Graduation Section 2014

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Graduation 2014 A News-Review Special Section • May 25, 2014

Finding the right fit Brittany Alvarez, Phoenix School BETSY SWANBACK The News-Review


rittany Alvarez will be the first of her family to attend college when she enrolls in Umpqua Community College this fall.

“It means a lot to me,” she said. “My mom is proud.” Alvarez, a senior at Phoenix Charter School, was hoping to graduate early and head to college, but decided to finish her senior year after a teacher persuaded her to stay. She took a roundabout route to Phoenix, but said she’s glad she ended at the alternative charter school. The 18-year-old attended Douglas High School for a year. She went to Roseburg High for two years then transferred to Phoenix for her senior year. The Green resident said she felt like she got lost in the shuffle at RHS and suffered anxiety when changing classes in the crowded hallways. Phoenix offers a more personal experience, where she is on a first-name basis with the teachers, she said. “It’s more relaxed,” she said. “Teachers and staff seem to care more about students than just graduating students.” She credits Phoenix, and Dean of Academic Support Kelly Rush, with helping her sculpt her next steps after high school. “I’m really glad I met Kelly. Without her I probably wouldn’t be this far,” Alvarez said. Rush teaches a college success class to seniors, a class that Alvarez says “started it all.” Rush said Alvarez excelled in the class and took on a leadership role.


Phoenix Charter School senior Brittany Alvarez plans to attend Umpqua Community College this fall.

“I could always count on her for a comment,” Rush said. “She’s the kind of student we hope for because she takes advantage of all the opportunities we have here.” Rush said Alvarez’s close relationship with her mother, Lisa Wade, shines through in her dedication. “Some of her drive is she wants to make her mom proud,” Rush said. Wade said Phoenix has been an excellent fit for her daughter. “They’re amazing and she’s amazing to just take it and run with it as well as she has,” Wade said. Alvarez said she loves art and aspires to become an art teacher. She’s been involved with art as long as she can remember. She works in the Phoenix day care center and with the Oregon Youth Conservation Corp doing forestry maintenance and maintaining campgrounds. Her free time is rare, but Alvarez paints or draws when she has a chance. In addition to high school classes, Alvarez is currently enrolled in botany and a math class at UCC. She will graduate from Phoenix with at least 10 college credits.

She will work with an OYCC wildlife tech crew this summer, identifying flowers, doing wildlife surveys and collecting data about downed trees. Alvarez said she is pretty excited to go to UCC, but is happy she chose to not graduate early. “I’ve always been the one to get done fast,” she said. She plans to attend a four-year university after community college. Wade said she recommended her daughter go into the legal field because of her quick wit, but knows she will be successful at whatever she tries. “It’s just been pretty much a godsend that she’s gotten as far as she has,” Wade said. “She’s very determined to be successful.” Rush said she is proud of Alvarez for excelling at Phoenix and looks forward to staying in contact as she moves onto college. “I have no question she will be successful when she gets to college,” Rush said. “No doubt.” • You can reach reporter Betsy Swanback at 541-9574208 or

Giving it his all Tom DeBell, Glide High School BETSY SWANBACK The News-Review


om DeBell said fellow students see him in several lights. Musician. Jock. Nerd. Serious student. Church attendee.

DeBell, a senior at Glide High School, is involved in many of the activities the school offers. He is active in the band, drama, choir and National Honors Society. He plays basketball and runs track. “Something I wanted to say at the end was I’d done it all,” he said. The 18-year-old moved to Glide from Idleyld Park when he was younger and has grown up in the close-knit community. “It’s going to be hard to be away from friends when we all split up,” he said. He said his parents gave him the option to go to Roseburg High School, but he decided to stay at Glide. He got more playing time at Glide and made varsity athletic teams his junior and senior years, something he may not have gotten at RHS, he said. He plans to study chemical engineering at Oregon State University this fall. An “aha” moment in chemistry sparked his interest in the subject and he has planned to study it in college since. “I fell in love with OSU,” he said. “It was a defining moment walking onto campus.” He hopes to use his degree to emphasize environmental engineering and to research how chemicals affect the environment. He was one of three Glide seniors awarded a $2,000 scholarship at the Glide First Citizens banquet. DeBell started playing bass when his mother suggested taking up an instrument. “I played too much Guitar Hero,” he said. “My mom said I should play a real instrument.”


Glide High School senior Tom DeBell plans to study chemical engineering at Oregon State University. DeBell said he was lucky his parents were willing to invest time and money in teaching him music. He now plays electric bass, alto sax, tuba and acoustic bass. He plays electric bass at services Wednesday and Sunday at the Foundation Fellowship Church in Glide. Track coach and history teacher Randy Gould said DeBell is an excellent student who will be successful in college. “He never backs away from challenges,” the teacher said. “He does great whether it’s a group setting or an individual assignment.” Gould said DeBell is active in many student events, including decorating for last year’s junior and senior prom. “He is always ready and willing with a smile on his face to help with whatever needs to be done,” he said. His senior track season came to a disappointing end when he tore his hamstring coming out of the blocks at a meet in Reedsport. He had just set a personal record in the triple jump prior to the injury. “He tried to the very end and always gave his all. Ev-

erybody respected him, I think that’s the most important thing,” Gould said. “It was a good way for him to go out.” DeBell earned a 3.92 high school GPA, and said he was relieved because it meant he wouldn’t have the pressure of earning a 4.0 after getting a B during his freshman year. He plans to participate in intramural sports in college and may try out for the marching band, depending on the time commitment required. DeBell said it was hard to keep his grades up sometimes when he would barely go to school for a week because of all his activities. The time management he learned will serve him well in college, he said. He heads to OSU with 16 college credits. “It’ll be nice to go in with a bit of a cushion,” he said. DeBell said he had always wanted to live in a city, but did not rule out the possibility of returning to Glide someday. • You can reach reporter Betsy Swanback at 541-9574208 or

Page G2 — The News-Review


Roseburg, Oregon, Sunday, May 25, 2014

Elkton High School Elkton High School will hold graduation ceremonies at 7 p.m. June 6 in the Carl Grimsrud Memorial Gymnasium, 739 River Road, Elkton. The guest speaker is Superintendent Mike Hughes. Kaila Trout is the valedictoriKaila Trout an. She is the daughter of Gary and Michelle Trout of Elkton. Her activiJohn Evoniuk ties and honors include senior and junior year student body vice president, winner of outstanding student awards in three subjects, winner of President’s Award of Educational Excellence in her junior year, FFA and volleyball. She plans to attend Oregon State University and major in animal science. She then plans to apply for the veterinary program at OSU. John Evoniuk is the salutatorian. He is the son of Mark and Linda Evoniuk of Elkton. His activities and honors include senior year student body treasurer, winner of the outstanding student award in two subjects, football, basketball and baseball. He plans to attend Southwestern Oregon Community College for two years and transfer to the University of Oregon or Oregon State University to earn a business degree and a master’s degree in education. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Jonathan Arnold, Nicholas Aviani, Robert Doane Jr., Breanna Dornberger,Tracey Doudna, John Evoniuk, Sierra Harrell, Nicholas Helgren, Colton Maxwell, Melissa Moorman, Justice Murphy, Kathryn Nash, Amy Parker, Joseph Stanley, Kaila Trout, Travis Williams, Erika Wolfe, Briana Wuergler.

Douglas High School senior Elisha Shannon stands with his father, Kevin Wiepert recently at Douglas High School.

Student and caregiver Elisha Shannon, Douglas High School CRAIG REED The News-Review


INSTON — Elisha Shannon has not only been a student, athlete and leader at Douglas High School, but also a caregiver at home. While the norm is for parents to care for their children, it’s been the opposite for Shannon, an 18-year-old senior. He’s been helping to care for his father, Kevin Wiepert, who has been dealing with heart problems for several years. Wiepert had surgery in 2009 to replace an aorta valve. When the valve didn’t live up to its lifetime guarantee, he had another valve installed in November. “He’s been my helper,” Wiepert said of Shannon. “After my first surgery, he came to the rest home where I was recovering and walked and walked with me. He got me through it.” After the second surgery, Shannon again became a walking partner and also a taxi driver when

his school schedule allowed, driving his father to doctors’ appointments. He also helped to remind Wiepert when and what pills to take. “I want to be there for him, to spend time with him,” said Shannon who will be graduating from Douglas High June 7. Shannon already lost one father and he didn’t want to lose another. His biological father, Tim Shannon, died of a heart attack while Shannon was still developing in the womb of his mother, Trena. Shannon was 6 months old when his mother met Kevin and the boy was 2 when the adults were married. “He’s technically my stepfather, but he’s the only father I know, so he is my dad,” Shannon said of Kevin Wiepert. “He was always there, he was my dad. I didn’t know any difference. “He’s doing great now ... he walks every day,” Shannon added of his 64-year-old father. “He used to get really tired, but now he walks with no problem.” Shannon shares the responsibility of looking out for his dad with his mother, but because she works full time and some odd hours, he is often times more available to

help. He is the youngest of three brothers, but the older two have left home, leaving Shannon to help his father. At school, the Douglas senior also lends a helping hand as a member of Douglas’ leadership class. Principal Rob Boye said Shannon has represented his class very well, both in the classroom and out. “He’s done a ton of activities for us, and he still finds time to keep his grades up and to tend to family responsibilities,” Boye said of Shannon. “He’s one of our go-to kids. You can count on him to organize events, to participate in activities, to be responsible for getting things done. He’s a very good role model for our younger students and for his peers alike.” Shannon was born in Roseburg and has been a Winston resident all his life. He’s attended Winston-Dillard schools for the past 12 years. He described his four years at Douglas High as “great.” In the classroom, he compiled a grade point average of 3.4. After school during the respective seasons, he was a member of the school’s varsity soccer team and was a sprinter on the track team during each of the past four years. During the summer, he has volunteered and helped set up the stage and backdrop for the

