2018 Annual Report Nantucket Atheneum

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Robert A. Greenspon VICE CHAIR


David Ross

VICE PRESIDENT Marcia P. Welch SECRETARY William E. Hannum III

Samuel Bailey Jr. Kathryn Cramer Brownell Annye Camara Porter G. Dawson Norbert P. Donelly Douglass N. Ellis Maureen Graf Patricia Harding Patrick Hehir Hudson Holland III Barbara Jones Edward J. McCarthy


Alice F. Emerson John W. Loose TRUSTEES EMERITI

Nan Geschke Nancy A. Newhouse

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Elizabeth McHenry Jeanne C. Miller Hillary Hedges Rayport Bonnie J. Sacerdote Randee Seiger Jane A. Tyler Cathy Weinroth


Margaret Ritchie Battle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diamond Jr. Lucile W. Hays Mr. and Mrs. Richard Menschel EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Molly Anderson


Joan Gulley This is my first letter to you as Chair of the Atheneum’s Board of Trustees. It is an honor and a privilege to be in this role. Public libraries are the lifeblood of their communities. The Atheneum is that and more to the people of this island. What is the state of the Atheneum?

library as well as finding it a gathering

I am delighted to report that the

place for conversation, exploration,

Atheneum is in splendid condition

learning, and contemplation. It is a

by all measures. In the past year,

vibrant, wonderful place in which to

Molly Anderson and her talented

hang out.

team delivered over 1300 high quality

We are proud of the Atheneum and

programs to our island’s full time

we know you are as well. You show

and seasonal residents. Our financial

your appreciation with your generous

picture is strong— a balanced budget,

financial support and we can’t thank

record fund raising of over $1.1

you enough for that. Your donations

million, and a growing endowment.

pay for about 75% of the Atheneum’s

The Dance Festival, now a major

operating costs. We are accessible

cultural event, once again brought

and free to everyone.You make that

some of the world’s greatest ballet

possible. Thank you so much.

dancers to our island and presented

Every year we must get better

a sublime evening of dance. We have

in order to stay financially strong,

a talented and engaged board of

relevant, and indispensable to the

trustees who have committed their

quality of life on Nantucket. We know

knowledge, leadership, and resources

that we must regularly revisit our

to the Atheneum. We honored our

priorities and operating assumptions

heritage with programs celebrating

and create new ideas, strategies, and

the 200th birthday of Frederick

possibilities for the future.

Douglass and his five speeches at

We spent considerable time this

the Atheneum. Over the course of

year thinking about the future of

the year, over 165,000 visitors made

the Atheneum with significant input

full use of the resources of this great

from the Atheneum staff and the

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community. We are excited about this work. We cannot predict the future but we can build on our existing strengths to position the Atheneum to respond effectively to changes in the needs of our community and our operating environment going forward.

Let me highlight three goals for the next few years. We have a talented, dedicated staff, an extraordinary Executive Director, and a strong, engaged Board of Trustees. We need to insure that we invest in the professional development of our people, position the Atheneum to attract and retain talented professionals in both leadership and technical positions, and continue to recruit the very best talent for our Board. Our Executive Committee and our Committee on Trustees have laid out specific goals and deliverables for the next two years in this area. We are financially solid today because of strong expense management, a well-managed endowment, an excellent development function and your generosity. Going forward, we need to expand the tools in our development tool box. We will launch a major gifts program next year. This is not a onetime effort but rather a permanent program designed to provide donors with the rationale and opportunity to provide major support. Our Dance Festival Committee is also working on ways to expand sponsorship opportunities and participation. The hallmark of a public library is universal access at no cost to users. Direct support is essential to free access and we must expand our efforts to communicate the unique public/ private nature of our role. We also believe that we should develop better ways to measure and communicate the impact of the Atheneum and value to the community. We need to make the case for support in terms of more specific outcomes and measures. And then tell our story.

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New and Departing Trustees This year Bob Greenspon stepped down after chairing the Board for over four years. Bob brought energy, wisdom and passion for all things Atheneum to his role. The Board honored Bob at the June Annual Meeting by awarding him the title Chair Emeritus. We also said goodbye to four trustees whose terms expired. Thank you Barbara Jones, Will Hannum, Jeanne Miller and Bonnie McCausland. They were engaged, impactful trustees and we are deeply grateful for their service. We are delighted to welcome our new class of trustees—Tracy Flannery, Sam Flax, Clement Durkes, Marcia Welch, and Barbara Fife. We know that each will make a dierence moving forward. Thank you again for your support of the Atheneum. You make so much possible and we are deeply grateful. I hope you are as excited about the future of the Atheneum as we are and we look forward to seeing you soon at our fabulous public library.

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Molly Anderson As I reflect on FY18 at the Nantucket Atheneum, I am reminded of how important public libraries are at this moment in our country’s history. The times call for respectful shared discourse, access to reliable information, active curiosity about not only our island but also the world beyond, understanding of multiple viewpoints, and the need for quiet reflection. The Nantucket Atheneum, as our island’s public library, offers opportunities which address these community needs in our daily services and programs. The Atheneum is the place for everyone on the island to stay informed, have their curiosity feed, and have access to diverse perspectives. Our library is the place on the island to find credible and vetted information with librarians

»» 167,000 people seeking information and

eager to assist, the place to meet old

learning walked through the doors of the

and new neighbors to exchange ideas


and dreams, and the place to find a safe space in which to reflect away from the noise and bustle of today’s world.

»» Community people borrowed over 137,000 books, films, magazines, and music

The statistics (at right) FY18 »» On average 119 people per week accessed

demonstrate how much our community values what the Atheneum

the internet and our on-line resources on

offers and the following pages provide

our 35 free computers

more details about our wide array of »» More than 29,000 adults and youth

programs and services. Additional evidence comes from what you can witness every day at

attended our 1200+ free cultural and educational programs

the Atheneum. Young and old of all backgrounds and income levels are

»» Atheneum’s 3 free public meeting spaces

checking out books and media, reading

were used more than 1500 times for

in a fuzzy animal chair in Weezie or

community engagement

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at a table dappled in sunlight, actively learning in our classes or Makerspaces, sharing ideas in our stimulating public forums, or researching new ideas or family roots in the Great Hall. So many people entering our doors to access knowledge and opportunity—all for free at their public library—the Nantucket Atheneum. All of the above was made possible through the generosity of our donors, the extraordinary commitment and support of our Board of Trustees led so capably by Chair Joan Gulley and the hard work of our dedicated staff and volunteers.

