Nantucket Land Council 2019 Annual Report

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Thank you

2019 Annual Report

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& p r e s ervin

sla n d

tif u l i eau









The Nantucket Land Council is Nantucket’s only environmental advocacy organization. Our mission remains: to protect and preserve our island’s natural and water resources. Thank YOU for making this work possible; the NLC is funded by its membership. Here’s what we were able to accomplish in 2019. Thank you for your support!

Message from our Executive Director and Board President DEAR FRIENDS AND MEMBERS, Thanks to you, the Nantucket Land Council has been the island’s environmental watchdog for nearly half a century. As it is often said, the only thing that is constant is change. While Nantucket has seen many changes over the years, none in recent memory can compare to the upheaval we have all experienced this year. It will be some time before any of us fully understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected our community and economy. One thing that has continued to bring most of us solace and inspiration during these difficult times is the beauty and the resilience of the environment. Nantucket’s open spaces and landscapes, clean water and natural habitats help to sustain us. The NLC has worked with each of you to protect and preserve many of these valuable resources, and this work will not stop. In 2019 we celebrated our 45th anniversary with greater community engagement and support. With a transition in leadership and the addition of RJ Turcotte, our staff has evolved into a strong new team. Our focus on Nantucket’s water resources continued with another successful year for the NLC’s Water Fund. We continued restoring eelgrass in Nantucket Harbor and expanded sampling of the invasive Green Crab populations to Madaket. We conducted a full season of herring sampling and monitored many of our island ponds for Harmful Algal Blooms. This work is made possible from generous donor contributions to The Water Fund. We also celebrated our 45th Annual Meeting welcoming none other than Fabien Cousteau and his Ocean Learning Center staff to speak with members and friends about the importance of preserving our waters and our marine environment. Our advocacy work continued as we pursued, among others, our fight against the proposed Surfside Crossing 40B development. We were granted standing by the courts in our appeal of the state’s Determination regarding the subdivision’s impacts to rare and endangered species. Achieving standing in this case was a landmark moment for the NLC as it demonstrated the importance of all the time and effort we have put into rare and endangered species protection on the island. It is a position that we are proud to have earned, with your support, over the past 45 years. One of the most important aspects of our work is community education and engagement. Our small dedicated staff works diligently year-round to be Nantucket’s environmental advocate and to use our research to keep the community informed of the island’s pressing environmental issues. Please read on about our Advocacy, Research, Education, and Land Protection programs. We cannot protect and preserve our fragile resources without your help and your voice. You are our partners and, in this new post-COVID-19 world, we look forward to continuing our work with you. We hope you and your families remain healthy and safe and we look forward to seeing you or hearing from you soon. With appreciation,

Emily Molden Executive Director

Lucy Dillon Board President 3

Thanks to YOU NLC is YOUR environmental ADVOCATE… — We appealed and were granted standing in our appeal of MA Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program’s determination for the Surfside Crossing 40b development, recognizing the 45 years of advocacy work and resources the NLC has put towards endangered species protection on Nantucket. — We attended countless Conservation Commission meetings regarding the Sconset Beach Preservation Fund’s proposal to expand their geotube armoring project, provided extensive expert testimony to the Conservation Commission from consulting engineers, and challenged their proposal for its inadequate mitigation and adverse impacts. — We joined the Mass Rivers Alliance and are thrilled to be one of their partner organizations, advocating for the protection of clean waters to maintain a healthy community, environment and economy across the Commonwealth. — We successfully advocated for improved wastewater treatment on a newly developed lot in Tom Nevers using our water quality data for Tom Nevers pond collected as part of our Island Ponds Sampling Program. — We continued to attend regular local Select Board, Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and Board of Health meetings to advocate for policies and decisions that protect and preserve our island’s natural resources and be a VOICE for our island environment! — We reviewed each Annual Town Meeting warrant article and provided our Nantucket voters with recommendations for all articles that related to our NLC mission, which included recommendations against increased development in environmentally sensitive areas. — We formally opposed an ongoing proposal for the construction of a new residential pier in Nantucket Harbor to avoid setting a terrible precedent and any negative impacts on eelgrass and shellfish habitat. New residential piers are prohibited in Nantucket’s Zoning Bylaw. We built momentum and helped coordinate the opposition among concerned abutters, citizens and island organizations including the Nantucket Shellfish Association, Shellfish and Harbor Advisory Board and the Shimmo Homeowners Association.



Executive Director Emily Molden with Wildlife Biologist Danielle O’Dell and Attorney Jon Witten following the hearing on endangered species habitat impacts from Surfside Crossing.

As an organizational member of Mass Rivers Alliance, the NLC is collaborating as a voice for clean waters across the Commonwealth.

