The Pennon - April 2014

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APRIL 2014





BY ALEXEI BOGDAN RUSSIAN NEWS CORRESPONDENT Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has recently made a surprising announcement. In late March, he revealed a new initiative, aptly named the “Vast Bound Onward.” With this new program, Putin hopes to successfully reform the Soviet Union, and “Bring Russia back to its roots.” Putin said that he will be introducing a plethora of new policies to accompany this sudden change, many of which are based on the system run by Joseph Stalin, who Putin stated was a great hero of his. He had even decided to sport a moustache for the occasion, much like his hero. Russia’s populace was understandably quite upset with this development, given the probBY



Who is President Gentile? What motivates her? What plans does she have for North Shore Community College? These are questions that I am sure many of you have, given her recent arrival at North Shore Community College. Luckily, I recently had the pleasure of chatting with her, during which time she told me all about her life and career up to this point, her passions, and her future plans for NSCC. She has lived a very interesting life, and has very noble and ambitious aspirations for our school. Hopefully, you will find her story as interesting as I did. Ms. Gentile grew up in Pennsylvania, and attended a Roman-Catholic school for her elementary and high school education. Her family was not very supportive of her desire to receive a college education, due in part to her gender. She was not deterred by this lack of support, however; she went to Temple University, and later transferred to the University of





lems they faced while part of the old Soviet Union. Putin tried to allay their fears, however, saying that there will be as few forced famines as possible, and that the newly reformed KGB would only pursue those he deemed “Traitors to Russia.” These included Protesters, LGBT or non-Christian citizens, and those who support capitalism, as they “Oppose all of the values that Russia was founded upon.” Putin was clear that freedom of speech would not be taken away however. Citizens have every right to voice their disapproval for his new plans, but Putin did say, “[They] must face the consequences for what they have to say. Dissenters may want to consider holding their tongues, if they would like to keep them.”


managed to get her undergraduate degree, graduating Magna Cum Laude. Ms. Gentile says that she loved going to school; she relished the challenge that it gave her. Shortly after graduating, she began teaching, with her first gig being at the



introduced gradually.” He did, however, attempt to remain civil, stating that he personally understood Putin’s motivation. Obama admitted that Joseph Stalin was someone he also looked up to, and that the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as ObamaCare, was inspired by some of the programs run by Stalin. Obama closed the press conference on this note, stating that he would do his best to negotiate with Putin, stating, “We are, at our cores, very similar people, ideologically.”


President Obama was quick to chime in on the issue, setting up a press conference shortly after Putin’s announce-

ment. Obama was quick to state that he was firmly opposed to the resolution, as “Communism is only acceptable when it is

Archdiocese of Philadelphia high schools. She taught ninth through twelfth grade for five years, but left the job after that, due to declining enrollment, which meant that she was subject to increasingly poor job security. After she left her teaching job, she went to work in the nonprofit sector, becoming the executive director of a charity organization. She really enjoyed doing this work, even though the charity she was working for was declining, and heading towards insolvency. Through this experience, she realized that she needed to learn more about business to be as good of a worker as possible, and subsequently went back to school, at age thirty-five. She enrolled in the Wharton school of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, taking a full course load. She worked on the weekends to put her self through school again, and says that she again loved the challenge of this experience, proving herself to be a person who always yearned to achieve greater accomplishments.

She eventually got her MBA in finance and public policy management, and proceeded to work for a consulting company that dealt with nonprofit and philanthropic companies. In this position, she was able to apply many of the skills she learned in business school to her work. She had great fun working there, and it proved to be an invaluable learning experience. She missed running an organization, though, so she left this job, and became the CEO of a large Girl Scouts council, working for two different Girl Scout organizations. In this position, she met Marian Wright Edelman, who is one of her heroes. Edelman is the founder and president of an organization called the Children’s Defense Fund, which is situated in Washington, D.C. Astonishingly, Gentile eventually came to fill the position of Chief Operating Officer for the Children’s Defense Fund, and got to work with Edelman for several years, which Gentile found to be a challenging, yet very rewarding experience. After this, Gentile had


Pennsylvania’s Department of Pharmacology, working the whole time to put herself through school. After seven long years of education, she




to move back to New Jersey for family reasons, finding her self somewhat lost, wondering what to do with her self in this new environment. She eventually went to work at Atlantic Cape Community College, helping with a welfare-to-work program. She initially agreed to help out for six weeks, but ended up staying there for 14 years, as she fell in love with the community college mission. She was involved in a wide range of different activities at Atlantic Cape Community College, having the opportunity to work with continuing education, resource development, marketing folds, and the social media team. It was while she was working here that Gentile realized that she truly belonged in the community college sector. Thanks to all of her previous work with educational and nonprofit organizations, helping folks to transition, transform, and achieve, she fit in the community college framework very well, which drove her to stay in CONTINUED ON PAGE




that realm. Still, Gentile realized that she did not have doctorate, which was very important in higher education, so her schooling was not yet completed. She enrolled in an online doctoral program at the University of Nebraska, earning her doctorate while working at Atlantic Cape Community College, which was another challenging and rewarding experience that showcased her ability to work as hard as she needed to. It was shortly after this that she became the president of NSCC, meaning that this is where her life story ends and her experience at North Shore begins. Gentile describes herself as a “true feminist”; she believes in complete equality. She would like for everyone to have the chance to bring something of value to the table, whether they are male, female, ethnic, or any other underrepresented minority. She wants to make sure that everyone has this opportunity; when there are restraints on certain groups of people, everyone suffers, as their full potential cannot be uti-

lized. As president of North Shore Community College, she hopes that she can ensure that all students receive equal opportunities and treatment, regardless of race, gender, or social status. Gentile has others plans for North Shore, too. She is currently working on improving North Shore’s culinary program, which has been facing some difficulties, and is very dedicated to improving the affordability of higher education. In the past 14 years that she has spent at community colleges, she has been working hard towards raising money to help support low-income students, an initiative that she plans to keep working on. She wants to help those who struggle to get to class and pay their tuition take advantage of all the opportunities and programs that North Shore has to offer. North Shore may be a relatively affordable school, but that does not mean that every individual is able to afford an education here. Gentile feels that her commitment to equality means that everyone should have the

opportunity to come here; in her words, “[Everyone being able to] benefit from a full education is critical to the future of our country.” Ms. Gentile is very excited to be working at North Shore Community College, and hopes to conquer the learning curve of the position, and live up the legacy of our last three presidents. She is making all of her mentors very proud, and following in the footsteps of her many personal heroes by taking charge of North Shore, having worked very hard to get here. She is very passionate about what she does, and has a wealth of experience to draw from while in her new position. It was an honor to get to talk to with Ms. Gentile about her life, motivations, and future plans for North Shore, and she will undoubtedly make an amazing president.


My earliest memory of American warfare in my consciousness was Desert Strom. I was just a child of maybe four or five; but I remember vividly the Iraqi anti air weapons blasting the dark air away like some violent light show. A light show

even then I knew I would be a Soldier one day, it was my first calling. Uncle Sam had recruited a new generation of Soldier’s with Desert Strom and we didn’t even know it yet. Five-year-old kids in 1991 had not realized it but their time was coming, their war was coming to them, to their home on their soil. Little

American recruiting might was on full display once again. Of course the allure of adventure and warfare filled a certain breed of young man with naive notions of adventure and coming of age. And Uncle Sam did his part to propagate this notion to America’s restless Alpha males. Pictures of smart munitions hitting targets and the pop-

only mankind could ascend so unnaturally into the natural air. The night vision green tinge and the accurate smart bombs were all on full display. Stealth bombers, desert cammo, M1Abrhams, warthog A-10s and M16s all filled the news waves. It was fascinating to a child and

did we know a Saudi man no one had ever heard of set in motion the biggest terrorist attack the world would ever witness. Two planes would crash into the World Trade Center towers in NYC and the fiveyear-olds were now high school kids and the full awe of

ular green night vision were back once again. Bearded men on horses chasing Taliban through the Afghan mountains wearing NY Yankees ball caps and overthrowing a larger enemy with technology and irregular warfare was the narrative of the day. Very powerful

Payment Options for Summer 2014

Students must act on one of the following payment options prior to 5 p.m. on 5.15.14 or their Summer 2014 class schedule will be dropped: 1. Pay your semester charges in full via your Pipeline account.

