Opening Message from the Head of Secondary Welcome to the Options Booklet for Key Stage 4. Inside it you will find valuable information about the subjects that your child can study at Nexus International School. Entering Year 10 marks the start of an exciting new stage in the educational career of our learners as they embark on a new journey towards academic examinations and external qualifications.
OUR PURPOSE To educate the youth of the world to take their productive place as leaders in the global community.
It is important to read through this booklet and attend the annual Options Information Evening. This is to ensure informed decisions are made regarding choosing the right subjects and how these subjects may lead to further study at IB and University level. In addition, teachers are available to discuss which subjects would be the best choices for each learner to take.
OUR CORE VALUES Respecting and Caring for Each Other Being Dedicated to a culture of Excellence Openness in Communication Acting with Integrity Being Passionate in What We Do Creating Enjoyable Environment
Please take your time to read through this booklet and contact the school office should you have any further questions.
OUR VISION Nexus International School will be an internationally minded learning community that nurtures and supports every child’s emotional, physical, creative and intellectual needs in order that they can achieve academic success and become globally responsible citizens. We will accomplish this by celebrating diversity and challenging minds.
(I)GCSE stands for the (International) General Certificate of Secondary Education. This is an external qualification that is usually taken at the end of Year 11 for learners at the age of 16. It is the direct stepping stone to pre-university courses such as the International Baccalaureate. The choices that a learner makes are therefore very important and we at Nexus International School believe in providing relevant information here in this booklet and at the parents’ options information evening to enable learners to make informed choices. Should you have any additional questions please speak to your teachers or to the Head of Key Stage 4.
To foster the gifts and talents that reside in everybody through careful mentorship and guidance based on respect. To provide a nurturing environment for these talents; one that is innovative, progressive and grounded in trust, compassion and respect.
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Opening Message from the Head of Secondary Welcome to the Options Booklet for Key Stage 4. Inside it you will find valuable information about the subjects that your child can study at Nexus International School. Entering Year 10 marks the start of an exciting new stage in the educational career of our learners as they embark on a new journey towards academic examinations and external qualifications.
OUR PURPOSE To educate the youth of the world to take their productive place as leaders in the global community.
It is important to read through this booklet and attend the annual Options Information Evening. This is to ensure informed decisions are made regarding choosing the right subjects and how these subjects may lead to further study at IB and University level. In addition, teachers are available to discuss which subjects would be the best choices for each learner to take.
OUR CORE VALUES Respecting and Caring for Each Other Being Dedicated to a culture of Excellence Openness in Communication Acting with Integrity Being Passionate in What We Do Creating Enjoyable Environment
Please take your time to read through this booklet and contact the school office should you have any further questions.
OUR VISION Nexus International School will be an internationally minded learning community that nurtures and supports every child’s emotional, physical, creative and intellectual needs in order that they can achieve academic success and become globally responsible citizens. We will accomplish this by celebrating diversity and challenging minds.
(I)GCSE stands for the (International) General Certificate of Secondary Education. This is an external qualification that is usually taken at the end of Year 11 for learners at the age of 16. It is the direct stepping stone to pre-university courses such as the International Baccalaureate. The choices that a learner makes are therefore very important and we at Nexus International School believe in providing relevant information here in this booklet and at the parents’ options information evening to enable learners to make informed choices. Should you have any additional questions please speak to your teachers or to the Head of Key Stage 4.
To foster the gifts and talents that reside in everybody through careful mentorship and guidance based on respect. To provide a nurturing environment for these talents; one that is innovative, progressive and grounded in trust, compassion and respect.
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
CONTENTS English Curriculum Based Examination Systems 6 What Are Awarding Bodies? 7 The Year 10/11 Curriculum At The Nexus International School 8 The Process Of Making A Preference For Subject Options 8 Can Learners Change Their Subject Choices After Completing The Form? 9 Exam Fees And Cost Implications 9 Overview of Subject Structure 10 Subject Information: English 12 Mathematics 13 Biology 14 Chemistry 15 Physics 16 Art 17 Business Studies 18 Economics 19 Drama 20 Geography 21 Global Perspectives 22 History 23 Bahasa Malaysia (Foreign Language) 24 Mandarin (Foreign Language) 25 First Language Chinese 26 Spanish or French 27 Music 28 Physical Education 29 Additional Mathematics 30
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Mins.
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
CONTENTS English Curriculum Based Examination Systems 6 What Are Awarding Bodies? 7 The Year 10/11 Curriculum At The Nexus International School 8 The Process Of Making A Preference For Subject Options 8 Can Learners Change Their Subject Choices After Completing The Form? 9 Exam Fees And Cost Implications 9 Overview of Subject Structure 10 Subject Information: English 12 Mathematics 13 Biology 14 Chemistry 15 Physics 16 Art 17 Business Studies 18 Economics 19 Drama 20 Geography 21 Global Perspectives 22 History 23 Bahasa Malaysia (Foreign Language) 24 Mandarin (Foreign Language) 25 First Language Chinese 26 Spanish or French 27 Music 28 Physical Education 29 Additional Mathematics 30
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Mins.
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
UK Curriculum Based Examination Systems During Years 10 and 11 learners follow a two-year course, studying a broad range of subjects leading to the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). All learners follow a set of core subjects followed by a number of choices. It is usual for learners to study about 9 subjects during Years 10 & 11. At the end of Year 11 learners take their (I) GCSE exams. The results of these are used to inform subject choices in Year 12 and may also be considered, alongside IB points, by university admissions departments. It is worth noting that a separate grade is given for each subject and in most cases the full two-year course must be complete before any examination certificate can be awarded.
GCSE – The General Certificate of Secondary Education
What Are Awarding Bodies?
These are two-year courses followed by learners who study in the UK. They are graded from A* - G, with grade C being the commonly accepted grade for a good pass. One of the key performance indicators used for schools and the UK government is the percentage of Year 11 students who pass 5 GCSE’s (including English and mathematics) at grade C or better.
In the UK, external school examinations are set by private organisations, known as Awarding Bodies. These awarding bodies are often referred to as examination boards and are regulated through a governmental body called the QCA (Qualification and Curriculum Authority).
IGCSE – The International GCSE
Nexus International School has chosen to use two exam boards:
The IGCSE is also a two-year course and the result has exactly the same value as the GCSE. The IGCSE tends to put greater emphasis on the final examination and questions may be set in a more international context. At Nexus International School, Heads of Department decide whether to offer the GCSE or IGCSE based on the needs of the learners and the curriculum offered. NISP
AQA based in the North of England CIE - based in Cambridge (Cambridge International Exams)
Learners at Nexus International School will take exams from both awarding bodies achieving certification at either GCSE or IGCSE (both exam routes have the same value).
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
UK Curriculum Based Examination Systems During Years 10 and 11 learners follow a two-year course, studying a broad range of subjects leading to the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). All learners follow a set of core subjects followed by a number of choices. It is usual for learners to study about 9 subjects during Years 10 & 11. At the end of Year 11 learners take their (I) GCSE exams. The results of these are used to inform subject choices in Year 12 and may also be considered, alongside IB points, by university admissions departments. It is worth noting that a separate grade is given for each subject and in most cases the full two-year course must be complete before any examination certificate can be awarded.
GCSE – The General Certificate of Secondary Education
What Are Awarding Bodies?
These are two-year courses followed by learners who study in the UK. They are graded from A* - G, with grade C being the commonly accepted grade for a good pass. One of the key performance indicators used for schools and the UK government is the percentage of Year 11 students who pass 5 GCSE’s (including English and mathematics) at grade C or better.
In the UK, external school examinations are set by private organisations, known as Awarding Bodies. These awarding bodies are often referred to as examination boards and are regulated through a governmental body called the QCA (Qualification and Curriculum Authority).
IGCSE – The International GCSE
Nexus International School has chosen to use two exam boards:
The IGCSE is also a two-year course and the result has exactly the same value as the GCSE. The IGCSE tends to put greater emphasis on the final examination and questions may be set in a more international context. At Nexus International School, Heads of Department decide whether to offer the GCSE or IGCSE based on the needs of the learners and the curriculum offered. NISP
AQA based in the North of England CIE - based in Cambridge (Cambridge International Exams)
Learners at Nexus International School will take exams from both awarding bodies achieving certification at either GCSE or IGCSE (both exam routes have the same value).
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
The Year 10/11 Curriculum At Nexus International School All learners entering Year 10 will study the following core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science (including Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Global Perspectives (a Humanities course which includes, Geography, History and Economics), Digital Literacy, Language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin/Chinese or Spanish or French) and PSHE (Personal Social Education). Learner can then choose 2 of the following Options: Art and Design, Business or Economics, Drama, Geography, History, Music and Physical Education. Therefore all learners at Nexus International School will undertake 9 GCSEs/IGCSEs. Please refer to each individual subject guide in this booklet for more information.
The Process Of Making A Preference For Subject Options
Can Learners Change Their Subject Choices After Completing The Form? Once learners have expressed their subject preferences and completed the Option Choices form, a meeting will be set-up to discuss the requirements of the learner with the Head of Key Stage 4 as necessary. Subject preferences may change due to a variety of different reasons and these can be discussed on an individual basis. Once the learner has started to study their choices in September, only in exceptional circumstances will she or he be able to change their subject choice and this will be determined by a number of factors, like timetable, option blocks and class sizes. After the October half term we do not allow any changes and require learners to be committed to completing the full two-year courses.
Exam Fees And Cost Implications
After the ‘Information Evening’ in the Spring term, learners should complete the preference for subject options form included at the back of this booklet. They must select their 1st and 2nd and 3rd choice of subject, even though they will only be studying two optional subjects plus one language. This is to enable the school to select and offer the best subject option choices for each learner. Please read the additional guidance at the end of the preference form.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for paying the examination fees of each learner. This is a separate charge to the normal school fees and parents/guardians will be invoiced well in advance of the learner sitting the examination.
The school will try to ensure every learner has a broad and balanced curriculum. Counseling sessions will take place with every learner and the Head of the Key Stage 4, to assist with the selection of subject choices. The school will inform each learner and Parent/Guardian by the end of May, confirming the GCSE/IGCSE subjects that the school can offer.
Once a student is entered for an examination with an examination board, payment must be made even if they are withdrawn at a later date. Also late entry fees may be payable if a learner is entered for an exam after the close of entry date. NISP
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
There is a charge for each examination and the total fees payable may vary depending on the total number of examinations each learner sits and to which examination board the subject belongs.