Executive Director Emily Molden speaks at the 2019 Annual Town Meeting.


recommendation sheets provided to voters at Annual Town Meeting


local regulatory meetings attended by NLC staff


years of NLC protecting and preserving our island



Thanks to YOU NLC is a leader in island-wide environmental RESEARCH! — The NLC continued its water quality monitoring program on Gibbs, Capaum, Miacomet, and Head of Hummock ponds, documenting nutrient content and the algal community. Harmful Algal Blooms are an issue on Nantucket and around the world. We continue to work with the Town of Nantucket and property owners to improve water quality and restore these beautiful natural resources for all. — Over the course of 2019, NLC’s community-based eelgrass restoration program transplanted 15,000 shoots of eelgrass to a site in Nantucket Harbor. This project is made possible through local volunteers getting their hands dirty and diving with us to accomplish this underwater gardening. We’d like to thank everyone who volunteered to help restore one of Nantucket’s most critical resources and invite you to join us in 2020 to continue this critical work! — The European green crab, an invader thriving on Nantucket, is harmful to our eelgrass meadows and shellfish populations. The NLC continues to conduct field research to understand green crab populations in our waters. We are


small pond tests completed

expanding this work to learn how we can make use of these invaders, helping our ecosystem and the local economy. — The NLC continued its ongoing monitoring of Nantucket’s sole source aquifer by collecting monthly data on groundwater levels across the island in conjunction with the United States Geologic Survey. We also continued accumulat- ing important information on the chemical composition of our rainwater, monitoring the atmospheric deposition of many nutrients and elements.

15K eelgrass shoots transplanted

Top left: NLC staff and volunteers prepare eelgrass bundles for transplanting aboard Boardmember Matt Anderson’s Stillwater Moorings boat. Bottom left: A volunteer diver transplants eelgrass shoots at NLC’s restoration site in Nantucket Harbor. Photo credit: Ben Phillips. Above right: RJ Turcotte collects a precipitation sample from the NLC’s atmospheric deposition monitoring station.


volunteers each summer to dive and help transplant eelgrass



Thanks to YOU NLC is helping EDUCATE future generations of environmentalists! — The Karen K. Borchert educational grants program provided funding to teachers and students in the Nantucket Lighthouse School and Nantucket High School in 2019. These grants provided critical equipment for the Lighthouse School’s botany program, funded supplies for a new “ecosystem in a bottle” program and helped get intuitive math learning tools and books into the hands of primary school students. At Nantucket High School, a Borchert grant helped fund a field trip for high school students to the Boston Museum of Science. — Nantucket Intermediate School students travelled to vernal pools in the Nantucket Conservation Foundation’s Squam Swamp to explore the wonders of these tiny seasonal ecosystems and get muddy with the Nantucket Land Council. — The Nantucket Land Council headed into classrooms throughout 2019 to showcase Nantucket as a living classroom with programs on European green crabs and eelgrass, Nantucket’s sole source aquifer, and the shifting sands and eroding beaches of the island. The erosion program culminated in an exciting trip out to Siasconset, where students were able to see natural forces and manmade structures interacting on ‘Sconset bluff. — The NLC continued its popular summer downtown Tree Tours to raise awareness and highlight the value of Nantucket’s street trees. Working with the Nantucket DPW an inventory of these trees has begun that will be used to further educate the community on their status and history in an interactive way. — Our Oyster Farm Harbor Tours and Great Pond Kayak Tours continue to be a favorite for members and supporters, offered regularly throughout the summer season to educate the public about aquaculture and the importance of fresh and marine water quality. Thanks to our membership, we also continue to offer free public education programs including our Downtown Tree Tours, Vernal Pool Tours and Monarch tagging trips.


Nantucket residents who attended our Oyster Farm and Harbor Tours to learn how to keep our harbor healthy



$9,378 granted through the Karen K. Borchert education grants program


classroom visits by NLC’s Resource Ecologist

NLC's RJ Turcotte explains green crab anatomy to Nantucket New School students.

Nantucket New School 8th graders help remove invasive garlic mustard plants from a Land Bank property with NLC staff and the Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative.

NIS students venture out to blustery ‘Sconset bluff with the NLC to learn about Nantucket’s erosion first hand.

NES students participate in hands-on learning supported by a Karen K Borchert Educational Grant.



Thanks to YOU NLC is committed to PROTECTING OPEN SPACE ! — The Nantucket Land Council continued its Conservation Restriction (CR) Program to work with landowners to protect open space. These legal agreements between an owner of land with conserva- tion values and a nonprofit group, such as the Land Council, or certain governmental entity, protects the values of that land in perpetuity. Each CR reflects a unique parcel of land and its landowner’s wishes for the future use of that land. — The NLC accepted the donation of a new Conservation Restriction on 3.25 acres off Vesper Lane by Mrs. Nancy J. Sevrens. The NLC thanks Mrs. Sevrens and her family for this generous gift and their continued support of conservation on Nantucket. Every bit helps—contact the NLC today about protecting your land from overdevelopment permanently! — The NLC now holds a total of 90 Conservation Restrictions with over 1400 acres on Nantucket, Tuckernuck and Muskeget islands. — The NLC collaborates with other island organizations including the Nantucket Islands Land Bank, the Nantucket Conservation Foundation and the Sconset Trust to coordinate land protection efforts across the island for maximum open space!


separate CR properties across our islands


acres of land permanently protected

At left: A view across the North Head of Long Pond to the Linda Loring Nature Foundation property, permanently protected by an NLC Conservation Restriction. Photo credit: Gretchen Gigi Callahan.