2. Financial Aid: You must have a completed FAFSA and a Summer Financial Aid Application on file with Student Financial Services and be eligible for Summer aid to cover your charges in full.

3. Sign up for the NSCC Payment Plan through your Pipeline account. • Pay 25% of the balance due at the time of registration. This plan closes on April 1, 2014. Pay 33% of the balance due at the time of regis• tration. This plan closes on May 1, 2014. Pay 50% of the balance due at the time of regis• tration. This plan closes on June 1, 2014. The payment plans shown above require an additional non-refundable $40.00 payment plan fee at the time you sign up and make your first payment. 4. Submit a letter of intent or purchase order from their employer or other organization, e.g. Mass Rehab or Workman’s Compensation, if they are paying your semester charges. Important: If your classes are dropped, because you did not make arrangements as outlined above, NSCC cannot guarantee readmission into the classes, sections or professional program in which you were originally enrolled.

VETERAN’S CORNER: HUMAN ALIENS IN RED DIRT incentive to a restless young kid in a boring mountain town in the southern Rockies. But this story has played out thousands of times in human history hasn’t it? The eager, young, naïve man who waits in angst for his parent’s approval and decides he can no longer wait for the old cooks to make up their minds. Worried the war will pass him by if he does not join now! He signs his name unprepared and unaware of the repercussions and the impact his action will have on him and everybody he has ever loved or will love. Yes the story of the young man going off to war is a cliché one that we have talked about in numerous pieces of literature. But it remains an elusive experience that few have lived themselves. Fast forward three and a half years after joining the military and this young man is now already a combat Veteran in the middle of his second tour to Afghanistan. The first tour had random outbreaks of violence, the mission then different. Simpler too, convoy down to the Pakistan border and build an Air base. But Afghanistan was different then, mostly in retreat, unorganized. But this tour was already radically different from the last in terms of violence. By the middle of this tour the Soldier was already experienced in firefights, IEDs and car bombs. The Soldier does not look the same as he did during his last tour either; he aged a bit, not so much in the face but the eyes are cold now. The Soldier is no longer a scared kid in a warzone missing his mommy but rather a hardened profes-

sional Soldier. He no longer needs things like “family,” “girlfriends,” “comforts”. His comfort is here now, in this harsh Afghan land. He is no longer a regular young American man, but a Human Alien in Red Dirt. A foreign stranger in someone else’s home; he might as well be from another planet. The red dirt cakes everything on his futuristic appearance in this simple but humanly complicated land. He looks down at the bodies of those who were just but a second ago here in working human form on this earth. But now they barely resemble a human, strewn out on the hard concrete. The car bomb that evaporated these beings was meant for him. It came so close the hair on the back of his head had singed down. The heat he felt on the back of his head and the sudden fireball that seemed for a split second to silence the entire world he will never forget. He remembered peering down at the car and seeing the driver; a young Afghan man maybe his age peered back at him from the drivers seat. And when their cold eyes met each other’s it was as if they were starring in a mirror that beholden everything wrong with this world. They saw each other, young men at war, angry, radical, violent, cruel, killers. And for that split second mutual understanding of what the other must do was understood. Try if you may but I will kill you with no remorse and you will do the same. War down to the most molecular level, no politics, no bargaining or patriotism or heroism, just do or die warfare.


BY STEVEN C. BELAKONIS CONTRIBUTING WRITER A cultural folk illness and modern medical concern. Latin Culture is one rich in religion, strong in their beliefs and simple in their ways, which have been passed through the generations. In terms of medical care, the Latin culture has long believed that most “sickness,” is the result of the body’s imbalance in relation to mind, soul or hot and cold so to speak as opposed to actual physical problems. Accordingly, this culture seeks alternative, natural healing through herbs, spices and rituals to cure for their illness as they see them as a folk illness and not as modern medical problems. When medical pro-


matic experience. Symptoms include listlessness, loss of appetite, and withdrawal. Curanderos (folk healers) treat the illness with prayers, rituals, and “laying on of hands.” Let’s look further into this definition and how medical professionals should be concerned when encountering the symptoms associated with a folk illness, in particular, Susto. In simplest definition, Susto, is a Latin folk sickness which develops after the soul has been frightened out of the body as a result of experiencing a frightening event. Patients, who develop this “sickness,” will suffer from varied mental and physical symptoms after this event. Susto is recognized as a legitimate sickness which is

soul to leave the body.” However, Mosebys alternative medicine describes Susto as “an ethno-medical condition common to Latin America, an illness caused when the soul is displaced after a traumatic emotional or physical event. Can be a life-threatening illness characterized by lethargy, lack of motivation, insomnia, and diarrhea and is usually treated through spiritual means, ritual cleansings, and herbal teas.” As we see in the more widely accepted definition from Miller - Keane and Moseby’s alternative reference, Susto can also be the result of traumatic events not simply frightening events, although both can be considered traumatic by today’s medical standards. The concern I have is that the Latin culture believes Susto is only cured by a barrida or “sweeping,” ritual performed by a curandero which sweeps away negative energies, not modern medicine. Per definition, the signs and symptoms associated with Susto can include lethargy, loss of appetite, complete withdrawal which could point to much more serious diagnosis’ such as PTSD, concussive syndrome or other, much more serious or life threatening concerns, especially if physical trauma was involved. For this reason, it is important to identify the actual mechanism or incident which the patient believes may have onset this condition to know if there was simply emotional trauma or additionally physical trauma involved. In using the standards of modern medicine, this will allow the medical professional to properly diagnose the patient’s situation and assist in the decision of treatment. The important thing to remember is that as medical professionals we need to take the time to know our patients and understand their needs, not only medically but also culturally. We do need to consider the cultural beliefs and seriously examine their accepted treatments as the proper treatment. However, we cannot dismiss the need for proper diagnosis using modern medicine.

culturally specific and regarded as more psychosomatic than physical. To be more official, Moseby’s defines Susto as: “a culture-bound syndrome found in Central American populations related to stress engendered by a self-perceived failure to fulfill sex-role expectations.” Segens defines Susto as: “A folk illness that may affect Latinos in the Western Hemisphere, which develops days to years after an event frightening enough to—according to the tradition—cause the MILLER-KEANE ENCYCLOPEDIA AND DICTIONARY OF MEDICINE, NURSING, AND ALLIED HEALTH, SEVENTH EDITION. © 2003 BY SAUNDERS. N.P.: N.P., N.D. WEB. MOSBY'S DICTIONARY OF COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. N.P.: N.P., N.D. PRINT. MOSBY'S MEDICAL DICTIONARY, 8TH EDITION. © 2009. N.P.: N.P., N.D. WEB. SEGEN'S MEDICAL DICTIONARY. © 2012 FARLEX, INC. N.P.: N.P., N.D. WEB.

fessionals encounter patients of Latin culture, they need to be aware of these folk illness beliefs and consider them as legitimate conditions. Folk Illness, as defined by Miller-Keane, is “the experience of symptoms that are not identifiable with biomedical categories of disease; causes include natural forces, supernatural factors, interpersonal factors, and emotions. An example is Susto, which is a Hispanic term for fright caused by a trau-




peppermint is used to treat dyspepsia? Or that aloe vera is used to treat cuts and burns? I bet those both sound very familiar. Here are some others: chamomile is used to treat nausea, garlic is uses to treat hypertension and is used as an antibiotic, oregano is used to treat menstrual difficulties, sage is used to prevent hair loss and to treat diabetes. It is my guess

ture there are unconventional healers such as curanderos, which is a general healer of all things, and specialists such as yerberos (herbalist), sobadors (massage therapist), or parteras (mid-wife, who also treats problems with young children), who treat their patients with alternative medicines such as herbs and spices. There are also brujas who ward off illnesses with spells and magic. While these healers almost always refer their patients to medical doctors for serious matters, there are some cultural ailments which would never be acknowledged or treated by modern medicine, such as Mal de ojo (the evil eye), and susto (the soul leaving the body). In both modern and ancient times, many people believe that when you become ill, it is because your body is imbalanced. A lot of cultures base this on the concept of hot and cold. There are some diseases or ailments, such as pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes, acid indigestion, susto, ojo and bìlis that are considered hot ailments, which are treated with cold remedies. And, there are some diseases that are considered cold, such as menstrual cramps, frio de la matriz, coryza, pneumonia, empacho, and colic, which are treated with hot remedies. The goal of treatment is to restore balance to the body. There are a wide range of herbs and spices that are used to treat illness, many of which we use all the time, and do not even realize the origin of the treatment. Did you know that

