Published by the Alumni Office at North Shore Community College
NSCC Celebrates Milestone in Lynn Expansion Project PROGRESS
NSCC students and college president Dr. Patricia Gentile, center, braved the January cold to sign their names on the final steel beam of the Lynn campus addition.
expansion of North Shore Community College’s Lynn campus, a two-year project that kicked off in September 2015 and is slated for completion in time for the spring 2017 semester. This long-awaited expansion will help the The project is led by Lynn-based DeIulis College serve approximately 4,000 students Brothers Construction Company, whose workers currently attending classes in Lynn. The new space set the final beam of the addition’s steel framework will include ten classrooms, a centralized Student for a traditional signing ceremony held at the Success Center, Academic Technology space, a end of January. The whitewashed steel beam Center for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, was signed by students, alumni, staff, faculty, offices and a board room. college administrators, members of the Board of Video of construction progress and the beamTrustees, public officials and others to celebrate signing ceremony can be seen on NSCC’s youtube the completion of the initial phase of construction. channel: A few days after the celebration event, the signed www.youtube.com/user/nsccmedia beam was lifted into place, completing the 37,000-square-foot addition’s framework.
A North Shore Community College student is pictured between classes in the late 1960’s.
’67 ALUMS! THIS YEAR’S COMMENCEMENT MARKS North Shore Community College’s 50th graduation ceremony. We are inviting all alumni from NSCC’s first graduating class to join us as our special alumni guests to accompany the Class of 2016 in this year’s processional and help us recognize this milestone graduation. We’ve come a long way from our modest beginnings on Essex Street in Beverly, and we’d like to recognize the part that you played in getting us here. Alumni from the Class of ’67 were pioneers, helping to create NSCC’s first student government, school newspaper, performing arts programs, student clubs and activities and more. You helped to set the foundation upon which all growth was built and we want you to help us celebrate! Save the date! This year’s commencement will be held on the evening of May 26th. Invitation to follow or contact Alumni Coordinator Sandra Rochon for more information, srochon@northshore.edu or 978 762-4000 ext. 5481.
Partners in the Early College Initiative, l-r: Mary Sarris, Executive Director of the North Shore Workforce Investment Board; Patricia Meservey, President, Salem State University; Patricia Gentile, President, NSCC; Judith Flanagan Kennedy, Mayor of Lynn; Catherine Latham, Superintendent of Lynn Public Schools; Lori Berry, Executive Director, Lynn Community Health Center.
Veteran Alum
Malcolm Bybee, 4th from left, pictured with a group of NSCC student veterans. Malcolm’s experience, business acumen and solid advice delivered with humor quickly earned him a spot as “one of the guys.”
Encourages NSCC Students to Aim High years of service in the United States Marine Corps, where he attained the rank of sergeant and served two combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a 2011 graduate of North Shore Community College. Following graduation, Malcolm applied and was accepted to multiple undergraduate business programs. He As someone with firsthand experience suc- chose the Business Administration and Managecessfully marketing himself and his military ment Program at Babson College, known for its career to Babson, Bentley, Brandeis, Boston Uni- excellent reputation in business, leadership and versity and more, Malcolm was able to share entrepreneurship. valuable information and perspective with stu- Malcolm graduated from Babson College in 2014 and is currently the Director of Business dents who will soon be in the transfer process. Malcolm’s career experience includes seven Development, Disability and Life Practice for NSCC GRAD, MALCOLM BYBEE ’11, returned to campus recently, connecting with current student veterans to discuss transfer to undergraduate programs. Sharing his own experience and insights, he encouraged the veterans to aim high and include competitive, top-ranked schools when considering undergrad programs.
The Westport Group in Braintree, MA, a specialty international insurance broker. NSCC Alumni Coordinator Sandra Rochon expressed thanks to Malcolm for coming, remarking that “his presentation was excellent, very motivating and he could not have been more generous with his time. The interaction with students was genuine and meaningful, and the information valuable.” Do you have experience to share with students? Alumni involvement is always welcome! Contact Alumni Coordinator Sandra Rochon at srochon@northshore.edu.
to visit Danvers Campus ON APRIL 11–13, the Disabled American Veterans’ Mobile Service Offices will visit NSCC’s Danvers campus. The DAV’s “offices on wheels” travel to provide easy access to on-site services for veterans and their families. National Service Officers are available in the mobile units to counsel and assist veterans and their families, providing information and education on the benefits and services available to them. Those services include support to veterans developing, filing and winning claims for benefits administered under federal, state and local laws. The DAV’s services are open to ALL veterans. Interested veterans should bring their DD214. For more information contact Veterans Services Coordinator Kristine Babcock, kbabcock@northshore.edu, or call 978-762-4000 ext. 4187.
