LookingAhead Summer provides a time for families to prepare for the start of the academic year in September and integrate into the Notre Dame community. For parents, summer provides the opportunity to connect with other parents by attending a conversation with the Notre Dame Parent Association and staff. These social gatherings are hosted by current parents and provide an opportunity to meet other Notre Dame families, ask questions and be introduced to members of the staff. In addition to sharing Notre Dame's reentry plan by the end of June, families will receive communications throughout the summer. Information will be emailed and also posted on the parent page of our website at www.ndsj.org/parents. When the school year begins, our weekly digital newsletter, ND News, and the website will be your primary sources of information. In combination, they will help keep you informed about all campus activities. The following pages describe some key information for students, including the benefits of summer school, the process for getting uniforms and some important dates for the 2021-2022 academic school year.
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