that we have all used some type of non-traditional treatment at some time or another for minor aches and pains. I chose this topic because I personally believe in the use of alternative medicines. I have seen firsthand how the touch of a massage therapist or acupuncturist, or music therapy, or even the use of humor, have helped lift the spirits of people with illnesses, and in some cases, make all the difference in the world. In some cases, yes, modern medicine is the only treatment option. But in so many ailments, the use of herbs and supplemental therapies can prove very useful. I also feel that turning to your physician for medicine every time you get sick can lead to drug resistant strains of harmful organisms, so I always try to treat my illnesses at home before turning to pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics right away. In today’s society, with so many different cultures all around us, it is very important for medical personnel, to be culturally competent and to understand how and why people use certain treatment modalities. It is important to educate ourselves, be aware, and definitely not judge others for their choices in treating diseases and illnesses. We should always ask our patients how they think they got their illness, and what they have done to treat it, if at all, in the past. It is important for our patients to trust us, and to know that we respect them and their beliefs.

When people raised in modern, western civilization get sick, they often reach for the phone and call their doctor. On the contrary, many in the Hispanic community seek folk remedies and cures as a possible form of healing before seeing a physician. In the Hispanic cul-



DEAN OF RETENTION & STUDENT SUCCESS Following up on Dean John Duff’s article in the March Pennon, I am providing you with specific information about Summer Registration that has been underway since early March. As a current student here at the College, we encourage you to take a few minutes to come to the Student Support & Advising Center and/or speak with your faculty advisor about how taking a Summer course could help you either (1) accomplish your academic goals more quickly or (2) help you balance your time commitments during the upcoming Fall and Spring semesters by spreading your coursework over the entire year. Taking a summer course can get you a jump start on your course load for Fall and help you finish your degree or certificate program that much sooner. Summer is a great time to take a course in an area that you are good at and leave the more difficult courses for the longer fifteen-week semester. Summer coursework is more intensive. There is less time in terms of weeks, but more hours for each class meeting. For a subject that you find more difficult, it would be wise to take a summer ten-week course rather than a summer five-week course, which allows you more time to absorb the material and gradually build a foundation that will allow you to be successful. Summer Due Date and New Payment Plan

Options: Good news! We are offering payment plans for the Summer 2014 semester! There are three payment plan options, similar to those made available to students during the Fall or Spring semesters. You can sign-up for the NSCC Payment Plan through your Pipeline account. There is an additional non-refundable $40.00 fee at the time you sign up and make your first payment. Please go to n c i a l - s e r v i c es/cost/payment_options.html to review all your payment options for the Summer 2014 session. The Summer 2014 payment due date is Thursday, May 15 at 5:00 p.m. Drop for non-payment does not take the summer off. So be sure to act on a payment option before 5:00 p.m. on May 15 to secure your Summer 2014 class schedule. Please stop into the Student Financial Services office or contact them by e-mail ( or telephone 978-762-4189 with any questions about the options available for you for the Summer Session. Reminder to students who use financial aid to pay their school charges: Remember to file your 2014-15 FAFSA prior to May 1, 2014. This will allow you to receive the maximum financial aid award for the 2014-15 acadeic


Advising and Early Registration for Fall 2014— Six Easy Steps: It’s been a long, cold winter but believe it or not the Winter/Spring 2014 semester is more than half over and it’s time to think about registering for Fall 2014 courses at NSCC! As a continuing student here at the College, beginning April 7—you can pick your courses for next Fall. On March 31 you can actually view Fall courses online to begin planning your schedule for September. Be smart and get ahead of the curve! You can sign up now for the courses and times that meet your schedule. Take advantage of this opportunity and be among the first to get into the courses you want at the times you need them for next semester. 1. What should you do first? Contact your advisor and sit down to plan next semester’s course schedule. 2. Who is your advisor? In early March you received an email titled: “Your Advisor is Ready and Looking Forward to Meeting You” at

your NSCC email address telling you the name of your advisor and that person’s contact information. Go into Pipeline and find that email and use the contact information given there to make an appointment with your advisor. If your advisor is the Student Support and Advising Center, that office is conveniently located on both the Lynn (W114) and Danvers (DH160) campuses and provides walk-in service. 3. What if I can’t find that email with my advisor’s information? You can log-in to your Pipeline account at and find your advisor’s information by doing the following steps: -Selecting School Services -Selecting Student Services and Registration -Selecting Student Records -Selecting Student Information. -Read down until you see Primary Advisor. 4. Why should I meet with an advisor? Whether your advisor is a faculty member from your Program or a professional academic counselor from the Student Support and Advising Center, this person can not only help you choose the correct courses for next semester right now, but can also answer questions regarding career possibilities in your program and offer you study skills advice. 5. Why didn’t you tell

me about this advisor person before? We did, but you may have forgotten or not realized until now how helpful this person can be to your success at NSCC. So take the time to connect with them and get first pick of the Fall 2014 courses at the times and locations you want. Also come back and see your advisor during the semester when you have questions about your program or need help making a decision about any academic program or course changes. 6. When can I register and pay for Fall courses? The Early Advising and Registration period begins April 7, 2014 through May 9, 2014. As in previous semesters, there is a deadline of July 31, 2014 @ 5 p.m. to pay your bill or your courses will be dropped. So the earlier you lock into your courses and provide a method of payment, whether it is by check, credit card, a payment plan or financial aid, the sooner you will be all set for next semester! With an ever increasing number of students choosing to take courses at NSCC, the earlier you register, the more likely you will get the courses you need at the times you want. Don’t delay! If you have other questions about advising, please contact Dean Brine at or drop into the Student Support and Advising Centers on either Campus. Further questions about Financial issues, pleases contact Dean Creamer at



Kentucky Fried Idiot: How John Y. Brown wrecked the Boston Celtics BY KEVIN HAYES, SENIOR SPORTS WRITER For the first time in seven years the Boston Celtics may not make the playoffs this season. Father time, injuries and free agency caught up with the Celtics that were world champions six years ago. The silver lining is that Celtics head honcho Danny Ainge isn’t taking it lying down. He turned the franchise around once before and now he’s going to have to do it again this coming summer. Either they score big in the draft, land a top notch free agent or make a killer trade, one way or another the Celtics should be back in business beginning next year. The only good thing about the Celtics being at the bottom of the standings is they’ll have a chance to pick one of the top college players in the country. The good thing about having expiring contracts is that they’ll be off the books next year, allowing the team the money to sign someone good. The point is, things are looking up. What if they didn’t, though? What if Danny Ainge didn’t have a clue what he was doing? What if legendary Celtics patriarch Red Auerbach was still alive and Danny did everything he could to spit in his face? What if Danny made personnel moves that made no sense and made the situation worse? Once upon a time the Celtics faced that situation. The Celtics had won the 1976 NBA Championship with a core of great players. Forward John Havlicek, guard Jo-Jo White, guard Charlie Scott, forward Paul Silas, center Dave Cowens, forward Don Nelson and role players such as Steve Kuberski, Kevin Stacom and Jim Ard. Tom Heinsohn, a former Celtics player that was a part of eight world championship teams, coached them. Above Heinsohn was the legendary Red Auerbach, the longtime coach and general manager that had been the architect of all 13 championships up to 1976. The only hole in the wall of this amazing franchise was the ownership situation. Walter Brown was the original owner from 1946 until his death on the eve of the 196465 season. His job was to pay the players and stay the heck out of Red’s way. When he died, the ownership changed hands SEVEN times in the next 10 years. By 1976, the owner was Irv Levin and he too was told to stay out of Red’s way. The Celtics had won 13 world championships in under 20 years: St. Louis, Philadelphia, New York twice, Los Angeles, Milwaukee and Golden State were the only other teams to win in that span but then things began to fall apart. It started in the aftermath of the ‘76 Finals. Their top rebounder Paul Silas wanted a better contract after being one of the central figures for the previous two championships. The problem was Irv Levin didn’t want to pay him and Red