Corporate & Community Education Division Moves
to Danvers
NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE’S Corporate & Community Education division began the new year in a new location on the Danvers Campus.
The move to Danvers offers students enhanced access to all college resources including the library, computer labs, academic services, advising and tutoring centers and more, while maintaining the excellent, high quality training and education that this division has historically offered at the Cummings Center in Beverly. In addition, the Danvers Campus offers improved access from major highways and plenty of parking. The relocation also enhances the college’s ability to build clear, strategic career pathways that include creating bridges from noncredit to credit education, and accelerating career training to jobs in alignment with the state’s workforce education goals.
All areas of the Corporate & Community Education division have been relocated, beginning with the Adult Learning Center’s move to Danvers in the fall of 2015. In January, all other division areas followed: general operations offices, noncredit workforce programs including Aesthetics, Adult Basic Education, Health Certificates (CNA, Phlebotomy, Pharmacy Assistant, Dental Assist- For more info about NSCC’s Corporate & ing and others), computer certifications and Community Education division visit community programs including NSCC’s Kids to corporate.northshore.edu College programs.
LYNN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Forge Early College Partnerships IMAGINE BEING ABLE TO TAKE UP TO 30 college credits while still in high school, graduating with both a high school diploma and a year of college under one’s belt, at a huge cost savings and great jump on college completion? That will now be possible through an innovative partnership between North Shore Community College (NSCC) and the three high schools in the Lynn Public School (LPS) system. The two educational partners signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to create an educational resource sharing partnership for the mutual betterment of LPS and NSCC students and to advance common interests in the attainment of their respective educational missions and goals. The NSCC LPS Early College model will help more Lynn high school students persist to high school graduation; better equip students to go on after high school graduation to college, persist in college and obtain a college degree; allow Lynn high school students a chance to get a jump on their college experience, lowering the total cost of a post-secondary certificate or degree and cutting the time needed to complete either an associate degree and a bachelor’s degree; and provide a seamless academic path where college credits earned in NSCC LPS Early College transfer in full to North Shore Community College and then on to Salem State University. “This is an auspicious and historic occasion,” said Dr. Patricia A. Gentile, NSCC President. “Research clearly delineates the various benefits of an Early College approach to helping prepare and inspire high school students for a college or post-secondary education commitment. The MA Department of Higher Education has goals to reduce the achievement gap for minority students and to better serve underserved populations. This historic step, under CommUniverCity at Lynn, is certainly an innovative way to achieve those education goals.”
Lynn Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy stated “how vital it is to have a well-educated and trained workforce. This initiative will help the city as a whole. “I know what tuition bills are like and how difficult it is to finance a college degree. To be able to provide this will get kids off to a very important, and cost effective, start. It is absolutely terrific!” the Mayor said.
This historic step, under CommUniverCity at Lynn, is certainly an innovative way to reduce the achievement gap. — NSCC President Patricia Gentile The CommUniverCity at Lynn is an urban education workforce development collaboration. The initiative will provide effective and affordable educational pathways from pre-school to graduate school and into the workforce, promoting integration of academic and career pathways and community services with the goal of improved student retention and completion rates, a more coordinated response to regional workforce needs, and expanded interagency collaborations.
Dr. Patricia Meservey, President of Salem “Sincere thanks to everyone involved in this State University and a CommUniverCity partner, process – you have all made and will continue to noted, “What is different with this program is a make a huge difference in the life of our Early firm commitment to offer a pathway from 10th College students, the City of Lynn, and the eco- grade to an associate’s and on to a bachelor’s nomic future of this region,” Gentile added. degree with clear pathways, expectations and the Cathie Latham, LPS Superintendent, noted, knowledge that all credits will transfer. “I can’t tell you how excited I am about this. So “We are also particularly thankful to our many of our students are first generation and this industry partners as students need to see the job will give them the opportunity to see what college opportunities and career pathways, and to our is all about and to experience their ability to philanthropic partners who are providing a sigsucceed. This takes away the fear of the unknown nificant portion of the resources to really make and is a wonderful opportunity at very little cost.” this happen,” President Meservey said.