acres of pristine open space comprising the entire island of Muskeget



Thanks to YOU NLC is CREATING AWARENESS of the importance of protecting and preserving the environment year-round, island-wide! — NLC hosted the State of the Harbor Forum to discuss current issues facing our harbor waters and educate the community about steps to take as individuals, businesses, and as a community. — Our Water Fund Founders Circle is over 15 members strong, each with a minimum donation of $5000 to specifically support NLC marine and freshwater research and education programs. — In 2019, we welcomed over 200 Nantucket residents at our Camp Richard Family Fun Day on September 21. Families enjoyed the scenic rural beauty of this 160 acre space that the NLC worked with the Camp Richards Campers Association and Nantucket Civic League to permanently protect! — NLC welcomed ocean conservationist Fabien Cousteau as our special guest at our Annual Meeting in 2019. Fabien presented a lecture on the importance of small grass-roots community efforts to protect and preserve our marine ecosystems, and joined with the NLC on a special beach clean up project in Surfside, and an eelgrass planting in the harbor near Shimmo. — The NLC engaged with an enthusiastic group of next-generation environmentalists at our new Friends Fête and Oysterfest events in 2019, continuing to add to our membership those individuals and families looking to engage with advocacy and education efforts supporting the protection of our island environment. — NLC was fortunate to host over 100 guests at our Annual Fundraising Dinner, held each summer on Labor Day Monday. This special event is our only yearly fundraiser and is a critical piece of our annual schedule allowing us to continue our mission to protect and preserve our beautiful island. Thank you!


community partners




new next-generation members in 2019, invigorating our membership of environmental stewards


volunteer events counting green crabs, planting eelgrass, and tagging Monarchs

Above: Guests at the 2019 NLC Friends Fête. Photo credit: Josh Gray. At right: Fabien Cousteau plants eelgrass with NLC staff and volunteers. Photo credit: Ben Phillips.

Treasurer’s Report & Financials Dear Nantucket Land Council Supporters, I am pleased to present the NLC’s statement of financial position for the fiscal year 2019. As favorable market conditions persisted, the NLC saw great success with our endowment funds through the year’s end. The NLC consistently strives to ensure that the greatest amount possible of every donated dollar goes directly to the programs, projects and research that serve our critical environmental mission. In 2019 we continued to strengthen The Water Fund, which is a restricted fund allowing us to direct financial support to our water based research and projects including the eelgrass transplant project in Nantucket Harbor and the Harmful Algal Bloom sampling in many of our island ponds. We also continued to provide expert and legal testimony before local and state regulatory boards in opposition to projects that will harm our fragile environment. The Land Council saw an increase in support and revenue of 18.5 % from direct donor contributions. The strength of our programs and our financial success is a direct result of our generous supporters.

Howard N. Blitman Treasurer, 1980-2019 Reflections, by Howard Blitman We started looking for a house in Nantucket in the ‘70’s. When we came to what would be our house in Squam, Maureen and I knew that this was the place for us. At that time, some of our neighbors had sheep and horses on their property and there were no house numbers—the mailing address was simply Squam Rd. Recognizing our love of Nantucket’s natural beauty and open space, Dick Denby, our real estate broker, told me about the Land Council saying they could use someone like me. He only had to mention it once and the rest, as they say, is history. I have had the honor of being a part of the Land Council and a board member for nearly 40 years. We have witnessed spectacular growth during this time and the Land Council has been instrumental in preserving Nantucket’s beauty, protecting the ecosystem and of course, ensuring that we have open space. I shudder to think what Nantucket would be like but for the tireless efforts and great accomplishments of the Land Council. While I have handed over the reins as treasurer, I hope to be able to continue to be involved. I have every confidence that the great work of the Land Council will continue so that our children, grandchildren and future generations can experience the unspoiled beauty of the Island and that it remains the same beautiful place that I fell in love with many, many years ago. 14

The NLC staff and Board of Directors thank Mr. Howard Blitman for his four decades of service to the Nantucket Land Council and our island environment. He leaves a lasting legacy of steadfast conservationism and generosity, for which we are extremely grateful. Thank you, Howard!

FY 2018 ending June 30, 2018 Management & General 17.3%

FY 2019 ending December 31, 2019

Programs Expenses 74.3%

Fundraising 8.3%

OPERATIONS Restricted Contributions Unrestricted Contributions Endowment Draw Event Net Revenue Rental Income & Other Income Operations Income Programs and Projects Supporting Services Fundraising Operations Expenses

ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Unconditional Promises to Give Prepaid Expenses Note Receivable Including Accrued Interest Endowment Assets Fixed Assets Land and Conservation Restrictions Total Assets LIABILITIES Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Total Liabilities NET ASSETS Without restrictions With donor restrictions TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

Management & General 21.2%

Programs Expenses 69.5%

Fundraising 9.3%

FY 2018 to 6/30/2018*

$153,365 253,301 272,000 59, 023 31,117 $768, 806 566,030 132,111 63,369 $761,510

As of 12/31/2018

FY 2019 to 12/31/2019*

$184,465 282,370 297,000 79,530 27,836 $871,201 469,909 151,614 66,352 $714,875

As of 12/31/2019

$201,883 $355,999 25,000 30,000 871 0 466,742 466,742 10,308,441 12, 506,403 698,082 683,919 22,606,821 23,148,721 $34,307,840 $37,191,784 $33,243 $53,266 $33,243 $53,266 $34,087,736 186,861

$36,839,378 299,140

$34,274,597 $34,307,840

$37,138,518 $37,191,784

* During 2018, the NLC changed its reporting from a June 30 Fiscal Year to a Calendar Year basis.


