July 2018 - Your local Anstey, Thurcaston, Cropston, Swithland, Newtown Linford, Woodhouse & Eaves

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Anstey Chess Club meet occasionally on Thursday evenings at the Stadon Sports and Social Club in Anstey from 7:30pm. Please call or email to check that we'll be there. We also have training sessions for beginners/improving players on Saturday mornings at Anstey Community Library from 10am-1pm. New members more than welcome - Grandmasters or just learning.

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SALES TEAM SARAH TAYLOR T: 0800 6446 150 E: sarah@openboxpromotions.co.uk

On 21st June 2018, Anstey Chess Club played our second competitive match. The club has derived from the attendees to the Saturday morning sessions and some members felt that they'd like to give competitive chess a go to help them improve. Our team was Mick Sandham, myself, Mick Squire and John Whitmore.

DAWN HARRIS T: 0800 6446 150 E: dawn@openboxpromotions.co.uk

We are drawn at home for the second round and we took our places at Stadon Sports and Social Club for a match start at 7:30pm. John Derry was due to make his debut for us but arrived too late to participate, which was a shame. We did wait for him because one of our opposing team - Syston - was late. The opposing player arrived and we started. We had tossed up for colours by now and we had the white pieces to start.

DISTRIBUTION MANAGER ANDREW LEWIS M: 07504 634 838 E: andy@openboxpromotions.co.uk

First to finish was John Whitmore after I heard his opponent say 'I've had enough' which I think means he resigned! That was John's first victory for the Anstey Club - well done John! He and his opponent turned the game straight around and played again but this time John lost with the black pieces. I actually think that both of John's matches were done before anyone else had finished their first!

PUBLISHED BY OPEN BOX PROMOTIONS LTD T: 0800 6446 150 E: sales@openboxpromotions.co.uk W: www.openboxpromotions.co.uk

Next to finish was Mick Sandham on board 1. None of us could see Mick's game because his opponent requested that they sit under some lights at the end of the room because of his cataracts. Mick said that he had won with little fuss. I was next to finish with a win, so we all had a look at Mick Squire's game. Mick won his first game for the club after his opponent's time ran out. Mick had the better position anyway - well done Mick! We were 4-1 up after 5 games (Not 5-1 after 5 games as I boldly announced!) With the black pieces, Mick Squire finished first after blundering his Queen, thinking that he could exchange Queens but Mick's re-capturing piece was pinned. Oops! Mick carried on for a while but eventually gave in. Mick Sandham finished next - again we didn't see the game but it seemed to be very comfortable for him.

Open Box Promotions Ltd, 42 Forest Rise, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, LE9 2HQ

PRINTED BY NORWOOD PRESS T: 01530 262020 E: info@norwoodpress.co.uk W: www.norwoodpress.co.uk Norwood Press, Unit 1, Moore Road, South Leicester Industrial Estate, Ellistown, LE67 1EU

After all of that excitement, I was last to finish in a totally hopeless position. With this being the last game to finish, everybody was watching my bad position! I carried on making moves and I was hoping for a mistake from my opponent under time pressure. Sure enough, my opponent made a mistake and as the clocks ran down, he made another mistake and I was able to force a resignation.


As a result, Anstey Chess Club won their first competitive game by 6 points to 2! An excellent result and I'm really pleased for Mick Squire and John Whitmore for their fist wins for the club. Well done team!

Wednesday 1st August 2018


Wednesday 25th August 2018

Club Night - 7th June

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On Thursday 7th June, we had a 'club night'. This is where a few of us meet up, play some friendlies or chat about chess. This time, we decided to talk about a couple of openings and me, John Whitmore and Mick Squire had a look at basic development of pieces in the opening. We then played a couple of friendly games.

July Club Nights At time of going to print, we will be at the Stadon on Thursday 12th July from 7:30pm. We can be there on other nights too, so feel free to give me a call or send me an email if you want to come along and meet us and play some friendly games of chess.

Ben Vaughan - Anstey Chess Club 0116 3320956 • 07469 207548 • ansteychess@hotmail.com




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Newtown Linford Gardening Club

Happy 10th Birthday Mini Movers, Anstey

Bunny Guinness, the celebrated garden designer and broadcaster is coming to speak at Newtown Linford Gardening Club on Tuesday October 23rd at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Peta Guinness (known universally as Bunny) has been a major player in the horticultural world for many years. She qualified as a landscape designer at Birmingham City University, where she recently received an honorary doctorate, and now runs a landscaping consultancy. She has exhibited at major shows and has won no fewer than six gold medals at Chelsea. She is best known to the gardening public as a journalist and broadcaster, writing a weekly column in the Sunday Telegraph and appearing regularly as a panellist on the radio programme ‘Gardeners’ Question Time’. We are delighted to welcome such a prestigious gardening expert to our village and we invite visitors to join us on this occasion. Tickets will cost £12 and can be obtained by ringing 01530 242452 or emailing 32couling@gmail.com. At the time of writing around 75 percent of the tickets have already been issued so we anticipate that the hall will soon be fully booked.

This year Mini Movers, Anstey celebrates its 10th birthday and we would like to invite everyone to a huge party at the Jubilee Hall and the Rec to help us have a great day celebrating. We have already booked out the Jubilee Hall for 19th August and would love you all to come along....even if you have never been to Mini Movers as a toddler or as a carer. As part of our celebrations we are hoping to have loads going on and we would like to ask if anyone out there would be interested in having a stand of some description (Usborne, Phoenix, Local Dog Rescue etc etc) to help us raise money to replace some of the equipment which is starting to show signs of age (well ten years of being bounced on, pounced on, pushed, pulled and crawled over will take its toll!).

Get ready for a summer of treasure-seeking fun with the Mischief Makers!

We already have plans for crazy golf, some mini fair rides and a bouncy castle so please contact us if you can help or know someone who might be interested.

For this year’s Summer Reading Challenge we’re off to Beanotown, where rumour has it there’s a treasure chest full of epic pranks waiting to be discovered… Say hello to Pieface, Rubi, JJ, Gnasher, and the ultimate mischief maker: Dennis!

Many thanks.... The Mini Movers!

They’re on the trail of the hidden treasure, and they’re looking for some more friends to join in the adventure! Take part in the Summer Reading Challenge 2018 and see if you can help the Mischief Makers find the box of tricks. Taking part in the Challenge is simple – when your summer holidays start, you can sign up for free at your local library. You’ll receive your very own map of Beanotown to get you started. Read six library books (or more!) over the holidays to collect special stickers to add to your map. Collect all the stickers to discover where the treasure is hiding and complete the Challenge. Dennis and his friends will be with you every step of the way to give you clues and show you how to be a Mischief Maker too! You can use https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/ to keep track of the books you read and write book reviews, enter competitions, chat to other readers and much much more…

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GOT AN ARTICLE TO SEND US? We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: yourlocal@ openboxpromotions.co.uk

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Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club

at the age of 32. For centuries Hyde Hall had been a working farm and in 1955, Dr and Mrs Robinson came to Hyde Hall and started to turn it into a garden. But the site was cold, windy, and dry. When Matthew came to  Hyde Hall the garden was nothing special.

The next club events are:-

Evening Visit to Crossfell House, Great Dalby, Melton Mowbary Wednesday 11th July

‘A Tale of Two Gardens: RHS Hyde Hall and RHS Harlow Carr and what they taught me’ by Matthew Wilson The Thurcaston and Cropston Gardening Club was delighted to welcome Matthew Wilson to their June meeting. Matthew spent ten years with the RHS as Curator of Hyde Hall and Head of site and Curator of Harlow Carr. He is now a garden designer, writer, radio and television broadcaster and lecturer. He is also a regular participant on Gardener’s Question Time on BBC Radio 4.