LISA MILSO 1959–2015 IN DECEMBER we shared the devastating news of the loss of a beloved member of our NSCC family, Lisa Milso, Director of Student Life, who died suddenly on Christmas Eve. Lisa loved NSCC and our students. During her 28 years of service, she personally touched the lives of countless students and alumni. It is a fitting tribute to Lisa’s generosity and concern for others that she gave the miracle of life to seven people on Christmas Day through organ donation. Thus, she will live on in others, as her memory will live on in each person who was fortunate to know her. The outpouring of sympathy and sharing of memories has been incredible, and a true testament to the impact that Lisa had on so many. A celebration of Lisa’s life will take place on March 24th, 6 PM, at the Lynn Gym. If you are interested in attending, please contact Alumni Coordinator Sandra Rochon at srochon@northshore.edu In honor of Lisa’s passion for NSCC and our students, the college has established the Lisa Milso Memorial Scholarship. Those wishing to contribute to the scholarship fund can make a gift in Lisa’s memory. northshore.edu/giving/donate
Lisa Milso, front row second from left, is pictured above on one of her multiple trips to New Orleans to help rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Lisa and other faculty and staff members joined NSCC students in the annual “Labor of Love” volunteer trips.
Alumni News — Spring 2016
One Ferncroft Road • Danvers, MA 01923-0840 978-762-4000 • 781-593-6722
Save The Date: Wednesday, May 4th NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Veterans & Community JOB & RESOURCE FAIR
Open to the public
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 2:00–3:00pm Veterans Only 3:00–5:00pm General Public
North Shore Community College Lynn Campus Gym 300 Broad Street, Lynn Presented by NSCC in conjunction with the North Shore Career Center.
NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Higher learning • Higher value
Vice President
LESLEY PETERS ’97 Alumni Trustee
Alumni News is published for NSCC alumni and friends by the Alumni Office, North Shore Community College, 1 Ferncroft Road, Danvers, MA, 01923. News, photos and event listings are welcome subject to editor approval. Please send to: srochon@northshore.edu • Telephone: 978-762-4000, x5481
Alumni Coordinator
Marketing & Communications
NSCC’s people and programs recently featured in various media outlets. Loreen Tirrell, NSCC Culinary Arts Program Coordinator, was featured in a January episode of North Shore 104.9’s Food Talk with Billy Costa and Jenny Johnson. Listen to the podcast at: www.northshore1049.com/pages/17218006.php
NSCC’s Corporate & Community Education division was honored at the English For New Bostonians event for their programs offering English at work. Read the article here: northofboston.wickedlocal.com/ article/20151110/news/151119340
Ana Stipanovic ’14, Marko Stipanovic ’15 (shown here with Anto and Zvonko Stipanovic) The NSCC grads and Lynn residents are featured with their family in a Public Radio International interview about their experience as refugees from the Bosnian War of the early 1990s. Eldest son Marko graduated from NSCC in 2015 and is now an undergraduate student at Boston University. Article and podcast available at: www.pri.org/stories/2016-01-28/they-fled-war-bosnia -and-herzegovina-and-found-stability-boston Photo by Jeb Sharp
Help us keep in touch — please update your email address and other contact info at northshore.edu/alumni/update.jsp or by emailing alumni@northshore.edu
NSCC students Anh Nguyen and Albert Muhatikani were featured in a Lynn Item article, “Lynn’s NSCC Is An Immigrant’s Gateway.” Read the article: www.itemlive.com/news/ lynns-nscc-is-an-immigrants-gateway Photo by Paula Muller of the Lynn Item.
SPREAD THE WORD! Do you know of a newsworthy story involving an NSCC grad, or someone who should be in the news for the great things they are doing? Spread the word, let us know! Contact Alumni Coordinator Sandra Rochon at srochon@northshore.edu, 978-762-4000 ext. 5481.
twitter.com/northshore_cc (Instagram) iconosquare.com/northshorecc youtube.com/user/nsccmedia linkedin.com/company/north-shore community-college facebook.com/myNSCC.alumni
APRIL 14, 2016
ON APRIL 14TH, NSCC WILL HOST A Forum On Tolerance event entitled Thinking Outside The Gender Box, a discussion to help promote acceptance and understanding of transgender and non-fluid gender identities. These thought-provoking events challenge us to learn more about one another, encourage empathy and understanding toward others, and to make a difference in ourselves, our neighborhoods and our worlds. Since 1996, NSCC Forums have explored social injustice and its effects on the modern world and our own communities through topics ranging from the Holocaust to immigration and civil rights. NSCC Forum on Tolerance events are free and open to the public. Join us on April 14th for the 36th presentation of NSCC’s Forum on Tolerance, from 10:30 AM–12:30 PM in the Math & Science building of the Danvers campus, and from 6:30– 8:45 PM in the Lynn gym. For more information see northshore.edu/tolerance
Alumni News —Spring 2016