Legacy Circle & Planned Giving

Planning your legacy By including the nonprofit Nantucket Land Council in your estate plans, you are leaving a legacy and making a statement about what has been important in your life. Your gift will provide a source of continuing support for environmental action on Nantucket. There are a variety of ways you can make a gift. The NLC can provide sample language for various forms of bequests, however, these are just suggestions. We encourage you to consult your attorney and financial advisors to make certain that your gift fits well into your overall circumstances and planning. If you’d like to discuss any of these options please contact Development Director Meg Browers at


Conservation Restrictions The NLC Conservation Restriction program is an excellent opportunity for Nantucket land owners who have ecologically significant parcels of property to take advantage of a tax incentive program while simultaneously protecting their land from further development in perpetuity. The Nantucket Land Council holds a total of 90 Conservation Restrictions on over 1,400 acres of land throughout Nantucket, Tuckernuck and Muskeget islands. A CR is a recorded legal agreement between an owner of land with conservation values and a nonprofit group, such as the Land Council, or governmental entity that always will protect that land. Each CR reflects a unique parcel of land and its landowner’s wishes for the future use of the land.

Tax Incentives for Conservation Restrictions In 2015, the United States Congress made permanent the enhanced tax benefits that expired several years ago. The core elements of the change include: — Raising the deduction a donor can take for donating a Conservation Restriction to 50% of his or her annual income; — Extending the carry-forward period for a donor to take a tax deduction for a Conservation Restriction to 15 years; and — Allowing qualifying farmers to deduct up to 100% of their income. Please contact the NLC office at to learn more! From 1986 through 2019, the following generous individuals protected their lands for public benefit by granting Conservation Restrictions to the Nantucket Land Council: Edith Andrews Ginger Andrews Clifford and Dorothy Barbour Bartlett Family Trust, Henry Bartlett, Trustee Diana Bartlett Sclafani Nathaniel Bartlett W. Scott Bartlett, Jr. W. Scott Bartlett III Philip D. Bartlett, as Trustee Walter and Susan Birge Karen and Carl Borchert Borchert Nominee Trust Natalie Brewer Diana Brown Miles G. Carlisle Christopher Clark A. Byron Coffin, Jr. Edward and Sarah Crane J. Tristram Coffin Dammin Donald Denninger Michael Egan, Trustee Catherine Felleman Finback Homeowners Association Trust Eleanor Fisher Thompson

Anne Fisher Falby Thomas Fisher, Jr. Thomas Fisher III M. Pat Gardner William P. Graves II and Lydia B. Graves II (Reed Pond Nominee Trust) Marie Francis Guildehaus and Brad Henke Great Point Nominee Trust Erwin Greenberg Priscilla Grace Mary Hardy Priscilla Harper Edward and Jacqueline Harris Jane Fay Harter John Taylor Hopkins Edgar B. Howard III William T. Howard Hummock Pond of Nantucket Homeowners Association Laura Hussey Karen Jackman Richard Jackman Robert and Cynthia Jay Alexander D. Jay

Alida Jay Boye Anne O. Jay Daniel G. Jay David A. Jay Paul M. Jay Stephen W. Jay Joanne Ledbetter Christopher and Virginia Lewis Linda Loring The Linda Loring Nature Foundation, Inc. Frank and Clara Low Gary and Susan McCarthy Margaret McElderry Eileen McGrath Debora and James McIntosh Leon and Betty Miller Mira Mar Nominee Trust MSPCA Edward A. Murphy Nanahumacke Preserve Homeowners Association The Nature Conservancy Offshore Animal Hospital Irene Parent Morris Phinney Jr.

Joan Pratel Sachem’s Path, LLC William Seidman Nancy J. Sevrens Sheep Common Realty Trust Catherine Snow Crocker Snow Deborah and Peter Solbert Ruth Phinney Stevens Susan Coffin Dammin Stone John M. Taylor, Jr. Estate of Susan Timken David C. Todd Town of Nantucket Tuckernuck Land Trust, Inc. Elizabeth Van Duyne Via Vai LLC Diana Walker John D. Walker, Jr. Joseph Walker Washing Pond Trust Christine, Breckenridge, Blair and Christopher Wilcox John Wittman Wright’s Landing Nominee Trust 17

Donor Support CHAMPIONS—$5,000 & ABOVE

Susan and Michael Baer Ritchie Battle Bill and Margi Brenizer Carlee Charitable Trust Mrs. Martha Cox Elizabeth Miller and James Dinan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Field Marcia Weber and James Flaws Robert and Barbara Friedman Michael P and Elizabeth W Galvin Great Harbor Yacht Club Heinz Family Foundation Mr. Bert Condie Herbert D. Condie, Jr., Family Foundation, III Jean R. Haffenreffer Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Ann Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Knutson Mrs. Adrienne A. McCalley The McCausland Foundation/Peter and Bonnie McCausland Rice Family Foundation Meredyth and Brooks Smith Lars O. and Jane Soderberg The Slayton Family Foundation James D. Toole Anonymous Anonymous (2) BENEFACTORS—$1,000-$4,999

Anderson’s Stillwater Moorings, LLC Mariann Hundahl Appley Archibald Family Foundation Gale H Arnold Mary-Randolph Ballinger Ann and Stephen Bartram Mr. and Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Leanne Bell Martha and Ira Berlin Mary D. and William L. Bird, Jr.