The Year 10/11 Curriculum At Nexus International School All learners entering Year 10 will study the following core subjects: English, Mathematics, Science (including Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Global Perspectives (a Humanities course which includes, Geography, History and Economics), Digital Literacy, Language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin/Chinese or Spanish or French) and PSHE (Personal Social Education). Learner can then choose 2 of the following Options: Art and Design, Business or Economics, Drama, Geography, History, Music and Physical Education. Therefore all learners at Nexus International School will undertake 9 GCSEs/IGCSEs. Please refer to each individual subject guide in this booklet for more information.
The Process Of Making A Preference For Subject Options
Can Learners Change Their Subject Choices After Completing The Form? Once learners have expressed their subject preferences and completed the Option Choices form, a meeting will be set-up to discuss the requirements of the learner with the Head of Key Stage 4 as necessary. Subject preferences may change due to a variety of different reasons and these can be discussed on an individual basis. Once the learner has started to study their choices in September, only in exceptional circumstances will she or he be able to change their subject choice and this will be determined by a number of factors, like timetable, option blocks and class sizes. After the October half term we do not allow any changes and require learners to be committed to completing the full two-year courses.
Exam Fees And Cost Implications
After the ‘Information Evening’ in the Spring term, learners should complete the preference for subject options form included at the back of this booklet. They must select their 1st and 2nd and 3rd choice of subject, even though they will only be studying two optional subjects plus one language. This is to enable the school to select and offer the best subject option choices for each learner. Please read the additional guidance at the end of the preference form.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for paying the examination fees of each learner. This is a separate charge to the normal school fees and parents/guardians will be invoiced well in advance of the learner sitting the examination.
The school will try to ensure every learner has a broad and balanced curriculum. Counseling sessions will take place with every learner and the Head of the Key Stage 4, to assist with the selection of subject choices. The school will inform each learner and Parent/Guardian by the end of May, confirming the GCSE/IGCSE subjects that the school can offer.
Once a student is entered for an examination with an examination board, payment must be made even if they are withdrawn at a later date. Also late entry fees may be payable if a learner is entered for an exam after the close of entry date. NISP
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
There is a charge for each examination and the total fees payable may vary depending on the total number of examinations each learner sits and to which examination board the subject belongs.
Subject Information
Overview Of Subject Structure Core (For All Learners)
Science (including Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Global Perspectives (a Humanities course that includes Geography, History and Economics)
Language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language), Chinese (1st language), Spanish or French)
Physical Education – Health and Fitness
Digital Literacy
PSHE (Personal Social Education)
Total Core (40 Minute Periods)
Options (Choose 2)
Periods Per Week
Periods Per Week
Business or Economics
Physical Education (IGCSE)
Total Core (40 Minute Periods)
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Subject Information
Overview Of Subject Structure Core (For All Learners)
Science (including Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Global Perspectives (a Humanities course that includes Geography, History and Economics)
Language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language), Chinese (1st language), Spanish or French)
Physical Education – Health and Fitness
Digital Literacy
PSHE (Personal Social Education)
Total Core (40 Minute Periods)
Options (Choose 2)
Periods Per Week
Periods Per Week
Business or Economics
Physical Education (IGCSE)
Total Core (40 Minute Periods)
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Curriculum Outline: • English Language: Learners are required to read and understand a range of non-fiction texts, both literary and non-literary, identifying the writers’ crafts and transferring these skills into their own writing for a range of genres, audiences and purposes. They must also hone their Speaking and Listening skills to be able to confidently convey their ideas to specific audiences, and develop their research and note-taking abilities, integrating their ideas and their research into writing. There is one piece of coursework to be completed, which combines reading, writing and speaking and listening skills together. • English Literature: Learners will read a range of literary texts, including prose, drama and poetry. They have to produce one piece of written coursework, which will analyse and explore two linked texts, as well as study two further substantial literary works for the examination. Furthermore, they will become critical readers who experience different times, cultures, viewpoints and situations, and connect ideas, themes and issues across different examples of literature. Learners will work on developing their own individual responses and interpretations of what they read in imaginative and critical ways. English Language
English Literature
Assessment Details •
12 12
50% of the course is assessed through coursework where learners must research their own topic, produce a tailored text that is linked to their research, and complete a Speaking and Listening task that further enhances the same topic. The remaining 50% is assessed in a final examination, which will take place during Year 11.
60% of this Certificate is assessed in one final examination, which will be taken at the end of Year 11. The remaining 40% is through one coursework essay where learners analyse two linked literary texts.
Mathematics is a fundamental subject in any well-rounded education. It teaches the learners the ability to think and reason critically and solve problem using a variety of different techniques. Here at Nexus we are offering the International mathematics syllabus run by the Cambridge examinations board. This is an internationally recognized course specifically designed to merge with the IB diploma thus creating a unique pathway for Nexus learners as they progress through school. There are additional costs associated with this course, which includes a graphics calculator and textbook. Curriculum Outline: • Acquire a foundation of mathematical skills appropriate to further study and continued learning in mathematics; • Develop a foundation of mathematical skills and apply them to other subjects and to the real world; • Develop methods of problem solving; Appreciate the beauty and power of mathematics; • Interpret mathematical results and understand their significance; • Develop patience and persistence in solving problems; • Develop a positive attitude towards mathematics which encourages enjoyment, fosters confidence and promotes enquiry and further learning; • Appreciate the difference between mathematical proof and pattern spotting; • Appreciate the interdependence of different branches of mathematics and the links with other disciplines; • Appreciate the international aspect of mathematics, its cultural and historical significance and its role in the real world.
Assessment Details
The English course leads to two AQA GCSE qualifications, which cover a range of skills from Literary Reading, Independent Research and Writing, and Speaking and Listening. This course aims to promote in learners a knowledge of and affection for English Literature, and allows the opportunity to read widely across a range of genres. Conducting effective and targeted research to extend ideas and knowledge in different areas is also a skill that will be consciously developed. Furthermore, the course seeks to develop learners’ speaking and listening skills, including their ability to formulate, clarify and express ideas. Learners are encouraged to be able to construct and convey meaning in both written and spoken Standard English. Independent learning is an essential component of this course. English is a vital part of every learner’s education and will inform and aid their learning across all curriculum areas.
Core Curriculum
Extended Curriculum
Paper 1: (45 mins) • 10 - 12 short response questions • Assess knowledge, basic skills and methods • 40 marks - 25% of assessment
Paper 2: (45 mins) • 10 - 12 short response questions • Assess knowledge, basic skills and methods • 40 marks - 20% of assessment
Paper 3: (1 ¾ hrs) • 11 - 15 medium/extended response questions • 96 marks - 60% of assessment
Paper 4: (2 ¼ hrs) • 11 - 15 medium/extended response questions • 120 marks - 60% of assessment
Paper 5: (1 hr) • One investigation question • Assessed on ability to investigate and solve a more open-ended problem • 24 marks - 15% of assessment
Paper 6: (1 ½ hrs) • One investigation and one modeling question • Assessed on ability to investigate, model, and solve more open-ended problems • 40 marks - 20% of assessment
Further Study or Careers: English is the key to professional and personal success in an increasingly competitive global market. As such, it is central to our core provision at Key Stage 4. In order to gain entry to colleges and universities worldwide and progress onwards in such esteemed professions as law, business, education, medicine and the new media technologies, high levels of proficiency and confidence in all aspects of English are essential.
Further Study or Careers: Mathematics is an important subject especially for any learner interested in the fields of science, engineering, economics and business. Mathematics is compulsory in key stage 4 and is a requirement for many university courses at this level. The problem solving skills developed by studying mathematical techniques are transferable across many subject areas. NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
13 13
Curriculum Outline: • English Language: Learners are required to read and understand a range of non-fiction texts, both literary and non-literary, identifying the writers’ crafts and transferring these skills into their own writing for a range of genres, audiences and purposes. They must also hone their Speaking and Listening skills to be able to confidently convey their ideas to specific audiences, and develop their research and note-taking abilities, integrating their ideas and their research into writing. There is one piece of coursework to be completed, which combines reading, writing and speaking and listening skills together. • English Literature: Learners will read a range of literary texts, including prose, drama and poetry. They have to produce one piece of written coursework, which will analyse and explore two linked texts, as well as study two further substantial literary works for the examination. Furthermore, they will become critical readers who experience different times, cultures, viewpoints and situations, and connect ideas, themes and issues across different examples of literature. Learners will work on developing their own individual responses and interpretations of what they read in imaginative and critical ways. English Language
English Literature
Assessment Details •
12 12
50% of the course is assessed through coursework where learners must research their own topic, produce a tailored text that is linked to their research, and complete a Speaking and Listening task that further enhances the same topic. The remaining 50% is assessed in a final examination, which will take place during Year 11.
60% of this Certificate is assessed in one final examination, which will be taken at the end of Year 11. The remaining 40% is through one coursework essay where learners analyse two linked literary texts.
Mathematics is a fundamental subject in any well-rounded education. It teaches the learners the ability to think and reason critically and solve problem using a variety of different techniques. Here at Nexus we are offering the International mathematics syllabus run by the Cambridge examinations board. This is an internationally recognized course specifically designed to merge with the IB diploma thus creating a unique pathway for Nexus learners as they progress through school. There are additional costs associated with this course, which includes a graphics calculator and textbook. Curriculum Outline: • Acquire a foundation of mathematical skills appropriate to further study and continued learning in mathematics; • Develop a foundation of mathematical skills and apply them to other subjects and to the real world; • Develop methods of problem solving; Appreciate the beauty and power of mathematics; • Interpret mathematical results and understand their significance; • Develop patience and persistence in solving problems; • Develop a positive attitude towards mathematics which encourages enjoyment, fosters confidence and promotes enquiry and further learning; • Appreciate the difference between mathematical proof and pattern spotting; • Appreciate the interdependence of different branches of mathematics and the links with other disciplines; • Appreciate the international aspect of mathematics, its cultural and historical significance and its role in the real world.
Assessment Details
The English course leads to two AQA GCSE qualifications, which cover a range of skills from Literary Reading, Independent Research and Writing, and Speaking and Listening. This course aims to promote in learners a knowledge of and affection for English Literature, and allows the opportunity to read widely across a range of genres. Conducting effective and targeted research to extend ideas and knowledge in different areas is also a skill that will be consciously developed. Furthermore, the course seeks to develop learners’ speaking and listening skills, including their ability to formulate, clarify and express ideas. Learners are encouraged to be able to construct and convey meaning in both written and spoken Standard English. Independent learning is an essential component of this course. English is a vital part of every learner’s education and will inform and aid their learning across all curriculum areas.
