Feb 28, 2021 weekly update

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BERWICK. CRANBOURNE. NARRE WARREN. WEEKLY UPDATE REMINDERS 1. Berwick Reception is now Re-open. Monday-Friday 9AM-5:30PM and Saturdays 9AM-1PM Cranbourne and Narre WarrenTeams, if your clients need to collect keys on a Saturday, please co-ordinate with Berwick reception and have the keys dropped to Berwick. 2. Berwick downstairs refurbishment is still not complete and we do not have a datewhen it will be complete. We promise to keep you up to date. In the meantime our Berwick Property Managers will continue to work from Cranbourne and Narre Warren. 3. Apologies for the distractions caused by the trades in and out of the office. 4. Reminder on the Leading Team dates, Wednesday 9th March 2022 - 9AM - 12PM Berwick Office 1PM - 4PM Narre Warren office Thursday 10th March 2022 - 9AM - 1PM Cranbourne Office

Paul Rogers presented this today to Chris Short (Principal of Berwick Chase Primary School) to fund the surface under the new outdoor learning area to be constructed in the coming months.

REAL ESTATE FUN FACT. Brass doorknobs are cleaner and healthier Did you know that brass magically disinfects itself? Called the oligodynamic effect, the ions within the metal have a toxic effect on viruses, molds, spores and pretty much all living cells. The doorknob will disinfect itself over a period of eight hours — now that’s a COVID safe house fact!

Article Source : PropertyMe

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Yvette Cassidy - March 2nd 2022

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Rachael Davidson - March 2nd 2022 - 5th years

GET TO KNOW ME! Time I Wake Up - 7:15 AM Usual Breakfast - Yoghurt Most Played Song - Use Somebody by Kings of Leon Last TV Show Watched - Orange Is The New Black Current Food Craving - Chocolate My Safe Space -My home

Abby Fraser Sales Associate of Matt Dewan

JANUARY REPORT https://issuu.com/november2016/docs/bcnw_jan_2022_report?fr=sNGIyYjMyNzE1Mzk

LAST 20 SALES REPORT https://issuu.com/november2016/docs/jan_berwick_last_20_lease?fr=sMjMzZjMyNzE1Mzk

LAST 20 LEASE REPORT https://issuu.com/november2016/docs/jan_berwick_last_20_lease?fr=sMjMzZjMyNzE1Mzk

LAST 20 SALES BY SUBURB REPORT https://issuu.com/november2016/docs/bncw_last_20_sales_per_suburb_jan_2022?fr=sZTUxODMyNzE1Mzk

LAST 20 LEASE BY SUBURB REPORT https://issuu.com/november2016/docs/suburb_bncw_january_last_20_lease?fr=sODVmYzMyNzE1Mzk

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Feb 28, 2021 weekly update by Obrien Real Estate - Issuu