Auerbach was stuck in the 50’s mindset that players should be happy just to wear the uniform. Unfortunately for Red and Irv, Silas was NOT of the 50’s mindset. The A m e r i c a n B a s k e t b a l l Association brought competition and higher salaries to proand basketball Silas wanted to get paid for being one the top of rebounders. As it was, the Celtics ended up signing Sidney forward Wicks and trading Silas for Wicks’ college roommate Rowe. Curtis Rowe and Wicks were cheaper than Silas but the effect of the trade was devastating. The Celtics prided themselves on being a well-oiled machine, which is how they won 13 championships to that point. Cowens and Silas get the rebounds; Havlicek, White and Scott do the scoring. The problem wasn’t that Wicks and Rowe were bad players, they weren’t. They broke the machine because they were scorers, not rebounders. Dave Cowens briefly quit the team during the 1976-77 season but came back to finish strong. The Celtics lost a tough seven game series to the Philadelphia Sixers because the Celtics didn’t have the depth or rebounding due to Irv/Red’s penny pinching. The following year the Celtics signed future hall of fame guard Dave Bing as 6th man but the team fell apart. Rowe and Wicks were reported to not care if they lost, pointing at stat. sheets after the game and high fiving. The 1977-78 Celtics had all-stars in Havlicek, Rowe, Wicks, Bing, Cowens, White and Scott as well as first round pick Cedric Maxwell but couldn’t mesh at all. The annual Christmas party that was usually jampacked only had White and Havlicek attending. Tom Heinsohn was fired in early January, after the Celtics lost every game on a road trip, replaced by the passive Satch Sanders. He was a great player himself but in over his head as a head coach. Charlie Scott was traded but it turned out to be a great move as it revitalized the career of the disgraced Kermit Washington and brought the Celtics a 1st round draft pick. At the end of the season, the Celtics finished 32-50 and out of the playoffs. The final embarrassment was served to Irv Levin on the season’s final game. It was John Havlicek night as he announced he was retiring. Red purposely had Irv be the MC so the Boston Garden faithful could boo him out of the building, which they did. Red had a plan, however, he knew he screwed up with Silas so he had to make things right. Plus with Havlicek gone he now had to rebuild. He signed backup center Kevin Kunnert to spell Cowens who was breaking down due to his

reckless style of play. Kermit Washington was an outstanding rebounder so he could fulfill Silas’ role and former Celtic Don Chaney, picked up in the Scott trade, could

reunite with White to become the backcourt duo they once were. Then came the draft where the Celtics took the ultimate gamble that wouldn’t pay off for another year. They owned the 6th and 8th pick of the draft and Red drafted Indiana State junior Larry Bird with the 6th pick knowing he wouldn’t be available for another year. He then took the NCAA scoring champion Freeman Williams out of Portland State with the 8th pick. Now he had the proven tandem of White and Chaney in the backcourt with the best scorer in the country as 6th man. He had Wicks and Rowe to put up points w i t h Washington and Cowens grabbing the rebounds. What could go wrong? Enter John Y. Brown. John Y Brown did more harm to professional basketball than most anyone else. You can say D o n a l d Sterling wrecked the LA Clippers but that was just one franchise. Brown destroyed T H R E E , count ‘em, three franchises in the span of 4 years. Brown was the owner of Kentucky F r i e d Chicken, yes, KFC as we know it today. He was also the owner of the A B A ’ s Kentucky Colonels, one of the top teams of the ABA. In 1976, the ABA merged

with the NBA but Brown sold the Colonels down the river. Rather than pay the few million posting fee to merge, he liquidated the Colonels and used the profits to buy the Buffalo NBA’s Brown Braves. then ruined the Braves by selling off their star players Bob McAdoo, Ernie DiGregorio and others to keep franchise the afloat. Then during the 1978 off-season, Brown convinced Irv Levin to swap franchises. In a move that has happened never again, John Y. Brown became the owner of the Celtics and Irv Levin moved the Braves to San Diego and renamed the Clippers, now in LA. If that wasn’t enough, players were swapped as well. Williams, Kunnert, Wicks, and Washington went to San Diego for Tiny Archibald, Billy Knight and Marvin Barnes. Tiny was a former MVP who was recovering from a devastating injury that wiped out his 78 season. Knight was a great scorer but played hideous defense. Barnes was a former ABA all-star but was battling

a drug addiction that sidelined his career. In essence, the Celtics gave up four proven commodities for three question marks. Another problem was Red and Brown didn’t like each other. Red was old school to the point he hated the idea of women being involved in any sort of executive position. When John’s wife Ellie Brown was partially running the Colonels, Red protested. Brown reportedly wanted to replace Red as general manager with his Colonels GM Dave Vance. He almost had his chance, Auerbach was furious that the franchise swap ruined the roster he put together and it was done without his permission. New York Knicks owner Sonny Werblin and Red got along really well and Sonny asked if Red wanted to join the Knicks as their GM. Auerbach came this close to joining the Knicks but didn’t take the job because he knew that after all the damage he had done to New York since the 50’s, they’d never accept him like the Boston fans did. Then disaster continued to strike. Jo-Jo White wanted a new contract and Brown pretty much told him to shove it without actually saying so, the sensitive Jo-Jo never played CONTINUED ON PAGE 14




BYANITRA PIERSON CONTRIBUTING WRITER Growing up in Vermont, one of my fondest memories as a young child was running through fields of plump blueberries, chasing after butterflies, and dancing to the hum of the crickets and buzzing bees. With my sisters and brother by my side, we spent hours in these fields, the soil smelling of farm fresh manure and sun kissed earth. Deep inhales filled our lungs with fresh mountain air and a typical day sent us home with grass stained knees, berry filled bellies and empty pails. It was roughly around this time twenty years ago while I was playing in fresh blueberry fields, that scientists had begun carefully zipping into biohazard suits behind tightly secured laboratory walls to conduct gene

food created. So what exactly is an herbicide tolerant crop? The University of California Davis, Department of Agricultural Sciences, explains that "Herbicide tolerance (HT) is a plant’s ability to resist the toxic effects of certain chemicals that are used to eliminate weeds, called herbicides. HT crops can continue to grow and thrive even in the presence of the applied chemical. This can arise through natural variation or mutation, where some plants acquire the ability to detoxify the chemical or avoid its effects." The article goes on to state, "The most widely utilized HT crop in production today is the Roundup Ready soybean." Round Up is a toxic weed killing product owned and manufactured by Monsanto. This

manipulation on organisms also referred to as Genetically Modifying Organisms (GMO). Using the simple dictionary definition, Genetic Modification (GM) is "any alteration of genetic material, as in agriculture, to make them capable of producing new substances or performing new functions,” also called "genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, gene splicing, gene technology, and recombinant DNA technology." It needs to be understood that GM foods are already dominating our grocery store shelves to make up 80% of processed foods. Scientists discovered that they could create "designer foods" by taking "desirable" genes from one species, and through three possible injection methods force that gene into another species. GMO is a process done for multiple reasons, such as creating crops that could be drought tolerant, pest resistant, and more esthetically pleasing. According to the USDA in a 2013 survey, "93% US Soy, and 85% US Corn was being grown from GM seeds," referred to as Herbicide Tolerant or HT Crops. Now a mother myself, my childhood memories of blueberry fields seem as if they are soon to be an extinct option for the future generations such as my daughter's. These generations forced to trade in sun kissed fields for sterile white walls of a lab in which they will now find their

weed product dumped into the fields is so toxic you won't find children allowed to play in these fields; in fact, the protective gear and masks one must wear to tend to these crops would more likely be seen in a child's nightmare. With little information available for us as a consumer, the mystery of GMO's has become a highly controversial and feared topic. Images of young children holding signs stating, "We are not science experiments," all over the media, at the same time GM products plague our shelves. Despite negative or positive feelings in the matter, what we need to understand right now is there are well-funded forces at work to prevent honest labeling and denying us our right to know what is in our food. Companies are spending millions of dollars to keep labels AS IS, and resist exposing GMO ingredients that so many products contain. While the larger issue may be, are GMO's in the best interest of the public, it's important to take the first step and that starts with a label, a label to expose genetically manipulated products to consumers. This month in Massachusetts, our state legislature has a March 19th deadline to vote on a bill that will decide whether or not the state will require Genetically Modified Foods to be labeled. Recently, Connecticut and Maine signed