Core Curriculum
Extended Curriculum
Paper 1: (45 mins) • 10 - 12 short response questions • Assess knowledge, basic skills and methods • 40 marks - 25% of assessment
Paper 2: (45 mins) • 10 - 12 short response questions • Assess knowledge, basic skills and methods • 40 marks - 20% of assessment
Paper 3: (1 ¾ hrs) • 11 - 15 medium/extended response questions • 96 marks - 60% of assessment
Paper 4: (2 ¼ hrs) • 11 - 15 medium/extended response questions • 120 marks - 60% of assessment
Paper 5: (1 hr) • One investigation question • Assessed on ability to investigate and solve a more open-ended problem • 24 marks - 15% of assessment
Paper 6: (1 ½ hrs) • One investigation and one modeling question • Assessed on ability to investigate, model, and solve more open-ended problems • 40 marks - 20% of assessment
Further Study or Careers: English is the key to professional and personal success in an increasingly competitive global market. As such, it is central to our core provision at Key Stage 4. In order to gain entry to colleges and universities worldwide and progress onwards in such esteemed professions as law, business, education, medicine and the new media technologies, high levels of proficiency and confidence in all aspects of English are essential.
Further Study or Careers: Mathematics is an important subject especially for any learner interested in the fields of science, engineering, economics and business. Mathematics is compulsory in key stage 4 and is a requirement for many university courses at this level. The problem solving skills developed by studying mathematical techniques are transferable across many subject areas. NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
13 13
Biology is a natural science that explores the vast and diverse world of living organisms, from microscopic organisms up to the largest life forms that we know about. It teaches us about the natural world around us and examines how various organisms interrelate with their environment. Biology explains the physical make up of our bodies, genes, inheritance and variation. It enables us to produce cures and treatments for many diseases.
Unit 1
Unit 2
• •
• • • • • •
Keeping our bodies healthy How the body sends messages using nerves and hormones Medical and recreational drugs Interdependence and adaptation Energy and biomass in food chains Waste materials from plants and animals Genetic variation and its control Evolution
• • • • • • •
Cells and simple cell transport Tissues, organs and organ systems Photosynthesis Organisms and their environment Proteins - their uses and functions Aerobic and anaerobic respiration Cell division and inheritance Speciation
Unit 3 •
• •
Movement of molecules in and out of cells Transport systems in plants and animals Homeostasis Husmans and their environment
Assessment Details: The scheme of assessment is linear, with two question papers to be taken in the same examination series. Each paper is 90 minutes and contains structured and open questions. Each paper is worth 50% of the final grade.
Curriculum Outline: The AQA GCSE in Chemistry encourages learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged. It encourages learners to develop their curiosity about the living world, enables them to engage with chemistry in their everyday lives and enables them to make informed choices about further study in chemistry and related disciplines. The AQA GCSE in Chemistry provides the basis for studying IB Chemistry or a general background for those wanting to specialise in one or more separate sciences.
Three Chemistry Units
Three Biology Units
Curriculum Outline: The AQA Certificate in Biology encourages learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged. It encourages learners to develop their curiosity about the living world, enables them to engage with biology in their everyday lives and enables them to make informed choices about further study in biology and related disciplines. The AQA Certificate in Biology provides the basis for studying IB Biology or a general background for those wanting to specialise in one or more separate sciences.
Chemistry is the science of the materials that make up our physical world. Chemistry systematically studies the composition, properties, and activity of organic and inorganic substances and various elementary forms of matter. Our high standard of living depends heavily on the contributions of chemists to agriculture, manufacturing, new technologies, and the development of efficient means of transportation and communication. Thus, with its broad scope, chemistry offers an exciting array of intellectual adventures and opportunities.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
• • • • • •
The fundamental ideas in chemistry Limestone and building materials Metals and their uses Fuels from crude oil Other useful substances from crude oil The uses of plant oils The changes occurring in the Earth and the atmosphere
• • • • •
Structure and bonding How structures influence the properties and uses of substances Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry Rates of reaction Exothermic and Endothermic reactions Acids, bases and salts Electrolysis
• • • • •
The periodic table and how it helps us to understand the reactions of elements Water Calculating and explaining energy changes Further analysis and quantitative chemistry The production of ammonia Alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters
Further Study or Careers: Knowledge of Biology can lead to careers in the following areas: Research, Health Care, Environmental management and conservation, Education, Biotechnology, Forensic Science, Politics and policy, Business and industry, Economics, Mathematics, Science writing and communication and Art.
Assessment Details: The scheme of assessment is linear, with two question papers to be taken in the same examination series. Each paper is 90 minutes and contains structured and open questions. Each paper is worth 50% of the final grade. NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Further Study or Careers: Chemistry can lead to careers in the following: Education, Finance, Forensic science, Biochemistry, Chemical engineering, Chemical sales, Consultancy, Health and Safety, Laboratory and Science writing, Medicine, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Waste management, Oil and petroleum.
15 15
Biology is a natural science that explores the vast and diverse world of living organisms, from microscopic organisms up to the largest life forms that we know about. It teaches us about the natural world around us and examines how various organisms interrelate with their environment. Biology explains the physical make up of our bodies, genes, inheritance and variation. It enables us to produce cures and treatments for many diseases.
Unit 1
Unit 2
• •
• • • • • •
Keeping our bodies healthy How the body sends messages using nerves and hormones Medical and recreational drugs Interdependence and adaptation Energy and biomass in food chains Waste materials from plants and animals Genetic variation and its control Evolution
• • • • • • •
Cells and simple cell transport Tissues, organs and organ systems Photosynthesis Organisms and their environment Proteins - their uses and functions Aerobic and anaerobic respiration Cell division and inheritance Speciation
Unit 3 •
• •
Movement of molecules in and out of cells Transport systems in plants and animals Homeostasis Husmans and their environment
Assessment Details: The scheme of assessment is linear, with two question papers to be taken in the same examination series. Each paper is 90 minutes and contains structured and open questions. Each paper is worth 50% of the final grade.
Curriculum Outline: The AQA GCSE in Chemistry encourages learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged. It encourages learners to develop their curiosity about the living world, enables them to engage with chemistry in their everyday lives and enables them to make informed choices about further study in chemistry and related disciplines. The AQA GCSE in Chemistry provides the basis for studying IB Chemistry or a general background for those wanting to specialise in one or more separate sciences.
Three Chemistry Units
Three Biology Units
Curriculum Outline: The AQA Certificate in Biology encourages learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged. It encourages learners to develop their curiosity about the living world, enables them to engage with biology in their everyday lives and enables them to make informed choices about further study in biology and related disciplines. The AQA Certificate in Biology provides the basis for studying IB Biology or a general background for those wanting to specialise in one or more separate sciences.
Chemistry is the science of the materials that make up our physical world. Chemistry systematically studies the composition, properties, and activity of organic and inorganic substances and various elementary forms of matter. Our high standard of living depends heavily on the contributions of chemists to agriculture, manufacturing, new technologies, and the development of efficient means of transportation and communication. Thus, with its broad scope, chemistry offers an exciting array of intellectual adventures and opportunities.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
• • • • • •
The fundamental ideas in chemistry Limestone and building materials Metals and their uses Fuels from crude oil Other useful substances from crude oil The uses of plant oils The changes occurring in the Earth and the atmosphere
• • • • •
Structure and bonding How structures influence the properties and uses of substances Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry Rates of reaction Exothermic and Endothermic reactions Acids, bases and salts Electrolysis
• • • • •
The periodic table and how it helps us to understand the reactions of elements Water Calculating and explaining energy changes Further analysis and quantitative chemistry The production of ammonia Alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters
Further Study or Careers: Knowledge of Biology can lead to careers in the following areas: Research, Health Care, Environmental management and conservation, Education, Biotechnology, Forensic Science, Politics and policy, Business and industry, Economics, Mathematics, Science writing and communication and Art.
Assessment Details: The scheme of assessment is linear, with two question papers to be taken in the same examination series. Each paper is 90 minutes and contains structured and open questions. Each paper is worth 50% of the final grade. NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Further Study or Careers: Chemistry can lead to careers in the following: Education, Finance, Forensic science, Biochemistry, Chemical engineering, Chemical sales, Consultancy, Health and Safety, Laboratory and Science writing, Medicine, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Waste management, Oil and petroleum.
15 15
Physics is the most fundamental of the sciences. It is concerned with the most basic building blocks of all things - from ants to antennas, from quarks to quasars. The study of physics means trying to find out what the universe is made of, and how these things move and interact with each other. Physicists love simplicity. They are constantly striving to find the most fundamental ideas that can be used to describe even the most complex of phenomena. Experimental physicists sometimes have to be enormously creative in coming up with methods of testing theories and measuring things in the world around them.
The IGCSE Art and Design syllabus will encourage a personal response by stimulating imagination, sensitivity, conceptual thinking, powers of observation and analytical ability. Learners gain confidence and enthusiasm as they develop practical skills in two and three dimensional form and composition, and are able to identify and solve problems in visual forms. Learners also discover how to develop ideas and create processes that reach final outcomes. The course is an excellent foundation to broaden learner knowledge in art and design it will develop a greater awareness of the role played by the visual arts in society and in history identifying cultural links and growing the individual artistic experience.
Unit 1
Unit 2
• •
• • • •
The transfer of energy by heating processes and the factors that affect the rate at which that energy is transferred Efficient use of energy Electrical devices and their use Methods we use to generate electricity How the universe continues to change
• • • •
Forces and their effects The kinetic energy of objects speeding up or slowing down Static electricity and electrical currents Using mains electricity safely and the power of electrical appliances The decay of radioactive substances and their uses and dangers Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
Unit 3 • •
Medical applications of physics Using physics to make things work Using electricity to make things move
Assessment Details: The scheme of assessment is linear, with two question papers to be taken in the same examination series. Each paper is 90 minutes and contains structured and open questions. Each paper is worth 50% of the final grade. Further Study or Careers: Physics can lead to careers in the following: Armed forces and defence solutions, Astronomy, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Meteorology and climate change, Nanotechnology, Oil and gas, Renewable energy, Scientific research, Space exploration industries, Telecommunication.
