Nantucket Atheneum Annual Report 2016

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Annual | 1 | Report


2015 – 16

Robert A. Greenspon CHAIR

William G. Spears VICE-CHAIR


Marcia P. Welch SECRETARY

Samuel Bailey Jr. Susan Boardman Annye Camara Porter G. Dawson Douglass N. Ellis Barbara J. Fife Joan L. Gulley William E. Hannum III Hudson Holland III Barbara Jones Allan LaFrance

Edward J. McCarthy Bonnie McCausland Elizabeth McHenry Jeanne C. Miller Orla Murphy-LaScola Bonnie J. Sacerdote Randee Seiger Cathy Weinroth Jay M. Wilson P. Rhoads Zimmerman





Alice F. Emerson John W. Loose PRESIDENT EMERITUS

Robert F. Mooney

Margaret Ritchie Battle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diamond Jr. Lucile W. Hays Mr. and Mrs. Richard Menschel


Nan Geschke Nancy A. Newhouse

Annual | 2 | Report

Molly Anderson


Robert A. Greenspon As a most wonderful and impressive

stellar staff, our magnificent board

year in the long history of the

and each of our sponsors and friends

Atheneum draws to a close, it is

is appreciated. But more importantly,

time to reflect on this wonderful

our visitors’ impressions help us

institution, this public library of

to measure whether our mission

ours. As a fan of A. A. Milne I agree

as the island’s free public library is

with Winnie the Pooh when he says,

working. Are we welcoming? Are

“It’s more fun to talk with someone

we user friendly? Are we providing

who doesn’t use long, difficult

essential services and programs to the

words but rather short, easy words

community? In a nutshell, how are we

like ‘What about lunch?’” So, how

doing? It is my distinct pleasure to report

might I describe the past year at the

that your Atheneum is doing splendidly.

Atheneum in short, easy words? Let me start by quoting some of our 2016 visitors:

HIGH STANDARDS How do you evaluate the success of

»» “A place for contemplation. Superb and inviting.”

an institution like the Atheneum? One way is to see if we have achieved the objectives we have established

»» “One of the great public libraries in the country. Don’t miss it.”

for ourselves. We set very ambitious goals for 2016 (fund raising, Dance Festival programming, opening on

»» “More than just a library. A great

Mondays to name just a few); each

community resource. One of the best

year we must rethink, reimagine

libraries on the planet.”

and improve the Atheneum. We have a “best in class” mindset. On this

Why include these comments?

island, the Atheneum has become the

Well, of course they are flattering and

cultural center of the community. We

it makes us proud and happy to know

are a “high touch” institution with a

that the work of Molly Anderson,

close connection to our year around,

our wonderful executive director, her

seasonal and visitor communities.

Annual | 3 | Report

Our 1.6 million free items available in

seriously. When you step back and

many formats including downloadable

take a quiet look at the Atheneum,

and streaming provide reliable

it’s really quite simple and clear; to

information and extensive reading,

continue to be a great institution we

listening and viewing pleasure.

will always need your help.

All of our programming is free

Since we unapologetically ask for

and open to the public—our “secret

your help, you are entitled to ask us:

sauce.” We are open six days a week

how are your development efforts

all year long and our information

going and do you spend our hard

resources are available 24/7 through

earned charitable dollars wisely? On

our web access portals. Such is the

behalf of development committee

wonder of the modern Nantucket

chair Joan Gulley and our director of


development Maggie O’Reilly I have the pleasant job of reporting the good

As a free public library our business model is challenging.

news: each of our three major fund raising

When a “business” adds services

initiatives—our Annual Fund, our Dance

which are enjoyed by more and

Festival and our Thanksgiving Day Cold Turkey

more people, revenue goes up. But

Plunge —exceeded our ambitious goals and

wait, we don’t charge for our 1000

set new records of giving in 2016.

programs. Ironically, adding services

I am proud to report that our

only increases our expenses, not our

tradition of 100% giving by our board

revenue. So we must look outside

was again achieved with board gifts

of our operations for the revenue

also setting new records. And yes,

that drives our programs and buys

we continue to operate leanly with

our books and DVDs and heats our

modest staff levels and a balanced

spectacular 1847 building. As a privately

budget which Molly and our treasurer

owned public library we must raise more

David Ross watch like hawks. We have

than 60% of our annual operating budget

our work cut out for us in 2017 to

from our friends. As you can see, this

improve upon this record!

is a responsibility that we take very Annual | 4 | Report


to Rhoads Zimmerman and Orla Murphy-LaScola, trustees whose

The Atheneum Dance Festival has

terms are expiring; they have been

become a very major event in the

exemplary stewards of the Atheneum

world of high-end dance. For the

for which we are grateful. We are

Boston football and baseball fans out

thrilled to announce our new class

there, it is the equivalent of having

of trustees: Maureen Graf, Hillary

Tom Brady and Big Papi playing

Rayport and Patricia Harding. Stay

in your backyard. The world’s best

tuned for more news on that front.

dancers spend a week on Nantucket, and enjoying the hospitality of our


sponsors, and then give two thrilling

If there is one takeaway from

performances. And thanks to our

this letter, it is this: the vitality

Festival chair Cathy Weinroth and

of this institution is a result of

her impressive committee, all of this

your generosity and foresight in

wonderfulness is the Atheneum’s

supporting the island’s cultural

most significant fund raiser. In

heart. Our accomplishments are

addition, the dancers, who literally

your accomplishments. Without your

dance in the most prestigious concert

support we could simply not prosper

halls around the world, say that this

let alone flourish.

conducting workshops and rehearsing

is their favorite week of the year. Talk Together we are invested in a most

about a win-win. The Thanksgiving Day Turkey Plunge was also a huge success. We

valuable resource—the people of Nantucket. Thank you.

had record participation and revenue which benefits the Weezie children’s library. How great that this fun event is enjoyed by so many (it has become a Thanksgiving Day staple) and at the same time supports the children of Nantucket. Our board is one of our great strengths. We will shortly say adieu Annual | 5 | Report


Molly Anderson Throughout this year, the Atheneum has played an invaluable role in our community in providing resources and services for all ages. Our core mission and values have remained steadfast: free access to the most trustworthy information and knowledge, free cultural and educational programs, community-centered services, and stewardship of our historic Nantucket building, art, artifacts and documents. With our expanded hours, our services and programs now operate six days per week year-round and put the youngest to the most senior members of our community on the PATHWAY to: »» LITERACY Literacy efforts at the Atheneum never stop. They start with a gift book to all newborns at Cottage Hospital followed by preliteracy programs for babies and toddlers, storytelling in the schools and events at the Boys and Girls Club, teen book clubs, and on through to adult book groups and adult English language classes and tutoring.

