Portfolio - Linda Bates

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Portfolio #LindaBates01

Elements of Design This project was to test our knowledge of the elements of design. My expectations were to use pictures that I took I believed embodied the elements of design and edit them to further embody the elements of design. I decided upon a simple layout to arrange my images in and added a white border to them, as to seem less plain.

This project was to take a word and align it across the page. My expectations for this project were to use a background image and a texture that somewhat related to the word I chose, and to align it across the page. I used the word “Dream� and a background photo of streetlights down a highway.


Band Poster This project was the recreation of a concert poster from a band or an artist you liked. I chose Jimi Hendrix because I liked the style of his other concert fliers. My expectations were to recreate a concert flier of his, using others as an inspiration. I decided to go with a spiral background and a lined image of Jimi Hendrix himself using the same color from the spiral background as a color to compliment the empty spaces on his face.

This project was to take an image of any animal or insect, and recreate it only using triangles that you made with the pen tool. My expectations for this project were to use only triangles and insert as many details as I could. I ended up using a picture of a butterfly, making sure to highlight every color.

Low Poly

Warhol This project was to take an image and edit it in a popular Pop Art style created by Andy Warhol. My expectations were to edit the same photo in a number of different ways, using different colors. I chose actor and singer, Solange Knowles, and used a number of different colors that I thought complimented one another and formed them in a layout that showed all different forms of the picture in their own light.

Pop Art This project was using a photo and creating a comic book style on top of it. My expectations were to follow directions and make a regular photo look like a page from a comic book. I chose the model Duckie Thot, and added a text bubble with the words “Sue Me� in a comic font.

Ad Design Pin This project was a pin design made for supporting the advertising and design class at NPTC. My expectations were to make a design for a pin, using no more than three colors, with the exception of white. I decided to make an Arkansan license plate inspired pin, seeing as the technical class is located in Arkansas.

This is the pin in 1x1 to the left and 7x7 up above.

KUHS Radio Logo This project was to make a new logo for the KUHS radio station, in honor of them broadening their radio station’s frequency to reach new audiences. My expectations for this project were to include the KUHS name and the new frequency number, 102.5. The rest was up to me. So, I decided to make a globe with a giant antenna coming from one of the plots of land. The KUHS name is on the bottom, surrounding the bottom curve of the globe, while there is a flag on a different plot of land, waving with the new frequency number.

The small picture above are two mockups of different thumbnail ideas. To the left are ten mockups of the logo I chose. The main image up above is the final logo I decided on.

Halloween Tag This project was to make a tag for candy bags as a Halloween fundraiser for our SkillsUSA group. My expectation was to keep a Halloween theme, making sure to include places for a name, date, instructor, and class period. I decided to go with the classic black cat and witch combo, adding bats on the second half.

This project was to design a t-shirt that would be sold for a fundraiser for our SkillsUSA group. My expectations were to make sure the design included Graphic Design, NPTC, and SkillsUSA on either a two-color front, or a one-color front and back. I decided to make a one-color front and back, hand lettering the words Graphic Design in my own font, mimicking the way the mouse cord was shaped.

Graphic Design Shirt

Thank you for your time! Email: lindabates6237@gmail.com

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