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David Ross, Treasurer

Statement of Financial Position YEAR ENDED JUNE 30




Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $821 $687 Pledges receivable $47 $81 Other current assets $80 $26 Total current assets $948 $794 Investments Land, building and equiptment (net) Total assets

$21,204 $18,804 $1,822 $2,042 $23,974 $21,640


$75 Current liabilities $58 NET ASSETS Unrestricted $10,038 $8,714 Board Designated $6,595 $5,782 Temporarily Restricted $1,324 $1,111 Permanently Restricted $5,959 $5,958 Total net assets $23,916 $21,565 Total liabilities and net assets



The Atheneum continues to expand services to the Nantucket community while operating within a balanced Operating Budget. Operating Expenses rose 7% year-over-year as a result of investments in IT (including a website upgrade) and needed interior painting. Operating Revenues from External Sources increased by $1.3 million or 53% primarily as a result of a major bequest from the estate of Isabelle Seeman. The Town of Nantucket’s contribution provided 29% of TNA’s Operating Expenses, down from 31% in the prior year. Additional operating revenue came from donations to the Turkey Plunge, Dance Festival and Annual Giving.

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Statement of Unrestricted Operating Activities YEAR ENDED JUNE 30




Town of Nantucket support $720 $702 Appropriation of special event revenue $790 $573 Contributions $1,542 $539 Endowment draw designated for operations $622 $557 Grant income $55 $63 Library services, etc. $38 $31 Other revenues $8 $7 OPERATING REVENUES FROM EXTERNAL SOURCES $3,775 $2,472 Assets released from restrictions $15 $541 $3,790 $3,013 EXPENSES Personnel costs $1,490 $1,447 Other expenses $977 $856 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,467 $2,303 Change in net unrestricted assets before depreciation $1,323 $710 Depreciation expense $410 $406 Change in net unrestricted assets from operating activities after depreciation $913 $304 The above information is extracted from the financial statements that were audited by Bollus Lynch, LLP who rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Copies of the complete financial statements are available upon request and can be viewed on our website.

Assets released from restrictions increased substantially from the prior year as earnings on funds from the SAF campaign became available to support the Atheneum’s infrastructure. In addition to regular maintenance, the Atheneum’s outdated boiler as well as two HVAC units which were severely damaged in a winter storm were replaced. The Balance Sheet continued to strengthen in 2018 as remaining campaign pledges were collected. Long-term investments in low-cost index funds provided a strong 9.6% net return. Total Liquid Financial Assets increased 13% to $21.5 million. All this was made possible by our dedicated and talented staff and the generous support of our many donors. Annual | 9 | Report

ADULT PROGRAMS The Nantucket Atheneum Adult Programs Department offered 537 programs this year with a total attendance of 15,000 people. Of those, 530 programs were

2018 Speakers

offered free of charge. In 2018 the Atheneum celebrated the 200th birthdays of


two historical figures important

Obama Administration Senior

to the library: Maria Mitchell and

Advisor on Science and Technology

Frederick Douglass. US ARMY (RET.) GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS

In partnership with the Maria Mitchell Association, the

Chairman of the

Atheneum acknowledged Mitchell’s

KKR Global Institute

contribution to science, Nantucket history and the women’s movement


by hosting authors David Baron,

Professor of the Practice of

author of American Eclipse, and J.

Diplomacy and International

Drew Lanham, author of The Home

Politics at Harvard University

Place. The library also celebrated Frederick Douglass’ contributions to ending slavery in the 19th

2018 Constance Laibe Hays Memorial Lecture

century and advocating for social justice on a number of issues by


bringing Douglass biographers

Author, New Yorker Staff Writer

David Blight and Celeste-Marie Bernier to speak. In addition, Nantucket historian Barbara White discussed the friendship between Annual | 10 | Report

ADULT PROGRAMS Anna Gardner and Douglass and Guy Peartree appeared as Douglass during a living history presentation in the Great Hall. The Douglass programs were presented in partnership with the Nantucket Historical Association and the African Meeting House. The Interwoven Stories Project, which created a year-long community stitching project in the fall of 2017, concluded in October. The Nantucket project is one of several spearheaded by textile artist Diana Buri Weymar. Seventy five people embroidered cloth “pages” with stories and images drawn from their experience of Nantucket. The pages were on display in the Great Hall during Arts Festival week in the first week of October. The Interwoven Stories Project is a collaboration between the Atheneum, the Nantucket Historical Association and the Artists’ Association of Nantucket. The project continues on an informal basis. The One Book One Island community reading project, now in its 12th year, chose Colum McCann’s novel Transatlantic for its 2018 book. The OBOI group distributed 500 free books around the island in January and hosted a week of events related to the books themes in March. The Literacy Volunteers of the Atheneum continue to offer free conversational English classes and individual tutoring to non-native speakers. Now in its 13th year, the program is run by volunteers who teach weekly classes and meet with students individually. This year the LVA offered 91 classes and the Atheneum hosted 67 individual tutoring sessions as well as two ELL workshops for LVA tutors. Finally, the Atheneum provided meeting rooms for civic and community engagement as well as study space for patrons in need of a quiet place to work. These rooms were used over 1,500 times last year. Annual | 11 | Report

ADULT CIRCULATION 2018 Atheneum by the Numbers




Library Cards


Items checked out


The Nantucket Atheneum considers it an honor to be one of the town’s cultural centers. Each year, we welcome tens of thousands of visitors and patrons, during the long, quiet winters as well as the busy summer months. They come to read, learn, think and connect in a safe, welcoming-but-lively environment. Patrons take advantage of over 190,000 items, from books to audio books, from CDs to DVDs. Our bank of digital resources continues to grow, in volume and popularity. This past year, we are proud to have added Kanopy, an exciting on-demand video streaming service, free to everyone with a library card. Two programs that remain robust are VITAL

Total items in the

(Visually Impaired Technology At the Library) and

Atheneum’s collection

Atheneum to Go. In the past year, it was our pleasure to deliver over 2,065 items to our patrons who aren’t able to come to the library. By reaching out to the island community in this way, we feel that we are delivering much more than books and CDs. Through our inter-library loan program, we offer access to the collections of our Nation’s great libraries. Our patrons and visitors enjoy free wireless connectivity to explore our book collections and discover a treasure trove of digital resources, as well as opportunities for learning and volunteering. As always, our dedicated staff and volunteers are ever present to offer expertise and support.

