Rental Market Update
December monthly review.

To create a place where we can facilitate our people’s growth.
Family. Our colleagues are our broader family, assist when needed and when in need.
Mutuality. Respect our colleagues and our clients as you would like to be respected.
Realising potential. Unlock your full potential, encourage and support your colleagues.
Embrace change. Strive for excellence; be open minded and willing to embrace change.
Health and energy. Work towards being well balanced within yourself.
A snapshot of last months leases.
Suburb Price per week
24KathleenCourt 27JarrydCrescent 2MarijaCrescent 19CharlesConderPlace 14BelmontRoad 94AGolfLinksRoad 19BellevueDrive 27JackWilliamWay 21AJerichoCourt 26GrandArchWay 13RiverrunDrive 24CinnabarLane 31DrummondStreet 14BurnettWay 10PlevenRise 26aSelandraBoulevard 69ThoroughbredDrive 2BarklyStreet 18GenevieveCircuit 10TattleGrove 57RenlikCircuit Unit14/10-20MicklehamDrive 24MannavueBoulevard 3JindaleeGardens Unit801/80CheltenhamRoad Unit3/28OliveStreet Unit10/3aBaileyanaDrive 2RossiterAvenue 27JohnFawknerDrive 8PiedmontClose 4ColeyCourt 33ViewStreet 9EdithRise 8JarmanDrive 57AnacondaRoad 1ATingleClose 7ClendonDrive
Beaconsfield Berwick Berwick Berwick Berwick Berwick Berwick Berwick Berwick Berwick BotanicRidge BotanicRidge Clyde ClydeNorth ClydeNorth ClydeNorth ClydeNorth Cranbourne CranbourneEast CranbourneEast CranbourneNorth CranbourneNorth CranbourneNorth CranbourneWest Dandenong Dandenong EndeavourHills EndeavourHills EndeavourHills EndeavourHills HamptonPark HamptonPark HamptonPark Langwarrin NarreWarren NarreWarren Officer
3 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 4 4 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2
$495 $510 $530 $535 $595 $545 $440 $550 $470 $550 $450 $480 $550 $450 $390 $410 $485 $490 $490 $450 $400 $400 $480 $460 $400 $320 $380 $440 $450 $400 $370 $380 $440 $460 $450 $450 $500
Reason #1
Access to more renters.
Inter-office promotion and selling increasing your property’s exposure. Latest prospective renter database.
Reason #2 Experience, integrity and knowledge.
Local area specialists, highly skilled and trained property managers across all offices.
Reason #3
Faster leasing time.
Our low days on market can translate into marketing savings. Less time on market ensures you receive the best possible price.
Reason #4
Constant improvement.
Reason #5
Specialised marketing.
Professional photography and lease boards, utilising Australia’s premier real estate websites.
Berwick 9707 0556 56-58 High Street
Cranbourne Narre Warren
Cranbourne 5995 0500
Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre FS005/125 S Gippsland Hwy
Narre Warren 8794 0500
32 Overland Drive