Riverbend Live! Concert Series at Riverbend Park. Following his June graduation and the summer of 2014, Shannon is looking at furthering his education in the fall. He’s considering Oregon State University in Corvallis and a major of computer science. Kevin Wiepert was a 37-year Roseburg Forest Products employee before retiring in February. He’ll miss the companionship of the son, but understands it is time for the younger man to move on. “He’s hopefully going on to Oregon State,” Wiepert said. “If that is what he wants, then I want what he wants.” Shannon said he liked high school, but he’s excited to move on to a college career and more education. “I know it is going to be hard on them when I leave, they’re my parents, they love me and I love them,” he said. “I know I’ll be a little sad about it. But I can drive home on weekends and spend time with them. They know I plan on furthering my education.” • News-Review Features Editor Craig Reed can be reached by calling 541-957-4210 or by email at

Camas Valley Community Charter School

Katherine Hall

Weston Tilton

Camas Valley Community Charter School will hold graduation ceremonies at 7 p.m. May 30 in Spencer Gymnasium, 197 Main Camas Road, Camas Valley. Weston Tilton is the valedictorian. He is the son of Earl Tilton Jr. and Gina Tilton of Camas Valley. His activities and hon-

ors include football, basketball, multiple state medals in track and field, hunting and fishing. He plans to travel to Europe for two weeks with his grandmother and attend college to earn a degree in engineering. Katherine Hall is the salutatorian. She is the daughter of Robert and Wanda Hall of

Camas Valley. Her activities and honors include student council, yearbook, track, honor roll and volleyball. She plans to attend Umpqua Community College to earn an associate degree and then transfer to Oregon Institute of Technology to earn a degree in diagnostic medical sonography.

THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Izaac Ashton, Bradley Dancer, Ryan Gallagher, James Graham, Katherine Hall, Jacob Hunt, Kristen Jensen, Derikk Killcy, Caleb Lindsey, Josh Mattox, Jayden McIntire, Kiera Rhoten-Kopko, Matthew Thompson, Weston Tilton, Dani Wilson.




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Sunday, May 25, 2014 The News-Review


Sutherlin High School tional Mathematics Sutherlin High Award from the School will National Achievehold graduation ment Academy, ceremonies at 2 football and golf. p.m. June 1 in the He plans to attend school gym at 500 Umpqua ComE. Fourth Ave, munity College to Sutherlin. finish his twoAlison Black year degree, then is a valedictorian. Alison Black transfer to Oregon She is the daughter State University to of Scott Moreland complete a degree and Julie Black of in civil engineerSutherlin. Her acing. tivities and honors Christina include National Chamberlain is the Honor Society, salutatorian. She FBLA , Phi Theta is the daughter of Kappa at Umpqua Rick and Kathy Community ColChamberlain of lege, peer tutoring Heather Brown Sutherlin. Her acat Sutherlin High tivities and honors and employment include earning at Taco Bell. She chapter and state plans to attend degree at FFA, Oregon State the market lamb University and program at FFA, major in chemical 4-H horse program engineering or and employment pre-pharmacy. at Burger King. Heather Brown is a valedictorian. Kylee Carson She plans to attend Umpqua ComShe is the daughter munity College to of Rob and Lisa obtain a degree in Brown of Suthernursing. She would lin. Her activities like to become a and honors include pediatric nurse. FFA, softball and THE 2014 Special OlymGRADUATES pics basketball at ARE: Riley Sutherlin High. Adamson, Treven She plans to attend Christina Anspach, Austin Oregon State Moody Arana, Veronica University and Avila Acevez, Kamajor in animal tie Bailey, Jayden science. She hopes Baird, David Beck, to become an agriAlison Black, culture teacher. Jeremy Blodgett, Kylee Carson Ambrose Brower, is a valedictorian. Heather Brown, She is the daughter Austin Burke, of Todd and Stacey Tyler Carr, Kylee Carson of SutherKatrina Carson, Christina lin. Her activities Chamberlain, Devand honors include Ratledge on Colburn, Austin National Honor Cook, Sheldon Society, FFA, Cook, Ian Downs, student council and Payton Dunaway, four years of socDevery Eder, cer and basketball. Lucas Erickson, She plans to attend Arturo Esquivel, Oregon State UniCarlota Esquivel, versity to pursue a Tyler Franke, Tessa degree in nutrition. Franklin, Jessica Christina Moody Cody Stone Freeman, Joshua is a valedictorian. Fulton, Nathan She is the daughter Gardipee, James of Michael and Gugel, Meshayla Anna Moody of Hagen-Young, Sutherlin. Her acRae Hamp, Travis tivities and honors Hopkins, Joshua include National Horner, Devon Honor Society, Johnson, BrianFBLA, FFA, cheerna Kats, Austin leading and golf. Christina Kennedy, KC She plans to attend Chamberlin Kilpatrick, Donald Oregon State Knight, Matthew Lane, University and major in Tori Luke, Joel Macha, biochemistry and biophysKelsey Maillet, Jace ics. She would then like Martineau, Michael to apply to medical school McKinney, Wyatt McKwith the goal of becoming night, Connor McMahan, a pediatric physician. Priscilla Medina, Zachary Katrina Ratledge is a Miller, Christina Moody, valedictorian. She is the Kayla Mosley, Cassandra daughter of Bill and Traci Mullins, Haley Phillips, Ratledge of Oakland. Her Erin Pickle, Savannah activities and honors include National Honor So- Potter, Breana Ragan, Jessica Rambaum, Katrina ciety, SL13 ensemble and Ratledge, Treyse Reber, leadership, cross country Gunner Rexford, Brandon and track and field. She Rossotto, Akash Sharma, plans to attend Umpqua Breanna Sharp, Breann Community College to Sheppard, Chantelle Smith, obtain a transfer degree to Tara Stanley, Wendelyn a university. Stephens, Cody Stone, Cody Stone is a valeConner Tabor, Matthew dictorian. He is the son of Tew, Laura Tyler, Laura Forrest and Shelly Stone Vellines, Jordan Jacob of Sutherlin. His activities and honors include holding Vicari, Andrés Vicencio, Shania Wallis-Gonzales, the office of reporter with Breanna Wright, Heather FBLA, Register Guide Wright. student of the month, Na-

Riddle Education Charter School

scholarship from Riddle EducaOregon Youth Contion Charter High servation Corps School will hold program at Phoenix graduation ceremoCharter School and nies at 7 p.m. June certified in first 6 at Open Bible aid and CPR. She Center, 694 Fourth plans to continAve., Riddle. The ue working at guest speaker is Jasmine Shop Smart while William StarkGherghetta taking courses in weather. human resources Jasmine Ghat Umpqua Community erghetta is the valedictoCollege and continuing to rian. She is the daughter care for her son. of Gregory and Patricia THE 2014 GRADGherghetta of Winston. UATES ARE: Marcus Her activities and honors Brower, Ryan Chandler, include a $1,500 scholarAlexander Daniels, Jasship from the Ford Family mine Gherghetta, Shilo Foundation, three-year Humphres, Blake Perkins, volunteer/honors cord Jefferey Sayler, Alex earner for American Red Smith, Sara Snydser. Cross blood drives, a $400

Roseburg, Oregon, Page G3

Douglas High School Douglas High School will hold graduation ceremonies at 4 p.m. June 7 in Umpqua Community College’s Jacoby Auditorium, 1140 Umpqua College Road, Winchester. Cade Claughton is a valedictorian. He is the son of Gary Claughton of Sutherlin and Sari Claughton of Winston. His activities and honors include All-League Linebacker (tight end, kicker and point guard), Oregon State University Diversity Achievement Award scholarship, National Honor Society, outstanding math and French student and Ford Scholars scholarship. He plans to work at Roseburg Forest Products during the summer, then attend Oregon State University to pursue a degree in chemical engineering, sub-majoring in petroleum engineering. He hopes to work for a major oil company as a petroleum engineer on rig sites. Michael Griffin is a valedictorian. He is the son of Mark and Melissa Griffin of Winston. His activities and honors include participation in three

