advisable. Tickets will cost £12 and can be obtained by ringing 01530 242452 or emailing 32couling@gmail.com.
Top Christmas crime prevention tips for grown ups At home; G Put Christmas presents out of sight G Always lock your windows and doors G Leave a light on in the evening
Your vehicle G When you leave your vehicle make sure you lock it G Put your Christmas shopping in the boot G Park in a well-lit area
Out and about G Enjoy your Christmas party and book a cab to get home G Going for a drink? Have fun and drink sensibly G Coming back late? Think of your neighbours
Don’t let criminals steal your Christmas
Don’t let criminals steal your Christmas
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Life as a Jeweller Mrs Cathy Stephens told us how she had gone from a student wanting to take English at University to the career she has actually carved out for herself, and it seems she faced many obstacles. Her English teacher was completely unsupportive, and casually directed her towards art college instead, saying she was stupid. Her parents despaired but she went to Leeds and enjoyed college and the new-found freedom, somewhat limited by a total lack of funds. She organised entertainments for the Students’ Union, but some teachers blamed her for damage caused by others and wrote her a bad review when she left. She decided to study pottery and got into the Royal College of Art in London, where she came across students doing metalwork. After that she studied pottery making at Loughborough for a year, and one teacher encouraged her, calling her clever because of her three A-Levels. However, she then realised she actually wanted to learn how to make jewellery, and began with silver. She managed to get onto a one-week interview at the RCA, during which students were expected to make something from scratch. Her offering was a silver scent pot, which she had brought to show us, and she explained how much work went into such a delicate object. But part way through the test week, she was told to leave, and felt very upset. She went back home, but no explanation was given of why they did not want her. Next she joined an apprenticeship scheme under the Worshipful Guild of Goldsmiths, an organisation which began in medieval times. There she learnt to make silver cups, and to use precious stones and lapis lazuli, revered by the Romans for its wonderful blue colour. The
company she worked for was in Birmingham. When she revealed that she had got married just before starting, they said she was sacked, as “married women did not work”! However, the WGG objected to this and prevailed, as they were the ones actually paying her wages. She set up a workroom at home, worked really hard and did hundreds of design drawings, wanting to promote her own fresh new ideas. Her husband is a great salesman, and from time to time they would go to the Lake District and sell her creations there. Mrs Stephens explained how she put a tiny amount of money saved into a building society. When she needed a mortgage she persuaded them to lend to her, and signed the papers before they realised how small her nest egg was! Having decided to move upmarket, she decided to show her work at a week-long trade fair, but first she needed to obtain some precious stones like diamonds with which to work. The fair was a disaster, but after several days of finding herself ignored, she was introduced to a representative from De Beers. This company was holding a competition for manufacturers all over the country to make 10 new pieces for De Beers. Cathy asked the WGG to help her, as she could not afford to obtain any one-carat diamonds necessary for the required design specification. Diamonds are mined with dynamite blasting which destroys many larger stones, making the survivors incredibly expensive. Instead, she decided to incorporate several smaller diamonds which together added up to one carat. She also “borrowed” some gold from the WGG, which had to be returned afterwards. Having made her pieces she went to get them set and found the setters too busy
The Platinum Guild asked her to make something for a TV advertisement, a rush job. Inspiration would not come, until she realised during a thunderstorm that a streak of lightning would be perfect. She said platinum is lovely to work with. Later she decided she needed bigger premises, and took on help, training some 10 youths as they left school. This way the skills are passed on, and several have done well. She hand makes everything, and can offer bespoke designs or remodelling of heirloom pieces to the customer’s wishes. At the age of only 31 she was given the freedom of the City of London by the WGG, and was congratulated by men who had once opposed her. She brought her dark robe and her staff to show us, and we learnt that she can now drive sheep across London Bridge! Mrs Stephens says that making jewels has made her happy, inspired by her grandmother’s pieces. Two of her daughters have joined her in the business, and she invited us to her forthcoming show in the family shop at Groby. She finished by answering some questions, and then those present were allowed to examine some of the lovely artefacts more closely. *** Monday Club meetings start at 2.15pm on the second Monday of each month. New members and visitors are most welcome, whether ladies or gentlemen. We begin an exciting and varied 2019 programme on 14th January, with a talk about Moorcroft. Please see local posters for details. We look forward to welcoming you!
Mrs Maja Tompkins Contact mobile 07709 201881.
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to help her. Eventually however she managed to get into the collection. Her husband sold all the pieces. She learnt the hard way that time is money.