»» TECHNOLOGY KNOW-HOW The Atheneum offers multiple opportunities to learn how to use the latest technology including tablets, smartphones, laptops, 3D printers, etc. and how to find, evaluate, and use information effectively through our small classes, one-on-one instruction, or access to on-line tutorials like

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»» LIFE LONG LEARNING The Atheneum through its collection of 1.6 million items ensures that our patrons can engage in self-directed learning and personal growth. Our wide range of 1100 free cultural programs enhances local and global understanding. The library provides free access to computers for on-line education and exam proctoring for island students to help them reach their educational goals.

»» COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT The Atheneum addresses the need of our residents to meet and interact with others in the community by offering 4 meeting spaces for civic engagement which were used over 1300 times this year. In addition, the library offers on-line curated information on local community issues to keep our citizens informed.

»» LOCAL HISTORY AND GENEOLOGY The Atheneum offers our patrons free access to information on personal or community heritage through our art, artifacts, and historic documents such as the digitized historic newspaper collection.

None of these vital services and programs would happen without the generosity of our individual donors who contribute so generously to our Annual Giving campaign, the Cold Turkey Plunge and the Dance Festival, and the support of the Town of Nantucket. Also, our dedicated Board of Trustees under the leadership of Chair Bob Greenspon provides steadfast vision and support. The hardworking Atheneum staff and our 130 volunteers deliver these services and programs with enthusiasm and professional skill. On behalf of all on Nantucket who use and need a strong public library, thank you for making this year so successful for the Atheneum. Annual | 7 | Report


David Ross, Treasurer Statement of Financial Position YEAR ENDED JUNE 30




Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents $1,204 $1,091 Pledges receivable $358 $886 Other current assets $35 $43 Total current assets $1,597 $2,020 Pledges receivable Investments Land, building and equiptment (net) Total assets

$53 $574 $15,942 $15,429 $3,332 $2,559 $19,924 $20,582


$60 Current liabilities $70 NET ASSETS Unrestricted $2,395 $3,115 Board Designated $5,446 $5,136 Temporarily Restricted $6,054 $6,335 Permanently Restricted $5,959 $5,936 Total net assets $19,854 $20,522 Total liabilities and net assets



The success of recent efforts to strengthen the Atheneum’s financial position will allow numerous needed improvements to continue to be made to the historic 1847 building. In 2016 capital expenditures exceeded $160,000, primarily for new administrative offices, installation of storm windows throughout the building and repairs to the Weezie porch and courtyard. The Balance Sheet continues to strengthen as we collect and invest pledges from the successfully completed “Sustaining the Atheneum” campaign. Cash and Investments increased 3.8% to $16.5 million. This amount is expected to grow marginally as the last of the pledges to the campaign are collected. After interviewing several investment managers, the Board chose Vanguard’s Institutional Advisory Services to act as its new manager for the majority of the endowment. This decision is consistent with our stated philosophy to move to a portfolio Annual | 8 | Report

Statement of Unrestricted Operating Activities YEAR ENDED JUNE 30


Town of Nantucket support Contributions Appropriation of special event revenue Endowment draw designated for operations Grant income Library services, etc. Other revenues OPERATING REVENUES FROM EXTERNAL SOURCES Assets released from restrictions TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES

2016 $693 $593 $574 $464 $55 $37 $8 $2,424 $289 $2,713

2015 $685 $508 $526 $406 $55 $53 $7 $2,240 $190 $2,430


Personnel costs $1,457 $1,320 Other expenses $820 $827 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,277 $2,147 Change in net unrestricted assets before depreciation $436 $283 Depreciation expense $391 $395 Change in net unrestricted assets from operating activities after depreciation $45 ($112) The above information is extracted from the financial statements that were audited by Bollus Lynch, LLP who rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Copies of the complete financial statements are available upon request.

consisting of low cost well-diversified index funds, with an emphasis on equities for that portion of the endowment which has been permanently restricted by donors. Operating Revenues from External Sources increased by $184,000 or 8.2% as a result of strong support for our special events (the Dance Festival and the Turkey Plunge), contributions, and distributions from the endowment (a result of our increased investment balance). Revenue from the Town of Nantucket currently makes up 28% of the Atheneum’s operating revenue. Expenses rose 6% both as a result of local inflation and the added costs associated with expanded hours of operation, as for the first time in many years, the library is now open on Mondays. The Atheneum continues to expand its services to the Nantucket community while operating within a balanced Operating Budget. All this is made possible by our dedicated and talented staff as well as the generous support of our many donors. Annual | 9 | Report

ADULT PROGRAMS Concert in the Great Hall

The Nantucket Atheneum Adult Programs Department offered 576 programs this year with attendance surpassing 15,000 people. Of those, 567 programs were offered free of charge. In the first full year of our new life-long learning initiative the library offered 29 classes and workshops which covered a spectrum of educational opportunities that ranged from the creative arts to science to programs that embraced the spirit of the Maker Movement. At the same time, the Adult Programs department continued to offer cultural

2016 Geschke Lecture Series

and community events which featured author talks, lectures, poetry readings, films, and live music in our


historic Great Hall as well as our popular summer

MIT Professor/ Author of

Geschke Lecture Series.

Our Robots, Our Selves

In addition, the library was pleased to partner with other institutions on community sessions addressing


important local topics such as the island’s opiate

NASA Senior Water

addiction crisis with Nantucket Children’s & Family

Scientist/ University of

Services; assisting international students on island

California hydrologist

to work for the summer with their Social Security Administration paper work with CIEE Connect;


protecting oneself from consumer fraud with

Journalist covering

Nantucket Bank; navigating the Affordable Healthcare

the Middle East

Act with the Nantucket Chamber of Commerce and understanding medical directives and end of life


planning documents with Compassion & Choices.