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REFERENCE DEPARTMENT The Reference and Special Collections Department welcomed Jim Borzilleri as a permanent member of the Great Hall team this year; the entire staff is delighted by his analytic mind and helping hands. This year the Reference staff answered more than 3,700 reference & service requests, obtained 119 specialized research items, and several classrooms of student groups learned about library research services. Public computers continue to be a popular and well-used service. However the Great Hall is not only a place where community members have access to the Internet, it is a place where the island community becomes better digital citizens. For this past year, the reference page on our website and main page have links for patrons to check on their voting status or register to vote. At today’s Atheneum, technology literacy has expanded beyond typing skills and email; our computers provide access to information about health, jobs, and connections to family or community. To facilitate our community’s wide interests and needs, we added databases to the Reference webpage. Every other month the Reference department has featured innovations for topics like Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Psychology Collection and America’s Genealogy Bank. Moreover, we continue to offer access to Lynda. com, a resource for practical education on a variety of subjects including many software tools used every day in business. The library staff will continue to meet the Atheneum’s mission of ensuring that everyone in our community has access to reliable information, the Internet, and digital literacy and training.

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WEEZIE LIBRARY FOR CHILDREN The Weezie Library was busy

orientation visits. Finally, over 1600

again this year with 14,675 children

children and teens participated in our

and teens participating in over 700

Summer Reading Program “Libraries

programs that continued to focus on

Rock” which again included sign ups

supporting and enriching classroom

at Nantucket Elementary School,

work. Makerspace programming

Nantucket Intermediate School,

allowed children to learn about

The Nantucket New School, The

circuitry by building Scribble Bots

Lighthouse School, and 8 independent

or Wobble Bots. Our CoderDojo


programs taught kids how to code

The Weezie staff continued to

using Scratch and Makey Makey

create and maintain a rich and

boards. Participants also practiced

varied collection of materials that

teambuilding skills as they joined in

included 16,869 books, DVDs, CDs

our Minecraft Club or Library Legos

and magazines for children and 3581


items for teens to choose from.

Literacy based programing remains

Staff continued to collaborate with

at the core of our work. Over 120

community partners such as

newborns received a board book, early

the Nantucket Public Schools,

literacy information and an invitation

Nantucket Boys & Girls Club, and

to visit the Weezie Library. During

The Community School to bring

the school year the Weezie Librarian

Atheneum programming to a wider

performed 40 story times per month

audience. Over 700 NES and NIS

through in-house programs and

students and faculty were treated to

outreach visits to 11 organizations. All

a performance of The Dragon King

Kindergarten classes from Nantucket

by the Tanglewood Marionettes

Elementary School and middle

in May. The Weezie Librarian also

schoolers from Cyrus Pierce Middle

participated in Guest Reader Day and

School and the Nantucket New

Literacy Night with the Nantucket

School were welcomed for library

Public Schools.

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DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The Development Department continued to raise increased support through the generosity and interest of the community. The 2018 Annual Giving Campaign raised over $530,000 under the skilled leadership of Board of Trustee member Joan Gulley. The 16th Annual Cold Turkey Plunge held on November 23, 2017 resulted in more than 1,000 people taking the plunge with $130,000 raised in support of programs and services for the Weezie Library for Children— a new record for this event. The library ran three used book sales in FY18 with the help of our many dedicated volunteers. The annual summer book sale took place in August 2017 followed by another during Stroll 2017 and the final sale was over Daffodil 2018. The Atheneum’s major fundraiser, the Nantucket Atheneum Dance Festival, July 23–28, 2018, held two performances at the Nantucket High School auditorium. The performances featured internationally acclaimed dancers from New York City Ballet, Houston Ballet, American Ballet Theatre and Pacific Northwest Ballet under Artistic Director Tyler Angle. Outreach events included a children’s program, youth master classes for aspiring dance students, a documentary film screening of Scott Gormley’s Danseur and an insightful lecture/demonstration led by Artistic Director Tyler Angle. Under the skilled leadership of our Dance Chair Randee Seiger and with corporate sponsorship from Tradewind Aviation, the festival raised much needed revenue to support the Atheneum’s annual operating budget.

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BUILDING & GROUNDS A long-planned upgrade of equipment in the Atheneum’s boiler room took place during April. The old furnace was replaced with one a quarter the size and more fuel efficient, two large oil tanks were replaced with one, and two cumbersome floor-to-ceiling circulation pumps were replaced with a compact system attached to the wall. In addition to improving the efficiency and functionality of the building equipment, much needed storage space was gained for building supplies.

Additionally inside, the attic floor was stabilized and storage shelves installed.

One dehumidifier was installed in the boiler room and one in a downstairs book storage room. Areas of the first floor were painted including bookcase ends. High tops, vents and ceiling fixtures were given a deep clean, the carpets were cleaned, oriental carpets were removed for patron safety, and the windows washed.

A March nor’easter damaged two outdoor VRF units necessitating the need

to replace them. The Oak Street, Federal Street and a portion of the front sides of the building’s exterior were painted. A copper chase and rainguard were fabricated and installed on the chimney. The Weezie porch steps were painted and grit added to the paint for secure footing in wet weather.

A new and upgraded firewall was installed to secure the Atheneum’s

network system. Windows 10 and updated Minecraft software were installed on 20 public laptops in the learning lab that are used for children’s and adult educational programs. Three hard drives and two laptops were replaced for staff with an upgrade to Office 2013. Library furnishings included three ergonomic desk chairs for administrative offices.

The multi-year art conservation project to refurbish a portion of the

Atheneum’s collection of oil paintings and frames continued. This year Community Preservation Grant funding was received and four paintings received conservation treatment: The Courtyard and The Lake from the Gardens of Howqua series, and Oriental and Samuel Russell from the ship portrait series.

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ANNUAL GIVING DONORS 2018 2018 Nantucket Atheneum 1847 Society ATHENA CIRCLE $25,000 AND ABOVE

The Margaret R. R. Battle Family Charitable Fund Robert and Kathleen Stansky DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE $10,000 – $24,999

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bekenstein Lisa and Porter Dawson Ann and Norb Donelly Barbara J. Fife Nan and Chuck Geschke Claire and Bob Greenspon Barbara and Amos Hostetter PARTNER $5,000–$9,999 Janet and Sam Bailey Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II Caroline and Doug Ellis The Joseph and Marie Field Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Graham Charles and Kaaren Hale Hillsdale Fund, Incorporated Jockey Hollow Foundation Barbara E. Jones Elizabeth McHenry and Eugene Assaf Ronay and Richard Menschel Sharon and Frank Robinson Ellen and David Ross Merrielou and Ned Symes Mr. Jeffrey P. Tucker BENEFACTOR $2,500–$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Ambrecht Christina Craighead Tish Emerson Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation Maureen and John Graf Joan and Philip Gulley Ed and Barbara Hajim Hunt Alternatives Fund Mrs. Caroline M. Lathrop Jeffrey F. Rayport and Hillary Hedges Rayport Laura and Bob Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Roeder

Jane and John Loose Deedie and Ted McCarthy Bonnie and Peter McCausland Susan and Paul Meister Bonnie J. Sacerdote Seiger Family Foundation Kim and Finn Wentworth