Cade Michael Claughton Griffin sports, National Honor Society, student representative at Winston City Council and vocational aide at Dillard Alternative High School. He plans to attend Oregon State University to earn a degree in forest and civil engineering. He would like to return to Douglas County to work as a forest engineer in the timber industry. Jessica Hinkson is the salutatorian. She is the daughter of Robert and Diane Hinkson of Winston. Her activities and honors include vice president of Honor Society, two sports (track and field and soccer), Partners Club president and Trio recipient. She plans to attend Oregon State University to study chemistry. She hopes to become a foren-

Jessica Hinkson sics lab technician. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Trystin Abshere, Marissa Albertus, Alexzandria Averett, Robert Averett, Jessica Baker, Seth Barklow, Nikayla Black, Brady Box, Brandon Box, Korrellon Boylan, Hayley Boyter, Sidney Brint, Ciara Casey, Cade Claughton, Caleb Constantin, Amy Cooper, Jessica Cutler, Haley Dahms, David Daniels, Jonathan David, Justin Davis, Isaac De Santiago, Melany Deaver, Ciarra DeMasters, Tyler Digby, Krystal Erickson, Cody Faurie, Devin Ferner, Jordan Fish, Jesaiah Gallentine, Triston Garnett, Katherine Garrido, Michael Griffin, Rykkaela Gunn, Seth Gunn, Maegan Hartley, Chance Hedger, Christo-

pher Henderson, Jessica Hinkson, Ashley Hogue, Shailee Holcomb, Tyler Horner, Zachary Hoyt, Tyler Jackson, Katie Jensen, David Johnson, Ayla Jones, Hunter Jones, Erin Kelley, Autumn Koeritzer, Sharoya Lenaris, Joslyn Leswick, Richard Lucas, Dakota Maddox, Jimmy Marlow, Mariah McAllister, Trey McConnell, Abby McMaster, Christian Mendoza, Monique Meyer, Alicia Morales, Nikita Morales, Stephen Nardli, Megan Nehf, Ryan Peace, Eric Perry, Richard Perry, Amanda Pettit, Austin Porter, Kevin Porter, Levi Powell, Alexandra Richey, Nicole Richey, Levi Schattenkerk, Anthony Schneider, Devan Schultz, Jordan Shaffer, Elisha Shannon, Calvin Sharpe, Dakota Shoffner, Sheridan Shontz, Raymond Smith, Wyatt Smith, Shawn Spingath, Brandon Stewart, Heidie Teel, Kayleane Trotter, Lucas Turner, Levi Urbaniak, Ryan Warren, Bryce Watson, Alexandra Weaver, Cody Wiggins, Joshua Williams, Chance Wimberly.

Riddle High School Riddle High School will hold graduation ceremonies at 7 p.m. June 7 in the school gym, 147 Main St., Riddle. Katielynn Parret is the valedictorian. She is the daughter of Brian and Karen Parret of Riddle. Her activities and honors include Student Body president, Ford Family Leadership Program, United Nations Youth Pilgrimage,

Katielynn Lorenzo Parret Wilcox Girls State and Umpqua Chamber Orchestra. She plans to attend Pacific

University in Forest Grove to major in music education, with a minor in history. Lorenzo Wilcox is the salutatorian. He is the son of Dennis Wilcox of Roseburg and Carla Di Laura of Peru. His activities and honors include National Honor Society, Drama Club and is a musician. He plans to attend Oregon

State University, majoring in music production. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Alexis Borges, Daisha Budel, Zoey Dixon, Bannon Frank, Logan Gunderson, Wesley Hammersley, Beau Jones, Eryn McNeil, Cheyenne Schmidt, Katielynn Parret, Kala Satterfield, Destiny Serda, Lorenzo Wilcox, Levi Woods.

Congratulations, Class of 2014 Each Spring, the Cow Creek Umpqua Tribe of Indians presents scholarships to graduating seniors from fifteen different Douglas County High Schools. These $1500 scholarships are awarded to seniors who have shown both civic-mindedness and scholastic effort, and who are planning to attend Umpqua Community College after graduation. Students are selected by staff at each school. The Cow Creek Tribe extends congratulations and best wishes to these students.

2014 Cow Creek Tribe Scholarship Recipients

Camas Valley High School -- Weston Tilton Days Creek Charter School -- Jase Fuller Douglas High School -- Ciarra DeMasters Elkton High School -- Jonathan Arnold Glendale High School -- Samantha Humphres Glide High School -- Emily Deardorff North Douglas High School -- Jake LaCosse Oakland High School -- Shalene Walton Phoenix School of Roseburg -- Devin Boyd Riddle Charter School -- Jasmine Gherghetta Riddle High School -- Cheyenne Schmidt Roseburg High School -- Brianna Belcher South Umpqua High School -- Jennifer Webb Sutherlin High School -- James Gugel Yoncalla High School -- Brianne Joslyn

We wish all Douglas County graduates continued success! Cow Creek Umpqua Tribe of Indians 2371 N.E. Stephens, Roseburg, Oregon 541.672.9405 •

Page G4 — The News-Review


Glide High School

Oakland High School Oakland High School will hold graduation ceremonies at 1 p.m. June 7 in Umpqua Community College’s Jacoby Auditorium, 1140 Umpqua College Drive, Winchester. The speakers are Jeff Clark, principal and athletic director, and Mark Rochester, teacher and Honor Society adviser. Benjamin Barnes Jr. is a valedictorian. He is the son of Ben Sr. and Trish Barnes of Oakland. His activities and honors include president of Oakland High School Executive Student Council and National Honors Society, recipient of the Elks Most Valuable Student Award, 10 varsity letters (football, wrestling and baseball) K-12 student representative to the state Board of Education and Ford Scholar. He plans to attend Southern Oregon University Honors College to earn a degree in biology or chemistry. He then plans to attend medical school to become a pediatrician or general practitioner.

THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Gabrielle Arts, Austin Baimbridge, Benjamin Barnes Jr., Carolyn Barrows, Chad Bebeau, Kevin Blocher, Toby Blum, Breanna Benjamin Emily Lytle Desiree Colley Austin Nix Callahan, Britnee Barnes Jr. Clanton-TrulEmily Lytle is a valedicand Art Society. She plans linger, Desiree Colley, torian. She is the daughter to attend Clark Honors of Chris and Rhondi Lytle College at the University of Colby DeVasier, Cecil Dixon-Magnus, Justin Forrest, of Oakland. Her activities Oregon. Andrew Fox, Taylor Galand honors include three Austin Nix is a salulagher, Mikayla Groothuis, varsity sports (softball, tatorian. He is the son of Jeb Harper, Teagen Hobbs, volleyball and basketball), Brian and Pamela Nix of Kayleen Holm, Jason HuckFBLA, Knowledge Bowl, Oakland. His activities ins, Brooke Hutchens, Joel National Honor Society and honors include district Jackson, Estevon Jacobs, and Ecology Club. She and chapter president of Kincaid Jones, Braden plans to attend Umpqua FFA and Merit student of Kline, Christopher Koch, Community College for the year for 2014, football Jenica Lamoreaux, Eriann two years, then transfer to team captain and player Lanning, Aysha Leatherthe University of Oregon of the year, basketball wood, Emily Lytle, Derek to major in business and team captain, National Meier, Peyton Mesa, Austin marketing. She also plans Honor Society (treasurer Nix, Ryan Nugent, Ian to work while attending 2013-14), class president Patt, Elizabeth Patt, Kwan college. for sophomore and senior Phoenix, Amanda Reed, Desiree Colley is a years. He plans to attend salutatorian. She is the George Fox University and Austin Starnes, Zachary Trent, Zachary VanDeHey, daughter of Scott and Kirs- work toward a degree in Shalene Walton, Sawyer ta Colley of Oakland. Her business management. He Weringo, Colleen Winn, activities and honors inalso will play football for Michael Yard, Mariah clude cross country, track, George Fox University in Young. Knowledge Bowl, FBLA the fall.