Director of the Food

The island-wide reading project One Book One Island

Allergy Center at

selected The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd,


and distributed 500 free copies of the book around the

General Hospital

Annual | 10 | Report

ADULT PROGRAMS island during the winter. In March, the committee, which is made up of representatives from 19 island nonprofits and businesses (including the Atheneum), produced 14 events related to the book between March 11 and March 20. The Literacy Volunteers of the Atheneum started a new daytime Beginner’s English class this year to Concert in the Great Hall

reach students unavailable during the evening. The LVA program, which celebrated its tenth year at

the Atheneum in 2015, continued to offer free conversational evening classes for beginners and advanced students. In addition to the weekly classes, the LVA program organizes individual tutoring for adults wishing to improve their English language learning skills. This year 182 adult learners participated in classroom sessions or worked with one of the LVA’s 50 volunteer tutors. And finally, due to the 2014 improvements to our basement level, the library was able to offer meeting space to island nonprofits as well as study space to patrons in need of a quiet place to work. The meeting and study spaces were used over 1,300 times this year. Nature Print in the Garden

Lecture in the Learning Lab Annual | 11 | Report

ADULT CIRCULATION In 2016 the library saw 171,358 visitors and provided free library cards to 16,109 individuals. Our patrons, 8,057 of whom are Nantucket residents, checked out 126,333 items from our collection of over 211,936 items. The Atheneum provided 16,546 loans to other libraries and borrowed 15,684 items from participating network libraries and the

2016 Atheneum by the Numbers


CLAMS collection of over 1.6 million items. And if Atheneum staff could not help locate a physical item, or if a patron was off island, the Atheneum provided access to over 598,766 digital items with the help of Overdrive and




community with distinct interests by supplying

Library Cards


We’re proud to support our broad over 150 print magazines; 7,019 videos; 46,590 books; and 249,561 ebooks.

Items checked out


Digital items accessed via Overdrive and Hoopla


Total items in the Atheneum’s collection

Annual | 12 | Report

REFERENCE DEPARTMENT The Reference staff answered more than 5,100 reference questions and obtained 265 specialized journal articles, books, and videos for researchers in 2016. The Great Hall serviced 177 computer users each week or over 9000 users per year. The department also hosted students from area schools to meet the reference librarians and understand how our collection can help them. In addition, staff has proctored exams for 20 island and visiting students from a wide range of universities. This year the Athenaeum became a certified ServSafe Proctor that can test 20 testers at once. It is the Atheneum’s hope that this will allow more restaurant and food service workers to have certification done on island without expensive trips to the mainland. The Reference Department renewed its subscription to Lynda. com this year to provide high-quality and free courses in business, creative,

this service, the Atheneum staff has

and technology skills with expert-

offered courses in programming, 3D

led online video tutorials. Using

design, photography, and 3D printing.

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WEEZIE LIBRARY FOR CHILDREN The Weezie Library continued

proud to bring the Tanglewood

to offer a full complement of

Marionettes to the Nantucket

programs for children age birth

Elementary School to perform The

through 18. The Atheneum’s Learning

Dragon King for 850 students and

Lab hosted our new Minecraft Club,


which allowed players to build things,

For babies through elementary

solve problems, or face a challenge

school, Weezie offered 460 programs

together in one virtual world. Teens

attended by 10,587 children and for

enjoyed learning to sew in a series

young adults we offered 86 programs

of sewing classes that began with a

attended by 735 teens.

class devoted to the fundamentals

When children visited Weezie

of machine sewing and advanced to

they found a richly varied collection

specific projects designed to hone

including 17,593 books, DVDs, CDs

their skills. The Atheneum was also

and magazines for children and 3521 items for Young Adults. Over 1600 children and teens participated in our summer reading program “On Your Mark, Get Set, READ” and again included sign ups at Nantucket Elementary School, The Nantucket New School, The Nantucket Lighthouse School and eight independent preschools. The Weezie Librarian continued outreach programs to the area preschools and the Nantucket Boys & Girls Club. Story Times were offered to 17 different groups at 10 organizations.

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DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The Development Department continued to raise increased support through the generosity and interest of the community. The 2016 Annual Giving Campaign raised over $500,000 under the skilled leadership of Board of Trustee member Jay Wilson. The 14th Annual Cold Turkey Plunge held on November 26, 2015 resulted in more than 1,000 people taking the plunge with $120,000 raised in support of programs and services for the Weezie

Pennsylvania Ballet and The Royal

Library for Children.

Ballet under Artistic Director Tyler

The library ran three used book

Angle. Outreach events included a

sales in 2015–16 with the help of our

children’s program, youth master

many dedicated volunteers. The

classes for aspiring dance students,

annual summer book sale took place

a film screening and discussion

in June 2015 followed by another

with Kate Duhamel and Isabella

during Stroll 2015 and the final sale

Boylston and an insightful lecture/

was over Daffodil Weekend 2016.

demonstration led by Artistic Director

The Atheneum’s major fundraiser,

Tyler Angle. Thanks to the Dance

the Nantucket Atheneum Dance

Festival Committees under the skilled

Festival, July 18–23, 2016, held two

leadership of Chair Cathy Weinroth,

performances at the Nantucket

to corporate sponsorships from

High School auditorium. The

Northern Trust, Tervis and Tradewind

performances featured internationally

Aviation, and to the generosity of

acclaimed dancers from American

our donors, the festival raised much

Ballet Theatre, Jessica Lang

needed revenue to support the

Dance, Pacific Northwest Ballet,

Atheneum’s annual operating budget.