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Curriculum Outline
Three Physics Units
Curriculum Outline: The AQA GCSE in Physics encourages learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged. It encourages learners to develop their curiosity about the living world, enables them to engage with physics in their everyday lives and enables them to make informed choices about further study in physics and related disciplines. The AQA GCSE in Physics provides the basis for studying IB Physics or a general background for those wanting to specialise in one or more separate sciences. Year 10
Year 11
3 projects/themes
Exploring and developing ideas
Drawings, paintings, printmaking, sculpture, photography
Experimenting and controlling materials
ICT work including Photoshop
Gallery visit
Sketchbook work
Gathering, recording and researching artists
Large scale work
Exam project and coursework at the end of year 11
Assessment Details: During the two-year course, learners must undertake 50% coursework and a 50% terminal exam based on practical work. Further Study or Careers: Fine Artist/Painter, Creative Advisor, Architecture, Landscape Architect, Photography, Graphic Design, Illustration, Animation and Computer Animation, Interior and Exterior Design, Industrial Design, Product Design, Art Education, Art Therapy, Art History, Gallery Direction, Art Conservation, Fashion Design, Printmaker, Professional Sculptor, Art Director for Film and Television, Theatre Designer, Costume Designer, In house Designer, Photographer, Layout Designer, Model Maker, Lighting Designer, Jewelry Design, Ceramics, Display Design, Textile Design.
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
17 17
Physics is the most fundamental of the sciences. It is concerned with the most basic building blocks of all things - from ants to antennas, from quarks to quasars. The study of physics means trying to find out what the universe is made of, and how these things move and interact with each other. Physicists love simplicity. They are constantly striving to find the most fundamental ideas that can be used to describe even the most complex of phenomena. Experimental physicists sometimes have to be enormously creative in coming up with methods of testing theories and measuring things in the world around them.
The IGCSE Art and Design syllabus will encourage a personal response by stimulating imagination, sensitivity, conceptual thinking, powers of observation and analytical ability. Learners gain confidence and enthusiasm as they develop practical skills in two and three dimensional form and composition, and are able to identify and solve problems in visual forms. Learners also discover how to develop ideas and create processes that reach final outcomes. The course is an excellent foundation to broaden learner knowledge in art and design it will develop a greater awareness of the role played by the visual arts in society and in history identifying cultural links and growing the individual artistic experience.
Unit 1
Unit 2
• •
• • • •
The transfer of energy by heating processes and the factors that affect the rate at which that energy is transferred Efficient use of energy Electrical devices and their use Methods we use to generate electricity How the universe continues to change
• • • •
Forces and their effects The kinetic energy of objects speeding up or slowing down Static electricity and electrical currents Using mains electricity safely and the power of electrical appliances The decay of radioactive substances and their uses and dangers Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
Unit 3 • •
Medical applications of physics Using physics to make things work Using electricity to make things move
Assessment Details: The scheme of assessment is linear, with two question papers to be taken in the same examination series. Each paper is 90 minutes and contains structured and open questions. Each paper is worth 50% of the final grade. Further Study or Careers: Physics can lead to careers in the following: Armed forces and defence solutions, Astronomy, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Meteorology and climate change, Nanotechnology, Oil and gas, Renewable energy, Scientific research, Space exploration industries, Telecommunication.
16 16 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Curriculum Outline
Three Physics Units
Curriculum Outline: The AQA GCSE in Physics encourages learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged. It encourages learners to develop their curiosity about the living world, enables them to engage with physics in their everyday lives and enables them to make informed choices about further study in physics and related disciplines. The AQA GCSE in Physics provides the basis for studying IB Physics or a general background for those wanting to specialise in one or more separate sciences. Year 10
Year 11
3 projects/themes
Exploring and developing ideas
Drawings, paintings, printmaking, sculpture, photography
Experimenting and controlling materials
ICT work including Photoshop
Gallery visit
Sketchbook work
Gathering, recording and researching artists
Large scale work
Exam project and coursework at the end of year 11
Assessment Details: During the two-year course, learners must undertake 50% coursework and a 50% terminal exam based on practical work. Further Study or Careers: Fine Artist/Painter, Creative Advisor, Architecture, Landscape Architect, Photography, Graphic Design, Illustration, Animation and Computer Animation, Interior and Exterior Design, Industrial Design, Product Design, Art Education, Art Therapy, Art History, Gallery Direction, Art Conservation, Fashion Design, Printmaker, Professional Sculptor, Art Director for Film and Television, Theatre Designer, Costume Designer, In house Designer, Photographer, Layout Designer, Model Maker, Lighting Designer, Jewelry Design, Ceramics, Display Design, Textile Design.
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
17 17
Business Studies
Everyday we are exposed to thousands of businesses, whether it is walking down the street, Surfing the Internet or simply watching TV. GCSE Business Studies equips learners with the necessary skills to be informed and responsible consumers and prepares them for being the workforce and business leaders of tomorrow. The GCSE Business Studies syllabus develops learners' understanding of business activity in the public and private sectors, and the importance of innovation and change. Learners explore the setting up and operation of a business, the activities of business and the reasons for success or failure. It encourages learners to appreciate that businesses must operate within society and that this involves businesses engaging with a wide range of stakeholders who will hold differing perspectives. Curriculum Outline: Learners will study a wide range of international business organisations and learn to identify how they influence, and are influenced by other organisations and governments. They will build knowledge and understanding of the world of work and be able to advise, evaluate and critically think about business decisions. They will gain a vocabulary of terms and theories, which they can apply to problem solving and develop the knowledge and insight to make them informed consumers. The key units of study in the Business Studies GCSE course are: Starting a Business, Marketing, Finance, People in Businesses, The Business Organisation, Operations Management, Investigating Businesses.
Assessment Details
Paper 1 (1 hr)
Paper 2 (1 hr)
40% short and extended answers focusing on setting up a business
35% short and extended answers focusing on growing a business
1 Controlled Assessment 25% - A 3 hour exam style assessment investigating a business. Learners will have studied pre-release materials before the assessment (internal assessment).
Further Study or Careers: An GCSE in Business Studies provides a firm foundation for further study in the subject and related courses such as Accountancy, Management, Marketing or Human Resources and can move you towards careers in the following areas, business management; government; entrepreneurship and market research; banking and finance; management consultancy and teaching. It also provides a sound grounding in becoming a more informed and responsible consumer. This course is particularly suited to developing your skills in relation to studying the IBDP in Business & Management or Economics.
The GCSE Economics course equips learners with the basic tools of the economist. It helps them understand their place in, and contribution to, the local, national and global economy as consumers, workers and citizens. Learners will investigate a range of contemporary issues, analysing the evidence from different perspectives so as to make reasoned judgements and informed decisions. Learners will explore specific economic concepts and theories and apply these to a range of economic issues locally, nationally and globally. The course encourages learners to undertake investigative research into current economic issues and be able to analyse and evaluate the topics under consideration. Where possible, investigating the local aspects of the issue. Curriculum Outline: • Money: using the personal lifecycle as a framework to consider their needs and wants, how these are likely to change over time and how they can manage their personal finances more effectively. Learners will be introduced to basic economic concepts to help them make informed judgements, by weighing up costs and benefits. They will consider the moral and ethical dilemmas that arise when making decisions to do with spending, saving, investing or borrowing money; • Work: the rewards an individual can receive both in monetary and non-monetary terms. Candidates will also be introduced to the market for labour and how this determines the reward for work; • National and Global Economy: the role of the citizen in the national and global economy through trade, exchange rates and the power of the consumer; • Managing the Economy: targets and policies a government may use to achieve its objectives. Fiscal, monetary and supply side policies within the context of the trade cycle; • Investigating Current Economic Issues.
Assessment Details
Paper 1 (1 ¼ hrs)
Paper 2 (1 ¼ hrs)
70 marks - 50% Personal Economics
70 marks - 50% Investigating Economic Issues
Assessed by two external examinations that are a mixture of short answer questions and structured data responses which, test their theoretical knowledge and vocabulary.
Further Study or Careers: A GCSE in Economics provides a firm foundation for further study in the subject and related courses such as Accounting, Management, and can move you towards careers in the following areas, government; entrepreneurship, global trade; banking and finance; and teaching. It also provides a sound grounding in becoming a more informed and responsible consumer.
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Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
19 19
Business Studies
Everyday we are exposed to thousands of businesses, whether it is walking down the street, Surfing the Internet or simply watching TV. GCSE Business Studies equips learners with the necessary skills to be informed and responsible consumers and prepares them for being the workforce and business leaders of tomorrow. The GCSE Business Studies syllabus develops learners' understanding of business activity in the public and private sectors, and the importance of innovation and change. Learners explore the setting up and operation of a business, the activities of business and the reasons for success or failure. It encourages learners to appreciate that businesses must operate within society and that this involves businesses engaging with a wide range of stakeholders who will hold differing perspectives. Curriculum Outline: Learners will study a wide range of international business organisations and learn to identify how they influence, and are influenced by other organisations and governments. They will build knowledge and understanding of the world of work and be able to advise, evaluate and critically think about business decisions. They will gain a vocabulary of terms and theories, which they can apply to problem solving and develop the knowledge and insight to make them informed consumers. The key units of study in the Business Studies GCSE course are: Starting a Business, Marketing, Finance, People in Businesses, The Business Organisation, Operations Management, Investigating Businesses.
Assessment Details
Paper 1 (1 hr)
Paper 2 (1 hr)
40% short and extended answers focusing on setting up a business
35% short and extended answers focusing on growing a business
1 Controlled Assessment 25% - A 3 hour exam style assessment investigating a business. Learners will have studied pre-release materials before the assessment (internal assessment).
Further Study or Careers: An GCSE in Business Studies provides a firm foundation for further study in the subject and related courses such as Accountancy, Management, Marketing or Human Resources and can move you towards careers in the following areas, business management; government; entrepreneurship and market research; banking and finance; management consultancy and teaching. It also provides a sound grounding in becoming a more informed and responsible consumer. This course is particularly suited to developing your skills in relation to studying the IBDP in Business & Management or Economics.
The GCSE Economics course equips learners with the basic tools of the economist. It helps them understand their place in, and contribution to, the local, national and global economy as consumers, workers and citizens. Learners will investigate a range of contemporary issues, analysing the evidence from different perspectives so as to make reasoned judgements and informed decisions. Learners will explore specific economic concepts and theories and apply these to a range of economic issues locally, nationally and globally. The course encourages learners to undertake investigative research into current economic issues and be able to analyse and evaluate the topics under consideration. Where possible, investigating the local aspects of the issue. Curriculum Outline: • Money: using the personal lifecycle as a framework to consider their needs and wants, how these are likely to change over time and how they can manage their personal finances more effectively. Learners will be introduced to basic economic concepts to help them make informed judgements, by weighing up costs and benefits. They will consider the moral and ethical dilemmas that arise when making decisions to do with spending, saving, investing or borrowing money; • Work: the rewards an individual can receive both in monetary and non-monetary terms. Candidates will also be introduced to the market for labour and how this determines the reward for work; • National and Global Economy: the role of the citizen in the national and global economy through trade, exchange rates and the power of the consumer; • Managing the Economy: targets and policies a government may use to achieve its objectives. Fiscal, monetary and supply side policies within the context of the trade cycle; • Investigating Current Economic Issues.