bills to protect consumers’ choice and demand manufacturers label GM foods. Support is needed of surrounding states such as Massachusetts to stand up against the corporate bullies like Monsanto, who has threatened to sue individual states that pass labeling laws in an effort to keep control and prevent consumers from knowing what is in their food. Americans need to start talking about GMO's and we need an educated understanding of gene modification and what is in our food, along with the long term effects it will have on the environment, and potential safety and health risks. Companies need to open their doors and be more transparent on the issue and stop sneaking it into our unlabeled foods. We should not tolerate threats of lawsuits by corporate bullies pushing back at us because we want to know what is in our food. In 2007 on his election campaign Barak Obama said "Here's what I will do as President, I'll immediately implement country of origin labeling because Americans should know where there food comes from. We will let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified because Americans should know what their buying." Although we are still waiting for him to honor this statement on GMO labels, we must be proactive in standing up to protect ourselves; it is our hopes government will follow. More information can be found online on sites such as and by contacting your state legislature this month, telling them you support labeling in Massachusetts we will only build strength in numbers. This is a way for you to stand up for your right to know what is in your food, as well as support the states such as Connecticut and Maine who have already spoken out in favor of the public's best interest. WORKS CITED 1. "DEFINITION; GENETIC MODIFICATION."HTTP://DICTION ARY.REFERENCE.COM/BROWSE/G ENETIC+MODIFICATION. WEB. 041 MAR. 2014. 2. "OBAMA PROMISES TO LABEL GMO'S." YOUTUBE. FOOD DEMOCRACY NOW, WEB. 4 MAR. 2014. 3. "WHAT IS A HERBICIDE?" HTTP://SBC.UCDAVIS.EDU/FILES/ HT_FS.PDF. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS, DEPARTMENT OF PLANT SCIENCES, WEB. 4 MAR. 2014.


BY SUSAN SULLIVAN DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL AID STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES The internet can be a great resource for students. Our website, financial-services, provides specific information about the NSCC polices and deadlines. Another helpful website is This website was set up by the Department of Education to provide you with all the information you will need to know about Federal Student Aid. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts also has a website that provides information about state funding, One of the most important questions we receive is: how do I apply for aid? This can be done through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA. The website to complete the form is We highly recommend you complete the FAFSA form by May 1st. The earlier you complete the form the better! This way you will be notified of your financial aid award sooner. One thing to remember after you fill out the form is to follow up with the Office! We could be missing a document or even just a signature, which can hold up your financial aid award and/or your aid paying to your account. Please check your Pipeline account and NSCC email often to make sure we do not need any additional documentation or you can always stop by the office or call. We rather have you check on your account and ask questions then assume it is all set! Here are some policies that students seem to confuse or assume will not impact their financial aid. We understand some of these policies are hard to understand, so if you are not sure please contact the office and we will be happy to go over them with you.

SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS (SAP) is the policy set in place to make sure you are meeting the academic qualifications for financial aid. The financial aid policy is different from NSCC’s overall academic standard for being able to enroll in classes. For financial aid you must be enrolled in an eligible program of study that leads to a degree or certificate. We will review the following criteria at the end of each semester to make sure you are maintaining SAP for financial aid. If you do not meet one or all the requirements there is an appeal process that is explained later in the section. 1. You must pass 67% of your attempted credits. This standard requires students to successfully complete (with a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or P) a minimum of 67% (or 2/3rds) of the total number of credits attempted. Attempted credits include all credits in which you are registered at the end of the add/drop period. Letter grades of F, FN (F waiver) W, or IP will not be considered as credits successfully completed or earned. Students who repeat a course for any reason should be aware that each

time you enroll in a course it counts as an attempt, but only one attempt is considered earned. Repeated courses will have an impact on your ability to complete your program within the required maximum time frame. 2. You must maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0. 3. There is a maximum credit review. You must complete your degree or certificate within 150% of the published program length. For example, if the published length of your credit program is 60 credits, the maximum time frame is 90 credits (60 credits x 150%). This means that you can receive financial aid for up to 90 credit hours only (including developmental and transfer credits). If you exceed the maximum number of credits, you are no longer eligible to receive financial aid. All attempted credits, including incomplete grades, IP grades and/or repeats, are counted towards the 150% maximum time frame. Also, credits earned at other colleges and accepted towards your current program of study are counted in the maximum credit review. Students who change their education program or graduate and reapply to a new program must still adhere to the maximum credit policy. In other words, all of your previous attempted credits will count towards the 150% time frame.

SAP APPEALS A student may appeal a SAP Denial or maximum credit issue. Students are allowed a onetime SAP appeal while attending North Shore Community College. Appeals must be submitted by the deadlines listed on the Financial Aid Appeal Form. Appeals cannot be processed after the first day of classes. Check out our website for more information WITHDRAWING FROM ALL YOUR CLASSES

The decision to drop all of your classes can be considered an academic issue, but you should be aware of the financial implications. Even if you are only withdrawing from one class it may have an impact on your financial aid. You need to be in six or more credits to be eligible for the Stafford loans. If you are not sure how withdrawing from a course will affect your aid, please call or stop by the office and we can go over your award with you. Your financial aid award is based on the percentage of time you are enrolled for the semester. Depending on when you withdraw from all your classes, your aid maybe adjusted according to federal regulations, which may result in a balance that you will need to pay to NSCC. Even if you stop attending all of your classes without officially withdrawing through Pipeline, you are considered to be “walking away” from school. We are required to calculate your aid based on the last day you attended. CONTINUED ON PAGE 14




STAFF WRITER, INTERVIEW CONDUCTED BY CALVIN GIL EDITOR IN CHIEF This week I bet we are sad to learn that Victoria Pasciuto would be resigning from her position as head of Student Affairs and Activities. I have no problem going on record saying it won’t be the same without her, she has been here as long as I have been attending campus and likely a lot longer. You might recognize her with her wonderful formal dress with variously colorful fashion style she employs with her classically burnt carrot hair that has been a wonderful balance between red and black. She has always been optimistic in her approach and has a very encouraging presence and her ability to recognize your talents to become a lot more involved member on campus. She helped give me the motivation and enthusiasm to try a bunch of things I haven’t before and made me realize I did have the power and was capable of being something great. That is why I can proudly say I have been a senator of the Student Government and practiced public speaking for the Student Development committee. I was a reluctant ball in a pinball machine and she gave me the push needed to bounce around and get going. She always spoke positively of others and did not

put down ideas or brainstorming contributions and made one feel heard and valued. Overall, I am really going to miss Victoria, part of me cannot believe she is moving on. As she was one of the teachers, supports and influential benefactors I felt close to and personally relied on her to help me get through my time here on campus. In light of her leaving, I decided what better way of us seeing her off and giving her a respectable send off than a nice interview chronically her time here and speak of her personal favorite moments.

To start off, how long have you been a member of NSCC? “I’ve been at the college nine years, full time and I started working here before that part time. So I worked first in Student Support and I did tutoring, then I did Orientations, then I did Academic Counseling, then I working in Alumni Institutional Advancement and then I came here to Student Life and started full time.”

What is your favorite part of coming into NSCC everyday? “I love the students. I love everything that we do here. I love the mission of the college. I love what the students set out to do and what they accomplish. Commencement is my favorite, I love seeing the students that have come through the whole time that they’ve been here, when they got here, the growth

and development, from when they have changed.”

What was the most challenging aspect you feel was part of leading the Student Activities Sector? “I remember when I first took on students groups and clubs. I hadn’t done that before. The biggest challenge for me was trying to make it fun and exciting for students to want to stay. I mean, we’re a commuter school; a lot of students have lives and jobs. Their schedules are jam packed already with a bunch of other stuff. So how do

VICTORIA PASCIUTO you get those students, who are brilliant and great to stay and give a little extra of their time to volunteer to the groups and clubs? That was my biggest challenge but I think we did okay.”

