Ohio Showcase Sales Catalog

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MAY 11-13, 2023


Darke County Fairgrounds

NATIONALSouthdown Sale

NATIONALShropshire Sale


NATIONALCorriedale Sale

NATIONALLincoln Sale

NATIONALBorder Leicester Sale


GreatLakesDorper & White Dorper Sale

EasternRegionalTexel Sale

EasternRegionalHampshire Sale

EasternNationalSuffolk Sale

Cheviot Showcase Sale

Montadale Showcase Sale

Katahdin Showcase Sale

Columbia Showcase Sale

Rambouillet Showcase Sale

Natural Colored Showcase Sale

Oxford Showcase Sale

Polled & Horned Dorset Showcase Sale

Wether Sire & Dam Showcase Sale



Gary - 937/597-7214

Pat - 937/935-1975

Dan - 937/243-5111

Jim - 937/658-3119




THU., MAY 11, SWINE BLDG. - 9:00 am

Ring 1: Swine Bldg. – Corriedales judged by Jeff Held; Lincolns, Border Leicesters judged by Tor Sorensen; Merinos, Rambouillets, Columbias, Natural Colored, Polled Dorsets, Horned Dorsets judged by Jeff Held; Wether Sires & Dams judged by Evan Snyder

Ring 2: Cattle Pavilion – Katahdins judged by Tor Sorensen; Tunis, Montadales, Cheviots, Texels judged by Neal Knapp


Southdowns judged by Evan Snyder; Shropshires judged by Neal Knapp; Suffolks, Hampshires, Oxfords judged by Jeff Held; Dorpers/White Dorpers judged by Eric Bruns



THU., MAY 11, COLISEUM - 6:00 pm

Used Sheep Equipment Auction

FRI., MAY 12, SWINE BLDG. – 9:00 am

Katahdins, Tunis, Corriedales, Lincolns, Border Leicesters, Merinos, Rambouillets, Columbias, Natural Colored, Polled Dorsets, Horned Dorsets, Montadales, Cheviots, Texels, Wether Sires & Dams


Southdowns, Shropshires, Suffolks, Hampshires, Oxfords, Dorpers/White Dorpers


LOCATION: Darke County Fairgrounds, 800 Sweitzer Street, Greenville, Ohio. Greenville is located on US 127 in western OH about 20 miles north of Interstate 70.

FAIRGROUNDS ENTRANCE: Ohio Showcase Sale consignors and buyers should use Gate 2 on State Route 49, Gate 3 on Martz Street or Gate 4 on State Route 121.

SALE MANAGER: Select Livestock Services LLC, PO Box 25, Rushsylvania, OH 43347. www.selectls.net

SALEPHONE: Arena Cell (937/597-7214) or (937/935-1975).

AUCTIONEERS: Gary Saylor (937/597-7214) of Belle Center, OH; Dan Westlake (937/243-5111) of Marysville, OH; Bill MacCauley (484/6123983) of Atglen, PA.

RINGMEN: Tyler Lobdell (815/238-0832) Lena, IL; Steve George (419/306-1144) Deshler, OH; Dennis Wood (937/539-2008) Belle Center, OH; Darby Walton (567/232-2798) Sycamore, OH; Steve Majchrzak (302/388-9198) Federalsburg, MD; Matt Bowers (567/204-7462) Fort Jennings, OH; Sam Baer (330/424-8336) Galion, OH.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the following area hotels. Be sure that you specify “Ohio Showcase Sale” when making reservations to receive the reduced rate. QualityInn,1190 East Russ Rd., Greenville, OH 937/316-5252, $90.00 plus tax; Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 1195 East Russ Rd., Greenville, OH 937/5481328, $129.99 plus tax; Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 95 Parkview DriveNorth,Brookville,OH937/833-9998,(25minutesfromFairgrounds); Other Greenville Hotels that you may try: Baymont by Wyndham, 851 Martin St., Greenville, OH 937/548-3613; Here is a list of other hotels in the Richmond area about 30 minutes from theFairgrounds: MotelSix, 765/966-6559; HolidayInn,765/488-1975; Best Western Classic Inn, 765/939-9500; Days Inn, 765/966-4900; Hampton Inn & Suites, 765/966-5200; Fairfield Inn, 937/437-8009; Econo Lodge, 765/844-3872; Quality Inn & Conference Center, 765/488-0931; RichmondInn&Suites, 765/966-1505.

CAMPING AVAILABLE: Full service camping spots are available. Reserve directly from the fairgrounds (937/548-5044). Campers are available for rent, contact Davis Camper Sales at 419/336-7141.

AIR SERVICE: The Dayton International Airport is just 40 minutes from the fairgrounds.

NOTICE: Sale Management will use its best efforts to provide security and safety for animals at the sale site, but does not guarantee against theft, illness or loss of animals consigned and/or sold. Neither Sale Management, Sale Sponsors nor consignors to the sale assume any risk or liability in case of accidents of any kind or losses of any kind to any person or persons in attendance at the sale.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Cash, Check or Credit Card payment on sale day. MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express will be the only accepted methods of credit card payment. A 4% convenience fee will be charged for credit card payment. All buyers registering must present a valid identification. Canadian buyers must pay in U.S. funds. Institutions may pay by requisition. The auctioneer’s decision will be final on any disputed bids. All animals are at purchaser’s risk as soon as sold. There will be a 10% charge on any nonsufficient funds checks issued. Substitute entries will be designated with a line below the Lot Number.

MAIL BIDS: If you cannot attend the sale, you may contact the Sale Management, Auctioneers or Ring men to handle your bid for you. Phone bids or mail bids must be approved by the Sale Management prior to the sale. Sheep purchased by phone bid ormail bidMUST bepaidfor, bygood check, money order or credit card within 5 days of the Sale or be subject to a 10% fee. Buyer is responsible for arranging shipment of sheep purchased.

MINIMUMBID: There will be a minimum bid of $300 on all sheep.

REGISTRATION PAPERS: All animals are registered and will be transferred to the new owner at the consignor’s expense. Registration papers will not be transferred to the new owner until paid in full.

SHIPPING: Each buyer will be responsible for shipping arrangement of sheep purchased on order. Delivery usually can be arranged to most parts of the country. Contact Sale Management in advance for assistance.

ONLINE BIDDERS: The Ohio Showcase Sale will be broadcast live over the internet through services provided by Breeders World.

1.Visitthewebsiteat www.breedersworld.com.Ifyouareafirsttime user click on login/register. Remember to keep your username and password. If you forget your password, click the reset password button.

2. To create your account you will be required to use a valid credit card. This card IS NOT automatically charged for your purchases. You must settle your account with Breeders World according to the online terms and conditions.

3. Bidding amounts on the screen will be current. Video can have a lag (less than 1 sec) depending on your internet service. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that their internet connection and computer are working properly.

4. If you bid by mistake and win the lot, you are bound by contract to purchase the lot. Auctioneer shall be the sole judge in determining the winning bidder in the event of a tie bid.

PAYING FOR ONLINE PURCHASES: All online purchases must settlewithBreedersWorld. Contact the Breeders World office at 567214-4081. Credit Cards must be used for purchases made through the Breeders World online broadcast unless other arrangements are made priorto the Sale. All credit card purchases will have a 4% fee added to the purchase price. All monetary funding will be in U.S. currency. The right of the property shall not pass until settlement is made. All settlement must be made before any sheep will be released. Transportation arrangements are the responsibility of the buyer.

SALEVETERINARIAN: Finney Veterinary Services (330/749-2037)

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS – U.S. BUYERS: Your local or state veterinarian should be able to update you concerning health requirements for sheep entering your state. The sale veterinarian will prepare standard interstate health papers for transportation between states, but it is the buyer’s responsibility to be cognizant of and adhere to the entrance requirements for his own state. When entry permits are required, this can often be done prior to your arrival at the sale by contacting your state office. Contact your local veterinarian for assistance.


Except for those stated in the below guarantee, there are no warranties,eitherexpressedorimplied,astothemerchantability orfitnessforaparticularpurposewithrespecttothesheepbeing sold atthissale.

The warranties and the remedies provided therein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer, or any party claiming through the buyer, for any breech or warranty or guarantee therein provided,andallotherobligationsor liabilities.

1. Every ram and ewe sold will be guaranteed as a breeder if properly handled. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return a non breeder to the seller in acceptable breeding condition. The seller, after a fair trial and the animal is found to be a non-breeder, shall have the privilege of replacing the ram or ewe with one of equal value or satisfaction of the buyer, or refunding the purchase price. This guarantee shall not apply to any sheep that are shown subsequent to the date of the sale.

2. Notification of non breeder rams must be made to the seller prior to October 1 following the sale; notification of non breeder ewes must be made to the seller prior to March 1 following the sale.

3. Any lambs who drop their lamb’s teeth priorto 12 months of age as determined by their registration paper, shall be replaced with a lamb of equal quality to the satisfaction of the buyer within a reasonable amount of time, or the consignor shall refund the purchase price of the lamb promptly with all fees and percentages levied against such a lamb retained by the sale. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to notify the consignor, and then the sale manager, if such a problem occurs. Any consignor failing to comply by this rule shall automatically be barred from consigning any sheep in the following sale.

4. In the event any ewe represented as being open lambs within 140 days from date of sale, seller agrees to refund to the buyer the full purchase price, or buying credit, or replacement ewe, upon delivery of the ewe and lamb(s) back to the seller.

5. Neither the Sale Managers nor the sponsoring organization can or will assume any responsibility as to the authenticity of the pedigrees or bloodline information provided in the sale catalog, on pen cards, or otherwise, and the subsequent genetic performance of any sheeppurchased. All such information must be accepted at face value. Any special guarantees or claims offered by individual consignors is strictly between the consignor and the buyer, and will not be enforced by the Sale Managers or the sponsoring organization.

6. This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and seller only, and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise, expressed or implied. The sale manager will attempt to assist in disputes if requested by either party.




784 - Michael Bandt

1650 Sandy Rock Rd-Hollandale, WI 53544 (608) 387-5789 bandtcorriedales@gmail.com

1-Yearling Ram

Bandt 1265 --- 601837

B: 02/22/2022 Triplet

S: Friesz 2122 600005

D: Bandt 1191 579385

Big ram with excellent breed character and an old time Corriedale fleece.

2-January Ram Lamb

Bandt 1274

B: 01/27/2023 Twin

S: Friesz 2122 600005

D: Bandt 1206 600294

Well constructed classy lamb with lots of bone.

3-February Ram Lamb

Bandt 1276

B: 02/02/2023 Single

S: Bandt 1250 601329

D: Bandt 1224 601002

Big, long, showy ram lamb, with Corriedale breed character and a beautiful fleece. You need to look at this one.

4-Yearling Ewe

Bandt 1265 --- 601841

B: 03/01/2022 Twin

S: Friesz 2122 600005

D: Bandt 1194 579387

Should be keeping this one!

5-Fall Ewe Lamb

Bandt 1267

B: 10/10/2022 Single

S: Friesz 2122 600005

D: Bandt 1131 579669

This lamb has loads of potential

6-January Ewe Lamb

Bandt 1275

B: 01/27/2023 Twin

S: Friesz 2122 600005

D: Bandt 1206 600294

This late January ewe is the twin to our January ram lamb consignment. Come see what their dam can produce.

7-February Ewe Lamb

Bandt 1277

B: 02/14/2023 Single

S: Bandt 1250 601329

D: Bandt 1136 577667

This lamb is one of our best ewe lambs and is going to grow out big. Beautiful headed, correct lamb with the makings of a stud ewe.


340 - Lacie Peterson

37039 US Hwy 212-Zell, SD 57469 (605) 460-2681 - (605) 472-0856


8-Yearling Ram

9-Fall Ram Lamb

10-Yearling Ewe

11-Fall Ewe Lamb

12-Fall Ewe Lamb

13-January Ewe Lamb


673 - Ryan Gann

11578 N Mt Morris Rd-Leaf River, IL 61047 (815) 979-3117 - (815) 738-2320 Gannfarms@hotmail.com

Facebook- Gann Farms

14-February Ewe Lamb

15-February Ewe Lamb


1432 - Nathan Lein 7295 I Ave.-Arlington, IA 50606(319) 415-2574



16-Yearling Ram

Lein 2126 --- 601372

B: 11/30/2021 Single

S: Bandt 1143 578135

D: Lein 1842 579003

Grand Champion Ram 2022 Iowa and Minnesota State Fairs as a fall lamb. Great Corriedale fleece and points.

17-Yearling Ewe

Lein 2129 --- 601375

B: 11/29/2021 Twin

S: Bandt 1143 578135

D: Lein 1909 579403

A real striking ewe when you see her on the move and look at her lines. Very clean in the front end and what a fleece on this one! Good black points. Was not shown as a lamb because of space and time reasons but should have been! Natural fall genetics. We will futurity nominate if requested.


1470 - Christine Humphrey

665 Hardwick Rd-New Braintree, MA 01531

(508) 864-1800 - (508) 867-9113


18-February Ram Lamb

19-Yearling Ewe

ORF 2227

B: 01/14/2022

S: Heib 752 600143

D: ORF 1805 578414

Nice Corriedale breed type . Was in our show flock as a lamb

20-Yearling Ewe

ORF 2243 --- 601317

B: 02/01/2022

S: Heib 752 600143

D: ORF 1725 577472

21-Natural Yearling Ewe -2 Inch

ORF 2240 --- 610312

B: 02/01/2022

S: Heib 752 600143

D: ORF 1812 578423

22-February Ewe Lamb


1491 - Olivia Saul

12308 US HIGHWAY 6-BRYAN, OH 43506 (419) 553-7872


23-Yearling Ewe

ORT 22-6 --- 601583

B: 02/15/2022 Twin

S: ORT 19-1 578702

D: RC 175 578103

24-Yearling Ewe

ORT 22-1 --- 601578

B: 01/24/2022

S: FAULKNER 1270 576742

D: RC 176 578104


1508 - Chloe Wyllie

13664 Co. Rd. H-Bryan, OH 43506 (419) 212-0350


25-February Ram Lamb

S: Luke/ Collins 68 576606

D: Wrinkle Butt/ Collins 75 578487

26-February Ram Lamb

S: Enchilada/ CEW 21-03 600534

D: Shoshoni/ FC 2352 578655

27-Yearling Ewe

Frappe/CEW 22-12 --- 601435

B: 02/22/2022 Twin

S: Enchilada/ CEW 21-03 600534

D: Anne/ Collins 74 578486

28-February Ewe Lamb

S: Enchilada/ CEW 21-03 600534

D: Delilah/ CEW 17-03 577022


1515 - Gina Vining

1900 Federer Rd-Cheyenne, WY 82009 (307) 421-0945


29-February Ram Lamb

30-January Ewe Lamb

31-January Ewe Lamb

32-February Ewe Lamb

33-February Ewe Lamb


1267 - Wayne Kemler & Family 3535 Hoaglin Center Rd-Van Wert, OH 45891 419-587-3822

34-January Ewe Lamb

35-February Ewe Lamb



210 - The Baucks

38118 510th Ave-New York Mills, MN 56567

(218) 639-8484 Darin - (218) 640-7800 Duane dewdropfarms84@gmail.com

36-Fall Ram Lamb

The one I'm thinking of bringing will be a short muzzled, perfect ear set, with great type.

37-Yearling Ewe

Since this is the National, we will be brining one of the good ones.

38-Fall Ewe Lamb

As most of you know, we consign our best to the National. 2023 will be no exception!

39-Fall Ewe Lamb


822 - Joana Friesz

PO Box 67-New Salem, ND 58563 (701) 400-8744 - (701) 843-8750 frieszlivestock@gmail.com frieszlivestock.com

40 – January Ram Lamb

S: PHILLIPPI 1-55 601082


41-Yearling Ewe

FRIESZ 2202 --- 601664

B: 01/03/2022 Triplet

S: CRAIG 1936 600012

D: FRIESZ 2023 600342


42-January Ewe Lamb

S: PHILLIPPI 1-55 601082


43-February Ewe Lamb



1269 - Brady Craig 1706 Juniper Ct-St. Joseph, IL 61873 217-714-0552 craig_ryan_e@yahoo.com

44-Yearling Ewe

S: Craig 2001

D: Friesz 801

This yr. ewe is out of Friesz 801, if anyone remembers this ewe she was the National Champion Sale Ewe as well as the Champion ewe at Louisville.



191 - Lester and Renetta Phillippi 2421 Hammond Rd-Hammond, MT 59332 (406) 925-1352 - (406) 427-5280 bigskycorriedale@hotmail.com Facebook- Phillippi Corriedales

45-Yearling Ram

46-January Ram Lamb

47-Yearling Ewe

48-Natural Yearling Ewe -2 Inch

49-January Ewe Lamb

50-February Ewe Lamb

51-February Ewe Lamb


1266 - Scott Peters 9809 Boyer Rd-Versailles, OH 45380 937-214-1974 scottrpeters@gmail.com

52-Yearling Ram

Peters 2203 QR --- 601470

B: 01/05/2022 Single

S: Craig 1936 QR 600012

D: Peters 1901 QR 578818 2022 National Reserve Champion Ram. Big boned, big framed and ready to make a different to your breeding program.

53-Fall Ram Lamb

Peters 2214 QR

B: 10/10/2022 Twin

S: Peters 1905 578822

D: DDF 9-37 QR 578672

Our pick of our fall bucks this past year. He's bred right to grow into a big buck that won't disappoint.

54-Yearling Ewe

Peters 2217 QR --- 601478

B: 02/08/2022 Twin

S: Peters 1905 QR 578822

D: Peters 2020 QR 600642

Straight from our show flock. This ewe was 1st February at the Ohio State Fair and continues to grow into a fancy Yearling Ewe.

55-Fall Ewe Lamb

Peters 2218 QR ---

B: 10/15/2022 Twin

S: Craig 1936 QR 600012

D: Wolf 063 QR 577074

This was our only fall ewe of out our lambs last year. She's sired by our big Craig buck we lost this winter.


1450 - Lydia Smith

14435 Blanchard Road-Greenwood, DE 19950



Echo Ridge Flock

71-Fall Ewe Lamb

Echo 2306 Gertie --- W97534E

B: 10/19/2022 Twin

S: Locust Grove 1119 Haskill 96826

D: Echo 1615 Rakel 95061

This young lady is long, flat-topped, wide-hipped, and just plain pretty. She tops it off with a good fleece, breed type and personality. Fancy enough to show; productive enough to breed.


1435 - Deborah Moore

2677 Telegraph Rd-North East, MD 21901 (410) 392-5434 - (410) 392-5434


72-Yearling Ewe

Heritage Hill Y30 Angel --- 97137

B: 02/26/2022 Twin

S: Heritage Hill R49 Tomi 96817

D: Heritage Hill R42 Mabel 96373

Best Fleece 2022 MD State Fair

73-January Ewe Lamb

74-February Ewe Lamb


830 - Robert Sando

4204 Hursch Rd-Arcanum, OH 45304 (937) 459-8224


75-February Ram Lamb

Sando Farms 23- 21 or 22 ---

B: 03/06/2023 Twin

S: radar 2018 96517

D: Klingelhoffer 1727 95379

very growth twin ram lambs will pick the best to bring sire was supreme at Michigan state fair and best fleece in 2021 these lambs are March lambs

76-February Ewe Lamb

Sando Farms 23- 17or 19 or 20 ---


B: 03/02/2023 Triplet

S: Campbell 100-118 13175

D: Sando 19-06 96035

Triplet ewe lambs will bring the best one and will be futurity nominated these are march ewe lambs

When signing up for a Buyers Number… Be sure to sign up EXACTLY how you want your sheep transferred
BID LIVE ONLINE AT: Breedersworld.com


1490 - Diane Klingelhofer 4023 Wards Chapel Road-Marriottsville, MD 21104 (443) 277-8109 mslincolnsheep@aol.com

77-Yearling Ram

Klingelhofer 2242 QR --- 97461

B: 03/12/2022 Twin

S: Klingelhofer 1634 11365

D: Klingelhofer 1436 94073

Beautiful Ram , biggest lamb born last year as a twin , bloodlines include Mombourquette , Springfield, Damis top producer , Sire is same as 2021 National Champion at Naile

78-Yearling Ewe

Klingelhofer 2236 QR --- 97457

B: 03/09/2022 Twin

S: Klingelhofer 1634 12365

D: Klingelhofer 1851 95792

Fancy ewe from my show string , would be a great addition to any flock all my best bloodlines, Crome 1206! Payton , Mombourquette

79-February Ewe Lamb

I have several late February twin ewe lambs and will bring a good one


1466 - Nathan Lein

7295 I Ave.-Arlington, IA 50606-8213 (319) 415-2574

LeinLincolns@outlook.com www.facebook.com/LeinLincolns

80-Yearling Ram

Lein 2240 --- 97286

B: 02/16/2022 Twin

S: Klingelhofer 1801 95505

D: LE-IN 1856 95939

1st place February ram lamb Iowa State Fair 2022 in his only show appearance. Sire was Grand Champion Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival 2019. Grandsire was Grand Champion 2013 NAILE. Dam was 1st place white fall ewe lamb and best fleece 2019 NAILE. Tremendous stud prospect who looks like you might expect coming from his pedigree.

81-Yearling Ewe

Lein 2221 --- 97478

B: 02/05/2022 Twin

S: Reid 17-08 11468

D: LE-IN 1675 95249

Real complete package here. Feminine but has that substance of bone sought after in Lincolns. Big wide lock formation on the fleece. We really appreciate the Lincoln hip on this ewe. Futurity nomination available. Foundation female alert!


1468 - Joseph Haddock

69 Sawmill Road-Jericho, VT 05465 (802) 899-2384 - (802) 899-2384


82-Yearling Ewe

Wool Hollow 2212 --- 97491

B: 03/14/2022 Triplet

S: Locust Grove 866 95511

D: Wool Hollow 1920 86317 Triplet raised as triplet by dam. Grown out well, nice fleece. Photo in 5 months fleece in March.


1498 - Darlene Leary

2123 Old Turnpike Road-Oakham, MA 01068

(508) 868-2646


83-Fall Ram Lamb

Wind Valley 2315 --- pending

B: 09/19/2022 Single

S: Kruse 19999 W97039

D: Keb 0127 W96590

84-Fall Ewe Lamb

Wind Valley 2324 --- pending

B: 10/08/2022 Single

S: Kruse 19999 W97039

D: Wool Hollow 1412 W96590


1502 - Alison Ungar

3500 Huffman Rd-MEDINA, OH 44256 (330) 241-1699 alisonungar@gmail.com

85-January Ewe Lamb

I’m reducing numbers so whoever it will be would have been one I was going to keep

86-February Ewe Lamb

Will be out of my ewes that go back to Rader’s or Bill Bankhead and my Lein ram

87-February Ewe Lamb

The ewe lamb Will be out of one of my ewes that goes back to Bill Bankhead and my ram from Wind Valley.


1341 - Mike Rader 20779 N 350 E Rd-Danvers, IL 61732 309-531-3616

88-Yearling Ewe

89-January Ewe Lamb


822 - Joana Friesz PO Box 67-New Salem, ND 58563 (701) 400-8744 - (701) 843-8750



90-February Ram Lamb

91-Yearling Ewe

FRIESZ 2287 --- 97266

B: 02/17/2022 Twin

S: RADAR 560 95377

D: BOERSMA 18810 95554



92-January Ewe Lamb


93-February Ewe Lamb


1343 - Barry Hooker 1212 Colton Ave-Bloomington, IL 61701 309-824-5587


94-Fall Ram Lamb

95-Fall Ewe Lamb



1435 - Deborah Moore

2677 Telegraph Rd-North East, MD 21901 (410) 392-5434 - (410) 392-5434


101-January Ewe Lamb

Heritage Hill Y68 --- pending

B: 01/25/2023 Single

S: Friesz 21104 13299

D: Rader 2106 96715

102-January Ewe Lamb

Heritage Hill Y54 13985

B: 01/8/2023 Twin

S: Friesz 21148 96739

D: Klingelhofer 1930 12916

Champion White Lincoln Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from North Dakota to Indiana for $2,500


1449 - Wayne McGuire

4662 Rt. 241-Randolph, NY 14772 (716) 708-8132


103-February Ram Lam

Ewe and Me Acres 1420 --- Pending

B: 02/10/2023 Single

S: Wayne Trace 22072 13437

D: Orchard View 1362 13847

Cordon test pending at time of entry.


830 - Robert Sando

4204 Hursch Rd-Arcanum, OH 45304 (937) 459-8224 sandolincolns@hotmail.com

104-February Ram Lamb

Sando farms 23-12or 13 ---


B: 02/20/2023 Twin

S: Campbell 100-118 13175

D: Reid 18-046 12018

twin ram lambs both growing great .will pick the best one to bring mom was a very nice show ewe in our flock

105-February Ewe Lamb

Sando farms 23-21 --- pending

B: 03/21/2023 Single

S: Campbell 100-118 13175

D: Sando farms 20-01 96543 mom was in show flock ewe lamb will be futurity nominated more information sale day


1490 - Diane Klingelhofer 4023 Wards Chapel Road-Marriottsville, MD 21104 (443) 277-8109 mslincolnsheep@aol.com

106-Yearling Ewe

Klingelhofer 2227 QR --- Pending

B: 03/04/2022 Twin

S: Buckshot 1922 12463

D: Klingelhofer 1213 102129

Black Curly , excellent fleece , dam best ever , at 10 years old , raised beautifull twin ewe lambs on her own on ,top producer Wowsa!

107-February Ewe Lamb

Klingelhofer 2306 --- Pending

B: 02/09/2023 Single

S: Buckshot 1922 12346

D: Klingelhofer 2124 2124

My best February Ewe lamb , long side , fancy Fleeced , sire is Reid top and bottom , Dam won best fleece at 2022 Md sheep and wool festival.



1498 - Darlene Leary

2123 Old Turnpike Road-Oakham, MA 01068 (508) 868-2646


112-Fall Ram Lamb

Will either be sired by Elvis - 2021 Supreme Champion at The Big E or Kelton House 1903 who is a Rader bred buck

113-Yearling Ewe

Wind Valley 2204 _R --- C13627

B: 10/04/2021 Single

S: Kelton House 1903 C12728

D: Wind Valley 1608 C11114

114-Fall Ewe Lamb

Wind Valley 2304 _R --- Pending

B: 09/05/2022 Twin


1466 - Nathan Lein

7295 I Ave.-Arlington, IA 50606-8213

(319) 415-2574



108-Yearling Ewe

Lein 2178 --- 13713

B: 10/20/2021 Twin

S: Reid 17-08 11468

D: LE-IN 1739 95666

Great pedigree on this one: "Essence", Hammer, Meek, Hooker, and the English blooded Warrick ewe we purchased at the National in Estes Park, CO. One of our two show fall ewe lambs last year, she has grown into a large, yet complete package. Great lines and head on this girl. We are offering one of our best ewes in the flock with this consignment. We will futurity nominated if requested.

109-Fall Ewe Lamb

Lein 2266 --- Applied for.

B: 10/12/2022 Twin

S: Klinglehofer 1801 95505

D: LE-IN 1739 95666

Want a real cool patterned sheep? Check. Want a cool smoke color? Check? Want a hand spinner delight? Check. We really love this ewe lamb and think she has a bunch to offer and a great future. We will futurity nominate if requested.


1468 - Joseph Haddock

69 Sawmill Road-Jericho, VT 05465 (802) 899-2384


110-Yearling Ewe

Wool Hollow 2203 --- 13900

B: 03/12/2022 Twin

S: Locust Grove 885 11918

D: Wool Hollow 1912 12665

Part of last year's show flock. Pretty fleece.


1485 - Richard Kerper

930 Maidencreek Road-Fleetwood, PA 19522

(484) 769-5967


111-February Ewe Lamb

S: Reid 1957 "Designer" 12632

S: Kelton House 1903 C12728

D: E. West 2008 C12841

115-Fall Ewe Lamb

Wind Valley 2317 --- Pending

B: 09/21/2022 Twin

S: Elvis - Wind Valley 2045 C12905

D: Wind Valley 1806 C11857

Elvis was Supreme Champion Ram at the 2021 Big E and Wind Valley 1806 is out of JAS 30 who was the 2015 National Champion Ewe.


1227 - Adrianna Alejandro 47 Woodbound Rd-Rindge, NH 03461 603/899-9735

116-Yearling Ewe

Bri-Matt Farm 261 --- 13937

B: 11/11/2021 Twin

S: Wind Valley 1714 Tw. 11652

D: C. Weston 259 Tw. 11576

117-Yearling Ewe

Bri-Matt Farm 262 --- 13938

B: 11/12/2021 Twin

S: Wind Valley 1714 Tw. 11652

D: C. Weston 256 Tw. 11573


822 - Joana Friesz PO Box 67-New Salem, ND 58563 (701) 400-8744 - (701) 843-8750

frieszlivestock@gmail.com frieszlivestock.com

118-February Ram Lamb

119-Yearling Ewe

FRIESZ 2297 --- 13688

B: 02/18/2022 Twin

S: RADAR 560 95377

D: WIND VALLEY 1902 12370


120-January Ewe Lamb

121-February Ewe Lamb


Grand Champion Natural Colored Lincoln Ewe sold for $1,500 from Massachusetts to Missouri at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale.
sure to patronize our many commercial vendors while at the Show & Sale


1343 - Barry Hooker

1212 Colton Ave-Bloomington, IL 61701 309-824-5587


122-Fall Ram Lamb 413

B: 09/22/2022 Single

123-February Ewe Lamb


1538 - Howe Family

9185 Carney Hollow Rd-Wayland, NY 14572


124-February Ram Lamb

Old Glory Howe 2345 --

B: 02/06/2023 Twin

S: 12706 Reid 20-01

D: 13433 Old Glory Howe 2112 Straight, square, good footed buck with super soft fleece.

125-Yearling Ewe

Old Glory Howe 2216 -13864

B: 02/16/2022 Twin

S: 12706 Reid 20-01

D: 12867 Buckshot 20-14

Real stylish, up-headed ewe, pretty fleece.



1402 - Heidi Barkley

8887 Hyndman Road-Buffalo Mills, PA


(814) 979-5646


131-January Ram Lamb

H Barkley 2326

B: 01/18/2023 Twin

S: P Hopkins 2101 24166

D: H Barkley 2126 23784 2126 was champion at Louisville and Supreme at KILE in 2022.

132-January Ewe Lamb

H Barkley 2325

B: 01/18/2023 Single

S: T Johnson 057 23276

D: H Barkley 19069 22420

133-January Ewe Lamb


1401 - Josie Baird

9471 BERLIN STATION RD-CANFIELD, OH 44406 (330) 506-2429


134-January Ewe Lamb


1424 - Kendall and Ann Knowles

12435 E. 700th St.-Colchester, IL 62326 (309) 333-4880


135-Yearling Ram

Hickory Grove 2922 --- 23492

B: 03/13/2022 Twin

S: Hickory Grove 1520 23434

D: Hickory Grove 218 22314

Correct, non-factored March ram that will work in the show ring as well as the pasture. Top Fogle breeding on both sides of his pedigree makes him a great outcross option.

136-February Ewe Lamb

Hickory Grove 1423 RR --- pending

B: 02/24/2023 Twin

S: Vast Plains 119 22872

D: Vast Plains 817 21374

Here's a long bodied, correct topped February show prospect with a good fleece. She's RR and non-factored and out of a tank of a ewe. You'll get two years of fun in the show ring with this one. Futurity nominated.


1461 - Auretta Wittkopf

N41W28899 Imperial Dr-Pewaukee, WI


(262) 719-2132 - (262) 370-1433


Facebook Page

137-February Ram Lamb

AURETTA 765 --- Pending

B: 02/07/2023 Twin

S: Vast Plains 121 23698

D: AURETTA 2030 23139

A big boned ram lamb with a calm/kind demeanor. This guy is a farm favorite, but we can't keep them all. His body type, along with his personality, will make a great addition to any flock- in and out of the ring. His sire was Supreme Champion Ram at the Wisconsin State Fair in 2022.

138-Yearling Ewe

AURETTA 252 --- 24371 F

B: 03/05/2022 Twin

S: AURETTA 0687 23124 F

D: AURETTA 936 22444

We originally decided to retain this ewe, the qualities she has are ones that we've selected for. However, we had to cut down on numbers this year and wanted to showcase a yearling ewe in this sale. She's a wide topped maternal type of ewe.

139-February Ewe Lamb

AURETTA 317 --- Pending

B: 02/03/2023 Twin

S: AURETTA 537 20350

D: AURETTA 936 22444

This ewe lamb is a good one and we hope to hear how she grows! We're trying to cut down on our numbers and this one would be a great addition to a show and/or breeding flock.


1396 - Kevin Hopkins 494 Evans Road-Chepachet, RI 02814 (401) 787-8316


140-Yearling Ewe

P Hopkins 2212 Milkshake --- 24512F

B: 02/28/2022 Triplet

S: H Barkely 19078 22423

D: P Hopkins 15-57 19712

This ewe comes right out of show flock. She is from a long line of correct, nice fleeced Borders. We are only selling her because we are keeping her triplet sister at home! Check her out. Pictures will be posted on our Facebook page closer to the sale.


1180 - Richard & Mary Ann Johnson 851 Co Rd 23 N-Quincy, OH 43343 937/935-0790


141-Fall Ewe Lamb

Hyline 1019 QR ---

B: 09/03/2022 Single

S: Biscoff 452 YELLOW TOY QQ 21337

D: Fogle 1022 QR+ 18923

This is a natural fall ewe lamb. Could be an outcross for most breeders. Excellent fleece



1395 - Sarah Jakeman 1283 Latimer Hill Road-Canajoharie, NY 13317 (401) 787-8316


151-Fall Ram Lamb

Jakeman 2303 --- pending

B: 10/13/2023 Triplet

S: Jakeman 2106 23962B

D: Jakeman 17-30 21101F

This guy is correct and has a beautiful fleece. He is out of the 2022 Supreme Champion Ram at Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival. He is 1/2 brother to the Champion Ewe at The Big E in 2022 on the dam side. We are retaining his triplet sisters. This guy is related to too many of my ewes, so our loss is your gain! Check out our Facebook page for pictures closer to the sale.

