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Welcome to Thessaloniki 2021 - 42nd National Session of EYP Greece! I hope that you will enjoy reading this Academic Preparation Kit as much as the Academic Team of the Session enjoyed preparing it. The purpose of this Booklet is assisting you with your firststepsofgettingtoknowmore about the issue you will be discussing during the Committee Work. I hope that it will only encourage your further curiosity as you, as anactivecitizenandrepresentativeoftheyouthnetwork,haveallthe powerforinfluencingthefuture.
During the Session, you should never feel alone! You will be guided and supported by dedicated and knowledgeable individuals who worked very hard for creating every Topic Overview. Their unlimited curiosity and willingness to shape an engaging and informative environment have helped them prepare the document which you willbereadingnow.IwouldliketosincerelythankourChairpersons - Enrico, Cayvenne Joseph, Ville, Essi, Sofia, George, Teodora, Elena, Frane, Kirsten, Dimitris, Froso, Kacper, Iva, Raphael, Frederik, andYiannisfortheirgreatworkwithresearchandunlimiteddedication during the writing process.Additionally,mywordsofappreciationgotoVice-PresidentsoftheSession -Maria,Emilia,andVasilis(Bill)forallthesupport,motivation,andenergy.
I hope you will enjoy reading this booklet! Please take time and thinkaboutthequestionsformedby your Chairpersons. Further research will not only broaden your knowledge about the topic but will help you better contribute to the upcoming discussions and, as a result, shape a resolution which illustratesallyourcreativity,and well-informedopinions.
Bestwishes, LiraMikayelyan(AM) PresidentofThessaloniki2021-42ndNationalSessionofEYPGreece