Reedsport Community Charter School Reedsport Community Charter School will hold graduation ceremonies at 2 p.m. June 15 in the school gymnasium, 2260 Longwood Drive, Reedsport. The speaker will be Shane Nelson. Senior Scholarship Night is at 6:30 p.m. June 3 in the school auditorium. Senior Sports Award Night is at 6:30 p.m. June 5, also in the school auditorium. Rachel Lacewell is the valedictorian. She is the daughter of Steven and Christine Lacewell of Reedsport. Her activities and honors include president of junior class, National Honor Society vice president, FBLA Parliamentary Procedure

Team, Student Council and three sports (volleyball, basketball and track and field). Rachel She plans Lacewell to attend the University of Oregon. Bailey Tymchuk is the salutatorian. She is the daughter of Keith and Jennifer Tymchuk of Reedsport. Her activities and honors include National Honor Society president, honor roll, Mr. RHS junior coordinator, student representative on the Reedsport

Community Charter School Board and various sports (volleyball, basBailey ketball, Tymchuk softball and track and field). She plans to attend the University of Montana to study physical therapy and nutrition. She would like to become a pediatric physical therapist. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Destany Anderson, Tiffani Barklow, Prerak Bhakta, Ruby Cardoso, Symphony

Chamberlin, Nathan Collins, Arnulfo Diaz, Shania Enfield, Salina Gabaldon, Alexandra Glover, Carly Glover, Eric Hayes, Bethany Hedges, Hayden Hinshaw, Cody Hirshon, Cassidy Howell, Evee Kessler, Rachel Lacewell, Joshua Layton, Anthony Moe, Rauni Monroe, Jacob Noffsinger, Alicia Osorio, Rebecca Paramo, Jordan Ragan, Matthew Ramsay, Alesia Reed, Bryce Roberts, Matthew Rohde, Haden Sams, Daniel Schussel, Brady Strowbridge, Bailey Tymchuk, Katie Wall, Gabriele White, Aimee Wood, Emily Wright.

Umpqua Valley Christian School Umpqua Valley Christian School will hold graduation ceremonies at 3 p.m. June 1 in Umpqua Community College’s Jacoby Auditorium, 1140 Umpqua College Road, Winchester. Savannah Reeves is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Dan Reeves of Roseburg and Wendy Reeves of Springfield. Her activities and honors include softball, volleyball, leadership and student government. She plans to attend Umpqua Community College for two years before transferring to Corban University in Salem. Rheo Rocco is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Tony and Kathy Rocco of Tenmile. Her activities and honors include volleyball, basketball, children’s

Milo Adventist Academy Milo Adventist Academy will hold graduation ceremonies at 10 a.m. June 1 at the academy campus, 324 Milo Drive, Days Creek. The speaker will be Dale Milam. The consecration will be at 8 p.m. May 30 at the campus church; the speaker will be Lunelle Bertresse. The baccalaureate will be at 11 a.m. May 31, also at the campus church; the speaker will be Pastor Steve Behrmann. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Zachary Alcantara, Ming Gao, Patricia Granizo, Nathaniel Harwood, Blake Hayden, Kari Jones, Victoria Kuebler, Christine Lomeland, Mikeal Mills, Dina Mojica, Nic Nelson, Alexia Quero, Zaira Santiago, Savannah Sexton, Yerin Son, Jingu Song, Ardenicia Vaeono, Jiaxi Xu.

ON THE WEB See more graduation stories at:

ministry, leadership and student government. She plans to attend Umpqua ComSavannah munity Reeves College, then transfer to the University of Oregon to earn a master’s degree in speech/ language pathology. Tatum Shobe Tatum Shobe is a valedictorian. He is the son of William and Linda Shobe of Roseburg. His

activities and honors include Leadership, student government, Rheo Rocco sports and volunteer service. He plans to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Emerald Berry-Cabiao Beach, Florida, to earn a degree in aerospace engineering. Emerald Lillian Ber-

ry-Cabiao is a salutatorian. She is the daughter of Jay Cabiao and Tracey Berry-Cabiao of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include volleyball, basketball, student government, and leadership. She plans to attend Oregon State University to major in business, with an emphasis in accounting or finance. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Emerald Berry-Cabiao, Nathaniel Brint, Andrew Cagle, Ian Dahl, Jacob Forrester, Ian Graham, David Hand, Hank Hawkins, Joshua Howell, Jordan Mesa, Kaylee Milholland, Savannah Reeves, Rheo Rocco, Mary Ruble, Tatum Shobe, Taylor Smart, Riley Steiz, Gregory Suhrstedt, Kristen Welch, Kyler Werkheiser.

Phoenix Charter School Phoenix Charter School will hold graduation ceremonies at 7 p.m. June 10 in Umpqua Community College’s Jacoby Auditorium, 1140 Umpqua College Road, Winchester. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Brittany Alvarez, Devin Boyd, Randy Brandies, Daisy Campbell, Steven Crook, Tianna Flannery, Clarissa Ford, Kyle Gray, Morgan Grove, Chance Hollamon,

Roseburg, Oregon, Sunday, May 25, 2014

Cordell Jenkins, Kayla Kaisershot, Payge Keifer, Kody Little-Brown Ashley Long, Jesse Lopez, Carissa Mendoza, Tiffany Neal, T’ea Norris, Narci Quintana, Cody Reich, Brittani Roig, Ty Schulze, Nick Short, Billie Singleton, Zach Stayberg, Ben Sutton, Becca Tudor, Ezequiel Valdez, Amee Van Drimmelen, Diedre Wright.

Hats off to the Class of 2014! Feel proud of your accomplishments. You’ve worked hard to reach this point and deserve a bright future full of years of success.

Congratulations Graduates

She plans to Glide High attend Brigham School will hold Young University graduation cerein Provo, Utah. monies at 1 p.m. Carson Trimble June 8 in Umpqua is a salutatorian. Community She is the daughCollege’s Jacoby ter of Trevor and Auditorium, 1140 Janay Trimble of Umpqua College Drive, Winchester. Wiley Clough Glide. Her activities and honors The guest speaker include four years is Kristina Haug, of choir, four a University of years of softball, Missouri graduate four years of and former agriLeadership, two culture teacher at years of National Glide High. Honor Society Wiley Clough and two years of is a valedictoOutdoor Club. rian. He is the Elle Rappé She plans to study son of Chip and natural resources Toni Clough of at Oregon State Roseburg. His University’s Colactivities and lege of Forestry. honors include THE 2014 track statistician, GRADUATES Outdoor Club ARE: John Black, president, Bureau Mikia Bollinger, of Land ManageChristopher Butler, ment volunteer, Heather Mikaela Chasteen, 4-H photograGraham Cameron Cunpher and mock ningham, Laurel congressional Damewood, Walkhearings student er Damewood, judge. He plans Emily Deardorff, to attend Oregon Thomas DeBell, State University Elijah Dunnavant, to earn a degree in Mikel Farley, Cory chemical engiFinlay, Kaley neering. Frank, Mychelle Elle Rappé is Carson Fugate, Myressa a valedictorian. Fugate, Dennis FuShe is the grand- Trimble son, Blake Glahe-O’Dondaughter of David and nell, Heather Graham, Susan Flury of Roseburg. Joseph Hanson, Amanda Her activities and honHatley, Ariana Housel, ors include volleyball, basketball, track, band and Zachariah Huckaby, Christopher Kame, SharNational Honor Society. lina Kramer, Kimberlee She plans to attend OreKrewson, Jesse Livingston, gon State University. Shelby Mehlhoff, Cynthia Heather Graham is a Nash, Cremson Nicholls, salutatorian. She is the Jordyn Parazoo, Trent daughter of Gale and Sue Pynch, Elle Rappé, Hayley Graham of Glide. Her Reeves, Tristin Reich, activities and honors inRyan Rondeau, Dakota clude Associated Student Schaletzke, Tanner Shaddy, Body president, National Garret Short, Sienna Honor Society treasurer, Tafolla, Shelby Thompson, three-sport athlete, music Carson Trimble, Kaitlyn department member and Vian, Ty Weber. Outdoor Club member.

Glendale High School Glendale High calculus. He plans School will to attend Rogue hold graduation Community ceremonies at College and study 7:30 p.m. June 6 accounting. at the high school, THE 2014 10598 Azalea GRADUATES Road, Glendale. ARE: Jacob The special Alva-Melville, Blake Mitchell Christopher speaker is Andy Owens Jr. Barnes, Kody Blake Mitchell Brown, Jesse is the valedictoriBullis, Jennifer an. He is the son Cimfl, Colton of Branden and Conner, Julianna Nedra Mitchell of Deatherage, KirsGlendale. His actin Dillard-Davis, tivities and honors Cassidy Diubinclude wrestling aldi, Audrey and Drama Club. Jesse Bullis Elder, Samantha He plans to attend Humphres, Colton Umpqua Community Kemp, Brandon Lobach, College and work. Blake Andrew Mitchell, Jesse Bullis is the Harley O’Brien, Andreansalutatorian. He is the son na Richards, Tyler Scott of Raymond Jesse Bullis Rightbower, Patrick Riley, of Glendale. His activiRachelle Riley, Mark ties and honors include Rodriguez, Amanda Roff, Brain Bowl, Aspire and Gage Simpson.

