August Newsletter Newsletter Highlights ✦ Message ✦ Fiber
from the Board
Arts in the Lab
✦ Happenings ✦ Call
in August
for Volunteers
✦ STEMSkills
Learning Disabilities Camp
✦ Welcome
Key Members
Message from the Board
Another hot, sweltering summer, another attempt to sail a cardboard creation across Lake Anne is upon us. In addition to providing entries for the race, Nova Labs members have committed their time to the planning committee for the regatta as well offered their expertise to local schools who wish to participate. Our membership is fully committed in our mission to rediscover the joy of making things, both as makers and as mentors. This spirit makes our space unique, a cooperative endeavor within Isaac Newton Square and amongst our entire northern Virginia community. As to our own endeavors, the two lovely pieces hanging in the Orange Bay will not be competing again this year, as the so-called Nova Labs Rule prevents the same boat from entering the competition more than twice. Ergo, the indomitable Nova Labs team has another opportunity to create the most over-engineered concoction of cardboard imaginable. Also, it has a rudder. There was some muttering amongst the crew about the stodgy steering of past Nova Labs entries. Given these specifications, our favorite CAD artist, Sam Winkelstein, has designed an ~800 piece cardboard boat. The lasercutter has been in constant use creating parts and has needed some extra maintenance, gratefully provided by Patrick Thompson. Nova Labs | 2019 August Newsletter | P 1
Initially, Jeanne Marshall and Fabiana Casa expressed their concern about whether or not Sam W.’s design would actually hold four crew members. Now the cardboard is mostly assembled, there is doubt as to whether it can exit Classroom B. Sam has assured everyone that it will, barely, fit all crew members, and that he has a plan for removing the boat, intact, from Classroom B.
Shane Smith and Fabiana Casa are working on a Viking longboat inspired piece, using a PVC kayak as its inner shell. While not as over-engineered a piece of CAD design as the first entry, it is still an impressive work of cardboard art. The Quincey family has used the lasercutter to cut their own design, an entry they are assembling at home. Paul Chase will also contribute his own boat to the race. Please show your support for Nova Labs and your fellow friends by coming to Lake Anne Saturday, August 10, 1:00pm for the 2019 Cardboat Boat Regatta. We will definitely need volunteers to man the Nova Labs Dry Dock & Boat Repair Clinic. Cordially,
Karen Shumway
P.S. Stay tuned for the NL 3.0 survey. It is being developed now and your input will be needed.
Nova Labs Director Nova Labs | 2019 August Newsletter | P 2
Fiber at the Lab by Lauren Capeheart This weekend is all about the fiber arts and textiles. We have a weekend full of classes and classroom A/B will have vendors will all sorts of fibery goodies. And in between classes and shopping - enjoy hanging out and yarning with friends in Orange Bay. Please join for one class or as many as you can handle, or just come by and shop with our vendors and bring a friend.
Fiber at the Lab is a 2 day indoor fiber retreat! Saturday Classes: 1. AC: Short Row Sampler: Knitting Class 2. Laser Cutter Introduction: Custom WPI Tool Nova Labs | 2019 August Newsletter | P 3
3. Travel Lazy Kate: Woodshop Intro Class 4. Fair Isle for All: Knitting Class 5. Needle Felting a Wall Hanging 6. Tassel Making Workshop 7. Introduction to Freeform Crochet 8. Crochet: An introduction 9. Needle Felting Introduction
Sunday Classes: 1. Tapestry Crochet Basics 2. The Best Way to Wash Fleece 3. Marble Dying Fabric 4. Card Weaving Introduction 5. Tunisian Crochet Basics 6. Introduction to Vinyl Cutter: Project Bag Edition 7. Make Your Own Stitch Markers 8. Spinning Your own Yarn: Beginner Drop Spindle
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Happenings in August Some of the Main Attractions in August are below. Please RSVP via the links. Aug 2: Youth Tabletop RPGs Aug 5-9: RobotMakers Day Camp Aug 3: Create Your Own Gold Leaf Art with Lasercutters Aug 3: Mold Making and Plastic Casting Aug 4: Intro to Jewelry Making--Ring Soldering Aug 5: Create a Cube or Octahedron with Polygonia
Aug 6: National Drone Science University
Calendar of Events
Aug 10: Intro to Leather--Make a Custom Wallet
for upcoming classes
Aug 11: Build Your Own Cosplay Helmet Aug 14: Legal Issues for Start-ups and Early Stages Aug 15: Metal Texturing for Jewelry
*Provided by Instructors and Karen Shumway
Aug 17: All Shop Roundup! Volunteers NEEDED Aug 18: Intermediate Ring-making, Spinner Rings Aug 19: Animated LED Sequences Aug 20: Hand Tool Basics--Measuring and Marking Aug 30: Acrylic Paint Pouring
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Call for Volunteers - Critical Needs Front Desk: Friday (7am-8:30pm) or Saturday (1-4pm), at least 2 times per month Woodshop Volunteers: Work on small assigned tasks and tool maintenance Video Equipment Steward: Work with events team to improve, fix, and maintain A/V equipment Events Team: Marketing and graphics arts talents needed who can work actively on HelpDesk Outreach Team: Community liaisons needed Operations Services: HVAC technician, facilities coordinator, Wi-Fi guru, painting/interior decorations Fall Interns: At the college and high school level Nova Labs 3.0 Steering Group: People with talents in real estate, revenue, marketing, capital fundraising, architecture/general contracting, institutional relations, grant-writing, data gathering/ analytics Education: Instructors with ideas on project-making classes and curricula
Additional Opportunities In addition, NOVA Labs is seeking volunteer help for the following: Software developers: Join our team of volunteer Coders and Sys Admins who help maintain our IT infrastructure. If you have experience in any of these areas we could use your help: Perl, Php, Python, Javascript, Routers, Switches, and LANs. Outreach team members: Help our team lead with website content, social media, pictures, marketing, and outreach to external communities. Blog contributors for "how you made it" entries Crafter's Cove: Administrative Steward to assist Carrie Contact if you're interested! You can also visit the webpage at