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BUILDING & GROUNDS In 2016 the Nantucket Atheneum saw several improvements. The restroom in the Fiction section was renovated into an office for the Operations and Human Resources Department. Similarly, the Administrative and Development offices were remodeled. The basement received a facelift with custom built book cases located in the hallway. While the Learning Lab received a custom built wall cabinet to protect and showcase the white board. Our beautiful building also received a number of treatments inside, including repairing and painting the window sashes. The Great Hall also received a fresh coat of paint on the ceiling, walls and bookcases. We also cleaned the Oriental carpets and stairwell carpeting. To protect our collections and remain current with the Town’s emergency system, we installed a new fire alarm system. The old water heater was replaced and our foundation received some attention in order to remove the old venting system and install a fresh air adaption system to support the boiler. Outside, the Kynett Wing and Weezie Library for Children both received fresh coats of paint. The Weezie saw further improvements when the columns and stair rails were rebuilt on the porch. And the main building received custom built storm windows, a project that began in 2015. The Garden was cared for by thinning the trees and adding new plants; plant beds were also raised to help relieve puddles. Finally, some new equipment was purchased to help with programming and efficiency. We purchased 10 new laptops with malware for public use, two new Chromebooks for children’s use, and 6 new staff computers. The workroom also received a new scanner and receipt printer. Annual | 16 | Report

ANNUAL GIVING DONORS 2016 2016 Nantucket Atheneum 1847 Society ATHENA CIRCLE $25,000 AND ABOVE

Anonymous The Margaret R. R. Battle Family Charitable Fund DIRECTOR’S CIRCLE $10,000 – $24,999

Anonymous Janet and Sam Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Porter G. Dawson Barbara J. Fife Nan and Chuck Geschke Claire and Bob Greenspon PARTNER $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous Ms. Elizabeth McHenry and Mr. Gene Assaf Maureen and Edward Bousa Carol March Emerson Cross Fund Theodore Cross Family Charitable Foundation Anna-Karin Dillard and David Caroline and Doug Ellis Tish Emerson The Joseph and Marie Field Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Graham Kaaren and Charles Hale Jockey Hollow Foundation Barbara E. Jones Ronay and Richard Menschel Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis Robinson Ellen and David Ross Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Stansky BENEFACTOR $2,500–$4,999 Susan and Bill Boardman Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Fox Mrs. Caroline M. Lathrop Alison and Tom Schneider Kathryn Sheehan Jay M. Wilson Fund of the Baltimore Community Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Loose Deedie and Ted McCarthy Bonnie and Peter McCausland Bonnie J. Sacerdote Seiger Family Foundation Maria and Bill Spears

PATRON $1,000– $2,499 Anonymous (2) Carrie and Leigh Abramson Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beller Robert J. and Karen Z. Bettacchi Family Fund Jeanine and Alastair Borthwick Carol and Will Browne Susan H. and David A. Brownlee Laura and Bill Buck Dennise and Ray Carey Martha Carr Mr. and Mrs. Richard Charpie Barbara G. Cohen Ms. Jane Condon and Mr. Kenneth F. Bartels Congdon and Coleman Insurance Agency Cox Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Donahue EMWIGA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Farrell Jr. Michele and Marc Flaster Robert and Barbara Friedman

Annual | 17 | Report

Glidden’s Island Seafood Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Greenberg Wendy and Ben Griswold Joan and Philip Gulley Hackett Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Hamilton Sara Goldsmith Schwartz and William E. Hannum III Lucile W. Hays H. John Heinz Family Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Holland III Mrs. Brainerd Holmes Lois and John Horgan The Islander Elizabeth Jacobsen Judy Family Foundation Sydna and Bill Julian Kathryn and James Ketelsen Mr. and Mrs. Allan LaFrance Anthony and Cynthia Lamport Janet and Christopher Larsen Susan S. Leonard Dr. and Mrs. Byron Lingeman Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Marion and Terry Martin Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Martin Pat and Charles McGill


Toni and Martin McKerrow Abigail Johnson and Christopher McKown Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Meister Marlin and Ginger Miller Hattie Ruttenberg and Jon Molot Tracey and Greg Morzano Carl M. Mueller Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Aryeh Neier Mary and Al Novissimo Ann and C. Hardy Oliver Mrs. Eleanor O’Neill Liz and Jeff Peek Permits Plus Patricia M. Beilman and David B. Poor Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Puff Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Rayport R C Lilly Foundation Susan and Kennedy Richardson Sheila and Richard Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Roberts Ellen and Ken Roman Mr. Elwood W. Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Hercules Segalas Mrs. Nancy Sevrens Helen G. Shannon Deidre and Joseph Smialowski Mr. H.C. B. Smith Reverend Georgia A. Snell Mr. and Mrs. George A. Snell Daisy M. Soros Peter C. Steingraber Ambassador Louis and Marjorie Susman Merrielou and Ned Symes

Ms. Rachel Hobart and Mr. Edward Toole Jane and Wat Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vandenberg James Flaws and Marcia Weber Cathy and Stephen Weinroth Marcia P. Welch Caroline S. and F. Helmut Weymar Clark M. Whitcomb Jean and Rick Witmer Suzanne and Bob Wright Marcella and Rhoads Zimmerman SUSTAINER $500–$999 Margaret Altreuter Nora and Edgar Ancona Christy Wise and Robert Axelrod Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II Judy and John Belash John and Lisa Bermel Boasberg-Bierly Family Susan Blount and Richard Bard Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. The Brandt Foundation Deanne and Ken Brasfield Mary and David Brown Mrs. Owlsey Brown II Deborah J. Bryan Mrs. Lisa-Margaret Bryan Marjorie G. Clapp Suellen Ward and John H. Copenhaver Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait Prudence and William Crozier Jr. Anne Delaney and Chip Carver Chris and Joe Donelan

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Tharon and Lee Dunn Robert and Marsha Egan Family Fund Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fowler Samantha and Matthew Fremont-Smith Dr. Elliot R. and Jeri Werner Goldberg Ms. Beverly Hall John H. Harvey Hatch’s Package Store Nina and Bob Hellman The Hill Family Julia and William Hobart Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holch James W. and Page D. Ikard Horace H. Irvine II Monica O’Neil Jim and Sharon Kelley Carol and Kenneth Kinsley Kurtz Family Foundation Margaret and Terry Lenzner Malcolm and Karen MacNab Elizabeth and Vincent Mann Kathryn St. Juste and Brian McDermott Katie and Bill McNabb Jeanne and Bruce Miller Herb and Miriam Mittenthal Helene Patterson and Leo Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Murphy Jr. Nantucket Town Association Joan and Michael Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Stephan F. Newhouse Sharon and David Northrup Barbara and Dermot O’Reilly Abby and Steve Perelman