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Calling all knitters Time to dig out those knitting needles for the Big Knit It’s the return of the Big Knit campaign and Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland is calling on Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to join in and get knitting! Whether a knitting ninja, purling pro, crochet connoisseur or just keen to have a go it’s time to get wild about wool and join the Big Knit. Now in its 15th year, the campaign is recruiting knitters to help create an impressive 1.6 million hats to adorn innocent smoothie bottles. For each be-hatted smoothie sold*, Age UK receives 25p, and that money helps the Charity support older people who are facing later life alone. Tony Donovan, Executive Director of Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland said: “We need local people to join us and help knit as many miniature hats as possible this winter to help us hit our huge 80,000 local target. It’s such a fun campaign to get behind and it does so much to help older people in our area. “The money raised will make a big difference to the lives of older people by funding our hugely important services and classes. These services, which include Day Care, dementia support, Men in Sheds and befriending amongst so many others, give local older people the chance to come along and make friends, learn new skills and most importantly have fun.” Last year alone, more than one million hats were lovingly created nationally, with designs including the hugely popular unicorn, grizzly bear, fluffy sheep and desert island. Bara Amouyal, innocent drinks, said: “The Big Knit has had such an incredible amount of support over the past 15 years and we are hugely grateful – we love seeing what miniature creations the nation can come up with! Through the Big Knit campaign, we want to do everything we can to make a difference to the lives of older people.” For more information on The Big Knit contact Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland on 0116 2992233 or visit https://www.ageuk.org.uk/leics/get-involved/fundraising/ the-big-knit/. Please send completed hats to Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland at Lansdowne House, 113 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7LA or hand them in at any of our 24 shops or Resource Centres. This year’s hat knitting patterns are available to download, to find out more visit: www.ageuk.org.uk/bigknit or pop into any of our addresses to request a leaflet
Charity Christmas Card Pop-Up in Leicester The festive season gets under way in Leicester when the Cards for Good Causes charity Christmas card shop opens in our exciting new venue at BISHOP STREET METHODIST CHURCH, off Town Hall Square. Buying Christmas cards through Cards for Good Causes is the best way to get access to the widest selection of Christmas cards available, as well as a fantastic range of seasonal gifts and products, while supporting a range of national and local charities. Staffed by a team of local volunteers, the Leicester pop-up shop is part of a network of more than 300 temporary shops run by Cards for Good Causes, the UK’s largest charity Christmas card organisation. It represents more than 250 charities including Alzheimer’s Society, Barnardo’s, Cancer Research UK, NSPCC and RNLI as well as a number of local charities such as Charity Link, Leicester and Leicestershire Animal Aid, Rainbows Children’s Hospice and The Laura Centre. Shoppers will be able to choose from hundreds of different Christmas card designs, as well as traditional advent calendars and candles, wrapping paper, gift tags, napkins and stocking fillers. Sue Berridge, Shop Manager for Cards for Good Causes says: “Buying charity Christmas cards is one of the simplest ways to support good causes this festive season and we stock one of the widest ranges of Christmas cards anywhere. The proceeds from every card or product sold make a vital contribution to the work of the charities that we partner. Come and find us in Bishop Street Methodist Church at the rear of Town Hall Square and get ahead in your Christmas preparations by getting your cards early.” In the past ten years, charities have received more than £40 million from Cards for Good Causes, representing at least 70p in every pound. Shop Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00 – 4.00 Saturday 10.00 – 2.30 Shop Address: Bishop Street Methodist Church, 10a Bishop Street, Town Hall Square, Leicester For further information visit www.cardsforcharity.co.uk or follow us on Facebook or Twitter
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Thurcaston and Cropston Local History Society The November meeting of the Thurcaston and Cropston Local History Society included a brief Annual General Meeting and three short talks by members.
Rectorry Road, Loughborough
First was the AGM, which included a review of the year's events. The Committee was thanked for choosing interesting speakers and the quality of the website. Special thanks were made for the kind donation of old coins found in the parish by Brian Kimberly (a well-known local metal-dectectorist). Display cases are being purchased so that the coins can be exhibited. Mary Edmunds Otter stepped down from the Committee and other members were re-elected en bloc. The Committee would welcome additional members and suggested anyone interested could attend a ‘taster’ meeting. The first of the members talks by Anne Horton, told us a little of the friendship between the Nichols family and the Herricks of Beaumanor Hall focussing on two members of the Nichols family. John Nichols from London who wrote ‘The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester’ spent much time in the area and was friends with William Herrick and his younger brother John, and he writes of taking “strenuous outings” with them. His grandson, John Gough Nichols, spent 20 years cataloguing the Herrick estate and was involved in the commissioning of the stained glass armorial window in Beaumanor Hall during its rebuilding in the 1840’s. In the second talk Peter Smith showed us plans for the Leicester, Groby and Bradgate Park Railway, proposed in 1898. It would have been a privately owned branch line from Newtown Linford joining the Great Central Railway at Rothley. Its route ran through Cropston, crossing the junction between Leicester Road, Station Road and Bradgate Road (but no station at Cropston was planned). A Private Members Bill was needed for its construction and the petition stated that it was mainly intended for passengers. It was in fact hoped to get stone from quarries in Sheet Hedges Wood to the railway network, and also open up the possibility to quarry in Bradgate Park. The Commons Committee held on 20th March 1899 felt there was a ‘flimsy case” for the railway and it was rejected. And finally, Brenda Hooper took a light-hearted look at the Peninsular War by giving a rendition of ‘Sam Small’s Christmas Pudding’ in the style of Stanley Holloway. The monologue was written by Marriott Edgar who wrote sixteen for Holloway. In this, Sam is fighting Napoleon’s troops at the Siege of Badajoz in Spain and …“By an unprecedented mis'ap, The puddin' 'is mother 'ad sent 'im, 'Ad blown Badajoz off the map!” This led nicely into seasonal refreshments, a chance for members to chat and look at the display boards showing: photos of some of the donated coins; accounts of two Thurcaston survivors of the first world war; extracts from the Richard Hill school log book covering WWII; and the stories of two WWII survivors, one Dutch the other German. The first meeting of 2019 will take place in the Harrison Room, All Saints’ Church, Thurcaston on Tuesday 15th January at 7.30pm. Adrian Lane will talk about Leicester and its River. Membership rates will remain the same at £12.00/year and visitors £3.00/meeting http://www.thurcastoncropstonhistory.org.uk
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