Assessment Details
Paper 1 (1 ¼ hrs)
Paper 2 (1 ¼ hrs)
70 marks - 50% Personal Economics
70 marks - 50% Investigating Economic Issues
Assessed by two external examinations that are a mixture of short answer questions and structured data responses which, test their theoretical knowledge and vocabulary.
Further Study or Careers: A GCSE in Economics provides a firm foundation for further study in the subject and related courses such as Accounting, Management, and can move you towards careers in the following areas, government; entrepreneurship, global trade; banking and finance; and teaching. It also provides a sound grounding in becoming a more informed and responsible consumer.
18 18 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
19 19
Through practical and theoretical study, learners develop an understanding and enjoyment of drama, developing group and individual skills and studying ways to communicate ideas and feelings to an audience. They learn how to discover the performance possibilities of a text and other stimuli, and devise dramatic material of their own. Learners also develop their performance skills, the demonstration of which will form part of the final assessment.
This specification highlights the critical importance of geography for understanding the world and for stimulating an interest in places. It will inspire learners to become global citizens by exploring their place in the world and their values as well as their responsibilities to other people and to the environment. The content focuses on current issues designed to inspire and motivate learners. A modern and engaging approach covers key ideas and debates such as climate change, globalisation, economic progress, urban regeneration and management of world resources. The focus of this specification is an understanding of the dynamic nature of physical and human processes, and of how the physical/ human interface needs to be managed in order to ensure human and environmental sustainability. Learners will learn to appreciate the differences and xsimilarities between people, places and cultures, leading to an improved understanding of societies and economies. They will also focus on the geographical processes that shape our world through a study of physical and human geography.
Assessment Details
Learners will learn about: • Developing their performance skills, both individually and in groups; • Considering ways in which ideas and feelings can be communicated to an audience; • Discovering the performance possibilities of texts and other stimuli; • Devising dramatic material of their own. Paper 1
Paper 2
Written examination is made up of three components. Candidates answer questions relating to a pre-release text and three stimuli.
Section A - 8 to 10 short-answer questions on all of the pre-release material. Answer all questions Section B - Answer one from three longer-answer questions on the prerelease extract Section C - Answer one from three longeranswer questions on the three stimuli
• • • •
Coursework is Internally assessed and externally moderated. Candidates submit three pieces of practical work. One individual piece (max 5 mins) - either original devised work or a performance of an extract from a piece of repertoire Two group pieces (max 15 minutes each) - one original devised piece and one performance of an extract from a piece of repertoire
Curriculum Outline
Curriculum Outline: • Understanding drama through practical and theoretical study; • The performance possibilities of text and other stimuli; • Use of dramatic forms and structures to communicate feelings and ideas to an; • Audience; • Acquiring and develop skills in drama, both individually and in groups; • Developing understanding of the processes leading to performance and the elements involved in creating; • Evaluating the various stages of performance work.
Dynamic Physical World
Global Human Issues
Learners will study 2 of the 4 topics
Learners will study 2 of the 4 topics
Tectonic Activity and Hazards
Contemporary Population Issues
Ecosystems and Global Environments
Contemporary Issues in Urban Settlements
River Processes and Pressures
Globalisation in the Contemporary World
Coastal Processes and Pressures
Contemporary Issues in Tourism
Assessment Details
Paper 1
Dynamic Physical World
1 hr
Weighting 30%
Paper 2
Global Human issues
1 hr
Paper 3
Application of Geographical Skills & Decision Making
1 ½ hrs
Further Study or Careers: You may be planning to go on to further study or the world of work, whichever option you choose, Geography will equip you with invaluable skills for the future, particularly as a precursor to the International Baccalaureate.
Further Study or Careers: Successful achievement at IGCSE Drama can lead to a progression route on to the International Baccalaureate in Theatre Arts at Nexus International School. Further academic study at universities throughout the word can lead to a subject specific degree. Knowledge of drama can lead to pursuing careers in the following areas: performing as an actor, directing theatre, devising and scripting new works, teaching drama, drama therapy, arts management and promotion.
20 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
21 21
Through practical and theoretical study, learners develop an understanding and enjoyment of drama, developing group and individual skills and studying ways to communicate ideas and feelings to an audience. They learn how to discover the performance possibilities of a text and other stimuli, and devise dramatic material of their own. Learners also develop their performance skills, the demonstration of which will form part of the final assessment.
This specification highlights the critical importance of geography for understanding the world and for stimulating an interest in places. It will inspire learners to become global citizens by exploring their place in the world and their values as well as their responsibilities to other people and to the environment. The content focuses on current issues designed to inspire and motivate learners. A modern and engaging approach covers key ideas and debates such as climate change, globalisation, economic progress, urban regeneration and management of world resources. The focus of this specification is an understanding of the dynamic nature of physical and human processes, and of how the physical/ human interface needs to be managed in order to ensure human and environmental sustainability. Learners will learn to appreciate the differences and xsimilarities between people, places and cultures, leading to an improved understanding of societies and economies. They will also focus on the geographical processes that shape our world through a study of physical and human geography.
Assessment Details
Learners will learn about: • Developing their performance skills, both individually and in groups; • Considering ways in which ideas and feelings can be communicated to an audience; • Discovering the performance possibilities of texts and other stimuli; • Devising dramatic material of their own. Paper 1
Paper 2
Written examination is made up of three components. Candidates answer questions relating to a pre-release text and three stimuli.
Section A - 8 to 10 short-answer questions on all of the pre-release material. Answer all questions Section B - Answer one from three longer-answer questions on the prerelease extract Section C - Answer one from three longeranswer questions on the three stimuli
• • • •
Coursework is Internally assessed and externally moderated. Candidates submit three pieces of practical work. One individual piece (max 5 mins) - either original devised work or a performance of an extract from a piece of repertoire Two group pieces (max 15 minutes each) - one original devised piece and one performance of an extract from a piece of repertoire
Curriculum Outline
Curriculum Outline: • Understanding drama through practical and theoretical study; • The performance possibilities of text and other stimuli; • Use of dramatic forms and structures to communicate feelings and ideas to an; • Audience; • Acquiring and develop skills in drama, both individually and in groups; • Developing understanding of the processes leading to performance and the elements involved in creating; • Evaluating the various stages of performance work.
Dynamic Physical World
Global Human Issues
Learners will study 2 of the 4 topics
Learners will study 2 of the 4 topics
Tectonic Activity and Hazards
Contemporary Population Issues
Ecosystems and Global Environments
Contemporary Issues in Urban Settlements
River Processes and Pressures
Globalisation in the Contemporary World
Coastal Processes and Pressures
Contemporary Issues in Tourism
Assessment Details
Paper 1
Dynamic Physical World
1 hr
Weighting 30%
Paper 2
Global Human issues
1 hr
Paper 3
Application of Geographical Skills & Decision Making
1 ½ hrs
Further Study or Careers: You may be planning to go on to further study or the world of work, whichever option you choose, Geography will equip you with invaluable skills for the future, particularly as a precursor to the International Baccalaureate.
Further Study or Careers: Successful achievement at IGCSE Drama can lead to a progression route on to the International Baccalaureate in Theatre Arts at Nexus International School. Further academic study at universities throughout the word can lead to a subject specific degree. Knowledge of drama can lead to pursuing careers in the following areas: performing as an actor, directing theatre, devising and scripting new works, teaching drama, drama therapy, arts management and promotion.
20 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
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Global Perspectives
Learners must investigate 3 of the following areas
• • • • • • • •
Curriculum Outline
• • • •
• •
Assessment Details
Are independent, active learners who are empowered to take their place in an ever changing, information-heavy, interconnected world; Have an analytical, evaluative grasp of key world issues, their causes, effects & possible solutions; Inquire into and reflect on issues and collaborate with others to find solutions; Work independently or well as part of a team, are able to direct much of their own learning with the teacher as facilitator; Consider important issues from personal, local and global perspectives and who understand some of the links between the personal, local and global; Critically assess the information available to them and develop lines of reasoning; Have a sense of their own, active place in the world; Can empathise with the needs and rights of others.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Belief systems Biodiversity & ecosystems loss Climate and change Conflict and peace Disease and health Education for all Employment Family and demographic change Transport & infrastructure Water, food & agriculture Fuel and energy Humans & other species Language & communication Law & criminality Poverty & inequality Sport & recreation Technology & the economic divide Trade and aid Traditional culture and identity. Urbanisation
Individual Research
A range of research based report (2 topics)
Weighting 40%
Internal Individual
Group Project
Group collaboration & independent evaluation
Internal Individual 67%, Group 33%
Written Paper
1 hour 15 mins exam focusing on enquiry, reasoning & evaluation
External Examination
Curriculum Outline
Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives aims to develop learners who
The History IGCSE syllabus looks at some of the major international issues of the twentieth century, as well as covering the history of particular regions in more depth. The emphasis is on knowledge and on the skills required for historical research. Learners learn about the nature of cause and effect, continuity and change, similarity and difference and find out how to use and understand historical evidence as part of their studies. The AQA History course will stimulate any learner already interested in the past, providing a basis for further study, and also encouraging a lifelong interest in the subject.
Assessment Details
Global Perspectives is a groundbreaking new course that is cross-curricular stretching across traditional subject boundaries. It taps into the way today’s learners enjoy learning − including group work, seminars, projects, and working with other learners around the world. The emphasis is on developing the ability to think critically about a range of global issues where there is always more than one point of view. The study of IGCSE Global Perspectives provides opportunities for enquiry into, and reflection on, those changes.
Prescribed Content
Core Content
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Tsardom to Communism: Russia 1914 – 1924 Weimar Germany, 1919-1929 The Roaring Twenties: USA, 1919-1929 Stalin’s Dictatorship: USSR, 1924-1941 Hitler’s Germany, 1929-1941 Mussolini’s Italy, 1918 – 1946 Depression and the New Deal: USA, 1929-1941 Indian Independence, 1917 – 1947 Race Relations in the USA, 1955 – 1968 The USA and Vietnam, 1964 – 1975 The Middle East, 1956 – 1979 Changing Nature of Warfare, 1914-1957
• •
The Origins of the First World War, 1905-1914 Peacemaking 19191920 and the League of Nations 1919-1939 Hitler’s Foreign Policy 1933-1939 and the Origins of the Second World War The Origins of the Cold War, 1945-1955
Paper 1
Candidates sit a written paper on a depth study.
1½ hrs
Paper 2
Candidates answer a series of questions on the core content.