Melissa and Nat Philbrick Nancy and Bernard Picchi Ms. Elizabeth D. Reynolds Gretchen and Jay Riley Joe and Ginny Ripp Susan Ruddick Christine C. Sanford Lenore and James Schilling Penny Scheerer and John Schwanbeck Joseph L. And Nancy S. Serafini Ms. Heidi Cox and Mr. George Seyfert Joly Stewart Stewart Family Fund Nancy Thayer David and Lisa Todd Eugenie Voorhees Mary and Duncan Will Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Wolpow Betsy and Joe Wright CONTRIBUTOR $100–$249 Anonymous Marcia and Joe Aguiar Suzanne and Tom Albani Betty Browning and Jeff Allen Mr. and Mrs. Nathan R. Allen Jr. Mr. Oakes Ames Patricia and Thomas Anathan Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Anderson Mr. John L. Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Hank Askew Christy Wise and Robert Axelrod Ms. Helen Badie Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Barnes Mary Kennedy Baumslag

Ann Bazos Bill and Kathie Beattie Jeanne and John Bennett Charity Benz Martha and Ira Berlin Ms. Gail Berson Bruce Bolton Ann P. Bond Sarah Ann Miller and David Bossi Mr. and Mrs. Sol Boucai Meryl and Michael Bralower Mrs. Albert G. Brock Mimi and Tom Brome Cary Hazlegrove and Andy Bullington Moby and Caroline Burton Norma and Robert Burton Ellen Mitchell and Charles Byrne The Camera Shop/Nantucket Video Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Erik M.W. Caspersen Mary Ellen and Mark Castle Peter Chalke David and Kathleen Champoux Ms. Lucile M. Clarkson Clear Pond Fund Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Collatz Frederick and Christina Cowles Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Cozort Michelle Langlois and Hugh Dickinson Maureen and Bob Dobies Mary V. Drew Lois and Bill Druckemiller Mr. and Mrs. James E. Duffy Rita and Charles Dunleavy Jr. Janet and Bob Emack

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Mrs. Barbara M. Erskine Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Frazier Michael and Susan Friedman Dottie and Lou Gennaro Anne and Whitney Gifford Janet Glitzenstein Gene and Janie Goodwillie Joseph and Marie Grause Jr. Ms. Hannah Judy Gretz Anne Grieves Rick Hajjar Ms. Polly A. Halsted Henry and Christine Harding John M. Heggem Mary W. Heller Jim and Gerry Herndon Don and Kate Heyda Elizabeth Hillger Grace S. Hinkley Megan and Chris Holding The Home Depot Foundation Tyrrell Flawn and John P. Howe III, MD Peggy and Peter Hoyt Virginia and Richard Irwin Mr. and Mrs. William C. Jones Jr. Carolyn and J. Richard Judson Mr. and Mrs. Kent Knutson Ms. Martha Dippell and Mr. Daniel Korengold Peter and Carol Krogh Mr. Hal Landy Jock and Lee Lawrason Mr. and Mrs. Seddon W. Legg Jr. Dr. Timothy and Cathy Lepore Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Levine


Janet and Keith Lindgren Sally and Phil Lochner John F. and Judith R. Lochtefeld Deborah and William Lothian Mr. and Mrs. James Lowe Gretchen and Mark Lytle Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marks Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin McGowan Deborah and James R. McIntosh Jane and Rory McNeil Lawrence and Margaret McQuade Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mercer Mr. and Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Mary Ann Meyers Mr. and Mrs. G. Nicholas Miller Jane and John Miller Tucker Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller IV Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller Earl and Iris Mix Tom and Margot Montgomery Mary Wawro and Peter A. Morrison Winnie and Chris Mortenson Jamie, Hunter and Tanner Moss Tracy and Bill Murray Nantucket Clambake Co. Nantucket Hotel and Resort Virginia and Alan D. Nathan Neil Paterson Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus S. Newell III Mr. and Mrs. Germain D. Newton

Old Spouter Gallery Dr. and Mrs. A. Eugene Palchanis Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Pardo Eileen and Elliott Pollack Mr. and Mrs. Max Polster Bill Porter and Peggy Davis Wendy and Skip Powell Charles and Susan Rickards Ms. Jeanne W. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Riley Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rorick Mr. William P. Rowland Priscilla and Lee Saperstein Elisabeth and Peter Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schaperkotter Gay Scott Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Seaquist Karen and Edward Simonian Russell and Noni Smith Penny F. Snow Skip and Deirdre Snyder Ms. Meredith Sobol Elna and Charles Soule Linda and Craig Spery Stephen and Pamela St. Pierre John Stahler Family Mandy Noschese and Robert Stanton MD Valerie and John Stauffer Rev. Bill and Linda Steelman Kathy and Gregory Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Sussek

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Anne Sweidel Ann and Frederick Thayer Lee T. Venolia and John W. Thoman Jr. Dr. Allan L. Toole Peggy and Bill Tramposch Peter and Vicky Tulloch Mr. and Mrs. James G. Vaughter Carlo and Nancy Vittorini Janet and Fred von Pechmann Pam and Will Waller W. B. Marden Co. Laurie and Toby Webb Wee Whalers Dr. Joel and Judith Weinstein Lois and Jay Wertheimer Westbrook Real Estate Katie Kubie and Bill Winkler Mr. Robert Young Mary-Elizabeth Young Betty D. Zinn GIFTS IN KIND Grey Lady Gardens has for many years donated full service of providing plant material and maintaining the two large planters on the Atheneum’s front steps. They will be providing the service again this season and we would like to give recognition to them.