Sunday, May 25, 2014 The News-Review

Roseburg, Oregon, Page G5




Abby McMaster

Michaela McVeigh

Kevin Blocher

Douglas High School

Roseburg High School

Oakland High School


Congratulations Graduates Congratulations

Kayla Mosley

Sutherlin High School FBLA, FFA, NHS

Kevin we are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad and Jessica

We hope all your dreams come true. Love, Mom & Dad


We Congratulate


Kyler Wolford

K.C. Kilpatrick

We are so proud of you! Love, Rob, Mom, Emily, Adam & Corbin

Love, Rob, Amy, Abby, Emily & Corbin



Katelyn Michaels

Quinton Aramburo

Robert Wiggs

Days Creek Charter School Valedictorian & Class President

Roseburg High School

Days Creek Charter School

Roseburg High School

Sutherlin High School

We are proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad

School’s Out! Good Job! Love ya, Mom, Dad & Spencer

Good Job Rob, We Love You! Papa & Aunt Sue

We are proud of you! Love, Your Family

We Love You! From, Mom & Dad



Jesse Sadler


Sawyer Weringo


Elizabeth Conkey

Geneva Sadler


Eastern Washington University

Roseburg High School

Roseburg High School

Umpqua Community College

You earned your Masters! Love, Mom & Dad

Way to go girl! I am so proud of you! -Mom

Great job! You make me proud! -Mom

Oakland High School #66 2012 2A Football Champs




Amy Proctor

So Proud of You! Go Navy Love, Dad

We’re proud of you! -Your friends at The News-Review

Paige Bentley



Matthew Josiah Garrett

Katie Lightcap

McKenzie David

Jordan Mesa

Creswell High School

Umpqua Valley Christian School

Roseburg High School

South Umpqua High School

Roseburg High School

We’re so proud of you! Love, Mom, Robbie, Grandma and Grandpa

Great job! We love you! Love, Mom, Dad & Brother

Great job baby girl! Love, Dad & Terry

We knew you could do it! Mom & Dad

You’re an amazing young lady!! Love, Mom & Dad


Jordan Perske


Payton Paulson


Austin Nix


Payton Paulson


Natty Burmeister

Roseburg High School

South Umpqua High School

Oakland High School

A wonderful nephew destined for greatness! Go Bruins!

South Umpqua High School

Roseburg High School

We are so proud of you. Love, Daddy & Mommy

A beautiful daughter destined for a bright future! Go Bruins! Love, Mom & Dad

Love, Uncle Kenny & Auntie Nikki

So proud of you! Good Luck at George Fox! Love, Nana & Papa

We love you. -Dad, Mom & Lily



Cailey Beth Frasier

Sean Bowden

We Congratulate

Roseburg High School

Roseburg High School Interact & NHS

Roseburg High School

We are so proud of you! Love, Your whole family

Honor Roll

Great Job!! Love, Mom, Dad & Seth

Tia Sconce

Great Grandma & Papa wish you a bright future!

We Congratulate

Bryce Thomas Watson

Douglas High School

I may not say it often enough, but you make me proud to be your dad. Love you, Dad

Page G6 — The News-Review

Roseburg High School will hold graduation ceremonies at 2:30 p.m. June 8 at the high school’s Finlay Field, 400 West Harvard Ave., Roseburg. The guest speaker is Branden Hansen. Baccalaureate will be held at 7 p.m. June 4 at Redeemer’s Fellowship, 3031 W. Harvard Ave., Roseburg. Katelyn Chase is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Anthony Chase of Roseburg and Tammy Kinney of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include National Honor Society, Clay Club, Interact Club, Key Club and volunteer at the Roseburg Veterans Affairs Medical Center. She plans to pursue a degree in biomedical engineering. Mariah Epps is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Mike Epps and Marsha Mecum-Epps of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include basketball, Leadership, National Honor Society, FCCLA and Link Crew. She plans to attend Umpqua Community College as a part of the new UCC Scholars program and later transfer to a four-year university. Courtney Fitzgerald is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Todd and Colleen Fitzgerald of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include National Honor Society, Link Crew, 4-H, Academic Feather recipient and honored at Evening of Excellence. She plans to attend Oregon State University and major in electrical engineering. Graciela Garcia is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Leonel Garcia and Anne McDonald of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include lacrosse, Ambiance choir, Interact Club, National Honor Society and school and community theater. She plans to earn an associate degree at Umpqua Community College, then transfer to Willamette University to major in math and education. Pele Gianotti is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of David and Tapaita Gianotti of Myrtle Creek. Her activities and honors include first team all-league volleyball, second team all-state and first-team all league basketball, National Honors Society and honor roll. She plans to attend the University of California, Davis, on a basketball scholarship. Raluca Gosman is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Razvan and Simona Gosman of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include varsity volleyball for four years (1st team all-tournament at state competition in 2012), varsity swimming for four years, National Honor Society, Math Club (qualified for invitational state math tournament for five consecutive years) and finalist for Future First Citizen. She plans to attend the University of Portland and major in biology. Chelsey Luiz is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Jeffrey and Brandi Luiz of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include varsity soccer and softball, Associated Student Body president, National Honor Society President, Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce Future First Citizen and Distinguished Young Woman of Greater Douglas County 2014. She plans to attend the University of Oregon to study architecture.

Roseburg, Oregon, Sunday, May 25, 2014

GRADUATION 2014 Roseburg High School

Brittany Routh

Courtney Fitzgerald

Raluca Gosman

Emily Swanson

Minnie Sakulsakpinit

Erika Robinson

Mariah Epps

Katelyn Chase

Natalie DeBell

Kira van Dyk

CJ Ball

Pele Gianotti

Chelsy Luiz

Maria Tran

Alannah Jacob Russo Cassidy Smith Oleson Link Crew. He plans to atAlannah Oleson is a tend California Polytechnic valedictorian. She is the San Luis Obispo to study daughter of Steven Oleson aerospace engineering. of Roseburg and StephaMinnie Sakulsakpinit is nie Oleson of Roseburg. a valedictorian. She is the Her activities and honors daughter of Robert and include Key Club (memPraneet Bland of Roseber two years, treasurer burg. Her activities and one year), National Honor honors include National Society, Confederation of Honor Society correspondOregon School Adminising secretary, Link Crew trators award in English, leader, manager of the Departmental Award in the girls’ soccer team, Math World Languages division Club co-president and three (German) and Oregon Invisports. She plans to attend tational Mathematics TourHonors College at Oregon nament. She plans to attend State University. Oregon State University Maria Tran is a valedicand major in computer science. She has been accepted torian. She is the daughter of Dao Tran of Roseburg. into the Multiple Engineering Co-op Program and will Her activities and honors participate in two six-month include Astra Club, Art Club and Mercy Medical internships before graduatCenter volunteer. She plans ing from college. to attend Oregon State Erika Robinson is a University. valedictorian. She is the Kira van Dyk is a daughter of Brad and Luelvaledictorian. She is the la Robinson. Her activities and honors include dancing daughter of Paul and Diana van Dyk of Roseburg. Her at Kathryn Howard’s activities and honors inSchool of Dance four days clude ballet and tap dance, a week, National Honor Society, Global Leadership flute, National Honor Society, Dance and Math clubs Adventures ambassador, 4-H (dog obedience, agility and various all-state/honour bands and math competiand show) and Dance Club tions. She plans to attend vice president. She plans to enroll in the pre-medical the University of Utah to study sciences, math, music program at the University and ballet. of California, San Diego. CJ Ball is a salutatorian. She would like to eventuHe is the son of Eric and ally volunteer abroad and Kristen Ball of Roseburg. practice medicine internaHis activities and hontionally. ors include Tennis Team Brittany Routh is a and Math Club. He plans valedictorian. She is the to attend Oregon State daughter of Brad Routh University Honors College of Belgrade, Montana, and study computers and and Crystal Routh of electrical engineering. Roseburg. Her activities Natalie DeBell is a saluand honors include high school Dressage/Equestrian tatorian. She is the daughter of Ken and Jan DeBell Team for two years and of Roseburg. Her activities Oregon Dressage Society and honors include Nafor six years, honor roll tional Honor Society, Math every year since middle Club, Fellowship of Chrisschool, Umpqua Commutian Athletes, Swim Team nity College scholarship and Senior Class represen(UCC Scholar program), tative. She plans to take a volunteer for the Canyondouble major in Spanish ville/South Umpqua fire and human physiology at department, Advanced the University of Oregon. Women’s Ensemble choir Cassidy Smith is a salufor three years. She plans tatorian. She is the daughto complete her prerequiter of Monte and Laura sites at UCC in the coming Smith of Roseburg. Her year before going on to the activities and honors inOregon Institute of Techclude Miss Douglas County nology to be admitted into Outstanding Teen 2013, its radiology program. four-year varsity swimmer, Jacob Russo is a valeKey Club president 2013dictorian. He is the son of 14, National Honor Society Sam Russo of Lewiston, Michigan, and Joyce Russo and four-year Academic Feather Award recipient. of Roseburg. His activities She plans to attend Oregon and honors include three years in the National Honor State University to study biology. She would like to Society, three years of varsity soccer, three years as SkillsUSA Automated Manufacturing Technology State Champion, a 2014 COSA Award in Industrial Arts and three years in