Champion Ram at the 2022 National Border Leicester Sale sold from Illinois to Wisconsin for $1,300.

152-Yearling Ewe

Jakeman 2206 --- 24502B

B: 02/20/2022 Single

S: Jakeman 15-14 19537B

D: Jakeman 2006 23355

This ewe was in our show flock last year. She is correct and has a nice fleece. Her mother and father are still on the farm. Only selling her because I can only keep so many! Check out our Facebook page for pictures closer to the sale.


1450 - Lydia Smith

14435 Blanchard Road-Greenwood, DE 19950



Echo Ridge Flock

153-Fall Ram Lamb

Echo 2302 Guido --- 24843B

B: 10/17/2022 Quad

S: PW 315 Pink \"Gideon\" 22566B

D: Echo 1812 Bay 21665B

If you like high fertility, impressive production, heavy lactating, functional sheep, these are your kind of genetics. Long-sided, flashy ram bred to make replacement ewes.

154-Fall Ewe Lamb

Echo 2309 Giselle --- 24848B

B: 10/20/2022 Twin

S: PW 315 Pink GIDEON 22566B

D: Echo 1811 LAGOON 21664B

Genetically, this ewe lamb is very similar to my ram entry; their dams are triplet sisters. I've repeated this breeding three times for a reason. They grow well, compete well, and produce well. Her full sisters have all lambed unassisted by 16 months old and raised competitive lambs. Giselle is complete and correct. She'd never leave the flock if it were not for space constraints.


1401 - Josie Baird



(330) 506-2429


155-January Ram Lamb

0042 --- pending

B: 01/16/2023

S: Jakeman 2107 23963B

D: JBaird 0003 23168B

Sire was champion Natural colored Border Leicester ram at 2022 NAILE


1461 - Auretta Wittkopf

N41W28899 Imperial Dr-Pewaukee, WI 53072

(262) 719-2132 - (262) 370-1433


Facebook Page

156-February Ram Lamb

AURETTA 830 --- Pending

B: 02/20/2023 Twin

S: AURETTA 0657 23133 B

D: AURETTA 158 23685 B

This Natural Colored ram lamb I would've loved to keep. He's shown great growth over just a 1 month period and has qualities I've been waiting to see in my natural colored flock. Again, we can't keep all the ram lambs and are hoping he can succeed in and out of the showring for another family.



1380 - Tim & Kasey Gadsby

150 Burdette Rd-Stoneboro, PA 16153 (330) 771-7067


171-Yearling Ram

Gadsby 2290

B: 04/20/2022 Single

S: Smith KLS 947 1

D: Calvert 2011 1

Sired by the 2021 Supreme Champion Ram at NAILE and dammed by the 4th place yearling ewe the same year at Louisville and 2nd place at KILE. This sheep has a BIG TIME future, he is a late April born sheep that is getting harder and harder to part with by the day. Beautiful fleeced and a super attractive Merino head! (Polled)

172-Yearling Ewe

Gadsby 2254 ---

B: 03/20/2022 Single

S: R. Frame 2002 1

D: Calvert 2015 1

R.Frame 2002 has been a stud for us in his first two lamb crops for us. His fleece was Supreme at KILE in 2021, and he stamps his lambs with great hip and barrel. He is the sire to the popular 1st place spring buck at 2022 NAILE. We really like this one… A LOT

173-Yearling Ewe

Gadsby 2223

B: 02/01/2022 Twin

S: Schoen 1723 1

D: Scott 2586 1

This is the twin sister to the 2nd place early spring ewe late at 2022 NAILE. She is a carbon-copy of her, deep middled, dense fleeced and great structured.

174-Fall Ewe Lamb

Gadsby 22139

B: 11/01/2022 Twin

S: Smith KLS 947 "KG" 1

D: Crouse 189 1

This is the best Fall ewe lamb from the 2022 crop out of "KG". We didn't start fall lambing until late OctoberNovember, this female is very young for this class now, but I have a good feeling about her in November.


1455 - Mark Birkhimer

33876 Willard Rd-Hanoverton, Ohio 44423 330/223-2333


175-Fall Ram Lamb

MCB 1440

B: 09/21/2022 Single

S: Scott 2610 29445

D: Birkhimer Family Y-42 29409

176-Yearling Ewe

MCB 1439

B: 03/28/2022 Single

S: Smith Kls 881 28999

D: Smith Kls 826 27977

177-Fall Ewe Lamb

MCB 1452

B: 10/17/2022 Twin

S: Smith Kls 881 28999

D: Birkhimer Family Y-12 29408


1473 - Donna Inbody

9586 TOWNSHIP ROAD 25-JENERA, OH 45841-8956

(419) 348-5288


178-Yearling Ram

Inbody 2220 --- 30487

B: 02/16/2022 Twin

S: Inbody 1717 28605

D: Inbody 1336 26879

2220 was 2nd spring ram lamb at the 2022 naile jr show and 5th open. A stout made ram with a good hip.sired the reserve champion ewe @2021 naile. Dam s the dam of the mendenhalls purchased from us. She is a stud ewe, her sire was the 2012 national champion ram.

179-Yearling Ewe

Inbody 2206 --- 30496

B: 01/15/2022 Twin

S: Inbody 1717 28605

D: Calvert 1410 27098

2206 Sire . sired the reserve champion ewe@ 2021naile. Dam was one of bob calverts top ewe lambs. She waa champion ewe at the 2014 ohio state fair jr show and 2nd spring ewe lamb in the open show. It is hard to part with this ewe.

180-February Ewe Lamb

Too young decide all will be futurity nominated. The proceeds from one ewe lamb will go to the American and delaine merino junior assoc. In support of the all American junior show.

181-February Ewe Lamb

182-February Ewe Lamb


1526 - Steven Diller 9490 Reservoir Rd-Harrod, OH 45850 419/303-8747

183-January Ram Lamb

184-January Ewe Lamb

Very showy ewe!


1534 - Lew Crouse 203 Patterson Creek Rd-Sycamore, PA 15364 724/255-1562


185-Yearling Ewe

Crouse DC 238 QR --- 30441

B: 12/18/2021 Twin

S: Scott 2595 29271

D: Calvert 1208 26527

186-Yearling Ewe

Crouse 249 QQ --- 30566

B: 02/26/2022 Twin

S: Scott 2595 29271

D: Crouse DC 136 27119

187-Fall Ewe Lamb

Crouse 251 QQ

B: 12/01/2022 Twin

S: Smith KLS 2102 29608

D: Scott 2587 29229


Grand Champion Ewe at the 2022 National Merino Sale sold from Ohio to Ohio.

188-Fall Ewe Lamb

Crouse 252 QR ---

B: 12/02/2022 Twin

S: Smith KLS 2102 29608

D: Scott 2589 29230


1541 - Sonja Conner

15846 Cromley Rd-Ashville, OH 43103 (161) 433-2222 tommyfarmgirl@yahoo.com

189-Fall Ewe Lamb

WCYC 0604

B: 09/14/2022 Twin

S: INBODY F1677 28611

D: INBODY 2450 29145



396 - Doug Kirkpatrick

1276 Co Rd 1475-Ashland, OH 44805 (419) 651-4074

kirkewes@yahoo.com kirkpatrickrambouillets.com

196-Fall Ram Lamb

DKF 1276 QR --- 1000633R

B: 10/27/2022 Single

S: DKF 371 999820R RR

D: Bar J Bar 20B 2018R 1048457E QR

197-Yearling Ewe

DKF 382 RR --- 1049853E

B: 02/17/2022 Twin

S: Bar J Bar 19W4-1950-S RR 999217R

D: Bobb Bros 7107 RR 1046377E


1418 - Barret Marshall

45491 204th St-Arlington, SD 57212 (605) 695-2528


Find us on Facebook

198-Fall Ram Lamb

VM 2-87 _R

B: 09/22/2022 Triplet

S: Borcher 0039 1000019

D: Marshall VM 018 1047369

If you want to put some stretch in your Rambouillets this one will do it. He is extended through his front one-third, long sided, and long hipped.

199-Fall Ewe Lamb

This will be a fancy, open faced ewe with a quality fleece!


253 - Roger Regehr

44333 273rd St-Marion, SD 57043 (605) 360-9418 - (605) 648-3737

200-January Ewe Lamb

Lambs are sired by 2021 NAILE Grand Champion.

201-February Ewe Lamb

Also sired by 2021 NAILE Grand Champion


210 - The Baucks

38118 510th Ave-New York Mills, MN 56567

(218) 639-8484 Darin - (218) 640-7800 Duane dewdropfarms84@gmail.com

202-Fall Ewe Lamb

The lamb we sold at last years sale went on to be Champion Ewe at the Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky State Fair for Homestead Farms!


1542 - Jared Conner 5066 Cook Road, Apt 4-South Bloomfeild, OH 43103

(740) 500-2556


203-Fall Ewe Lamb

Ewe & I 0656 ---

B: 10/21/2022 Twin

S: Bar J Bar 17W2-1778 998601

D: Bar J Bar 17TBR1774R 1044836

This Ewes Sire & Dam are both from the Dave Julius (Bar J Bar) Ranch. Her Sire is a 19 Micron Supreme Overall Wool Show Champion. Her Dam was Best Fleece.



1408 - Leland Thiesen

39737 Hwy 71-Windom, MN 56101 (608) 574-9410 - (608) 574-9410


211-Fall Ram Lamb

Thiesen 2254 RR --- Applied for

B: 10/15/2022 Twin

S: Thiesen 2018 "Executive Order" Y17379

D: Travaille 42 Y12146

Real nice fall ram with bone and body. Very straight made

The sire was Champion ram at Louisville Junior show and Dam was Futurity comeback winner at the National show

212-Fall Ewe Lamb

Thiesen 2258 QR --- Applied for

B: 10/20/2022 Twin

S: Bauck 19-62 "The Bomb" Y16936

D: Thiesen 1717 Y13115

She is a good one. Being a first time consignor we decided to bring one of our best. She is put together right and will have the size to compete


1214 - Clint Kauffman

105 N. Franklin St.-Winamac, Indiana 46996 574/242-0167


213-Yearling Ewe

Kauffman 396 --- Y18839

B: 01/07/2022 Twin

S: Frey 0-2 Y16631

D: Woolstenhulme 0702 Y11655

214-January Ewe Lamb


1183 - Cortney Copeland 7476 Co Rd 23-Lewistown, OH 43333 937/844-6122


215-Yearling Ewe

Copeland 367 --- Y19557

B: 02/12/2022 Twin

S: Borcher POSSUM 9270 Y17168

D: Copeland 5475 Y14766

216-January Ewe Lamb

Copeland 419 ---

B: 01/03/2023 Twin

S: Williams ARROW 2005 Y16587

D: Copeland 5250 Y12198


210 - The Baucks

38118 510th Ave-New York Mills, MN 56567

(218) 639-8484 Darin - (218) 640-7800

Duane dewdropfarms84@gmail.com

217-Fall Ewe Lamb

The lamb we sold at last years sale went on to win her class at Louisville, and be named best fleece! Yes, we sell the good ones!

When Signing up for a Buyers Number… Be sure to sign up EXACTLY how you want your sheep transferred
Substitute entries will be designated with a line below the Lot Number


1180 - Richard & Mary Ann Johnson

851 Co Rd 23 N-Quincy, OH 43343 937/935-0790


218-Fall Ewe Lamb

Johnson 1032 QR

B: 09/20/2022 Single

S: Johnson 17-54 QR Y14600

D: Johnson 12-07 QR U20500

Williams and Woolstenhulme on both sides with a nice fleece. Dam was 11 in 2022.



1545 - Mark Smith & Boston Smith

4084 US 224 East-Greenwich, Ohio 44837 419/706-2459

219-Yearling Ewe


B: 02/17/2022 Twin

S: C Copeland 5530 Y15092

D: Jarvis R10 Y17573

220-Yearling Ewe


B: 02/11/2022

S: C Copeland 5530 Y15092

D: Jarul SR 105 Y17572



42 - Daniel Kuehne

16649 Nystrom Ave-Reading, MN 56165 (507) 360-8179

226-Fall Ram Lamb

Kuehne 2246 RR

B: 09/27/2022 Twin

S: Wolf 20-25 BARLEY POP RR 108235

D: Kuehne 2029 RR Y17261

227-Yearling Ewe

Kuehne 2209 QR --- X110545

B: 01/24/2022 Twin

S: Kuehne 1958 QQ 107966

D: Kuehne 1629 RR Y12944

228-Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 2214 QR

B: 09/01/2022 Twin

S: Kuehne 1958 QQ 107966

D: Kuehne 1773 QR Y14339

229-Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 2216 QQ

B: 09/01/2022 Single

S: Kuehne 1958 QQ 107966

D: Kuehne 2059 QR X108837


230-Fall Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 2241 QQ

B: 09/17/2022 Twin

S: Kuehne 1958 QQ 107966

D: Kuehne 1704 QR Y13157

231-January Ewe Lamb

Kuehne 2306 PANDA RR

B: 01/19/2023 Twin

S: DDF 21-99 COLD BREW RR 110948

D: Kuehne 2119 QR 110471


309 - Larry & Dixie McDaniel

2865 Topaz Lane-Fallon, NV 89406 (317) 294-1638 mcdanielsfeedbarn@gmail.com

232-Fall Ewe Lamb

MR 23-3 --- 112087

B: 09/02/2022 Twin

S: PENC 20-53 QR 109185

D: MR 19-9 RR X109448

233-Fall Ewe Lamb

MR 23-10 RR --- 112089

B: 09/03/2022 Twin

S: MR 22-2 RR X110531

D: MB 8-19 RR 104742


25 - Bob & Donna McDaniel 10710 E 200 N-Charlottesville, IN 46117 (317) 435-6045 - (317) 462-1956 ewerfit@sbcglobal.net

234-Fall Ewe Lamb

MB 3-7 QR --- 112110

B: 09/08/2022 Twin

S: Corzatt 2008 QR X108541

D: MB 9-19 RR 106221

Big stout, up headed ewe lamb. We think she will be just as good as our fall ewe we showed last season that was Champion at the All American, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and NAILE. Take a look!


308 - Dylan Nohner 38248 627th Ave-Watkins, MN 55389 (320) 420-5354 pinesenddorsets@yahoo.com pinesendnaturalcoloreds.com

235-Fall Ewe Lamb

"Tara" PENC 22-53 RR --- Pending

B: 09/07/2022 Single

S: "Howdy" Kuykendall 1082 X105217

D: "Honeywine" PENC 19-01 106299

This is my first ewe lamb born in the Fall of 22. If you like show appeal combined with mass and structure, get on board. I think this sweetheart can compete with the best of them. We decided to sell our entire PENC fall ewe lamb crop this year. This one would have been one of our show ewes. “Honeywine” is the dam of the popular yearling ewe Olivia Porter showed last year.

236-Fall Ewe Lamb

"Fancy" PENC 22-76 RR --- Pending

B: 10/20/2022 Twin

S: "Bottom Shelf" PENC 20-57 109187

D: "Bingo" PENC 17-32 65533

This is our youngest ewe lamb born in the Fall of 22. She may not be as big as some of the fall lambs at the Ohio Sale, but hang on because she is going to fire up as the year progresses. She is fancy like her name, cool-fronted, ties through her shoulders like a show sheep and carries herself excellently. She comes with a cool pedigree too.

“Bottom Shelf” is a full brother to the 2022 Champion Ram at NAILE and “Bingo” was Champion Ewe in 2018 in NAILE.


1405 - Mike Moenter

4721 Devils Hole Road-Pemberville, OH 43450

(419) 261-9555


237-Yearling Ewe

Moenter Homestead Avianna 3141 QR --- 111046




Latespringyearlingewefromour2022NAILEshowflock.If youlovecrimp,thisgalisfor you. Will make a great show and brood ewe. Arctic Zero granddaughter.

238-Yearling Ewe

Moenter Homestead Sky 3137 RR ---


B: 03/12/2022 Twin

S: BJB 19KK1974B 108779

D: Borcher 0135 - Shooting Star X109886

Late spring yearling ewe is very unheaded and stylish. We are retaining her twin sister. Look for updates and pictures on our Moenter Homestead Facebook page.

239-Fall Ewe Lamb

Moenter Homestead Reba 3089 QR

B: 10/08/2022 Twin

S: Dr J BJB M2002B 108726

D: R2026QR 108105

Can't believe Judy is letting this one go. Very friendly and a "cookie" lover. Stylish and square made lamb.

240-January Ewe Lamb

Moenter Homestead Evie 3099 RR

B: 01/23/2023 Twin

S: Dr J BJB M2002B 108726

D: BJB 20KP2060B - 34 X109359

Young ewe lamb with plenty of potential. Sire and Dam are from Bar J Bar. Very fortunate to purchase Evie's sire from Dave and Carla Julius.


673 - Ryan Gann

11578 N Mt Morris Rd-Leaf River, IL 61047 (815) 979-3117 - (815) 738-2320


Facebook- Gann Farms

241-Yearling Ram

Gann Farms 255 “Snoop Dogg” ---


B: 02/13/2022 Single

S: KF-Acres 2003 “Shade Route” 108474

D: Gann Farms 202 “Snoopy” 111607

242-January Ram Lamb

243-Yearling Ewe

244-January Ewe Lamb

245-January Ewe Lamb

Grand Champion Natural Colored Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from So. Dakota to Illinois for $4,250


1491 - Olivia Saul

12308 US HIGHWAY 6-BRYAN, OH 43506 (419) 553-7872 tl_gar@outlook.com

246-Yearling Ewe

SF22-5 --- 111094

B: 02/26/2022 Single

S: BORCHER 9182 106574

D: 2044 X108355

247-Yearling Ewe

SF21-13 --- 110456

B: 09/25/2021 Twin

S: E. ANDERSON 19-13 107091

D: E. ANDERSON 20-5 108639


622 - Dick Reece & Family

1481 E State Rt 133-Arcola, IL 61910 (217) 254-4333 prfarms1481@yahoo.com

248-Fall Ram Lamb


834 - Matthew Syme

402 Main St-South Windsor, CT 06074 (860) 202-1547 scotchlanefarm@cox.net

249-Fall Ram Lamb

Kindred Spirit Scotch Lane 831 RR ---


B: 09/20/2022 Single

S: Hell Bound PENC 21-50 110862

D: Scotch Lane Spook SLF 0640 108081

Kindred Spirit combines eye appeal with a great profile. His sire Hell Bound was Supreme Champion Natural Colored Ram at NAILE last year and in his first two lamb crops he has proven that he’s a true stud. SLF 0640 is one of our best daughters of Wolf 19-08 (Who Made Who x Evergreen) and is a maternal sister to our yearling ewe entry.

250-Yearling Ewe

Scotch Lane River SLF 802 QR --110796

B: 02/21/2022 Twin

S: Arctic Monkey SLF 0623 108072

D: Wolf 17-19 65689

River is one of our larger outlined yearling ewes. She was 3rd place Feb ewe lamb at Big E. Her sire Arctic Monkey also sired the Reserve Champion Ram at last year’s sale and the Reserve Champion Ewe at NAILE Jr Show in 2021. Her dam Wolf 17-19 (Mammoth Jack x Beer Money) also produced our Reserve Champion Ewe at Big E in 2019.

251-Fall Ewe Lamb

Middle Child Scotch Lane 829 RR ---


B: 09/14/2022 Triplet

S: Hell Bound PENC 21-50 110862

D: Wolf 20-03 108224

Middle Child got her name as she was the second of the triplet ewe lambs born. Hell Bound was the Supreme Champion Ram at NAILE last year. Wolf 20-03 has been a very productive “no miss” ewe at two years old. Her first daughter was our Reserve Champion Ewe at NAILE Jr Show in 2021. At last year’s sale her twin Jan ewe lambs were very popular selling for $2200 and $1800. Middle Child will be your only chance to own a daughter this year as one of her triplet sisters sold privately and we are keeping the other.

252-January Ewe Lamb

Lucky Ewe Scotch Lane 866 _R ---


B: 01/24/2023 Single

S: Hell Bound PENC 21-50 110862

D: Wolf 17-13 65599

Lucky Ewe is another Hell Bound lamb that exemplifies his qualities as a sire. Her dam Wolf 17-13 was the 1st place Fall Ewe at NAILE Jr Show in 2017. She is also the dam of Gunpowder N’ Lead who sired our popular Jan ewe lambs at last year’s sale. This is a young Jan ewe with a ton of potential! Follow us on Facebook for updates and pictures.


1527 - Tor Sorensen

33601 Overstreet Rd-Otterville, MO 65348



253-Fall Ram Lamb

SWSC 23-02 QR --- 112124

B: 09/23/2022 Single

S: BJB 21K1982B QR 110261

D: BJB 16L2H 66959

Very complete, long bodied lamb out of an extremely stout ewe. Sired by a son of Daves LEGACY ewe.

254-Yearling Ewe

BJB 22KKS 1784 N RR --- 110598

B: 01/23/2022 Twin

S: BJB 19KK 1975 B 108780

D: BJB 18TBR 1824 N X105114

Super long bodied that if I was going to be showing, would be kept as the lead ewe. A super opportunity to get an elite ewe.

255-Yearling Ewe

BJB 22KS 1790B QR --- 110601

B: 02/06/2022 Twin

S: BJB 21K1982B QR 110261

D: 7015 RR X106152

Fancy ewe with a little more chrome. Dam is a big Borcher ewe that had a nice set of triplets this year.

256-Fall Ewe Lamb

SWSC 23-03 QR --- 112125

B: 09/25/2022 Twin

S: BJB K1982 B QR 110261

D: BJB 14FF 36 B 59806

Fancy from the word go. I should be keeping one of these two but with only four fall lambs, something has to pay the bills.

257-Fall Ewe Lamb

SWSC 23-04 QR --- 112126

B: 09/25/2022 Twin

S: BJB K1982 B 110261

D: BJB 14FF36 B 59806

Twin to ewe above. This ewe has a little more chrome to her. Not as big in her outline but nicer in her design.


1350 - Archer, Harper & Spencer Copeland 5913 Co Rd 35-Lewistown, OH 43333 614/571-0266


258-Yearling Ram

Broken Arrow 309 QR --- X110856

B: 02/16/2022 Twin

S: Broken Arrow 5587 UR108450

D: Broken Arrow 5175 UR110851

Reserve Champion Fine Wool in the NAILE Open Show.

259-Yearling Ewe

Broken Arrow 306 --- X110806

B: 01/17/2022 Twin

S: Broken Arrow 5587 UR108450

D: Broken Arrow 45 X108493


827 - Weston Borcher 1330 Lane 10-Powell, WY 82435 (307) 272-5285


260-Yearling Ram

261-Yearling Ewe

262-Yearling Ewe


210 - The Baucks

38118 510th Ave-New York Mills, MN 56567 (218) 639-8484 Darin - (218) 640-7800

Duane dewdropfarms84@gmail.com

263-Fall Ewe Lamb

264-Fall Ewe Lamb

265-January Ewe Lamb

Don't be afraid to give us a call before the sale to see what we are bringing. We like to sell the good ones.


1531 - Sid DeVries

3595 W Scioto Mills Road-Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 275-0198


266-Fall Ram Lamb

S: Wolf

We have a single entry for the Ohio Showcase Sale and we know you don't take a ram if he's not good enough to perform as a stud buck. He is one of only two fall rams born this fall on our farm & both are a coin toss as far as which to keep and which to offer. Stop by our pen and check him out and see how he can influence your flock. He's out of our Wolf ram who was Reserve Champion Medium Fleece at NAILE in 2021 as a fall ram. More info will be available sale day.


1349 - Michael Bielewicz 9425 Creek Rd-Hunt, NY 14846 716/474-0789


267-January Ram Lamb

S: Wolf 21-30 RR 109030

The sire was Champion Fine Wool Ram and Reserve Champion Overall at 2022 NAILE. He was also Champion Ram at the Big E and KILE.

All Futurity nominated ewe lambs will have an “F” paint brand at the top of the shoulder


1180 - Richard & Mary Ann Johnson 851 Co Rd 23 N-Quincy, OH 43343 937/935-0790


268-Fall Ewe Lamb

Hyline 1020 QR ---

B: 09/07/2022 Single

S: Hyline 851 RR A06082

D: Hyline 510 QR A03755

Both dams are sired by Bell HOMEBOY RR that is sired by a Homestead ram.

269-Fall Ewe Lamb

Hyline 1024 QR

B: 09/14/2022 Single

S: Hyline 851 RR A06082

D: Hyline 866 QR A06085

Hyline 851 has been a great sire with a fine fleece. There is Swsco, Rench and Borcher lines in these ewe lambs.


1538 - Howe Family

9185 Carney Hollow Rd-Wayland, NY 14572 585/721-5268

270-February Ram Lamb

Old Glory Howe 2233 ---

B: 02/20/2023 Twin

S: X105218 Kuykendall 1095

D: X066832 Old Glory Howe 1585 Super straight, fancy buck.

271-February Ewe Lamb

Old Glory Howe 2329 ---

B: 02/22/2023 Twin

S: 108925 Scotch Lane Farm 698

D: 109980 Old Glory Howe 2006

Really fancy, stylish, complete lamb.


1541 - Sonja Conner

15846 Cromley Rd-Ashville, OH 43103 (161) 433-2222


272-Fall Ewe Lamb WCYC 0619

B: 09/24/2022 Twin

S: Bar J Bar 17W2-1778 998601

D: Bar J Bar1800 000000

This Ewe is out of Both Dave Julius (Bar J Bar) Sire & Dam. Her Sire is a 19 micron Rambouillet Supreme Wool Show Champion.



1414 - F.D. McCarthy

5245 Crawford Wyandot County Line Road-Sycamore, OH 44882 (419) 310-0590


281-Fall Ram Lamb


622 - Dick Reece & Family

1481 E State Rt 133-Arcola, IL 61910 (217) 254-4333


282-Yearling Ewe

283-Fall Ewe Lamb


834 - Matthew Syme

402 Main St-South Windsor, CT 06074 (860) 202-1547


284-January Ram Lamb

S: “Patent Pending” Scotch Lane Farm 773

This will be a son of “Patent Pending” the Supreme Champion Ram at AAJS and National Champion Ram at NAILE Jr Show last year. Follow us on Facebook for updates and pictures.


1259 - Ruth Inbody & Family

8586 Twp Rd 25-Jenera, OH 45841 419/348-0291

285-Yearling Ewe

This ewe will be a slick shorn Yearling. Sire is RIDIN DIRTY, Obsession Show Stock ram.


11 - Dennis Wood 9165 Twp Rd 49-Belle Center, OH 43310 (937) 539-2008 - (937) 464-7296 woodcd@embarqmail.com

286-Fall Ewe Lamb

Woodland 296 RR --- P-756878

B: 09/10/2022 Twin

S: WOODFORD RESERVE McDaniel 20-6 RR P741479

D: Scotch Lane 0661 RR P742674

Dam is a full sister to LOOSEY GOOSEY, 2019 National Champion Ram at Louisville. Super complete and balanced ewe lamb.

287-Fall Ewe Lamb

Woodland 299 RR --- P757462

B: 09/03/2022 Twin

S: WOODFORD RESERVE McDaniel 20-6 RR P741479

D: Woodland 235 RR P730172

Sire traces back to Twin Oaks breeding. Dam is sired by Crome 2322 and dammed by a SAMSON daughter.

288-Fall Ewe Lamb

Woodland 298 RR

B: 09/03/2022 Twin

S: WOODFORD RESERVE McDaniel 20-6 RR P741479

D: Woodland 235 RR P730172

Twin to Lot 287.


324 - Rachael Gately

126 Pioneer Heights-Somers, CT 06071

(860) 202-4490


289-February Ram Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 2325 ---

B: 02/01/2023 Single

S: "Bravo" Pine Knob Farm 2103 P746800

D: Klampe 104 P747726

Klampe 104 is a ROOSTER daughter who was part of our Louisville show flock for the last two years. BRAVO knocked it out of the park with this set of lambs. They are all long and wide topped standing on a lot of bone with loads of breed character.

290-February Ewe Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 2326 RR ---

B: 02/02/2023 Twin

S: "Bravo" Pine Knob Farm 2103 P746800

D: TM 1727 P731457

I can’t believe I’m selling this ewe, but I would need more property if I wanted to keep all of the BRAVO daughters that I love this year! I hope this one gets into the hands of a young showman hungry to go do great things in the show ring this Summer because she has all the right pieces! Futurity nominated, of course.


1528 - Riley Donkers

8384 230th ST E-Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 210-6965 - (507) 202-2042


291-Fall Ram Lamb

Donkers 508 RR --- Pending

B: 09/13/2022 Twin

S: Haven Point Dorsets Regulator 0822 ET P677295

D: Spilde 9369 P737708

This buck really demands attention in the pen. Big footed long sided guy that is really extended upfront. Really attractive from every view, and has a pedigree that sets him apart genetically. Maternal brother to our high selling yearling ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase sale. We're really excited to see what he can do to influence your breeding program.

292-Yearling Ewe

Donkers 22-502 _R --- P755208

B: 03/04/2022 Single

S: Nichols Stock Farm 1930 AI RR P741982

D: Donkers 20-374 P744883

Maternal Granddam Bauck 08-08 was a class winner at NAILE, Supreme ewe at the MN State Fair FFA Show.

293-Fall Ewe Lamb

Donkers 511 RR --- Pending

B: 10/17/2022 Twin

S: Nichols Stock Farm 1930 AI RR P741982

D: Nichols Stock Farm 2132 RR P752326

Flashy big boned ewe lamb. Really square in her build, moves out on a good set of feet and legs.


89 - Steve, Pat and Tyler Myers 4450 St Rt 274 E-Rushsylvania, OH 43347 (937) 935-6715 - (937) 707-8710


294-Yearling Ram

Myers 9453

B: 03/03/2022 Single

S: Slack 1108 S-Tw RR NN P751222

D: Myers 9402 QR+ P747800

High selling Polled Dorset Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Minnesota to Illinois for $4,750


1533 - Rose Hartschuh

6348 Parks Road-Sycamore, OH 44882 (419) 208-5502 rhartschuh@ofbf.org www.hartschuhlivestock.com

295-January Ram Lamb

23213 ---

B: 01/05/2023 Single

S: Doty Club Lambs 22119 P753610Ram

D: Dorsets N' Daylilies 185F P752685Ewe


1186 - Jason & Audrey Angus

2861 North State Route 115-Piper City, IL 60959 815/990-6452 audrey.angus@mcness.com

Facebook: Dover Genetics

296-Fall Ewe Lamb

DG 2244 QR ---

B: 09/19/2022 Twin

S: DG 2058 RR NN P747213

D: DG 1835 QR NN P739966 Fresh young show ewe. Futurity nominated.



1380 - Tim & Kasey Gadsby 150 Burdette Rd-Stoneboro, PA 16153 (330) 771-7067 greenleafvalleydorsets@gmail.com

306-Fall Ewe Lamb

307-January Ewe Lamb

308-February Ram Lamb


1134 - Austin, Logan, Addison & Morgan


4113 Twp Rd 29-Bluffton, Ohio 45817 419-348-0291 sinbody.si@gmail.com

309-Yearling Ewe

Ewe will be a PLAYMAKER granddaughter.


1474 - Mike Galleher

6000 County Road 100-Mount Gilead, OH 43338 (419) 560-2203 - (419) 946-4582 galleher.woolyman.mike@gmail.com

310-Yearling Ewe

Galleher K-241 --- 755453

B: 09/26/2022 Twin

S: PRC 5257 729503

D: Galleher K-204 725332

PRC 5257 was the Reserve Grand Champion Ram at the 2018 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. This ewe stood third at the 2022 Ohio State Fair.

311-Fall Ewe Lamb

Galleher G-195 RR --- 757350

B: 10/18/2022 Twin

S: PRC 5257 729503

D: Galleher G-195 747101

A stylish late fall ewe lamb would be a great addition to your flock.

312-Fall Ewe Lamb

G-198 --- pending

B: 12/12/2022 Twin

S: PRC 5257 729503

D: Gadsby 18104 736437

A winter ewe lamb that will look good in fleece or slicked. Gadsby 1901 is sired by a Forster ram and a Cassell ewe.


1513 - Madelyn Syme

402 Main Street-South Windsor, CT 06074 (860) 978-2445 symemadelyn@gmail.com

313-February Ram Lamb

Frog Hollow 4 QR --- Pending

B: 02/03/2023 Twin

S: "Evolution" PRC W8751 752937

D: PRC W8767 752938

This is my first sale consignment from my young flock. FHF 4 is young but has all the right pieces and potential to follow in his sire's footsteps. His sire "Evolution" was Champion Ram at the Big E in 2022. His dam was 1st place Late Fall Ewe and Reserve Champion Ewe at AAJS and Best Headed Ewe at NAILE in 2022. Follow us on Facebook for updates and pictures!

314-January Ewe Lamb

Frog Hollow 3 --- Pending

B: 01/05/2023 Twin

S: "Evolution" PRC W8751 752937

D: Gadsby 2171 752278

FHF 3 exemplifies the type of sheep that I strive to produce. One that can be shown fitted or slicked. She may not be the biggest but is correct, deep ribbed, well muscled, and with good breed type. Her sire "Evolution" was Champion Ram at Big E in 2022. Her dam was 3rd Early Fall Ewe at AAJS in 2022. Her dam is very maternal having twin ewe lambs at 16 months of age and milks very well. Follow us on Facebook for updates and pictures!