DONOR $1–$99 Ms. Joan Albaugh Ellen Ballinger Anne and Eric Baurmeister Rebecca and Ted Bent Mrs. Claire Couch Bosee Elizabeth J. Brinkerhoff Douglas and Elton Burch Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Lilma K. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Cronin Lesslie Crowell Dr. and Mrs. D.F.S. Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. Daley Linda Dolphin Mr. Dennis C. Doran Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dragon Liz and Biff Folberth William Fordyce Chris and Lizbet Fuller Craig and Mary Gambee Dr. John W. Gerster Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gillum Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Gordon Jr. Ms. Megan Hamilton-McKeon Ms. Carol E. Heller

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hill Mrs. Joyce A. Horton J & H Edison Foundation Mr. George C. Jordan III Mr. Stephen J. Karper James P. and Marlys Kelley Susan Kenny Ms. Marianne Loffredo Mary Heen and Ole Lokensgard Elaine Title Lowengard Ms. Lucy M. Cobb and Mr. Ron Lynch Sharon J. MacInnis Chris and Matt Matthews Daphne and John McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce McGilvray Mrs. Betty Miller Hal Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milone Mrs. Ann Morton Mr. Lenny Moskowitz Elizabeth C. Murray Dr. and Mrs. David Nathan Mr. Doerte Neudert Kate Heller O’Reilly Marion and Bob Pearson Mr. Henry W. Pfeiffer

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Caroline P. Pollard Diana Regan Mrs. Mary Richrod Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rimland Peter and Nancy Rodts David Thomas Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Terry Sanford Ansley W. Sawyer Ms. Lynn Seaquist Ms. Isabelle P. Seeman Ozzie and Nan Small Joan D. Small Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F. Stambaugh Anne Strain Barbara Elder and James Sulzer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Sweet Jr. Kay and John Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. Velde Jr. Richard and Gay Vogt Mr. and Mrs. George Vollans Daphne Dodge Walker Dr. and Mrs. Francis M. Weld Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wells Mrs. Ann W. West


$1,000,000 Anonymous Bonnie and Peter McCausland Bonnie J. Sacerdote $500,000–$999,999 Gosnell Charitable Fund Jane and John Loose Ronay and Richard Menschel Wendy and Eric Schmidt Maria and Bill Spears $250,000–$499,999 Ann and Norbert Donelly Marie and Joseph Field Cosby and Tim George Nan and Chuck Geschke Martha and Bob Lipp The Opatrny Family Foundation Weezie Foundation $100,000–$249,999 Mary Randolph Ballinger Bill Charlton Deerbrook Charitable Trust Barbara J. Fife Kaaren and Charles Hale Ann and Charlie Johnson Barbara E. Jones Livingston Family Fund Alison and Tom Schneider The Seiger Family Foundation Paula and Bernie Swain Jane and Wat Tyler Caroline and Helmut Weymar $50,000–$99,999 Janet and Sam Bailey Jane Beasley Claire and Bob Greenspon Barbara and Ed Hajim Hillsdale Fund, Inc. Tupancy-Harris Foundation Stephanie and Jay Wilson

$25,000–$44,999 Maureen and Richard Chilton Lucy S. Dillon Caroline and Douglass Ellis Tish Emerson Nancy Anne and Alan Forster Robert M. Kaye Frances and Craig Lindner Mary Jane and William MacLean Betsy S. Michel Marcella and Rhoads Zimmerman $10,000–$24,999 Marcia and Stephen Anderson Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Elizabeth McHenry and Gene Assaf Anson McC. Beard Jr. Laurie and Bill Benenson Max N. Berry Susan and Bill Boardman Gifford Family Foundation Lulie and Gordon Gund Family of William E. Little, Jr. Ann and Hardy Oliver Melissa and Nathaniel Philbrick Laura and Bob Reynolds Cynthia B. and Michael A. F. Roberts Susan and Thomas Roeder Ellen and David Ross Heather Reisman and Gerald Schwartz Deidre and Joseph Smialowski Merrielou and Ned Symes The Gilbert Verney Foundation Marcia P. Welch Mary and David Wolff Kathryn Kay and Robert Young UNDER $10,000 Susan and John Akers Molly Anderson Barbara and Bob Bailey Charity Benz E. Garrett Bewkes Jr. Trish Bridier Nancy Broll

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Laura and Bill Buck Paula and Robert Butler Anna and Erik Caspersen Congdon & Coleman Insurance Carol March Emerson Cross Lisa and Porter Dawson Chris and Joe Donelan Lee and Tharon Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ericksen Sheri and Marc Feigen Kiley and Ryan Fitch Elizabeth and Ray Grubbs Sara Schwartz and Will Hannum Lucille Jordan Honey M. Kurtz Mary and Allan LaFrance Naomi Aberly and Larry Lebowitz The Maribel Finnell Foundation Marion and Terry Martin Jeanne and Bruce Miller Kate and Bill Miller Elizabeth C. Murray Penny and Alex Nieroth Maureen Orth Abby and A. Steven Perelman Anne Phaneuf and David MacKay Kathleen and James Poole Jenny and Michael Price Gretchen and Jay Riley Ellen and Ken Roman Lorraine C. Snell Isabel and Don Stewart Cathy and Stephen Weinroth Ellen and Ron Winters GIFTS IN KIND Allan LaFrance Ron Winters



In memory of Suzanne Gardner Mrs. Anne M. L. Perkins Ashley and Gretchen Turner

HONORARY GIFTS In honor of Molly Anderson Eileen and Elliott Pollack

In memory of Richard A. Johannes Max and Elizabeth Polster

In honor of Carol Dunton Mr. and Mrs. Marty Levine

In memory of David M. Lilly R C Lilly Foundation

In honor of Tish Emerson Ms. Gail Berson

In memory of W. Curt Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Dyke Wauwinet Yacht Club

In honor Erwin Greenberg David and Linda Hellmann In honor of Jay B. Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan In honor of Esta-Lee F. Stone Eileen and Elliott Pollack In honor of Jane Tyler Cecily Tyler In honor of Ronald W. Winters Ms. Jane Condon and Mr. Kenneth F. Bartels MEMORIAL GIFTS In memory of Samantha Baker Ms. Leah Goldman In memory of William H. Barney Gary W. and Mary Jo Beck Ms. Constance S. Donnelly Edison Community College Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kolb II Adrienne A. McCalley Mr. and Mrs. George N. Meeker

In memory of David S. Fine Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Coulon

In memory of Robert F. Mooney Ms. Marilyn C. Brown Lee Rand Burne Mr. and Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Hamblin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maier Mr. and Mrs. James P. Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Murphy Jr. Peg and Phil Read Reade, Gullicksen, Hanley & Gifford LLP Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Riley Ms. Cynthia A. Roach Ms. Julie A. Fitzgerald and Mr. Carl H. Sjolund Mrs. Nancy Sevrens Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stackpole In memory of Agatha Poor David B. Poor and Patricia M. Beilman In memory of Nancy Soderberg Ms. Beverly Hall In memory of Tucker Squire Pam and Will Waller