Thank you to our 2019 summer intern, Sophia Oomen-Lochtefeld for her enthusiasm and dedication to the NLC this summer. Sophia authored articles on our events and programs, and participated in our summer research alongside NLC Resource Ecologist, RJ Turcotte. We wish you the best in your future endeavors, Sophia!

Walter and Susan Birge William and Jacqueline Bishop Howard and Maureen Blitman Robi and Ruth Blumenstein Mrs. Joan R. Bolling Larry Breakiron Tom and Mimi Brome William C. and Laura T. Buck James and Nancy Buckman Toby Sackton and Marcia Butman Eugene and Meredith Clapp, III Karen K. Clark James and Eva Conniff Heidi Cox Chrissi and Chris Crampton Nicky and Vince D’Agostino Marvin Davidson Tessa Cressman and Jim Garrels Ms. Amanda B. Cross William M. and Prudence S. Crozier Sidney G. Dillon

Christine and Joseph P. Donelan, II Martha and Paddy Farrell Marc Feigen and Sheri Levine W. B. and George Ferris Fisher Real Estate James Burruss and Mary Fontaine Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein Wade Greene Lauren and Paul Gudonis Kamran and Ellen Hakim Charles and Kaaren Hale Mrs. Lucile Hays John P. and June D. Heffernan Maureen Phillips and Douglas Horst Mr. and Mrs. J. Seward Johnson, Jr. John S. Johnson Peter and Maria Kellner Bill Siderewicz and Christine Kinney Nancy Gillespie and Ulrich Lächler Laurel and Ben Langworthy Pamela and Steven Leinbach Chuck and Cynthia Lenhart Mrs. Susan S. Leonard David and Diane Lilly

In 2019, the NLC welcomed RJ Turcotte to the organization and to the island as our new Resource Ecologist. Coming from the mainland with many years of experience in marine research, education and advocacy, RJ has immersed himself in all aspects of the NLC mission and is an invaluable team member. Thank you, RJ, for your versatility, expertise, enthusiasm, and positivity! 18

Donor Support “The research and advocacy work The Nantucket Land Council undertakes for the ponds of Nantucket is critical to the restoration and preservation of these fragile resources. The Pond Coalition turns to The Land Council for advice on every project plan we create and we partner with them on everything we do related to water quality and water environmental issues. Nantucket would not be the same place without them.” —Bob Williams, Founder,

Dr. and Mrs. Byron Lingeman Mrs. Helen Lynch Mark and Holly Maisto Frederick McClure Rina and Don McCouch Linda and Ben McGrath Patricia White and James Meehan Richard and Ronay Menschel William and Katherine Miller, IV Paul and Jean Moran Craig and Ann Muhlhauser Nantucket Bank Nantucket Shellfish Association Alan and Virginia Nathan Lynn and Nick Nicholas Maureen Orth Ellen Flamm and Richard Peterson Richard McKim and Lori Preston Robert and Nancy Puff Hillary and Jeffrey Rayport Harry T. and Susan D. Rein Amy and Gregory Rowland Charles and Barret Sawyer James and Lenore Schilling Jordan Silva Julie Fitzgerald and Carl H. Sjolund Stillwaters Charitable Trust Jo Ann and Thomas Succop Cate Summers Merrielou and Ned Symes, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Townsend Mr. and Mrs. David Troast Jane Arneth Tyler John Unger

Nantucket Pond Coalition

Richard G. and Dorothy H. Verney Visco Pumping, Inc Maryann Wasik Peter Watrous William and Denise Welsh Linda Jane Williams Leslie Forbes and David Worth Bracebridge H. and Landis Becker Young, Jr. Lily Zarrella and Ted Rainaud Anonymous PATRONS—$500-$999

Lucia and Edward Ahnemann Berkshire Partners LLC Jason Bridges and Courtney Nemeth Gretchen Gigi Callahan Anne DeLaney and Chip Carver Sally and Richard Charpie Cisco Brewers Mary Clements Richard R. Congdon George P. Davis Tharon and Lee Dunn

James Dye Mary Beth Farrell Lisa Freter Kathleen and Christopher Gaffney J. Spencer Goldsmith Nathanael W. and Sarah Greene David Greig Ned and Kate Hentz Josh Eldridge, Mon-Tucket Charters, Inc Douglas J. and Christina Kepple The Lamport Foundation Carol Langer Sarah and Patrick Lanni Lucy Leske Jonathan Nyland and Katherine Logue Madaket Marine Neil and Lauren Marttila Zachary and Keltie McDonald James and Deborah McIntosh F. William and Katherine H. McNabb

Business Sponsors Anderson’s Stillwater Moorings, LLC Ernst Land Design Madaket Marine Nantucket Bank Nantucket Engineering & Survey Nantucket Shellfish Association Visco Pumping, Inc


Donor Support Alan and Barbara Medaugh Carl Mueller Nantucket Civic League Anne P. Olsen Kim and Peter Parent Michael and Nancy Peacock Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and Ellen Phelan Mr. Henri Rainaud Jay and Gretchen Riley Nate and Tracy Roberts L. Dennis and Susan R. Shapiro Peter Smith Ms. Anne Rosen and Mr. Andre Spears Susan K. Spring Joly Walton Stewart Melinda and Paul Sullivan Jonathan C. Swain The Ferris Family Foundation Eileen Shields and Robin West Anonymous STEWARDS—$100-$499