149 - Paul Cassell

2317 Peppers Ferry Rd-Wytheville, VA 24382

(202) 255-1764



315-Yearling Ewe

Check out our Facebook at Cassell Horned Dorsets or our website at www.horneddorsets.com for more information

316-Fall Ewe Lamb

317-January Ewe Lamb

318-February Ewe Lamb



1419 - John Slentz

2182 state rd 1-Butler, IN 46721 (260) 908-4177


321-January Ram Lamb

322-January Ewe Lamb

323-February Ewe Lamb


1426 - Daniel & Jeanne Perkins 8364 S.Twp. Rd.77-Bloomville, OH 44818 (419) 561-0618


324-January Ewe Lamb

325-February Ewe Lamb


1437 - Kyle, Jen & Hudson Fleener 2850 Mummasburg Rd-Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 304-9116



326-Yearling Ewe


1443 - Jason Mazepink

30 Rabbit Run Road-Parkesburg, PA 19365 (484) 366-9454 - (302) 293-9677


327-Yearling Ram

JDCL 2202 RR --- 609306

B: 01/03/2022 Single

S: “Little Man” Crego L/S 8085 604635

D: Magee 8088 75051

RR NN FD 2202 is out of Little Man, who has produced numerous keeper ewes in our flock for the last 4 years. Little Man has produced many winning market lambs for 4Hers in our area and winners in our show string in the past years.


1211 - Sally McCandlish & Alison Ryan

5200 Woolard Rd NE-Pleasantville, OH 43148



328-January Ewe Lamb

S: JFSS 0270 607516

D: McCandlish 1557 92478 D

JFSS 0270 was Supreme Grand Champion Ram at the 2021 Reno Nugget for Johnson Family Show Stock.

VIEW THE SALE & BID LIVE ONLINE AT: Breedersworld.com See Page 2 for details on registering, bidding and settling for online purchases


1514 - Diana Wilinski

N 8443 Marty Rd-New Glarus, WI 53574 (608) 214-1367 - (608) 527-2610 ddjshowlambs@gmail.com ddjshowlambs

329-February Ram Lamb

330-February Ewe Lamb


1252 - Dustin Knapke 08372 Glynwood Rd-Wapakoneta, OH 45895 614/579-6841 Dustin.Knapke@gmail.com

331-January Ewe Lamb


271 - Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90-Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 dsperry2014@outlook.com

332-Fall Ram Lamb


1522 - Spencer Carson 12310 E 266th St-Arcadia, IN 46030 (317) 946-4450 spencercarson38@gmail.com https://www.carsonclublambs.com/

333-January Ram Lamb

334-February Ram Lamb

335-Fall Ewe Lamb

336-January Ewe Lamb


160 - Tim & Sarah Fleener 273 South Mountain Rd-Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 - (610) 589-2588 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com

337-Fall Ram Lamb


38 - Roger E. Parr 33425 E CR 1000 N-Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 482-3680

338-Yearling Ram

Parr 2234 RR NN --- 609789 B:

339-Yearling Ewe Parr

--- 96638


1203 - Matthew Willmann 7681 E - 100 S-Hartford City, IN 47348 765/330-1099 mkwillmann@gmail.com

340-Fall Ewe Lamb Watch WF Club Lambs Facebook for updates.


464 - Dan Westlake 17183 Mackan Rd-Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 243-5111 - (937) 642-2546 dwestlake3233@icloud.com

341-Yearling Ewe

S: Westlake

D: Westlake

342-January Ewe Lamb

S: Westlake

D: Westlake


1414 - F.D. McCarthy 5245 Crawford Wyandot County Line Road-Sycamore, OH 44882 (419) 310-0590


351-Fall Ram Lamb

352-Fall Ewe Lamb


1439 - Duane A Wagner 2801 County Highway 9-Sycamore, OH 44882

(419) 310-8435



353-Fall Ram Lamb

354-Ewe Lamb


1319 - Benjamin Wilfong

12812 Mountain Valley Rd-Warm Springs, VA 24484



355-Fall Ram Lamb

356-January Ram Lamb

357-Ewe Lamb

358-Ewe Lamb


1215 - Dennis Grumbine 970 Halfway Dr-Myerstown, PA 17067 717/821-3703


359-January Ram Lamb

D.L. Grumbine & Sons 536 RR --- P757596

B: 01/03/2023 Triplet


D: D.L. Grumbine & Sons RR P740945

This ram was a triplet. All three are like peas in a pod. Their dam milks like a Holstein cow. I think you will like him.

360-Fall Ewe Lamb

D.L. Grumbine & Sons 504 RR --P757594

B: 09/05/2022 Triplet


D: D.L. Grumbine & Sons RR P729692

This ewe is bred identical to our popular and high seller ewe last year. You will like her!

361-January Ewe Lamb

D.L. Grumbin & Sons 529 RR --P757601

B: 01/04/2023 Twin

S: D.L. Grumbine & Sons 404 RR P747384

D: D.L. Grumbine & Sons 331 RR P748991

This ewe is sired by 404. He was Champion at Maryland State Fair and out of REAL DEAL Crego.


271 - Dan Perry 10253 S 400 W 90-Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806


362-January Ewe Lamb


1517 - Rodney Knittel 10542 N 2250 East Rd-Downs, IL 61736 (217) 370-7383


363-Ram Lamb

364-Ewe Lamb

02/15/2022 Single S: Parr 2134 RR NN 608445 D: Parr 2010 RR NN 88235
B: 02/13/2022 Single S: L. Parr 2130 RR NN 608448 D: Parr 2044 RR NN 88244 PAGE 14
Champion Hampshire Wether Dam at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Ohio to Minnesota for $2,200
entries will be designated with a line below the Lot Number
DAMS Substitute


1276 - Ted McQuinley & Brenton & Shanna West

6267 S Kidd Rd-Connersville, IN 47331 765/265-1300


365-Fall Ram Lamb

MCL B285

B: 12/03/2022

S: HAWKEYE Heisdorffer 22063 P753485

D: MCL W0117 P745780

366-Fall Ewe Lamb

MCL W225 --- P757068

B: 09/22/2022 Twin

S: B-146 TRUSTEE QR P746712

D: MCL W0137 RR P753799

367-January Ewe Lamb

MCL 257

B: 01/05/2023 Twin

S: HAWKEYE Heisdorffer 22063 P753485

D: MCL 94662 RR P735527


89 - Steve, Pat and Tyler Myers 4450 St Rt 274 E-Rushsylvania, OH 43347 (937) 935-6715 - (937) 707-8710 ohpmyers@gmail.com

368-Fall Ram Lamb Myers 9503 --- P757479 F-S

B: 10/03/2022

S: Slack 1108 S-Tw RR NN P751222

D: Myers 9209 QR+ P7394555 9209 is a WHITE OUT daughter.

369-Yearling Ewe Myers 9458 B: 05/03/2022


1278 - Tracy Dendinger

39 Miami Trace Rd. NW-Washington CH, OH 43160 740-505-6505


373-Fall Ram Lamb

OH0541-1263 ET --- pending

B: 12/22/2022 Twin

S: "Pipe Dream" Johnston 20404 P742626

D: S&S Dorsets 2017 P743139

This will be a ram lamb in the December flush of S&S 2017, who went to the donor pen after producing a pair of ripping ewe lambs out of "Pipe Dream" in 2022, of which was the Champion Dorset ewe at AAJS, State Fair of Virginia, Reserve at Ohio State Fair and 3rd in Louisville. These rams in the flush have been impressive from the beginning and offer a complete and balanced build with plenty of muscle and breed character to please the eyes.

374-Fall Ewe Lamb

OH0541-1256 --- pending

B: 09/18/2022 Twin

S: "Minute Man" Silver Smith P742626

D: Silver Smith 1923 ET P738687

A nice ewe lamb that is straight Silver Smith breeding. She will be a complete edition to a show string and a valuable breeding female.


1421 - Matt McGuire 8313 Township Road 98-Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 306-6131


385-Yearling Ram

McGuire Club Lambs 2209 RR ---


B: 02/01/2022 Twin

S: Fisher Club Lambs 16508 P720120

D: Bobb 2443 DA9004718

386-Ewe Lamb

McGuire Club Lambs 2304 RR ---


B: 12/22/2022 Twin

S: 'Slap' Fisher Club Lambs 20516 P743281

D: Whiteface Cross McGuire Club Lambs 3247 9008291

WILFONG DORSETS 1319 - Benjamin Wilfong 12812 Mountain Valley Rd-Warm Springs, VA 24484 304-268-2295 wilfongdorsets@hotmail.com

387-Ewe Lamb

388-Ewe Lamb

370-January Ewe Lamb Myers 9520 B:

371-February Ewe Lamb


Myers 9446 QR+ P753046


1203 - Matthew Willmann

7681 E - 100 S-Hartford City, IN 47348 765/330-1099


372-Yearling Ram

Watch WF Club Lambs Facebook for updates.


1349 - Michael Bielewicz 9425 Creek Rd-Hunt, NY 14846 716/474-0789


381-January Ram Lamb

S: WD Dorset 1177 ET P752951

D: S&T 2054

Sired by a sound, level topped ram.

382-January Ram Lamb

S: WD Dorset 1177 ET P752951

Sired by a sound, level topped ram.

383-January Ewe Lamb

B: 01/27/2023 Single

S: WD Dorset 1177 ET P752951

D: S&T 2065

Sired by a sound, level topped ram.

384-January Ewe Lamb

B: 01/27/2023 Twin

S: WD Dorset 1177 ET P752951

D: S&T 2059

Sired by a sound, level topped ram.

D.L. GRUMBINE & SONS 1215 - Dennis Grumbine 970 Halfway Dr-Myerstown, PA 17067 717/821-3703


389-Fall Ewe Lamb

D.L. Grumbine & Sons 507 RR NN --DA9008301

B: 09/04/2022 Twin


D: D.L. Grumbine & Sons 201 RR Very strong top ewe.

390-January Ewe Lamb

D.L. Grumbine & Sons 542 RR NN --DA9008302

B: 01/04/2023 Triplet

S: D.L. Grumbine & Sons DA9008302

D: D.L. Grumbine & Sons 208

This little girl will do well in the show ring and lambing barn.

WF CLUB LAMBS 1203 - Matthew Willmann 7681 E - 100 S-Hartford City, IN 47348 765/330-1099


391-Ewe Lamb

Watch WF Club Lambs Facebook for updates.

ET F RR NN FF P748137 D:
Supreme Champion Ram overall breeds 2021
Myers 9405 QR+ P751408
ET F RR NN FF P748137 D:
Myers 9280 QR+ P751499
B: 02/05/2023 Twin S: FIRST CLASS WD 1128
PAGE 15 DORSET ADVANTAGE WETHER SIRES & DAMS Ohio Showcase Sale May 11-13 Greenville, OH If you can’t make the sale… Plan to be represented with a mail bid – See Terms & Conditions on Page 2



1392 - Rustin Adam

9628 Owens Rd-Convoy, OH 45832 (419) 203-9534


401-January Ewe Lamb

2067 --- N/A

B: 01/01/2023

S: Bullseye Son N/A

D: 5141 bulletproof/ bearpaw N/A

1/2 sib to reserve champion crossbred ewe at the 2022 Ohio showcase sale

402-January Ewe Lamb

2069 --- N/A

B: 01/02/2023 Single

S: Bullseye Son N/A

D: 0270 N/A

In the notes in my record book I have “big ewe lamb”. And this gal isn’t getting any smaller! Check out the bone in this lamb! Shag to go with it.

403-January Ewe Lamb

2070 --- N/A

B: 01/02/2023 Single

S: Bullseye Son N/A

D: 2050 N/A

This lamb is stacked with bullseye top and bottom. Dam is a bullseye daughter. Sire is a bullseye son. Long bodied ewe lamb. Grand dam had the reserve champion ewe last year at the showcase sale.


1397 - Cole Unrast

1000 Powell Rd-Powell, OH 43065 (419) 925-5905 - (419) 925-5905 coleunrast@yahoo.com

404-January Ram Lamb

UB1702 is an early January buck lamb sired by the popular "Bombshell" (Top Tier x Atlas x Ali. His dam "1910" is a proven ewe that we purchased from Andy Korb and immediately has made an impact on our flock.

405-January Ewe Lamb

UB102 is sired by "Deuces Wild" (Saban x Drop the Mic x Diamond Eyes). She was a triplet and was a little green but I see her filling out really well as her mom "Korb2027" is one of our favorite females in the barn.


1403 - Eric Rutherford

5167 Cisco Rd.-Washington Court House, OH 43160 (740) 505-2981 Rutherford.eric2255@gmail.com

406-February Ram Lamb

407-Fall Ewe Lamb

408-January Ewe Lamb

409-February Ewe Lamb


1419 - John Slentz

2182 state rd 1-Butler, IN 46721 (260) 908-4177 jrslentz@hotmail.com

410-January Ram Lamb

411-January Ewe Lamb

412-February Ewe Lamb


1486 - Jeff Waterman

2369 s. County Rd 850 east-New Castle, IN 47362 (765) 994-9198


420-February Ram Lamb

S: Party Up North son

D: Texas Twerk on "Repasky"ewe na

Twin buck lamb is a Party Up North grandson. his grandmother is the ewe named "Repasky" owned by Randy Hill which is the dam to the ram named Ali. blood work available sale day

421-February Ewe Lamb

S: Hobbs Chuckle na

D: party up north grand daughter na


1439 - Duane A Wagner 2801 County Highway 9-Sycamore, OH 44882 (419) 310-8435



413-Fall Ewe Lamb

414-Ewe Lamb

415-Ewe Lamb


1449 - Wayne McGuire

4662 Rt. 241-Randolph, NY 14772 (716) 708-8132


416-Yearling Ram

Ewe and Me Acres 1394

B: 01/11/2022 Twin

S: Rocky Valley Suffolks 2024 666944

D: Ewe and Me Acres 1342 Unknown but percentage registry Codon test pending at time of entry.

417-Fall Ram Lamb

Ewe and Me Acres 1404 ---

B: 10/28/2022 Single

S: Sky-Hi Remy 0010 2809

D: Ewe and Me Acres 1307 648973

Sire is a California Red and Dam is a Suffolk. Codon test pending at time of entry.


1211 - Sally McCandlish & Alison Ryan 5200 Woolard Rd NE-Pleasantville, OH 43148 740/808-0757


418-January Ewe Lamb

S: JFSS 0270 607516

D: McCandlish 1549 92477 D JFSS 0270 was Supreme Grand Champion Ram at the 2021 RENO Nugget for Johnson Family Show Stock.

419-February Ewe Lamb

S: JFSS 0270

D: Amstutz A1817

Twin ewe lamb out of Hobbs Chuckle. Her mom is a Party Up North x Diamond Eyes bloodwork available on sale day


1514 - Diana Wilinski

N 8443 Marty Rd-New Glarus, WI 53574 (608) 214-1367 - (608) 527-2610



422-February Ram Lamb

423-February Ewe Lamb


1524 - John Hall

23315 Chestertown Rd.-Chestertown, MD 21620



424-Yearling Ram

425-January Ram Lamb

Hall 43 RR FD ---

B: 01/24/2023 Twin


D: Begalka 9201 RR NN FF This lamb is shaping up nicely. Dam is a donor.

426-Yearling Ewe


B: 01/01/2022


D: Trump Stump donor

Check her out! Loaded with potential.

427-Yearling Ewe

238 FF

B: 04/01/2022 Twin


D: SAY WHEN 1050

428-Yearling Ewe

429-Ewe Lamb

430-Ewe Lamb


Champion Crossbred Wether Sire at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Indiana to Maine for $1,000.


1214 - Clint Kauffman

105 N. Franklin St.-Winamac, Indiana 46996

574/242-0167 ckauffmanmd@gmail.com

431-Yearling Ram

Kauffman 394 ---

B: 01/07/2022 Twin

S: Ellerbrock 7331

D: Reed 9036

Reel 9036 is a DIRTY SPADE (Royal Flush) daughter purchased at the 2019 MWE.

432-January Ram Lamb

Kauffman 437

B: 01/06/2023 Single

S: Ellerbrock 7331

D: Reel 9036

A thicker, stouter version of his full brother above.

433-Yearling Ewe

Kauffman 390

B: 01/06/2022 Twin

S: Ellerbrock 7331

D: Kauffman 244

Ellerbrock 7331 is a LIVESTRONG son.

434-January Ewe Lamb

435-February Ewe Lamb


1252 - Dustin Knapke 08372 Glynwood Rd-Wapakoneta, OH 45895 614/579-6841 Dustin.Knapke@gmail.com

436-January Ewe Lamb


271 - Dan Perry

10253 S 400 W 90-Montpelier, IN 47359 (765) 348-7806 dsperry2014@outlook.com

437-Fall Ram Lamb

438-January Ewe Lamb


1281 - Jake Perkins

23 East New Haven St.-Bloomville, OH




439-Yearling Ewe

OH9233 2209

B: 01/15/2022


440-Yearling Ewe OH 9233 2219

B: 02/10/2022



501 - Bradyn Wolf

9561 Twp Hwy 29-Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 (419) 310-9153 am07wolf@yahoo.com wolfbrothersfarm.webs.com

441-January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/29/2023 Single

S: CVCL 21161 n/A

D: Berry F010 N/A

A good built, stout made ewe lamb that has some added style and bone. The sire, CVCL 21161 is a Unicorn x (Top Tiers ET sister) next level x bravo.

442-February Ewe Lamb


B: 02/04/2023 Single

S: CVCL 21161 N/a

D: 22-059 Dre x Berry N/a

A well balanced ewe lamb that has added extension and style. Her dam is a Dr Dre x Berry Non Fiction ewe. Will have DNA on both of these ewe lambs before the sale.


160 - Tim & Sarah Fleener 273 South Mountain Rd-Robesonia, PA 19551 (717) 413-5181 - (610) 589-2588 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com

443-Yearling Ewe

444-February Ewe Lamb


1535 - Melissa Hubbard

2508 Dr Thomas Walker Rd-Ewing, VA 24248

(770) 548-7677


446-Yearling Ewe

447-Ewe Lamb

448-Ewe Lamb


1203 - Matthew Willmann

7681 E - 100 S-Hartford City, IN 47348 765/330-1099 mkwillmann@gmail.com

449-Ewe Lamb

Watch WF Club Lambs Facebook for updates.


1278 - Tracy Dendinger

39 Miami Trace Rd. NW-Washington CH, OH 43160 740-505-6505 tdendinger@yahoo.com

450-Yearling Ewe

451-January Ewe Lamb

Bringing a nice ewe lamb sired by either Ride Time, Gable or Super Fly as I phase out the black face division of WD.


1355 - Emily Flannery

38 Beacon Hill-Oxford, ME 04270 207-418-7546


452-January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/20/2023 Twin

453-February Ewe Lamb


B: 02/18/2023 Twin


1533 - Rose Hartschuh

6348 Parks Road-Sycamore, OH 44882

(419) 208-5502

rhartschuh@ofbf.org www.hartschuhlivestock.com

445-January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/07/2023 Twin

S: Haws 38 Special 6038 n/a

D: Hartschuh 21065 (Sire: Harrell- Martin x Drop the Mic x Beastmode) n/a


1210 - Ryan Bingen

N6481 County Rd KK-Plainfield, WI 54966 262-339-9816


454-Yearling Ewe

455-Yearling Ewe

456-Yearling Ewe




484 - Mike & Leslie Nelsh

2834 Kennard-Kingscreek Rd-Cable, OH


(937) 244-2673

rivierahamps@hotmail.com rivierafarm.com

461-Fall Ram Lamb

RIV 994 RR

B: 09/15/2022 Twin

S: EQUALIZER RIV 929 RR 172081

D: RIV 867 RR 158983

First EQUALIZER son to offer in sale. Just sold twin brother to Keifer Farm. Great pattern and structure.

462-Fall Ram Lamb

RIV 1018 RR

B: 09/15/2022 Twin

S: HIGH GENE RIV 916 RR 172068

D: RIV 735 RR 130459

Twin is our best fall lamb. Dam,735 is mother of FIRST LADY, Supreme Ewe at 2022 NAILE for Kiefer Farm.

463-Fall Ram Lamb

RIV 1026 RR

B: 10/10/2022 Twin

S: DOC HOLIDAY RIV 811 RR 142487

D: RIV 898 RR 172076

Young, with great pattern, selling his twin sister in this sale. Dam, 898 is twin to NEW GENES.

464-Yearling Ewe

465-Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 1012 RR

B: 09/15/2022 Twin

S: HIGH GENE RIV 916 RR 172068

D: RIV 819 (30) RR 151302

HIGH GENES is half brother to LONG GENES. RIV 1012 should make a super ewe!

466-Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 1017 RR

B: 09/15/2022 Twin

S: HIGH GENES RIV 916 RR 172068

D: RIV 784 RR 141874

HIGH GENE sired Junior Champion and Reserve Champion Ram at 2022 NAILE for Brayden Burbrink, Indiana.

467-Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 1025

B: 09/15/2022 Twin

S: DOC HOLIDAY RIV 811 RR 142487

D: RIV 878 (6) QR 161210

DOC HOLIDAY sired Champion Ram at 2022 Ohio Sale and Champion Ewe at Midwest Sale 2022.

468-Fall Ewe Lamb

RIV 1027 RR

B: 10/10/2022 Twin

S: DOC HOLIDAY RIV 811 RR 142487

D: RIV 898 (13) RR 172076

Good pattern young lamb, twin sister to Lot #463, RIV 1026 fall ram.


1447 - W. Hudson Weisend & C. Hadlei Weisend 23100 Pat Saling Lane-Caldwell, OH 43724 740-459-9751

tabithasregcheviots@yahoo.com trcfarms.com

469-Yearling Ewe

WHW 22007 QR --- 183818

B: 03/01/2022 Twin

S: SHU3816 151729

D: KTC 003 161564

We call her Midnight - can you guess why? If you're looking for a ewe that's eye appealing, wide topped, and BLACK then she is your girl! Visit trcfarms.com for photos closer to sale time.


596 - Ray & Pam Hancock

2816 N Ridge Rd-Noble, IL 62868 (618) 843-8779 raypam2816@yahoo.com

470-Fall Ewe Lamb

HAN-1 2303 RR

B: 09/03/2022 Twin

S: RIV 830 (716) RR 151313

D: HAN1 2023 RR 173549


838 - Randy, Rhett & Gracelyn Hancock

2816 N Ridge Rd-Noble, IL 62868 (618) 843-4559


471-January Ram Lamb

RLH 2047 RR

B: 01/04/2023 Twin

S: RIV 830 (716) RR 151313

D: RIV 875 RR 161207 Very nice ram.

472-February Ewe Lamb

RLH 2303 RR ---

S: RIV 890 (740) RR LONG DRIVE 161216

D: RIV 895 (819) RR 171411


122 - Justin Fruechte 2344 30th Ave-Ward, SD 57026 (605) 690-3309

justinf@millbornseeds.com www.sturdypostranch.com

473-Fall Ram Lamb

K866 RR

B: 09/18/2022 Twin

S: FRA 5667 "Social Distance" 160439

D: STU H568 175465

Natural fall born twin out of a natural fall born ewe that lambed in January of 2022, and then turned around with a pair of stud bucks. Keeping his twin to use, this is genetic gem. NSIP 640227202222K866

474-Fall Ewe Lamb

K873 RR ---

B: 09/23/2022 Single

S: FRA 5667 "Social Distance" 162538

D: STU I779 160439

Beautiful paint color on a perfectly designed ewe. We think she'll compete at the highest level when showed.

475-January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/03/2023 Single

S: FRA 5667 "Social Distance" 160439

D: STU F158 151532

The Social Distance lambs have worked extremely well for us and Francis's. Another red and white paint with exceptional design.


807 - Chad & Elizabeth Kiefer

10689 State Highway 72-Patton, MO 63662 (573) 944-3498 - (573) 712-8940


476-Fall Ram Lamb

CEK 0268 RR --- 194773

B: 09/15/2022 Twin

S: RIV 937(207M) 7-8 181774

D: CEK 0130 155336

A really complete ram out of RIV 937, a ram we call Freako. We’ve had some excellent fall lambs out of him and we are excited to bring the first one to Ohio. A large framed ram, with plenty of bone and hip. We think he’s got a lot of potential!

477-Yearling Ewe

CEK 0229 --- 183200

B: 11/20/2021 Twin

S: RIV 817 (744) 147100

D: CEK 0130 155336

Her lineage speaks for itself, a ewe that has great structural pieces that is going to make one heck of a brood ewe.

478-Yearling Ewe

CEK 0237 QR --- 185729

B: 03/06/2022 Single

S: RIV 851 (744) "Long Distance" 156328

D: CEK 0149 160374

A spring yearling ewe out of Long Distance - sire to Riviera “Equalizer”, 2022 Champion at the MWSRS. Our 2022 spring lambs are a great set of sheep, several of which are being retained. We’re bringing a really nice one for you that’s pedigree is lined with great maternal lines that you can’t go wrong with.

479-Fall Ewe Lamb

CEK 0255 RR --- 194747

B: 09/03/2022 Twin

S: RIV 850 (742) "Long Fellow" 151329

D: RIV 809 (7) 142485

"Long Fellow" on the top side and RIV 809 on the bottom. Her dam is a female maker that is super feminine and is a fantastic milker to top it off. Her females never leave the farm, you’re getting the opportunity for the first one!

480-Fall Ewe Lamb

CEK 0261 QR --- 194762

B: 09/10/2022 Twin

S: RIV 851 (744) "Long Distance" 156328

D: 151075 CEK 0124

An exciting entry with tons of color! A super pretty female that someone is not going to be disappointed with!

481-February Ewe Lamb


1087 - Jason Craig 90043 Old Swamp Rd-Decatur, MI 49079 269/ 598-2752 - (269) 598-2752


482-January Ram Lamb



1404 - Mason Fruechte

2344 30th Ave-Ward, SD 57026

(507) 215-6152

masonfruechte@icloud.com www.sturdypostranch.com

483-Fall Ewe Lamb

2277 RR

B: 10/04/2022

S: CAG 4379 162538

D: FRA 6123 163961

Red blaze face ewe lamb. Good side profile, with depth of rib, and level topped. She should be a great dam. Good show project as well.


1417 - Brandon Zuercher

20686 Township Road 60-Jenera, OH


(567) 301-6257 zuerch2020@gmail.com

484-Fall Ram Lamb

BLZ 0189 RR --- 192780

B: 09/04/2022 Twin

S: RIV 869 (802) 158988

D: MLE 1219 144999

Big thick ram with lots of depth

485-Yearling Ewe

BLZ 0184 RR --- 184328

B: 01/01/2022 Single

S: RIV 930 15-16 (844H) 172082

D: BLZ 0149 160297

Nice yearling that has grown well, would make a great addition to any flock.

486-Fall Ewe Lamb

BLZ 0192 RR --- 195013

B: 09/12/2022 Twin

S: RIV 930 15-16 (844H) 172082

D: BLZ 0148 160296

A nice looking ewe with lots of depth

487-February Ewe Lamb

BLZ 0196 RR --- 195016

B: 02/03/2023 Twin

S: RIV 869 (802) 158988

D: RHO 2137 177680

Good looking ewe lamb that has bloodlines from both LONG GENES and VELOCITY


1423 - Baylee Brown

1145 Blockhouse Valley Rd-Clinton, TN 37716

(965) 335-0496 - (865) 335-0496 carrollsl2@roanestate.edu

488-Yearling Ewe

489-February Ewe Lamb


1134 - Austin, Logan, Addison & Morgan Inbody

4113 Twp Rd 29-Bluffton, Ohio 45817 419-348-0291 sinbody.si@gmail.com

490-Yearling Ram

This ram is out of a Buckeye Acres ram and a Lauden Acres ewe. He was Champion All Other White Wool at the 2022 Kentucky State Fair.


1137 - Tim Rhodes

32668 Coffee School Rd-Salem, OH 44460



491-Yearling Ram

RHO 2213 _R --- 187434

B: 01/05/2022 Single

S: SRS 410 159079

D: RHO 808 145965

This all white ram was the 4th place January ram at NAILE in 2022. His sire is all white and was bred by Salmon Run Farms. His dam is a big badger ewe born and raised on our farm. He'll add size, structure, and muscle to your lambs. Look at him close.

492-January Ram Lamb

RHO 2311 _R --- Pending

B: 01/07/2023 Triplet

S: RHO 20103 171737

D: ZWT 6871 121075

This January ram is the result of crossing our long and tall badger ram to an all brown ewe. ZWT 6871 was the dam to the 2019 champion ewe at NAILE in 2019. The hope was to get a longer bodied lamb with some color. We had success with the length but this guy ended up being mostly white. Definitely not one to overlook though.

493-Yearling Ewe

RHO 2241 _R --- 187444

B: 01/09/2022 Twin

S: SRS 410 159079

D: ZWT 6880 121084

I can't believe I'm putting this girl in the sale. Unfortunately we can't keep them all so our loss is your gain. This girl checks too many boxes to list here. Her dam is out of one of our foundation ewes and is a bedrock in our program. ZWT 6880 has never needed any coddling and year after year raises multiples without issue. Definitely look this one over.

494-January Ewe Lamb

We'll have pics of all our consigned sheep on the Smohalla Acres Facebook page in the coming weeks.


1139 - Mike Fox

5735 Kessler Fredrick Rd-Tipp City, OH 45371



495-February Ram Lamb

496-February Ewe Lamb

497-Yearling Ewe


1476 - Eric Deal

350 Saw Rd-China Grove, NC 28023

(336) 467-3313 info@circledbeef.com

498-January Ram Lamb

CDS 3Y268

B: 01/06/2023 Twin

S: CDS 1T089 174751

D: CDS 9O71 154582

Flashy and functional ram prospect that is a great addition to a show string or production flock. This ram lamb is a maternal brother to the 2022 Jr. NAILE Reserve Champion Ram. Weaned 4/5/23.


499-January Ewe Lamb

CDS 3W312 ---

B: 01/04/2023 Twin

S: CDS 1T252 174750

D: FRA 5988 162830

This lamb is offered out of our top Francis Family Farm production ewe, FRA5988. Both lambs from this ewe made our show string in 2022 while being raised all winter on stockpile fescue. Expect this lamb to bloom in the next 45 days.

500-January Ewe Lamb

CDS 3Z309

B: 01/05/2023 Twin

S: LUZ1535 172894

D: JAG 746 134145

Top ewe prospect from Jay Greenstone ewe that has done excellent in our forage environment. Sire, LUZ1535, was top selling ram from Luzon Farms 2021 online sale.


272 - Jeff Poynter 12709 E 750th Rd-Paris, IL 61944 (217) 251-9984

jpoynter74@gmail.com poyntersheepfarm.com

501-Fall Ram Lamb

WAP F2-8 --- 195316

B: 10/02/2022 Twin

S: Poynter 234 RR 113933

D: WAP 18-3 142895

A red ram. He is correct with lots of style and class.

502-Yearling Ewe

WAP 22-1 RR --- 182955

B: 02/02/2022 Twin


D: WAP 20-5 RR 160163

A white ewe we showed with lots of success.

503-Yearling Ewe

WAP 22-9 RR --- 182963

B: 01/04/2022 Twin


D: WAP 18-3 RR 142895

A dark red ewe that was 1st place ewe lamb at Indiana State Fair.


247 - John Hall

23315 Chestertown Rd-Chestertown, MD 21620 (410) 708-8781

hallclublambs@gmail.com hallclublambs.com

504-Fall Ram Lamb

Hall 2315 RR ---

B: 12/06/2022 Single

S: RIV 914 (784) RR 172089

505-Yearling Ewe

S: RIV 914 (784) RR 172089

Champion Katahdin Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase sale sold from Ohio to Indiana for $5,000.

506-Yearling Ewe

S: RIV 914 (784) RR 172089

507-Fall Ewe Lamb

508-Fall Ewe Lamb

509-January Ewe Lamb

510-January Ewe Lamb


1379 - Brayden & Justin Burbrink

15055 South Base Road-Columbus, IN 47201

(812) 371-7249 - (812) 498-4890 burbrinkshowstock@gmail.com https://www.burbrinkfamilyfarms.com/

518-Fall Ram Lamb

BMB 0514 RR --- Pending

B: 09/03/2022 Twin

S: RIV 860 158993

D: RIV 716 120474


276 - Lynn A Laudenslager

559 Flying Eagle Rd-Dalmatia, PA 17017 (570) 850-7112 marshall@pagamebirds.com laudenacres.com

511-Yearling Ram

LY 224 RR --- 183182

B: 09/12/2021 Twin

S: RIV 780 LONG GENES Tw. RR 141881

D: LY 046 TR RR 152062

Powerful yearling ram will provide high rate of gain for his lambs. Dam has produced twin keepers in all three of her lamb crops.

512-Fall Ram Lamb

LY 305 RR --- 194125

B: 09/14/2022 Single

S: RIV 780 LONG GENES Tw. RR 141881

D: LY 051 SF RR 152065

If you need a ram to add mass to your lambs, this is your chance! Complete ram from top to bottom.

513-Yearling Ewe

LY 277 RR --- 184640

B: 01/16/2022 Single

S: RIV 780 LONG GENES Tw. RR 141881

D: LY 055 Tw RR 152069

Strong LONG GENES daughter to add to your flock.

514-Yearling Ewe

LY 280 QR --- 184643

B: 01/22/2022 Twin

S: LY 063 Tw. RR 159575

D: LY 095 Tw. QR 161618

Full package here. Dam is a LONG GENES daughter. Bred to deep boned ram who has proven himself again!

515-Fall Ewe Lamb

LY 336 QR --- 194643

B: 09/08/2022 Single

S: RIV 780 LONG GENES Tw. RR 141881

D: LY 034 Tr QR 152051

This ewe hit the ground running and never stopped! She still has lots of room to grow for you.

516-Fall Ewe Lamb

LY 350 RR --- 194657

B: 09/12/2022 Single

S: LY 196 Tr RR 174898

D: LY 104 Tw. RR 161627

Upstanding ewe with excellent depth. Born from a beautiful LONG GENES daughter and sired by our ram with bold PRAIRIE LANE blood.

517-Fall Ewe Lamb

LY 352 --- 194659

B: 09/13/2022 Single

S: RIV 780 LONG GENES Tw. RR 141881

D: LY 080 SG RR 159360

Long sided ewe. Love how feminine she is. Take her home with you while you still can!