In memory of Norman F. Beach Robert Stanton MD and Mandy Noschese

In memory of Sandra Welsh Doris Glazer

In memory of Karen K. Borchert Mrs. Mary Margaret Holmes Ms. Joanne D. Polster Mr. and Mrs. Max Polster

In memory of Enid V. Williams Eric and Elaine Williams Ms. Marguerite V. Williams

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PRESENTING SPONSOR Northern Trust SUPPORTING SPONSORS Tervis Tradewind Aviation GRAND JETE Community Foundation’s ReMain Nantucket Fund Ann and Norbert Donelly Barbara J. Fife Nan and Chuck Geschke Margaret and John Ruttenberg Bonnie J. Sacerdote Wendy and Eric Schmidt TOUR JETE Mr. and Mrs. Porter G. Dawson Susan Zises Green Barbara and Amos Hostetter Mr. and Mrs. John W. Loose Bonnie and Peter McCausland Karen W. Rainwater Randee Seiger Maria and Bill Spears Charles O. Wood III and Miriam M. Wood Foundation

JETE Martha and Bob Lipp Laura and Bill Buck Claire and Bob Greenspon Kaaren and Charles Hale Frances and Craig Lindner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saul Harriet and Warren Stephens Ms. Louise E. Turner Jane and Wat Tyler Cathy and Stephen Weinroth PIROUETTE Susan and Kenneth Ambrecht Janet and Sam Bailey Mary-Randolph Ballinger Jody and Brian Berger Maureen and Edward Bousa Donald A. Burns Carol and Erik Christensen Catherine and Anthony Clifton Drs. Stephen and Helen Colen Danielle Renfeld and Michael Colen Anna-Karin Dillard Tish Emerson Margaret and John Falk Suzy and Richard Grote Ann and Charles Johnson Barbara E. Jones

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Jean Doyen de Montaillou and Michael A. Kovner Jill L. Leinbach Carol and Fred Levinger Ellie and Dan Lugosch Judy and John MacLeod Vicky and Colin Maltby Marion and Terry Martin Franci Neely Catherine Oppenheimer and Garrett Thornburg Sally and Michael Orr Valerie and Jeffrey Paley Mary Ann and Robb Peglar Phyllis and Jerry Rappaport Susan and Harry Rein Marion and Bob Rosenthal Ellen and David Ross Diane and John Samuels Samantha and Mark Sandler Elizabeth Shepard and Terry Straub Catharine and Jeffrey Soros Daisy M. Soros Paula and Bernard Swain Merrielou and Ned Symes Phoebe and Bobby Tudor Stephanie and Jay Wilson Marcella and Rhoads Zimmerman


ARABESQUE Carol Atkinson Amy Baldwin and Hugh Davis Judy and John Belash Pam Thomas and Max Berry Susan and Bill Boardman Larry Breakiron Roxanne Casscells Barbara G. Cohen Evelyn and Ewan Copeland Chris and Jim Cowperthwait Ellen Flamm Barbara and Elliot Gewirtz Joan and Philip Gulley Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Lucile W. Hays Cathy and Dick Herbst Leslie and Alan Shuch Mary Margaret Holmes Lois and John Horgan Debbie and Peter Kahn Coco and Arie L. Kopelman Diane and David Kuhl Marilee B. Matteson Deedie and Ted McCarthy Katie and Bill McNabb Betsy Michel Ms. Laura DeBonis and Mr. Scott Nathan Lynn and Nick Nicholas

Liz and Jeff Peek Robin and Mark Rubenstein Alison and Tom Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simmons Deidre and Joseph Smialowski Esta-Lee and Harris Stone Ambassador Louis and Marjorie Susman Liz and Geoff Verney Marcia P. Welch Caroline S. and F. Helmut Weymar PLIE Deborah and Charles Adelman Ambassador Elizabeth F. Bagley Mrs. Arthur Broll Jeanne Cohane Caroline and Doug Ellis Phyllis and Leonard Greenberg Susan and Edward Greenberg Mr. James Haslam and Mrs. Dee Haslam Julia and William Hobart Mrs. Lisa L. Huertas Suzanne and Stephen Jacobs Elizabeth Jacobsen Carol and Kenneth Kinsley Janet and Keith Lindgren Mary Jane MacLean Rina and Donald McCouch

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Ronay and Richard Menschel Pat and Terry Moran Kit Murphy Maureen Orth Abby and Steve Perelman Ellen and Ken Roman Linda Stocknoff and Morrie Sandler Judith and Robert Schwarzenbach Linda Shelton and Thomas Vanwinkle Valerie and John Stauffer Van Schreiber Nancy and Carlo Vittorini CONTRIBUTOR Eleanor and Chris Armstrong The Bauer Family Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bernon Ginny and Bill Birch Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brandt Ana and Michael Ericksen Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Jessiman Joan and Timothy Moran Ann and C. Hardy Oliver Eileen and Elliott Pollack Reverend Georgia A. Snell Bianca Ilich and Andrey Stanev David Wetherill Ms. Maria L. Zodda


We are grateful to the following sponsors, friends and committee members who helped make the 14th Annual Cold Turkey Plunge a huge success. $10,000 SPONSORS Mary Margaret Holmes $5,000 SPONSORS Donald A. Burns Foundation ReMain Nantucket $2,500 SPONSORS Margaret and Gerald Vento $1,500 SPONSORS Nantucket Island Resorts $1,000 SPONSORS Douglas and Nancy Abbey ACK Eye Tom Hanlon Landscaping Inquirer and Mirror Killen Real Estate Nantucket Tent Company Nantucket Bank On Island Gas Toscana Corporation The Westmoor Club $500 SPONSORS/GIFTS IN KIND/ COMMITTEE/VOLUNTEERS A.D. Bell Pharmacy ACKtivities Albert G. Brock Co. The Andersen Company Molly Anderson Annye’s Whole Foods Eleanor Antonietti Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate ATLAS Aunt Leah’s Fudge Bartlett’s Farm Blue Beetle Boticelli & Pohl Bracken Engineering Tommy Bresette & Family Megan Browers Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Susan Chambers Cisco Brewers Bess Clarke Ellie Coffin