A view of the Main Border at RHS Harlow Carr

As a young man Matthew didn’t want to be a gardener and did a number of different jobs. But it was his love of the outdoors and of wild things that drew him to gardening. He trained in horticulture the 1990’s. Those days trainees were taught that gardens could be separated from the rest of the world in a ‘command and control’ fashion, using agro chemicals to do the controlling. Matthew rejected these ideas and grew to appreciate   how amazing plants are. Matthew got the job as Curator of Hyde Hall




The Dry Garden at RHS Hyde Hall

One of Matthew’s crowning achievements at Hyde Hall was the design and creation of the Dry Garden. It was created in 2001 and aims to show visitors how they can work with the environment and use drought-tolerant plants that won't need to be watered constantly during a long, dry summer. It is home to more than 400 different species of plant. With sweeping panoramas, big open skies and far reaching views this Essex garden is an inspiration to visitors of all ages. When Matthew went to Harlow Carr the RHS wanted to develop the garden and make it more attractive to visitors. Matthew set about a stunning redesign of the Main Borders that are filled with colour. The Woodland was also regenerated and now includes a Rhododendron Glade full of spring-flowering bulbs. Matthew’s talk was excellent. It was full of stories about his exceptional career in horticulture. It was also full of humour. His talk was supported by high quality photos and Matthew spoke with authority and confidence. His extensive knowledge was evident and he was very well received by members and visitors.

A formal garden consisting of a terraced herbaceous border and rockery, flanked by a shrub border and two areas of lawn with a sweeping path leading to a two acre meadow with wild grasses, flowers and a wildlife pond. There are spectacular countryside views from the Shepherds Hut and picnic area. Refreshments are provided but you are welcome to take your own picnic. Meet at the house at 7.00pm. Adm. ÂŁ6 includes refreshments. On B6047 3 miles south of Melton - LE14 2EY

Club Outing to RHS Harlow Carr, Harrogate - Friday 17th August RHS Garden Harlow Carr is located on the western edge of Harrogate in North Yorkshire. It has stunning annual and perennial displays, ornamental grass border, kitchen garden, scented garden, streamside gardens, alpine house, woodland and wildflower meadow. It also has ‘Gardens through Time’ and the Queen Mother’s Lake. In addition it has a shop, plant centre and Bettys Cafe Tea Rooms. Visitors are welcome to book places. Cost : ÂŁ27.00 For more information please call Dave Haddon on (0116) 235 9758

The Gardening Club meets in the Thurcaston and Cropston Memorial Hall

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Whether an experienced gardener or an enthusiastic beginner we are sure you will find something of interest in this year’s programme. New members are made most welcome. What’s more, it is excellent value!! The membership fee is still only £12 for the year (pro rota) or £3.00 per meeting. So, if you are interested in gardening - come and give the Club a try.

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Volunteers Needed We are a small, local charity oering free legal advice to anyone who needs it. We are currently looking to recruit trainee advisers. Our training programme is designed to train people without any previous experience. Join our team of volunteers to gain new skills,, increase your knowledge and help others. For further information please see our website www.charnwoodcab.org.uk/volunteers or contact training@charnwoodcab.co.uk Citizens Advice Charnwood, Woodgate Chambers, 70 Woodgate, Loughborough, LE11 2TZ

This Summer’s Sensational Sizzling Read, Maga High by Local Author Lindzi Mayann Local author Lindzi Mayann has recently published, Maga High and it’s causing quite a stir. Set in infamous party destination Magaluf, in Spain, it is the only chick-lit of its kind. The humorous, saucy story tells the tale of main character Jodie who goes on a girl’s holiday and decides, actually, she would like to stay for a few more weeks. But this would mean getting a job on the strip selling shots or promoting clubs. Can she really do it? What adventures (and misdemeanours) could this lead to! Lindzi recently featured in a radio interview with the BBC and spoke of how the book is written from personal experience of doing just that. 8 years ago she herself took the plunge and chose to miss her return flight home in favour of the wild lifestyle Magaluf had to offer. Lindzi has always wanted to be an author and decided to follow the age-old advice of writing about what you know. The things she witnessed and heard about during her time in Magaluf have gone on to provide a great basis for her story. The topic is shocking and sensational and her high-spirited, amusing style is proving popular having already received many five-star reviews to date. It’s the perfect read to whisk you away to a sunnier, vibrant destination or to take along with you on your summer holidays for a fun, thrilling read. Maga High provides a sneaky peek behind the scenes of working life abroad and offers a brand new perspective on party destination holidays. Maga High is available as paperback and for kindle via Amazon. Lindzi is hopeful she can keep the positive momentum going throughout summer and is urging locals to get behind her and support her in this quest. She is planning to host a party at The Crown in Anstey on Saturday August 4th with a Magaluf, beach party theme. Everybody is welcome! You can read more about Lindzi and her book by searching for Maga High on Amazon and following her on social media sites Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Search Lindzi Mayann to find her profiles or contact her via email- Lindzimayann@outlook.com Lindzi would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have been loyally supporting her so far and says she is looking forward to gaining some new fans! Happy reading!

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Report from Anstey Parish Council Party in the Park – 1st July 2018

This is organised for Sunday 1st July 2018 between the hours of 12 noon and 4pm. Do come along bring your friends, family a picnic and enjoy an afternoon of entertainment from the Woolden Hill Choir, Syston Brass Band plus John Sutherington and Co. The Stadon Club bar will be at the event and free bouncy castles for children.

Poppies on Lampposts

Tea Party – 30th August 2018 We are still trying to find 90 years olds in the village. If you are aged 90 or over, or if you know someone who is please do let us know. We are holding a tea party on the 30th August 2018 for the elderly of the village to celebrate 100 years since the end of World War I. Transport will be provided for those who need it and an afternoon of entertainment is planned.

Community Speed Watch The required signatures have now been collected to start this scheme and a meeting will be held for those who have put themselves forward as volunteers of the scheme.

Projects for 2018 / 2019 At the meeting on the 5th June the Council considered the projects that they would like to work on during this year. Many of these projects are reliant on other people to complete, however, the council does have a plan that they work toward to make improvements for the village. These projects are as follows; Projects for immediate Action • Planning Obligations Associated with the Davidsons Development. •

Consideration of the long-term future for the Scout Hut.

Re-Location of the Bus Stop

Medium term Projects • Refurbishment of the Public Toilets •

Emergency Planning

Public Art for the Groby Road Estate

Extension to the Jubilee Hall – linked to the long-term future for the Scout Hut Affordable housing – associated with Gynsill Lane development

Long term Projects • New Peace Garden – Cemetery – medium to long term project

Neighbourhood Plan

With it being 100 years since the end of World War I Anstey Parish Council would like to help the work of the Royal British Legion and the community in bringing forward remembrance for the village. The Council would like a good display of poppies and will organise for poppies to be put up on lampposts if you would like to make a donation toward this you may do this at the Parish Office.

Mitchells Field Essential grounds maintenance work will be carried out at Mitchells Field over the next couple of months. We ask if you can refrain from using the field during this time as the weeds will be treated and new grass seed is being put down.

Bunting We are delighted with the wonderful bunting that that have so far been received. These pieces of bunting are being made by residents of Anstey to remember the fallen as noted on the war memorial on Stadon Road. 30 pieces of bunting have so far been received and we would like to encourage those who have yet to complete them to remember to return them to the Parish Office once finished. Thank you to all who are taking part in this project.

