NPF Responds to Negative Globe & Mail column We hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas or holidays, and that you found a way to stay warm in this unusually cold snap across Canada.
Just before Christmas, on December 22, the Globe & Mail’s Opinion Page ran a very negative story toward the RCMP, “What do Mounties have to do with Christmas?”, written by a freelance journalist, Carly Lewis.
We found this piece offensive and biased and felt it demanded a response, so we have submitted the following to the Globe & Mail editorial page editor:
We were shocked, offended and, frankly, disgusted by Carly Lewis’s rant, published on December 22, “What do Mounties have to do with Christmas?”. She chose to exploit Christmas as a blatant opportunity to lambaste the ~17,500 men and women across Canada who dedicate their careers, and much of their lives, to protecting their fellow Canadians and making our communities safer and better places to live. In fact, many RCMP members have been actively serving their communities over the holidays. This is a time of year when many struggle with mental health issues, addiction, domestic violence and crime: all of which adds to our members’ already-stretched workload while most people are enjoying time off with friends and family. Ms. Lewis’ piece focuses on a few negative incidents and completely ignores the fact that RCMP members put their own lives and safety on the line to save and improve dozens if not hundreds of Canadian lives every day – and they do so with increasingly scarce resources, equipment and training. We intend to improve this travesty in 2018 by achieving an historic labour relations certification which will benefit not only members, but all Canadians. Brian Sauvé Co-Chair, National Police Federation
We will share the link to our response if and when it runs. In short, whether it’s an unfair labour practice or a negative story in a national newspaper, the National Police Federation has your back. With 2018 only days away, we look forward to a certification vote, so we can truly begin to represent you and focus on making things right.
We wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe 2018.
We’ll continue to update you on certification progress. In the meantime, here are three other things you can do to help.
1. 2. 3.
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