Creatingreusablestoreplace single-useproducts AYA&IDA
AYA&IDA's vision is to offer products that can inspire people to live more healthily and avoid unnecessary use of disposable products.
Creatingreusablestoreplace single-useproducts AYA&IDA
AYA&IDA's vision is to offer products that can inspire people to live more healthily and avoid unnecessary use of disposable products.
AYA&IDAwascreatedbecausewewanttocontributeto relieving the earth of the excessive amount of plastic waste and consumption that we have all become accustomedto.Webelievethataresponsibleapproach tolifebenefitsusallandespeciallyfuturegenerations. Theearthanditsresourcesrequirethatweallassessour consumption.Thatweallchoosefewer,goodproducts.
Ourproductscombinedesign,aestheticsand functionalityinparticular-alloffactorsthatcontributeto makingiteasyforourcustomerstousethemineveryday life.Everyday.
We believe that a responsible approach to business benefitsusallandespeciallyfuturegenerations.1in10 people in the world lack access to clean water, and therefore;foreveryproductsold,AYA&IDAFoundation donates,viaUNICEF,100litresofcleanwatertosomeof theworld'smostvulnerablechildren.
AYA&IDAFoundationdonates100litresofcleanwaterto childreninneedforeveryAYA&IDAproductsold.
UNICEFestimatesthat1000childrenaredyingeveryday duetolackofcleanwater.WebelievethatEVERYchild hastherighttobehealthyandhaveasafelife,nomatter wheretheirhomeis.UNICEF’sfightforthechildrenhas alsobecomeours,andweareproudtocallAYA&IDAan official UNICEF Partner Through their organisation we donate100litersofcleanwaterforeachproductsold.
Thecurrentglobalwarmingmeanshighertemperatures, andasaresultofthat,smalleramountsofcleanwater. Providingcleandrinkingwateriscrucialandimportant, whichmakesusproudtobeabletocontributeinmaking adifference
Asacompany,webelievethatitisimportanttosupportthe initiatives that come from the world around us. The UN's Global Goals are no exception.WehavecarefullyselectedtheWorldGoalswherewebelieve we can integrate them into everyday life and thereby make our
AYA&IDAdrinkingbottleskeepyourdrinksperfectlycoldfor24hoursandwarmfor 12.Madeof1stclassfoodapprovedstainlesssteel18/8.Perfectonthegowhether youhavetea,coffee,lemonadeoricecoldwaterinyourbottleasitdoesnotgive off flavor or interact with its content. AYA&IDA drinking bottles are laboratory certifiedtomeet LFGB(foodcontactgradetesting).
Thedrinkingbottlesareavailableinthefollowingsizes:350ml,500ml,750mland 1000ml.
Areusabledrinkingbottle-thatkeepscoldfor24hours-made especiallyfor kids.Thebottlehaschildren-friendlyfeatures,makingiteasyfor kidstomanage theirthirstontheirown KidsStrawBottlehasauniquelid,thatopenswithjusta gentlepressonthebutton Thebottleismadewithahandleonthetopforeasy carryingandholds350ml-aperfectsizeforourchildren
TheAYA&IDAKidsStrawBottleismadefrom1stclassfoodapprovedstainless steel18/8withlidandstrawinpolypropyleneplasticandpremiumsilicone.Kids StrawBottleislaboratorycertifiedtomeetLFGB(foodcontactgradetesting).
500ml Itemno.9157
Itemno 9997
Itemno 9973
Itemno 9980
Itemno 9225
Itemno 9164
Itemno 9102
Shaker Bottle is a sports drinking bottle made for your training, either as your drinking bottle or protein shaker - it works perfectly for both. Shaker Bottle contains 750 ml, and the small ball to mix the protein powder with is included. Shaker Bottle is made of 1-layer first-class stainless steel 18/8 with a polypropylene plastic lid. The bottle is designed for quick use, without the need for a thermo function, which makes it perfect for a quick shake before or after your workout Shaker Bottle is laboratory certified to meet LFGB (food contact grade testing)
SoftRose 750ml Itemno1831
TropicalGreen 750ml Itemno1848
750ml Itemno1817
DarkGrey 750ml Itemno1824
Thermo Cup with Straw is our spacious to-go cup, which holds 885 ml. The cup keeps drinks cold for 12 hours and iced for 36 hours It is a spacious to-go cup with a straw and handle, ensuring your hydration needs are met while on the go Drink water, juice, smoothies, and other cold beverages through the straw in the lid. If you want to use it for hot drinks, use the small opening in the lid. Thermo Cup with Straw is made from premium 18/8 stainless steel, while the lid is made from Tritan, and the straw from platinum silicone. Thermo Cup with Straw is laboratory certified to meet LFGB (food contact grade testing).
