2012 Community Grant Recipients Artists Association of Nantucket A series of music and art evenings with local artists who are also musicians in collaboration with the Nantucket Atheneum.
Nantucket Family Planning Providing comprehensive gynecological exams, including breast checks, Pap smears and education to under and uninsured women living on Nantucket.
A Safe Place Emergency discretionary funding to assist Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Witness to Violence program participants and their families with important basic needs.
Nantucket Food Pantry Operating support for the Food Pantrywhich provides basic foods to ensure that individuals in dire financial straits have enough to eat.
Friends of Nantucket Public Schools Help bring the Walden Chamber Players to the Nantucket Public Schools. Hope Dementia & Alzheimer’s Services CARES (Compassionate Alzheimer’s Respite, Education & Support) and Arts & Conversation Programs to enrich the lives of Nantucket residents who have Alzheimer’s or related dementia, and their families.
Mentoring Youth Nantucket Breakfast Buddies Program, where High School juniors and seniors meet with Elementary School children prior to the school day to share a healthy breakfast. Nantucket Aids Network Support the Nantucket Access Network project which will develop and maintain a comprehensive, community-based human service information and referral system. Nantucket Atheneum Literacy Volunteers Literacy Volunteers provide free group and individualized instruction in English to Nantucket’s international workers. Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs Offset the cost of the annual Elder Expo held each fall highlighting services and information for Nantucket’s elder population. Nantucket Community Music Center Fund field trips to the Symphony in Boston and the String Jamboree on Cape Cod for Nantucket students. Nantucket Community Sailing A collaborative program to provide sailing and watersports programs for clients of Nantucket S.T.A.R. and Palliative & Supportive Care of Nantucket (formerly Hospice). Nantucket Community School After school homework programs at the Elementary and Middle Schools. Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Infants and Children Initiative seminar to bring together local infant and pre-school children’s health professionals to discuss proper health and wellness practices for children.
Nantucket Ice Purchase of new skating helmets for use by all skaters. Nantucket Rental Assistance Program Provides immediate rental assistance based on financial crisis which will enable more Nantucket residents to remain on-island and avoid eviction and homelessness. Nantucket Safe Harbors for Animals The Lucky Whiskers and Wags Fund Referral Program, which covers medical costs for families referred by local social service agencies who have an animal in need, but lack the funding to cover catastrophic illness or injury, or spay/neuter surgery, Nantucket S.T.A.R. Sensory Art Class, in collaboration with the Artists Association and Music Therapy Class, in collaboration with NCMC. Each activity is adapted so that every child with special needs may benefit from sports and leisure. Nantucket Visiting Nurses Association Falls prevention program for seniors, called A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Cape Cod & the Islands Family-to-Family Education Program, a 12-week course for family/caregivers of individuals with mental illness. NAMI will train teachers and support group leaders. Palliative & Supportive Care of Nantucket Marla Ceely Lamb Fund, which helps defray the costs of transportation and lodging for patients who must travel offisland for treatment for cancer. Sustainable Nantucket Farm to School Program created in 2012 in partnership with the Nantucket Public School System and its Food Service Department. Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Partial underwriting for a 2013 theatre production of The Wizard of Oz.
Please visit our website to see how to contribute to the Community Grants Fund — we encourage all donations!
P. O. Box 204
Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 p 508 825 9993 www.cfnan.org
f 508 228 8943
Board of Trustees Officers Phillip F. Stambaugh PRESIDENT
Robert Dean Felch VICE PRESIDENT
Ann Colgrove
The Community Foundation for Nantucket now manages nearly 40 funds, including the Community Grants Funds (see last page for
Marsha Egan
2012 recipients), Donor Advised Funds, the Nantucket Fund,™ Field of Interest/Project Funds and more. To find out more about our
Joe Hale
funds and how you can help invest in Nantucket, visit www.cfnan.org.
Michael Varbalow TREASURER
Sue Ottison
Trustees Jim Bennett Ann Colgrove Marsha Egan Robert Dean Felch William H. Frist, M.D. Joe Hale Ellen Hoeffel The Rev. Gary Klingsporn Zeldy Lyman Tom Maggs Eileen P. McGrath Marsha Reis Kotalac Victoria McManus Susan Chase Ottison Magdalena Padzik Melissa Philbrick Geoff Smith Phillip F. Stambaugh Michael Varbalow, Esq.