You mentioned being an alumni of North Shore in your

going away email, when you attended NSCC as a student what was your major? “I was a Liberal Arts major. I came here, did Liberal Arts and then went to Gordon College for a History degree and then went to Salem State University for my Masters in Higher Education and now I’m at North Eastern University for my Doctorate in Higher Ed.”

If there was one thing you could have done differently during your time here, what would that be? “I think I would have liked to see a leadership day. A day, a weekend, or a Saturday where we actually had all the other fifteen community colleges come together and do all the groups and clubs. And do one kind of leadership workshop day, sponsored by North Shore. I think that would be something that would be neat.”

Do you have any particular proud achievement you have done or accomplishment you feel the school has done in any compacity that stands out from the rest? “The three that I would have to say and gosh there is so many that I’m proud of but a couple that I’d have to say: The Spark Magazine, the literary magazine is amazing, I love working on it. The student newspaper has grown and changed and I’m really proud of it. I was a writer for it when I

was a student here so it’s nice to see it grow, through the entire time I’ve been here. Student Government is amazing, they really get up there and they do stuff which I think is great. They take the initiative and the Presidential Scholar program. Presidential Scholars are just great, they go out in the community. They really are fun, exemplary leaders of the college. I’d have to say my Programing Board too. The Programing Board is amazing they started reaching out to night students. I think of everything, they have just grown. All the clubs have just grown amazingly.”

You seem to have a “winner’s attitude,” nothing seems to get you down, you’re always smiling and sound upbeat no matter the topic. Are there any tips you can give to help others continue or strengthen their natural brightness inside when the going gets tough? “Sure, it’s so hard not to get overwhelmed. I know that there is so much going on in everybody's life. Its really hard not to get overwhelmed but its important to try to stay organized. Whenever you do start feeling overwhelmed, stop for a minute and remember why you like doing what you’re doing. I find that’s the best for me. Like I said, I love what I do here. The college is amazing. I love what we produce but its definitely stressful at times. We have CONTINUED ON PAGE 14



BY CALVIN GIL EDITOR IN CHIEF The Marshall Mathers LP 2 is the eighth studio album by hip-hop artist Marshall Mathers, known best by his stage name, Eminem. The album was released on November 5, 2013, about three and a half years after his last album, Recovery. Eminem released four singles before he released the albums, which were, in order of release, Berzerk, Survival, Rap God, and Monster. Luckily for those who decided to purchase the album, some of the best material is on the record itself, barring Rap God and perhaps Berzerk. The Marshall Mathers LP 2 does have some really great material, but it is an album of highs and lows; it contains some songs that are among the best Eminem has ever done, a few filler tracks, and a couple of numbers that really miss the mark. Make no mistake, though; The Marshall Mathers LP 2 is a great overall package, and a worthy purchase for all Eminem fans. The album starts on a very high note with Bad Guy, a sequel to Eminem’s song Stan, from the original Marshall Mathers LP. The first section of the song is told from the perspective of Matthew, the brother of the Stan character from the aforementioned song. It describes his feelings of resentment and abandonment towards Eminem, who he blames for his brother’s death, and chronicles his kidnapping of the rapper. The beat for this first section is quite interesting; it is centered on the distorted sound of a tape skipping, and features a nicely sung hook by the singer Sarah Jaffe, which revolves around the phrase “I just hate to be the bad guy.” After the initial section, the song shifts to the point of view of Eminem’s subconscious self, expressing all of his regrets, doubts, and fears. The beat for this section is heavier and based on an intense drumbeat, and Eminem’s voice is distorted slightly as he raps, representing the fact that it is his inner self. This final section is very candid, intensely rapped, and concludes the song perfectly. All in all, this song is near perfectly done, with the intense story telling of the first part and the candid introspective of the

second part combining perfectly. It is without a doubt one of the best songs of the album, and among the best songs Eminem has released in a long time. After a brief skit, the album moves into the song “Rhyme or Reason,” one of the album’s most interesting songs. The reason this particular song is so intriguing is that it is based around a sample from the song “Time of the Season,” by The Zombies. If you have heard the song in question, you know that it does not seems like the kind of song that would mesh well with Eminem’s style. As it turns out, however, the song is used to great effect by Eminem, resulting in a catchy, introspective song that is set apart by its sample use. After that, we have the song “So Much Better”, which is directed towards a fictional cheating girlfriend of Eminem’s. The song is based around a hook “My life would be so much better if you just dropped dead.” Much like many of Eminem’s songs, this piece isn’t meant to be taken seriously, and seems to be an outlet for Eminem to vent his frustrations about relationships in general. The song is very reminiscent of something that Eminem would have put on one of his earlier albums, and will be appreciated by long-time fans of Eminem. It’s a catchy song that most listeners will probably enjoy, and is among the album’s better songs. Next up is the song “Survival”, a ‘stadium anthem’ that is reminiscent of songs like “Lose Yourself” and “Won’t Back Down.” The song’s beat revolves around a heavy guitar riff, and the hook “This is survival of the fittest.” This song is not bad, it’s catchy and enjoyable the first couple of times you listen to it, but it is nothing remarkable. Compared to “Lose Yourself”, and perhaps even “Won’t Back Down”, It is merely a mediocre track that made a good radio single, much like some of the other pre-release


After that is the song “Legacy”, a softer song with a beat that stems from a slow piano piece. Eminem’s rapping is slightly distorted and quiet, making it sound softer and less intense, which contrasts with the previous song quite nicely. The song is centered on a hook sung by a female musician, Polina, regarding Eminem’s legacy. Eminem’s verses focus on his upbringing and inspirations, making it another piece that is quite introspective, which seems to be a running theme throughout the album. While I personally found that the song grew tiresome after a few lis-

tens, it is still a good track that fans of Eminem’s softer side will be sure to appreciate. Next on the album is “Asshole”, a fast-paced song with a beat that focuses on an intense drum roll. Eminem’s flow in this song is very sharp and methodical, and meshes very well with the beat. This is another semi-introspective song, focusing on Eminem’s career, and his being a self-proclaimed “Asshole.” The song is very different from the previous one, though; it is a much fasterpaced song that is based on a much harsher beat, and doesn’t showcase much of Eminem’s emotional side. It juxtaposes quite nicely with the previous song; it presents a similar theme with a very different execution. “Asshole” is a catchy number that is one of the better songs on the album. After “Asshole” comes “Berzerk”, a song that has a

very “old-school” vibe to it. It is reminiscent of some of The Beastie Boys’ earlier work, with a beat that is based upon a rock riff, and a sample from the Billy Squier classic “The Stroke”. The song doesn’t have tons of substance to it, but it is a catchy song that has great replay value to it. It may take a little while for some people to get used to it, but once you listen to it a couple of times, it is sure to grow on you. In the context of the album, I would say it is one of the better songs; it’s not merely a radio single, filler-type track like “Survival”, but it is not as good as some of the album’s best songs. After Berzerk comes Rap God, one of the best songs on the album. It is an epic, six-minute long song, throughout which Eminem raps passionately about his career accomplishments up to this point, and his realization that his is becoming a ‘rap god’. The beat is simple yet effective, based around a straightforward piano piece, which morphs into catchy electronic noise throughout the song. Eminem really went all out on this song lyrically, dropping classic hip-hop references throughout the song, something that Eminem’s core fan base will definitely appreciate. This song is very well crafted, and is one of the best songs on the album; it was made for hardcore Eminem fans. Next we have “Brainless”, a song that is very reminiscent of Eminem’s older work. The beat on this song is based on a complex piano piece intertwined with a rhythmic drumbeat, and it fits quite nicely. In this number, Eminem raps about how he saw himself as ‘brainless’ in his earlier years, but came to realize that this worked in his favor, helping with his rapping career. It has a very light tone to it; one could say that it is mockingly introspective, a song in which Eminem parodies himself. The vintage sound, interesting lyrics,