Mrs. Susanne Albright Jen and Michael Allen William and Nancy Alwine Thomas J. and Patricia S. Anathan Hilary Andersen Sonja Anderson Stephen and Marcia Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Armstrong Gilbert Arnold Loredana Asarian Rick and D. Anne Atherton Amy Baldwin

Thomas and Theresa Barada Joelle Barr Julie Batal Anthony and Ann Patricia Beale Mr. Bruce J. Beni Paul and Georgina Bennett Alexander and Judy Bober, Jr. Gwen and Cletus Bolan Veronica Bolcik Natasha and Robert Boucai Christopher Bouque Edith S. Bouriez Lynn Boyajian Charles and Belinda Bralver Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brasfield Jeanmarie and Brad Brewster John Brewster Marilyn M. and Haworth P. Bromley David Buckley Barbara Bund Karen T. Butler and John F. Thompson Robert and Eileen Butler George and Kathleen Butterworth David M Callahan Mike Campbell George and Susan Carneal Deborah Carter Christopher Casazza Frances Langton and Timothy Cashman, III Allie Cavanaugh Michael Cimini Marc Civilinski Cynthia and Miles Clements

"The NLC is a watchdog for the island. They get things done that a lot of other groups won't, like commenting at Annual Town Meeting where they stand up for what's best for Nantucket. That's why I'm a member."


—Carl Sjolund NLC Director and Fisherman

Kate Coe David William Coffin Gregory D. and Alison T. Cokorinos Nina and Arthur Colby Philip G. and Margaret C. Condon Congdon and Coleman Insurance Agency, Inc. COMM. and Mrs. Robert A. Constable Ty Costa Zoe Coutinho Peter Cox Katherine and Kell Damsgaard Cynthia Danforth Elizabeth Davidson Elizabeth and Wayne Davies Dean Dellas Margaret Detmer Penny Dey Jamie Dickinson Howard and Martinez Ana Dickler Tom Levy and MJ Dickson Matthew and Vanessa Diserio Daniel W. and Judith S. Drake Zach Dusseau Tracee Dwyer Kurt M. and Terri S. Eichler Chris and Cheryl Emery Arthur Ensroth Ernst Land Design, Inc. Barbara M. Erskine John and Margaret Falk Mark Famiglio Matt and Sheila Fee

Donor Support Community Partners Ack Clean Team Alamanack Arts Colony Linda Loring Nature Foundation Maria Mitchell Association Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative Nantucket Boy Scouts Nantucket Childrens’ Center Nantucket Conservation Foundation Nantucket DPW Nantucket Girl Scouts

Nantucket Land Bank Nantucket Lighthouse School Nantucket Litter Derby Nantucket New School Nantucket Public Schools Natural Resources Department Nantucket Shellfish Association Strong Wings Adventure School Town of Nantucket

Jay and Esta Feinsod Barbara Halsted Kathryn Lacey Kristie and Benjamin Ferrantella Bruce and Christine Hermansdorfer Debbie Lanni Eric and Jascin Leonardo Finger Allison Herr Lindsey Lanni Monica Flegg Andrea Herron Gerald Lendway Godfrey and Faith Frable Judi Hill Jennifer Lewis Amanda Frank Eugene and Janet Hilzenrath Andrew and Carol Searle Ley Emory and Ellen Freeman Christopher F. and Linda Holland Dr. and Mrs. Joseph LiPuma Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Freytag Gill Holland Peyton and Keith Lister Pamela Lohmann Erica Fyall Peter and Ann Holmes Jinx Howe and Mark Horan Deborah and William Lothian Jocelyn Gailliot Ellen Horde Jennifer Lowry Sarah Gailliot Marie T. and Jerry R. Horton Tracy MacDonald William L. and Melinda M. Gardner Scott Hughes Robin Mack Lori Garrabrant Grace Bardsley Hull Ed Maggio Rosini Geagan Katherine Bucknell and Bob Maguire Gretchen Gelder Christian Iberger John Genova Keely Irwin Elizabeth and Vincent Mann Dr. Henry Gewirtz Marjorie and Almon Ward Ives Kevin Martin Carl and Nancy Gewirz Ethan Jacoby Robin Kuhn Jennifer Matthews Mr. Richard Gioiosa and Howard M Jelleme Mr. Charles S. Mayhew Peter and Kristine Glazer Nathaniel Mayo Susan Jemison Robert and Mary McCann Mr. and Mrs. James and Dr. Elliot and Jeri Werner Goldberg Jamie McCoy Ron and Joanne Goldfarb Anne Jennings Eugene and Pamela McGuire Paola Gonfrade Deborah Johnston Ms. Mary Lou McGuire Lindsay Green J. Richard and Carolyn F. Judson James R. and Sarah P. McIntosh Simon Mikhailovich and Katie and Evan Schwanfelder Kaizer Mr. D. Eric McKechnie Peter Kaizer Wendy Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Christian T. Miles John Kann Mrs. Toby Greenberg Sarah Ann and David Bossi Miller John S. M. and Dorine E. Karnash Rachel and Colin Greenspon Michael and Julia Milone Margaret A. Kaufman Ethan Griffin Herbert and Miriam Mittenthal Danita Kessler James Gross Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jane Kester Henry and Karoly Gutman Richard and Justine Kingham Deborah Halber Laurie Monahan R. Frederic and Sarah B. Knauft Sally Bates Hall Melanie and Richard Kotalac John Halliwell