Thomas and Alison Schneider Kathryn Sheehan Reverend Georgia A. Snell Jay M. Wilson Fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation PATRON $1,000– $2,499 Leigh and Carrie Abramson Mrs. John F. Akers Nora and Edgar Ancona Marcia and Steve Anderson Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Dinah and Barry Barksdale Judy and John Belash Robert J. and Karen Z. Bettacchi Family Fund William and Susan Boardman Jeanine and Alastair Borthwick Maureen and Edward Bousa Will and Carol Browne Susan and David Brownlee Bill and Laura Buck Martha Carr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Charpie Rick and Dee Dee Chesley Barbara G. Cohen Jane Condon and Kenneth Bartels Congdon & Coleman Insurance Agency Cox Foundation, Inc. Carol March Emerson Cross Fund Annual | 17 | Report

Paul and Joan Crowley Prudence and William Crozier Jayne and Timothy Donahue Robert and Marsha Egan Family Fund EMWIGA Foundation Tracy and John Flannery Michele and Marc Flaster Judy M. Foley Dr. and Mrs. Merle S. Fossen Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fox Robert and Barbara Friedman General Electric The Gilbert Verney Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Glasser Kim and Jeff Greenberg Gordon and Llura Gund Mary and Robert Haft Sara Schwartz and Will Hannum Lucile W. Hays H. John Heinz Family Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Rachel Hobart and Edward Toole Hudson Holland III and Michelle L. Holland Mrs. Brainerd Holmes Lois and John Horgan Elizabeth S. Jacobsen Christopher McKown and Abigail Johnson Judy Family Foundation Anthony and Cynthia Lamport


Lebowitz-Aberly Family Foundation Susan S. Leonard Sue and Byron Lingeman Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Nancy and Richard Lubin Mrs. Helen Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly Martin Pat and Charles McGill Amy and Michael McGowan Toni and Martin McKerrow Marlin and Ginger Miller Tracey and Greg Morzano John Moy and Sonya Keene Nantucket Bank Laura DeBonis and Scott Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Aryeh Neier Joan and Michael Nelson Never Summer Gift Fund Nancy Newhouse and Kenneth W. Holdgate Jr. Al and Mary Novissimo Ann and C. Hardy Oliver Kathy and Roger Penske Melissa and Nat Philbrick Gillian and Scott Pidcock Ella Wall Prichard Nancy and Bob Puff Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Quick R C Lilly Foundation Kennedy and Susan Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Roberts Ellen and Ken Roman Nicholas and Sueanne Rorick Christine C. Sanford Ms. Denise Scruton and Mr. Adam P. Glick Nancy Sevrens Helen G. Shannon Joseph and Deidre Smialowski Mr. H. C. Bowen Smith Lorraine C. Snell Daisy M. Soros Melinda M. and Paul R. C. Sullivan Ambassador and Mrs. Louis B. Susman Judy C. Tolsdorf Jacqueline R. Tullo Jane A. Tyler Deborah and Don Van Dyke

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vandenberg James Flaws and Marcia Weber Cathy and Stephen Weinroth Carolyn Wells and Frank White Whitcomb Family Advised Fund Ms. Allyson N. Tang and Mr. Thomas Widmann Susan and Bob Wright SUSTAINER $500–$999 Peggy Altreuter Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Bartlett Mary Kennedy Baumslag Debbie and Mark Beale Mary Jane and Henry Belber Charity Benz Clara Bingham Birch Family Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey The Brandt Foundation Deane and Ken Brasfield Brass Lantern Inn David and Mary Brown Kathryn Cramer Brownell Lissy Bryan Pamela Van Hoven Clark William Cohan Phil and Peg Condon Suellen Ward and John Copenhaver Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait Heidi Cox Amanda B. Cross Anne Delaney and Chip Carver Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. DiMartino Chris and Joe Donelan Lee and Tharon Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Jane and Richard Eskind & Family Foundation John and Margee Falk Mr. and Mrs. William L. Farrell Gus and Lisa Field Kitty and Herbert Glantz Elliot R. and Jeri Werner Goldberg Lucia and Elliott† Gumaer Jean R. Haffenreffer John H. Harvey Patrick and Lucy Hehir

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holch Mr. and Mrs. Bardwell Jones Patience Killen Carol and Ken Kinsley Kurtz Family Foundation Christopher and Janet Larsen The Lenzner Family Sharon and Frank Lorenzo Kathryn St. Juste and Brian McDermott Katie and Bill McNabb Jeanne and Bruce Miller Herb and Miriam Mittenthal Siobhan and Bill Moore George and Barbara Mrkonic Carl M. Mueller Charitable Fund Leo Mullen and Helene Patterson SandJ Newhouse Family Foundation Mr. Douglas L. Nigen Sharon and David Northrup Monica O’Neil Barbara and Dermot O’Reilly Karen and John Palmer Pfizer Foundation Jenny and Michael Price David Pumphrey Quercus LLC ReMain Ventures’ Gifting Benefits Program Jay and Gretchen Riley Lenore and James Schilling Penny Scheerer and John Schwanbeck Gerald Schwartz Thomas Schweizer Mr. and Mrs. Hercules Segalas L. Dennis and Susan Shapiro Rachael Freeman and Sam Slosek Peter C. Steingraber Nancy Thayer David and Lisa Todd Anne Troutman and Aleks Istanbullu Liz and Geoff Verney Marcia P. Welch Sally and Steve Williamson Joe and Betsy Wright CONTRIBUTOR $250-$499 Anonymous (2) Patty Abramson and Les Silverman Tom and Suzanne Albani †

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Patricia S. and Thomas J. Anathan Dorothy and Sam Baker Jenny and Michael Baldock Lisa and John Bermel Chris Bierly and Margaret Boasberg Sarah Ann Miller and David Bossi Mrs. Patricia Bridier Eugene and Susan Briskman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus III Noël Berry and Paul Bruno Debbie Bryan Eileen and Robert Butler Annye Camara Michael Carlisle Ms. Lisa Clarey-Lawler Marcia J. Coyle and Thomas C. Szydlowski David and Alexandra Dalury Steven Della Rocca and Courtenay Hardy Susan M. Deutsch Ms. Martha Dippell and Mr. Daniel Korengold Fremont-Smith Family Marianne and Bob Felch Cece and Mack Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Fox Carl and Nancy Gewirz Fund Joe and Maria Grause Toby Greenberg Dr. Thomas B. and Ellen N. Hakes Robert and Cornelia Hallinan Henry and Christine Harding Jim and Gerry Herndon Sandra Urie and Frank Herron Joan and Eugene D. Hill III Lisa Wohlleib and Seth Hoogasian Dorrie and Bruce Hopper Peggy and Peter Hoyt Joan and Andrew† Jessiman Connie and Dennis Keller Jacqueline and Eric Kraeutler Mr. and Mrs. Michael LaScola John F. and Judith R. Lochtefeld Mr. Jonathan W. Nyland and Ms. Katherine M. Logue Jeff and Susan Lucier Mr. and Mrs. William Q. MacLean J. Thomas Macy William M. Madway