1544 - Brady Hessler

4189 W. St. Rd 2-LaPorte, IN 46350



529-Yearling Ram

CHR 22024 --- 187273

B: 01/20/2022 Twin

S: CHR 19020 154511

D: POY 16-4 RR 130803

A real flashy yearling buck that was part of Brady's show flock last year.

A complete fall buck. Sired by RIV 860, who has produced some awesome females for us. Will produce super brood ewes.

519-Yearling Ewe

520-Yearling Ewe

BMB 2209 RR --- 189212

B: 01/06/2022 ET

S: RIV 916 High Genes 172068

D: EHJ 818 Sedalia 143108

A flashy feminine badger yearling ewe out of High Genes. Full sib to our popular show ewes last year.

521-Fall Ewe Lamb

522-Fall Ewe Lamb

BMB 0532 RR --- Pending

B: 09/01/2022 Twin

S: JCB 2105R 173784

D: RIV 923 172090

A nice fall ewe lamb out of our Bam Bam son. Dam is out of 860, going back to the infamous '2' ewe. Will be be a SUPER brood ewe!

523-January Ewe Lamb

S: RIV 975 183278

D: JCB 1408 106389

Have a super good set of ewe lambs out of this JCB 1408 x RIV 975 flush. 1408 has been a producing machine for us. Will bring a good one!

524-February Ewe Lamb

Out of a Riviera ram, waiting a bit longer to pick out.


1410 - Cassie Hanscom

151 Brahmer Rd-New Vineyard, ME 049563025 (207) 491-8613


525-Fall Ram Lamb

S: RIV 849 151328

D: HLR 0024 X 154612


369 - Douglas Brewer

2147 Woodbine Rd-Woodbine, MD 21797 (240) 674-7131 - (410) 489-9671


526-Yearling Ram

527-Fall Ewe Lamb

528-Fall Ewe Lamb

530-January Ram Lamb

531-Yearling Ewe

CHR 22063

B: 03/01/2022 Triplet

S: EHJ 716 RR 131479

D: POY 212 QR 112025

Another neat pattern ewe that will improve someone's flock.

532-Yearling Ewe

533-January Ewe Lamb



1454 - Dan Spilde

2800 Wildflower Rd-Stoughton, WI 53589 (608) 335-9288


536-FITTED Yearling Ram

Spilde 640 QR --- 46171

B: 01/24/2022 Single

S: “Last Chance” Spilde 431 42019

D: Spilde 487 42849

Very large volumed ram with lots of bone and a good head. Last Chance was supreme champion ram at NAILE jr show. 487 is a really good “Hoppy” daughter that has one of our top lambs again this year.

537-FITTED Fall Ram Lamb

Spilde 689

B: 09/17/2022 Single

S: “Last Chance” Spilde 431 42019

D: Craft 13-4 33447

Really flashy buck. If we were keeping a fall ram to show, this guy would likely stay home. The old Craft ewe has made lots of show sheep for us.

538-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Spilde 613 --- 46003

B: 09/20/2021

S: “Last Chance” Spilde 431 42019

D: Vanwanzeele 19-6 42747

This one is special!!! After much debate and twisting Arlan’s arm, this one is going to The National Sale. She was won her class in the NAILE junior show and was best headed ewe in the open show. We feel this could be the best Tunis ewe we have ever offered at public auction. Her pedigree is peppered with purple banners and she has the look to back it up. If your looking for a show ewe and stud ewe, one like this doesn’t come around very often, and when they do, they are usually not for sale!


539-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Spilde 665

B: 02/20/2022 Single

S: “Hoppy” Spilde 411 40492

D: Spilde 491 43199

Another nice headed female with a great pattern. Hoppy was champion ram at NAILE jr show and has been a tremendous stud for us!

540-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Spilde 674

B: 03/22/2022 Twin

S: “Hoppy” Spilde 411 40492

D: Triple M Ranch 137 45305

We tried to put a great set of yearling ewes together. The triple M ewes have performed really well!

541-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

Spilde 690

B: 09/18/2022 Single

S: “Midwest Express” Spilde 3272 37513

D: Spilde 560 44712

We are quite proud of this one. Midwest Express has done it all over the years and needs no introduction. This will be the only female we offer out of him this year. Spilde 560 is out of the great Shakel 1562 ewe. This is a pedigree that’s hard to part with but we always try to load up for the National!

542-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

Spilde 699 ---

B: 10/03/2022

S: “Hoppy” Spilde 411 40492

D: Corn silk Hollow J-33 44376

This one is a bit younger and has really been coming on. She has a super pattern with a straight top and a great front. We think she will look really nice in her show clothes.


1394 - Arthur Nelson

15445 454th Ave-South Shore, SD 57263 (605) 949-2034 aurthernelson@yahoo.com

543-FITTED Yearling Ram

Double A 156

B: 10/28/2021 Single

S: C Garey 667 45103

D: Soppe 450 41184

This ram is as straight and correct as he comes. He has a tremendous amount of bone and muscle growth throughout and excellent breed character. He has done very well throughout his show career. He was Reserve Champion AOB ram at North Dakota State Fair in 2022. He was also Reserve Champion AOB ram at the Great Plains Jr. Breeding Sheep Show in 2022, and Champion Ram at Brown County Fair in 2022.


194 - Lynn Murry

125 NE 1150th Rd-Higginsville, MO 64037 (816) 263-2464 - (816) 263-5234 lynnmurry07@yahoo.com

544-FITTED February Ram Lamb

545-FITTED Yearling Ewe - Late

546-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

547-FITTED February Ewe Lamb


1489 - Jason Loper

9415 Chidsey RD, Nunda, NY 14517 (585) 991-2407


548-FITTED February Ram Lamb

Red Barn Farm 730 RR

B: 02/03/2023 Single

S: Schambow 654 46258

D: Red Barn Farm 1035 45249

Red Barn Farm 730 is an exciting ram out of our 1701 ewe line. 1701 was the Champion ewe in at the 2017 NAILE Jr. Show and has always produced great offspring. This ram continues to stand out in the barn this spring.

549-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

Red Barn Farm 717 RR

B: 01/17/2023 Twin

S: Spilde 431 "Last Chance" 42019

D: Jet 1834 40146

Red Barn Farm 717 is an awesome genetic package. Last chance was Supreme Champion Ram at the NAILE Jr and has already sired multiple champions. 717 is a granddaughter JET 1133 who is the mother of "Game On".

This ewe lamb has style to boot!

550-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

Red Barn Farm 736 QR

B: 02/09/2023 Single

S: Spilde 431 "Last Chance" 42019

D: MJM Family Farm 2003 RR 43470

This lamb hit the ground looking like a show lamb. MJM 2003 was Reserve JR champion at NAILE in 2020 and 4th yearling in 2021. We are excited to see this lamb in the show ring for you this season.


1485 - Richard Kerper

930 Maidencreek Road-Fleetwood, PA 19522

(484) 769-5967


551-FITTED Yearling Ewe

MJK 2207 --- 46300

B: 01/23/2022 Twin

S: Splide 567 44718

D: MJM 1613 40711

552-FITTED Yearling Ewe

MJK 2234 --- 46305

B: 02/25/2022 Twin

S: Splide 468 42812

D: MJK 1902 42078

553-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

S: Splide 567

554-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

S: Splide 567

555-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

S: Splide 567


106 - Mackenzie Stumpe

5982 Audrain Rd #427-Mexico, MO 65265

(573) 473-1814 - (573) 581-1200



556-FITTED January Ram Lamb

Stumpe 972-OR RR --- Applied For

B: 01/23/2023 Single

S: Stumpe 917-OR 46790

D: RQL Farms 1921 41779

Here's a neat looking ram lamb. Dam is RQL 1921, same dam as 902-OR noted in our yearling ewe entry and 936OR, a ram sold to Iowa last year. Sire is Stumpe 917-OR (Garey 771 x Stumpe 603-OR). 603-OR was the Reserve Champion Ewe at the 2018 IL State Fair. This ram has Spilde 2846 on both sides of the pedigree. Sire & Dam both tested RR.

557-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Stumpe 955-OR RR --- 46423

B: 04/01/2022 Twin

S: Stumpe 902-OR 44742

D: Stumpe 509-OR 37404

Here's an April ewe that is really coming on lately. Sired by 902-OR, the ram that sired the 3rd place & high selling Feb. ewe lamb at 2022 Midwest Sale, selling to Oklahoma. 902 sold to the Fletchers out of Nebraska. Dam of 955-OR is 509-OR, the 1st place late yearling ewe at the 2017 National Show at the MO State Fair. 509 has the Old Brown ram "Willie" on both sides of the extended pedigree. Be sure to look her up!

558-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

Stumpe 965-OR _R --- Applied For

B: 01/17/2023 Twin

S: Stumpe 917-OR 46790

D: G Matthews 625 37385

Sired by 917-OR again. Dam is Matthews 625, the Grand Dam of the 1st place Feb. ewe lamb at the 2022 Midwest Sale. That ewe lamb's twin looks to be our show ewe this summer. Will be blood tested by sale date. Check her out!

559-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

Stumpe 978-OR _R --- Applied For

B: 02/05/2023 Twin

S: C Garey 771 40697

D: Stumpe 815-OR 41645

We have eight nice, early Feb. ewe lambs. At this time, this looks like the one we will bring. 815-OR is also the dam to a set of 2022 twin lambs that were part of our show flock last year. The Ewe lamb sold privately to Carolyn's Redheads and we bred a few ewes to the ram lamb. Will be blood tested by sale date. Be sure to take a look!


188 - Kelly Stumpe

8922 Clibourn Rd-Russellville, MO 65074 (636) 357-8227


560-FITTED February Ram Lamb

Stumpe 749 RR ---

B: 02/02/2023 Single

S: Stumpe 688 44449

D: RQL 1912 46538

Stumpe 688 was Champion Ram at the Missouri State fair last year and is owned jointly with the Arthurs in Indiana. This buck has been a stand out since day one.

561-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Stumpe 718 RR --- 46537

B: 01/24/2022 Single

S: Stumpe 688 44449

D: RQL 1934 41782

Lead ewe lamb in our show flock last year. Big boned and correct. 688 is sired by Garey 771 and out of a Stumpe 599 daughter.

Grand Champion Tunis Ram at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Wisconsin to Illinois for $2,200.
All Futurity nominated ewe lambs will have an “F” paint brand at the top of the shoulder

Grand Champion Tunis Ewe sold from Wisconsin to Illinois for $2,600 at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale

562-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

Stumpe 745 RR ---

B: 01/11/2023 Single

S: Stumpe 944 or xxxx

D: RQL 1937 xxxx

Stumpe 944 was my pick of Keith's ram lambs last year. His dam is a Stumpe 599 daughter that was Champion ewe at Missouri in 2019. He goes back to "Willie" 8 times in his pedigree. This ewe lamb hit the ground running and hasn't let up.


1184 - Dave & Rachel Joseph 21315 River Rd.-Circleville, OH 43113 740/412-8394 circjoseph1@aol.com

563-SLICK Ram Lamb

We will choose from one of our 20 mid February to early March ram lambs.

564-SLICK Ewe Lamb

This will be a mid February or early March ewe lamb. This lamb can be shown slick or can be shown fitted for July or later shows.


1185 - Dana Gochenour

3505 Back Rd.-Woodstock, VA 22664 (540) 335-2210 dgochen@vt.edu


565-FITTED January Ram Lamb

Woolly Hollow 445 RR -

B: 01/27/2023 Twin

S: BWL 1911 TANK 41941

D: MJM Family Farm 1510 RR 36336

A well balanced, square made ram with beautiful color. 1510 always makes a standout pair of lambs, and this year is no different. A maternal sister just sold in my online sale and another was in my show flock last year. TANK's offspring have performed well in the show ring and are proving themselves in the ewe flock too.

566-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Woolly Hollow 426 RR --- 45612

B: 02/21/2022 Twin

S: Woolly Hollow 0314 SCOUT 42927

D: Woolly Hollow 0270 39993

Lots of style and extension on this ewe! SCOUT was the 2020 NAILE Res. Jr. Champion, and stamps out lambs with great tops and level hips. The 270 ewe is a Big Time 1519 MAGIC MIKE daughter. This girl will be fun to show!

567-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

Woolly Hollow 440 RR ---

B: 01/25/2023 Twin

S: BWL 1911 TANK 41941

D: Big Time 1706 38729

A pretty, stylish lamb from one of my favorite ewes. This one is hard to part with, but I'm committed to bringing animals worthy of the National Sale. A full sister was a highlight of my online sale last year, and another full sister is in my flock, raising one of my favorite February lambs this year. Clearly this lamb's pedigree is one you can depend on!


1463 - Aaron Loux

12 Thayer Corner Rd-Cummington, MA 01026

(413) 961-9087


FB- Busy Corner Farm

568-FITTED Yearling Ewe - Late

Busy Corner Farm 1233 QR ---

B: 02/09/2022 Twin

S: "Veteran" BCF 1135 39947

D: BCF 1086 35666

Her sire was the Champion Ram at Big E in 2019. 1233 is out of our oldest and most productive ewe. We feel this ewe is a true representation of our breeding program.

569-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

Busy Corner Farm 1248 --- 46816

B: 09/21/2022 Single

S: "Veteran" BCF 1135 39947

D: Busy Corner Farm 1139 39949

This is a full sibling to the popular fall ewe we sold last year at this sale to Baa Baa Blacksmith Farm in TN. 1248 has a promising future in either the show ring or lambing barn.


1464 - Jacci Smith

3062 Co. Rd. 150-Cardington, OH 43315

(937) 578-3108 - (937) 578-8303



570-FITTED February Ram Lamb

JET 2347 _R --- Pending

B: 02/02/2023 Twin

S: Garry 788- Hot Iron 43900

D: JET 2156 44834

Here is your ticket for an extremely straight topped, level hipped, wide made buck. He combines great genetics including Game On, Barnes 13, and Schambow.

571-FITTED Yearling Ewe - Early

JET 2208 _R --- 46193

B: 01/20/2022 Twin

S: JET 1956-Slicker 44194

D: BWL 17-79 41366

Combines the most storied rams in the Tunis Breed-Magic, GomeOn, Big10,WalkThru, Alternative, and Danny Boy.

572-FITTED Yearling Ewe - Early

JET 2237 _R --- Pending

B: 02/09/2022 Twin

S: JET 20007 44194

D: JET 20050 43872

This big fancy ewe stands out as soon as you look in the pen. She has Big 10, Game On and Magic in her blood.

573-SLICK Yearling Ewe

JET 2236 RR --- 46203

B: 02/09/2022 Twin

S: JET 1952- Golden Boy 41825

D: JET 20052 44190

Golden Boy was the champion ram at the 2019 Ohio State Fair and his mother is out of our flush ewe JET 1133. This ewe is thick and straight!


1465 - Todd Brisco

3688 Johnsville Brookville Road-Brookville, OH 45309 (937) 248-3130



574-FITTED January Ram Lamb

Shadybrook 162 RR ---

B: 01/20/2023 Single

S: Schambow 2061 45230

D: Shadybrook 095 40002

Ram lamb Shadybrook 162, January 20. also sired by NeoSchambow 2061 , Champion Tunis Ram & Reserve Champion Ram at NAILE 2021, and National Senior Champion Tunis Ram at the National Tunis Show, Illinois State Fair 2022. 14 lbs. at birth and 78 lbs at 60 days.

575-FITTED February Ram Lamb

Shadybrook 164 RR ---

B: 02/01/2023 Single

S: Schambow 2061 45230

D: Shadybrook 089 39004

Also sired by Neo - Schambow 2061 , Champion Tunis Ram & Reserve Champion Ram at NAILE 2021, and National Senior Champion Tunis Ram at the National Tunis Show, Illinois State Fair 2022. Dam is from our top producing ewe line.

576-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

Shadybrook 158 RR --- 46763

B: 09/26/2022 Single

S: Schambow 2061 45230

D: Shadybrook 115 43179

sired by Neo - Schambow 2061 , Champion Tunis Ram & Reserve Champion Ram at NAILE 2021, and National Senior Champion Tunis Ram at the National Tunis Show, Illinois State Fair 2022. Dam is a Red Baron granddaughter.

577-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

Shadybrook 171 _R

B: 02/27/2023 Single

S: Schambow 2061 45230

D: Shadybrook 137 44427

Ewe lamb Shadybrook 1 from our S&T ewe line, also sired by Neo - Schambow 2061 , Champion Tunis Ram & Reserve Champion Ram at NAILE 2021, and National Senior Champion Tunis Ram at the National Tunis Show, Illinois State Fair 2022.


1475 - Jessica Vandenbroek

18423 Elgin Converse Rd-Venedocia, OH 45894 (419) 277-2067


578-SLICK Yearling Ewe

Vandenbroek 2203 --- 46118

B: 03/18/2022 Twin

S: S&T 2111 ‘Super Mario’ 43035

D: Creekside Tunis 1907 41943

This yearling ewe seamlessly blends the desirable traits of both Creekside and S&T. With a long, straight, and level body, and proper feet and legs, she embodies excellence in all forms. Additionally, her striking coloring and facial features are sure to capture your attention! She will definitely be a great addition to your flock!

579-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

One of many ewe lambs who were born this year. We will be sharing more information closer to sale day.

Substitute entries will be designated with a line below the Lot Number



1480 - Kristen Swihart

5621 Ridge Rd-Lima, OH 45807

(419) 277-6711 - (419) 277-6711 K9904@yahoo.com

580-FITTED January Ram Lamb

581-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Swihart 2207 --- 46278

B: 02/01/2022 Single

S: "Super Mario" S&T 2111 43035

D: Swihart 1902 42297

This long bodied ewe will be a great addition to your flock! With her long, straight and level top combined with her tall stature will have your eyes drawn to her. She gets her height from her S&T genetics. She is great on her feet and legs which leads to her overall correctness. She knows how to bring the flash. Don't miss out on this yearling ewe.

582-FITTED February Ewe Lamb


274 - Matthew Maag

13757 Rd 12-Ottawa, OH 45875 (419) 303-6059 - (419) 538-6535 matchesmaag@yahoo.com

583-FITTED Yearling Ram

MJM Family Farm 2210 RR --- 45716

B: 02/13/2022 Single

S: BWL 1912 RR 41850

D: Shadybrook 123 RR 43185

ELIMINATOR did well in the show ring last year. He is one of four rams we grew out this last year. I think he will be a very interesting ram as he matures.

584-SLICK Yearling Ram

MJM Family Farm 2213 RR --- 45718

B: 02/23/2022 Single

S: Shadybrook 046 RED BARON RR 34409

D: Tri Star 1906 RR 41824 2213 we call Show Off. He will be shown slick so you can see what you are getting for your money. This will be the last ram we are offering out of RED BARON. Don't miss your chance on this stud!

585-FITTED Yearling Ewe

MJM Family Farm 2202 RR --- 45703

B: 01/27/2022 Single

S: Shadybrook 046 RED BARON RR 34409

D: Brown Family Tunis 144 RR 38876

This is one very nice ewe, you can show her fitted or slick. She will do very well for you. There will be a reserve on this ewe. If she doesn't sell we will have fun showing her this year.

586-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

Watch our Facebook page closer to sale time for pictures and information on our consignment. She will be Futurity nominated.


128 - Linda Cook 1725 W CR 450 N-Muncie, IN 47303 (765) 729-0262 lcmouse@juno.com

587-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Triangle Farms 22212 RR --- 45941

B: 02/16/2022 Twin


D: Triangle Farm 18172 40702

This is one of our last SWEET RED ALE daughters. The majority of our brood ewes are sired by him. Are great milkers and mothers.

588-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Triangle Farms 22216 RR --- 45945

B: 02/18/2022 Single

S: Bruns 1807 RED GOLD 39748

D: Triangle Farms 20188 43216

This ewe's dam produces show quality year to year. Great color, great conformation. Undecided if I'll have her fitted or slicked.

589-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

This ewe will be out of one of our two new rams we used from S&T or Stumpe. Both rams produced some really nice growthy females. I'll bring a good one!


619 - David Rock

34800 Woods Crossing Rd-California, MO 65018

(908) 938-1921 - (908) 938-1920 rqlfarms@gmail.com

590-FITTED Yearling Ewe

RQL Farms 2201 RR --- 46121

B: 02/04/2022 Single

S: Spilde 571 44942

D: RQL Farms 1636 39888

A stylish ewe. Upstanding with muscle and bone. A good flock addition and show prospect.

591-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

We had a good year for ewe lambs so we will be able to bring good ones.

592-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

We had a good year for ewe lambs so we will be able to bring good ones.

593-SLICK Ewe Lamb

We had a good year for ewe lambs so we will be able to bring good ones.


1177 - Justine Bielewicz 9425 Creek Rd-Hunt, NY 14846 716/474-0789 swartzja92@yahoo.com

594-FITTED Yearling Ram

S&T 2240 RR --- 45765

B: 02/10/2022 Twin

S: Red Barn Farm 2030 RR 43092

D: Bruns Tunis 1513 RR 35759

This ram is sired by a CUPID son who made a mark on our flock. This ram could do the same for you.

595-FITTED Fall Ram Lamb

S&T 2266 RR

B: 09/06/2022 Twin

S: S&T 2179 RR 44362

D: S&T 1949 QR 39122

This ram's dam is a stud buck producer. She has produced two stud rams for two other breeders and the 2021 National Champion S&T 2110.

596-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

S&T 2268 RR

B: 09/06/2022 Twin

S: S&T 2144 QR

D: S&T 2198 RR

This is a powerful ewe sired by an exceptional slick shorn ram.

597-FITTED January Ewe Lamb RR

B: 01/29/2023 Single

S: Spilde 483 43206

D: S&T 2013 RR 40829

This exceptionally square and well balanced ewe's dam is powerful and it shows in her offspring.


1538 - Howe Family 9185 Carney Hollow Rd-Wayland, NY 14572 585/721-5268

598-FITTED February Ram Lamb

Old Glory Howe 2302

B: 02/08/2023 Twin

S: 44534 Old Glory Howe 2001 RR

D: 44535 Old Glory Howe 1760 RR Straight topped, solid footed buck.

599-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

Old Glory Howe 2308

B: 02/18/2023 Twin

S: 46417 C Gary 2014

D: 44553 Murray 1036

Great genetics here. Young lamb with attitude.


86 - Beau Mumm 49 CR 1300 N-White Heath, IL 61884 (217) 377-2073 meganmumm@hotmail.com mummhampshires.com

600-FITTED Yearling Ram

Mumm 2244 RR --- 45979

B: 02/18/2022 Single

S: Mumm 1816 RR 40310

D: Mumm 2027 RR 43340

This ram reminds me of the yearling ram we brought to last years sale. His sire has produced many stud rams and ewes. His mother was part of our show string in 2021. He will be a stud buck.

601-FITTED February Ram Lamb

Mumm 2332 QR

B: 02/12/2023 Single

S: Mumm 1816 RR 40310

D: Mumm 2047 44768

Another ram with stud potential. We sold a set of twins out of M2047 at Sedalia last year. One was Champion Ram and the other won his class too.

602-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Mumm 2213 RR --- 45964

B: 02/03/2023 Twin

S: Craft 17-33 RR 38793

D: Mumm 1949 RR 41819

This ewe is the twin sister to our Reserve Jr. Champion ram at last years sale. Sired by the Craft ram who goes back to Schambow 442. She is packed with great genetics that will move programs forward.

603-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Mumm 2224 RR --- 45969

B: 02/08/2022 Twin

S: Craft 17-33 RR 38793

D: Mumm 1855 RR 40317

This ewe has our best genetics backing her. Her Granddam has produced many stud bucks that we have sold. Don't miss the opportunity to own a true stud ewe.

604-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

Mumm 2344 ---

B: 02/12/2023 Twin

S: Schambow 612 QR 41730

D: Mumm 2167 RR

She is sired by Schambow 612 who sired our Jr. Champion Ewe at last year’s sale. Mumm 2167 is a full sib to our March ram lamb that was Res. Champion Ram at NAILE Jr. Show last fall. A promising lamb with a bright future ahead.




1150 - David A. Simms

296 Illinois Route 15-Albion, IL 62806



611-Yearling Ewe

JWSR 727 QR --- 178861

B: 11/20/2021 Twin

S: JWSR 682 RR 177468

D: Salfner 170 QR 175617

A nice ewe out of our Salfner line.

612-Yearling Ewe

JWSR 732 QR --- 178864

B: 01/08/2022 Twin

S: JWSR 682 RR 177468

D: JW 0596 QR 175808

A nice ewe out of our Benjamin line.


1525 - Madison, Miley, MacKenzie and Mason Burks

6180 N Bottom Rd-BLOOMINGTON, IN 47404


613-Yearling Ram


B: 04/04/2022 Twin

S: Rhoades 2016 S 177450

D: T&A W8-G32 174940

This is a full brother to the yearling ewe we showed last summer. She was Champion 3 times and was 3rd in the Jr. Show at NAILE. He is very green as he is young but he's going to a very large individual.


116 - Craig Fleck 47289 Hwy 324-Brookings, SD 57006 (814) 441-0980


Facebook- My Montadales

614-January Ram Lamb

See pictures and more information on Facebook closer to sale time.

615-January Ewe Lamb

See pictures and more information on Facebook closer to sale time.

616-February Ewe Lamb

See pictures and more information on Facebook closer to sale time.



1451 - Ron & Barb Yochum

35202 TRYONVILLE RD-Townville, PA


(814) 694-7424 - (814) 967-3616


631-Yearling Ewe

Yochum 1402 RR --- 20789J

B: 03/15/2022 Twin

S: Yochum 1938 10443 U

D: Heatherwood B815 17997J

Long sided ewe, good topped, should make a show ewe.

632-Yearling Ewe

Yochum 196 QR --- 20787 J

B: 01/29/2022 Twin

S: Yochum 1713 9618U

D: Yochum 1704 16601J

Nice Cheviot type ewe, good feet legs, nice headed ewe.



1454 - Dan Spilde

2800 Wildflower Rd-Stoughton, WI 53589 (608) 335-9288 abcsheepco@icloud.com

626-Fall Ram Lamb

Spilde 5360

B: 09/19/2022 Twin

S: “Rowdy” Spilde 4611 10384U

D: Devries 1514 15025J

Super attractive ram! Rowdy was supreme champion ram at Wisconsin State Fair 2021. Devries 1514 was also the mother of our top sale ewe last year.

627-Yearling Ewe

Spilde 5145 --- 20749J

B: 02/04/2022 Twin

S: “High Rise” Spilde 4633 10386U

D: Eldridge 1453 14295J

Big bodied and large boned. A true stud ewe here. The Eldridge ewes continue to get it done for us! High Rise is a big ram with a good head and great extension through his front.

628-Yearling Ewe

Spilde 5165 --- 20750J

B: 03/17/2022 Twin

S: Spilde 4515 10186U

D: Spilde 4580 19158J

Another solid female! She is rich in Eldridge and McGuire genetics.

629-Fall Ewe Lamb Spilde 5313

B: 09/13/2022 Twin

S: “Rowdy” Spilde 4611 10384U

D: Running S Bar 3018 18320J

Super exciting female! We sold her twin brother at stud to Indiana. She is pretty fronted and has a great top line. Very dark points. If you’re looking for a fall ewe lamb to show, give this one a look!

630-Fall Ewe Lamb

Spilde 5324 RR

B: 09/15/2022 Single

S: “High Rise” Spilde 4633 10386U

D: Running S Bar 3013 18317J

Extremely complete female with all the tools to make a great show ewe

1405 - Mike Moenter 4721 Devils Hole Road-Pemberville, OH 43450 (419) 261-9555


633-February Ewe Lamb

Moenter Homestead 3114 RR ---


B: 02/15/2023 Twin

S: Breezeview 3723 10413 U

D: Moenter Homestead 1512 19757 J

Selling our entire Cheviot Flock. Offering our best ewe lambs in Greenville. Follow our Moenter Homestead Facebook page for updates and pictures.

634-February Ewe Lamb

Moenter Homestead 3187 RR ---


B: 02/18/2023 Twin

S: Moenter Homestead 1201 Summit 9601 U

D: Spilde 4848 19526 J Sharp looking ewe lamb


1489 - Jason Loper

9415 Chidsey RD, Nunda, NY 14517 (585) 991-2407


635-Fall Ram Lamb

RBF 5008

B: 10/05/2022 Single

S: Rincker 2540 10469 U

D: Eaton TJA 20006 19118 J

With the addition of the Schambow Tunis flock we are trimming our cheviots down and offering animals we wouldn't normally. RBF 5008 is a buck sired by the 2020 NAILE champion ram. His dam is a foundation ewe that John Eaton offered us.

636-Yearling Ewe

RBF 5005

B: 02/03/2022

S: Rincker 2540 10469 U

D: Brooke's 2019 19016 J

RBF 5005's dam was the Big E 2021 Champion ewe out of Crown Royal. This Ewe has a powerhouse pedigree and would not be let go of if we were not downsizing.

637-Fall Ewe Lamb

RBF 5009

B: 10/06/2022

S: Rincker 2540 10469 U

D: Moenter Homestead 15mm16 15679

This ewe lamb is out of a foundation ewe that we bought from Breezeview Cheviots. This dam is known for producing great lambs and she didn't disappoint this year. RBF 5009 has great breed character and loads of muscle. Don't miss this chance to add great genetics to your flock.

Champion Cheviot Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Illinois to Ohio.
When signing up for a Buyers Number… Be sure to sign up EXACTLY how you want your sheep transferred

638-February Ewe Lamb


1151 - John & Judy Moore

11989 Hinman Road-Eagle, MI 48822 517-626-6012



639-Yearling Ewe

Moore 256 --- 20262J

B: 01/07/2022 Twin

S: Moore 114 RR 9326U

D: Moore 187 18223J

We are cutting back on our brood ewes, so we are offering most of our yearling ewes for sale. Check this one out on our web page. She's a very correct, big growthy female that will make an excellent show as well as a good brood ewe.

640-January Ewe Lamb

Moore 283 RR

B: 01/02/2023 Twin

S: Moore 162 JR RR 9918U

D: Moore 196 RR 18954J

We had a great set of January lambs and this one is one of the best. She has lots of style, she's extremely long and very extended up through the front end. She is a full sister to the 1st place March ewe lamb at NAILE 2022 National Show. Check her out on our web page. www.moorehampsandcheviots.com

641-January Ewe Lamb

Moore 271

B: 01/01/2023 Single

S: Moore 162 JR RR 9918U

D: Moore 185 18221J

Another stylish ewe lamb out of JR. Take a look at her, you won't be disappointed. Check her out on our web page www.moorehampsandcheviots.com


1248 - Kelly Copeland 12070 Co Rd 60-Lewistown, OH 43333 937/844-3314 kcopeland6199@gmail.com

642-Yearling Ewe

643-February Ewe Lamb


1346 - Mark & Jo Bernard 12236 SW 92nd Ave-New Richland, MN 56072 507/340-2143 mrscheviot@gmail.com

644-Yearling Ewe

Pine Knoll Acres 2208 QR --- 20494J

B: 02/02/2022 Twin

S: Pine Knoll Acres 2040 RR 10713U

D: Pine Knoll Acres 2010 19967J

Pretty headed Cheviot. Great dark points - nice hair covering. She was 3rd February ewe lamb NAILE 2022 and 1st February ewe lamb MN State Fair 2022.


1153 - Dan Strahl

3118 East 1000 North-Greenfield, IN




645-Yearling Ram

Black Acre Red 9 RR

B: 09/22/2021

S: Junior

D: Woods 1856

1st Place Fall Ram at Wisconsin, Indiana and the National Show in Louisville. Sired by JUNIOR, 2019 Reserve Champion Ram at Louisville and dammed by BIG O's Mother. Outstanding genetics in this ram!

646-Yearling Ewe

Black Acre 2224 Blue 351 RR

B: 01/03/2022


D: Barn Talk 3632

Full sister to 1st place January ram at 2021 National Sale sold to Sarah Powell, Tennessee.

647-Yearling Ewe

Black Acre 2237 Orange 124 RR

B: 02/06/2022


D: Spilde 4249

Well balanced ewe sired by 2019 National Sale Champion Ram and dammed by a good producing Spilde ewe I bought from them in 2018.

648-Fall Ewe Lamb

Black Acre Purple 7 Red 2

B: 09/02/2022

S: Big D Mama Red 6 RR

D: Black Acre 2022 TW RR

Sire is the ram Roger Flynn bought from last year's National Sale and the dam is a PATMOS daughter who always produces twins with scale and substance.

649-Fall Ewe Lamb

Black Acre Purple 15 Blue 3

B: 09/03/2022

S: Split Ear Black Acre 2121 RR

D: Spilde 4551

Split Ear was our largest and tallest yearling ram last year. His lambs in 2022 and 2023 look great and are probably our most uniform set with size, scale and length. Dam is a Spilde ewe I bought in their 2019 online sale.

650-January Ewe Lamb

Black Acre Purple 32

B: 01/05/2023


D: Barn Talk 3824



324 - Rachael Gately

126 Pioneer Heights-Somers, CT 06071 (860) 202-4490 regately@gmail.com

661-Yearling Ram

Pine Knob Farm 2237 RR --- 21425

B: 03/15/2022 Twin

S: "Mr. Pickles" Pine Knob Farm 2146 20500

D: Pine Knob Farm 1802 17627

If MR. PICKLES had a clone, it’d be this guy. We played with linebreeding and bred MR. P back to his mom to make this stud! Here is a ram with tremendous width of top and loads of muscle. His handsome face catches everyone’s attention as well! MR. PICKLES is the only Texel ram in this country to ever win a Supreme Champion banner (Big E 2022).

662-Fall Ram Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 2310

B: 09/14/2023 Single

S: "Mr. Pickles" Pine Knob Farm 2146 20500

D: Pine Knob Farm 2006 19287

PKF 2006 is the only ewe we had sired by PKF 1835 before we sent him to Sedalia, where he became the 2019 National Champion Ram. He packed the hindleg muscle into his lambs better than any sire I’ve seen yet. If you’re looking for it, 2310 carries the family legacy of tremendous leg muscle! His older sister is being retained as our lead yearling ewe.