Advisory Committee Steve Davis Dan Drake Peggy Gifford Wade Greene Reginald Levine The Rev. Eugene McDowell Richard Oman John Penrose Lynn Petrasch Mimi Young
Inky Santa’s Toy Drive Help purchase of toys for children when parents and/or caregivers are unable to do so.
Nantucket Historical Association NHA’s annual Diversity Festival whose goal is to provide inclusive, accessible services to non-native English language learners through community collaboration and volunteer support.
S P R I N G 2013
How cool is this...
Giving the gift of giving back Ken Sweet had a wonderful idea for Christmas presents for his
grandchildren. A long time Nantucket summer resident, Ken knew how important Nantucket’s nonprofits are to the Island. Ken also wanted to instill in his grandchildren the importance of giving back, so for Christmas he gave each child a check made payable to the Community Foundation, with instructions to direct us as to where their donation would go. Imagine their faces when they opened their gifts…What, no electronics? No new clothes? Really??? Instead, each child had to contact us to determine which Nantucket nonprofit would receive their gift. Not surprisingly, this year’s Christmas
Katelyn, Ben and Jojo Zieff, 2008
presents went to Mentoring Youth Nantucket, where their father David Zieff is the Executive Director.
How you can give the gift of giving Our creative new Giving Cards allow you to give a
charitable gift to a loved one, friend or family member that
Margaretta S. Andrews
they can redeem at any charity of their choice. Visit our
Mignon Mullen
website at www.cfnan.org/givingcards to learn more!
40 Sherburne Commons, #117 P. O. Box 204 Nantucket, MA 02554 p 508 825 9993 f 508 228 4098 info@cfnan.org
Is a donor advised fund right for you? See page 3 to find out. www.cfnan.org
From Cleveland to Nantucket… An Ohio Foundation supports the Nantucket community Dick Oman, long-time seasonal Nantucket resident and one of the
founders of our Community Foundation, has made this happen. As a
Donor Advised Funds offer a convenient, cost-efficient and tax-beneficial way for charitably minded people to achieve
Flexibility. As donor advisor, you control when and where to
Foundation founder and member
round and seasonal islanders have established Donor
direct your contributions, whether on- or off-island — just
of the Advisory Committee
Advised Funds not just to support Nantucket nonprofits, but
discretionary grant to a charity of his personal choice. For the past 6
Dick served as legal counsel to the Columbus Foundation for more
your fund is invested to accumulate earnings tax-free. You can
What is a Donor Advised Fund?
or you can entrust the investing to your financial advisor. Our
We applaud Dick for this creative
Sometimes likened to a charitable checking account, it
way to support a local charity
enables individuals, businesses and other groups to
with off-island private foundation
establish a named fund with a single contribution of cash or
support, and encourage others who serve with organizations in
securities. Although they receive an immediate charitable
our founders. Dick still serves as an Advisory Committee member.
their home towns to think about
deduction, they can recommend payouts or “grants” to
similarly supporting a Nantucket
their favorite nonprofits on their own schedule. The fund is
Hummock Pond Bike Path becomes a reality
charity of their choice.
go a long way to moving the bike path project forward, they
contacted the Community Foundation to create a charitable Field of
Interest Fund that would not only hold all private donations, but also
pay for expenses that were incurred along the way. Creating a fund
with the Community Foundation enabled this group to collect
charitable donations right away, without having to create their own
501(c)(3) organization.
Advised Fund qualify for the maximum federal tax deduction of up to 50% of adjusted gross income, while gifts of appreciated securities are deductible up to 30% of AGI and not subject to capital gains tax. In contrast, the same gifts to a private an excise tax may apply to investment income and realized
used to be confined to private foundations. In fact, today it’s
capital gains.
not uncommon to see donors terminating their private
Privacy. Gifts to a Donor Advised Fund can be made anonymously – and unlike a private foundation, tax filings are
An Enduring Family Legacy. A Donor Advised Fund can be a wonderful way to involve your family and create a lasting philanthropic tradition. You can involve future generations
Carol Langer, President, Cisco Civic
as successor advisors or, if you have no children, name a friend or
Association; Bob Williams, President,
other family member as successor. You determine what will
Hummock Pond Association; and Brian
happen when there are no further successors, which may be to
Sullivan, parent and Hummock Pond
support a particular field of interest or address Nantucket’s most
Road Resident
pressing needs.