Donor Support Thomas and Margot Montgomery James Morgan Mary Wawro and Peter Morrison Ralph R. and Laura S. Mueller Nantucket Boating Club Nantucket Engineering and Survey Nantucket Landscapes, Inc. Jean and David Nathan Barbara and Philip Nowak Neil Paterson Inc Susan Nelson Katie Nielson Kate Heller O’Reilly Charlene Nogueira Nannette Orr Jeffrey Paley John and Karen Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Pardo Matthew and Mary Parker Neil Paterson Christopher and Jenny Perkin Elliot and Deborah Perlman Richard and Judith Phelan Melissa and Nathaniel Philbrick Diane Pitt Joe and Ruth Plandowski

Sheila and David Policansky Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah W. Powell Drs. Trevor and Margaret Price Roberta H. and Victoria J. Prisco Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Read Susan and Henry Reeder, Jr. George and Regina Rich Neville and Kathy Richen Dr. and Mrs. Charles Rickards Robin Ried Doug and Lisa Rose Gregory A. and Carol Ross Howard Rowen Bonnie Sacerdote Liz Coolidge and Elisabeth Sackton John and Kathryn Salmanowitz Grant Sanders Lee and Priscilla Saperstein Mrs. Nancy Sevrens Charles and Merle Shoneman Rachael and Sam Slosek Cynthia Smith Georgina Smith Penny F. Snow Angus Soderberg

Marianne and John Stanton Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stanton Amanda Starbuck Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Tracey H. Statzer Leonard and Harmony Stern Alyssa and Lyle Stevens Paul and Lora Stewart Stacey Stuart Joanne Sullivan Chris Swiatiek Wendy Sykes Richard and Judithann Thayer The Amy and Michael McGowan Charitable Fund Ann and George Thom, Jr. Debbie Thomas Lily Toland Colleen Tompkins Danielle O’Dell and Michael Toole Leigh Topham Cary Tozer Helen and John Trebby Ross and MaryLou Unruh Liz and Geoffrey Verney

In-Kind Donations ACK Smart Anderson’s Stillwater Moorings Cisco Brewery Donelan Wines Great Harbor Yacht Club Maria Mitchell Association Marine Home Center Moors End Farm Nantucket Critter Cruise Ben Phillips


Sea Nantucket Paddle Sports The Sunken Ship Carl Sjolund Jim Sjolund Something Natural Jim Sutherland The Haulover 4 EZ Payments Yoho Raw Bar

At right: NLC monitoring the eelgrass transplant site. Photo credit: Gretchen Gigi Callahan.

"NLC has the courage to stand up for what is right for the Nantucket environment.� — Dr. Ernie Steinauer, Former Nantucket Sanctuary Director, Mass Audubon

The NLC is forever grateful to Dr. Ernie Steinauer for his many years of conservation, advocacy, research and education on Nantucket. He played an invaluable role at helping to protect our precious island resources. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.

Water Fund Founders Circle Members The Board of the Nantucket Land Council is proud to continue “The Water Fund”; a donor-restricted fund to help support marine and freshwater projects on Nantucket. Over the past decade, the Nantucket Land Council has steadily transitioned into being the leading voice for the protection, investigation, and education of our water resources. Throughout 2020, we will be increasing our water projects by expanding our eelgrass health research into Madaket harbor, supplementing the Town of Nantucket’s water quality sampling with our small pond water quality research and investigating coastal plastics on our beaches and ocean waters. We can’t do this additional work without your help! Please join us at: support/the-water-fund/ The Nantucket Land Council thanks our generous Water Fund Founders Circle members for their contributions of $5,000 and over. Susan and Michael Baer William and Margaret Brenizer Robert and Barbara Friedman The Heinz Family Foundation The Herbert D. Condie, Jr. Family Foundation Evan and Cindy Jones The McCausland Foundation

Alan and Virginia Nathan The Overbrook Foundation The Slayton Family Foundation Meredyth and Brooks Smith Lars O. and Jane Soderberg Visco Pumping, Inc. ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS (2)

Water Fund


Donor Support Volunteers Matt Anderson & Crew Susan Baer Craig and Sophia Beni Haley Clinton Chloe Coggins Kara Falck Kris Feeney Nancy Gillespie Robert, Robert and Marco Graves Robert Graves, Sr. Elijah Hamel Isaach Hersh Linda Holland

Elizabeth Vialle Richard and Gay Vogt Clark and Andrea Wagner Andrew Walker Ian Golding and Laura Wasserman Joel D. and Judith Weinstein Finn and Kim Wentworth Ann West John and Nancy Whelan Edward I. and Randall C. Wight Natasha Willauer William Willet Cheryl Woodford Margot Wynkoop Carolyn Grant Zarrella Anonymous SUPPORTERS—Up to $99

Michael and Marcia Adler Diane Asche Karen and Douglas Beattie Julie Biondi Mr. Jack W. Blaylock Sarah Bois Fred and Paulette Boling Jane Bourette Janet and Richard Brannigan Callie Kever and Caleb Cressman