and complex beat all work together very well on this song, which is one of the better songs on the album. Fans of Eminem’s older work will definitely enjoy this piece. After that we have the song “Stronger Than I Was”, a song that does not fit into the album well at all. Eminem tries his hand at singing in this song, with the help of auto tune. The beat is not bad, centered on slow drumbeat, and the lyrics are decent as well, with Eminem singing from the point of view of his ex-wife Kim, and rapping from his own point of view at the end. It is a song with an interesting concept, but the execution is somewhat lackluster, and it does not fit with the album well at all. It is out of place, and was really off-putting during my first listen to the album. This piece is definitely one of the misses of the album. Following the lackluster “Stronger Than I Was” is “The Monster”, another song that leaves something to be desired. This piece is another one of Eminem’s radio singles, and his second collaboration with the pop singer Rihanna, who sings the hook of the song. The song isn’t terrible; the beat is decent enough, if somewhat generic, and Eminem’s rapping flows well. The lyrics are somewhat lackluster, however, with Eminem clearly holding back due to his desire for this song to get radio airplay. All things considered, the song isn’t that terrible, it’s certainly better than “Stronger Than I Was”, but it is definitely one of the lesser tracks on the album. Next up is the song “So Far”, one of the highlights of the album, set apart by it’s sample of Joe Walsh’s famous song “Life’s Been Good”, which the song’s beat is based upon. Eminem even sings an altered version of the song’s lyrics for the hook, which works surprisingly well. The song focuses on Eminem’s life as a famous musician, which is not quite as glamorous as his fans may think it. In this way, it meshes extremely well with Walsh’s song, which has a similar theme to it. While I can see why some fans may have an aversion to this song, due to its unorthodox sound, it presents a very interesting concept, and executes it CONTINUED ON PAGE 12





As a music aficionado, few things in this world captivate me like the raw, primal power of live music. And every now and then, I’ll encounter an artist so uniquely talented they singlehandedly renew that passion. Such was the case in February, when I saw J.R. Linaberry, aka The Bones of J.R. Jones, perform at the Me & Thee Coffeehouse in Marblehead. I was instantly entranced by his haunting voice and intense guitar/banjo playing and later had the chance to ask him some questions. Your sound is very distinctive yet has a familiar ring. How has your style evolved since you first started making music? Are there contemporary artists you would cite as influences? Yes. Definitely. I’ve been playing music for a very long time and it’s tough for me to track how I got to where I am.

I started writing songs when I was eight or so on a piano… and now I’m here, playing this weird kind of blues/folk thing. Tom Waits is always a go to for me. As well as Springsteen… his Nebraska album is still on rotation in my house. A.A. Bondy is another one, but unfortunately I don’t think he tours much anymore.

Listening to The Wildness, I was immediately struck by the production. How do you achieve that stripped-down, organic sound? Well, I wasn’t very happy with a lot of the sounds we were getting going into the mixing phase of the album. Everything sounded much more canned than I hoped. Not 100% genuine. We came up with the solution to bring a laithe into the studio and cut each track to vinyl and then remix in those individual tracks into songs on the board. It took a while… but in the end was worth the hassle. Many folk and blues musi-

cians gravitate toward either the guitar or banjo, but you went with a combination. What drew you to that instrument? Does it pose special challenges? I think it just seemed to fit. Everything I was listening to pointed me in this direction… and it seemed like the most logical step for the sound I was trying to achieve. I’m still learning the instrument. I take lessons… and get lost very quickly… ha. I think the biggest danger is that people see resonator and they automatically date you. They know what kind of sound is going to be coming out of it. I hope that I can possibly change that. I was intrigued by how you draw on sensory details, particularly those encountered outdoors, when writing songs. Do you find being out in nature gets your creative juices pumping? Yes, for sure. I don’t equate myself with John Muir or anything…. but I do appreciate


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being outside. It just never stops moving. Even when it’s peaceful and quiet…there is always an element of balanced chaos, which I try to appreciate.

You’re something of a oneman band on stage. Was that a conscious choice in order to retain control of your sound? How long did it take you to master playing multiple instruments simultaneously? No. It was more of necessity. I started to go down this road when I was living up Rosendale, NY when I was living by myself. I had played in bands all my life and this was the first time I attempted to play music without one. It seemed like a natural progression for me… to still have a band feel and energy without as many people. I didn’t know many people up there, so this was an easier solution rather trying to find people I could connect with musically. It didn’t take long to master at all. If you can tap your foot in time to a song, you could do what I do. The tough part is carrying all that equipment around. The lyrics to “A Prayer” by Madleine Peyroux are very moving. What drove you to cover that song? I fell in love with that song years ago. It’s tough not to feel that song in your chest when you listen to it. I covered it because I wish I wrote it… ha. I find that a lot of the covers I play are songs I’m envious of. What do you make of the current state of the music industry? With so much competi-

tion, is it harder for new artists to gain a foothold now compared to the pre-internet era? Honestly, I wish I knew what to make of it all. I’m not really a part of it. Everything I’ve done has been done independently. Not because I think it was the right choice, but more so because it was the only choice I had. They are no easy roads to succeeding in music… and the people who do succeed I think are luckier than anything else. If you are fortunate enough to have someone’s ear that could help you out as an artist, you’re more fortunate than 99% of us. Yes, the market is saturated with music… but I’m betting that I might be stubborn/stupid enough to be the last person standing. Maybe that’s the only way to get noticed these days. What can listeners expect on your forthcoming full-length album?

It should be interesting. I’m trying a lot of new things on this album and the sound has grown along with that… and with that comes growing pains. I’ve tried to keep the qualities of music that I hold dear and grow as an artist in range. Sometimes they pulled in opposite directions. That being said, I think this album gave me a lot of confidence in what I’m looking for. I’m already excited to see what I can do on the next one.






In America’s hospitals, A new tradition is born, At the moment A mother gives birth to a child The announcement is sung: “Christ the Savior is born Christ the Savior is born!”

If this thoughtful ritual Were followed worldwide Then, every minute Under the radiant blue or black or red or white skies, Our divine siblings would be acknowledged.

Who knows One day…maybe This hope will come true…




(Dedicated to Robert Frost’s poem “The Telephone” written in 1916)

When I was just as far as I could walk From Acton—a town in Mass Exhausted settled in the grass, Move over - you hurt me! A flower complained. “What? – you talking?” I am Frost’s flower! “You still exist?” I blossom every spring I am why lovers Can meet each other More frequently and easily. “I cannot imagine!” You will. You do. For now, someone is waiting for you…




I slept like a log that night, the music of Marc Almond quietly filled the air then when I danced myself out, I faded out to some instrumental jazz while still in my bathrobe, feet in the portable foot massage water bath and orange facial makeup still up on my face. My whole body was so worn out, working undercover and the long sleep I had was heaven on all my muscles and joints, I snapped away suddenly and saw the sunlight pouring in through the front window and the faint murmur of the skipping CD in the stereo playing in the background, slowly came to the forefront of my mind. I looked around and saw the faint morning shadows swarming the walls of the apartment, I was a little faint headed and badly needed some water. As I got up, a stress knot in my stomach was activated as I remembered the Kerry O'Reilly guy from yesterday and his initialed tool-belt flashing through the back of my mind. I was scared of him, though I never wanted to admit it verbally and continued to shrug him

out of my mind for now. I know I found the guilty perpetrator of my wife's murder, but judging the dominant and cult of personality that guy welded around the construction yard, I was afraid to admit that the guy was too powerful and I didn't have enough evidence to bring him down yet. At this moment in time as I slowly got myself ready for another day, made myself a vegetable omelet. Put on a pair of business pants, a button down shirt and overcoat as well as white tie with rainbow polka dots. I grabbed my suitcase and combed my ageless fiery red hair and proceeded out the door. As I was going down the staircase I said hello to the other inhabitants who lived in the condo loft and threw my suitcase in the backseat of my Cadillac and proceeded to drive to the high class office building where I work at as an office assistant and financial adviser for Hells Iago also known by its acronym H.F.I.L Healthy Finance Inside Lifetime, but the former name is how the employees address working for it, because its slow, boring,