We are very proud to have partnered in this joint effort
Informed, thoughtful philanthropy. As noted by
with the Town, private donors,
Stephen Davis, who holds a Donor Advised Fund with us, “Nobody
concerned businesses and
knows your community like your community.” With our deep
residents to facilitate the
knowledge of Nantucket and its nonprofit organizations, we are
completion of the Hummock
available to provide guidance on the areas of greatest need or
Pond Road Bike Path.
• A completion celebration is scheduled for Saturday, June 15th. • www.cfnan.org
Maximum tax benefits. Cash contributions to a Donor
expense, and offers the charitable choice and control that
Hummock Pond Road to Cisco Beach. Increased traffic along that
Once the group determined that a private fundraising effort could
keeping as well.
foundation are deductible up to 30% and 20% respectively, and
Eileen Powers
how to expedite the creation of a new bike path running the length of
the Town would put the project to the top of the list.
quarterly reports help consolidate your charitable record
neither required by donors nor a matter of public record.
Cisco/Hummock Pond Road area got together to brainstorm about
road had led to island-wide safety concerns, and there was hope that
choose among the Foundation’s institutional investment pools,
easy to set up, available for dramatically less time and
foundations in favor of a Donor Advised Fund.
In the Fall of 2011, members of neighborhood associations in the
contact us and we’ll send grants in your name. In the meantime,
also to simplify and consolidate all of their charitable giving.
than 50 years, and joined Peggy Gifford, Wade Greene, Eileen McGrath, John Miller, Nancy Nelson, Les Ottinger and Clarissa Porter as one of
Why are these funds so popular?
their goals. Here at the Community Foundation, both year-
Dick Oman, Community
supports great causes in Cleveland Ohio, he is allowed to suggest one
Foundation for Nantucket.
A simple, powerful charitable strategy Now the nation’s fastest-growing philanthropic vehicle,
Trustee of the Reinberger Foundation, a private foundation that
years Dick has directed a significant grant to the Community
Donor Advised Funds
organizations that align with your philanthropic interests. Contact Stephen A. Davis, CFN Advisor
us to learn more about how this type of fund can simplify your
and Fundholder
charitable giving!
From Cleveland to Nantucket… An Ohio Foundation supports the Nantucket community Dick Oman, long-time seasonal Nantucket resident and one of the
founders of our Community Foundation, has made this happen. As a
Donor Advised Funds offer a convenient, cost-efficient and tax-beneficial way for charitably minded people to achieve
Flexibility. As donor advisor, you control when and where to
Foundation founder and member
round and seasonal islanders have established Donor
direct your contributions, whether on- or off-island — just
of the Advisory Committee
Advised Funds not just to support Nantucket nonprofits, but
discretionary grant to a charity of his personal choice. For the past 6
Dick served as legal counsel to the Columbus Foundation for more
your fund is invested to accumulate earnings tax-free. You can
What is a Donor Advised Fund?
or you can entrust the investing to your financial advisor. Our
We applaud Dick for this creative
Sometimes likened to a charitable checking account, it
way to support a local charity
enables individuals, businesses and other groups to
with off-island private foundation
establish a named fund with a single contribution of cash or
support, and encourage others who serve with organizations in
securities. Although they receive an immediate charitable
our founders. Dick still serves as an Advisory Committee member.
their home towns to think about
deduction, they can recommend payouts or “grants” to
similarly supporting a Nantucket
their favorite nonprofits on their own schedule. The fund is
Hummock Pond Bike Path becomes a reality
charity of their choice.
go a long way to moving the bike path project forward, they
contacted the Community Foundation to create a charitable Field of
Interest Fund that would not only hold all private donations, but also
pay for expenses that were incurred along the way. Creating a fund
with the Community Foundation enabled this group to collect
charitable donations right away, without having to create their own
501(c)(3) organization.
Advised Fund qualify for the maximum federal tax deduction of up to 50% of adjusted gross income, while gifts of appreciated securities are deductible up to 30% of AGI and not subject to capital gains tax. In contrast, the same gifts to a private an excise tax may apply to investment income and realized
used to be confined to private foundations. In fact, today it’s
capital gains.
not uncommon to see donors terminating their private
Privacy. Gifts to a Donor Advised Fund can be made anonymously – and unlike a private foundation, tax filings are
An Enduring Family Legacy. A Donor Advised Fund can be a wonderful way to involve your family and create a lasting philanthropic tradition. You can involve future generations
Carol Langer, President, Cisco Civic
as successor advisors or, if you have no children, name a friend or
Association; Bob Williams, President,
other family member as successor. You determine what will
Hummock Pond Association; and Brian
happen when there are no further successors, which may be to
Sullivan, parent and Hummock Pond
support a particular field of interest or address Nantucket’s most
Road Resident
pressing needs.