Deborah and James McIntosh Barbara and Alan Medaugh Brook and Peyson Meerbergen The Nantucket Town Association Roger and Marjorie Nastou Jean F. and David G. Nathan Fund Anne Olsen Courtney A. O’Neill Abby and Steve Perelman Bill Porter and Peggy Davis Ringer Family Kermit and Priscilla Roosevelt Andre Spears and Anne Rosen Greg and Amy Rowland Joseph L. And Nancy S. Serafini Skip and Dierdre Snyder Suzi Spring Jane and Scott Stearns Rev. Bill and Linda Steelman Joly W. Stewart Sheila and Bill Sullivan Jonathan C. Swain Henry and Anne Terry Barbara and Michael Varbalow Laurie and Toby Webb Dr. Joel and Judith Weinstein Linden and Madeleine White Fund Crosby and Gussie Willet Rick and Elaine Williams David and Mary Wolff Lucinda Young SUPPORTER $100–$249 Anonymous (2) Aetna Joe and Marcia Aguiar O. Ames Dr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson Ms. Mary R. Andrews John Archibald Christy Wise and Bob Axelrod Joan Badie Anne D. Bailliere Reverend Joseph and Kathy Baird Bill and Kathie Beattie Ken and Gussie Beaugrand Jeanne and John Bennett Gail Berson

Bruce Bolton Ann P. Bond Bruce and Lisa Bond Mia Bongiovanni and Stephen Sullivan Meryl and Michael Bralower John and Jessie Brescher Tom and Mimi Brome Betty Browning and Jeffrey Allen Ms. Barbara E. Bund Lee Rand Burne Moby and Caroline Burton Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Button Ellen Mitchell and Charles Byrne Pat and Steve Calabrese Scott and Suzie Carpenter Mark and Mary Ellen Castle Peter and Sharron Chalke David and Kathleen Champoux Carolyn J. Durand Clear Pond Fund Oliver and Jil Coolidge Frederick and Christina Cowles Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Cozort Bob and Maureen Dobies Mr. Dennis C. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dow Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dragon Lois and Bill Druckemiller Mr. and Mrs. James E. Duffy Charles and Rita Dunleavy Peter F. Duquette Bob and Janet Emack Anne and Peter Englot Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ferreira Andie Finard Ms. Julie A. Fitzgerald and Mr. Carl H. Sjolund Beverly M. Frenette Michael and Susan Friedman Kim and Rob Frisbie John Gardner Dottie and Lou Gennaro Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson Anne and Whitney Gifford Barbara S. and Stephen Gillers Doris Glazer †

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Janet Glitzenstein Drs. John and Margaret Goldman Hannah Judy Gretz Bill and Kathy Grieder Garth and Jean Grimmer Lauren and Paul Gudonis Rick Hajjar Mike and Ellen Harde Mr. and Mrs. John Harding Cary Hazlegrove and Andy Bullington Mark Heartfield John M. Heggem Nina and Bob† Hellman Don and Kate Heyda Elizabeth Hillger Grace S. Hinkley Megan and Chris Holding Jill Hooley and Warren Schur Joyce Horton Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Inglis Virginia and Richard Irwin Amy Jenness Gil and Betty Ann Kaplan Diane H. Karper Peter and Carol Krogh Norma and Loren Kroll Kathryn Kubie and William Winkler Ulrich Lachler and Nancy Gillespie Dr. Hal Landy and Ms. Deborah Ramsdell Tim and Cathy Lepore Larry and Susan Levine Ronald and Deborah Lilly Janet and Keith Lindgren Sally and Phil Lochner Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Loftin Pamela Lohmann Mary Longacre Sharon J. MacInnis Carol Ann and Philip Marks Marty and Holly McGowan Jane and Rory McNeil Mr. and Mrs. Peter deF. Millard Polly and Nick Miller Hal Miller Jane and John Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller IV Earl and Iris Mix Peter A. Morrison and Mary Wawro

Jamie, Hunter, and Tanner Moss Nantucket Clambake Co Virginia and Alan D. Nathan Neil Paterson Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Germain D. Newton Sandra and Gene Palchanis Mary Alyce Pardo Robert H. Peaker Sr. Henry W. Pfeiffer Judith and Richard Phelan Betsy and Charles Phillips Nancy and Bernard Picchi Mrs. Margaret Chase Pignato Eileen and Elliott Pollack Pollacks Mr. and Mrs. Max Polster Wendy and Skip Powell Charles and Susan Rickards The Rev. Bruce and Mary Rigdon Ms. Jeanne W. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Riley Joe and Ginny Ripp Robin and Mickey Rowland Rose Rubin Susan Ruddick Joseph Santucci Lee and Priscilla Saperstein Elisabeth and Peter Schaeffer Cary and John Schaperkotter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seaquist Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Mimi Huber and Richard Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks Smith Penny F. Snow Charles and Elna Soule John Stahler Family Beverly and Phillip Stambaugh John and Marianne Stanton Valerie and John Stauffer Gregory and Kathy Sullivan Anne Sweidel The Rev. Frederick and Mrs. Ann Thayer Lee T. Venolia and John W. Thoman Jr. Dr. Allan L. Toole Elizabeth Trillos Mr. and Mrs. William D. Troast Peter and Vicky Tulloch Cecily Tyler

Annual | 20 | Report

James and Elinor Vaughter Nancy and Carlo Vittorini Janet and Fred von Pechmann Lois and Jay Wertheimer Ann W. West Westbrook Real Estate Paula K. Williams Drs. Philip and Florence Wood Mr. and Mrs. Brent Young Robert A. Young Betty D. Zinn DONOR $1–$99 Anonymous Joan Albaugh Ellen Ballinger Karen and Douglas Beattie Rebecca and Ted Bent Elaine Boehm Mrs. Claire Couch Bosee Elizabeth J. Brinkerhoff Ginny and Bud Carrey Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Alyssa Corry Lesslie Crowell Paul and Barbara Daley Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Ginnie and Howie Faria Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Fee Kristie and Benjamin Ferrantella Lynne Flodin Liz and Biff Folberth William Fordyce The Furtado Family Mike and Diane Gaertner Craig and Mary Gambee Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Steve and Peggi Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Gordon Jr. Jean and Hugh Halsell Mary L. Heen and Ole H. Lokensgard Patricia Hennessy Emily Johnson Leslie Johnston Carolyn and Prof. J. R. Judson Susan Kenny Julianne Kever David J. Kline