Vacancy – Full TimeGrounds Operative Anstey Parish Council are looking to recruit an enthusiastic person to carry out grounds maintenance on land under the control of the Council. Candidates should have some good interpersonal skills and be able to work as team. Grounds works qualifications would be helpful, although not essential and training where required will be provided. The Parish is responsible for open spaces, play parks, recreational land, village cemetery and will soon be responsible for an allotment site. As well as grass cutting, hedge trimming, waste disposal, play park inspections, the


ability to carry out minor repairs will be required. Health and Safety routine inspections are also required as part of this post. This full time role for 37 hours on a weekly basis, has a starting Salary Scale LC1 point 17 (£18,672 per annum) increasing after successful completion of a six month probation period. Flexibility of working hours is required to cover village events and occasional weekend work. The Local Government Pension Scheme is available for this post. The Application form and person specification are available on the website www.ansteypc.org.uk completed applications should be returned to the Parish Office for the attention of Liz Hawkes, Parish Office, Jubilee Hall, Stadon Road, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7AY or emailed to clerk@ansteypc.org If you would like to receive a paper copy of the application form or would like an informal chat about the job please telephone the Parish Office (0116) 236 2646. Closing date for applications is Friday 20th July 2018 at 12 Noon. Interviews will be held on Monday 13th August 2018. Parish Council Meeting will be held on the 17th July, 7th August and 28th August 2018 starting at 7.30 at the Jubilee Hall, all members of the public are welcome to these meetings.

Liz Hawkes

Clerk to the Council Your councillors are: Martin Broomhead, Nigel Aston, Vicky Ball, Sue Billington, Emma Bown, Ian Grogan, Melissa Hadfield, Mandy Jordan, Glyn McAllister, Roger Peat, Brian Rowlinson, John Sutherington, Deborah Taylor and Chris Tunaley. Your councillors can be contacted through the council offices: Tel: (0116) 236 2646 or email: clerk@ansteypc.org



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Learn more about how amazing dogs can transform lives

Gavin Taylor owner of Gavin Taylor Hair of Rothley and their Senior Stylist Marie Atterbury from Anstey, have stormed their way through to one of the industry’s most prestigious grand finals. The Loreal Colour Trophy is one of the biggest hairdressing competitions in the UK and after securing a place winning the East of England’s Best in the Region trophy for the Mens Image Award. Senior Stylist, Marie Atterbury will now compete at the L’Oréal Colour Trophy 2018 Grand Final to be held on 4th June 2018 in London.

VISITORS are to be welcomed to the Canine Partners Midlands Training Centre to learn more about how the charity’s amazing dogs can transform the lives of people with disabilities.

Keeping things local, their model, Jack Bridges, is a local resident of Rothley and also a school pupil at Rawlins College in Quorn and their make-up artist is Kaye Salmon Makeup of Quorn. The team are thrilled at the news and ecstatic to be through to the finals.

The information sessions, which are to be held on 17 July, offer members of the public a fantastic opportunity to find out more about Canine Partners, what they do as a charity and how to support them. Information sessions are held at the training centre in Osgathorpe, Leicestershire, throughout the year, where you can see a demonstration and hear from an established partner about the difference their canine partner has made to their lives.

The teams had only 30 minutes to create their fashion inspired, flawless winning look to impress the elite group of judges. Out of hundreds of initial entries, their creation wowed the star lined judges and hopefully will do the same on the big day! At the highly acclaimed Grand Final in London on 4th June 2018, they will have just one more opportunity in which to prove both their creative flair and technical ability in their chosen category.

The dogs are trained to carry out a range of everyday tasks including picking up and fetching items, opening doors and dressing a person. They can even help load and unload a washing machine and they can fetch help in an emergency.

If they win they will pick up a once-in-a-lifetime prize package which includes a European Trip to shoot their winning look, a fashion shoot with a leading consumer glossy magazine, plus endless opportunities throughout their winning year!

By attending an information session, it helps to raise awareness and vital funds for the charity, which will lead to Canine Partners being able to re-open their currently closed waiting list for new applicants.

You can see the winning looks at www.lorealcolourtophy.com and keep up with the competition action @lorealeducationuki Instagram and #LCT18 #lorealprouk


We are always on the lookout for local news. Please send articles to: yourlocal@ openboxpromotions.co.uk

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The information sessions will take place on Tuesday 17 July at 11am and 2pm. Canine Partners ask for a suggested donation of £5 per person, which includes the costs for the event and refreshments. The session includes a presentation, a short film, a demonstration by dogs in training and a talk from an established partner. For further information and to book your place, visit caninepartners.org.uk/informationsessions/ or call 01730 716000 and select 1 for fundraising.



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David Snartt Reports... Borough Councillor for Forest Bradgate

Update on Planning Applications I am now in receipt of the Planning Inspectors decision for the application to build 9 dwellings on land adjacent to Briscoe Lane, Woodhouse. This was the appeal by the applicants after Charnwood Borough Council refused planning permission. The Inspector allowed the development subject to conditions. The full details of the decision are on the Council website under application number P/17/1984/2. Without getting too involved in planning detail, in my view, the decision to allow this development centred around the National Planning Policy Framework, the reasons in the decision notice state: Paragraph 47 of the Framework advises that Local Planning Authorities should have a five year housing land supply. It is common ground that the Local Planning Authority has a housing land supply of 4.6 years. As a consequence, relevant policies for the supply of housing are considered not to be up to date. Going on to say: The overall conclusion. The Council does not have a 5 year housing land supply, as a consequence paragraph 49 of the Framework directs that development plan policies relevant to housing land supply should not be considered up to date. In my view, this again demonstrates that we will see piecemeal development within areas of the Borough which are against the objectives of the Charnwood Local Plan, Core Strategy Policy CS1, until the Council can demonstrate a five year housing land supply. I am disappointed and frustrated that after producing a Local Plan, Core Strategy adopted less than three years ago, it is deemed to be out of date. I am currently a member of a scrutiny panel looking at why the Council are unable to demonstrate a five year housing land supply. This is important especially as other decisions will be needed on proposed applications in my area and the wider Borough.

I am now involved with the outline planning application for up to 50 dwellings on land adjacent to Maplewell Road, Woodhouse Eaves, to which I referred to in my last month’s report. I have asked that this application is determined by a Planning Committee. This will allow the Parish Council, a representative of the many objectors and myself to speak at the meeting. I was pleased to see so many residents have responded to Charnwood Borough Council about this application, especially using local knowledge to outline good planning reasons and objections to the proposal. I will keep you informed as this application progresses through the planning process. Also in last month’s report I alluded to a planning application by the Bradgate Park Trust for a hot food and drinks kiosk at Hunts Hill (Old John). I have also asked this to be determined by a Planning Committee. I recall some years ago an application for a cafeteria at the Deer Barn Buildings was refused by Charnwood Borough Council, one of the reasons being the wider effect of increased litter and possible harm to ecological and wildlife interests. Subsequently this was allowed under a Certificate of Lawfulness, but only to serve hot and cold drinks and light pre-packed refreshments in a cafeteria to seat 16 persons. In my view, Hunts Hill is a more sensitive area within Bradgate Park, it may also attract more visitors who already park their vehicles on the highway and across the footway causing, in my view, highway safety issues. I have asked for a listed building application to be determined by a Planning Committee. This is an application for an external mounting of a defibrillator box housing to a listed building, Old John. Defibrillator units do save lives and I am pleased to see so many being installed in local areas, but, in my view, an alternative site for this installation should be

found instead of attaching it to this iconic listed building. I believe Old John is possibly the most well-known listed building throughout the County and beyond, therefore, every effort should be made to find an alternative site to accommodate this box.