We are very proud to have partnered in this joint effort
Informed, thoughtful philanthropy. As noted by
with the Town, private donors,
Stephen Davis, who holds a Donor Advised Fund with us, “Nobody
concerned businesses and
knows your community like your community.” With our deep
residents to facilitate the
knowledge of Nantucket and its nonprofit organizations, we are
completion of the Hummock
available to provide guidance on the areas of greatest need or
Pond Road Bike Path.
• A completion celebration is scheduled for Saturday, June 15th. • www.cfnan.org
Maximum tax benefits. Cash contributions to a Donor
expense, and offers the charitable choice and control that
Hummock Pond Road to Cisco Beach. Increased traffic along that
Once the group determined that a private fundraising effort could
keeping as well.
foundation are deductible up to 30% and 20% respectively, and
Eileen Powers
how to expedite the creation of a new bike path running the length of
the Town would put the project to the top of the list.
quarterly reports help consolidate your charitable record
neither required by donors nor a matter of public record.
Cisco/Hummock Pond Road area got together to brainstorm about
road had led to island-wide safety concerns, and there was hope that
choose among the Foundation’s institutional investment pools,
easy to set up, available for dramatically less time and
foundations in favor of a Donor Advised Fund.
In the Fall of 2011, members of neighborhood associations in the
contact us and we’ll send grants in your name. In the meantime,
also to simplify and consolidate all of their charitable giving.
than 50 years, and joined Peggy Gifford, Wade Greene, Eileen McGrath, John Miller, Nancy Nelson, Les Ottinger and Clarissa Porter as one of
Why are these funds so popular?
their goals. Here at the Community Foundation, both year-
Dick Oman, Community
supports great causes in Cleveland Ohio, he is allowed to suggest one
Foundation for Nantucket.
A simple, powerful charitable strategy Now the nation’s fastest-growing philanthropic vehicle,
Trustee of the Reinberger Foundation, a private foundation that
years Dick has directed a significant grant to the Community
Donor Advised Funds
organizations that align with your philanthropic interests. Contact Stephen A. Davis, CFN Advisor
us to learn more about how this type of fund can simplify your
and Fundholder
charitable giving!
2012 Community Grant Recipients Artists Association of Nantucket A series of music and art evenings with local artists who are also musicians in collaboration with the Nantucket Atheneum.
Nantucket Family Planning Providing comprehensive gynecological exams, including breast checks, Pap smears and education to under and uninsured women living on Nantucket.
A Safe Place Emergency discretionary funding to assist Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Child Witness to Violence program participants and their families with important basic needs.
Nantucket Food Pantry Operating support for the Food Pantrywhich provides basic foods to ensure that individuals in dire financial straits have enough to eat.
Friends of Nantucket Public Schools Help bring the Walden Chamber Players to the Nantucket Public Schools. Hope Dementia & Alzheimer’s Services CARES (Compassionate Alzheimer’s Respite, Education & Support) and Arts & Conversation Programs to enrich the lives of Nantucket residents who have Alzheimer’s or related dementia, and their families.
Mentoring Youth Nantucket Breakfast Buddies Program, where High School juniors and seniors meet with Elementary School children prior to the school day to share a healthy breakfast. Nantucket Aids Network Support the Nantucket Access Network project which will develop and maintain a comprehensive, community-based human service information and referral system. Nantucket Atheneum Literacy Volunteers Literacy Volunteers provide free group and individualized instruction in English to Nantucket’s international workers. Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs Offset the cost of the annual Elder Expo held each fall highlighting services and information for Nantucket’s elder population. Nantucket Community Music Center Fund field trips to the Symphony in Boston and the String Jamboree on Cape Cod for Nantucket students. Nantucket Community Sailing A collaborative program to provide sailing and watersports programs for clients of Nantucket S.T.A.R. and Palliative & Supportive Care of Nantucket (formerly Hospice). Nantucket Community School After school homework programs at the Elementary and Middle Schools. Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Infants and Children Initiative seminar to bring together local infant and pre-school children’s health professionals to discuss proper health and wellness practices for children.