663-January Ram Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 2314 AI RR

B: 01/03/2023 Twin

S: "Adder Again" Langford HML 1700521 20831

D: Pine Knob Farm 2054 19678

It is no secret that I am a big promoter of this Texel Sale here on the Eastern half of the US. For that reason, I’m committing an ADDER AGAIN ram and ewe to the sale. Here is your opportunity to add these first-generation European genetics on a PKF ewe to your flock.

664-Yearling Ewe

Pine Knob Farm 2238 RR --- 21417

B: 03/15/2022 Twin

S: "Mr. Pickles" Pine Knob Farm 2146 20500

D: Pine Knob Farm 1802 17627

Here is the twin to our yearling ram entry. We think her brother was a brat and hogged both sides of the udder, leaving her in the middle percentile when it comes to size…but we are excited about her potential in the lambing barn. Her mom is moderate-sized, and she makes stud after stud. If we didn’t have a ewe lamb on the ground out of PKF 1802 right now, this one wouldn’t be available!

A CROWN ROYAL lamb from a Misty Acre ewe sired by Rincker 2128. Grand Champion Texel Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Connecticut to Ohio for $3,750.
If you can’t be at the Sale… Plan to be represented with a Mail Bid See the Terms and Conditions on Page 2 for details PLAN TO ATTEND… USED EQUIPMENT AUCTION Thursday, May 11 6:00 Fairgrounds Coliseum

665-January Ewe Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 2317 AI RR

B: 01/05/2023 Twin

S: "Adder Again" Langford HML 1700521 20831

D: Pine Knob Farm 2131 AI 20197

It was hard to breed anything AI this year when we had MR. PICKLES standing there ready to make some rockstars with whatever ewe we put in his pen…but we did tip a few upside down. PKF 2131 was our lead yearling ewe turning heads everywhere in 2022. She won the judging class at All American and the AOB show at the Big E. I’m nuts for letting this one off the farm…be sure to capitalize on my insanity!

666-February Ewe Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 2346

B: 02/21/2023 Twin

S: "Mr. Pickles" Pine Knob Farm 2146 20500

D: Pine Knob Farm 2135 AI 20504

This ewe is the recipe I’ve been aiming to make -- a true American stud buck bred to a daughter of a European imported ram. This one might be young, but her future is bright!

667-February Ewe Lamb

Pine Knob Farm 2342 RR ---

B: 02/19/2023 Twin

S: "Mr. Pickles" Pine Knob Farm 2146 20500

D: Pine Knob Farm 1746 17249

PKF 1746 has always been the silent but deadly type. She’s the one who always makes you stop as you scan the group of brood ewes and go “WHO is that?” Her daughters do just the same. I got a little crazy here letting this young little lady go!


1391 - Brant and Avery Lindsey

24514 County Rd 24-Coshocton, OH


(740) 624-5860 - (740) 610-8582 sarah.lindsey710@gmail.com

668-Fall Ram Lamb

Beech Hill Farm 1111

B: 09/02/2022 AI

S: Koch 1934 ARES 18531

D: Lind 605 QR 19356

Beech Hill Farm 1111 is our first ram sired by 'Ares' we are offering. His twin brother is in the keeper pen. 'Ares' is a proven sire that has produced champions at the Indiana State Fair and the 2021 All-American Jr Sheep Show.

669-January Ewe Lamb

Beech Hill Farm 1124 ---

B: 01/15/2023 AI

S: Campbwell Duke UK0561613 05290 LTC 2005290 (EI)

D: Pine Knob Farm 1934 19288

This was a hard decision for us. Keep or sell one of our good ewe lambs sired by Cambwell Duke. This twin January ewe lamb is level topped, big hipped and is great on the move. Don't miss your chance at this ewe with a great pedigree.


1407 - Ira Diener

64622 CR 33-Goshen, IN 46528 (574) 202-4370 irarainguard@gmail.com idehlacres.com

670-Yearling Ram

2221 --- 21716

B: 03/15/2022 Twin

S: 1810 Sivara valley 17559

D: 0605 Portland Prairie 15861 excellent ram out of a Portland prairie ewe


1149 - Alexis Koch

5257 North Hamburg Rd-Oldenburg, IN 47036 (812) 216-8501 nick.koch@hillrom.com

671-Yearling Ram

KOCH 2220

S: KOCH 1934 ARIES 18531

D: KOCH 2023 19922

672-January Ram Lamb RR

673-Yearling Ewe

KOCH 2231 RR --- 21219

B: 02/15/2022 Twin

S: KOCH 1934 ARIES 18531

D: CLIFT 001 15370

674-Fall Ewe Lamb

KOCH 2237 QR

B: 10/01/2022 Single

S: KOCH 1934 ARIES 18531

D: CLIFT 036 18432

675-January Ewe Lamb

KOCH 2326 RR

B: 01/21/2023 Twin

S: KOCH 2014 20149

D: KOCH 2041 19351

676-January Ewe Lamb

KOCH 2328 RR

B: 01/25/2023 Twin

S: CAMBWELL DUKE UK056161305290

D: KOCH 2011 20151


1453 - Travis Crouse

123 Hewitt Lane-Claysville, PA 15323 (724) 255-3164 newlifewood317@gmail.com

677-Yearling Ram Newlife Farm 019 --- Pending

B: 04/19/2022 Single

S: DUNN P 498 TW 19516

D: WVU A053 20751

678-Yearling Ewe Newlife Farm 015 --- 21302

B: 03/22/2022 Twin

S: DUNN P 498 TW 19516

D: Green Barn 021TW 19480

679-Yearling Ewe

Newlife Farm 017 --- 21303

B: 03/24/2022 Twin

S: DUNN P 498 TW 19516

D: Pabst GAW17-066 18257


1493 - Charles Wray

11636 SNAKE POINT DR-CALEDONIA, MN 55921-5740 (507) 458-0515 - (507) 495-3265 chardebwray@gmail.com www.portlandprairietexels.com

680-Yearling Ram

Portland Prairie 1310 AI RR --- 22017

B: 03/29/2022 AI

S: Cambwell Duke II 21847

D: Portland Prairie 1130 20023

This AI ram was born a twin and raised on pasture as a twin. He walks on excellent feet and legs and is very long bodied. He has an outstanding fecal egg count estimated breeding value(Pwec ebv) of -88 along with great growth rate ebv's.

681-Yearling Ewe

Portland Prairie 1281 AI RR --- 21955

B: 03/27/2022 AI

S: Cambwell Duke II 21847

D: Portland Prairie 1022-ET 20011

This AI yearling ewe was born a twin and raised on pasture as a twin by a Cambwell Trademark dam. She is long and stylish like her mother and walks on a great set of feet and legs. She has good growth numbers and a nice worm resistance, Pwec ebv, of -64.

682-Yearling Ewe

Portland Prairie 1291 AI RR --- 21958

B: 03/29/2022 AI

S: Grougfoot Wizard 18028

D: Portland Prairie 1077-ET 20002

This AI yearling ewe was born a twin and raised as a single on pasture(her Trademark dam injured a teat). She is well put together with good growth numbers and a Pwec of63.


1509 - Cinda Baird

18700 County Road 216-Arcadia, OH 44804 (419) 722-7230 - (419) 722-7230



683-Yearling Ewe

OH0125 --- 21365

B: 04/23/2022 Twin

S: 230 18474

D: 0103 18745

684-Yearling Ewe


1413 - Austin Retzlaff

E9164 Elmdale Rd-Clintonville, WI 54929 (920) 604-1980


685-Yearling Ram



B: 05/28/2022 Single

S: HT06 SG 19527

D: BRIAR LANE 22 RR TW 17906

686-January Ram Lamb


B: 01/28/2023 Single

S: HT06 SG 19527

D: RETZLAFF WI7180592 19414

Select Livestock Services Best Overall Consignor 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale Dew Drop Farms, New York Mills, MN




125 - Jeff Oldenburg

2286 W Co Rd 63-Mulhall, OK 73063 (405) 880-5857

oldenburgjeff@gmail.com oldenburgfarms.com

701-January Ram Lamb

702-February Ram Lamb

703-Yearling Ewe

704-Yearling Ewe

705-January Ewe Lamb

706-January Ewe Lamb

707-February Ewe Lamb

708-February Ewe Lamb

709-February Ewe Lamb


153 - Mark & Amy Johnson 2702 45th Rd-Sandwich, IL 60548 (815) 274-6096 aandmranch@aol.com aandmranch.com

710-January Ram Lamb

711-Fall Ewe Lamb

712-Yearling Ewe


232 - JJ & Kelly Maddox

23754 State Hwy 47-Thomas, OK 73669 (580) 613-0045 jkmaddox@pldi.net www.maddoxsouthdowns.net

713-January Ram Lamb


B: 01/02/2023 ET


D: UF 8058 CC 7739

714-January Ram Lamb

AJ MADDOX F 120 ET ---

B: 01/03/2023 ET

S: FAME R18-030 ET CC 7446

D: AJ MADDOX 1937 DD 5168

715-Yearling Ewe

SM MADDOX 2212 --- FF 1800

B: 01/22/2022 Single


D: VVF 18-603 DD 4830

716-Yearling Ewe

SM MADDOX 2234 --- FF 3417

B: 03/18/2022 Single


D: SM MADDOX 1910 DD 3067

717-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

SM MADDOX 2242 --- FF 6916

B: 10/18/2022 Twin


D: LEWIS 9639 DD 5504

718-January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/02/2023 ET


D: UF 8058 CC 7739

719-January Ewe Lamb


B: 01/05/2023 ET

S: FAME R18-030 ET CC 7446

D: AJ MADDOX 1937 DD 5168


1389 - Mike McElvain 16514 E 324 N-Heyworth, IL 61745 (309) 828-3340 mbmcelvain@gmail.com McElvain Sheep Farm

720-January Ewe Lamb

721-February Ewe Lamb


1456 - Oliver Nicholson 92 Frog Hollow Rd-Ellington, CT 06029 860/490-7238 sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com

722-Fall Ewe Lamb


1158 - Frank Sexten 3420 State Route 380-Xenia, OH 45385 937/371-1392


723-Yearling Ewe

Sexten 22002 RR-EDF NN --- FF1637

B: 01/03/2022 Single

S: Groth KY 7511-1804 CC9194

D: CHR 17011 CC3101

Mostly Forsee breeding top and bottom. This ewe was in our show flock last year. Linda says time to cut back. Age is catching us.

724-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

Sexten 22014 RR-EDF NN --- FF6622

B: 10/04/2002 Twin

S: Sexten 2130 FF1276

D: Sexten 2001 DD7862

Sire goes back to Groth KY7511 - 1804. Dam goes back to MB Genetics X355. Both of these females will work in the show ring and barn.


415 - Dr F D McCarthy

14700 US68-Findlay, OH 45840 (419) 310-0590

mccarthy@findlay.edu findlayanimalscience.com

725-Yearling Ram

726-Fall Ram Lamb

727-Yearling Ewe

728-Yearling Ewe

729-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

730-Fall Ewe Lamb


618 - Jim Davis 24001 N 1900 E Rd-Odell, IL 60460 (815) 228-5967

jbdavis@maxwire. net davissouthdowns.com

731-Fall Ewe Lamb Late DAVIS 4024

B: 11/05/2022 Twin

S: GEORGE BROS 21-032ET EE6792

D: Forsee E20-309 EE6643

732-February Ewe Lamb


841 - Nick Fowler 11244 County Rd 200-Kenton, OH 43326 (740) 260-3415

fowler.398@osu.edu fowlersouthdowns.com

733-Fall Ram Lamb

734-January Ram Lamb

735-Yearling Ewe

736-January Ewe Lamb

737-February Ewe Lamb

Grand Champion Southdown Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Minnesota to Idaho for $12,250.


1087 - Jason Craig

90043 Old Swamp Rd-Decatur, MI 49079 269/ 598-2752 - (269) 598-2752 craigfamilylivestock@gmail.com

738-Fall Ram Lamb

739-February Ewe Lamb


1162 - Misti Schweertman

16747 W. White Oak Rd-Forreston, IL 61030

815/990-0968 shorthorn08@yahoo.com

740-Yearling Ewe

M Williams 2212 RR EDF FF RR-EDF ---


B: 02/11/2022 Twin

S: Lone Rooster Farm 1914F DD8327

D: M Williams 2003 RR EDF DD8697

Check our Williams Southdowns Facebook page for pictures closer to sale day!

741-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

M Williams 2301 RR EDF FF RR-EDF

B: 09/15/2022 Twin

S: Scramlin 1631 BB5584

D: M Williams 1808 RR EDF CC6954

We had a great set of fall ewes and picked our favorites for the sale!

742-Fall Ewe Lamb Late

M Williams 2305 RR EDF FF RR-EDF

B: 09/19/2022 Twin

S: M Williams 2004 RR EDF DD8698

D: M Williams 1724 RR EDF CC4014


1170 - Michael & Barbara Bishop

25965 421st Ave. Box 215-Alexandria, SD


(608) 347-5580

barbara@mbgenetics.com mbgenetics.blogspot.com

743-Fall Ram Lamb

MB Genetics 22-17KE RR-EDF ---


B: 09/22/2022 Twin

S: TATANKA Lessman 0047 EE7760

D: MB Genetics 17F-12KE CC7028

Bottom half of pedigree includes multiple national champions and our original foundation ewes, giving a long history of quality and performance. TATANKA added exciting dimension to rack shape and lower leg while keeping great breed type and 90-day WDA above 1.0.

744-Fall Ram Lamb

MB Genetics 22F-45M RR-EDF ---


B: 09/24/2022 Twin

S: MITCHELL Prairieland 9F-64M2 DD8509

D: Ridenhour 945 DD4136

MITCHELL, half-sib to the 2017 National Res Champion ewe, is a proven 57V son. 45M's dam is based on NSLS genetics as well as RIOT MAKER and Howard 4103. 45M is wide structured front to rear, big square hip, and great breed character.

745-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

MB Genetics 22F-V RR-EDF ---


B: 10/05/2022

S: TATANKA Lessman 0047 EE7760

D: MB Genetics 20F-15V EE7326

Dam, by MITCHELL, goes back to both VALEDICTORIAN and VISION, with many progressive females that built our program. TATANKA added muscularity without sacrificing the feminine profiles and beautiful heads we breed for. Futurity Nominated.

746-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

MB Genetics 22F-1KEA RR-EDF ---


B: 09/29/2022 Twin

S: Bowman 194F DD8754

D: MB Genetics 19F-1KEA DD8368

Dam is line-bred ENCORE and extended pedigree goes back to EDWINA 4 times (dam of THE EDGE and matriarch of our flock). Bowman 194F (by REMEDY) was the outcross to make multi-dimensional females to weave back into our breeding plan. Watch for pictures on our blogspot and FB pages. Futurity Nominated.


1171 - Claudedtte Choma

216 Monson Rd.-Stafford Springs, CT 06076



747-January Ewe Lamb

Choma 23-E RR-EDF --- FF7158

B: 01/05/2023 Single

S: GLACIER MB Genetics 21F-17K8 RR EDF FF FF1468

D: ENDORA Clover Hill 15 RR EDF FF CC4111 GLACIER is a REMEDY son on a 57V daughter going back to 2006 National Jr. Show Champion Ewe. ENDORA was dam of top selling fall ram of 2021 Ohio Sale. This ewe lamb has excellent type and growth. Futurity nominated.


1415 - Bart, Jenny and Jordyn Hensley

11583 S County Road 1000 E-Galveston, IN 46932 (574) 601-5949 - (574) 516-5373


748-January Ewe Lamb

WHA 0183

B: 01/09/2023 Twin

S: Yee Yee JK Maddox 923 DD5178

D: WHA 0080 CC3838 0183 is a long, deep bodied ewe with a big top that ties into a level hip. Coupled with plenty of rib and adequate leg shape, we feel she has a lot to offer.

749-February Ewe Lamb

WHA 0189

B: 02/01/2023 Single

S: Yee Yee JK Maddox 923 DD5178

D: Williams 20064 EE721 0189 ties an extended front end into a thick top. This wide based ewe is deep bodied, thick legged and combines the genetics that makes her one of our favorites.

750-February Ewe Lamb

WHA 0190

B: 02/16/2023 Single

S: Yee Yee JK Maddox 923 DD5178

D: Williams 8072 CC9045

This February born ewe is one of the most complete ones to come out of our barn. Possibly the biggest topped, thickest legged, and most structurally correct ewe we raised this year. With a profile that says "look at me", she will be a head turner in the ring. She will be a great addition to any flock.


1422 - Ryker Beckmier 130 N 1385 E RD-Atwood, IL 61913 (217) 402-4437


751-January Ram Lamb

This one would be a 3/4 sib to 38 Special(Supreme ram at the Kentucky State Fair, Champion at Indiana State Fair and class winner at the All American)

752-February Ram Lamb

Ram will bleed RRNNEDFFF and will be sired by our Walkoff son.

753-Yearling Ewe

Beckmier Bros 2202 _R-EDF ---


B: 01/02/2022 Twin

S: Pugsley Wood 2001 EE606

D: Beckmier Bros 1903 DD3447

This was Logan's january ewe lamb he showed all of last season. This one is the real deal!

754-January Ewe Lamb

Sired by Uncle Sam Check our Beckmier Brothers Southdowns facebook page for updated pictures prior to the sale.

755-February Ewe Lamb

756-February Ewe Lamb


1427 - James McClintock

W2696 State Hwy 16-Bangor, WI 54614 (608) 317-2695 cccatering181@gmail.com

757-Yearling Ewe McClintock 2E-9A --- FF2801

B: 03/13/2022 Single

S: McClintock B21-R EE7640

D: McClintock B21-9A EE7633 Codon testing pending, More info to come


1436 - Lynn Kuhn 3475 S 840 W-Manilla, IN 46150 (317) 512-0564 lynnkuhn47@gmail.com

758-Yearling Ram

Follow us on Facebook for lot information

759-January Ewe Lamb

Follow us on Facebook for lot information.

760-January Ewe Lamb

Follow us on Facebook for lot information

761-February Ewe Lamb

Follow us on Facebook for lot information

762-February Ewe Lamb

Follow us on Facebook for lot information

All Futurity nominated ewe lambs will have an “F” paint brand at the top of the shoulder


1437 - Kyle, Jen & Hudson Fleener 2850 Mummasburg Rd-Gettysburg, PA 17325

(717) 304-9116

FLEENERKM@YAHOO.COM www.fleenerclublambs.com

763-Yearling Ram

764-February Ewe Lamb


1441 - Kyle and Julie Wilson 8911 North State Rd 1-Hagerstown, IN 47346 (317) 498-6932 jaelsbury@gmail.com

765-February Ram Lamb

766-January Ewe Lamb

767-February Ewe Lamb



150 Millville St-Mendon, MA 01756 (774) 573-2254 rkkc150@verizon.net

768-Yearling Ewe

First offering out of "Denali" -2021 Supreme Champion Ram- Midwest Stud Ram Sale

769-January Ewe Lamb

770-February Ewe Lamb

These 2 lambs will be sired by either "Denali" or our new A&M ram "Dirty Water".


1485 - Richard Kerper 930 Maidencreek Road-Fleetwood, PA 19522 (484) 769-5967


771-February Ewe Lamb

S: NL 22002 FF2510


172 - Jamie & Sarina Rincker 1703 N. Lowell Rd-St. Johns, MI 48879 (517) 775-2128 - (517) 775-1102 rinckersouthdowns@hotmail.com RinckerShowStock.com

772-Fall Ram Lamb

773-Fall Ewe Lamb

774-January Ewe Lamb

Southdown Premier Exhibitor at 2022 Ohio State Fair and we're planning to bring a "premier" offering to Greenville! Stay tuned to our Facebook page and www.RinckerShowStock.com for more info as we approach the sale.


223 - Chaz, Breanna, and Brooke Bullington 1615 Derdall Dr-Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 691-3216 - (605) 692-7281 mbullfamily@swiftel.net bullingtonsouthdowns.com

775-Yearling Ram

Bullington 2296 RR-EDF --- FF4283

B: 03/04/2023 Single

S: Boomstick Bullington 2056 EE8703

D: Bullington 1804 CC9865

Sired by our stud Boomstick. He was sired by Bomba. This buck is dammed by a Center Stage daughter. If you are looking for one with extension and thickness, this guy could be the one.

776-Yearling Ewe

Most likely she will be sired by Bomba who sired the 3rd place ewe lamb at San Antonio Jr. Livestock show and 3rd place ewe at Houston Jr. Livestock Show this year.

777-January Ewe Lamb

Leaning toward a Remedy daughter for this entry.

778-January Ewe Lamb

A White Dynamite or Boomstick daughter.


667 - Jared Brinkman

29050 Co 9 Blvd-Goodhue, MN 55027 (651) 380-2682


Facebook Brinkman Sheep Farm

779-Yearling Ram

780-Yearling Ewe

781-Yearling Ewe


805 - Edward Keeny

4901 Rippling Run Rd-Red Lion, PA 17356 (717) 443-0354 - (717) 244-5793


782-Yearling Ewe

783-Yearling Ewe

784-Fall Ewe Lamb

785-January Ewe Lamb

786-January Ewe Lamb

All of our entries will be sired by WAR EAGLE or ESQ 201 a LINE UP son we have been using check our Facebook page for info and pictures or give me a call


1077 - Alivia, Ainsley & Braylon Porter 2740 N 1200 East Rd-Ashkum, IL 609117124 (815) 351-4226


787-Yearling Ewe

788-January Ewe Lamb

789-February Ewe Lamb


1161 - Joel, Heather & Jude Parker 8109 West Shelby 500 South-Franklin, IN 46131



790-Fall Ram Lamb

Parker Farms 2235 RR-EDF ---


B: 09/13/2022 Twin

S: Mongo Howe Farms 2060 EE6849

D: Burns Stock Farm 1510 CC9765

You cannot find a much better pedigree running around our place. BSF1510 is the ewe known as Bernice. She is the mother of Burn Notice (2021 National Sale Champion Ram), Eradicator, Rocket Man, and Jude's February show ewes in '21 and '22. Mongo has quickly made a name for himself at Howe Farms. Mongo's winnings include: 2021 Champion Ram AAJS, Champion Southdown Youth Sheep Expo, Champion Ram IL State Fair Open Show, Reserve Grand Champion Ram NAILE Open Show, Reserve Sr Champion Ram NAILE Jr Show, and 2022 Grand Champion Ram The Classic. It is not very often that the opportunity is available to purchase a buck prospect with genetic consistency that this guy possesses all while having the correct alphabet. RR EDF FF

791-January Ewe Lamb

Parker Farms 2308 RR-EDF --pending

B: 01/08/2023 Twin

S: Burn Notice PF 2021 DD8434

D: Parker Farms 2006 DD8424

Burn Notice is the War Pig sired 2021 National Sale Champion Ram. PF2006 is War Pig x PF 7001. 7001 was the Reserve Grand Champion Ewe at the National Futurity Kickoff show in 2017. War Pig has worked tremendous in our program and many others that have utilized him in theirs. The real value on those sheep shines through when War Pig is both on the top and bottom side of the pedigree. Be sure to check this ewe lamb out. She is possibly the best female we have brought to a live sale.

792-February Ewe Lamb

Parker Farms 2319 _R-EDF --- pending

B: 02/19/2023 Twin

S: Rocket Man Parker Farms 2205 FF2106

D: Hired Hand 6095ET BB6598

Here is an interesting genetic piece that has proven itself to work. Rocket Man is the 2022 full brother to Burn Notice, Eradicator, and Jude's February show ewes in '21 and '22. Hired Hand 6095 has consistently produced top end wethers averaging $2,000. 6095 raised a buck lamb (Afterburner) in 2021; sired by Burn Notice, that went on to be the Supreme Champion Ram at the 2021 Kentucky State Fair. Afterburner is now at stud at Bechman Family Southdowns. This is your opportunity to own a genetic sister to Afterburner.

Reserve Champion Southdown Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold for $1,750 from Ohio to Illinois.


1165 - Avery & Carson Shoffner

10444 St. Rt. 274-Anna, OH 45302 937/658-3119 brandtfarms@hotmail.com

793-Yearling Ewe

Brandt 10261 _R-EDF --- FF4437

B: 03/02/2022 Twin

S: Rinker 1601 BB4682

D: Brandt 9147 Sg DD7341

This is a ewe that should make a a good brood ewe. Don't pass her up . Her mother has raised 8 lambs in 3 lambings .Will have both ewes fully tested .

794-Fall Ewe Lamb Late

Shoffner 10307 _R-EDF --- Pending

B: 12/17/2022

S: Shoffner 1-161 Blue EE6949

D: Brandt 9145 DD7339

A very young fall lamb that certainly has style and balance. In the Ohio Jackpot shows she will show as a Winter Lamb. Her twin brother will be in our show flock .


1294 - Jordyn Leininger

7252 S 550 E-Pierceton, IN 46562 574-551-1919 thadleininger@icloud.com

795-January Ram Lamb

796-January Ram Lamb

797-January Ewe Lamb

798-January Ewe Lamb


1299 - Trent & Drew George 2627 N US Highway 31-Niles, MI 49120 269-313-3057 carrie.george@nilesschools.org

799-Yearling Ewe

George Brothers 22-028 _R-EDF ---


B: 01/17/2022 Twin

S: Beer Run George Brothers 20-039 DD8986

D: Forsee E19-096 DD3937

This ewe is straight from Drew's show flock. She never stood out of the top five all summer in a very competitive late January group, including a third place finish at AAJS. She was also Drew's showmanship ewe so she is broke and ready to go, her best show season could be this summer!

800-January Ewe Lamb

George Brothers 23-013 _R-EDF --pending

B: 01/01/2023 Twin

S: March Madness CC2870

D: Bechman 2053 EE3757

A daughter of Bechman 2053, the Reserve Grand Ewe at the 2021 National Southdown Show. 2053's first set of twins produced "Cheech", the Reserve Jr Ram at the 2022 NAILE Junior Show and our high selling ewe sold in the Stars sale that won the March ewe lamb class in the NAILE Open Show. Don't overlook this ewe lamb because she is green, this girl has serious show ewe potential!


1301 - Kraig Bowers 8318 E. 500 N.-Lafayette, IN 47905 574-527-5945


801-January Ram Lamb

802-Yearling Ewe

803-February Ewe Lamb


1433 - Sara and Patrick Ransom

12137 Warner Rd-Keymar, MD 21757 (240) 315-7110 - (240) 315-7110 Lilbugsmommy@comcast.net

804-January Ram Lamb Ransom 2306

B: 01/25/2023 Twin

S: Keller 103/0169 DD6417

D: Mahle 922 DD4561

805-February Ewe Lamb Ransom 2308

B: 02/02/2023 Twin

S: Brickyard Sink 365-P CC1520

D: Ransom 2105 EE9791


1440 - Connor and Parker Mc Crumb 28 Haven Point Lane-Volant, PA 16156 (724) 971-1881


806-Yearling Ram

Next Level 22001 RR --- FF2509

B: 11/15/2021 Triplet

S: Ricky Bobby Oldenburg 9096 TW DD4475

D: Willwerth 741 TW EE1585

Ram was Second place fall ram at 2022 Ohio State Fair

807-Yearling Ewe

WFSF 22037 RR --- FF4917

B: 03/10/2022

S: Burn Notice Parker Farms 2021 TW DD8434

D: WSFS 19091 TW EE1962

Ewe was First place march ewe lamb at 2022 Ohio State Fair

808-Fall Ewe Lamb Late

Next Level 23003 --- Pending

B: 11/10/2022 Single

S: Willwerth 5046 DD9161

D: Willwerth 2336 TW FF3740

Out of same dam as the yearling ram entry


1445 - Rosie Nold

46907 219TH ST-BROOKINGS, SD 57006 (605) 592-6194


809-Yearling Ewe

810-Fall Ewe Lamb


1462 - Dale Davis 3149 Co Rd 169-Cardington, OH 43315 (740) 225-2070


811-Yearling Ewe

812-Yearling Ewe


1494 - Lynn Lee

N8950 Midland Dr-Campbellsport, WI 53010 (414) 828-9757


813-February Ram Lamb

814-Yearling Ewe

815-February Ewe Lamb


1497 - Dylan Klug

N8950 Midland Dr-Campbellsport, WI 53010 (414) 828-9757


816-Fall Ram Lamb

817-January Ewe Lamb


1500 - Jessica Leary

2205 Old Turnpike Road-Oakham, MA 01068 (774) 200-4124


818-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

Fox Field 2307 --- Pending

B: 09/07/2022 Twin

S: Denali - Bowman 2151 EE7467

D: Fox Field 2019 EE952

Sire was Supreme Champion at 2021 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. We have been extremely pleased with his lambs.


Grand Champion Southdown Ram sold for $1,200 from Ohio to Tennessee at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale.


1512 - Clayton and Andrea Wierzbicki 11386 Pettis Rd-Orrick, MO 64077 (816) 260-3494 - (816) 260-3494 andreawierzbicki@yahoo.com

819-Yearling Ram

820-February Ewe Lamb

821-February Ewe Lamb


1530 - Grady or Gage Gullickson 22481 473rd Avenue-Flandreau, SD 57028 605/651-9324 grady27@outlook.com

Gullickson Family Livestock

822-Fall Ewe Lamb

We will post information on our Gullickson Family Livestock Facebook page.

823-January Ewe Lamb

We will post information on our Gullickson Family Livestock Facebook page.

824-February Ewe Lamb

We will post information on our Gullickson Family Livestock Facebook page!


136 - Rick Burns 7529 E 200 N-Flora, IN 46929 (765) 437-5771 - (574) 859-3153 burnsstockfarm@yahoo.com championdrive.com/burnsstockfarm

825-January Ram Lamb

826-January Ewe Lamb

827-February Ewe Lamb


817 - LC & Jackie Scramlin 2535 Wildwood Rd-Holly, MI 48442 (248) 894-5501 - (248) 634-3043

jcscramlin@hotmail.com scramlinssouthdowns.com

828-Fall Ram Lamb

Contact us closer to the sale when we have them shorn. There are 2-3 nice looking sons of Eradicator, our full brother to Nat'l Ch ram Burn notice.

829-Yearling Ewe

Contact us closer to the sale as we want to make sure we have the best ewe of our group to take to the sale.


1517 - Rodney Knittel

10542 N 2250 East Rd-Downs, IL 61736 (217) 370-7383


830-Fall Ram Lamb

831-February Ram Lamb

832-Fall Ewe Lamb

833-January Ewe Lamb

834-February Ewe Lamb


1519 - Emma Leiss 602 Sparkman Rd-Plant City, FL 33566 (813) 716-0058 emmaleiss@icloud.com

835-Yearling Ewe

22022 --- FF6526

B: 05/11/2022 Single

S: The Wizard/Parker Farms 2005 DD8423

D: Sweeeet Luna/ A&M 9-223 DD4078


1520 - Braxton Sedwick 6600 N 900 E-Sheridan, IN 46069 (317) 697-3526


836-January Ewe Lamb

121 B&K _R ---

B: 01/03/2023 Twin

S: Cm genetics 833 CC7565

D: Forsee 19-133 DD3947


1521 - Troy Lobdell 19039 Hwy f-Darlington, WI 53530 (608) 482-1502 - (608) 482-1502 lobdellt@darlington.k12.wi.us www.darlingtondowns.com

837-January Ram Lamb

Darlington 'Downs 2212 RR-EDF ---


B: 01/17/2023 Single

S: Darlington 'Downs 2202 FF2731

D: Darlington 'Downs 1807 DD3161

We had a really good set of ram lambs sired by 2202 and this one leads the group. He always gets noticed in the pen. He is rugged made, cool from the side, with plenty of shag and super breed type. Sire is our keeper A.I. Pugsley son.

838-Yearling Ewe

Darlington 'Downs 2229 QR-EDF ---

B: 03/08/2022 Twin

S: Junge 1849 CC9644

D: Darlington 'Downs 1807 DD3161

The Junge buck (Buddy) had a very successful show career in Texas and is now at work for us. This ewe was in our show flock last year, we are retaining her sister. Dam is the same as our ram lamb entry, she is a very consistent producer for us.

839-Fall Ewe Lamb Early Darlington 'Downs 225 QR-EDF ---


B: 09/25/2022 Twin

S: Beckmier 1817 DD1860

D: Darlington \'Downs 2130 EE7879

We had a small fall ewe lamb crop, but they make for it in quality. 2245 has been the favorite since day one. She will be a show ewe deluxe, don't miss this opportunity.

840-January Ewe Lamb

Darlington 'Downs 2319 QR-EDF ---


B: 01/26/2023 Single

S: Junge 1849 CC9644

D: JMR 2144 EE6171

Flashy ewe lamb out of the Junge buck. She has a lot of grow left in her, I read her to be slightly above average size as a yearling. She combines a lot of our older genetics, including Made Ya Look and A&M Reckless. Watch our website and Facebook for updates and pictures of our consignments.


1522 - Spencer Carson 12310 E 266th St-Arcadia, IN 46030 (317) 946-4450



841-January Ram Lamb

842-Fall Ewe Lamb

843-January Ewe Lamb

844-February Ewe Lamb


1536 - Tom Willwerth

1244 Xavier Ave-Eagle Grove, IA 50533 515/689-5768 - 515/356-2182 wilwerth@WCCT2.net

845-Fall Ram Lamb

846-Fall Ram Lamb

847-Yearling Ewe

848-Yearling Ewe

849-Fall Ewe Lamb

850-Fall Ewe Lamb

851-January Ewe Lamb

852-February Ewe Lamb

PAGE 31 VIEW THE SALE & BID LIVE ONLINE AT: Breedersworld.com See Page 2 for details on registering, bidding and settling for online purchases Substitute entries will be designated with a line below the Lot Number


1297 - Lexy Grace 233 River Rd-Westmoreland, NH 03467



853-Fall Ewe Lamb

Sunrise 1393 RR-EDF NN-FF ---


B: 09/22/2022 Single

S: DCF 2101 RR NN EDF FF EE6957

D: Sunrise 1321 RR NN EDF FF DD5540

Right out of the heart of our breeding program. Grand dam can be traced back to over 50% of our brood ewe flock. Same maternal line to our 6th place early fall ewe lamb at 2022 NAILE Jr. Show.