Ken Knutti and Jill Audycki Ms. Kaley A. Kokomoor Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lathrop Leslie Linsley Nantucket Drs. Alice and Marvin Leventhal Dan Levy Tricia Lowe Elaine Title Lowengard Ms. Lucy M. Cobb and Mr. Ron Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. MacNab Ed and Cyndi Maggio Ann and Dennis Marvin Chris and Matt Matthews Elizabeth Ann Mautner Adrienne A. McCalley Daphne and John McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce McGilvray Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milone

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mongillo Hicks B. and Vicki C. Morgan Leonard Moskowitz Doerte Neudert Ms. Catherine Nickerson Robert and Lorraine Olson Kate Heller O’Reilly Harry and Frances Ostrander Marion and Bob Pearson Ms. Renee Pessin Caroline P. Pollard Ms. Joanne D. Polster Shirley Rayport Peg and Phil Read Diana Regan Mrs. Mary Richrod Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rimland Mr. Michael J. Roche

Annual | 21 | Report

Peter and Nancy Rodts Elisabeth Sackton and Liz Coolidge Marshall Simkins Ozzie and Nan Small Joan D. Small Phillip and Gail Stone Anne P. Strain James Sulzer and Barbara Elder Kay and John Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Velde Jr. Richard and Gay Vogt Mr. and Mrs. George Vollans Daphne Dodge Walker Francis and Helene Weld Barbara and Mark White Cary Williams Robert Coffin and Brenda Williams


$1,000,000 Anonymous Bonnie and Peter McCausland Bonnie J. Sacerdote $500,000–$999,999 Gosnell Charitable Fund Jane and John Loose Ronay and Richard Menschel Wendy and Eric Schmidt Maria and Bill Spears $250,000–$499,999 Ann and Norbert Donelly Marie and Joseph Field Cosby and Tim George Nan and Chuck Geschke Martha and Bob Lipp The Opatrny Family Foundation Weezie Foundation $100,000–$249,999 Mary Randolph Ballinger Bill Charlton Deerbrook Charitable Trust Barbara J. Fife Kaaren and Charles Hale Ann and Charlie Johnson Barbara E. Jones Livingston Family Fund Alison and Tom Schneider The Seiger Family Foundation Paula and Bernie Swain Jane and Wat Tyler Caroline and Helmut Weymar $50,000–$99,999 Janet and Sam Bailey Jane Beasley Claire and Bob Greenspon Barbara and Ed Hajim Hillsdale Fund, Inc. Tupancy-Harris Foundation Stephanie and Jay Wilson

$25,000–$49,999 Maureen and Richard Chilton Lucy S. Dillon Caroline and Douglass Ellis Tish Emerson Nancy Anne and Alan Forster Robert M. Kaye Frances and Craig Lindner Mary Jane and William MacLean Betsy S. Michel Marcella and Rhoads Zimmerman $10,000–$24,999 Marcia and Stephen Anderson Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Elizabeth McHenry and Gene Assaf Anson McC. Beard Jr. Laurie and Bill Benenson Max N. Berry Susan and Bill Boardman Gifford Family Foundation Lulie and Gordon Gund Family of William E. Little, Jr. Ann and Hardy Oliver Melissa and Nathaniel Philbrick Laura and Bob Reynolds Cynthia B. and Michael A. F. Roberts Susan and Thomas Roeder Ellen and David Ross Heather Reisman and Gerald Schwartz Deidre and Joseph Smialowski Merrielou and Ned Symes The Gilbert Verney Foundation Marcia P. Welch Mary and David Wolff Kathryn Kay and Robert Young UNDER $10,000 Susan and John Akers Molly Anderson Barbara and Bob Bailey Charity Benz E. Garrett Bewkes Jr. Trish Bridier Nancy Broll

Annual | 22 | Report

Laura and Bill Buck Paula and Robert Butler Anna and Erik Caspersen Congdon & Coleman Insurance Carol March Emerson Cross Lisa and Porter Dawson Chris and Joe Donelan Lee and Tharon Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ericksen Sheri and Marc Feigen Kiley and Ryan Fitch Elizabeth and Ray Grubbs Sara Schwartz and Will Hannum Lucille Jordan Honey M. Kurtz Mary and Allan LaFrance Naomi Aberly and Larry Lebowitz The Maribel Finnell Foundation Marion and Terry Martin Jeanne and Bruce Miller Kate and Bill Miller Elizabeth C. Murray Penny and Alex Nieroth Maureen Orth Abby and A. Steven Perelman Anne Phaneuf and David MacKay Kathleen and James Poole Jenny and Michael Price Gretchen and Jay Riley Ellen and Ken Roman Lorraine C. Snell Isabel and Don Stewart Cathy and Stephen Weinroth Ellen and Ron Winters GIFTS IN KIND Allan LaFrance Ron Winters


BEQUEST Mrs. Leonard L. Farber Ms. Isabelle P. Seeman GIFTS IN KIND Jamie Howarth Music HONORARY GIFTS In honor of Molly Anderson Nantucket Bank In honor of Martha Berman Mr. Thomas Widmann and Ms. Allyson N. Tang

LITERACY VOLUNTEERS OF THE ATHENEUM Robert and Eleanor Jones Fund for Adult Literacy MATCHING GIFTS General Electric Judy Family Foundation National Grid ReMain Ventures’ Gifting Benefits Program

In honor of Jennifer Ferreira Erika D. and Robert L. Mooney

MEMORIAL GIFTS In memory of Jon Aron Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Peter and Carol Forman Mary Ann Gelula Mrs. Herbert Goldberg Ms. Gail R. Gremse Linda Konner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGee Michael and Wendy Morris Ms. Evelyn Shapiro Peggy Shapiro Mr. and Ms. Lewis Weinstein

In honor of Frank Kelly Paula K. Williams

In memory of Mary Jane Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Mason

In honor of Janet Lindgren Ms. Shannon Fairbanks

In memory of Katherine Barney Mr. and Mrs. George N. Meeker Barbara and Michael Varbalow

In honor of Ellie Coffin Jean F. and David G. Nathan Fund In honor of Al and Nancy Forster Ms. Lucy M. Cobb and Mr. Ron Lynch In honor of Patrick Hehir Jeanine and Alastair Borthwick

In honor of Randee Seiger The Sandler Family Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey In honor of Cathy Weinroth Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Toll In honor of Ron & Ellen Winters Friends & Clients Jane Condon and Kenneth Bartels In honor of Alexandra Zapruder Seiger Family Foundation

In memory of Elton Burch Cindy and Mitch Bell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Watts Charles and Myra Wrubel In memory of Charles Curlett The Stamper Family In memory of Richard A. Johannes Mr. and Mrs. Max Polster In memory of W. Curt Livingston Peter and Georgia Van Dyke