Good Neighbour Scheme I attended a meeting in the Newtown Linford Village Hall, organised by the Rector of All Saints,’ Richard Trethewey about introducing a Good Neighbour Scheme within the Parish. Locally there are successful schemes operating in nearby Thurcaston Cropston Parish and Woodhouse Parish. Richard had asked Keith Pyne to talk at the meeting about how the scheme operates in Thurcaston and Cropston. Keith was able to give an enthusiastic demonstration about the benefits of having such a scheme, outlining the way it operates within the Parish and how it is making a difference to many people in need of help. I also heard first hand at the recent Annual Woodhouse Parish meeting, where a member of the Woodhouse committee gave details about the impressive contribution they had made, helping residents in need throughout the year. A Good Neighbour Scheme is based on a coordinated network of local volunteers who provide an informal help and support service to those in need within the community. This may include the elderly, disabled, single parents, or those temporarily in need through illness, injury or bereavement. The aim is to give volunteers a chance to help their neighbours enjoy a better quality of life by making sure that essential help and support is easily accessible to the whole community. Although there was general agreement at the meeting that a scheme within the Newtown Linford Parish would be beneficial to residents in need, the meeting was unable to take it forward on the night because there needs to be a commitment from a small group of people to form a committee to progress this further. If anyone would like to get involved and is passionate about helping people in need or would like more information about the scheme, I am sure Richard Trethewey would

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be pleased to hear from you. I believe some residents already volunteer to help residents we know are in need but, in my view, this scheme would make sure all residents would know that help was available by local volunteers.

Garden Waste Brown Bins I have received information from Charnwood Borough Council to make residents aware that any garden waste bins not displaying the valid subscription sticker will be removed from July 25th. I am told by the Council this is due to residents putting their bins out for collection when they have not paid their subscription, this is causing a significant impact to the quality of the service. Removing the unpaid bins is seen as the best solution to the problem. Just a reminder to put bins out on the right day and ensure the sticker is clearly visible to make sure its contents are collected.

Additional Flood Wardens Required I have also received information from Charnwood Borough Council that Newtown Linford Parish and Woodhouse Parish do not have a Flood Warden. This is a voluntary role which has provided good local knowledge about flooding in other locations within Leicestershire. If anyone is interested in finding out more about this role, please contact Charnwood’s Resilience Officer at kimberly.jebson-hambly@leics.gov.uk.

Celebrate Charnwood’s Rich Heritage A plaque scheme has been launched to celebrate Charnwood’s rich heritage. The scheme will mark people, places and events in Charnwood’s history. This scheme is being led by the Borough Council and aims to bring history to life for current and future generations. The scheme aims to install up to five plaques a year and one will be decided by public vote. A panel of councillors, officers and community representatives has been formed to help decide on locations and the public are also being asked to make nominations. The Council would like to hear from communities and organisations about suggestions for a Charnwood Heritage Plaque. For more information or nominate a person, place or event for consideration, please visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/heritage_plaques The deadline for nominations is July 31st 2018. The first plaque will honour the 158 Logistics Regiment and 203 Transport Squadron and Charnwood’s links to the armed forces. The plaque will be unveiled at the Army Reserve Centre, Leicester Road, Loughborough. If you need to contact me on any issue, please write to 10 Groby Lane, Newtown Linford, Leicester. LE6 0HH e-mail cllr.david.snartt@charnwood.gov.uk. or telephone 01530 244804.

11-17 Years Old? Want To Try A New Sport Over The Summer Holidays? LEICESTER Rowing Club are hosting a Learn to Row Juniors Course. July 30th-August 2nd Mon-Thurs 9.30-4pm. There are some spaces availiable. Interested in having a go? Want to learn the key skills and techniques? Have fun and get fit? See if you would like to join? Want to know more? Talk to Freya -Junior Rep on 0116 287 8313, visit on a Saturday morning 8.30-10.30 or contact us via email: juniors@leicester-rowing.co.uk or you visit us on Saturdays 8.30-10.30am The cost per person per course is ÂŁ80, which is payable on enrollment. Form available on website at http://www.leicester-rowing.co.uk

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locks on your windows and a burglar alarm installed to your property it is important you use them. It is advised you always try to make your home appear occupied. Here are some steps you can take to ensure this:

Welcome to ‘Police Matters’ from the Anstey Dedicated Neighbourhood Policing Team.

• Get a friend, neighbour or relative to keep an eye on your house or flat. Even the smallest of jobs such as collecting post from the letterbox, sweeping up leaves, putting dustbins out and even mowing your lawn, can make it seem as though someone is home.

ASB & Nuisance Behaviour - It's not just young people that commit nuisance behaviour. Behaving antisocially can have serious consequences no matter how old you are getting fined, arrested, tagged or even sent to prison could affect your relationship, your career and your social life. We often see an increase in antisocial behaviour during the summer holidays which can include excessive noise, graffiti, the use of off-road vehicles, racing on public roads, and minor criminal damage. Many of these issues are committed in the spur of the moment, without considering the consequences or the effect they might have on other people.

We want everyone to enjoy their summer. Think about your actions while being respectful and tolerant of others. Holiday Safety - Again another reminder about holiday safety. It is coming to that time of year again when lots of us are planning on jetting away in the coming months for some holiday sun. Let’s protect our homes as best as we can before we go! Most burglaries occur when there is no-one home, so whether you are leaving the house for a few minutes, the day or a fortnight, remember to shut and lock all your windows and doors. By now most of us are in a habit of making sure windows and doors are closed and locked on our vehicles and houses when we leave them, but in the excitement of going away, we can sometimes forget. If you have

• Cancel deliveries of milk and newspapers while you are away, as a clutter of these around your front door, becomes a clear sign that nobody is home. • Invest in some automatic time switches, which switch lights and radios on and off at set times. • Never leave blinds or curtains closed as this makes it obvious the property is empty during the day.

Thurcaston and Cropston Local History Society On Sunday 17th June members of Thurcaston and Cropston Local History Society visited Breedon-on-the Hill for a very interesting guided tour of St Mary and St Hardulph’s church with Peter Liddle (former County Archaeologist). Location: The village of Breedon-on-the-Hill (the name means hill in 3 languages: Celtic – bree; Saxon – don; and English - hill) is in fact at the foot of the hill, the church of St Mary and St Hardulph stands alone on top surrounded by its churchyard. The hill has been quarried over the centuries but extensively since the 1940’s, losing much archaeological evidence of what was originally an Iron Age Hill fort. Some of the artifacts uncovered by the bulldozers were saved by the quarry owner but no archaeological survey was done. Many bodies were also unearthed which may have been mid-late Anglo Saxon burials. History: This important Anglo-Saxon religious site was created around 675-691 AD. Within a couple of generations the Vikings arrived

reaching the neighbouring monastery of Repton by 873. There is no documentary evidence of what happened at Breedon-onthe-Hill but it is likely it was plundered like many other religious sites. The monastery may have been re-founded in the 10th century following the end of Viking rule. By the 1120’s there were Augustinian Canons here (never more than about five) and it became a small priory under the auspices of Nostell Priory. The Priory was dissolved along with Nostell during the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539. Later, part was sold to the Shirleys of Staunton Harold who wanted it to bury their family dead. Exterior architecture: The church today is half the size as it once was and marks showing the roof lines of former buildings can be seen on the tower. There is no architectural evidence of the original Saxon buildings but Norman doors, 13th century lancet windows and later windows from the 15th century re-fenestration can be seen. There is no sign of earlier cloisters, dormitories or the nave, and

because of the surrounding graveyard no excavations can be carried out, however ground-probing radar would probably be able to provide some clues. Interior: The jewel of the church is the Anglo-Saxon sculptures and carvings. There are long sections of wall frieze depicting vine scrolls, birds and beasts. There is also a series of panels showing human figures and a lion known as the Anglian Beast. We were able to go into the tower to see the Breedon Angel possibly the earliest known carving of an angel in England. The church also contains the family mausoleum of the Shirleys, and the dark and heavily carved Shirley family pew dated 1627. In July and August there are other outdoor visits. The next indoor meeting will take place in the Harrison Room, All Saints’ Church, Thurcaston, on Tuesday 18th September at 7.30pm, about Cropstone House Farm. Please see the website for more details. http://www.thurcastoncropstonhistory.org.uk