! s t a r g n Co

Class of 2014

go into the medical field and hopes to work with babies. Emily Swanson is a salutatorian. She is the daughter of Andrew and Kathi Swanson of Roseburg. Her activities and honors include president of the Wind Ensemble, National Honor Society vice president, Marching Band section leader, Mercy Medical Center volunteer and Jazz Ensemble president. She plans to attend Oregon State University Honors College. She would like to eventually go to medical school and become a pediatrician. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Jordan Adams, Warren Aguero, Amanda Allen, Joshua Allen, Naomi Allen, Trenton Allen, Bobbi Sue Amann, Jordan Anderson, Trina Anttonen, Quinton Aramburo, Angel Ardito, Caleb Arnold, Victoria Arredondo, Hunter Atherton, Niels Bachmann, Caelan Ball, Camilla Ball, Ryan Ball, William Bancroft, Aliya Bari, Jody Barnett, Charis Barron, Taylor Bateson, David Batty, Tanner Baumgartner, Ramon Bautista, Tyler Beach, Jacob Beaty, Taylor Beecher, Brianna Belcher, Jamie Bell, Dominic Bello, Natalia Beltrame, Paige Bentley, Alexis Bergh, Bryan Bergold, Melissa Betancourt, Andrew Biggs, Wyatt Birdwell, Kayla Black, Jessica Blackmon, Curtis Boehnen, Louise Bonn, Suwijak Boonpratheep, Miles Botza, Sean Bowden, Taylor Bowman, Cody Braun, Anastacia Bretches, Isaac Brickner, Alisia Brown, Davis Brown, Katie Brown, Andre’a Bryant, Melanie Bryson, Joie Bunt, Taylor Burdge, Lain Burgess, Nathaniel Burmeister, Rylan Burum, Carrie Campbell, Craig Campbell, Trystan Campbell, Lucas Campman, Delanie Cantrell, Paige Cardenas, Ryan Carhart, Mikayla Carter, Mary Carter-Cairo, Kiana Cash, Nadia Cervantes, Katelyn Chase, Lucas Childers, Alec Christensen, Brayden Coats, Jerrod Conner, Nicholas Conopa, Alexis Contreras, Tanner Cook, Levi Copenhaver, Daniel Coulombe, Luke Counsell, Cody Cox, Mikaela Crabtree, Zachary Crain, Reggi Cramer, James Crouch, Mary Cruz, Melissa Curtis, Michael

Graciela Garcia DaHill, Andrew Danielson, Austin Davis, Eden Davis, Sydney Dawson, Katarina Day, Claire De La Cruz, Jacob Dean, Natalie DeBell, Antonio DeNino, Travis Dever, Toby Dill, Tommy Dill, Justin Disalvo, Johnathan Doyle, Jordan Drury, Shulamita Drygalov, Jasmine DuBose, Andrew Dunlap, Mia Duran, Kaitlin Dyer, Amanda Eastep, Destinee Eisenstein, Kali Eisenstein-Dake, Dakota Elliott, Nickolas Ellis, Kayla Epperly, Breanne Epperson, Mariah Epps, Michelle Epps, Hannah Ewer, Paula Falavinha Barros, Emily Farmer, Damian Ferguson, Emily Ferguson, Thomas Ferren-Irwin, Ryan Fetsch, Cade Finlayson, Courtney Fitzgerald, Kyle Flagor, Erin Flanagan, Anthony Flowers, Nick Foley, Nathanial Foster, Cailey Frasier, Kenneth Freeman, Giselle Freude, Erin Friel, Benjamin Fromdahl, Brady Fuller, Graciela Garcia, Pele Gianotti, Madeline Gidcumb, Wyatt Gidcumb, Kaitlyn Glass, Saige Gombart, Raluca Gosman, Kyran Greene, Joselynn Greenwalt, Haley Grinstead, Francisco Gurrola, Mattie Haag, Kacy Haga, Colby Hall, Max Hane, Kyler Hansen, Christian Hanson, Brady Haskett, Natalee Hatfield, Brighton Hebisen, Wiley Hendrix, Calvin Henry V, Benjamin Hervey, Harrison Hill, Logan Hill, Joseph Hoefferle, Miranda Hoggard, Levi Holden, Kylie Holloway, Tyler Hopkins, Robert Horrace, Benjamin Horton, Tiffany Houston, Josie Humbert, Rachel Hunt, Arica Hunter, Braydon Hunter, Austin Hutchins, Ian James, Paul Johansen, Taylor Johns, Alec Johnson, Fiona Johnson, Jayden Johnson, Shayanna Jolley, Makiah Jones. Eric Kagele, Tyler Kailiuli, Ann-Marie Kessler, Marissa Kilby, Suzanna Kirk, Leona Knoke, Kelsey Koens, Rylan Kronner, Frederic Kurtz, Sofie Lakså, Katelin Lambert, Natasha Lancaster, Alan Lantheaume, Breanna Larson, Thomas Latham, Wesley Lavender, Tenea Laverne, Courtney Lawson, Luan Le, Morgan Ledbetter, Hannah Lee, Amberli Levy, Samantha Lewis, Katelin Lightcap, Christian Linderman, Nathan Lipshutz, Kevin Locke, Zackery Loos, Kevin Lounsbury, Maddi Loveday,

Chelsey Luiz, Kaylee Luiz, Colette Lynch-Sajo, Taylor Lyon, Jasmine Lyons, Austin Mackey, Avery Mackey, Whitney Maley, Lorna Malone, Claire Manion, Melissa Mankins, Anthony Martin, Debra Massey, Brie McComb, Dalton McHargue, Ann McNamara, Taylyn McNamara, Michaela McVeigh, Blake Mecham, Logan Merritt, Mikayla Merry, Ellen Micek, Rebecca Miles, Ashley Miller, Jacob Miller, Quinn Miller, Dylan Minnis, Jessica Morales, Christopher Morgan, Madison Myers, Kento Nakano, Kindra Neely, Benjamin Neff, Ashley Netz, Hailey Neuschwander, Alex New, Michael Newey, Cheyanne Newhouse, Rhiannon Newhouse, Kevin Nguyen, Shiloah Nicolay, Josiah Norris, Damian Oilar, Alannah Oleson, Kelly O’Neil, Tyler Otis, Hannah Overstake, Karissa Parker, Ryan Patterson, Victoria Paxton, Alexandra Payne, Jessa Perkinson, Jordan Perske, Jonathan Phelps, Dakota Phipps, Brittany Plybon, Mariah Potts, Keryssa Powell, Chloe Quinn, Carson Reid, Alexi Renquist, Dakota Reyes-Holloway, Aine Rickman, Danielle Ricks, Courtney Rightbower, Levi Riley, Sara Ring, Jessica Roady, Hannah Roberts, Chelsea Robinson, Erika Robinson, Mariessa Robles, Benjamin Rodriguez, David Rodriguez, Zane Rondeau, Brittany Routh, David Rubio, Craig Russell, Jacob Russo, Geneva Sadler, Jesse Sadler, Nawaphat Sakulsakpinit, Brandon Sanchez, Isaias Sanchez, Shelby Sand, Arika Sandbach, Courtnie Sanderson, Jessica Sandoval, Traeann Scheer, Sarah Schibig, Danica Schnaible, Natalie Schwartzbauer, Tia Sconce, Kayla Sewall, Kristopher Sherley, Justice Sherman, Michael Shoffner III, Garret Shultz, Matthew Shumway, Ty Siepert, Christian Sifford, River Sigrest, Hosannah Singleton, Robert Singleton, Adrian Sittser, Cassidy Smith, Justin Smith, Keldon Smith, Logan Smith, Brandy Snodgrass, Kimberly Solberg, Taylor Spence, Bridgett Spens, Victoria Springstead, Brittnie Stafford, Alexander Stehlik, Colene Sternberg, Brittnee Stevens, Ryan Stiefel, Kristoffer Stoddard, Collin Strizver, Anna Swanson, Emily Swanson, Shyann Swearingen, Megan Sweezey, Taylor Tate, Courtney Tavernier, Bryce Terhune, Ian Thomas, Makayla Thomas, Shannon Thompson, Joshua Todd, Braxton Townsend, Maria Tran, Andrew Trapalis, Felicia Trejo, Beau True, Vyctorya Van Buren, Kira van Dyk, Lexa Van Volkenburg, Dominique VanCleave, Joseph Vanek, Ashley Vian, Zachery Wade, Austin Walker, Cody Walker, Kayla Walker, Zachary Walker, Raechel Warren, Sydney Waters, Timothy Watkins, Garret Waugh, Ashley Weaver, Jeffery Webber, Ashley Weinhold, Davis Weiss, Austin Wells, Robert Westwang, Joseph Wetzel, Brandi Whisenant, Kayla White, Miranda White, Zachary Whitworth, Ian Williams, Brian Wilson, Candace Wilson-Sopiwnik, Miata Winders, Maxwell Windish, Kayla Winston, Kiana Wolfe, Kyler Wolford, Erick Wonderly, Alan Wood.

rose burg


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R o s e b u r g U r g e n t C a r e. c o m

Sunday, May 25, 2014 The News-Review


Roseburg, Oregon, Page G7

Days Creek Charter School

Roseburg High School senior Carson Reid studies in class earlier this year.