Nantucket Ice Purchase of new skating helmets for use by all skaters. Nantucket Rental Assistance Program Provides immediate rental assistance based on financial crisis which will enable more Nantucket residents to remain on-island and avoid eviction and homelessness. Nantucket Safe Harbors for Animals The Lucky Whiskers and Wags Fund Referral Program, which covers medical costs for families referred by local social service agencies who have an animal in need, but lack the funding to cover catastrophic illness or injury, or spay/neuter surgery, Nantucket S.T.A.R. Sensory Art Class, in collaboration with the Artists Association and Music Therapy Class, in collaboration with NCMC. Each activity is adapted so that every child with special needs may benefit from sports and leisure. Nantucket Visiting Nurses Association Falls prevention program for seniors, called A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns about Falls. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Cape Cod & the Islands Family-to-Family Education Program, a 12-week course for family/caregivers of individuals with mental illness. NAMI will train teachers and support group leaders. Palliative & Supportive Care of Nantucket Marla Ceely Lamb Fund, which helps defray the costs of transportation and lodging for patients who must travel offisland for treatment for cancer. Sustainable Nantucket Farm to School Program created in 2012 in partnership with the Nantucket Public School System and its Food Service Department. Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Partial underwriting for a 2013 theatre production of The Wizard of Oz.
Please visit our website to see how to contribute to the Community Grants Fund — we encourage all donations!
P. O. Box 204
Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 p 508 825 9993 www.cfnan.org
f 508 228 8943
Board of Trustees Officers Phillip F. Stambaugh PRESIDENT
Robert Dean Felch VICE PRESIDENT
Ann Colgrove
The Community Foundation for Nantucket now manages nearly 40 funds, including the Community Grants Funds (see last page for
Marsha Egan
2012 recipients), Donor Advised Funds, the Nantucket Fund,™ Field of Interest/Project Funds and more. To find out more about our
Joe Hale
funds and how you can help invest in Nantucket, visit www.cfnan.org.
Michael Varbalow TREASURER
Sue Ottison
Trustees Jim Bennett Ann Colgrove Marsha Egan Robert Dean Felch William H. Frist, M.D. Joe Hale Ellen Hoeffel The Rev. Gary Klingsporn Zeldy Lyman Tom Maggs Eileen P. McGrath Marsha Reis Kotalac Victoria McManus Susan Chase Ottison Magdalena Padzik Melissa Philbrick Geoff Smith Phillip F. Stambaugh Michael Varbalow, Esq.
Advisory Committee Steve Davis Dan Drake Peggy Gifford Wade Greene Reginald Levine The Rev. Eugene McDowell Richard Oman John Penrose Lynn Petrasch Mimi Young
Inky Santa’s Toy Drive Help purchase of toys for children when parents and/or caregivers are unable to do so.
Nantucket Historical Association NHA’s annual Diversity Festival whose goal is to provide inclusive, accessible services to non-native English language learners through community collaboration and volunteer support.
S P R I N G 2013
How cool is this...
Giving the gift of giving back Ken Sweet had a wonderful idea for Christmas presents for his
grandchildren. A long time Nantucket summer resident, Ken knew how important Nantucket’s nonprofits are to the Island. Ken also wanted to instill in his grandchildren the importance of giving back, so for Christmas he gave each child a check made payable to the Community Foundation, with instructions to direct us as to where their donation would go. Imagine their faces when they opened their gifts…What, no electronics? No new clothes? Really??? Instead, each child had to contact us to determine which Nantucket nonprofit would receive their gift. Not surprisingly, this year’s Christmas
Katelyn, Ben and Jojo Zieff, 2008
presents went to Mentoring Youth Nantucket, where their father David Zieff is the Executive Director.
How you can give the gift of giving Our creative new Giving Cards allow you to give a
charitable gift to a loved one, friend or family member that
Margaretta S. Andrews
they can redeem at any charity of their choice. Visit our
Mignon Mullen
website at www.cfnan.org/givingcards to learn more!
40 Sherburne Commons, #117 P. O. Box 204 Nantucket, MA 02554 p 508 825 9993 f 508 228 4098 info@cfnan.org
Is a donor advised fund right for you? See page 3 to find out. www.cfnan.org