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Deborah Taylor... Latest News Borough Councillor for Anstey & County Councillor for Bradgate Division 6 Geary Close, Anstey LE7 7LW - Tel: 0116 2350126 Email: Cllr.Deborah.Taylor@charnwood.gov.uk & Deborah.Taylor@leics.gov.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/CllrDTaylor - Twitter: @CllrDTaylor

As usual, a busy month getting to grips with my two new roles and campaigning for two by-elections following the sad death of Cllr David Slater. Jane Hunt was elected at the by-election for the Quorn and Mountsorrel Castle Ward and will join her colleagues in the Charnwood Borough Council Chamber. I have recently attended a Police briefing at County Hall to understand further about their resources and how they are being utilised. I raised the question as to whether Neighbourhood Watch Schemes (NHWS) were being used effectively to support the police as ears and eyes on the ground. This was taken away by the Deputy Chief Constable, Rob Nixon, to look into further and I will continue to work to raise the profile of NHWS for the benefit of the police and residents. I have been out and about in the Borough and County visiting organisations and hubs who deliver excellent service in our area as part of my two Cabinet roles. I have enjoyed meeting as many people as I can, to further understand their roles and the issues that they face in their communities. I spent an afternoon with the Police and Crime Commissioner, Lord Bach, on a patch walk in Loughborough. We met many partners that Charnwood Borough Council work with and it was an opportunity for them to highlight areas of concern to Lord Bach. I came away from the walk with a real sense that Lord Bach is aware of the issues we face in the area, I will continue to press his office for support to tackle these serious issues. I attended the 40th Leicester Scouts duck race on Saturday 16th June. The weather did not look promising but the rain held off. My ducks did not win as usual and The Brook was flowing very fast. It was nice to see it busy, with so many of our local businesses and residents supporting our youngsters. Everyone was enjoying themselves and I hope it was a successful event for the scouts.


On the morning of Saturday 23rd June I attended Leicester Cathedral for the Armed Forces Day Service and Parade.

Road will be controlled by temporary 2 way traffic lights with a diversion route through Link Road. The closures should not exceed 4 nights.

It was a lovely service with the Cathedral also the hosting the ‘Suspended’ art installation. This is a hanging piece of art with 700 items of refugees clothing salvaged from the beaches of the Greek Island of Lesbos. This is well worth a look if you are near to the Cathedral. On the Sunday afternoon I managed to find time to have a wander round some of the open gardens in Thurcaston and Cropston in the lovely sunshine after the England World Cup game! On Monday 25th June I attended the Armed Forces Day Flag Raising Ceremony at County  Hall. It is a pleasure to see all of the lovely summer hanging baskets appearing in our villages, I think these add a delightful touch to the areas and I look forward to watching them bloom.

Newtown Linford I am continuing my work with the ongoing traffic and parking issues within Newtown Linford and we are in the process of setting up a partnership meeting with all parties involved, including Leicestershire County Council to begin the process of collecting data and surveying residents to look at the next steps. I T also attended the meeting in Newtown Linford about setting up a ‘Good Neighbour Scheme’. I was delighted to see Keith Pyne, who helped set up the scheme in Thurcaston and Cropston, present to the group with great S enthusiasm and knowledge, on how they have evolved. I hope there are enough volunteers to get the scheme off the ground in Newtown Linford, if you require any further information, with a view to joining the scheme, J please contact the Rector, Richard Trethewey on 0116 287 1604.

Road Closures in Anstey Through many past reports I have stated that remedial works are required in The Nook. These works are now due to go ahead fairly soon. I do not have the exact date yet but the work will happen sometime after 30th July. A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is to be made for the following location: Bradgate Road, Stadon Road and Latimer Street, Anstey to facilitate Chasetown Civil Engineering Limited to do the remedial works in The Nook. The TTRO will incorporate temporary road closures, temporary parking bay suspensions and temporary prohibition of waiting at any time. During the closures, traffic flow through The Nook from Leicester Road and Cropston

Average Speed Cameras Trials On the 10th March 2017, Leicestershire County Council’s Cabinet approved a Community Speed Enforcement trial at seven sites in Leicestershire. The sites are: A6 Oadby; A50 Groby; A4304 Walcote; B4114 Sharnford; B676 Freeby; Beacon Road, Woodhouse Eaves; Burton Road, Measham. The County Council decided to undertake the average speed camera trial in response to community concerns in order to improve the quality of life for local communities where speeding is of a concern. The trial will be in operation for a period of one year, after which time a full evaluation will be undertaken. Jenoptik Traffic Solutions UK Ltd has been awarded the contract. The income raised from fines issued through safety cameras goes directly to HM Treasury. The County Council are currently working with Central Government to change this arrangement whereby fines are retained locally to fund the purchase of safety cameras and once paid for, the monies would again revert back to Central Government. Signs have now been erected and work to install the cameras by Jenoptik will soon be carried out. All residents within the installation areas will receive a letter explaining that a camera will be installed in the vicinity of their property. All cameras will be installed on highway land and will only be capable of taking still images of the carriageway; there will be no privacy implications in connection with your property. Jenoptik will be writing to those affected by the works in advance of any works starting on site and there will be contact details on that

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letter should you have any concerns about the works being carried out. Details will be included regarding working hours and what traffic management measures will be in place. Full scheduling for the works across all seven sites is yet to be finalised, however works are due to start on site at Sharnford, Walcote and Measham. It is anticipated that enforcement will commence in summer 2018 once all necessary site and back office works are complete.

Changes to Bring Sites Charnwood Borough Council is making changes to recycling bring sites across Charnwood to remove a duplication of service and save taxpayers around £20,000 a year. The Council is removing 79 glass and aluminium recycling banks at a number of locations as they are no longer necessary, as the materials can be recycled in the Council’s kerbside scheme. These sites can also attract fly-tipping and be used to dump items such as mattresses and white goods. The plans do not affect charity recycling banks which often collect clothing, shoes and books or the household waste and recycling sites operated by the county council. There are 70 bring sites across the Borough: • Eight are owned by the council, which are mainly in car parks, and seven glass and four aluminium can banks will be re moved. Six textile banks will remain. •

There are a further 62 sites which are owned by third parties, such as parish councils, and 49 glass and 19 aluminium can recycling banks will be removed. This will leave 12 glass, one aluminium and 12 textile recycling banks plus a small number of other charity banks. The Council also organises the collection of a further three paper/cardboard banks on private land with a private operator. The Council anticipates the banks will continue under new arrangements between the landowner and the private operator.