1½ hrs
Paper 3
Candidates answer a series of questions using pre-released historical sources.
1 ¾ hrs
Further Study or Careers: History is an academic subject that is well respected by the leading universities who value the wide range of analytical, structural and critical thinking skills that it promotes. A recent UK report concluded that, as a history graduate, “… you can aspire to be prime minister, press baron and media mogul, overlord of the BBC, 'the most famous lawyer in the land', top spook, leading diplomat, police chief, Oxbridge chancellor, chairman of the richest football club in the world, famous comedian or celebrated pop musician, novelist, business millionaire …”
Further Study or Careers: IGCSE Global Perspectives is an excellent precursor to the further study, particularly as a gateway to the International Baccalaureate. The course is designed to develop independent learners with the skills to think for themselves, take on new initiatives, and use a variety of different research mediums including ICT. It enables learners to communicate, analyse information, to formulate their own opinion and to explain and synthesise ideas and to work in a trans-cultural capacity.
22 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Global Perspectives
Learners must investigate 3 of the following areas
• • • • • • • •
Curriculum Outline
• • • •
• •
Assessment Details
Are independent, active learners who are empowered to take their place in an ever changing, information-heavy, interconnected world; Have an analytical, evaluative grasp of key world issues, their causes, effects & possible solutions; Inquire into and reflect on issues and collaborate with others to find solutions; Work independently or well as part of a team, are able to direct much of their own learning with the teacher as facilitator; Consider important issues from personal, local and global perspectives and who understand some of the links between the personal, local and global; Critically assess the information available to them and develop lines of reasoning; Have a sense of their own, active place in the world; Can empathise with the needs and rights of others.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Belief systems Biodiversity & ecosystems loss Climate and change Conflict and peace Disease and health Education for all Employment Family and demographic change Transport & infrastructure Water, food & agriculture Fuel and energy Humans & other species Language & communication Law & criminality Poverty & inequality Sport & recreation Technology & the economic divide Trade and aid Traditional culture and identity. Urbanisation
Individual Research
A range of research based report (2 topics)
Weighting 40%
Internal Individual
Group Project
Group collaboration & independent evaluation
Internal Individual 67%, Group 33%
Written Paper
1 hour 15 mins exam focusing on enquiry, reasoning & evaluation
External Examination
Curriculum Outline
Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives aims to develop learners who
The History IGCSE syllabus looks at some of the major international issues of the twentieth century, as well as covering the history of particular regions in more depth. The emphasis is on knowledge and on the skills required for historical research. Learners learn about the nature of cause and effect, continuity and change, similarity and difference and find out how to use and understand historical evidence as part of their studies. The AQA History course will stimulate any learner already interested in the past, providing a basis for further study, and also encouraging a lifelong interest in the subject.
Assessment Details
Global Perspectives is a groundbreaking new course that is cross-curricular stretching across traditional subject boundaries. It taps into the way today’s learners enjoy learning − including group work, seminars, projects, and working with other learners around the world. The emphasis is on developing the ability to think critically about a range of global issues where there is always more than one point of view. The study of IGCSE Global Perspectives provides opportunities for enquiry into, and reflection on, those changes.
Prescribed Content
Core Content
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Tsardom to Communism: Russia 1914 – 1924 Weimar Germany, 1919-1929 The Roaring Twenties: USA, 1919-1929 Stalin’s Dictatorship: USSR, 1924-1941 Hitler’s Germany, 1929-1941 Mussolini’s Italy, 1918 – 1946 Depression and the New Deal: USA, 1929-1941 Indian Independence, 1917 – 1947 Race Relations in the USA, 1955 – 1968 The USA and Vietnam, 1964 – 1975 The Middle East, 1956 – 1979 Changing Nature of Warfare, 1914-1957
• •
The Origins of the First World War, 1905-1914 Peacemaking 19191920 and the League of Nations 1919-1939 Hitler’s Foreign Policy 1933-1939 and the Origins of the Second World War The Origins of the Cold War, 1945-1955
Paper 1
Candidates sit a written paper on a depth study.
1½ hrs
Paper 2
Candidates answer a series of questions on the core content.
1½ hrs
Paper 3
Candidates answer a series of questions using pre-released historical sources.
1 ¾ hrs
Further Study or Careers: History is an academic subject that is well respected by the leading universities who value the wide range of analytical, structural and critical thinking skills that it promotes. A recent UK report concluded that, as a history graduate, “… you can aspire to be prime minister, press baron and media mogul, overlord of the BBC, 'the most famous lawyer in the land', top spook, leading diplomat, police chief, Oxbridge chancellor, chairman of the richest football club in the world, famous comedian or celebrated pop musician, novelist, business millionaire …”
Further Study or Careers: IGCSE Global Perspectives is an excellent precursor to the further study, particularly as a gateway to the International Baccalaureate. The course is designed to develop independent learners with the skills to think for themselves, take on new initiatives, and use a variety of different research mediums including ICT. It enables learners to communicate, analyse information, to formulate their own opinion and to explain and synthesise ideas and to work in a trans-cultural capacity.
22 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Bahasa Malaysia Foreign Language
Mandarin Foreign Language
Do you: • Enjoy communicating with others? • Already speak chinese or another asian language? • Enjoy learning about different countries and cultures? • Enjoy learning about language and how it works?
The aim of the IGCSE Bahasa Malaysia course is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners’ progress through their studies. The syllabus also aims to offer insights into the culture and civilisation of countries where the language is spoken, thus encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages. Curriculum Outline: • Develop the ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication within the country of residence, where appropriate, and in all countries where the language is spoken; • Form a sound base of the skills, language and attitudes required for further study, work and leisure; • Offer insights into the culture and civilisation of countries where the language is spoken; • Encourage fuller integration into the local community, where relevant; • Develop a fuller awareness of the nature of language and language learning; • Encourage positive attitudes toward language learning and towards speakers of other languages and a sympathetic approach to other cultures and civilisations; • Provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation; • Complement other areas of study by encouraging skills of a more general application (e.g. analysis, memorising, drawing of inferences).
Assessment Details
Contents of Paper
Paper 2
Reading and Directed Writing - 1½ hrs: Sections 1, 2 and 3
2 hrs
Paper 3
Speaking (Role Play Cards) - 15 mins
2 hrs
Paper 4
Continuous Writing - 1¼ hrs
1 hr
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then IGCSE Mandarin is a great choice for you. There are many reasons to add IGCSE Mandarin to your IGCSE subject options. Firstly and most importantly, you will understand a lot more Chinese when you hear it or read it and be able to say and write a lot more in Chinese. But there are many other reasons for taking this IGCSE course. Firstly, you’ll be able to share your interests, ideas and opinions with other people who speak Chinese. You’ll also learn about the other countries where Chinese is spoken. You’ll add a language to your choice of IGCSE subjects, which is something many employers and universities look for. Curriculum Outline: IGCSE Mandarin is divided up into 5 major topic areas: Area A - Everyday Activities, Area B - Personal and Social Life, Area C - The World Around Us, Area D - The World of Work, Area E - The International World. You will learn the vocabulary and grammatical structures you will need to understand and read about these topics as well as talk and write about them. These topics have been structured to make sure that you are always building on what you have learnt before and extending you each time you come across familiar words and structures.
Assessment Details
Contents of Paper
Paper 1
Listening - 35 minutes: Sections 1, 2 and 3
Paper 2
Reading and Directed Writing - 1½ hrs: Sections 1, 2 and 3
Paper 3
Speaking (Role Play Cards) - 15 mins
Paper 4
Continuous Writing - 1¼ hrs
Further Study or Careers: When you study IGCSE Mandarin, you’ll develop skills, which are useful in many different careers, such as the ability to communicate clearly, being confident when speaking publicly and using problem-solving strategies. If you are thinking ahead about employment, speaking Mandarin will create greater opportunities to work for companies with international links. Many employers look for people who speak a foreign language.
Further Study or Careers: Learners can develop careers in the fields of different languages, business, import/export services, translation, travel, writer and education etc.
24 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Bahasa Malaysia Foreign Language
Mandarin Foreign Language
Do you: • Enjoy communicating with others? • Already speak chinese or another asian language? • Enjoy learning about different countries and cultures? • Enjoy learning about language and how it works?
The aim of the IGCSE Bahasa Malaysia course is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners’ progress through their studies. The syllabus also aims to offer insights into the culture and civilisation of countries where the language is spoken, thus encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages. Curriculum Outline: • Develop the ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication within the country of residence, where appropriate, and in all countries where the language is spoken; • Form a sound base of the skills, language and attitudes required for further study, work and leisure; • Offer insights into the culture and civilisation of countries where the language is spoken; • Encourage fuller integration into the local community, where relevant; • Develop a fuller awareness of the nature of language and language learning; • Encourage positive attitudes toward language learning and towards speakers of other languages and a sympathetic approach to other cultures and civilisations; • Provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation; • Complement other areas of study by encouraging skills of a more general application (e.g. analysis, memorising, drawing of inferences).
Assessment Details
Contents of Paper
Paper 2
Reading and Directed Writing - 1½ hrs: Sections 1, 2 and 3
2 hrs
Paper 3
Speaking (Role Play Cards) - 15 mins
2 hrs
Paper 4
Continuous Writing - 1¼ hrs
1 hr
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then IGCSE Mandarin is a great choice for you. There are many reasons to add IGCSE Mandarin to your IGCSE subject options. Firstly and most importantly, you will understand a lot more Chinese when you hear it or read it and be able to say and write a lot more in Chinese. But there are many other reasons for taking this IGCSE course. Firstly, you’ll be able to share your interests, ideas and opinions with other people who speak Chinese. You’ll also learn about the other countries where Chinese is spoken. You’ll add a language to your choice of IGCSE subjects, which is something many employers and universities look for. Curriculum Outline: IGCSE Mandarin is divided up into 5 major topic areas: Area A - Everyday Activities, Area B - Personal and Social Life, Area C - The World Around Us, Area D - The World of Work, Area E - The International World. You will learn the vocabulary and grammatical structures you will need to understand and read about these topics as well as talk and write about them. These topics have been structured to make sure that you are always building on what you have learnt before and extending you each time you come across familiar words and structures.
Assessment Details
Contents of Paper
Paper 1
Listening - 35 minutes: Sections 1, 2 and 3
Paper 2
Reading and Directed Writing - 1½ hrs: Sections 1, 2 and 3
Paper 3
Speaking (Role Play Cards) - 15 mins
Paper 4
Continuous Writing - 1¼ hrs
Further Study or Careers: When you study IGCSE Mandarin, you’ll develop skills, which are useful in many different careers, such as the ability to communicate clearly, being confident when speaking publicly and using problem-solving strategies. If you are thinking ahead about employment, speaking Mandarin will create greater opportunities to work for companies with international links. Many employers look for people who speak a foreign language.
