Call For Officials - 34th National Selection Conference of EYP Greece

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Thessaloniki ‘16

34th National Selection Conference of EYP Greece

Call for Officials

President’s Vision EYP Greece has been my home for 7 years now; naturally, an invitation to preside its 34th National Selection Conference comes with high expectations from both sides. Having participated in every National Selection Conference held in Thessaloniki since 2009, the ability to navigate through familiar structures, this time as President of the session, gives me the confidence to develop a vision proportional to the needs and opportunities a National Selection Conference has to offer. The 34th National Selection Conference will be the first 4-day NSC of EYP Greece in a while. With an extra day for Committee Work and an overall ambitious organisational plan, this event will provide its participants with the time to explore their respective roles at a comfortable pace and will give us the opportunity to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for delegates and officials alike. Greek delegates are always passionate and will invest a lot of energy in the activities of the session. It will thus be the Officials’ team responsibility to ignite this spark and incite their interest towards EYP and the issues we will be discussing, under the umbrella of a theme dealing with the trade-off between social welfare and economic growth and of course higly relevant for Greek youth. Thessaloniki ‘16 will in many ways be similar to all preceding National Selection Conferences and at the same time, unrecognisable and unique. Are you willing to take a journey ‘‘in search of the golden ratio’’ between the two?

Head Organisers’ Vision In search of the golden ratio; beginning from the umbrella topic of the session this is what we are looking to achieve for the organsing team of Thessaloniki ‘16; a balanced team consisting of experienced EYPers and first timers as well. We have worked effortlessly to find an organisational concept that matches the uniqueness of our session, the very first four-day NSC after many years. This year, a fundamental aspect of our vision is to implement flexible norms of hierarchy, include everyone in the organising process and welcome eager young people in the big family of EYP. Overcoming the strict concept of formality for the sake of formality and giving our team an original opportunity for interaction, we plan to create a team closely bonded and give the Organisers the chance to develop new soft skills and capacities, useful not only for the session but their everyday as well Transforming a theoretical conception as the aforementioned, into a pragmatic situation though, requires a big amount of effort. Thus, we have included an organising-oriented training a day prior to the Officials’ Teambuilding and Training, where the organisers will have the chance to get to know each other and us and at the same time they will get accustomed to various organisational concepts and the needs of the session

so that they can be self-sufficient and efficient during the days of the session. Should you see yourself as a part of our vision, fear or rush not and APPLY! .

Those of you who would like to submit an application for the positions of Vice-President, Chairperson & Editor and/or Organiser should return the Application Form filled and properly updated to by Sunday, 30 October 2016, 23:59 CET. For the positions of Editorial Assistants and/or Media Team Members should return the Application Form filled and properly updated to applications@eypgreece. org by Friday, 4 November 2016, 23:59 CET. All applicants will be informed individually on the outcome of their application, as soon as the selection process is complete.

Dear Alumni, dearest friends, the European Youth Parliament Greece is proud to open the Call for Officials for Thessaloniki ’16, its 34th National Selection Conference. The 34th National Selection Conference of EYP Greece, the first 4-day National Selection Conference organised by EYP Greece after many years, will be held between 16 and 19 December 2016 in the city of Thessaloniki, under the theme “In search of the golden ratio; balancing the needs of the social welfare with the progress of economy”, gathering 130 delegates from all over the north of the country to participate in a unique four-day programme. The Session will be presided by Ms. Evanthia Kasiora (GR) and head-organised by Ms. Athena Karameliou, Ms. Sofia Magopoulou and Mr. Christos Zois and Mr. Nikos Avramidis as a member of the Board of EYP Greece. We are now looking for 3 Vice-Presidents, 17 Chairpersons, up to 2 Editors, 2 Editorial Assistants, 10 Journalists as well as 18 Organisers. There will be no participation fee for both International and Greek Officials. The Head- Organising committee will guarantee free accommodation in one of the city’s hotels for all the Officials for the 5 days of the session. Please, note that all Officials are requested to arrive in Thessaloniki no later than 10:00 on Thursday, 15 December 2016, in order to take part in the Officials’ Teambuilding & Training. As far as organisers are concerned, they are required to arrive in Thessaloniki (if possible) on Wednesday, 14 December 2016, in order to participate in the extra day of Organisers’ Teambuilding and Training modules. Departures can take place right after the Closing Ceremony of the Conference, in the evening of Monday, 19 December 2016.

The Selection Panel for the Vice-Presidents, the Chairpersons and the Editor(s) will consist of the President, Ms. Evanthia Kasiora, the Head Organisers of the Conference, Ms. Athena Karameliou, Ms. Sofia Magopoulou and Mr. Christos Zois, and the President of EYP Greece, Ms. Myrto Apostolidou. The Selection Panel for the (rest of the) Media Team will consist of the Editor(s) (to be selected), the Head Organisers of the Conference, Ms. Athena Karameliou, Ms. Sofia Magopoulou and Mr. Christos Zois , and Mr. Dimitris Davris, Secretary General of EYP Greece. Respectively, the Organising Team of the Conference is going to constitute the Selection Panel for the Organisers, namely consisting of Ms. Athena Karameliou, Ms. Sofia Magopoulou and Mr. Christos Zois and Mr. Nikos Avramidis (Member of the Executive Board of EYP Greece). We are looking forward to receiving your applications and welcoming you to the metropolis of Thessaloniki for the 34th National Selection Conference of EYP Greece! Yours sincerely, Evanthia Kasiora

Myrto Apostolidou

President of the Session

President of EYP Greece

Athena Karameliou | Sofia Magopoulou | Christos Zois Head Organisers of the Session

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