Residents can request bags to put extra recycling in if necessary. Collecting more recycling through the kerbside scheme will not add any extra cost to the council. The banks will be removed in August and September and the Council will be using the media, social media, its website and notices on the sites to inform residents about the changes. The sites affected within my division are: •

Anstey - The Nook car park

Woodhouse Eaves - Main Street car park and The Curzon Pub, Maplewell Road

Cropston - Bradgate Arms, Station Road

Newtown Linford - Grey Lady restaurant, Sharpley Hill and The Bradgate, Main Street Garden Waste Bins

Residents are being advised that any brown garden waste bins which are not displaying a valid subscription sticker will be removed from 25th June 2018. Charnwood Borough Council, which runs the scheme, states a number of properties are still putting bins out to be emptied despite not paying for the service. The Council says checking for valid subscriptions and issuing reminders and warnings adds time to the rounds and therefore taking away the bins will make the service more efficient for those who are paying for it. Last year the Council introduced a permit scheme which means garden waste bins need to display a sticker to prove that their service has been paid for. If the sticker is not displayed, the bin will not be emptied. If you have a paid garden waste subscription, please put your bin out on the right day ensuring it is displaying a valid sticker. If you do not put a sticker on, it will not be emptied and a leaflet will be left explaining why it has not been collected. From 25th June any bins which are left out and do not have valid subscriptions will be taken away. A letter will be delivered to the property explaining what has happened.

Anyone wanting more information or to subscribe to the garden waste service should visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/gardenwaste

Tip of the Month Did you know…

….about Adoption in Leicestershire? Leicestershire County Council (LCC) is looking for new generations of adopters who can step into a hugely rewarding role and offer loving homes to vulnerable children and young people who cannot be brought up by their birth family. Adopting is one of the most rewarding but challenging things, you could ever do. As long as you are over 21 and are able to provide a permanent stable and caring home then adoption is a way of providing a family to a child. Adoption can transform the lives of some of the most vulnerable children in Leicestershire. If you would like to find out more informally, come along to one of LCC events or fill in the contact form online at https://www. leicestershire.gov.uk/education-andchildren/adoption/why-adopt-in-leicestershire or contact them via telephone on: 0116 305 0505, Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm The next event evening is on 30th August 2018. The presentation will tell you everything you need to know about adoption. The event starts at 6.30pm and finishes at 8pm. Please arrive at the main reception by 6.15pm. The event is held at County Hall, Glenfield, LE3 8SA. If you have any issues or concerns, I’m here to help.

Cllr Deborah Taylor


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Stonehurst Farm 1940’s WW2 Event

Applications for primary school places now open!

(Mountsorrel Village – LE12 7AA- On the old A6)

PARENTS with children due to start at primary schools in Leicestershire in September 2019 can now apply for places at their preferred choice of schools. More information about schools in Leicestershire and the application process can be found at www.leicestershire.gov.uk/admissions Parents then have until Tuesday, 15th January 2019 to submit their applications. Ivan Ould, county council cabinet member for children and families, said: “We want to remind parents to allow enough time to research and shortlist up to three primary schools that they want to include on their application. “There’s no automatic entry system for any school in the county so we’d encourage parents to make direct contact with the schools to arrange any visits.” Nearly 7,300 applications were received for the start of the autumn term this year and resulted in: • 92.82 per cent (6,774) securing their first choice - that was compared to 91.3 per cent in 2016; • 4.39 per cent (321) securing their second choice; • 0.83 per cent (61) securing their third choice; • 98.05 per cent (7,156) securing one of their top three choices The county council is encouraging parents to make an online application - 97 per cent of them did for the Autumn 2018 term - so they receive an automatic acknowledgment that the application has been submitted. Late applications, says the council, have to be given the lowest priority as they have to be processed after the applications made on time.

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Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th August 2018 10.30am – 16.30pm Stonehurst Farm and Charnwood Wartime events present a two day combined weekend 1940’s event. This is a real family day out with a large number of period vehicles and displays of equipment creating a wartime atmosphere. The farm has a good collection of animals for children as well as a Vehicle Museum. Light snacks and drinks can be found in the restaurant (NAFFI). Both Allied and German Groups are invited to attend this two day weekend event being held at Stonehurst Family Farm. The site has a suitable field and hard core area for the event. Also of interest is the Motor Museum, housing a large collection of Vintage Cars and Motorcycles plus a large selection of farm animals and a Restaurant / NAFFI. Please advise if you are able to attend. Contact details: Organiser – Ted Edwards 07885206 338 Assistant – Mike Batten – “Monty” 01509 230089 or email monty@talktalk.net

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“Holidays at home and abroad for the Blind” When Gwyneth Milner lost her husband, she did not expect to find herself going on holiday shortly afterwards. However, she happened to meet a lady who was involved in acting as a guide for people who are visually impaired to some degree, including some who are completely blind. Having a helper companion in this way enables them to enjoy a holiday either in this country or abroad, including far-away destinations such as the USA. Gwyneth discovered that the company organising the holidays, called Travel Eyes, was founded by Amar Latif, an award-winning motivational speaker who lost his own sight in his teens, and she offered her services. The tours abroad leave from Gatwick Airport, and holiday makers normally come in by National Coach. If the flight is leaving early in the morning, it is possible to book a local hotel room for the night beforehand. The group will normally go to the Disabled area, and will be put onto the plane first. There is always a Tour Manager to look after the group, and these people are vetted thoroughly, as they have great responsibility. He or she will take care of the boarding passes and the luggage labels for the group, and sort out any problems during the holiday including medical care. Although each blind person is paired with a sighted guide, experience has shown that it is preferable to have a few extra sighted people available for the clients, in case of illness etc. Guides are trained to prepare their charges by telling them when they are approaching steps, for example, and crucially whether the steps go up or down! Guides will help by saying whether doors open on the right or left of the person, and whether the chairs they are about to sit on have arms or no arms. Each day the partnership is changed, so that everyone gets to know all the other people on the tour, and this seems to work very well.

The visually impaired clients vary greatly, including in confidence, and some manage better in the dark while others like the daylight. The guides normally ask them how much help they would like to have. Some people prefer not to have their meals described to them as being “Potatoes at ten o’clock, beans at two o’clock and sausages at six o’clock”! Certain clients may also be well used to escalators. Even handling foreign money when abroad is usually no problem for the clients. Mrs Milner’s first trip with the company was to Lake Garda, Italy, in May. She was not sure whether she had described the beauty of the scenery adequately, but her charge understood perfectly when she gasped “Wow!” She explained to us that the tours may include a free day, and that the Travel Eyes staff will try to find out information for clients such as the times of buses, if they wish to go somewhere. You do not have to go on trips if you would rather relax quietly. There was a boat trip on Lake Garda which was enjoyable. Some people also went on the train to visit Venice. One married couple, who are both blind, very much wanted to go up to the top of a tall tower with her, which had very narrow steps! There was also an excursion to Verona, which has a well-preserved amphitheatre, and shows are still put on there. Sometimes the clients will be allowed facilities which are not available to the general public, to increase their enjoyment of the holiday. Apparently one man went on a trip to China, and was actually allowed to touch some of the famous terracotta army figures discovered in 1974. One gentleman told her that, whilst camping, his guide dog got out of the tent and went into a lady’s tent nearby --- and that is how he met his future wife! This gent has raised funds for the Guide Dogs Association. He goes walking with a friend in the Lake District. On the holiday he and others were always immaculately dressed, and the ladies even

managed to wear matching jewellery. One couple use a sat-nav when going on a trip and like to go for meals in a pub. Whilst walking along the road one day, the wife screamed loudly, and her husband was startled --- a horse had leaned over the gate and licked her face! Some clients come over to the UK from other countries to join these holidays. Visually impaired people can be assisted if travelling by train, and dedicated buggies can help them at the stations. Mrs Milner also took part in a river cruise on the Danube, leaving from Munich. This famous city offers the novelty of a carillon on the cathedral, where carved figures come out and mark the passing hours. She noticed that Germany seemed to be quite affluent, with cheap and efficient transport, and she enjoyed trying an outdoor spa. In Passau, in the largest cathedral in Europe, they attended an organ recital. In Vienna, some of the group went to an evening concert, where she noticed the beautiful chandeliers. One day they visited an old, enormous monastery now partly converted to a school. Their destination of Budapest, situated on opposite banks of the Danube, was a cheerful sight all lit up at night. She did remark that she had expected more pretty villages to be strung all along the banks, but mostly it was trees and shrubbery. By contrast there was a holiday in California, where it was possible for small groups to swim with the dolphins and stroke them gently. She also enjoyed a holiday in Mexico. For those visually impaired people who have their own guide dog, arrangements can be made to look after the dogs during their absence if they are going abroad, while holidays in the UK such as on the Isle of Wight permit them to accompany their owner. Finally, Gwyneth assured us that there was always plenty of laughter, and lots of friendships are formed. (More information can be obtained from the website.) *** Monday Club meetings start at 2.15pm on the second Monday of each month. New members and visitors are very welcome to future meetings (please see local posters for details). The next meeting on 9th July will be

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strawberry cream tea at the Bluebell Inn at Rothley (pre-booking essential), which has been a popular highlight in recent years. On 13th August we have a talk about Egypt, and on 10th September we shall celebrate our Harvest Festival.