Canyonville Christian Academy Canyonville Christian Academy will hold graduation ceremonies at 10 a.m. May 31 in Robert Shaffer Gymnasium at the academy at 250 E. First St., Canyonville. Baccalaureate will be held at 1 p.m. May 26 in Canyon Chapel on campus. The guest speaker is Cathy Lovato, head of the school. Yunci (Yolanda) Wang is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Qibin Zhou and Qin Wang of Shanghai, China. Her activities and honors include Honor Society, class treasurer for two years, cheerleading, volleyball and choir. She plans to attend Boston University in Massachusetts. Ruoyu (Simona) Zhu is a valedictorian. She is the daughter of Renguo Zhu and Jiawen Su of Shanghai, China. Her activities

Yunci Ruoyu Shan-Yi (Yolanda) (Simona) Zhu (Kathy) Tuan Wang and honors include choir, president for three years, volunteering for a retirevarsity basketball team, ment home, four years on varsity volleyball and 2014 the school’s honors list, homecoming queen. She and perfect attendance. She plans to attend the Univerplans to attend the University of Washington’s Seattle sity of Maryland in College campus to pursue a degree Park. in dentistry. Shan-Yin (Kathy) Tuan THE 2014 GRADUis the salutatorian. She is ATES ARE: Precious the daughter of Chih-Chien Abayesu, Tiantian (TerTuan and Pei-Chien Wu of ence) Bao, Anh Hien Bach, Kaohsinng, Taiwan. Her Jennifer Chen, Bor-Yi activities and honors in(Bernie) Chou, Hou Hei clude Honor Society, class (Ivan) Chu, Alexis Cyrino,

Clement Dushimimana, Julian Gakwaya, Michela Lynn Genzmer, Yesung (Peter) Ha, Macy Ho, Zhonghao (Jason) Jiang, Yu-Hsuan (Teresa) Lai, Chorkiu Leung, Yingjie (Jimmy) Li, Yingjun (Timmy) Li, Bo (Leo) Long, Irenee Mitali Nkeramugaba, Clement Mucyo, Caleb Munyentwali, Chau (Paul) Nguyen, Azrah Pervaiz, Wayne Poon, Jinlong (Jimmy) Qu, Alejandro (Alex) Ramos, Tina Rusanganwa, Serge Sandrali, Liang Shi, Daniil (Daniel) Soloshenko, Shichang (Tony) Song, Serena Tang, Vladimir (Vova) Titov, Shan-Yin (Kathy) Tuan, Tracy Villanueva-Bustos, Yunci (Yolanda) Wang, Xiao (William) Yan, Yong (Jack) Yoo, Ruoyu (Simona) Zhu, Nanxi (Kera) Zou.

South Umpqua High School South Umpqua High School will hold graduation ceremonies at 7:30 p.m. June 6 at the high school, 501 N.W. Chadwick Lane, Myrtle Creek. The speaker will be David Leasure. The baccalaureate will be at 7 p.m. June 5 at the Tri City Church of Christ, 180 S.W. Briggs Drive, Myrtle Creek. Cassidy Wertz is the valedictorian. She is the daughter of Casey and Sandy Wertz of Myrtle Creek. Her activities and honors include March of Dimes, National Honor Society, Relay for Life, varsity soccer and Prom Committee. She plans to attend Oregon State University. Samuel Gulliford is the salutatorian. He is the son of Dave Gulliford of Bayview, Idaho, and Nancy Kruger of Myrtle Creek.

His activities and honors include varsity cross country, varsity basketball, var- Cassidy Wertz sity track and field, various church activities and several odd jobs. He plans to attend the Oregon Institute of Technology to pursue a degree in electrical engineering. THE 2014 GRADUATES ARE: Bradley Adams, Henry Basinger Jr., Shane Bass, Tori Bates, Jennifer Baynes, Kristen Beebe, Justin Bennett, Blayke Blansett, Christopher Bowers, Shelby Boyd, Theodora Brooks, Jessica Brown, Tyler Brown, Amber Caldwell, Dacoda

Carlson, MaKenzie Chapman, Conner Clack, Andrew Colton, Joseph Sam Gulliford Dabbs, Natasha Dailey, Chelsea Davis, Dahlia Dumont, Kristian Evans, Haleigh Gallego, Matthew Garrett, Summer Graham, Kaylynn Green, Charlotte Greer, Samuel Gulliford, Dorian Hall, Aden Harvey, Lauren Hill, Kylee Hodges, Dalvin Hollaway Jr., Brianna Houx, Damin Huse, Trasina Jensen, Dakota Johnson, Jacob Kannes, Brandon Klope, Tanner Kocher, Shane Kopp, Warren Kremer, Gary Larson Jr., David Long, James Loper, Sean

Mallard, Emily Markham, Kaysandra Maunu, Lynzee Maunu, Rueben McCloskey, Sara McCoy, Nicholas McCracken, Lyllian McKune, Shannon Mello, Laura Mills, Timothy Mitchell, Cheyan Morgan, Kodi Munoz, Tashia Navarro, Jasmine Naylor, Rhonda Nihart, Michael O’Sullivan V, Chayne Ogan, Kacee Peterson, Aurora Petterson, Payton Powell, Simona Rikenmann, Erica Risch, Dakota Robert Senger, Rachel Sercus, Nicholas Sonka, Sharon Stanley, Austin Stepp, Joshua Stinson, Thomas Unger, Adrianna Valdez, Cassandra Van Atta, Courtney Warren, Jennifer Webb, Tristian Wendel, Cassidy Wertz, Kyle Westbrooks, Alexia Wilson, Cheyenne Wilson, Jamie Wright.

Herrington of Days Creek Days Creek and Charter School Jami Burkhert of will hold graduCanyonville. Her ation ceremonies activities and honat 7 p.m. May 30 ors include varsity in the school gym volleyball (state at 11381 Tiller championship Trail Highway. team), basketball, The baccalaureate Katelyn track, treasurer will be at 7 p.m. of the National May 28 at South Michaels Honor Society Umpqua Comand class vice munity Church, president for three 27292 Tiller Trail Highway, Tiller. years. She plans Katelyn to attend Simpson University to play Michaels is the valedictorian. She volleyball and is the daughter of study biology. She Troy and Holly plans to become a Michaels of Days Jazmyn physical trainer. Creek. Her activ- Herrington THE 2014 ities and honors GRADUATES include varsity volleyball ARE: Josh Carpine, Amanda Coleman, David (state championship team), activities coordina- Crabtree, Carter Ellis, tor for the National Honor Rachel Ellis, Jase Fuller, Isabel Golemon, CoSociety, senior class ry-Keith Grizzle, Jazmyn president, Days Creek FFA chapter president and Herrington, Micah Hicks, Emily Hopfer, Kaelen Douglas County 4H Teen Leadership president. She Hurd, Stevielee Jansen, plans to attend the Univer- Dustin Klooster, Juniper sity of Northern Colorado McDonald, Katelym Michaels, Elisa Moore, to study criminal justice. Kolby Orrison, Markelle She would like to pursue a career in the field of fed- Owens, Nicole Premo, Briar Rushford, Troy eral law enforcement. Jazmyn Herrington is Smith, Shania Strong, the salutatorian. She is Trysha Timberlake, Robthe daughter of Anthony ert Wiggs.

Yoncalla High School

National Honor Yoncalla High Society, LeaderSchool will ship, Peer Power hold graduation and being part ceremonies at 7 of the state-qualp.m. June 6 at the ifying FBLA school gymnasiteam. She plans um, 292 Fifth St., to attend Umpqua Yoncalla. David Community ColAdkisson will Katlynn lege for two years present a senior Frasieur and then transfer slide show. to Oregon State Katlynn University to Frasieur is the complete her devaledictorian. She gree in pre-physis the daughter ical therapy. She of James and would then like Lisa Frasieur of to attend Pacific Yoncalla. Her University to activities and complete her dochonors include being on the prin- Sonya Walker torate in physical therapy, with the cipal’s honor roll every semester from ninth goal of opening a practice through 12th grade, Lead- in Portland. THE 2014 ership, National Honor GRADUATES ARE: Society, FBLA and class David Adkisson, vice president for two Sarah Amelung, Destiny years. She plans to attend Bradshaw, Witney Ellis, Oregon State University Katlynn Frasieur, Patricia to pursue a doctorate in pharmacology. She would Gutierrez, Miikela Hebert, Robin Helm-Greever, like to pursue a career in Samantha Hoeffliger, medical research. Sonya Walker is the Brianne Joslyn, Rebeka salutatorian. She is the McCurtain, Wesley Pavur, daughter of Song and Geoffrey Payne, Dianna Risenhoover, Ana Ruiz, Steve Walker of YonGavin Russell, Austin Snycalla. Her activities and der, Michael Tobia, Sonya honors include being on Walker, Karen Wickman, the principal’s honor roll Salista Williams. since her freshman year,