Member and Events Management System Planning: Maker Space Needs Brain Transplant Nova Labs is a shooting star...From our start in 2012, we’ve grown to over 350 members. The demands on our ad-hoc "made at a maker space in 2012" member management software is on life support. We are looking for IT-savvy, not-necessarily-programmer types with that independent maker spirit to help us plan our migration. Please contact John Hoskins to find out more about CiviCRM. Nova Labs | 2019 August Newsletter | P 6

 STEMSkills: Partnering Innovative Businesses with Young People with Disabilities by Eric Duer, Founder, STEMSkills As science and technology continue to expand into every facet of our lives, careers in STEM fields represent a rapidly increasing percentage of US employment. One of the fastest growing segments of the economy, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts there will be more than 9 million STEM-related jobs by 2022; the 20 occupations with the highest growth between 2016 and 2026 will all be in STEMrelated fields. Despite these trends, career preparation for high school students with disabilities remains centered largely in low-wage fields such as hospitality, retail, foodservice, and janitorial positions. It is well documented that young people with disabilities benefit from project-based, hands-on training and employment exploration. STEMSkills has developed a program that is designed to give young people both tangible 21st century skills and career exploration opportunities with innovative STEM based companies. The STEMSkills model is designed to build strategic partnerships with tech companies, schools, service providers, universities, and Vocational Rehabilitation agencies in order to help transition-aged youth explore these exciting fields through hands-on skills development, career Nova Labs | 2019 August Newsletter | P 7
exposure activities, and employment social skills. STEMSkills also addresses and builds upon the desire of modern tech companies to incorporate inclusive hiring practices and non-traditional talent acquisition. The first STEMSkills Summer Camp took place in Washington, D.C. over three weeks in the summer of 2018 and continued with two programs in July and August of 2019. Lessons on tech skills include 3D printing, circuit boards, electronics, virtual reality, soldering, laser cutting, and metal design. Nova Labs makerspace serves as both education partner and community hub. Social skills, workplace culture training, resume preparation, job interviewing, and travel training are also part of the program. Our future plans are to develop a work-based curriculum for schools and service providers. Success Story: Omar is an autistic student who began his freshman high school year with many discipline problems. Although he had more advanced skills with technology, he frequently abused his privileges by sabotaging the computers in the classroom so that only he could use them. Omar’s parents registered him for the STEMSkills summer camp with a behavior plan that was signed by him, his parents, and myself. There was not one situation where the behavior interventions needed to take place, though, he simply needed to do something that he loved. He thrived in all areas: travel, hands-on STEM activities at Nova Labs, and career exploration with the numerous businesses. This past school year, Omar worked two days a week with the IT specialist setting up, breaking down, and imaging his school’s computers. He truly shines having a set routine and a checklist that he can follow. Together, we have customized his work tasks to use his skills to become proficient in many technical areas. Omar is absolutely thriving and gaining valuable skills for future employment in the STEM industries.
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Welcome New Key Members
Nominee: Matthew Karashik Sponsor: Meleia Sheflin Bio: Matthew graduated this past year with an Electrical Engineering degree and got snapped up by the Fairfax office of a global engineering firm, thus prompting his move from Brooklyn (care of Connecticut) to NoVa. Once somewhat settled, he began his search for a community of like-minded nerds, makers, and outside-the-box thinkers and he stumbled upon Nova Labs. Once inside, he knew he wanted to join this incredible community and on the same day he took his tour, he signed up for an Associate Membership. Unfortunately, only a few weeks after joining the Associate ranks, he injured his hands and has been unable to do much making. Still wanting to be involved, especially after seeing all the fun things that Jeanne and Carrie talked about, he volunteered for the Maker Faire and had a blast. He's looking forward to a speedy recovery so he can dive back into his making, which includes all things electronics, 3D printing, engineering, cosplay, radio, and more! Nominee: Eric Oosting Sponsor: Amanda Walker. Bio: Eric Oosting earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from the Electrical Engineering department of the University of Florida. Having lived for various periods in Atlanta, rural North Carolina, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York, Eric and his wife and daughter now call Reston home. Eric has been in the Computer Networking field for 20+ years and has worked for companies large and small, including at his own computer networking consulting company. Currently, he works on large scale computer network infrastructure design and planning for Google Inc. Eric likes to MAKE, and enjoys designing and 3d printing or laser cutting various projects at Nova labs, at home and at work. With a long present and keen interest in aerospace and aeronautical engineering, he can often be found wearing reading glasses bent over a quadcopter, aircraft or rocket model. Eric has his Single Engine Land Instrument Private Pilot certificate. Nominee: Todd Owens Sponsor: Bo Pollett Bio: Todd is a new associate (4 months), but he has been here several times a week taking every class he can sign up for. He is interested in woodshop, metalworking, and works professionally on drones. He has helped out with several people's projects, and volunteered several hours in the woodshop for a roundup. He is an outgoing and curious maker that will fit in well in our community.
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1916 Isaac Newton Square W Reston, VA 20190 703-437-5780 | A 501(c)3 Non-Profit © 2019 Nova Labs, Inc.
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