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‘Daily Boost’ Launch – getting our children and young people active, healthy and happy LEICESTER-SHIRE & Rutland Sport, alongside initial funders Leicestershire County Council are launching the Daily Boost, a programme designed to support children and young people in schools and early years settings to become more active.

The Daily Boost aims to encourage children and young people to do 15 minutes of organised activity at school every day. This could be before school, at lunchtime, after school, or during the school day in an ‘active lesson’. Children and young people could walk, run, skip, hop or jump around a set lap or loop at school. Or simply do their favourite sport or activity that gets them active – dancing, cycling, scooting, anything! The Daily Boost is free* and all schools and early years settings will receive resources and rewards and access to a bespoke website to log all activity at www.lrsport.org/dailyboost The Chief Medical Officer recommends that children and young people (5-18 years) should engage in moderate intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day. Being active provides many benefits including improvements to physical and mental wellbeing. 21% of all children aged 5-15 years who had attended school in the last week met the physical activity guidelines of at least 60 minutes of activity each day of the week in 2015**. The Daily Boost is here to tackle and reverse these issues. Schools can now sign up for the Daily Boost, by registering their school to receive resources including posters, flyers and classroom wallcharts. After every ‘boost’ of activity the school records the participation levels on their wallchart and termly on the website for pupils to earn boost bands and certificates! The website also features a Boost Tracker so schools can monitor the number of boost activities and participation numbers undertaken over the term and school year. More information: http://www.lrsport.org/dailyboost

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Anstey WI Members of Anstey WI recently enjoyed a visit to Station Glass at Shenton Railway Station, where Richard Golding demonstrated his immense skill at glass blowing, and his visitors were able to view his beautiful creations. At the June meeting, president Sheila Price presented a birthday card to June Hummel, the newest of three members to turn 80 this year. Our speaker was Izzie Tutcher, fundraising manager at Leicestershire Animal Aid. She brought with her Percy the cockerpoo. Percy came into the rescue centre in Huncote, where Izzie fell in love with him and adopted him. No wonder! Percy was a lively dog who instantly charmed the ladies present. He stole the show from Izzie, excellent speaker though she is. She told us all about the rescue centre, which sits in 4.5 acres of land, with spacious, colourful accommodation for the dogs and cats they take in. They have ample facilities for recreation and exercise, as well as medical treatment. The centre acts as a sort of dating agency, matching animals with would be owners, to whom it provides lifetime advice. There is a community support scheme for vulnerable owners who are struggling to look after their pets. The education service teaches animal massage and runs workshops for children who may, for instance, be afraid of dogs. The competition, a cat ornament, was won by Ann Coney, with Marian Driver and Liz Heggs joint second. July being our holiday month, the next meeting at the Jubilee Hall will be on 8th August at 7.30pm, when Paul Taberner will take us “Behind the Crime Scenes.” Visitors are most welcome.

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Borough Councillor Report Cllr John J. Sutherington. Ward Councillor. Anstey. 43 George Street, Anstey, Leicester LE7 7DT. 0116 2204643. M 07939070603. - Email:- cllr.john.sutherington@charnwood.gov.uk Good day everyone and welcome to what used to be the Leicester Holiday fortnight, first 2 weeks in July, when we all toddled off to the East Coast for the annual 14 day knees up to Skegness etc. We used to go to Ingoldmels Golden Sands Caravan site. Days on the beach and spend most nights with Mam, Dad, and 2 brothers at Tress’s Barn club! Still there today. Also went to BUTLINS in 1965 on my own! where I entered a talent competition and sang Johnny Be Goode. I lost in the final to a 1 legged tap dancer… also on the bill was Donald Duck? And Jess Conrad. Bringing you up to date on a few things: The Nook island Anstey still manages to confuse people, while on the local cricketing front Anstey & Glenfield CC are top of Division 5 west of the Leicestershire & Rutland Cricket League still unbeaten after winning 7 games on the bounce, while Cropston CC 1st and Newtown Linford CC 1st. occupy the top 2 spots of Division 1. Oh yes the FIFA world cup as started with 2 wins and qualification after just 2 games for England. Leicester City’s Centre back Harry McGuire as played both games whilst goal-scorer extraordinaire Jamie Vardy got on as sub for “Hat Trick” hero Harry Kane in the Panama game.

SCAM UPDATE? I received a letter recently from Santander Bank stating that they had managed to recoup some of my money that I lost in a £20,000 scam. We have pleasure in reimbursing into your account the princely sum of £5-14p!! After much dialling I finally got through to them and told them in my opinion it made Santander look like a laughing stock. Since my enquiry they have retrieved a further £2021-17p as they said they could have done more for me initially, plus a further £200-00p as a gesture of goodwill. This however still leaves around £17,500 outstanding. Through newspaper articles in the Leicester Mercury and Daily mail plus, BBC Midlands Today TV and BBC 5 live radio I am hoping that my message is getting across.

GET OUT & ACTIVE IN CHARNWOOD THIS SUMMER A range of summer activities are on offer for children, young people and families in Charnwood. The borough council’s Active Charnwood team has put together a range of events and sessions at various locations in the area. New for this year are abseiling, archery legends, beginner’s taekwondo,


hockey and indoor bowls. Activities will run from Monday, July 16 to Friday, August 24 at locations including Loughborough, Birstall, Mountsorrel, Shepshed and Syston. Bookings are being taken NOW. There is a lot on offer and as well as some great new activities we’ve also got firm favourites like cricket and tennis. The holiday programme provides a number of opportunities to get active this summer and with 33 different activities and 100 sessions we are sure there’s something for everyone." Activities also include boxing, climbing, dodgeball, forest schools, geocaching, laser quest, yoga and more. Sessions start at £3 and discounts are available for Wild Card holders. If you are aged five to 16, or have a disability, and live or go to school in Charnwood, you may be able to sign up to the Wild Card scheme by visiting www.charnwood.gov.uk/wildcard For a full list of activities available this halfterm, please visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/ holidayprogrammes to book, call 01509 634561 or email active.together@charnwood.gov.uk. JUST DO IT.

HUGGLESCOTE SUPER NIGHT OUT? Not quite knowing how things would go with my health issues the Medusa 50th. Anniversary reunion was a resounding success with 10 ex members turning up to play, one song Dave Bryant who has played the west end theatres recently, to myself on everyone except Albatross. (Couldn’t remember the words!) Video killed the radio star, star Bruce Woolley didn’t disappoint. There was a wide range of sounds on offer ranging from Black Sabbaths “Paranoid” Everly Brothers “Dream” and yes 53 years later Chuck Berry’s immortal Rock & Roller Johnny B. Goode.” A near full house raised £286-75p in a bucket collection to be donated to the Anthony Nolan Trust. This trust is the reason I can still do these nights. Thanks to TECHNAUDIO disco who kept the night going when I had to rest.