Further Study or Careers: Learners can develop careers in the fields of different languages, business, import/export services, translation, travel, writer and education etc.
24 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
First Language Chinese
Spanish or French Foreign Language
The Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese syllabus is designed for candidates whose mother tongue is Chinese. Cambridge IGCSE First Language qualifications are accepted by universities and employers as proof of knowledge and understanding of a language.
This is an examination designed for students learning Spanish or French as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners’ progress through their studies. The syllabus also aims to offer insights into the culture and civilization of countries where the language is spoken, thus encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages. Learners must have prior Spanish or French language knowledge and meet the correct criteria to be entered for the course.
The aims are to: • Enable students to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in writing; • Enable students to understand and respond appropriately to what they read; • Encourage students to enjoy and appreciate the variety of language; • Complement the students' other areas of study by developing skills of a more general application (e.G. Analysis, synthesis, drawing of inferences); • Promote the students' personal development and an understanding of themselves and others. Students are also encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and to further their awareness of the ways in which the language can be used. Cambridge ICGSE First Language qualifications also develop more general analysis and communication skills such as synthesis, inference, and the ability to order facts and present opinions effectively.
Assessment Details
Paper 1: Reading (2 hrs) - Answering two questions below Questions 1 (25 marks) - Candidates answer a series of comprehension questions based on Passage 1.
Questions 2 (25 marks) - Candidates write a summary based on Passages 1 and 2.
In addition, 10 marks are available for writing (5 marks for style and Organisation and 5 marks for Accuracy of Language).
Weigting 60% Assessment Details
Paper 2: Writing (1 ¼ hrs) - Writing one composition to be chosen from two sections below Section 1: Discussion and Argument
Section 2: Description and Narration
Eight titles will be set in total. Candidates are required to write between 400 and 600 characters on their chosen title.
Weigting 40%
Core Curriculum
Extended Curriculum
Paper 1: Listening (35 minutes)
Paper 1: Listening (45 minutes)
Paper 2: Reading (35 minutes)
Paper 2: Reading (45 minutes)
Paper 3*: Speaking (11 minutes)
Paper 3*: Speaking (11 minutes)
Paper 4: Writing (30 minutes)
Paper 4: Writing (60 minutes)
Further Study or Careers: IGCSE Certificates are general qualifications that enable candidates to progress either directly to employment, or to proceed to further qualifications. Candidates who are awarded grades C to A* in IGCSE First Language Chinese are well prepared to continue to the IB Diploma course.
Further Study or Careers: When you study a Modern Foreign Language like Spanish or French, you’ll develop skills, which are useful in many different careers, such as the ability to communicate clearly, being confident when speaking publicly and using problem-solving strategies. If you are thinking ahead about employment, speaking Spanish or French will create greater opportunities to work for companies with international links. Many employers look for people who speak a foreign language. It may also assist your studies at the IB Diploma level. NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
First Language Chinese
Spanish or French Foreign Language
The Cambridge IGCSE First Language Chinese syllabus is designed for candidates whose mother tongue is Chinese. Cambridge IGCSE First Language qualifications are accepted by universities and employers as proof of knowledge and understanding of a language.
This is an examination designed for students learning Spanish or French as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners’ progress through their studies. The syllabus also aims to offer insights into the culture and civilization of countries where the language is spoken, thus encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages. Learners must have prior Spanish or French language knowledge and meet the correct criteria to be entered for the course.
The aims are to: • Enable students to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in writing; • Enable students to understand and respond appropriately to what they read; • Encourage students to enjoy and appreciate the variety of language; • Complement the students' other areas of study by developing skills of a more general application (e.G. Analysis, synthesis, drawing of inferences); • Promote the students' personal development and an understanding of themselves and others. Students are also encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and to further their awareness of the ways in which the language can be used. Cambridge ICGSE First Language qualifications also develop more general analysis and communication skills such as synthesis, inference, and the ability to order facts and present opinions effectively.
Assessment Details
Paper 1: Reading (2 hrs) - Answering two questions below Questions 1 (25 marks) - Candidates answer a series of comprehension questions based on Passage 1.
Questions 2 (25 marks) - Candidates write a summary based on Passages 1 and 2.
In addition, 10 marks are available for writing (5 marks for style and Organisation and 5 marks for Accuracy of Language).
Weigting 60% Assessment Details
Paper 2: Writing (1 ¼ hrs) - Writing one composition to be chosen from two sections below Section 1: Discussion and Argument
Section 2: Description and Narration
Eight titles will be set in total. Candidates are required to write between 400 and 600 characters on their chosen title.
Weigting 40%
Core Curriculum
Extended Curriculum
Paper 1: Listening (35 minutes)
Paper 1: Listening (45 minutes)
Paper 2: Reading (35 minutes)
Paper 2: Reading (45 minutes)
Paper 3*: Speaking (11 minutes)
Paper 3*: Speaking (11 minutes)
Paper 4: Writing (30 minutes)
Paper 4: Writing (60 minutes)
Further Study or Careers: IGCSE Certificates are general qualifications that enable candidates to progress either directly to employment, or to proceed to further qualifications. Candidates who are awarded grades C to A* in IGCSE First Language Chinese are well prepared to continue to the IB Diploma course.
Further Study or Careers: When you study a Modern Foreign Language like Spanish or French, you’ll develop skills, which are useful in many different careers, such as the ability to communicate clearly, being confident when speaking publicly and using problem-solving strategies. If you are thinking ahead about employment, speaking Spanish or French will create greater opportunities to work for companies with international links. Many employers look for people who speak a foreign language. It may also assist your studies at the IB Diploma level. NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Physical Education
The aims of the syllabus are to: • Enable candidates to acquire and consolidate a range of basic musical skills, knowledge and understanding, through the activities of listening, performing and composing; • Help candidates develop a perceptive, sensitive and critical response to the main historical periods and styles of Western music; • Help candidates to recognise and understand the music of various non-Western traditions, and thus to form an appreciation of cultural similarities and differences; • Provide a foundation for the development of an informed appreciation of music; • Provide a foundation for further study in music at a higher level. Learners must have prior musical knowledge and meet performance criteria to be entered for the course. An Interview with the teacher is required.
Curriculum Outline
• •
Aural awareness, perception and discrimination in relation to Western music of the baroque, classical, romantic and 20th-century periods; Identifying and commenting on a range of music from cultures in different countries; Knowledge and understanding of one Western Prescribed Work and one Prescribed Focus from a nonWestern culture.
Assessment Details
Technical competence on one or more instruments; Interpretative understanding of the music performed.
The IGCSE Physical Education course provides candidates with an opportunity to study both the practical and theoretical aspects of physical education. It is designed to foster enjoyment in physical activity by providing learners with an opportunity to take part in a range of physical activities. By following the course learners will be able to develop an understanding of effective and safe physical performance and to appreciate the necessity for sound understanding of the principles, practices and training that underpin improved performance, better health and well-being. Curricculum Outline: • Practical Curriculum: Games, Gymnastic Activities, Dance, Athletic Activities, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, Swimming, Combat Activities. Four practical activities must be chosen from a minimum of two of the seven categories listed above. Having chosen their four activities for assessment at the end of Year 10, learners will focus on these. Learners can only choose a maximum of 2 activities per area. • Theoretical Curriculum: Unit 1 - Factors affecting Physical Performance, Unit 2 - Health, Safety and Training, Unit 3 - Reasons and opportunities for participation in physical activity.
Year 10
Year 11
Discrimination and imagination in free composition; Notation, using staff notation and, if appropriate, other suitable system.
Exam - 1¼ hrs
Assessment Details
Tests are based on classroom based learning on the three theoretical Unit sections that the IGCSE examination is based on. Continual assessment in all sports covered, this takes the form of teacher, self and peer assessment. The purpose of this is to enable the learners to make informed decisions on the four activities they choose for assessment in Year 11, and to set specific achievable targets for improvement in their four chosen sports.
Completion of coursework is based on the four activities the learners have chosen. Completion of an external theoretical examination, which covers two years. Continual assessment in the four chosen practical activities. The assessment is based on the CIE assessment guidelines for each activity. Learners’ performances are video recorded and are internally and externally moderated.
Further Study: Sports Science, Sports Development, Sport and Recreation Management, Physiotherapy. Or Careers: Sports Management, Professional Coach, Physiotherapist Sports Development, Sports Psychologist, Personal Trainer, Dietician and PE Teacher.
Further Study or Careers: Today music is a major industry with a wide range of opportunities. Learners may want to study music for the love of it, or to pursue a career as a singer, instrumentalist, or composer, but the possibilities don't stop there. There are numerous career paths open, with a range of jobs in teaching or music therapy, production, promotion, management, as well as performance.
28 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Physical Education
The aims of the syllabus are to: • Enable candidates to acquire and consolidate a range of basic musical skills, knowledge and understanding, through the activities of listening, performing and composing; • Help candidates develop a perceptive, sensitive and critical response to the main historical periods and styles of Western music; • Help candidates to recognise and understand the music of various non-Western traditions, and thus to form an appreciation of cultural similarities and differences; • Provide a foundation for the development of an informed appreciation of music; • Provide a foundation for further study in music at a higher level. Learners must have prior musical knowledge and meet performance criteria to be entered for the course. An Interview with the teacher is required.
Curriculum Outline
• •
Aural awareness, perception and discrimination in relation to Western music of the baroque, classical, romantic and 20th-century periods; Identifying and commenting on a range of music from cultures in different countries; Knowledge and understanding of one Western Prescribed Work and one Prescribed Focus from a nonWestern culture.
Assessment Details
Technical competence on one or more instruments; Interpretative understanding of the music performed.
The IGCSE Physical Education course provides candidates with an opportunity to study both the practical and theoretical aspects of physical education. It is designed to foster enjoyment in physical activity by providing learners with an opportunity to take part in a range of physical activities. By following the course learners will be able to develop an understanding of effective and safe physical performance and to appreciate the necessity for sound understanding of the principles, practices and training that underpin improved performance, better health and well-being. Curricculum Outline: • Practical Curriculum: Games, Gymnastic Activities, Dance, Athletic Activities, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, Swimming, Combat Activities. Four practical activities must be chosen from a minimum of two of the seven categories listed above. Having chosen their four activities for assessment at the end of Year 10, learners will focus on these. Learners can only choose a maximum of 2 activities per area. • Theoretical Curriculum: Unit 1 - Factors affecting Physical Performance, Unit 2 - Health, Safety and Training, Unit 3 - Reasons and opportunities for participation in physical activity.