North Douglas High School North Douglas varsity volleyball, High School will varsity basketball hold graduation and varsity softball. ceremonies at noon She plans to attend June 7 in the high Umpqua Commuschool auditorium, nity College for 305 S. Main St., two years and then Drain. transfer to Oregon Garrett Burris is State University Garrett Burris to earn a degree in the valedictorian. He is the son of nursing. Harold and Becky THE 2014 Burris of Drain. GRADUATES His activities and ARE: Taylor Athonors include kin, Garrett Burris, student council, Benjamin Cain, National Honor Caroline Cesar, Society, varsity Michaela Conner, football, varsity Alex Derrick, basketball and Abby Dooley, Abby Dooley varsity baseball. Gabriella Downie, He plans to attend Umpqua Miranda Draeger, David Community College for Emel, Paul Gordon, Lewis two years and then transfer Harp, Autumn Heatley, to Oregon State University Hailee Johnson, Johnathan to earn a degree in civil Johnson, Jake LaCosse, engineering. Keenan LeRoy, McKenzie Abby Dooley is the Loughead, Megan Lymath, salutatorian. She is the Savannah Mast, Zackary daughter of Daron and Monsive, Dalaina Nash, Kathleen Dooley of Drain. Jared Osborne, Kaitlyn Her activities and honors Osborne, Megan Peterson, include student council, Melanie Ramsey-Finney, National Honor Society, Donald Ruud.

All of your hard work has finally paid off. May you continue to achieve great success in everything you choose to undertake.

Good luck to all our grads! SHERM’S


2553 NW STEWART PARKWAY • 541-673-8525

See us for all of your Graduation Party needs.


Page G8 — The News-Review

Roseburg, Oregon, Sunday, May 25, 2014

Umpqua Valley Christian School Would Like To Congratulate Our Class Of 2014! Rheo Antonia Rocco

Savannah Jane Reeves V A L E D I C T O R I A N

Years at UVCS: 4

Years at UVCS: 9

Future Plans: Attend Corban University and pursue a degree in Media Arts. Honors & Activities: Academic High Honors, ACSI Academic Award, UCC Scholarship, UVC First Citizen Award Winner, Student Government, Citizen of the Month, Homecoming Court, All-League Softball, MVP Softball.

Emerald Lillian Berry-Cabiao S A L U T A T O R I A N

Tatum A. Shobe

V A Future Plans: L Attend Umpqua Community College and E then transfer to the University of Oregon D to study speech-language pathology. I C Honors & Activities: T Academic High Honors, ACSI Academic O Award, UCC Scholarship, Servant R Leadership High Honors, Monarch Award, I Student Government, Citizen of the A Month, Student of the Month, Volleyball, Junior Class president, Peer N Basketball, Tutor, Children’s Ministry, Yearbook Staff.


Garrett Nathaniel Brint

Future Plans: Attend Oregon State University and earn a degree in accounting. Honors & Activities: Academic High Honors, Servant Leadership Honors, Monarch Award, Student Government, Citizen of the Month, Student of the Month, UVC 12Year Club, Homecoming Court, ACSI Athletics Award, All-League Volleyball, All-League Basketball, MVP - Volleyball.

Future Plans: Serve our Country in the Army, attend Oregon State University to study architecture.

Academic High Honors, ACSI Academic Award, UCC Scholarship, UVC First Citizen Runner-up, ACSI Leadership Award, Outstanding Student Award, Servant Leadership High Honors, Student Government, Citizen of the Month, Student of the Month, Basketball, Baseball.

Future Plans: Attend Umpqua Community College while working at Fred Meyer. Honors & Activities: Academic Honors, Servant Leadership High Honors, Citizen of the Month, Student of the Month, Worship Arts Sound Technician.

Honors & Activities: Honor Roll, Citizen of the Month, UVC 12-Year Club, All-State Soccer, Baseball, Basketball.

Ian Zachariah Graham

Years at UVCS: 12

Years at UVCS: 7

Honors & Activities:

Years at UVCS: 8

Jacob Michael Forrester

Ian Hjalmer Dahl

Future Plans: Study Aerospace Engineering at EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University.

Elliot Andrew Cagle

Years at UVCS: 13

Years at UVCS: 13

Years at UVCS: 4

Years at UVCS: 13

Future Plans: Attend Corban University and earn a degree in criminology or pastoral ministries.

Future Plans:

Future Plans: Attend Umpqua Community College then transfer to study Engineering or Human Psychology.

Honors & Activities: Honor Roll, Leadership, UVC Future First Citizen Runner-up, Soccer, Soccer Captain, Baseball, Cross Country.

Honors & Activities:

Honors & Activities: Academic High Honors, UCC Scholarship, UVC 12-Year Club, Homecoming Court, All-League Team Basketball, All-League Team Baseball.

Attend Central Washington University. Play baseball and obtain a degree in the Natural Sciences and Ecology Dept.

Honor Roll, Servant Leadership High Honors, Student Government, Citizen of the Month, UVC 12-Year Club, All-State Baseball, All-League Baseball, MVP Baseball, District Player of the Year, Runnerup State Player of the Year - Baseball, 2-Time State Wrestling Champion, All-State Pitcher.

Hank L. Hawkins

David Frederick Hand Years at UVCS: 13

Joshua Loren Howell Years at UVCS: 12

Years at UVCS: 12

Future Plans: Serve our Country in the Army.

Future Plans: Pursue a career in Music.

Future Plans:

Honors & Activities: Honor Roll, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, UVC 12-Year Club.

Jordan Robert Mesa

Attend Umpqua Community College then transfer to Oregon State University to pursue Psychology and Law Enforcement. Oregon Army National Guard.

Honors & Activities: Academic Honors, Servant Leadership Honors, Citizen of the Month, UVC 12-Year Club, Homecoming Court, AllLeague Baseball.

Honors & Activities: Academic High Honors, Servant Leadership High Honors, UCC Scholarship, Citizen of the Month, Student of the Month, UVC 12-Year Club, Soccer.

Ruthe Ruble

Kaylee Maureen Milholland

Years at UVCS: 4

Years at UVCS: 4

Years at UVCS: 7

Future Plans: Attend Umpqua Community College then transfer to Oregon State University or Pacific University.

Future Plans:

Future Plans: Attend Oregon State University to earn a veterinary technician degree. I would like to work in a veterinary clinic and work with large animal livestock.

Honors & Activities:

Honors & Activities: Academic High Honors, Student of the Month, Basketball, Volleyball, Horseback Riding.

Honors & Activities: Honor Roll, Servant Leadership High Honors, All-League Basketball, MVP Basketball, All-League Baseball, Citizen of the Month, Homecoming Court.

Taylor W. Smart

Attend Umpqua Community College then transfer to the University of Oregon to earn a degree in architectural design with a minor in interior design.

Academic High Honors, UCC Scholarship, Servant Leadership High Honors, ACSI Christian Service Award, Student Government, Citizen of the Month, Student of the Month, Homecoming Court, Volleyball Captain, Small Group Leader.

Riley Jean Steiz

Years at UVCS: 8

Years at UVCS: 12

Future Plans: Enlisted in the military and spread God’s Word through music.

Future Plans:

Honors & Activities: Volunteering at Winston Foursquare Gospel in Children’s Ministry and Worship Team.

Honors & Activities:

Gregory James Suhrstedt Years at UVCS: 6

Future Plans: Attend Southwestern Oregon Community College to study criminal justice and play baseball.

Attend Umpqua Community College, transfer to Oregon State University to earn a bachelor’s in English.

Honors & Activities: Servant Leadership High Honors, All-League Baseball, All-State Catcher, 8 years in 4-H with many service and agricultural awards.

Academic High Honors, UCC Scholarship, Servant Leadership High Honors, Citizen of the Month, Student of the Month, UVC 12-Year Club, ACSI Fine Arts Award, Umpqua Scholars Program, Yearbook Staff, Worship Director, Ministered to Manor House Residents, Parkview Skating Center Volunteer, Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Captain.

Kristen LeAnne Welch Years at UVCS: 13

Kyler Joseph Werkheiser Years at UVCS: 6

Future Plans: Attend college to pursue a career as a nurse.

Future Plans: Work in construction with my father and then join the military.

Honors & Activities: Class President, Student Government, Citizen of the Month, UVC 12-Year Club, Worship Arts, Volleyball, Leadership, Small Group Leader.

Honors & Activities: All-League Baseball.


Umpqua Valley Christian School For More Information Call


5 41- 679 -U VC S (5 41- 679 - 8 827) w w w.uvc s .org

Primary Roberts Creek Campus 359 Roberts Creek Rd. Roseburg, OR 97471 Pre-school - 6th Grade

Secondary Deer Creek Campus 18585 Dixonville Rd. Roseburg, OR 97470 Grades 7 - 12

“Partnering with Parents to Educate and Disciple Students From a Biblical Worldview.” Serving Douglas County for over 30 years!

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