TOWN COMMITTEE MEET FOR FIRST TIME A committee set up by Charnwood Borough Council to consider issues affecting Loughborough met for the first time on June 20. The agenda for the first Loughborough Area Committee included an update on plans to expand the town cemetery, a £280,000 conservation project at the Carillon Tower and improvements to the town’s markets. The committee comprises all 20 borough councillors whose wards cover the town and was set up to give those councillors a more formal role in key matters relating to the area. It is not a decision-making committee but allows the borough councillors representing Loughborough to be consulted and to give their collective views on significant issues. Adrian Ward, head of strategic support at the council, said: “The intention is that the Loughborough Area Committee will meet twice a year to consider budget proposals affecting the town and to receive an annual review of significant matters or issues relating to Loughborough.” The chair and vice-chair will be elected annually. Also on the first agenda are updates on plans to improve Southfields Park and Sidings Park, off Burder Street. This historic first committee met on Wednesday, June 20 at the council offices in Southfield Road, and the reports are available online. At future meetings, residents will be able to ask questions about matters affecting Loughborough by submitting them six working days before the meeting.

NOMADS UPS AND DOWNS What a year for Anstey Nomads FC formed in 1947 it was hoped that they might have something to celebrate in their 70 year at the Cropston Road ground. Close but no cigar with the 1st team coming runners up to Nottingham based Dunkirk FC on goal difference and runners up to Radford in the league cup. However the under18s did the league and cup double in the under 18 league, a fantastic achievement. The reserves also finished a creditable 8th place in the Leicestershire Senior league division. But as we have seen with football in higher leagues including the premier when it comes to loyalty to a club it’s a rarity and I understand 1st. team manager Nick Brett, has moved on with some players going with

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him. Could be interesting in the clubs first year in the United Counties league Division 1. The club was the best supported team in last season’s East Midlands Counties League; long may it continue Come on you “Noisy Nomads”

YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD ! One of my fellow Anstey Parish Councillor’s Ian Grogan will be running the Leicester Marathon on October 14th 2018. He will be running this distance for the first time at the ripe old age of 65! Ian has been a member of Team Anstey running club for just over two years and has said the training, advice & support he has received from this friendly local club has been invaluable in getting him to this stage.

give the grant to one or several projects and the minimum amount we can award is £250 and the maximum, the full £1,000. All you need to do is contact me and tell me about your project. If it has potential, then simply fill in an application form on the Council website and we’ll take it from there. There is a criteria and all applications will be checked by officers at the Council, but I think the important thing is IF YOU DON’T ASK YOU WON’T GET! There’s more info on the Charnwood council website, visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/pages /member_grants

other grants which support the community. For more info, visit www.charnwood.gov.uk/ charnwoodgrants Charnwood Borough Council already gives out over £200,000 per year to individuals, Sports Clubs and other organisations.

ALWAYS HERE TO HELP, Look forward to hearing from you soon, ALWAYS A PLEASURE, NEVER A CHORE. ☺ Yours.

Cllr. John J. Sutherington.☺

The borough council also has a number of

We tried but I am still on my own at Charnwood borough Council

A terrific incentive for Ian to achieve this challenging goal is that he is raising money for Prostate Cancer UK . If you want to sponsor Ian. Read why he is supporting this charity just go to www.justgiving.com & search for his name.

Quorn and Mountsorrel Castle Ward A by-election caused by the passing of David Slater for the Quorn and Moutsorrel Castle ward was held on June 22, 2018. The results of the election can be seen below.

MONEY FOR YOUR ORGANISATION! It could be you… I’m on the lookout for community projects in my ward of ANSTEY which could benefit from a new grant scheme launched by the Council. Each borough councillor (all 52 of us) have been allocated £1,000 to award to community projects in their ward. We can 1/5/18


Page 1

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Anstey RFC Annual Dinner and AGM Following on from a successful President’s Day on the first Sunday in May, our Annual Club dinner took place on the first Saturday in June at Altro Mondo in Leicester. 

Thirty of us enjoyed a four cource meal and plenty of wine and beer at reasonable prices before presentations of First Team Player of the year who was Aaron Mahoney, Young Player, Andrew Pollock and Clubman of the Year, Ian Pollock.

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Presentations done it was party time with some great karaoke from both current and many non current players until late. Fixtures are now being confirmed for the new season starting at the ned of August. The club AGM is on Sunday 1st July at 11am in our upstairs clubroom. All club members, Life ones as well, are welcome to attend Regular training will start on 7th July at Link Road and new players of all abilities are always welcome. Details for all the club officials are on the Anstey RFC noticeboard inside The Coach and Horses (at the car park end). Or call our Captain Liam Curtis on 07727 118362 Or visit www.pitchhero.com/clubs/anstey Article by Chris Apperley

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Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club June 2018 Report By Phil Vose Anstey and Glenfield Cricket Club have had an excellent start to the 2018 season. The first team play in Division 5 West and the second team participate in Division 7 West. The first team have enjoyed an unbeaten start to the season and at the time of writing sit at the top of Division 5. They have been led brilliantly by captain, Joe Harris with some fine victories against Loughborough Town 3, Hinckley Amateur 2 and Walton Le Wolds. There have been some excellent individual performances including a fantastic century from Anoop Jayaraj against Hinckley Amateur. Shehan Perera, Abbas Khan and Virral Patel have all posted fifties too which have aided their cause. The bowlers shouldn’t be forgotten with Anil Revu, Taylor McMillan and Virral Patel being among the top wicket takers. They will be hoping to maintain the winning results over the next few weeks. The second team will be hoping to remain competitive in Division 7 West. The second XI to date have had a decent start to the season with some tough competition in their division. Captain Bradley Wells has led the way with some good performances with bat and ball. The team have earned 4 victories to date against Loughborough Outwoods 2, Mahers, Loughborough Greenfields 2 and Long Whatton 2. Bruce Smith, James Ogle, Bradley Wells and Charlie Wilkes have all scored 50’s with Chemika Mewan having a couple of 5 wicket hauls. Positive results will be sought throughout the rest of the season. There have been a few Sunday friendlies so far this year with the team taking part in a local friendly league. There has been some great success so far with victories against Queniborough, Earl Shilton and Countesthorpe. The club are also taking part in the Twenty20 County Shield this season which they are looking to regain after winning it 3 years ago and in the first round beat County Officers and are now through to the regional final against Leicester Caribbean. If you are interested in joining the club, please email our secretary Amanda Wilkes. Amanda’s email address is amandaandcharlie@btinternet.com. We are hosting weekly training sessions at the Gynsill Lane ground on Wednesdays from 5.30pm, so if you’re interested in playing for the club, why not come down and practice. Please also visit our website at http://ansteyandglenfield.play-cricket.com and Facebook page for regular updates, results and news throughout the season.


Saturday 8th September from 12 Noon, Recreational Ground Plans are now well underway for this years summer gala! Stall spaces are being booked, raffle prizes are being donated, dog show classes are being planned and the entertainment is being scheduled – so make sure to save the date & hope for sunny weather!!! It’s also time to start thinking about those fancy dress outfits…The theme of our Gala this year will be to tie in with the celebrations across the country and the year to commemorate the centenary of the end of the First World War, so we are looking for any costumes of this era to enter into our fancy dress parade – all ages are welcome to enter! For more info please visit our website www.ansteygala.btck.co.uk


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