Techniques for Improving First Service Conception Rate in Ewes Rob Zelinsky, Small Ruminant Nutritionist – Hubbard Feeds palpation of the reproductive tract is performed to make sure the buck can fully extend, the testicles can ascend and descend to regulate temperature during cold and heat stress, and scrotal circumference is large enough for his age and stage of maturity. Scrotal circumference is also an indicator of fertility and genetically correlated with an earlier age at puberty in female relatives. Scrotal circumference in rams 6 months old should be a minimum of 30 cm and a ram 14 months old need to measure 35 cm. Finally, a semen sample is collected to determine its motility and morphology. Motility of a semen sample measures the forward movement of the ejaculate and demonstrates a positive relationship to fertilizing capacity. Morphology checks the collection for sperm cell abnormalities. Atypical gamete formations occur in the head, body and the tail of each sperm cell heep producers only get one chance for a successful and bucks with 30% of sample being nontypical, fail the 1st service conception! Failure during this stage of exam. production lengthens the labor-intense lambing window and when using enhanced reproductive practices such Physical attributes in ewes can improve conception as AI and ET, conception failures lead to lost input costs rate. Make sure the ewes are in the desired breeding body condition. They should be a BCS 3.0 of a scale and missed elite genetic marketing opportunities. of 1 (Emaciated) to 5 (Obese). The ewes need to be What are some of the factors that improve pregnancy sound footed and free of diseases such as foot scald/ rates in small ruminant operations? The list is vast rot, internal or external parasites and pink eye to when identifying these factors. Flushing, nutrition, name a few. Vaccinations for abortion agents need to heat abatement, cold stress, fleece length, health status, be current. Standard practices in the sheep industry parasite load, stress, time of the year, hand mating, etc.… involves flushing to increase ovulation rate. Producers come to mind. Producers have more control over some regularly increase the calories and protein offered to items in that list than others, but for this discussion I females 2-3 weeks prior to ram turn out to increase the am going to focus on 3 factors that producers can strong number of ova ovulated and available for fertilization arm for success. upon breeding. Some breeds are more seasonally polyestrous, therefore, during the breeding months Fertile and fit bucks. Rams need to pass a breeding of February thru June are less successful in becoming soundness exam (BSE) to successfully and efficiently pregnant. Expect less offspring per female bred during service ewes. A BSE involves a 3-part evaluation by a these months as compared to females bred from licensed veterinarian. First, a physical examination to September thru December. Another tried and true determine male’s fitness. What is his body condition technique to naturally stimulate estrus in ewes is to score, his structural correctness and soundness of feet fence line tease them with rams 10 days prior to turnout and legs? These factors evaluate whether he can cover or to use vasectomized bucks 10 days prior to turnout ground to breed, withstand the rigors of mounting with intact fertile males. This procedure could result in multiple times daily and his libido. Secondly, a physical more successful 1st service pregnancies.
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