Knowing the right terminology will give us a starting point in understanding and learning about Bamboo propagation.
The Bamboo Bootcamp is more than just about Bamboo, it is a new future, a new way of life, an new hope!! What value do you give all that?
To know more about the Bamboo Building Fundamentals Workshop please visit link at
** This workshop is for anybody with the LOVE and Interest in Bamboo and on a mission for a sustainable ecosystem. Farmers that want to propagate, professionals who want to see its properties as a strong building material, Craftsmen who want to learn how to work with it, Enthusiasts who want to learn of its many uses, Arts & Crafts Lovers who want to learn how to use Bamboo as a medium and Entrepreneurs, LGUs and Business People who can see the opportunity for livelihood. The Bamboo Industry fulfils the 17 Sustainable Goals set forth by the UN, thus allowing participants to indulge in building a better world through Bamboo.