Melanie Kotalac John, Owen and Maddie Kuszpa Chuck Lenhart Sophia Oomen-Lochtefeld Glenn Masser Mack McGrath Christian Miles Maria Mitchell Campers & Staff Marin Mooney Maggie Murray Natural Resources Department Ben Phillips

Louisa H Crosby Mr. and Mrs. David and Stephanie Deutsch Dennis and Amy-Ann Doran Morgan Ellington Mr. William P. Golden Emma Graham Ms. Nancy E. Gund James and Peggy Hashim Joseph Ireland Mr. Walter C. King, II Benjamin Moore Kathleen Mount Kevin O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Olson William Oshinsky Robert and Lesley Perlman Gillian Pidcock Alan Rusch Susan and Michael Samols Mariellen Scannell Robert J. and Susan R. Schiff Smith Point Association Charles and Elna Soule Charles and Barbara Stott Theresa and Michael Taylor Maria Thulin Beth and Tim Toolen

Trevor Price Carl Sjolund Jim Sjolund Laura and Kyle Steele Strong Wings Campers & Staff Harmony Stern Elisabeth Trillos Melinda Tweed Helen Weeks Sebastian Weeks Holly and Leif Witherell Adele and Sphia Yelverton Jason Zinser

Mr. Charles Walters Dan Farrell and Laura L. Walters Anita Barker Weeks David S. and Enid M. Wise Mr. John G. Wofford Megan Andelloux Jean Carleton Alexandra Catchpole Charles and Rita Dunleavy William and Elizabeth Folberth, III Bill Fordyce Mr. Joseph William Gannon Roselyne Hatch Joan P. Holdgate Julianne L. Kever Kent and Ann Kilbourne Helen Long Helen and James Manchester Susan S. McGinnis Miss Eileen P. McGrath Jean Rioux Michael and Jane Roche Peter Weeks Sebastian Weeks Ms. Martha Weille Linda S. Zola


Gifts in Memorium We thank the following individuals, businesses and foundations who donated to the Nantucket Land Council during our 2019 Fiscal Year. In Memory of Dr. Alan L. Toole Gift from James D. Toole Gertrude Latici Gift from Robin Kuhn and Howard M Jelleme Gift from Mr. Joseph William Gannon Jean Haffenreffer Gift from Amy and Gregory Rowland

BEQUESTS Mrs. Jean F. Haffenreffer Mrs. Adrienne A. McCalley

In Memory of Jean Haffenreffer

Jeff Held Gift from Margot Wynkoop Gift from Mr. D. Eric McKechnie Karen Borchert Gift from Helen and James Manchester Linda Zarrella Gift from Henry Rainaud In Honor of Nancy Marshall Green Gift from Lindsay Green Robert Friedman Gift from Jay and Esta Feinsod Andrew Perlman Gift from Robert and Lesley Perlman Lily Zarrella and Ted Rainaud Gift from Chris Swiatiek Gift from Andrew Walker Gift from Scott Hughes Gift from Alyssa and Lyle Stevens Gift from Michael Cimini Gift from Peter Cox Helen P. Weeks Gift from Anita Barker Weeks Howard and Maureen Blitman Gift from Margaret A. Kaufman


Mrs. Jean Rowland Haffenreffer served on the Board of Directors of the Nantucket Land Council for over 20 years. Her lifelong love of the island and its precious natural resources was evident in all her work for the NLC. She was an avid land conservationist, and an enthusiastic member of the Land Council’s Education and Research committee. Jean’s presence, spirit and always positive attitude will be deeply missed by the Land Council family and community at large.

OFFICERS Lucy S. Dillon President Paul A. Bennett Vice President William Willet Vice President Neil Marttila Treasurer Susan E. Robinson Clerk

DIRECTORS Matt Anderson Susan Baer Mary-Randolph Ballinger Larry Breakiron William S. Brenizer Christine Donelan Josh Eldridge Thomas V. Farrell Robert Friedman Nancy Gillespie Nathanael Greene Charles A. Kilvert III Laurel Ried Langworthy Lucy Leske Matthew B. Liddle Peter McCausland Keltie Donelan-McDonald Eileen P. McGrath Carl H. Sjolund H. Brooks Smith Lars Soderberg David Troast Peter Watrous

HONORARY DIRECTORS William M. Crozier, Jr. Howard N. Blitman SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR James W. Sutherland Ph.D. STAFF Emily L. Molden Executive Director Meg Browers Development Director RJ Turcotte Resource Ecologist BOOKKEEPING Shari Rose Santos LEGAL COUNSEL Peter R. Fenn, Esquire Fenn and Associates Newton, MA ACCOUNTANT Bollus Lynch LLP Certified Public Accountants and Consultants Worcester, MA

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& p r e s ervin

During these uncertain times, we continue our critical work to protect and preserve our island for many generations to come. On behalf of the Nantucket Land Council staff and Board of Directors, thank you for 45 amazing years of environmental advocacy, research, education and open space preservation. Please enjoy our 2019 Annual Report for an update on what we’ve been able to accomplish over the past year with your support.

tif u l i eau






To our cherished members and supporters,


sla n d

NANTUCKET LAND COUNCIL 6 Ash Lane P.O. Box 502 Nantucket, MA 02554



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