854-January Ewe Lamb

S: DCF 2101 RR NN EDF FF EE6957

This set of ewe lambs is our most consistant group to date. With over 95% ewe lambs, we can't keep them all. We'll bring a good one.

855-February Ewe Lamb

S: DCF 2101 RR NN EDF FF EE6957

All lambs are sired by DCF 2101. His sire is A&M BRICKHOWSE. This group of February lambs are ultra complete, heavily muscled with ideal breed type.

856-February Ewe Lamb

S: DCF 2101 RR NN EDF FF EE957

Lexy is only able to show a few shows this year. We will be bringing our top ewe lambs.


1532 - Aron Leininger

8370 w 1000 s-Akron, IN 46910 (574) 835-0461 aronleininger@yahoo.com

857-January Ram Lamb

858-February Ram Lamb

859-January Ewe Lamb

860-February Ewe Lamb


76 - Brian Forsee

1290 Hwy 127N-Owenton, KY 40359 (502) 682-0686 forsee@bellsouth.net forseesouthdowns.com

861-January Ram Lamb

862-January Ram Lamb

863-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

864-Fall Ewe Lamb Late

865-January Ewe Lamb

866-January Ewe Lamb

867-February Ewe Lamb

868-February Ewe Lamb


258 - Lanny Bowman

19590 E 550th St-Blandinsville, IL 61420 (309) 221-5180 - (309) 652-3381 jlbowman1@mtcnow.net bowmansouthdowns.com

869-February Ram Lam

870-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

871-February Ewe Lamb


142 - Brandon & Emily Howard 1071 E Co Rd 64-Mulhall, OK 73063 (405) 564-3893 howardsouthdowns@yahoo.com howardsouthdowns.com

872-Yearling Ram

873-January Ram Lamb

874-Yearling Ewe

875-Yearling Ewe

876-January Ewe Lamb

877-February Ewe Lamb


341 - Jeff Repasky 9426 Jacobson Trail-Lonsdale, MN 55046 (612) 282-7782 nstarrlvk5@aol.com

878-Yearling Ram

879-Yearling Ram

880-February Ram Lamb

881-Yearling Ewe

882-Yearling Ewe

883-February Ewe Lamb

884-February Ewe Lamb


1300 - Jeremy & Natalie Geerts

3982 SR 38-Richmond, IN 47374



Geerts Southdowns on Facebook

885-Yearling Ewe


B: 11/01/2021 Twin

S: Bowman 1960

D: R1815

This was Ryler's lead fall ewe from last year. She was 1st place late fall at Freedom Fest and dat 2 at the Classic in '22. R1815 is a BRICKYARD daughter.

886-Fall Ewe Lamb Late

1905 ---

B: 11/10/2022 Twin

S: Bowman 218

D: Geerts 1612

Bowman 218 is a Sniper son I picked out at Lannys in '21. He won his class at IL State Fair and was Champion Ram at Indiana State fair in '21 as well.

887-January Ewe Lamb

R2301 ---

B: 01/10/2021 Single


D: R2019

Tried something different this year and bred some top ewes to MOR ON. We are extremely happy with how these matings have turned out. R2019 is out of BRICKYARD.


1164 - Troy Longenecker

125 Heisey Road-Annville, PA 17003 717/679-7394



888-Yearling Ewe Longenecker 2248 QR-EDF NN-FF --- FF6897

B: 04/18/2002 Twin

S: FACEBOOK FRIEND Longenecker 2101 RR

D: Longenecker 1938 QR

This pedigree is packed full of National winning stud bucks and a line up of maternal power with three shots of COVER GIRL.

889-Fall Ewe Lamb Early

Longenecker 2260 RR-EDF NN-FF --FF6895

B: 09/14/2002 Single

S: BIG TIME Forsee R15-268 RR

D: Miller 21-048 RR

This BIG TIME daughter out of our BEER RUN x JUNGE yearling ewe is a looker. Everyone through the barn found her to the top of the fall set.

890-February Ewe Lamb

Longenecker 2315

S: Longenecker GQ

February ewe pending. At time of entry, we are planning to bring one out of GQ last lamb crop. Likely with several shots of GQ in the pedigree.

Reserve Champion Southdown Ram at the 2022 Ohio Showcase sold from Indiana to Indiana.
When signing up for a Buyers Number… Be sure to sign up EXACTLY how you want your sheep transferred



347 - Caleb Fritz

519 Old Columbia Rd-Unionville, TN 37180 (615) 653-0867 caf3r@mtmail.mtsu.edu

901-Yearling Ram

902-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

903-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

904-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31


1452 - Lucas E. Parr 33053 E. C.R. 700 N-Mason City, IL 62664 217-823-9576 lucas_parr@yahoo.com

905-Yearling Ram Parr 2254 RR NN-FF --- M468999

910-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

SS Shrops 23-9 RR NN-FF

B: 01/07/2023 Twin

S: CLSF 1636 ROGUE RR NN FF 455249

D: 22 Shrops 16-12 RR NN FF 456081

Beautiful January ewe out of ROGUE. ROGUE sired the ewe sold to Hayze Klotz that was 3rd futurity winner overall and 2nd place in the Midwest.

911-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

SS Shrops 23-15 RR NN-FF

B: 01/17/2023 Twin

S: CLSF 2006 TITO RR NN FF 465341

D: SS Shrops 21-21 RR NN FF 466524

A TITO daughter, dam is a ROGUE daughter. This combo is working well for us. Stop by our pens in Ohio to take a look and visit.


872 - Addisen & Oliver Nicholson 92 Frog Hollow Rd-Ellington, CT 06029 (860) 490-7238 sandmeadowfarm@gmail.com facebook.com/sandmeadow

912-January Ram Lamb

913-Yearling Ewe

914-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

915-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15


1325 - Tim McKinstry 11890 Schenck Creek Rd-Howard, OH 43028



916-January Ram Lamb

McKinstry 23-01

B: 01/16/2023 Twin

S: City Limits 21133 RR NN FF M469162

D: SS Shrops 19-27 RR NN M462484

This ram's sire was the Grand Champion Ram of the 2022 Shropshire Show at the Ohio Showcase Sale.

917-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

McKinstry 23-02

B: 01/16/2023 Twin

S: City Limits 21133 RR NN FF M469162

D: SS Shrops 19-27 RR NN M462484


762 - Riggin, Hayze & Stockton Klotz 3982 State Rd 38-Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 960-6737 - (765) 561-1673


918-Yearling Ram

Rockin K 2225 RR --- M470053

B: 03/02/2022 Twin

S: Rockin K 1903 M463730

D: Rockin K 1803 M460316

Full sib to the yearling ewe, early buck lamb, & Feb. Ewe lamb that Riggin Showed last summer. This is the Natural born lamb from 1903. This family goes back to a Madness daughter that we bought from Rife's back in 2014. This family is the foundation to our flock. He is ready to go to work breeding ewes.

919-Yearling Ewe

Rockin K 2238 --- M470051

B: 03/17/2022 Single

S: Rockin K 2125 ET M466629

D: R&A 2557 ET M466339

The damn of this ewe is a full sib to the 2019 R&A National Sale Champion Ewe "Dusti". This Yearling will be Futurity Nominated. DNA Pending.


1229 - David High

3388 McDermott Pd Creek Rd-McDermott, OH 45652 (740) 352-7716


920-January Ram Lamb

We have four January Ram lambs that we are super excited about. We are awaiting DNA analysis on at this time. We will select the one we feel is the number one in the group with the correct DNA.

921-Yearling Ewe

We are have been feeding 3 late yearling ewes in preparation for this sale with the intent of selling the top two. They are all sired by HLF 2008 a son of our top ewe and "Common Sense". All Three test RRNNFF

922-Yearling Ewe

We are have been feeding 3 late yearling ewes in preparation for this sale with the intent of selling the top two. They are all sired by HLF 2008 a son of our top ewe and "Common Sense". All Three test RRNNFF

923-Fall Ewe Lamb

We were fortunate that we had some females naturally breed for late falls. She will be sired sired by HLF 2008 a son of our top ewe and "Common Sense". Both test RRNNFF.

924-Fall Ewe Lamb

We were fortunate that we had some females naturally breed for late falls. She will be sired sired by HLF 2008 a son of our top ewe and "Common Sense". Both test RRNNFF.

925-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31


1218 - Jim & Donna Gruenhagen

7622 Jersey Ridge Road-Davenport, IA




909-Fall Ewe Lamb

SS Shrops 22-30 RR NN-FF

B: 09/19/2022 Triplet

S: CLSF 2006 TITO RR NN FF 465341

D: SS Shrops 16-11 RR NN FF 455055

Nice correct and stylish fall ewe sire by TITO, a GREY GOOSE son. The dam has been a consistent stud ewe for us that has great ewes. Our entire flock is NN RR FF.

This ewe’s sire was the Grand Champion Ram of the 2022 Shropshire Show at the Ohio Showcase.

Looking to send our best Januarys to this sale. Contact us for more information closer to the sale date.

926-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

Not a lot of quantity in our early group of ewe lambs but the quality is what you expect from our ewe lambs year after year. Waiting DNA test. Give us a call closer to sale date and we can talk more about our offerings at that time.

927-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15

All spring lambs for this sale should be sired buy "Common Sense". His lambs always have style balance and plenty of muscle. We are excited to reunite with friends at this sale each year.

Single S: Rife 20-007 AI DOUBLE O SEVEN RR NN FF M464729 D: Slack 8472 RR NN FF M461160
B: 03/15/2022
Parr 2306 RR NN-FF S: City Limits 22027 RR NN FF M469662 D: Parr 1946 RR NN FF M463708 907-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31 Parr 2312 RR NN-FF S: City Limits 22027 RR NN FF M469662 D: L Parr 2035 RR NN FF M466473
Parr 2320
906-January Ram Lamb
908-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15
S: City Limits 22027 RR NN
M469662 RR NN
D: Parr 1944 RR NN FF M463706
If you can’t be at the Sale… Plan to be represented with a Mail Bid See the Terms and Conditions on Page 2 for details


1431 - Rick Estep

6318 US 40E-Lewisburg, OH 45338

(937) 962-4089


928-Yearling Ewe

Midstar 22-0569 RRNN RR ---


B: 03/19/2022 Twin

S: CLSF 21105 M467067

D: Adams 19060 M462937

March ewe out of a showy Adams ewe. Square hipped with plenty of bone. Both the ewes we're selling sired by CLSF 21105, twin brother to Barbwire, City Limits '21 National Champ ram.

929-Yearling Ewe

Midstar 22-0588 RRNN RR ---


B: 04/17/2022 Twin

S: CLSF 21105 M467067

D: CLSF 1615 M455342

She was born very late, but her style and correctness made her a keeper. With her bloodlines you will definitely want to see the lambs she produces.


1139 - Mike Fox

5735 Kessler Fredrick Rd-Tipp City, OH 45371



930-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

Will be one of our best January ewe lambs.


170 - Jim and Denise Percival

961 Hoop Rd-Xenia, OH 45385

(937) 673-1244 - (937) 374-3371 schoolhousshrops@aol.com schoolhouseshropshires.com

931-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

Our January ewe lambs look great! Thus, we are having a difficult time deciding the best one to offer! Once we decide, we'll announce our selection on our farm Facebook page and farm website (www.schoolhouseshropshires.com).

932-Early February Ewe Lamb

Another tough decision for us! We have had a great lambing season and have several February ewe lambs to choose from. At time of entry, we want to get a little more "grow" on them before a decision is made as to which one to offer. Check out our farm Facebook page and farm website, www.schoolhouseshropshires.com to see our chosen selection. We promise to have pictures, pedigree and additional details on the entry in the near future.


184 - Jason Heeg PO Box 217-Shepherd, MT 59079 (406) 855-1478 - (406) 947-2093 crazyhclambs@outlook.com crazyhclublambs.com

933-February Ram Lamb

934-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

935-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+


1357 - Lori Shrum

31522 Kennel St-Macon, MO 63552 (660) 346-0121 newhorizonsfarm@hotmail.com

936-Yearling Ewe

NHF2221 RR --- M469206

B: 03/01/2022 Single

S: Sand Meadow 1905 M462831

D: BWB Farms 1902 M462970

We're excited to offer this yearling ewe. She's got style, good bone,

937-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31


1425 - Adam Moore

27568 Morgan Way-Greentop, MO 63546 (660) 676-2825 adam.moore76@yahoo.com Facebook Page

938-Yearling Ewe

Watch our Facebook page for entry information

939-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

940-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15


1066 - Taylor Kemp

31522 Kennel Street-Macon, MO 63552 (660) 415-1313 kempshropshires@gmail.com

941-February Ram Lamb

Kemp 2320 _R --- N/A

B: 02/08/2023 Twin

S: Sand Meadow 1905 M462831

D: Kemp 1911 M463397

I am beyond excited to offer this guy, he is nothing less than an eye-catcher. With his smooth traveling and stamped shape, he will do great things for anyone.

942-Yearling Ewe

Kemp 2203 QR --- M469186

B: 01/27/2022 Twin

S: Kemp 2015 M464959

D: Kemp 2001 M464943

I grew out several yearling ewes this year, however, they are hard to let go of. This will be the only yearling ewe I offer this year, she's packed with body and style with great breed character. She'll catch eyes in the ring and make an honest brood ewe.

943-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/1-


Kemp 2309 _R --- N/A

B: 01/11/2023 Twin

S: Kemp 2015 M464959

D: Maddox 14-102 M452631

Our ewe lambs were sparse this year but the few we have are good ones. This set of twins are high on my list with different yet similar qualities. It was hard to choose which would stay and which would go. This gal is greener than her sister but a fancy one.


1458 - Brenna Hubbard

354636 E 750 Rd-Cushing, OK 74023

(918) 225-9743


944-January Ram Lamb

Land Run 722 RRNNFF

B: 01/02/2023 Single

S: KABOOM CLSF 1894 M461256

D: Land Run 2209 M469449

Sired by KABOOM, the 2018 National Champion Ram. I really like this ram. He is a large framed ram that is very smooth made. He is upfronted and has very wooly legs. Show him and then breed him to all of your ewes, you will not be disappointed. His dam is one of the tallest and wooliest MYTHICAL daughters that we own.

945-January Ram Lamb

Land Run 723 RRNNFF

B: 01/03/2023 Single

S: Land Run 2201 M469453

D: SPLASH CLSF 2049 M465281

2201 is the best Mythical son that we have made. SPLASH was the 2021 National Champion Ewe in both the Open and Jr show, she also won her class at the All American. Land Run 723 is massive, he is built just like his momma. He is a maternal brother to our 1st place March Ewe lamb at Louisville.

946-Yearling Ewe

Land Run 664 RRNNFFM469441

B: 02/17/2022 Twin

S: MYTHICAL Carson 2004 M466186

D: YUMMY YUM CLSF 18102 M462646

Probably the best show prospect of the four yearling ewes we have entered. She is a tall fronted, pretty made ewe with plenty of muscle and white wool. YUMMY YUM has been a top brood ewe for us. We have kept back 4 females and sold a ram to Merveldt in OK.

947-Yearling Ewe

Land Run 676 RRNNFF --- M469443

B: 03/10/2022 Triplet

S: MYTHICAL Carson 2004 M466186

D: Land Run 2108 M467527

A real complete square made ewe with a big top/hip, plenty of muscle and white wool. She will make a great brood ewe. Dam is a twin to HOT SAUCE, our Champion Ram at last years Missouri State Fair.



Land Run 687 RRNNFF

B: 03/18/2022 Twin

S: MYTHICAL Carson 2004 M466186

D: CLSF 2008 M465270

Another big topped fancy made yearling ewe. She is the hardest handling ewe of the group. Her dam is a full sibling to DARK RUM.

949-Yearling Ewe

Land Run 702 RRNNFF --- M469450

B: 03/28/2022 Triplet

S: MYTHICAL Carson 2004 M466186

D: Land Run 654 M467526

Probably my favorite ewe of the group. She will make a nice show ewe. These yearlings are very young, they will continue to grow and mature into nice show ewes and then will make great brood ewes. Dam is a massive SUMMIT daughter out of CLSF 2028, the Reserve Supreme Ewe at the 2021 Oklahoma State Fair.


Grand Champion Shropshire Ram sold from Illinois to Ohio for $2,750 at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale.

950-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

Land Run 2302 RRNNFF ---

B: 01/02/2023 Twin

S: KABOOM CLSF 1894 M461256

D: Land Run 2107 M467525

She will be fun to show this summer. Dam is one of our best SUMMIT daughters. Summit was the 2019 National Champion Ram. She will be futurity nominated.

951-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+

S: SUMMIT CLSF 1919 M462928

We had a large group of Summit ewe lambs at the end of February and early March. They are very young so I'm not sure which ewe lamb we will bring at this moment, but she will be the biggest and the best of that group. The SUMMIT lambs did really well this past year. We had the Champion Ram and Ewe at the Missouri State Fair, class winner at Freedom Fest, and a class winner at Louisville. She will be futurity nominated.


1460 - Tom Slutz 602 S. Main St. P.O. Box 177-LaMoille, IL 61330 (815) 915-5624 brad.slutz@compeer.com Citylimitssheepfarm.com

952-Fall Ram Lamb

City Limits 22129 RR

B: 09/11/2022 Twin

S: CLSF 21112 Dark Rum RRNNFF M467069

D: CLSF 1709 QRNNFF M457997

We plan not to show any fall lambs this year. We feel this ram is our best one.

953-January Ram Lamb

With over 70% ram lamb crop this year, we feel we have some pretty good ones. We'll bring one that has the look and genetics of a stud ram.

954-February Ram Lamb

955-Yearling Ewe City Limits 22064 RR --- M469147

B: 02/02/2022 Twin

S: CLSF 1894 Kaboom RRNNFF M461256

D: CLSF 1533 RRNNFF M452965

Sired by Kaboom, who has sired 4 open show National Champions, 2 open show Res. National Champions and 4 junior show National Champions in the past 3 years. Dam is the mother of the Champion Ram at the 2017 AllAmerican.

956-Yearling Ewe

City Limits 22088 RR --- M469151

B: 02/05/2022 Twin

S: CLSF 2034 No Fear RRNNFF M465344

D: CLSF 18103 RRNNFF M462647

A bigger framed ewe sired by the 2020 National Champion Ram.

957-Yearling Ewe City Limits 22107 RR --- M469650

B: 02/20/2022 Single

S: CLSF 1894 Kaboom RRNNFF M461256

D: CLSF 20113 RRNNFF M465675

High-end yearling sired by Kaboom that will be a great show and stud ewe.

958-Fall Ewe Lamb

City Limits 22134 QR

B: 10/10/2022 Single

S: CLSF 1932 Public Enemy RRNNFF M462677

D: CLSF 1735 QRNNFF M448513

Our best fall ewe sired by the Champion Ram at the 2019 National Junior Show. Dam's mother was the 2014 National Champion Ewe.

959-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

960-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

961-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15

962-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+


1471 - Elise Koning PO Box 283-Bloomingdale, IN 47832 (765) 585-7660 elise.koning@outlook.com

963-January Ram Lamb

S: Avery 19-23 M463991

D: Avery 20-04 AI Lilac M465944


1472 - Steve Elsbury

9684 N 675 E-Wilkinson, IN 46186 (317) 498-1397 stickboysteve@msn.com

964-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

Still early to decide but hope to bring a nice ewe lamb. Will be out of City Limits ram we purchased in the Indiana Premier Sale a few years ago.


1487 - Megan Raudebaugh

21453 Pealer Mill Road-Danville, OH 43014 (330) 275-8456 meganfaye2001@gmail.com

965-February Ram Lamb Raudebaugh 2309

B: 02/18/2023 Single

S: FCL 2214 M469429

D: Bryant 17-004 M457799

966-Yearling Ewe Raudebaugh 2206 RRNNFF RR --M469546

B: 01/06/2022 Single

S: Mrozinski 20-37 TW M467786

D: High Life Farm 1801 RRNN SG M460152


1501 - Wyatt, Trey, and Olivia Graves 3010 E 1370 RD-EL DORADO SPRINGS, MO 64744 (417) 296-5909 - (417) 876-7136 wyattgraves8454@gmail.com

967-Yearling Ram

OSC 178 RR --- M469743

B: 03/05/2022 Twin

S: Mrozinski 20-19 M465889

D: MOBO Junction 225 RR M467084

CLSF Public Enemy on the Dam side with a Mrozinski on the Sire side made for a good one! He is RRNNFF. He was born March of last year and is starting to really come on now and will work great in many breeding programs.

968-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15


1504 - Steve Isler 1313 Bethlehem Rd. W.-Prospect, OH 43342 (740) 225-1927


969-Fall Ewe Lamb

970-Fall Ewe Lamb


1236 - Jared Poynter

8N 215 McGough Rd-Maple Park, IL 60151 815/276-2200

971-Yearling Ram

Poynter 22-18 RR NN-FF M469270

B: 02/20/2022 Twin

S: HOME SCHOOL Slack 8122 RR M465775

D: Brockmann 1602 RR M463333

The stoutest structured ram we've raised. Full of muscle front to rear. Hard to find a hole in him.

972-Fall Ram Lamb

Poynter F2-2 RR NN-FF

B: 09/08/2022 Twin

S: HOME SCHOOL Slack 8122 RR M465775

D: Poynter 20-7 M465405

Stylish, long bodied and extremely upfronted with skeletal bone to go along with adequate muscle.

973-January Ram Lamb

Poynter 23-7

B: 01/16/2023 Twin

S: ON TAP Slack 2238 RR M470701

D: Poynter 15-2 M453805

Tremendous hip and hind leg. Lots of bone and rib shape. Stud buck potential.

974-Yearling Ewe

Poynter F1-3 RR NN-FF --- M468822

B: 09/05/2021 Twin

S: HOME SCHOOL Slack 8122 RR M465775

D: Poynter 19-2 M462582

Going to make a great show ewe. Long bodied and deep ribbed. Dam was a great show ewe.

975-Yearling Ewe

Poynter 22-8 RR NN-FF --- M468827

B: 01/04/2022 Twin

S: HOME SCHOOL Slack 8122 RR M465775

D: Poynter 20-7 M465405

Show and brood ewe potential. Long bodied and lots of rib shape.

976-Yearling Ewe

Poynter 22-21 RR NN-FF ---


B: 02/18/2022 Twin

S: HOME SCHOOL Slack 8122 RR M465775

D: Brockmann 1488 RR M458224

Complete female front to rear. Square hip.

977-Fall Ewe Lamb

Poynter F2-7 RR NN-FF --- M470797

B: 09/08/2022 Twin

S: ON THE ROCKS Poynter F1-4 M468829

D: Brockmann 1480 RR M458220

Beautiful patterned. Great breed type. Lots of shag. A balanced ewe of muscle and size.

978-Fall Ewe Lamb

Poynter F2-6 RR NN-FF --- M470793

B: 09/07/2022 Twin

S: HOME SCHOOL Slack 8122 RR M465775

D: Brockmann 1572 RR M463327

Feminine, upfronted, long bodied and thick. Going to be a big sheep.


979-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

Poynter 23-5

B: 01/17/2023 Twin

S: HOME SCHOOL Slack 8122 RR M465775

D: Brockmann 1602 RR M463333

Well balanced and complete. Will make a good show ewe. Lots of grow left in her tank


1226 - Emily Stevens

1133 Laurel Rd-Norwalk, OH 44857 419/706-6472 emilystevens1066@gmail.com

980-Fall Ram Lamb

ES 2274 RR NN-FF

B: 10/25/2022 Single

S: Rife SNAKEBITE 19-132 QR FF M463631

D: ES 1038 RR FF M467078

981-Yearling Ewe

ES 2262 --- M469848

B: 01/26/2022 Twin

S: Rife SNAKEBITE 19-132 QR FF M463631

D: Rife 19-192 RR FF M464515

982-Yearling Ewe

ES 2264 RR FF --- M469847

B: 02/21/2022 Triplet

S: Rife SNAKEBITE 19-132 QR FF M463631

D: Bechtold 18095 RR FF M460794


1239 - Joe Majors

17864 Couper Rd-Milan, MI 48160 734/478-0438 jjmajors@med.umich.edu

983-Yearling Ewe

All yearling ewes are very young. March or April birthdates.

984-Yearling Ewe

Excellent breed character. Lots of growing yet on these females.

985-Yearling Ewe

Stout, heavy muscled from very productive blood lines.

986-Yearling Ewe

All are very young, very tight-line breeding program, productive, easy keepers.


1187 - Kenyon Buckland

782 South 200 East-Huntington, IN 46750 260-358-6404 blbuckland12@yahoo.com

987-January Ram Lamb


B: 01/02/2023 Single

S: KJB 2206 RR FF M470106

D: CLSF 2179 NN RR M466906

This lamb is very light colored with short thin ears. He is shallow chested, straight topped, and thick butted. Very attractive from the side. He is RR NN FF

988-Yearling Ewe

KJB 2242 RR NN-FF --- M469177

B: 03/02/2022 Twin

S: CLSF 1894 NN RR KABOOM M461256

D: KJB 1922 NN RR M462550

This ewe is very thick topped with excellent breed type. She is RR NN FF.


160 - Tim & Sarah Fleener

273 South Mountain Rd-Robesonia, PA 19551

(717) 413-5181 - (610) 589-2588 fleenerlivestock@gmail.com

989-Fall Ram Lamb

990-January Ram Lamb

991-Fall Ewe Lamb

992-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31


1234 - Stacy Grohmann

994 Step Rd-Gilson, IL 64136 309/371-4260

s_jo6@hotmail.com Stepaheadfarm.weebly.com

993-Yearling Ewe

Step Ahead 253 --- M469344

B: 02/28/2022 Twin

S: Step Ahead 2859

D: Step Ahead 2721

Real pretty Shropshire ewe. 2859 was the sire of the 2021 overall futurity winner shown by Emily Stevens.

994-Fall Ewe Lamb

Step Ahead 263 RR NN-FF ---

B: 10/05/2022 Twin

S: Fritz 1902

D: Mrozinski 20-18

This mating clicked! Fritz 19-02 was sired by CINCH, the twin brother to the 2017 National Sale Champion. His triplet sister was the 2019 Futurity winner.

995-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

Step Ahead 264

B: 01/26/2023 Triplet

S: Raudebaugh 2102 FIRECRACKER

D: Step Ahead 2731

FIRECRACKER had a successful show career for Luke, including Champion Ram at Ohio State Fair Jr. Show and KILE, sired by KABOOM.

996-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15

Step Ahead 266

B: 02/05/2023 Twin

S: Raudebaugh 2102 FIRECRACKER

D: Step Ahead 204

Many nice ewe lambs to choose from! Watch for photos on Facebook closer to sale date!


1532 - Aron Leininger 8370 w 1000 s-Akron, IN 46910 (574) 835-0461


997-Early February Ewe Lamb 2/12/15

998-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+


1518 - Rick Whiting

1779 Greene Road-Martinsville, OH 45146 (937) 215-8079 - (937) 685-2603


999-February Ram Lamb

1000-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31


1219 - John & Matt Dirlam 11646 N. Bethesda Rd-Mooresville, IN 46158 317/443-2901



1001-Fall Ram Lamb

Dirlam 23-1736 RR NN-FF

B: 09/18/2022 Single

S: CLSF 1894 NN RR KABOOM M461256

D: Dirlam 20-2 RR NN AI M464687

Dam is STONE COLD'S younger full sibling. Placed top 5 at all Midwest shows where she was shown. An elite genetic package. Reserve the right to collect 25 units of semen.

1002-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

More information later. Will be Futurity nominated.

1003-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

More information later. Will be Futurity nominated.

1004-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+

More information later. Will be Futurity nominated.


884 - Jerry Flanders

16260 Atlantic Rd-Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 508-4738 - (317) 420-2233


VIPClubLambs on facebook

1005-Yearling Ram


B: 02/01/2022 Twin


D: FLANDERS VIP 9144 TR M462702

1006-Fall Ram Lamb

1007-February Ram Lamb

1008-Yearling Ewe

1009-Fall Ewe Lamb

Grand Champion Shropshire Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Illinois to Illinois for $3,000.

1010-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

1011-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+


51 - Jeff, Christine & Monica Ebert 10015 Flush Rd-St George, KS 66535 (785) 458-9174 ebertsheepfarm@gmail.com ebertsheepfarm.com

1012-January Ram Lamb

1013-Yearling Ewe

The yearling ewe we sold here last year went on to a highly successful show career for the Porter Family. Will be a similar type ewe.

1014-Late January Ewe Lamb 1/161/31

Watch Facebook and our website for more information closer to sale time.


1358 - Ashley Fuss

12737 Woodsboro Pike-Keymar, MD 21757 240/405-9383 afuss95@gmail.com

1015-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+

We may have had a majority of ewe lambs but that doesn't mean our quality of buck lambs went down. Our March bucks that rounded out lambing season are some of our best! More information sale day!

1016-Early January Ewe Lamb 1/11/15

Due to cutting down on our flock, we are digging deep and pulling straight from the show string. We have a deep set of ewe lambs this year. More information sale day.

1017-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+

Due to cutting down our flock size, we are digging deep and pulling straight from the show string. We have a deep set of ewe lambs this year. More information sale day.

1018-LateFebruary Ewe Lamb 2/16+ Information Sale Day.


1241 - Mike O’Neill 42989 Thompson Run Road-Titusville, PA 16354 814/827-1214

1019-Yearling Ram

1020-Fall Ram Lamb

1021-Fall Ram Lamb

1022-Yearling Ewe

1023-Yearling Ewe

1024-Fall Ewe Lamb

1025-Fall Ewe Lamb



1216 - James Klamfoth

8256 Oregon Rd-Canal Winchester, OH




1051-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Pictures and pedigrees will be posted on Facebook page.

1052-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Pictures and pedigrees will be posted on Facebook page


1242 - Tim Matlock, DVM 18574 Fox Rd-Hiram, OH 44234 330/608-6583 tmmatlocksuffolks@reagan.com

1053-FITTED Fall Ram Lamb

RM Matlock 1057 RR NN

B: 10/23/2022 Single

S: LION KING Begg 303 RR NN 669140

D: TM Matlock 7028 RR NN 670721

LION KING was the 2021 Ohio State Champion Ram and 2nd place NAILE January lamb.

1054-FITTED Yearling Ewe

TM Matlock 1049 RR NN --- 674650

B: 02/16/2022 Single

S: JIMBO Begg 250-18 RR NN 653095

D: TM Matlock 985 RR NN 647911 Big strong brood ewe.

1055-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

TM Matlock 1058 RR NN

B: 02/01/2023 Twin

S: LION KING Begg 303 RR NN 669140

D: TM Matlock 1003 RR NN 658884

LION KING was the 2021 Ohio State Champion Ram and NAILE 2nd place January lamb; TM Matlock 1003 produced the 2021 Ohio State Reserve Champion Ram.


1381 - Andrei Rench

480 North Creek Road-Greenfield Center, NY 12833 (518) 937-7681 andreirench@gmail.com

1056-FITTED February Ram Lamb

KRF 23-05 --- 680410

B: 02/08/2023 Twin

S: Mil-Sid 1604 "Hunger Games" 640166

D: KRF 20-04 666245

A “Hunger Games” son showing lots of promise. His genetics bring substance, productivity, and longevity to the table and ties it altogether with style from every angle. His dam 20-04 stood 3rd at 2021 Big E as a yearling and is a standout in the brood ewe pen at home. Fault free ram with explosive power and muscle shape.

1057-FITTED Yearling Ewe

KRF 22-05 --- 677779

B: 03/02/2022 Twin

S: KC Suffolks 2016 RR 665604

D: KRF 20-05 672597

March born yearling that checks all the boxes. Her sire KC Suffolks 2016 RR made some awesome daughters for me in 2022 and this young ewe is a standout with her immaculate structure, massive rib shape, and long top tied into a front end with tons of extension. I can guarantee if she didn’t have a twin sister she would not be offered in this sale.


1416 - Josh Miller

331 Knox Rd-Schoharie, NY 12157 (518) 231-8113 - (518) 295-7733



1058-FITTED February Ram Lamb

S: "Problem's? Solved" Mil-Sid 1904 660417

Problem's was the 2019 National Champion Ram we have a Stack set of lambs on the ground and I'll make sure to bring a ram that wont disappoint

1059-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Mil-Sid 2204 --- 674756

B: 02/25/2022 Twin

S: "Trip-Bute" Mil-Sid 1003 603331

D: Sandage KD248 661524

Here she is folk's your Supreme Champion Suffolk Overall at the 2022 Big E, Sired by the 2012 Overall National Champion Ram. If your looking for a elegant fronted, high volume, big boned, pretty headed one, This female checks all the boxes!

1060-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Mil-Sid 2208 RR

B: 03/01/2022 Twin

S: Craft 8-7 577368

D: Mil-Sid 1908 by "Trip-Bute" 660410 Need a show ewe for the fall come take a peak at this young yr ewe. She's Jack fronted, Straight spined, big flat hip in her, walking on great bone. Great looking ewe with a bright future.

1061-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb


B: 09/01/2022 Single

S: Mil-Sid 2015 66851

D: Baum2120 672225

Super fancy profiling ewe one that should make an impact in the show flock and the breeding pen. Sire is the son of the 2017 National Champion Ram, Dam was sired by the 2019 National Champion Ram. Sky's the limit here!


1449 - Wayne McGuire

4662 Rt. 241-Randolph, NY 14772

(716) 708-8132


1062-SLICK Yearling Ewe

Ewe and Me Acres 1390 --- 675054

B: 01/04/2022 Twin

S: Rocky Valley Suffolks 2024 666944

D: Ewe and Me Acres 1337 655125

Codon test pending at time of entry.