Lavender 885ml Itemno.1756
SoftRose 885ml Itemno.1770
CreamBeige 885ml Itemno.1787
Driftwood 885ml Itemno.1794
LightGrey 885ml Itemno.1800
The AYA&IDA CUP2GO is a functional and reusable alternative to single-use cups with plastic lids. With its practical lid, CUP2GO easily opens and closes with one hand. The cup is 100% tight, so you can safely store it in your bag without it spilling. Ideal for bringing coffee from home, the local coffee shop, to school or for work The CUP2GO is dishwasher safe and fits in most cup holders AYA&IDA CUP2GO is laboratory certified to meet LFGB (food contact grade testing).
Available in various colours in 380 and 500 ml.
DustyBrown 380ml Itemno 1985
DustyRose 380ml Itemno 1763 DustyYellow 380ml Itemno 1039 LightGrey 380ml Itemno 1992
CreamBeige 380ml Itemno 9829
DarkGrey 380ml Itemno 9874 MatteBlack 380ml Itemno 9805
Itemno 1336 Driftwood
Itemno 1329 SoftRose
Itemno 9898 ButterYellow 380ml Itemno 9812
Itemno 9881
Itemno 9836
Itemno 1602
Itemno 1435
Keep your food warm for 8 hours and cold for 12. Perfect on the go - can for example be used for your breakfast porridge, pasta dishes, wok dishes, soups, yoghurt, baby food or even for ice cubes Food'ie is made of 1st class stainless steel 18/8 that does not interact with your food AYA&IDA Food’ies are laboratory certified to meet LFGB (food contact grade testing) Food’ie is available in 500 and 700 ml in various colors
Itemno 9089
Itemno 9003
Itemno 9010
Itemno 9027
Itemno 9034
Itemno 9058
LunchBoxisperfectforschool,officeoronthego.Leakproofwhenfullyclosed.Made of food-grade 18/8 stainless steel and platinium silicone. Flexible divider included. AYA&IDALunchBoxislaboratorycertifiedtomeetLFGB(foodcontactgradetesting).
1000ml Itemno 9294
1000ml Itemno 9263
1000ml Itemno 9287
1000ml Itemno 9256
CreamBeige 1000ml Itemno 9270
1000ml Itemno 9249
Perfectforyourfavoritesnacks CanbeusedinsideLunchBoxorseparately Madeof food-grade18/8stainlesssteelandplatiniumsilicone AYA&IDASnackContainersare laboratorycertifiedtomeetLFGB(foodcontactgradetesting).Comesinasetof2 SnackContainers.
Itemno 9768
Bottle Handle Matte Black Item no 9492
Bottle Handle Driftwood Item no 1572
Bottle Handle Dark Grey Item no 9485
Bottle Handle
Bottle Handle Cream Beige Item no 9447
Bottle Handle
Bottle Handle Tropical Green Item no 9454
Bottle Handle Navy Blue Item no 1589
Extend the lifespan of your products. We encourage repairing your product rather than discarding it, which is why we offer spare parts for our products. This makes it easy to replace small components if something gets lost or worn – allowing you to enjoy your products for years to come.
Spare parts available:
Lid for Drinking Bottle
Lid for CUP2GO
Lid and straws for Thermo Cup with Straw
Lid for Food’ie
Lid, straw and mouthpiece for Kids Straw Bottle
Bottle Brush replacement head
Shaker Ball for Shaker Bottle
Divider, strap and vault for Lunch Box
Inner silicone rings for Drinking Bottle, CUP2GO and Food’ie
AtAYA&IDA,qualityandsafetyareourtoppriorities.That’s whywefollowstrictrulestoensurethatourproductsaresafe.
AYA&IDAisregisteredwiththeDanishVeterinaryandFood Administration, and we are therefore regularly checked in accordancewiththelegislationforwholesaletradeinfood contactmaterials.
Our products are thoroughly tested and certified in accordance with essential EU regulations governing food safety, manufacturing practices, and material usage. These regulations ensure that our products are responsibly manufacturedandfreefromharmfulsubstances Additionally, weprovideaDeclarationofCompliancetoconfirmthatour productsmeetalllegalrequirementsformaterialsintendedto beincontactwithfood.
We also test our products to meet high safety standards, includingtheLFGBstandard.Additionally,werunmigration tests to ensure nothing harmful transfers to your drinks or food.
AYA&IDA'sproductsaremanufacturedinZhejiangProvince, China,incollaborationwithcarefullyselectedandcertified partnerswhoupholdhighstandardsforquality,safety,and responsibility These partners are thoroughly evaluated to ensure compliance with industry best practices regarding working conditions, environmental impact and workplace safety.
We maintain close relationships with our manufacturing partners, conducting regular visits to their facilities and maintaininganopendialoguetoupholdhighstandardsin quality,fairlaborpractices,ethicalbusinessoperationsand environmentalresponsibility.
Ouragreementsaredesignedtoguaranteehealthy,safe, fairandresponsibleworkingenvironments.Additionally,we conductongoingsocialandenvironmentalassessments,as well as comprehensive testing of materials and product safety.
Wewanttodispelthemyththatresponsibilityand"Madein China"aremutuallyexclusive,andweworkhardtoensure thatweareaccountableateverystep.