Annual | 23 | Report

In memory of Caroline Murray Mr. and Mrs. Horace Palmer III In memory of Victoria Pickwick Anonymous In memory of Glenn Shriberg Mrs. Phyllis S. Greenberg Ms. Sheila M. Lash Mr. and Mrs. David Lieberman Nancy Chiswick and Arthur Patterson Ms. Diane I. Weinstein Ms. Julie Young In memory of Wat Tyler Judy Beal WEEZIE LIBRARY FOR CHILDREN Nantucket Golf Club Foundation


We are grateful to the following sponsors, friends and committee members who helped make the 2018 Dance Festival a huge success. SUPPORTING SPONSORS Tradewind Aviation GRAND JETÉ Barbara J. Fife Nan and Chuck Geschke Karen W. Rainwater Margaret and John Ruttenberg Bonnie J. Sacerdote Randee Seiger TOUR JETÉ Mr. and Mrs. Porter G. Dawson Ann and Norbert Donelly Maureen and John Graf Barbara and Amos Hostetter Jane and John Loose Harriet and Warren Stephens Ms. Louise E. Turner JETÉ Jody and Brian Berger Martha and Bob Lipp Maureen and Edward Bousa Laura and Bill Buck Joan and Philip Gulley Kaaren and Charles Hale Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Johnson Denise and Andrew Saul Phoebe and Bobby Tudor Cathy and Stephen Weinroth

PIROUETTE Janet and Sam Bailey Mary-Randolph Ballinger Bill and Ginny Birch Donald A. Burns Carol and Eric Christensen Connie and Tom Cigarran Catherine and Anthony Clifton Drs. Stephen and Helen Colen Jim and Chris Cowperthwait Amy Baldwin and Hugh Davis John and Margee Falk Elizabeth and Michael Galvin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Graham Claire and Bob Greenspon Hannah Judy Gretz Andrea and Frederick Hoff Barbara E. Jones Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou and Mr. Michael A. Kovner Diane and David Kuhl Jill L. Leinbach Frances and Craig Lindner Carol and Fred Levinger Christa and Mark Lopez Marion and Terry Martin Charlotte Mathey Sally and Michael Orr Liz and Jeff Peek Mary Ann and Robb Peglar Phyllis and Jerry Rappaport Susan and Harry Rein

Annual | 24 | Report

Ellen and David Ross Diane and John Samuels Daisy M. Soros Catharine and Jeffrey Soros Elizabeth Shepard and Terry Straub Ambassador Louis and Marjorie Susman Merrielou and Ned Symes Jane A. Tyler ARABESQUE Judy and John Belash Max and Pamela Berry Mrs. Arthur Broll Lowell and Louisa Bryan Roxanne Casscells Barbara G. Cohen Tish Emerson Meg and Sam Flax Robert and Penny Fox Barbara and Elliot Gewirtz Wendy and Ben Griswold Lucile W. Hays Roger Horchow Lois and John Horgan Hunt Alternatives Fund Joy Ingham Debbie and Peter Kahn Connie and Dennis Keller Robin Rednor and Robert Veghte Kennedy Coco and Arie L. Kopelman Janet and Keith Lindgren


Judy and John MacLeod Peter and Deb Manus Marilee Matteson Deedie and Ted McCarthy Katie and Bill McNabb Betsy Michel Nantucket Island Reports Ms. Laura DeBonis and Mr. Scott Nathan Franci Neely Lynn and Nick Nicholas Annie and Jeffrey Nielsen Valerie and Jeffrey Paley Sheila and Richard Riggs Jill and Mitch Roberts Susan and Tom Roeder Robin and Mark Rubenstein Samantha and Mark Sandler Alison and Tom Schneider Leslie and Alan Shuch Deidre and Joseph Smialowski Esta-Lee and Harris Stone Marcia P. Welch Stephanie and Jay Wilson Marcella and Rhoads Zimmerman PLIÉ Nancy and Douglas Abbey Deborah and Charles Adelman Susan and Bill Boardman Jeanne Cohane Caroline and Douglass Ellis Harriette and Allan Fox Karyn Frist

John and Mary Greenebaum Suzy and Richard Grote Lisa Huertas Elizabeth Jacobsen Kathryn Ketelsen Carol and Kenneth Kinsley Allan and Mary LaFrance Mary Jane and William MacLean Bonnie and Peter McCausland Rina and Donald McCouch Ronay and Richard Menschel Joan and Tim Moran Pat and Terry Moran Marianne and Richard Moscicki Ann B. and C. Hardy Oliver Catherine Oppenheimer Maureen Orth Ellen and Ken Roman Judith and Robert Schwarzenbach Seaman Schepps Jane Silva Paula and Bernie Swain Allison and Charlie Townsend Deborah and Don Van Dyke Nancy and Carlo Vittorini Anne Weinstock DEMI PLIÉ Miroslava Ahern Ali Lubin and John Barone Megan Browers Olivia Charney Hadley Dutra

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Kristie and Benjamin Ferrantella Michelle and Tucker Holland Callie Kever Anne Kuszpa Jaclyn and Benjamin Normand Marietta Rose Lindsay Torpey-Cross Mary and David Wolff CONTRIBUTOR Ann Bond Mrs. Kathryn Casparian Julie and Michael Connolly Mr. F. Paul Driscoll Eric and Lori Dannheim Shannon Fairbanks Sascha and Evan Greenberg Cathy and Dick Herbst Schuyler and Paula Henderson Jamie Howarth Anthony Lamport Jeanne and Bruce Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nopper Marion and Bob Pearson Nat and Melissa Philbrick Mr. and Mrs. Karl Slatoff Ms. Barbara B. Stone Linda Shelton and Thomas Van Winkle Anne and John Warner David Wetherill Mary and David Wolff Ms. Maria L. Zodda


We are grateful to the following sponsors, friends and committee members who helped make the 16th Annual Cold Turkey Plunge a huge success. $5,000 SPONSOR Anonymous Donald A. Burns Foundation $2,500 SPONSOR Margaret and Gerald Vento $1,500 SPONSOR Simple Gifts Fund $1,000 SPONSOR ACK Eye Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate Botticelli & Pohl Architects Douglas and Nancy Abbey Dr. and Mrs. Rayport Faregrounds Restaurant Hehir Group Custom Builders, Inc. Hudson Holland IV Memorial Fund at VCF Inquirer and Mirror Killen Real Estate Mrs. Lucile Hays Nantucket Bank Nantucket House Antiques & Interior Design Studios Novation Media Permits Plus $500 SPONSOR ACKtivities Annye’s Whole Foods Bartlett’s Farm Bernadette Meyer, Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty Blue Beetle Bracken Engineering Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Catering by Simply with Style Cisco Brewers Congdon & Coleman Insurance Corcoran Group Real Estate, Lydia Sussek Associati Cru Oyster Bar Nantucket Daily Construction Doug Lebrecht Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Dune Elin Hilderbrand