1063-SLICK Yearling Ewe

Ewe and Me Acres 1391 --- 675052

B: 01/06/2022 Single

S: Rocky Valley Suffolks 2024 666944

D: Rocky Valley Suffolk 1911 662338

Codon test pending at time of entry.

1064-SLICK February Ewe Lamb

Ewe and Me Acres 1418 --- Pending

B: 02/05/2023 Twin

S: Rocky Valley Suffolks 2024 666944

D: Ewe and Me Acres 1353 670713

Codon test pending at time of entry.


Grand Champion Suffolk Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Ohio to Ohio for $2,500.


1516 - Andrew Slack

W3696 Willow Bend Rd-Lake Geneva, WI 53147

(262) 745-4808


1065-FITTED Yearling Ewe


91 - Rob & Lisa Frost & Family 5695 White Oak Rd. NE-Bloomingburg, OH 43106

(740) 505-4858 rob.frost@att.net

1066-SLICK Yearling Ewe

Frostaire Farms 1787 RR --- 676009

B: 01/22/2022 Single

S: Frostaire Farms 1581 661100

D: Frostaire Farms 1579 661082


1067-SLICK Yearling Ewe

Frostaire Farms 1825 RR --- 679690

B: 03/08/2022 Twin

S: Frostaire Farms 1682 668524

D: Frostaire Farms 1691 668513



1051 - Rachel Jones/Thompson 2401 W 450 N-Patoka, IN 47666 (812) 480-8546 - (812) 779-5119


1068-FITTED Yearling Ram

5 Star J 2252 RR

B: 03/15/2022 Twin

S: 5 Star J 1072-21 670828

D: 5 Star J 2041-20 665343

This yearling ram is yet again another mix of 5 Star J and Annuschat which is a combination that has produced many of our favorites over the last few years. Yearling rams like this one aren't offered up by us very often so you won't want to miss out on this opportunity.

1069-FITTED Yearling Ewe

5 Star J 2223 RR

B: 02/17/2022 Single

S: Smooth 18-668 653320

D: 5 Star J 9135-19 662495

Our lead ewe is our favorite for a lot of reasons. The number 23 signifies a barn favorite, and most importantly Rachel's favorite. She's a Five Star J genetic goldmine, and a ewe you won't want to pass up!


1070-FITTED Yearling Ewe

5 Star J 2264 RR

B: 03/20/2022 Single

S: 5 Star J 1072-21 670828

D: 5 Star J 2040-20 665319

This ewe has a very intriguing mix of both foundation 5 Star J and Annuschat genetics. She sure has a lot of gas left in her tank and is most definitely geared towards a bright future proven from her pedigree.


1243 - Corinne Arnevik-Hansen

2550 12/3/4 Ave-Cameron, WI 54822 (715) 205-9603 cjarne@hotmail.com

1071-FITTED February Ram Lamb

Arnevik 2319 RR

B: 02/01/2023 Single

S: Arnevik 2183 674828

D: Begg Suffolks 329 672565

Correct, solid made young ram. Dam was the Begg yearling ewe we bought on last year's sale. Sire's twin sister was our fall show ewe last year that won 5 of 6 shows.

1072-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

Arnevik 2268 RR

B: 09/13/2022 Single

S: Arnevik 2112 669193

D: Arnevik 2098 669197

Correct, deep bodied, straight made ewe with beautiful breed character. Her sire is out of Quam's COLLATERRAL DAMAGE & her dam is out of a super productive ewe family. She will be a great show ewe and brood ewe.

1073-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

Arnevik 2302 RR

B: 01/07/2023 Twin

S: DIRT ROAD Bar-Zel 2138 670239

D: Arnevik 1842 654256

Big boned, thick made ewe lamb that could be shown fitted or slicked. Dam is a consistent producer of keeper ewe lambs including the dam of our fall ewe consignment.


1505 - Bret and Lorie Oelke

15734 200th Ave-Barrett, MN 56311 (218) 770-2428


https://www.facebook.com/riverviewlivest ock/

1074-FITTED Fall Ram Lamb

Riverview 2265 --- pending

B: 10/12/2022 Single

S: WHS 2101 Premier 670113

D: KJ Lansing9003 659473

We had an excellent set of fall born lambs this year and are bringing a good one to Ohio. Riverview 2265 is sired by Premier, our Whispering Hills ram who was Jr. Champion at the Midwest Stud Ram sale, Champion ram at the Iowa State Fair and Jr. Champion at Louisville. His dam is a big Lansing ewe that our granddaughter Laura Brinkman showed and was the ewe lamb futurity winner. Take good look at this ram.

1075-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Riverview 2201 RR --- 675499

B: 01/01/2022 Twin

S: WHS 2101 Premier 670113

D: Riverview 1904 668647

This is the first Premier daughter to sell. She is super correct and thick. Her sire was Jr. Champion ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Champion ram at the Iowa State Fair and Jr. Champion at the National Suffolk Show in Louisville. She will make a very nice addition to your flock.

1076-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

Riverview 2255 --- pending

B: 09/19/2022 Twin

S: WHS 2101 Premier 670113

D: Riverview 1909 668651

This fancy fall ewe lamb will make a competitive show ewe this year and next. Her dam is a Buckin Thunder daughter and her sire is Premier, the Jr. Champion Ram at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale, Champion ram at the Iowa State Fair, and Jr. Champion Ram at the National Suffolk Show in Louisville. We would normally keep a ewe of this caliber, but we wanted to make a statement on our first trip to the Ohio Showcase Sale.


1488 - William & Elizabeth MacCauley 4333 Steelville rd-Atglen, PA 19310 (405) 314-1642



1077-SLICK Yearling Ewe

We only have 135 yearlings to choose from and will bring you a high caliber show and stud ewe for you to purchase!! Check our Facebook for updates and pictures closer to sale time!


1507 - Allee Hoover

169 Mounts Valley Road-Washington, PA 15301

(724) 825-6124


1078-SLICK Yearling Ewe

Maple Leaf 2208

B: 01/20/2022 Single

S: MacCauley 4803 664504

D: MacCauley 3766 646319

This is an excellent slick shorn yearling that we probably shouldn't be selling...but we can't keep them all. She will perform in the showring and in the lambing barn. She has great feet and legs and is an easy keeper. Her dam was 2nd place slickshorn yearling ewe in the open show at Ohio State Fair in 2018.

1079-SLICK January Ewe Lamb

Maple Leaf 2315

B: 01/24/2023 Twin

S: MacCauley 5645 675231

D: Maple Leaf 2110 670333

Fancy little ewe lamb out of one of our past show ewes and a stout MacCauley ram. She will make a great slick show ewe!


1364 - Colton Riggs

994 Step Rd-Gilson, IL 61436 309/371-4260


1080-SLICK Yearling Ewe

Step Ahead 2112 RR NN --- 676366

B: 02/27/2022 Twin

S: MacCauley 4745

D: MacCauley 4866

VIEW THE SALE & BID LIVE ONLINE AT: Breedersworld.com Ohio Showcase Sale May 11-13 Greenville, OH


1366 - Doug Bayliss

2832 C.R. 25 N-Bellefontaine, OH 43311 937/935-7549 doug1bayliss@gmail.com

1081-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Bayliss 2203 --- 676519

B: 01/27/2022 Single

S: EB Suffolks 414 665265

D: Baum 1902 661322


1365 - Craig Fleck

47289 SD Hwy 324-Brookings, South Dakota 57006 814/441-0980 fleckcraig@yahoo.com

1082-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

See pictures and more information on Facebook closer to sale time.

1083-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

See pictures and more information on Facebook closer to sale time.


1245 - Eric L. Bruns

4891 Brock Cosmos Rd-Rossburg, OH 45362


1084-FITTED Yearling Ram

EB Suffolks 455 RR NN

B: 02/25/2022 Triplet

S: Mil-Sid Farm 1604 HUNGER GAMES RR NN 10312

D: EB Suffolks 375 RR NN 653275

Powerful stud!! Cocky put together, up fronted with a ton of rib cage, big correct boned. The HUNGER GAMES lambs are quite awesome.

1085-FITTED Yearling Ewe

EB Suffolks 448 RR NN --- 674058

B: 09/04/2021 Single

S: EB Suffolks 404 664296

D: EB Suffolks 378 RR NN 653277

Right out of the show flock, 2nd fall ewe lamb at The Big E. 448 is long bodied, straight spined and elegant fronted. 404 was Reserve Champion here 2 years ago. 448 lambed this spring and has a promising ram lamb.

1086-FITTED Yearling Ewe

EB Suffolks 459 RR NN

B: 03/12/2022 Single

S: Mil-Sid Farm 1604 HUNGER GAMES RR NN 10312

D: EB Suffolks 407 664294

Very young yearling ewe that has a lot of gas in her tank. Bred very well and should produce better than she looks.

1087-FITTED Fall Ewe Lamb

EB Suffolks 460 RR NN

B: 09/03/2022 Single

S: EB Suffolks 425 RR NN 672532

D: EB Suffolks 397 RR NN 661607

460 is a solid correct made lamb. 425 was Champion Ram at The Big E in 2021 and Champion FItted Ram in 2022.

1088-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

EB Suffolks 462 RR NN

B: 01/03/2023 Triplet

S: EB Suffolks 425 RR NN 672532

D: EB Suffolks 422 RR NN 672530

Here is a very cool made lamb, elegant beautifully fronted, excellent breed character and has a huge square hip!!!


1543 - Dennis Henderson Family 4928 S SR 213-Atlanta, IN 46031 765/292-2672



1089-FITTED Yearling Ewe

D Henderson 22-38 RR NN

B: 02/25/2022 Single

S: Five Star J 1046-10 RR

D: D. Henderson 19-36 RR 22-38 has been a barn favorite since she was born. We leased the sire for the 2022 lamb crop and have a deep set of daughters. 19-36 is sired by Henderson 15-35. This ewe should be a big show ewe!

1090-SLICK Yearling Ewe

D. Henderson 22-27 RR NN

B: 02/04/2022 Twin

S: BARNACLE MacCauley 4756 RR

D: D. Henderson 17-34 RR

BARNACLE flat worked for our slick shorn program. 22-27 is a really nice balanced ewe that should be fun to show and better in the lambing barn. We will be keeping her twin.



1376 - Steve Birschbach

802 East Pioneer Rd-Fond du Lac, WI 54935

(920) 251-4919 - (920) 251-4919 Stbach1980@hotmail.com

1101-FITTED February Ram Lamb

This young buck will be either out of Peterson buck or out of Rabbit Creek 1903 haven’t dialed in on exact one to bring but he will be good

1102-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Birschbach Hamps 22-113 RR ---


B: 02/18/2022 Twin

S: Rabbit Creek 1903 TRI 606064

D: Birschbach Hamps 20-054 74378D

This ewe has been coming on as of late, she’s got great bone and breed type. Her sire Rabbit Creek 1903 TRI, has been a consistent sire for me since I’ve owned him. He sired the Reserve National champion ewe for Spildes in 21! This ewes dam is one of my best ewes sired by BBA 226 Larry and traces all the way back to a Held ewe I purchased on 2009!!! Consistency is is in this ewe. She will be excellent breeding ewe.

1103-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Birschbach Hamps 22-124 RR ---


B: 03/04/2022 Twin

S: Rabbit Creek 1903 TRI RR 60604

D: Birschbach Hamps 65-18 RR 74378D

Very complete type brood ewe here. Great depth of body and excellent breed type as well sound on her feet/legs with good bone. Another awesome daughter of Rabbit Creek 1903 TRI, along with an excellent mother in BH 6518 this ewe goes back to a Hickman Devil daughter, which goes back to Hickman ewe 674 which I purchased at this sale in 2010! Again another consistent bred female. She would be a great addition to anyone’s flock.


464 - Dan Westlake

17183 Mackan Rd-Marysville, OH 43040 (937) 243-5111 - (937) 642-2546


1104-SLICK Yearling Ewe

S: Westlake

D: Westlake

1105-SLICK January Ewe Lamb

S: Westlake

D: Westlake


38 - Roger E. Parr

33425 E CR 1000 N-Mason City, IL 62664 (217) 482-3680

1106-SLICK February Ram Lamb

Parr 2333 RR NN ---

1107-SLICK Yearling Ram

Parr 2250 RR NN-FF --- 609790


1108-SLICK February Ram Lamb

Parr 2329 RR NN


1109-SLICK Yearling Ewe

1110-SLICK January Ewe Lamb

1111-SLICK Yearling Ewe

1112-SLICK February Ewe Lamb

884 - Jerry Flanders 16260 Atlantic Rd-Noblesville, IN 46060 (317) 508-4738 - (317) 420-2233


VIPClubLambs on facebook

1113-SLICK Fall Ram Lamb

1114-SLICK Yearling Ewe

1115-SLICK Fall Ewe Lamb

1116-SLICK February Ewe Lamb

S: Parr 2134 RR NN 608445 D: Parr 1932 RR NN 81484
03/03/2022 Single S: L. Parr 2130 RR NN FF 608448 D: Parr 2037 RR NN FF 88236
D: Alexander Farms 1236 RR NN 80723
Parr 2134 RR NN 608445
Parr 2210 RR NN-FF
B: 02/07/2022 Twin S: L. Parr 2041 RR NN FF 607796 D: Parr 2038 RR NN 88247
--- 96650
Parr 2309 RR NN S: Parr 2155 RR NN 610266 D: Parr 2128 RR NN 91244
Parr 2256 RR NN
96647 B: 02/10/2022 Twin S: L. Parr 2041 RR NN 607796 D: Parr 1933 RR NN 81485
2324 RR NN S: Parr 2134 RR NN 608445 D: Parr 2020 RR NN 88248


1418 - Barret Marshall

45491 204th St-Arlington, SD 57212

(605) 695-2528


Find us on Facebook

1117-FITTED Yearling Ram

BMWM 267 RR --- 609402

B: 02/12/2022 Single

S: Larson L&L 19-901 606689

D: BMWM 340 47162

Champion Ram 2022 SDSF. This guy is full of mass and thickness.

1118-FITTED Fall Ram Lamb

BMWM 2-99 _R

B: 09/26/2022 Single

S: BMWM 129 608198

D: BMWM 140 90333

I really like this round ribbed, long sided, big footed, heavy boned, shaggy ram. This one is definitely stud material!

1119-FITTED Yearling Ewe

BMWM 262 _R --- 95352

B: 02/10/2022 Twin

S: BMWM 129 608198

D: BMWM 869 77032

869 has the same mother as 023 “Monica”, who was the Res Grand at the 21 All American and Res Supreme ewe at the 21 SDSF. “Gator” is a L&L 901 son on 7-99 “Storm” the 2018 SDSF Res. Supreme Ewe.

1120-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

Will be sired by our new Underwood ram “Fired Up”


3 - Brad & Anna Payne

13406 St Rt MM SE-Agency, MO 64401 (630) 688-2583


1121-FITTED January Ram Lamb

1122-FITTED January Ewe Lamb


1482 - Kate Person

16395 W White Oak Rd-Forreston, IL 61030 (815) 821-2291


1123-FITTED Yearling Ram

K Person RR --- 609552

B: 01/05/2022 Twin

S: Double "O"Acres 18-036 607544

D: Tifft 804 74551 D

This big boned, massive, wooly buck placed in the top five for the January Ram Lambs at the 2022 NAILE Open Show. Lambs out of DOA 18-036 have been top competitors wherever they have gone. In 2020 his half sister was the Reserve National Champion Hampshire Ewe. At the 2022 Midwest Stud Ram sale his half brother was the Champion Ram at the National Hampshire Sale. Two years in a row, his half siblings have been the top selling fitted Hampshires at the Ohio Showcase Sale. Along with his half sister placing as the class winner of the early spring ewe lamb class at the 2022 Illinois state fair.

1124-FITTED January Ram Lamb

S: Double "O" Acres 18-036 607544

Super wooly big boned January Ram. Our 2023 January lamb group has been an overall impressive crop of lambs, each is on track for a bright future. Lambs out of DOA 18036 have been top competitors wherever they have gone. In 2020 his half sister was the Reserve National Champion Hampshire Ewe. At the 2022 Midwest Stud Ram sale his half brother was the Champion Ram at the National Hampshire Sale. Two years in a row, his half siblings have been the top selling fitted Hampshires at the Ohio Showcase Sale. Along with his half sister placing as the class winner of the early spring ewe lamb class at the 2022 Illinois state fair.


Yearling Ewe

K Person 22-22 RR --- 95801 D

B: 03/01/2022 Triplet

S: Double 607544

D: Casey 7748 RR 72256 D

An impressive yearling ewe with wool from her nose to her toes, is also big boned, large framed ewe. She is out of one of my favorite brood ewes, producing some of my most competitive sheep. Lambs out of DOA 18-036 have been top competitors wherever they have gone. In 2020 his half sister was the Reserve National Champion Hampshire Ewe. At the 2022 Midwest Stud Ram sale his half brother was the Champion Ram at the National Hampshire Sale. Two years in a row, his half siblings have been the top selling fitted Hampshires at the Ohio Showcase Sale. Along with his half sister placing as the class winner of the early spring ewe lamb class at the 2022 Illinois state fair.

1126-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

S: Double "O" Acres 18-036 607544

This flashy lady is sure to be a show stopper this summer and the next. With big bone and wool from her nose to her toes, she is an easy candidate that I am nominating as a futurity ewe. Our 2023 January lamb group has been an overall impressive crop of lambs, each is on track for a bright future. Lambs out of DOA 18-036 have been top competitors wherever they have gone. In 2020 his half sister was the Reserve National Champion Hampshire Ewe. At the 2022 Midwest Stud Ram sale his half brother was the Champion Ram at the National Hampshire Sale. Two years in a row, his half siblings have been the top selling fitted Hampshires at the Ohio Showcase Sale. Along with his half sister placing as the class winner of the early spring ewe lamb class at the 2022 Illinois state fair.


1483 - Rebecca Person 4996 W. Prairie Road-Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 541-0720


1127-SLICK Yearling Ewe

1128-SLICK February Ewe Lamb


1446 - Ben Wagner 2023 County Rd. 61-Edison, OH 43320 (419) 569-9918


1129-SLICK January Ewe Lamb

Wagner 0123 --- Pending

B: 12/26/2022 Single

S: Wise 20005 607657

D: Wagner 8OR 87524D

1130-SLICK January Ewe Lamb

Wagner 0125 --- Pending

B: 12/26/2022 Single

S: HHF 2119 608725

D: Barns 2706 91486D


1481 - Bailey Wagner 21259 County Road 240-Mount Victory, OH 43340 (937) 844-2052


1131-SLICK Ewe Lamb

Wagner 0185 --- Pending

B: 02/05/2023

S: Wagner 5017 608804

D: Shroyer 2241 Yellow 83815 D

1132-SLICK Ewe Lamb

Wagner 0186 --- Pending

B: 02/08/2023

S: Wagner 5017 608804

D: Wagner 0166 92398 D

1133-SLICK Spring Ewe Lamb

Wagner 0190 --- Pending

B: 03/08/2023

S: Wagner 5015 608803

D: Wagner 0167 92399 D


1495 - Jason Hauger

7287 W County Road 50N-Connersville, IN 47331 (765) 561-1856


1134-SLICK Yearling Ram

Hauger 22003 RR --- 609741

B: 12/14/2021 Twin

S: Rushville Hauger 0656 607472

D: Hauger 0208 63880 D


1135-SLICK Yearling Ewe


1252 - Dustin Knapke

08372 Glynwood Rd-Wapakoneta, OH 45895 614/579-6841


1136-SLICK January Ewe Lamb

1137-SLICK January Ewe Lamb

Champion Hampshire Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Pennsylvania to Missouri for $1,750.
Be sure to patronize our many commercial vendors while at the Show &


1522 - Spencer Carson

12310 E 266th St-Arcadia, IN 46030 (317) 946-4450

spencercarson38@gmail.com https://www.carsonclublambs.com/

1138-SLICK Fall Ram Lamb

1139-SLICK January Ram Lamb

1140-SLICK Yearling Ewe

1141-SLICK February Ewe Lamb


1496 - Tim Kubatzke 2490 E Rock Grove Rd.-ORANGEVILLE, IL 61060 (815) 289-1217


1142-FITTED January Ram Lamb

E Kubatzke 0106 RR --- Pending

B: 01/03/2023 Triplet

S: DOA 18-036 AI TW 607544

D: K Person 21-24 92003 D

My granddaughter only has a couple ewes and we really don't need to keep a buck. He is a half brother to the top selling fitted Hamps here the last few years and to the Champion Ram at Sedalia last summer. He is a very correct, stylish ram that is really getting big with a ton of wool and bone. Out of an Alf- Plaza bred ewe. Should make someone a very competitive show prospect and future stud ram.


1511 - Ty Fuller

17713 435th ave-Clark, SD 57225 (605) 520-4402


1143-FITTED Yearling Ewe

T27 RR --- 96279D

B: 01/22/2022 Twin

S: Fuller FSF TLOB 607056

D: Fuller FFS 1-19 80454D

This ewe is strait from last years show string! She is a pretty yet powerful ewe that will preform in the show ring and in the lambing barn!


1366 - Doug Bayliss

2832 C.R. 25 N-Bellefontaine, OH 43311 937/935-7549


1144-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Bayliss 2200 --- 97452D

B: 09/22/2021 Twin

S: Held 19-4035 NNP-RR 607022

D: Bayliss 17064 Tw. 72889D


1355 - Emily Flannery

38 Beacon Hill-Oxford, ME 04270



1145-SLICK Yearling Ram

MEX0138-0475 --- 609670

B: 03/29/2022 Single

S: B21-91

D: MEX0138-0263

1146-SLICK February Ram Lamb

MEX0618-0039 ---

B: 02/22/2023

1147-SLICK Yearling Ewe

MEX0138-0519 --- 96359D

B: 03/17/2022 Twin

S: B21-91

D: M19-12

1148-SLICK Spring Ewe Lamb


B: 01/10/2023


296 - Gary Klug

N8950 Midland Dr-Campbellsport, WI 53010

(712) 202-4461


1149-FITTED January Ram Lamb

Klug HH 23-160 RR

B: 01/19/2023 Single

S: Klug HH 22-188 RR NNP 609474

D: Klug HH 16-193 T 61330 Stylish buck with wool and bone.

1150-FITTED February Ram Lamb

Klug HH 23-196 RR NNP

B: 02/04/2023 Twin

S: Klug HH 22-188 RR 609474

D: Klug HH 19-154T RR NNP 79815

Bold looking! Lots of barn presence....walks with intent.

1151-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Klug HH 22-247 RR NNP --- 95528

B: 01/04/2022 Twin

S: BUENO Pullin 33-20 607602

D: Klug HH 18-204 RR 78161

We showed her successfully as a slick lamb last year -- lots of "good" in this one!

1152-FITTED January Ewe Lamb

Klug HH 23-263 RR NNP

B: 01/02/2023 Twin

S: Frame 5046 RR 582342

D: Herrig 1268 RR 81505 Snappy, upheaded ewe...with the look!

1153-FITTED February Ewe Lamb

Klug HH 23-270 RR

B: 02/03/2023 Twin

S: BUENO Pullin 33-20 RR 607602

D: Klug HH 14-70 QR 48758

Pretty and spritely! Great lineage with this lamb -- out of older ewe '14 model that never disappoints!


917 - Jason and Megan Mumm 49 Co Rd 1300 N-White Heath, IL 61884 (217) 377-2073


1154-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Mumm 2254 RR --- 97173D

B: 03/01/2022 Single

S: Mumm 2131 RR 608596

D: Mumm 2034 RR 85568D

A ewe with style and eye appeal. Her sire is out of a Held ram. Her dam was in our show flock in '21 and out of our Kjeldgard ram.

1155-FITTED Yearling Ewe

Mumm 2260 --- 97176D

B: 03/03/2022 Twin

S: Mumm 2003 QR 607166

D: Newland 0437 RR 78027D

This ewe's sire goes back to our Kjeldgard ram and our best ewe family. Her dam is packed with Caskey bloodlines. Great genetics to put to work on your farm.


341 - Jeff Repasky

9426 Jacobson Trail-Lonsdale, MN 55046 (612) 282-7782


1156-SLICK Yearling Ram

1157-SLICK Yearling Ewe

1158-SLICK February Ewe Lamb


216 - Richard Krackow

316 W River St, PO Box 233-Arcadia, WI 54612 (608) 343-2899


1159-FITTED Fall Ram Lamb


1378 - Kobe Epperly 9097 Versailles Southeastern Rd-Covington, OH 45318 (937) 214-8123 - (937) 214-8123


1160-SLICK Fall Ram Lamb OH12181 ---

B: 10/15/2022 Twin

S: Impact 21073 ET 609240

D: Poe 8271-A8 AI 74289 D

Reserve Champion Hampshire Ram sold for $4,000 from Minnesota to South Dakota at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale.
Fairgrounds Coliseum
Thursday, May 11 6:00


1540 - Logan Averill

373 Richmond Rd.-Litchfield, ME 04350 774/222-2078

1161-January Ram Lamb

S: WWSF 22-1993 305088


1196 - Jillian Bingen

6451 Wildlife Drive-Allenton, WI 53002 (262) 388-3324 sbingen@outlook.com

Facebook: Bingen Oxfords

1162-Yearling Ewe

Bingen B2220 RR

B: 03/05/2022 Single

S: D Hall 227 304577

D: Bingen 2006 303995

A very correct complete ewe with good breed character. Hall 227 is an Itch son out of Scratch's twin sister. Watch our Facebook page (Bingen Oxfords) for pictures and updates.

1163-Fall Ewe Lamb

Bingen B2303 RR

B: 10/17/2022 Twin

S: Perzee 1934 303227

D: Bingen 1850 302704

Full sister was first Fall Ewe Lamb at NAILE Junior Show (2021) and dam 1850 was Wisconsin State Fair Champion in 2019. I little younger than some but should be all caught up by summer. Watch "Bingen Oxfords" on Facebook.


1194 - Tony Weber 5150 Inlynd Drive-Sullivan, WI 53178 414-702-6580 tonyweber22@gmail.com

1164-January Ram Lamb

Weber 1258 RR NN

B: 01/03/2023 Single

S: Houghtaling 20-11 RR NN 304944

D: Weber 490 QR NN 300195

This ram has been a stand out since birth. His dam is a 2015 model and we have six daughters of her in our flock

1165-January Ewe Lamb

Weber 1261 RR NN

B: 01/22/2023 Single

S: Houghtaling 20-11 RR NN 304944

D: Weber 1018 RR NN 304239

Our Houghtaling ram sires extension and bone. She has excellent breed type!

1166-February Ewe Lamb

Weber 1270

B: 02/10/2023 Twin

S: Houghtaling 20-11 RR NN 304944

D: Weber 515 QR NN 300362

This young ewes mother was a past Champion Ewe at Wisconsin State Fair.


1361 - Bill Buckland 782 South - 200 East-Huntington, IN 46750 260/358-6404 blbuckland12@yahoo.com

1167-Yearling Ewe

Double A 2249 RR NN

B: 03/03/2022 Single

S: MASTER PLAN Double A 2011 RR 304136

D: Lillibridge 197 RR 304157

This ewe is very attractive with excellent breed character. Attractive front end and straight topped. She is NN RR.

1168-February Ewe Lamb

Double A 2344

B: 02/07/2023 Twin

S: Double A 2232 RR FF 305033

D: Double A 2039 RR NN 304141

Wow what a straight, correct February ewe lamb! One that has all the muscle you will ever need to compete in the slick sheared classes. She is NN RR.



1313 - Austin & Lexy Grace

233 River Rd-Westmoreland, NH 03467 603-852-8241


1169-January Ram Lamb

Misty Meadows 1412 RR NN

B: 01/11/2023 Single

S: K&A 20-194 TRADER JOE RR NN 303748

D: Misty Meadows 1263 PIPPA RR NN 304317

Sired by our new ram TRADER JOE, straight Brockman genetics. Correct and pretty headed. Super impressed with TRADER lambs.

1170-February Ram Lamb

Misty Meadows 1419 RR NN

B: 02/17/2023 Single

S: WWSF 22-733 CHEAP TRICK RR NN 305086

D: Misty Meadows 1255 WILD SPIRIT RR NN 304310

Sired by our new WWSF ram CHEAP TRICK. Dam is the last CLOUD 9 daughter. He is a big boned, long bodied, pretty headed ram. We love how CHEAP TRICK clicked on our ewes. This is the only CHEAP TRICK lamb we are selling. We are keeping the rest.

1171-Fall Ewe Lamb

S: Misty Meadow 1245 OZZY RR NN 303962

We were blessed with primarily ewe lambs last fall. I want to keep them all but Mike says sell them. We'll bring a good one!

1172-Fall Ewe Lamb

S: Misty Meadow 1245 OZZY RR NN 303962

Love our OZZY lambs! OZZYs dam also dammed SKY. We sold SKY to WWSF. She produced their 2021 National Champion Ram for them and their fancy January ewe lambs in their 2022 online sale.

1173-February Ewe Lamb

Misty Meados 1413 RR NN

B: 02/06/2023 Twin

S: K&A 20-194 TRADER JOE RR NN 303748

D: Misty Meadows 1258 CABARNET RR NN 304312 TRADER lambs are super complete and correct. This one will be fun to show and collect futurity points.

1174-February Ewe Lamb

Misty Meadows 1414 RR NN

B: 02/06/2023 Twin

S: K&A 20-194 TRADER JOE RR NN 303748

D: Misty Meadows 1258 CABARNET RR NN 304312

She'll be futurity nominated. Don't miss this one. Wooly headed and wooly ears, she's a cool ewe.


1539 - Charles Lillibridge

1230 140th Street-Plainfield, IA 50662 319/300-9081

1175-Fall Ram Lamb

I have 5 tremendous Oxford fall bucks sired by my 2022 Iowa Champion Ram. They are really special.

1176-February Ram Lamb

Have a deep set of Spring 2023 lambs. I will bring one of my best.

1177-Yearling Ewe

This group of yearlings is the same caliber of ewes as I have offered in the National Sale the past 2 years that were crowd favorites and sold very well

1178-Fall Ewe Lamb

She will be a good one that can compete anywhere you take her.

1179-January Ewe Lamb

1180-February Ewe Lamb

I have my best set of lambs to date and will dig deep. I will put pictures on Face Book, Breeders World and the Oxford Breeders page. You won't be disappointed!


1186 - Jason & Audrey Angus

2861 North State Route 115-Piper City, IL 60959 815/990-6452


Facebook: Dover Genetics

1181-Fall Ram Lamb

DG 2248 RR NN

B: 09/20/2022 Twin

S: TIMBER EWF 13-023 RR 297901

D: DG 2106 RR 304226

Need an outcross ram? Here is one that can offer some interesting pieces - structural correctness, rib and looks like an Oxford!

1182-Fall Ewe Lamb


B: 09/20/2022 Twin

S: TIMBER RR NN 297901

D: DG 1742 RR NN 302410

Interesting pedigree! Sired by TIMBER, Edgewood Farms stud that was successful in the showring back in 2013. This ewe got his bone and body! Futurity nominated.

Reserve Champion Oxford Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold for $2,800 from Indiana to Illinois.



313 - Brian Larrick

1621 Hamilton Rd-Leesburg, OH 45135 (740) 572-2639


1191-Yearling Ram

We will bring our best as we are not going to Sedalia this year. Some of the females will be from our A.I. program, semen from the Riverwood Dispersal Lot. Don't miss out on these genetics.

1192-Fall Ram Lamb

1193-Yearling Ewe

1194-Yearling Ewe

1195-Yearling Ewe

1196-Yearling Ewe

1197-Fall Ewe Lamb

1198-Fall Ewe Lamb

1199-Fall Ewe Lamb

1200-January Ewe Lamb

1201-February Ewe Lamb

1202-February Ewe Lamb


1039 - Rick Kincaid

2766 E US Hwy 40-Lewisville, IN 47352 (765) 524-0419


1203-Yearling Ram

Kincaid Dorpers 0134 --- RF161545

B: 01/06/2022 Twin

S: RF7135 RF148995

D: Dry Creek Dorpers 0585 EF112216


1321 - Kevin Neer

5752 E St Rt 29-Urbana, OH 43078



1204-Fall Ram Lamb

Neer Family Dorpers 2155 QR ---


B: 09/02/2022 Single

S: Neer Family Dorpers 2014 RF146616 RR

D: Riverwood Farm 6781 EF124640 QQ

This powerful, fast growing buck lamb has caught my eye from day one. I'm sure he will do the same to you. His momma is Riverwood 6781 and she is the "Queen" of the flock.

1205-Fall Ewe Lamb

Neer Family Dorpers 2158 QR ---


B: 09/05/2022 Twin

S: Neer Family Dorpers 2014 RF146616 RR

D: Harris Sheep Station 0056 EF117757 QR

Here are the facts...She is a full sibling to the high selling Dorper ram at this sale last year. Her twin is my keeper buck and her momma is a cornerstone of our breeding program.


1141 - Chris A. Thompson

22445 Peters Rd. 64-Quincy, OH 43343



1206-Fall Ram Lamb

1207-Yearling Ewe

1208-Fall Ewe Lamb


1144 - David Freds

1508 S. 800 E-Lafayette, IN 47905 317/727-6376


1209-Fall Ram Lamb

Walnut Ridge 0247 QQ --- RF172308

B: 04/16/2023 Twin

S: UNIQUE RR Dorpers North 2124 RF172308

D: Walnut Ridge 0278 EF119213

This PATRIOT grandson has bone, level top, tons of muscle, and moves beautifully. His pedigree has Riverwood and T&A breeding.

1210-Fall Ewe Lamb

Walnut Ridge 0260 QQ --- EF172322

B: 10/14/2022 Twin

S: UNIQUE RR Dorpers North 2124 RF154789

D: Walnut Ridge 0598 EF129084

UNIQUE was the 2nd top selling ram in Duncan. This ewe is a PATRIOT granddaughter with Circle H and HiJo on dam side. She is a beautiful ewe.