D.J. Bri-Guy/The Musix Express Daily Construction Kady Decker Anjali Dhar Kevin Dineen LLC Nantucket Electrical Contractors Downyflake Dreamland Theatre, Inc. Waterscapes by Jesse Dutra Faregrounds Restaurant Ameriprise Financial, Mark S. Cohen Financial Advisor Jackie Fitzwater Flowers on Chestnut Fooods, Inc. Fusaro’s Lydia Gillum Glidden & Glidden, P.C. Gabrielle Gould Josh Gray Great Point Properties Handlebar Coffee Tom Hanlon Harbor Fuel Oil Corp. Haulover Hatch’s Package Store Hehir Group Custom Builders, Inc. Hughes Septic Service, Inc. J. Brown Builders, Inc. J. Pepper Frazier Company Javatime Design Kris Kinsley-Hancock Doug Lebrecht Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Gillian Lewis Jane and John Loose Marie Lordan Lisa Lothian Manning & Associates Physical Therapy Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty Pam McGrady Bernadette Meyer, Maury People Sotheby’s International Realty Miguel Morocoima The Nantucket blACKbook Nantucket Clothing Company Nantucket Community Pool

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Nantucket Energy Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Health Department Nantucket Hotel and Resort Nantucket Looms Nantucket Parks & Recreation Commision Nantucket Police Department Nantucket Prime at the Jared Coffin House Nantucket Toy Company Nantucket Yacht Club Nancy Newhouse Al & Mary Novissimo, Novation Media Vinny O’Reilly Barbara and Ray Owen Placesetters, Inc. Poets Corner Press LLC Reade, Gullickson, Hanley, & Gifford, LLP Jeanine Robinson Roger’s Taxi Rose & Crown S.M. Roethke Design, Inc. Roberto Santamaria Erin Schrader Seagrille Seamus Crowley Construction, Inc. Seven Sea Street Inn Georgie Sharman Simon Shurey Catering by Simply with Style Starlight Theatre & Cafe Stop and Shop Downtown Frank Suher at ESSports Table No. 1 Wine & Cheese The Tapley Family Natalie Thompson Thornewill Design, LLC Vaughan, Dale, Hunter and Beaudette, P.C. Ventuno Steve Visco Pumping WACK FM Radio Wicked Island Bakery Duncan Will Paula Williams Erica Wilson Needle Works, Inc. Amos Wolven

VOLUNTEERS Sue Ambrecht Carol Atkinson Amy Baldwin Mary-Randolph Ballinger Jody Berger Susan Briskman Megan Browers Paul Bruning Laura Buck Virginia Bullington Susan Burbage Monica Campanella Jane Carlin Roxanne Cascells Susan Chambers Stephen Chase Cady Churns Prentice Claflin Bess Clarke Ellie Coffin Jeanne Cohane Barbara Cohen Didi Coyle Cheryl Creighton Janelle D’Aprix Anjali Dahr Kady Decker Jacqueline Doherty Dennie Doran Judith Drake Debbie DuBois Jane Duffy Tharon Dunn

Mary Ann Easley Christine Elahi John Falk Margaret Feindel Tracy Flannery Cindy Garrison Nan Geschke Lydia Gillum Anabel Gould Gabrielle Gould Vicky Goss Josh Gray Claire Greenspon Suzie Grote Tom Hanlon Lianna Harrington Lillian Henning Alison Inglis Zannie Johnson (Alexandra) Barbara Jones Barbara Joyce Bill Joyner Sydna Julian Michelle Langlois Blake Lazarus Gillian Lewis Judith Lochtefeld John Loose Mary Jane Maclean Vicky Maltby Marion Martin Frances Mazotas

Pam McGrady Annette McGrath Eileen McGrath John Millar Jeanne Miller Harry Mintz Pat Moran Carlos Moreno Douglas Murillo Orla Murphy-LaScola Franci Neely Nancy Newhouse Zuzu Oomen-Lochtefeld Vinny O’Reilly Sally Orr Louise Ozias Valerie Paley Mary Ann Peglar MaryEllen Pender Steve Perelman Victoria Pickwick Kitty Pochman Joanne Polster Karen Rainwater Gussy (Mary) Reardon Penny Rezendes Rob Rezendes Susan Richards Kathy Riolo Lauren Roncetti Peter Roncetti Valeria Rosales David Ross

Isabelle Russo Margaret Ruttenberg Samantha Sandler Roberto Santamaria Denise Saul John Saynor Audrey Schuster Georgie Sharman Simon Shurey Edward Simonian Deirdre Snyder Catharine Soros Anne Sternlicht Ann Stock Esta-Lee Stone Jim Sulzer Anne Sweidel Frances Symes Merrielou Symes Nancy Thayer Pam Thomas Natalie Thompson Edward Toole Peggy Tramposch Phoebe Tudor Alexandra Tytheridge Suellen Ward Elizabeth Wiley Duncan Will Paula Williams Jay Wilson Amos Wolven

STAFF ADMINISTRATION Molly Anderson, Executive Director Cheryl Creighton, Operations Manager Kiley Fitch, Finance Manager Miguel Morocoima, Maintenance Associate DEVELOPMENT Maggie O’Reilly, Department Head Lisa Lothian Erin Schrader ADULT PROGRAMS Amy Jenness, Department Head Nancy Tyrer

CIRCULATION/ TECHNICAL SERVICES Ellie Coffin, Department Head Pam McGrady, Acquisitions Laura Freedman Gillian Lewis Bea Murphy Adelaide Richards Nancy Tyrer REFERENCE Lincoln Thurber, Department Head Elizabeth Kelly Paula Williams

Photography: Eileen Powers/Javatime Design • Kris Kinsley Hanock • Atheneum Staff

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WEEZIE LIBRARY FOR CHILDREN Leslie Malcolm, Department Head Amy Mannino Ellen Young Jessilyn Dearborn Maria Chirinos SUMMER STAFF Allyson Laredo Cressida Richards Rosemary Robbins

OUR MISSION The Nantucket Atheneum, a private non-profit organization provides public library service to the island’s year-round and seasonal residents, housed in a historic 1847 building and the Weezie Library for Children. The Atheneum collects, organizes and disseminates books, literature and other materials in a variety of formats to help users of all ages meet their recreational, personal, professional and intellectual needs. In keeping with its heritage, the Atheneum also serves as a cultural center for the Nantucket community by sponsoring educational programming and maintaining special collections related to the history and culture of the island.


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