Ministro 2015 english only

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Ministro® the world’s best airline flask

Ministro® the world’s best airline flask We would like to introduce you to Ministro® the world’s b est a irline flask. Malton’s b rand n ew Ministro® Flask has b een a g reat success story;; o ne which we would like to share with you. Firstly, in 2012, we a pproached o ne o f the most talented in-­flight p roduct d esign-­houses, called Factory Design, b ased in L ondon and well-­known for highly creative a nd innovative a irline d esign. We gave them a d emanding a nd challenging d esign-­brief, b ased u pon what o ur b iggest customer’s n eeds a re for a safe, e asy-­to-­use, easy to stow flask. Factory Design surprised u s with their talent a nd ingenious creativity, p rofessionalism a nd e nthusiasm b y coming u p with a d esign, which took into a ccount e very facet a nd requirement right d own to the very last d etail. In fact it is p acked with features, which surpass e very o ther flask o f its kind, on the market. Meanwhile, we a lso spent more than 1 8 months talking to top a irlines a nd d eveloping ideas for the Ministro® Flask. E mirates later b ecame the launch customer, q uickly followed E tihad A irways a nd many o thers. The list o f a dmirers a nd customers is g rowing bigger a lmost e very week. The feedback we h ave h ad a ll round to Ministro® h as b een so incredible;; cabin crews like it b ecause it is so e asy to u se, it fits well on the cart e asily, the lid screws on p erfectly e very time, the liquid-­flow rate is g ood when p ouring a nd b ecause o f the p ush-­button lever a nd strong h andle it is very safe to u se. The wide-­open n eck makes it very e asy to clean. B est o f a ll, in terms o f storage, 6 p cs will fit p erfectly into a S tandard Unit. Most importantly, the p assengers like it too, b ecause the tea/coffee stays p iping h ot from the first serving to the last. In terms of the n umber o f cycles, it is still quite e arly to say, a s Ministro® is relatively n ew still, but a gain, the results a re indicating that it lasts far longer in service than a ny o ther stainless steel flask. One reason for this is b ecause o f the size a nd shape, these d imensions were carefully calculated to h elp to p rotect it, b ecause e ach flask can b e n eatly stowed u pright (6 p cs), in a standard S U container, which means they a re properly p rotected. Whereas o ther flasks, that a re n ot the p erfect size, g et a wkwardly a nd randomly stacked in o dd spaces for which they were n ever d esigned to g o. Therefore, o rdinary flasks g et e asily scratched, d ented a nd d amaged. This just wont h appen with Ministro® p rovided the cabin crew stow them properly in the S U. The result was a flask that is p erfect for e very a irline, a nd it is set to b ecome the industry-­standard for many years to come!

Ministro® the world’s best airline flask

Easy to use and fits well on the serving cart. Lid screws on perfectly every time Excellent liquid pouring rate. Push-­button lever and strong handle makes it very safe to use Designed in London uFlight tested and in use successfully with one of the world’s most demanding airlines

Ministro® the world’s best airline flask

Dimensions: 250 x 127 mm. Capacity: 1.5L.

Ministro® the world’s best airline flask

Wide-­ open neck makes it very easy to cl ean Easy to stow 6 pcs fit perfectly into a Standard Unit Tea/Coffee stays piping hot from the first serving to the last

Ministro® airline flask -­ the industry-­standard for many years to come!

Around the world around the clock… Malton Asia: Malton Inflight Asia Pacific Ltd Room 711, Building C, Tomson Center, No. 158 Zhangyang Rd., Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200122 Email: Tel. +86-­21-­58889709 Mob. + 86-­138-­1725-­6484

Malton Europe: Malton Inflight Ltd, Basepoint, Metcalf Way, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 7XX, United Kingdom Tel. +44 1293 813973 Mob. +44 7885 201650

Malton USA: 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 400, San Diego, California, 92108, USA. Tel. 619-­528-­2234 Mob. 619-­528-­2234


玛尔顿亚洲 玛尔顿亚太有限公司 中国上海浦东新区张杨路158号汤臣中心C座711室 Email: 电话:+86-­21-­58889709 手机:+86-­138-­1725-­6484

玛尔顿欧洲 玛尔顿有限公司 英国西萨塞克斯克劳利梅特卡夫路 电话:+44 1293 813973 手机:+44 7885 201650 玛尔顿美国 美国加利福利亚州圣地亚哥 电话:619-­528-­2234


ü ü ü ü

安全、便于使用和清洗 易于存储 6个正好放入一个标准抽屉盒 饮品在壶内可以很好的持久保 温

Ministro®航空用壶 ü 从问世多年来已经成为航空专 用壶

Ministro®—世上最棒的航空用壶 ü 6个壶正好放入一个标准抽屉盒 尺寸: 250 x 127 mm. 容量: 1.5L.


ü 便于使用,适合航空标准抽屉盒 ü 壶盖每次都能旋转到位 ü 极易倾倒,无残留 ü 按钮和牢固的手柄确保使用安全 ü 英国设计师设计 ü 经过世界上要求最严格的航空公司 飞机上测试成功并且使用。

Ministro ®—世上最棒的航空用壶 我们将向您推荐Ministro——世上最棒的航空用壶。 玛尔顿品牌的新产品Ministro壶一直都有个成功的故事,我们想跟您一起分享。 首先,在2012年我们联系了众所周知的高创造力和创新的设计工作室,它就是总部在伦敦的 Factory Design. 我们告诉他们一个严格的具有挑战性的基于我们最重要的客户需求设计的设计理念,那就是安全、易于使用、易于存放在机舱。 工厂的设计让我们惊叹他们的才华和创造力、专业与热情。他们想出的这个设计,充分考虑到了每一个方面和需求,落实到了每 一个小细节。事实上,这款水壶功能之多,已经超过了目前市场上任何一种同类型的水壶。 与此同时,我们也与顶级航空公司就Ministro壶的发展构想讨论了长达18个多月。阿联酋航空之后成为发起用户,随后阿提哈德 航空还有其他航空公司也纷纷加入。这款壶的粉丝和客户数量几乎每个星期都在增长。 我们已有的关于Ministro壶的反馈好到令人难以置信。乘务员喜欢它是因为它易于使用,极易适用于餐车。而且它的盖子每次都 能完美旋转到位,因为有特殊壶嘴设计,所以饮品倾倒方便无残留。牢固的手柄使得其使用安全。敞开的壶颈使其便于清洗。更 棒的是,在存储方面,6个壶正好放入一个标准抽屉盒。 最重要的是,乘客也喜欢它,因为饮品在壶内可以很好的持久保温。 就循环的次数而言,现在来说还为时尚早,因为Minisro壶相对还是很新的产品。而且结果再次表明它的持久服务已经超过了其 它任何不锈钢瓶。原因之一是因为它的尺寸和形状,这些规格都是经过仔细计算之后用来保护它。因为每一个壶都可以整齐地竖 立存放,6个正好放入一个标准抽屉盒,这也意味着它们会得到适当的保护。 而对于其它的瓶来说,它们的大小就不一定那么完美,变得笨重,随便堆放在一些尴尬的地方,它们从来都没有被很好地设计。 而且,普通的壶很容易被刮伤、有凹痕甚至被损坏。但这些都不会发生在Ministro壶身上,因为它们会被乘务员适当地放入标准 抽屉盒。 结果就是这款壶完美适用于每一家航空,而且从问世多年来一直被当做航空专用壶。

Ministro ®—世上最棒的航空用壶

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