1322 - Grace Muhlenkamp

6248 E. 300 N.-Portland, IN 47371 567-510-3272


1211-Fall Ram Lamb

1212-January Ram Lamb

1213-Yearling Ewe

1214-January Ewe Lamb


618 - Jim Davis 24001 N 1900 E Rd-Odell, IL 60460 (815) 228-5967 jbdavis@maxwire.net davissouthdowns.com

1215-Yearling Ram

1216-Fall Ram Lamb

1217-Yearling Ewe

1218-Fall Ewe Lamb

1219-Fall Ewe Lamb

1220-January Ewe Lamb

1221-February Ewe Lamb


1407 - Ira Diener

64622 CR 33-Goshen, IN 46528 (574) 202-4370 irarainguard@gmail.com idehlacres.com

1222-January Ram Lamb

We will be bringing an AI ram lamb out of Deer Creek Thornton a type 5 ram


1409 - Roy Manger 9192 Frederick Garland Rd-Englewood, OH 45322

(937) 368-8773 - (937) 884-7057 dmanger898@gmail.com

1223-Fall Ram Lamb



B: 09/22/2022 Single


D: 3C 17-2351 EF116466

Full brother to the ram lamb we sold at this sale last year. Mother was member of the 2018 National Sale Champion Pen Of Three

1224-Yearling Ewe



B: 09/20/2021 Twin



Full sister was 4th place fall ewe lamb at 2021 National Sale

1225-Yearling Ewe



B: 09/23/2021 Single


D: MANGER FARMS 1257 EF124692

Full sister was 3rd place yearling ewe at 2021 National Sale and sold for $3300

Champion Dorper Ewe at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale sold from Ohio to Maryland for $1,600.

1226-Fall Ewe Lamb



B: 09/02/2022 Twin


D: MANGER FARMS 1260 EF131068

A really nice RR ewe lamb. Her mother is the twin sister to the mother of our fall ewe lamb that won her class at Cookeville last summer. That ewe lamb sold to Brody Binkley for $4,000.

1227-Fall Ewe Lamb


B: 09/16/2022 Twin



Another really nice ewe lamb out of one of our Black Creek Nitro daughters.


1411 - Griffin Averill

373 Richmond Road-Litchfield, ME 04350 (774) 222-2078


Averill Family Farm (Facebook)

1228-January Ewe Lamb

S: Dry Creek Dorpers 786 RF153353

1229-January Ewe Lamb

S: Dry Creek Dorpers 786 RF153353


1420 - Landon Jett

18 Orchard Ave-Sandoval, IL 62882 (618) 780-5577


1230-Yearling Ewe

Jett Dorpers 2209 --- EF161749

B: 02/03/2022 Triplet

S: HC 6 2820 RF 105744

D: Glenn Land Dorpers 8214 EF 128552

The sire of our entries sired the Champion ewe at the Texas Show/Sale- Hill Country Dorper for Cuatro H two years ago. Dam purchased at Duncan in 2019. Jett Dorpers 2209 is a wide bodied FullBlood Yearling Ewe.

1231-Fall Ewe Lamb

Jett Dorpers 2215 --- EF 173749

B: 09/03/2022 Twin

S: HC 6 2820 RF 105744

D: Walnut Ridge 0292 EF 119226

Sire of our entries is out of HiJo's 2015 Sedalia Champion Ram. Dam won her class at Duncan in 2018. High headed, nice profiling FullBlood fall ewe lamb. Will be Futurity


1232-January Ewe Lamb

Jett Dorpers 2302 --- EF 173751

B: 01/08/2023 Twin

S: HC 6 2820 RF 105744

D: Jett Dorpers 20-03 EF 143755

Dam stood 7th and part of the 3rd place pair of yearlings at 2021 All American. Full sibling sold at last years sale. Full Blooded Jan Ewe lamb that will be Futurity nominated.


219 - Kevin & Kelly Paul 1608 E Hwy 136-Albany, MO 64402 (816) 392-0048 - (660) 726-5115

kerrypaul@windstream.net missouridorpers.com

1233-Yearling Ram

Missouri Dorpers 2362 --- Pending

B: 04/05/2022 Twin

S: RF 7142 "Johnny P" RF148996

D: Missouri Dorpers 1181 EF166082

Sired by the top selling Dorper ram at the Riverwood Dispersal, Johnny P. Thick and correct, he will be a solid breeding piece.

1234-Yearling Ewe

Missouri Dorpers 2351 --- Pending

B: 04/04/2022 Twin

S: RF 7142 "Johnny P" RF148996

D: Missouri Dorpers 1205 EF166086

A Johnny P out of a Cannon daughter. These are the keeping kind but we wanted to bring a good one.


1492 - John Schoonover

7288 Boyd Rd-Pavilion, NY 14525 (585) 558-0681 - (585) 584-8531 jschoonover1@frontier.com Windyhillfarmdorpers.weebly.com

1235-Windy Hill Farm 1475 RR

B: 11/06/2022 Single

S: PV2110 RF156842

D: Windy Hill Farm 1424 EF124063

1236-Fall Ewe Lamb

Windy Hill Farm 1478 RR

B: 11/08/2022 Twin

S: PV2110 RF156842

D: Windy Hill Farm 1418 EF111007


1516 - Andrew Slack

W3696 Willow Bend Rd-Lake Geneva, WI 53147

(262) 745-4808


1237-January Ram Lamb

1240-January Ewe Lamb

PV 2301 --- EF173953

B: 01/08/2023 Twin

S: Powell Ranch 0651 RF143944

D: Patoka Valley 2018 EF142343

Full blood; twin Lobdell and ICON on dam side.

G. TRACY DORPERS 1247 - Gerald Tracy 4654 Bossler Rd-Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717/367-8885


1241-Fall Ram Lamb


B: 09/19/2022 Twin

S: G. Tracy 1784 RP 152739

D: G. Tracy 1829 EP167146

Thick muscled lamb. Goes back to Narrow Gate Farm on the sire side and Powell Ranch on the dam.

1242-Yearling Ewe

G. Tracy 1964 --- EP171187

B: 04/13/2022 Twin

S: Binks Family Farm 385 RF 139648

D: G Tracy 1767 EP 148226

Good stylish late yearling. Has 3C and Powell Ranch on the Grand sire and Grand dam.

1243-Fall Ewe Lamb

1990 ---

B: 10/11/2022

S: Binks Family Farm 385 RF 139648

D: G Tracy 1792 EP 152743

Solid fall ewe lamb with lots of style. Dam is Powell sired.


758 - Dan Ryan

471 N 1600 E Rd-Pana, IL 62557 (217) 827-5420 ryanfarm@ctitech.com

1244-Yearling Ewe

Ryan Dorpers E1621 --- EP162375

B: 10/15/2021 Twin

S: Holman 0218 RF148983

D: Patoka Valley Sheep 1656 EP113004

Nice correct ewe. Should make a good brood ewe like her mother and maybe a show ewe.

1245-Yearling Ewe

Ryan Dorpers E3121 --- EF162603

B: 12/03/2021 Twin

S: Holman 0218

D: Ryan Dorpers B1818 EF121464

Dam was 5th place at Louisville. Nice extended pedigree.


107 - Mark Iunghuhn Family

1138 E 200 N-Princeton, IN 47670 (812) 664-8144


1238-Yearling Ram

PV 2202 QR

B: 01/23/2022 Single

S: Black Creek 122 RF130913

D: Walnut Ridge 0588 EF129690

Solid; very correct. Has NITRO, HANNA and HIVO in background. Full blood.

1239-Fall Ewe Lamb

PV 2231 RR --- EF171940

B: 09/23/2022 Twin

S: Black Creek 122 RF130913

D: PV1960 EF 137951

Full blood twin; sire was all hair; RR.


1434 - Carson Lobdell

19039 Hwy F-Darlington, WI 53530 (608) 482-4549 - (608) 482-4549


1246-January Ram Lamb

Darlington Dorpers 2303 Pending

B: 01/23/2023 Twin

S: Darlington Dorpers 2116 RP163681

D: Darlington Dorpers 2105 EP152521

1247-Fall Ewe Lamb

Darlington Dorpers 2227 EP172397

B: 10/08/2022 Twin

S: Ryan Dorpers B1721 RP153502

D: Darlington Dorpers 1901 EP138162

If you can’t be at the Sale… Plan to be represented with a Mail Bid See the Terms and Conditions on Page 2 for details

1248-Fall Ewe Lamb

Darlington Dorpers 2232 ---


B: 10/21/2022 Twin

S: Ryan Dorpers B1721 RP153502

D: Darlington Dorpers 2007 EP148122


1537 - Blake Huff

357 Orchard Hill Rd-Pomfret Center, CT 06259

(860) 428-9811


1249-Yearling Ram

Huff Farm 01 --- RF165540

B: 02/18/2022 AI

S: RF 6235 RF092041

D: RF 6963 EF141897

First ram offered from our expanding fullblood Dorper flock. Our flock is based in Riverwood genetics. He is an AI son of 2016 Naile Champion ram. We are exposing our ewes to him again before he leaves. He was named supreme at multiple local shows and Reserve Junior Champion of the Big E Junior show as a lamb. You’ll find his offspring in our show flock this summer. Just not enough room to keep him!


418 - Tim and Brenda Lobdell

4543 N Henderson Rd-Freeport, IL 61032 (815) 238-1750


Facebook Lobdell Dorpers

1250-Yearling Ram

We plan to bring two good entries that will be the same genetics as the sheep we've been showing and selling the past couple years. The entries will have close ties to our foundation female who, along with her offspring, hung banners from Maryland to Missouri. We'll have pictures and videos posted a couple weeks prior to the sale. Watch on Facebook: Lobdell Dorpers.

1251-Yearling Ewe

1263-Yearling Ewe

Eaststar Livestock 2228 QQ ---


B: 01/08/2022 Single

S: Eaststar Livestock 2123 RF152320

D: Eaststar Livestock 2119 EF148937

1264-Fall Ewe Lamb

Eaststar Livestock 2309 QQ ---


B: 09/16/2022 Single

S: Eaststar Livestock 2123 RF152320

D: Eaststar Livestock 2119 EF148937

1265-Fall Ewe Lamb

Eaststar Livestock 2321 QQ ---


B: 10/04/2022 Single

S: Paragon Dorpers 862 RF123983

D: Eaststar Livestock 2134 EF152327


1448 - Tyler Schoonover 7288 Boyd Rd-Pavilion, NY 14525 (585) 969-2548 tylerschoonover3@gmail.com

1266-Yearling Ram

Schoonover Family Farm 0107 ---


B: 05/03/2022 Twin

S: East Star Livestock 2010 RF137967

D: East Star Livestock 2013 EF137969

1267-Yearling Ewe

Schoonover Family Farm 0106 ---


B: 05/03/2022 Twin

S: East Star Livestock 2010 RF137967

D: East Star Livestock 2013 EF137969

No longer in flock. Looking to remove from sale and catalog.


219 - Kevin & Kelly Paul 1608 E Hwy 136-Albany, MO 64402 (816) 392-0048 - (660) 726-5115 kerrypaul@windstream.net missouridorpers.com

1268-Yearling Ram

Missouri Dorpers 2201 --- Pending

B: 01/06/2022 Twin

S: Missouri Dorpers 1145 RF154168

D: Missouri Dorpers 0133 EF151981

A thick, correct son of "Avalanche" and out of a type 5, conformation 5 ewe.

1269-Yearling Ewe


1412 - Ron & Holly Waldron

3516 Heck Rd-Saint Paris, OH 43072 (937) 869-4348


1261-Yearling Ram

Eaststar Livestock 2230 QR ---


B: 01/09/2022 Single

S: Eaststar Livestock 2123 RF152320

D: Eaststar Livestock 2107 EF148929

1262-Fall Ram Lamb

Eaststar Livestock 2323 QQ ---


B: 10/05/2022 Single

S: Paragon Dorpers 862 RF123983

D: Eaststar Livestock 2033 EF140056

Missouri Dorpers 2421 --- Pending

B: 04/27/2022 Single

S: RF 7005 "White Halter" RF142891

D: Missouri Dorpers 1201 EF157712

Sired by the top selling ram of the Riverwood Dispersal, "White Halter". She is also out of one of our most productive ewes, 5015.


1392 - Rustin Adam 9628 Owens Rd-Convoy, OH 45832 (419) 203-9534


1270-Fall Ram Lamb 2028 --- RP172423

B: 09/23/2022 Single

S: East Star Livestock 2210 RF15983

D: HSS 3696 EP079162 Purebred!


1322 - Grace Muhlenkamp

6248 E. 300 N.-Portland, IN 47371 567-510-3272


1271-Yearling Ram

JIM DAVIS 618 - Jim Davis 24001 N 1900 E Rd-Odell, IL 60460 (815) 228-5967 jbdavis@maxwire.net davissouthdowns.com

1272-Fall Ewe Lamb

CROSS COUNTY NORTH 1400 - Mary and Tony Sweppy PO Box 187-Allendale, IL 62410-0187 (618) 240-0825 sweppyym@gmail.com

1273-Yearling Ewe

Cross County North 2217 --EP164495

B: 02/11/2022 Twin

S: East Star Livestock 2009 RF137966

D: Cross County North 2011 EP151958

First time we are offering ewes from the S Bar T 0394 family. East Star 2009 has crossed well on this line. The ewes are heavy milking productive females.

1274-Yearling Ewe

Cross County North 2235 --EP165306

B: 03/01/2022 Twin

S: East Star Livestock 2009 RF137966

D: Cross County North 2007 EP151944

Only the 2nd time to sell ewes from the S Bar T 0186 "Dottie" line. In 2018 we took at Dottie daughter to Cookeville TN. She won her class and Darla Turley's heart. Darla took her Back to Texas. The Dottie family never disappoints.

1275-January Ewe Lambs

Cross County North 2307 --EP173867

B: 01/03/2023 Single

S: East Star Livestock 2009 RF137966

D: Cross County North 2212 EP151959

January ewe lamb from the S Bar T 0394 ewe family. Powerful ewe lamb with a bright future. The daughters of East Star 2009 in prouduction are excellent mothers.

1276-January Ewe Lambs

Cross County West 2309 --- EP173866

B: 01/06/2023 Single

S: East Star Livestock 1620 RF103636

D: Cross County North 21040 EP165304

January ewe lamb from the S Bart T 0186 Dottie line. This ewe's mother was our grandson's show lamb last year. Stout ewe lamb with loads of potential.

Champion White Dorper Ewe sold from Ohio to Missouri for $2,600 at the 2022 Ohio Showcase Sale.



1345 - Larry Mefford

641 S Co Rd 110-Neega, IL 62447 217/895-3468 tmefford2000@yahoo.com

1277-Yearling Ram

LTM 359 QR --- RP159035

S: UKWhite Dorpers19-8770 RP143396

D: Afton HillsFarm 7904 EP121828

Used this lamb last fall on 7 ewes put 9 ewe lamb in keeper pen .selling 1 1/4/2023 very good ewe lamb sired by him.

1278-January Ram Lamb

LTM 415

B: 01/10/2023 Twin

S: UKWhite Dorpers19-8770 RP143396

D: East Star Livestock 1810 EF119176 young lamb with great deal out come

1279-Yearling Ewe

LTM 373 QR ---

B: 09/08/2021 Twin

S: RF6832 RF 128796

D: LTM Genetics 245 EP 120825

Dam to Jan ewe lamb. Exposed back to LTM 359. Start date 03/27/2023

1280-Fall Ewe Lamb

LTM 409 ---

B: 09/08/2023 Twin

S: UKWhite Dorpers19-8770 RP143396

D: Two Rock Ranch 1131 EP 121542 Lamb that can show or top brood ewe

1281-January Ewe Lambs

LTM 417

B: 01/04/2023 Single

S: LTM 359 RP159035

D: LTM 373 EP 159033 this lamb shows what 2 yearlings have and can produce


1503 - Larry Garrett 190 South Co. Rd. 850 West-Glenwood, IN 46133 (765) 561-7162 - (765) 679-1434 lgarrett07777@gmail.com

1282-January Ram Lamb ---Pending

B: 01/02/2023 Twin

S: RF 6857 RF128783

D: Garrett Brothers 0084 EP153584


1390 - Emily Vincent 78 Turner Road-Berne, NY 12023 (707) 364-7547 tworockranch@gmail.com www.tworock.rocks

1283-Yearling Ram

Two Rock Ranch 22114 --- RP171233

B: 03/05/2022 Twin

S: Willow Creek Ranch M377 RP118924

D: Two Rock Ranch 2022 EP156782 Grand dam

1284-Fall Ram Lamb

1285-January Ram Lamb

1286-Yearling Ewe

1287-Fall Ewe Lamb

1288-January Ewe Lambs PAGE 46

Farms ……………………………….. 106-107 Lein Lincolns …………………………………. 108-109 Wool Hollow Lincolns …………………… 110 Wishing Well Farms …………………….. 111

Valley Farm …………………………. 112-115

Bri-Matt Farm ………………………………. 116-117 Friesz Livestock …………………………….. 118-121

Barry Hooker ………………………………… 122-123

Old Glory Farms ……………………………. 124-125


HB Livestock ………………………………….. 131-133

J Baird Border Leicesters ……………….. 134

Hickory Grove Farm ……………………… 135-136

Kurth Farms …………………………………… 137-139

Maybe Tomorrow Farm ………………… 140

Hyline Farm …………………………………… 141


Someday Soon Farm ……………………… 151-152

Echo Ridge Flock ……………………………. 153-154

J Baird Border Leicesters ……………….. 155

Kurth Farms …………………………………… 156

MERINOS – Pgs. 8-9

Greenleaf Valley ……………………………. 171-174

Birkhimer Family ……………………………. 175-177

Megans Merinos ……………………………. 178-182

Diller Sheep Farm ………………………….. 183-184

Crouse Farm ………………………………….. 185-188

Walnut Creek Yacht Club ………………. 189


Kirkpatrick Rambouillets ………………… 196-197

Marshall Sheep Company ……………… 198-199

Regehr Sheep ………………………………..

Borcher Sheep Co ……………………………260-262

Hyline Farm ……………………………………. 268-269

Old Glory Farms …………………………….. 270-271

Walnut Creek Yacht Club ……………….. 272


McCarthy Dorsets ………………………….. 281

Purple Ribbon Farms ……………………… 282-283

Scotch Lane Farm …………………………… 284

Inbody Polled Dorsets …………………… 285

Woodland Dorsets ………………………….. 286-288

Pine Knob Farm ……………………………… 289-290

Donkers Dorsets …………………………….. 291-293

Myers Polled Dorsets ………………………294

Hartschuh Livestock ………………………..295

Dover Genetics ……………………………… 296


Greenleaf Valley ………………………….. 306-308

ALAM Livestock ……………………………. 309

Galleher Farms ……………………………… 310-312

Frog Hollow Farm ………………………….. 313-314

Cassell Horned Dorsets ………………….. 315-318



Slentz Club Lambs …………………………. 321-323

Perkins Club Lambs ……………………….. 324-325

Fleener Club Lambs ……………………….. 326

JD Club Lambs ……………………………….. 327

McCandlish Hampshires ………………….328

DDJ Show Lambs ……………………………. 329-330

Scarlet Acres Livestock ………………….. 331

Perry Club Lambs …………………………… 332

Carson Club Lambs ………………………… 333-336

Fleener Livestock ………………………….. 337

Parr Hampshires ……………………………. 338-339

WF Club Lambs ……………………………… 340

Dan Westlake Hampshires …………….. 341-342


McCarthy Dorsets ………………………….. 351-352

Crystal Springs Club Lambs ……………. 353-354

Wilfong Dorsets …………………………….. 355-358

DL Grumbine & Sons ……………………… 359-361

Perry Club Lambs …………………………… 362

Knittel Livestock ……………………………. 363-364

McQuinley Club Lambs ………………….. 365-367

Myers Polled Dorsets …………………….. 368-371

WF Club Lambs ………………………………. 372

WD Dorsets & Club Lambs ……………. 373-374


Swartz & Talley …………………………….. 381-384

McGuire Club Lambs …………………….. 385-386

Wilfong Dorsets …………………………….. 387-388

DL Grumbine & Sons …………………….. 389-390

WF Club Lambs ……………………………… 391


Next Generation Livestock ……………. 401-403

Unrast Bros Showstock …………………. 404-405

Rutherford Club Lambs …………………. 406-409

Slentz Club Lambs …………………………. 410-412

Crystal Springs Club Lambs ……………. 413-415

Ewe & Me Acres ……………………………. 416-417

McCandlish Hampshires ………………… 418-419

Waterman Family ………………………….. 420-421

DDJ Show Lambs …………………………… 422-423

Bandt Corriedales ………………………… 1-7 Hoffman Corriedales …………………… 8-13 Gann Farms ……………………………… 14-15 Lein Corriedales …………………………… 16-17 Owl Ridge Farm …………………………… 18-22 Saul Farm ………………………………… 23-24 Chloe Wyllie …………………………………. 25-28 Federer Corriedales ……………………… 29-33 Kemler Corriedales ………………………. 34-35 Dew Drop Farm ……………………………. 36-39 Freisz Livestock ……………………………. 40-43 Craig Sheep Farm ………………………… 44 Phillippi Corriedales …………………….. 45-51 Peters Corriedales ………………………... 52-55 WHITE LINCOLNS – Pgs. 4-5 Echo Ridge Flock …………………………. 71 Heritage Hill ………………………………… 72-74 Sando Farm …………………………………. 75-76 Liberty Farms ………………………………. 77-79 Lein Lincolns ……………………………….. 80-81 Wool Hollow Lincolns …………………. 82 Wind Valley Farm ……………………….. 83-84 Chaotic Farm ………………………………. 85-87 Raders Lincolns …………………………… 88-89 Friesz Livestock
…………………………… 90-93
Hooker ………………………………. 94-95 NC LINCOLNS – Pgs. 5-7
Hill …………………………………
Ewe & Me Acres …………………………… 103
Farm …………………………………. 104-105
200-201 Dew Drop Farm ……………………………… 202 Ewe & I Livestock …………………………… 203 COLUMBIAS – Pgs. 9-10 Thiesen Columbias …………………….. 211-212 Kauffman Family Farm ……………….. 213-214 MKM Farm ………………………………….. 215-216 Dew Drop Farm …………………………… 217 Hyline Farm …………………………………. 218 Mark & Boston Smith Columbias …… 219-220 NATURAL COLOREDS – Pgs. 10-12 Kuehne Coloreds ………………………… 226-231 McDaniel Ranch …………………………
232-233 McDaniel Brothers ………………………. 234 Pines End Natural Coloreds …………… 235-236 Moenter Homestead ……………………. 237-240 Gann Farms …………………………………… 241-245 Saul Farm ……………………………………….
Purple Ribbon Farms ……………………… 248 Scotch Lane Farm ………………………….. 249-252 Southwest Sheep Co ………………………. 253-257
Broken Arrow Ranch ……………………….258-259
Dew Drop Farm ……………………………… 263-265 DeVries Livestock …………………………… 266 Swartz & Talley ………………………………. 267

Hall Club Lambs …………. 424-430

Kauffman Family Farm 431-435

Scarlet Acres Livestock 436

Perry Club Lambs ………. 437-438

J&M Club Lambs ……….. 439-440

Wolf Bros Livestock ……. 441-442

Fleener Livestock ………… 443-444

Hartschuh Livestock …… 445

Hubbard Club Lambs ….. 446-448

WF Club Lambs ………….. 449

WD Dorsets & Cl Lambs 450-451

Platinum F Livestock ….. 452-453

Rockin B Show Lambs … 454-456

KATAHDINS – Pgs. 18-20

Riviera ………………………. 461-468

TRC Farms ………………… 469

Hancock Katahdins ……. 470

Hancock Farms …………. 471-472

Sturdy Post Ranch …….. 473-475

Kiefer Sheep Farm …….. 476-481

Craig Family Livestock … 482

Mason Fruechte …………. 483

Zuercher Genetics ……… 484-487

B&B Livestock …………… 488-489

ALAM Livestock ………… 490

Smohalla Acres …………. 491-494

JEM Farm ………………….. 495-497

Circle D Sheep …………… 498-500

Jeff Poynter ……………….. 501-503

Hall Katahdins ……………. 504-510

Lauden Acres ……………… 511-517

Burbrink Show Stock ….. 518-524

Shady Lane Farm …………525

BB Farms ……………………. 526-528

Clay Hill Ranch …………… 529-533

TUNIS – Pgs. 20-23

Spilde Farms ……………… 536-542

Double A Ranch …………. 543

Murry Farms ……………… 544-547

Jason Loper ………………. 548-550

Wishing Well Farms ….

Creekside Tunis …………

Woolly Hollow Farm …. 565-567

Busy Corner Farm ………. 568-569

JET Tunis …………………… 570-573

Shadybrook Farm ……… 574-577

Vandenbroek Family …. 578-579

Swiharts Moonlight ……. 580-582

MJM Family Farms …….. 583-586

Triangle Farms Tunis …. 587-589

RQL Farms ………………….. 590-593

Swartz & Talley Tunis … 594-597

Old Glory Farms …………. 598-599

Mumm Tunis …………….. 600-604


JW Simms-Reisner ……. 611-612

The Burks Kids ………….. 613

My Montadales ………… 614-616

CHEVIOTS – Pgs. 24-25

Spilde Farms …………….. 626-630

Ron & Barb Yochum ….. 631-632

Moenter Homestead …. 633-634

Jason Loper ……………….. 635-638

John & Judy Moore …… 639-641

K&C Copeland Farm …… 642-643

Pine Knoll Acres ………… 644

Black Acre Farm ………… 645-650



SHROPSHIRES – Pgs. 33-37

Fritz Farm …………………… 901-904

Parr Family Shrops ……… 905-908

SS Shrops ……………………. 909-911

Sand Meadow Farm ……. 912-915

McKinstry Shrops ……….. 916-917

Rockin K Livestock ………. 918-919

High Life Farm …………….. 920-927

Midnight Star Farm …… 928-929

JEM Farm …………………… 930

Schoolhouse Shrops …… 931-932

Heegs Crazy H Cl. Lambs 933-935

New Horizons Farm ……. 936-937

MOBO Junction Farms … 938-940

Kemp Shropshires ………. 941-943

Land Run Shrops ………….. 944-951

City Limits …………………… 952-962

Sylvanmore ………………… 963

Royal Star Shropshires … 964

Raudebaugh Family ……. 965-966

Outlaw Sheep Co. ……….. 967-968

Isler Shropshires …………. 969-970

Poynter Stock Farm …….. 971-979

ES Shropshires ……………. 980-982

Majors Show Lambs …… 983-986

Kenyon Buckland ……….. 987-988

Fleener Livestock ……….. 989-992

Step Ahead Shrops …….. 993-996

Leininger Livestock …….. 997-998

BWB Farms Inc …………… 999-1000

Dirlam Shropshires ……… 1001-1004

VIP …………………………….. 1005-1011

Ebert Sheep Farm ……… 1012-1014

Greenbrier Acres ……….. 1015-1018

O’Neill Shropshires ……. 1019-1025

SUFFOLKS – Pgs. 37-39

Maple Lawn Farms ……… 1051-1052

TM Matlock Suffolks …… 1053-1055

Kaydeross Ridge Farm …. 1056-1057

Mil-Sid Farm ……………… 1058-1061

Ewe & Me Acres ………… 1062-1064

Slack Farms ………………… 1065

Frostaire Farms ………….. 1066-1067

Five Star J Farms …………. 1068-1070

Arnevik Family Suffolks .. 1071-1073

Riverview Livestock …….. 1074-1076

MacCauley Suffolk ……… 1077

Maple Leaf Suffolks ……. 1078-1079

Step Ahead Suffolks ……. 1080

Bayliss Stock Farm ………. 1081

Braasch Land & Livestock 1082-1083

EB Suffolks ………………….. 1084-1088

Henderson Suffolks …….. 1089-1090

HAMPSHIRES – Pgs. 39-41

Birschbach Hampshires … 1101-1102

Dan Westlake Hampshires . 1103-1104

Parr Hampshires ………… 1105-1112

VIP …………………………….. 1113-1116

Marshall Sheep Co …….. 1117-1120

Plaza Livestock …………… 1121-1122

Person Livestock Co …… 1123-1126

Person Slicked Hamps .. 1127-1128

Wagner Breeding Sheep 1129-1130

Cornerstone Livestock Co 1131-1133

Hauger Hamps & Downs .. 1134-1135

Scarlet Acres Livestock ….. 1136-1137

Carson Club Lambs ……….. 1138-1141

Tim Kubatzke ………………… 1142

Fuller Sheep Farm …………. 1143

Bayliss Stock Farm …………. 1144

Platinum F Livestock ………. 1145-1148

Highland Hampshires ………. 1149-1153

Mumm Hampshires ………… 1154-1155

Northern Starr Livestock ….. 1156-1158

Rikow Hamps …………………… 1159

Epperly Club Lambs …………. 1160

OXFORDS – Pg. 42

L.A. Farm …………………… 1161

Bingen Oxfords ………….. 1162-1163

Weber Livestock Co. ……. 1164-1166

Double A Oxfords ……… 1167-1168

Misty Meadow Oxfords 1169-1174

Lillibridge Oxfords ………. 1175-1180

Dover Genetics …………… 1181-1182

DORPERS – Pgs. 43-45

Dry Creek Dorpers ……………. 1191-1202

Kincaid Dorpers ………………… 1203

Neer Family Dorpers …………. 1204-1205

Blue Bird Valley …………………. 1206-1208

Walnut Ridge ……………………. 1209-1210

Muhlenkamp Livestock ……… 1211-1214

Jim Davis ………………………… 1215-1221

Idehl Acres ……………………… 1222

Manger Farms ………………… 1223-1227

Averill Family Farm …………. 1228-1229

Jett Dorpers ……………………. 1230-1232

Missouri Dorpers …………….. 1233-1234

Windy Hill Farm Dorpers …. 1235-1236

Slack Farms ……………………… 1237

Patoka Valley Sheep …………. 1238-1240

G. Tracy Dorpers ……………… 1241-1243

Ryan Dorpers …………………… 1244-1245

Darlington Dorpers ………….. 1246-1248 Huff Farm ………………………… 1249

Lobdell Dorpers ……………….. 1250-1251

WHITE DORPERS – Pgs. 45-46

Eaststar Livestock ……………… 1261-1265

Schoonover Family Farm …… 1266-1267

Missouri Dorpers ………………. 1268-1269

Next Generation Livestock …. 1270

Muhlenkamp Livestock ……… 1271

Jim Davis ………………………….. 1272

Cross County North …………… 1273-1276

L & M And LTM …………………. 1277-1281

Garrett Brothers ……………….. 1282

Two Rock Ranch ……………….. 1283-1288

551-555 Stumpe Farms ………….. 556-559 Stumpe Tunis …………….. 560-562
– Pgs. 25-26
Knob Farm …………. 661-667
Hill Farm …………. 668-669
Acres ………………… 670 Koch Livestock …………… 671-676 Newlife Farm …………….. 677-679 Portland Prairie Texels .. 680-682
Texels ………… 683-684 Lamb Chop Haven ……… 685-686
Oldenburg Farms ………. 701-709 A&M Ranch ………………. 710-712 Maddox Livestock ……… 713-719 McElvain Sheep Farm … 720-721 Sand Meadow Farm …… 722 Sexten Southdowns …… 723-724 University of Findlay …… 725-730 Jim Davis ……………………. 731-732 Fowler Southdowns …… 733-737 Craig Family Livestock …. 738-739 M Williams Southdowns 740-742 MB Genetics Inc …………. 743-746 Choma Southdowns …… 747 Wild H Acres ………………. 748-750 Beckmier Bros ……………. 751-756 James McClintock ………. 757 Kuhn Mills Southdowns .. 758-762 Fleener Club Lambs ……. 763-764 Wilson Livestock ………… 765-767 Rhodes Southdowns …… 768-770 Wishing Well Farms ……. 771 Rincker Southdowns …… 772-774 Bullington Southdowns . 775-778 Brinkman Sheep Farm … 779-781 ESQ Southdowns ……….. 782-786 FP Livestock ……………….. 787-789 Parker Farms ……………… 790-792 Avery & Carson Shoffner 793-794 Leininger Southdowns … 795-798 George Brothers ………… 799-800 Bowers Southdowns ….. 801-803 R&D Acres …………………. 804-805 Next Level Livestock …… 806-808 Jemstone …………………… 809-810 Ol Glory Farms …………… 811-812 Lone Rooster Farm …….. 813-815 Limestone Southdowns . 816-817 Fox Field Farm …………… 818 Wierzbicki Southdowns 819-821 Gullickson Southdowns 822-824 Burns Stock Farm ……… 825-827 Scramlin Southdowns .. 828-829 Knittel Livestock …………. 830-834 ELE Southdowns ………… 835 B & K Showstock ……….. 836 Darlington Downs ……… 837-840 Carson Club Lambs ……. 841-844 Willwerth Southdowns 845-852 Sunrise Southdowns …… 853-856 Leininger Livestock ……. 857-860 Forsee Southdowns …… 861-868 Bowman Southdowns … 868-871 Howard Southdowns ….. 872-877 Northern Starr Livestock 878-884 Geerts Southdowns ……. 885-887 Longenecker Show Stock 888-890
– Pgs. 27-32

PO Box 25

Rushsylvania, OH 43347


Tentative Vendors (As of April 10) – Vendors will be located inside and outside the Cattle Show Arena

Weaver Leather/Brubaker Feed & Grain - Armstrong Ag & Supply, LLC

Small Ruminant Consulting - Richard Feasley Equip. & Sharpening Services

Profiles Livestock Show Supply & Custom Embroidery

Mountain View Machine - Eppco Feed & Supply - Stegall Fabrication

Martin Welding & Fabrication

MAY 11-13, 2023


Darke County Fairgrounds

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