Emeritus Erica Wilson Freedman’s of Nantucket Glidden & Glidden, P.C. Harbor Fuel Oil Corp. Hatch’s Package Store Housefitters and Tile Gallery J. Pepper Frazier Company Kevin Dineen LLC Electrical Contractor Levesque Builders, Inc. Loose Ends Marie Lordan Marine Home Center Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty Mr. and Mrs. LaFrance Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Mr. Moynihan Nantucket Children’s Center Nantucket Energy Nantucket Hotel and Resorts Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Looms Nantucket Pharmacy Nantucket Yacht Club Nicholas Ferrantella Landscaping Placesetters, Inc. Reade, Gullickson, Hanley & Gifford, LLP Rose & Crown The Andersen Company, LLC The Islander Package Store The Tapley Family Tom Hanlon Landscaping Vaughan, Dale, Hunter and Beaudette, P.C. William Raveis Real Estate Yates Gas Your Friend With A Truck $100 CONTRIBUTOR Cheney Brothers Building Don Allen Auto Services, Inc. Le Languedoc Inn & Bistro Madaket Marine Mohr Gardening, Inc Nantucket Island Rent-A-Car Stop & Shop Woody’s Auto Supply Inc.

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GIFTS IN KIND 45 Surfside ACK Surf School Keepers Restaurant Aunt Leah’s Fudge Barbara and Ray Owen D.J. Bri-Guy/The Music Express Diane’s Taxi Downyflake Fast Forward/Espresso To Go Four Winds Gifts, Inc. Handlebar Cafe Haul Over Nantucket Island Coffee Roasters J. McLaughlin Jewel in the Sea Lemon Press N Magazine Nantucket Culinary Center & Corner Table Nantucket Surf Club Nantucket Tent Company Nantucket Toy Company Nantucket Whaler Roastd General Store Steamship Authority The Bean The Chicken Box The Green The Hub The Westmoor Club Tommy Bresette & Family WACK FM Radio Wicked Island Bakery COMMITTEE Katie Brownell Alicia Carney Kristie Ferrantella Rocky Fox Krisen Gaughan Josh Gray Lisa Lothian Maggie O’Reilly

VOLUNTEERS Susan Anderson Carol Atkinson Amy Baldwin Mary-Randolph Ballinger Jody Berger Pamela Berry Karen Bloomfield Mary Catherine Jim Borzilleri Merry Bouscaren Susan Briskman Paul Bruning Laura Buck Virginia Bullington Carol Jean Butler Steve Calabrese Jane Carlin Alicia Carney Roxanne Cascells Lena Civitarese Prentice Claflin Ellie Coffin Jeanne Cohane Barbara Cohen Paul Connors Alyssa Corry Didi Coyle Cheryl Creighton Tony Cuppone Janelle D’Aprix Spencer Davis Penny Dey Dennie Doran

Judith Drake Debbie DuBois Jane Duffy Tharon Dunn Mary Ann Easley Christine Elahi Janet Emack Vanessa Emery Sarah Erichsen John Falk Barbara Fife Ann Fitzgerald Jackie Fitzwater (Fitz) Diane Flaherty Kayleigh Flaherty Lisa Flaherty Rocky Fox Amy Ford Kristen Gaughan Nan Geschke Vicky Goss Jordan Josh Gray Taylor Haag Christine Hanson Lillian Henning Erin Holmes Lisa Huertas Alison Inglis Jenny Benzie Rob Kerwin Ellie Kinsella Leah Kohl

Jennifer Lamb Gillian Lewis Olivia Lewis Carol Levinger Janet Lindgren Judith Lochtefeld Pamela Lohmann John Loose Mary Jane Maclean Judy MacLeod Leslie Malcolm Marion Martin Frances Mazotas Kimal McCarthy Pam McGrady Annette McGrath Eileen McGrath John Millar Chelsea Miller Pat Moran Kit Murphy Orla Murphy-LaScola Olivia Myers Franci Neely Annie Nielsen Leslie O’Connor Zuzu Oomen-Lochtefeld Vinny O’Reilly Barbara Owen Ray Owen Louise Ozias Valerie Paley Samantha Parsons

Trish Pastuszak Liz Peek Mary Ann Peglar Steve Perelman Gary Pillion Ruth Pitts Kitty Pochman Joanne Polster Karen Rainwater David Regan Susan Renzulli Susan Richards Kathy Riolo Irena Roggaveen Lauren Roncetti Peter Roncetti Margaret Ruttenberg Laura Sackton Samantha Sandler Denise Saul Elizabeth Shepard Anita Small Catharine Soros Esta-Lee Stone Jim Sulzer Anne Sweidel Sarah Swenson Merrielou Symes Nancy Thayer Phoebe Tudor Francis Vail Duncan Will Paula Williams

STAFF ADMINISTRATION Molly Anderson, Executive Director Cheryl Creighton, Operations Manager Kiley Fitch, Finance Manager Miguel Morocoima, Maintenance Technician DEVELOPMENT Maggie O’Reilly, Department Head Kristie Ferrantella Kaley Kokomoor Lisa Lothian

ADULT PROGRAMS Amy Jenness, Department Head Kimal McCarthy Adelaide Richards Nancy Tyrer REFERENCE Lincoln Thurber, Department Head Jim Borzilleri Elizabeth Kelly Paula Williams CIRCULATION/ TECHNICAL SERVICES Ellie Coffin, Department Head Laura Freedman Gillian Lewis Kimal McCarthy Pam McGrady, Acquisitions Bea Murphy Olivia Myers Annual | 27 | Report

WEEZIE LIBRARY FOR CHILDREN Leslie Malcolm, Department Head Jessilyn Dearborn Katy DeHeart Cody Penotte Bee Shay Ellen Young SUMMER STAFF Lucille Bresette


MISSION The Nantucket Atheneum, a private non-profit organization, provides public library service to the island’s year-round and seasonal residents, housed in a historic 1847 building and the Weezie Library for Children. The Atheneum collects, organizes and disseminates books, literature and other materials in a variety of formats to help users of all ages meet their recreational, personal, professional and intellectual needs. In keeping with its heritage, the Atheneum also serves as a cultural center for the Nantucket community by sponsoring educational programming and maintaining special collections related to the history and culture of the island.

ONE INDIA STREET, P. O. BOX 808 NANTUCKET, MASSACHUSETTS 02554 508 228 1110 nantucketatheneum.org Kris Kinsley Hancock, Tom Kates and Eileen Powers/Javatime Design.

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