Year 10
Year 11
Discrimination and imagination in free composition; Notation, using staff notation and, if appropriate, other suitable system.
Exam - 1¼ hrs
Assessment Details
Tests are based on classroom based learning on the three theoretical Unit sections that the IGCSE examination is based on. Continual assessment in all sports covered, this takes the form of teacher, self and peer assessment. The purpose of this is to enable the learners to make informed decisions on the four activities they choose for assessment in Year 11, and to set specific achievable targets for improvement in their four chosen sports.
Completion of coursework is based on the four activities the learners have chosen. Completion of an external theoretical examination, which covers two years. Continual assessment in the four chosen practical activities. The assessment is based on the CIE assessment guidelines for each activity. Learners’ performances are video recorded and are internally and externally moderated.
Further Study: Sports Science, Sports Development, Sport and Recreation Management, Physiotherapy. Or Careers: Sports Management, Professional Coach, Physiotherapist Sports Development, Sports Psychologist, Personal Trainer, Dietician and PE Teacher.
Further Study or Careers: Today music is a major industry with a wide range of opportunities. Learners may want to study music for the love of it, or to pursue a career as a singer, instrumentalist, or composer, but the possibilities don't stop there. There are numerous career paths open, with a range of jobs in teaching or music therapy, production, promotion, management, as well as performance.
28 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
Additional Mathematics
This is an optional mathematics course for able and keen learners and can only be taken by learners who have already completed the IGCSE International Mathematics course (0607 compulsory) in Year 10. Learners that complete this course will receive a separate GCSE Certificate. The course prepares the learners well for the Higher Level Advanced IB Mathematics course.
Curriculum Outline: • The additional mathematics syllabus is intended for high ability learners who sit the IGCSE International Mathematics examination in Year 10 and achieve an A* or A pass. • Entry to the Additional Mathematics course is dependent on the learner’s mathematical ability, specific assessment criteria and is decided by the Head of Mathematics and the Head of Secondary School. IGCSE Additional Mathematics enables students to extend the mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the IGCSE Mathematics course and use skills in the context of more advanced techniques. The syllabus has a content, which enables students to acquire a suitable foundation in mathematics for further study in the subject at IB level. Assessment Details: This is a one-year course at Year 11. The assessment comprises of 2, two-hour examinations and each paper is worth 80 marks. Further Study or Careers: Mathematics is an important subject especially for any learner interested in the fields of science, engineering, economics and business. The problem solving skills developed by studying mathematical techniques are transferable across many subject areas. Add mathematics is only available to learners who have the ability to cope with the rigors of the course and at the discretion of the Head of Mathematics.
30 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
31 31
Additional Mathematics
This is an optional mathematics course for able and keen learners and can only be taken by learners who have already completed the IGCSE International Mathematics course (0607 compulsory) in Year 10. Learners that complete this course will receive a separate GCSE Certificate. The course prepares the learners well for the Higher Level Advanced IB Mathematics course.
Curriculum Outline: • The additional mathematics syllabus is intended for high ability learners who sit the IGCSE International Mathematics examination in Year 10 and achieve an A* or A pass. • Entry to the Additional Mathematics course is dependent on the learner’s mathematical ability, specific assessment criteria and is decided by the Head of Mathematics and the Head of Secondary School. IGCSE Additional Mathematics enables students to extend the mathematical skills, knowledge and understanding developed in the IGCSE Mathematics course and use skills in the context of more advanced techniques. The syllabus has a content, which enables students to acquire a suitable foundation in mathematics for further study in the subject at IB level. Assessment Details: This is a one-year course at Year 11. The assessment comprises of 2, two-hour examinations and each paper is worth 80 marks. Further Study or Careers: Mathematics is an important subject especially for any learner interested in the fields of science, engineering, economics and business. The problem solving skills developed by studying mathematical techniques are transferable across many subject areas. Add mathematics is only available to learners who have the ability to cope with the rigors of the course and at the discretion of the Head of Mathematics.
30 NISP NIS Putrajaya
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
31 31
My Preference is:
My Preference is:
Form 1: Provisional Preferences for Subject Options
Form 1: Provisional Preferences for Subject Options
Preference (1st and 2nd choices)
Business Studies
Business Studies
Music (ability to play/sing required)
Music (ability to play/sing required)
Physical Education
Physical Education
A Compulsory Language (please specify one only) Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French.
A Compulsory Language (please specify one only) Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French.
Preference (1st and 2nd choices)
Please select your 1st and 2nd choices from the subjects listed above. (Please write 1st or 2nd against the subjects above). Please also read the additional guidance notes below.
Please select your 1st and 2nd choices from the subjects listed above. (Please write 1st or 2nd against the subjects above). Please also read the additional guidance notes below.
In addition to the above subject options, each learner will study the following core subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry), Global Perspectives, Digital Literacy, PSHE and a language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French). Prior knowledge of the language is required. Malaysian citizens must complete IGCSE Bahasa Malaysia, before they can study an additional language.
In addition to the above subject options, each learner will study the following core subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry), Global Perspectives, Digital Literacy, PSHE and a language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French). Prior knowledge of the language is required. Malaysian citizens must complete IGCSE Bahasa Malaysia, before they can study an additional language.
Please sign and date this form and return it to the school office marked for the attention of Head of Key Stage 4.
Please sign and date this form and return it to the school office marked for the attention of Head of Key Stage 4.
Signed: (Learner-Full Name) _________________________________
Signed: (Learner-Full Name) _________________________________
Signed: (Parent/Guardian) _________________________________
Dated: ___________________
Signed: (Parent/Guardian) _________________________________
Dated: ___________________
*Note - Additional Guidance: The Nexus International School will try to offer the best possible range of subjects to accommodate the preferences of each and every learner.
*Note - Additional Guidance: The Nexus International School will try to offer the best possible range of subjects to accommodate the preferences of each and every learner.
However, we would ask you to be aware of the following: 1. We reserve the right to withdraw a subject from the above options in circumstances where very few learners opt for this particular subject. We have a duty to ensure that our provision is cost effective and that we are making the best use of the resources we have to benefit all our learners. This may mean that after counseling some learners may even have to reconsider their subject preferences. 2. We recommend that learners choose subjects which, they feel, would benefit them in their future studies and in which they excel. This means that learners should not allow the preferences of other learners to influence their own choice of subjects. 3. Once a learner has embarked on a course in September, changes of that subject may be permitted in exceptional circumstances and where class size permits in the first half term only and at the discretion of the Head of Key Stage 4.
However, we would ask you to be aware of the following: 1. We reserve the right to withdraw a subject from the above options in circumstances where very few learners opt for this particular subject. We have a duty to ensure that our provision is cost effective and that we are making the best use of the resources we have to benefit all our learners. This may mean that after counseling some learners may even have to reconsider their subject preferences. 2. We recommend that learners choose subjects which, they feel, would benefit them in their future studies and in which they excel. This means that learners should not allow the preferences of other learners to influence their own choice of subjects. 3. Once a learner has embarked on a course in September, changes of that subject may be permitted in exceptional circumstances and where class size permits in the first half term only and at the discretion of the Head of Key Stage 4. NISP
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.
My Preference is:
My Preference is:
Form 1: Provisional Preferences for Subject Options
Form 1: Provisional Preferences for Subject Options
Preference (1st and 2nd choices)
Business Studies
Business Studies
Music (ability to play/sing required)
Music (ability to play/sing required)
Physical Education
Physical Education
A Compulsory Language (please specify one only) Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French.
A Compulsory Language (please specify one only) Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French.
Preference (1st and 2nd choices)
Please select your 1st and 2nd choices from the subjects listed above. (Please write 1st or 2nd against the subjects above). Please also read the additional guidance notes below.
Please select your 1st and 2nd choices from the subjects listed above. (Please write 1st or 2nd against the subjects above). Please also read the additional guidance notes below.
In addition to the above subject options, each learner will study the following core subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry), Global Perspectives, Digital Literacy, PSHE and a language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French). Prior knowledge of the language is required. Malaysian citizens must complete IGCSE Bahasa Malaysia, before they can study an additional language.
In addition to the above subject options, each learner will study the following core subjects: English Language, Mathematics, Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry), Global Perspectives, Digital Literacy, PSHE and a language (Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin (foreign language) or First Language Chinese or Spanish or French). Prior knowledge of the language is required. Malaysian citizens must complete IGCSE Bahasa Malaysia, before they can study an additional language.
Please sign and date this form and return it to the school office marked for the attention of Head of Key Stage 4.
Please sign and date this form and return it to the school office marked for the attention of Head of Key Stage 4.
Signed: (Learner-Full Name) _________________________________
Signed: (Learner-Full Name) _________________________________
Signed: (Parent/Guardian) _________________________________
Dated: ___________________
Signed: (Parent/Guardian) _________________________________
Dated: ___________________
*Note - Additional Guidance: The Nexus International School will try to offer the best possible range of subjects to accommodate the preferences of each and every learner.
*Note - Additional Guidance: The Nexus International School will try to offer the best possible range of subjects to accommodate the preferences of each and every learner.
However, we would ask you to be aware of the following: 1. We reserve the right to withdraw a subject from the above options in circumstances where very few learners opt for this particular subject. We have a duty to ensure that our provision is cost effective and that we are making the best use of the resources we have to benefit all our learners. This may mean that after counseling some learners may even have to reconsider their subject preferences. 2. We recommend that learners choose subjects which, they feel, would benefit them in their future studies and in which they excel. This means that learners should not allow the preferences of other learners to influence their own choice of subjects. 3. Once a learner has embarked on a course in September, changes of that subject may be permitted in exceptional circumstances and where class size permits in the first half term only and at the discretion of the Head of Key Stage 4.
However, we would ask you to be aware of the following: 1. We reserve the right to withdraw a subject from the above options in circumstances where very few learners opt for this particular subject. We have a duty to ensure that our provision is cost effective and that we are making the best use of the resources we have to benefit all our learners. This may mean that after counseling some learners may even have to reconsider their subject preferences. 2. We recommend that learners choose subjects which, they feel, would benefit them in their future studies and in which they excel. This means that learners should not allow the preferences of other learners to influence their own choice of subjects. 3. Once a learner has embarked on a course in September, changes of that subject may be permitted in exceptional circumstances and where class size permits in the first half term only and at the discretion of the Head of Key Stage 4. NISP
Embracing Diversity. Challenging Minds.