demanding and long. I should of mentioned this sooner but as part of my deal being assigned to this case and you can think of it as defensive plea bargaining, the Police Department gave me an undercover employment job to go with my undercover job to ward people off my scent. It's a day job, 9 to 5, get paid and enjoy all the benefits as a full time employee as if I truly been working there all along, except that it'll all be likely gone as soon as the investigation wraps up. As easy and fun to get to live as an undercover police detective and all the authority you wield with all the unorthodox approaches you can take to the job, adapting back to regular work life was a hassle, I was use to all the freedom of using my time as I wanted and all my needs and cravings were within arms reach back on the island in in exile, but here with all the paperwork, phone calls, annoying coworkers, multitasking and sexual tension of being the apple of an office temptress eye was a lot to stomach. Sometimes in the heap of all the chaos and commotion of work around me, I would walk to an

office window, look out the clear glass, all the way down to the parking lot as well as grid like streets below and as she would come over and proceed to massage my neck and shoulders. I was strongly tempted to throw my body full force smashing through the glass, watching in slow motion as I would scream in a deep soul voice while flailing my arms in legs in full panic as I fully anticipated my shattering death on the pavement below. In those moments I would try to close my eyes and try to push the thought out of my head and try to look at all the stuff below looked so small and miniature like a toy house set, imagining myself picking up the toy cars and planes and making sound effects with them. I tried to imagine how it might feel to have your whole lifetime flash before your eyes and look like a bloody, pink (in this case rainbow), disfigured mess of mashed potatoes as the medics and firefighters would sweep me up. No matter how depressed I got or how tempting it may seem to “clock out of the life shift early,” also known as

taking the easy way out, I had to remind myself philosophically that even besides the possibility of my soul being immortal and not being able to turn it off. As tortuous as that sounded, what would be more tortuous is to know the horrible truth that since his race is immortal, the sweet relief of death would be denied to him anyway, he might be completely paralyzed and handicapped beyond repair and stuck living an eternity as a vegetable, possibly unable to do anything again, in a horrifically mangled shape of a body and that just shattered him completely out of the nonsense. Anyways the daily grind wasn't so bad. I enjoyed dressing up formally, wearing formal clothes with colors and designs that echoed my style. Paperwork and data entry wasn't so bad as it was a nice break running around interviewing people and being on the beat. I got to sit in a comfy chair, which did wonders for my millennial spine and it was fun to be a leading employee at a job where everyone assumed because I had a permanent clown makeup design to my


face, that I was obviously the workplace clown and they were dead wrong. I took my work seriously, rarely smiling unless because I closed another deal or scored a new client for the company. But that was my favorite part, most interviews I conducted on the clock were routine, except many times they ended with long awkward moments because of how I naturally looked, as if they were half expecting this to be one long skit and then the real guy would come out and then would gently remind them this was all serious and then I would give them the forms to sign for their new accounts and then the next clients would come in and the process would begin again. It was nice to keep a low profile, but it was hard because I always felt like a freak inside the workplace, naturally paranoid that people would be talking about me behind my back and tried to cover my whole face white powder or wear a big gallon hat, but unfortunately halfway through the day, my real self would start to pop through in smear like patterns across my cheeks and people would make fun of me and say “are you trying to be like this Health Ledger joker or IT guy?” and would look back at them confused because I was never one to keep up on all the pop culture, not to mention they didn't have pay per view or cable out on the island I have been living on. When I signed up for my new job, my employers were aware of the terms under why I working there, in the beginning they were skeptical of my ability to blend in and be able to do the work needed to get done. Overtime when they saw my impressive work ethic they were blown away and impressed, I won employee awards over a period of time, got upgraded to a window office, though I missed working in cubicles, tossing paper airplanes back and forth with people in the cubicles adjacent to mine, singing loudly and likely out of tone in the solo elevator rides up till larger crowds accumulated in the consecutive floors we passed, if I was lucky I would get a stray goofball joining in the song with me. During the holidays, the strangers really encouraged this behavior compared to other times of year when it was met with shocked or scorned looks. My favorite part of working at this office job besides throwing everybody off with my serious, no nonsense personality I presented to everybody at this world of work, was the fact


when no one was looking and had some spare moments to myself, I would let lose and be a wild force of nature, clogging toilets, misplacing things on others work desks, change the passwords on others work computers, playing various desktop computer games in the quiet moments, thereby preventing them from logging on and my favorite was when the other employees were presenting at the meetings or if I was walking by the doorway, I would discreetly make funny faces to trip them up mid presentation, to my devious enjoyment. Eventually I had to deal with a unique situation at work where I met this wonderful woman, she had beautiful golden brown hair, in a Carrie Fisher braid, she wore a nice thin jewelry necklace, a purple woman's dress suit as if she just walked off the camera desk at a news station like Veronica Corningstone. Lips thin and refined, long soft neck, a thin, but full jaw, round oval face, but clearly light as a feather, probably weighs no more than 120 pounds from a rough gaze. Her voice a fine melody as if her vocal notes came straight from a playing violin, topped off with a pair of red high heels, he knew this was the catch of the day from his job. But there was something about her that stood out to him, the kind of air she gave off when she walked and strutted around the office, her sharp gaze, it's like if a professional supermodel walked in straight from a board meeting shown from a L.L. Bean catalog magazine. “How may I help you today miss?” “I'm here to open up a 401k with a couple international funds.” “No EFTs right?” “Well I have a few options what is your concentration or industry you want to invest in.” “Oil and Gas,” (makes farting sound). “Well, aren’t you a cheeky little lady?” He pulls up a few fund picks and prints out a paper to hand to her from his personal printer on the side of his desk. “Before I forget, how rude of me, what is your name and who do I put it under?” “My name is Terry O'Reilly.” He was about to put pen to paper when he froze and his brain made the chilling connection. “I'm sorry you said“Terry O'Reilly, my husband’s name is…” “Kerry O'Reilly…” He

stated firmly. “Why howd' ya know?” “I met him by chance yesterday, I mean...” Shaking his head to disguise his actual encounter to the knowledge. “I saw him come into a restaurant loud and proud with a few coworkers and sit near me during lunch break, walking around like he owned a place, quite a dominant personality if I may say so.” “Yes, Kerry is like that, sometimes I have to kindly remind him that he is not on stage but in real life, even at home his big personality fills the room so much, I can barley keep piece of mind at home.” He quickly made a mental note of that to store for later use. “Well, anyways whose name do you want on the account?” “My husband’s and I want to be the beneficiary.” “Okay, usually that's the other way around.” “I'm going to confide something to you and don't want you to share this with anyone else.”

“No problem, I respect every clients confidentially to the death, you won't believe how many people entrust me with their little tidbits!” He laughed confidentially. “You see the kind of work my husband does is dangerous and life risking and I just don't want him to end up handicap or dead and nothing to back us or me up should something happen to him.” “You don't have life insurance for either of you set up?” “We do, except we are both young, I'm actually a little older than he is, though side by side it looks the other way around and unlike the norm. He is only insured $50,000 and though I make quite a decent income, I want to have some extra gold for the kids down the road.” “If I may, do you guys have children yet?” “Not yet, but who wants to be a poor widow and have to start from scratch financially.” “No one,” he said solemnly but with heartfelt

intention. “Exactly.” “Alright, so if you could give me your social security card, passport, proof of insurance for the file, it should be processed and cleared with the federal government in a week.” She begins to get up suddenly and seductively walks over to him, puts an arm around his shoulder and begins to huff a breath into face. “I like you, I like you a lot-” “I beg your pardon, I loathe my husband and you seem like a steady man who knows how to give a woman what she wants....” Quickly he comes to his senses and trying to break free of her seductive embrace. “Why... uh thank you...” He starts hurriedly moving backward and tumbles over his desk like an unrehearsed slapstick stunt. He proceeds to push her towards her door. “Uh, thank you for your time and have a nice day, you will get a copy of the paperwork in the mail. NEXT!” The door closes behind her.



very well, earning a place among the album’s best songs. After “So Far” comes “Love Game”, a song that features upand-coming rapper Kendrick Lamar. This is another song that features an unorthodox sample, namely the song “Game of Love” by Wayne Fontana and The Mindbenders, a relatively unknown number from the sixties. Despite the song’s cheery, pop-oriented sound, it fits into the song well, making up the majority of its beat and hook. Eminem and Kendrick use the song as an outlet to vent about their love problems, both unleashing verses in which they go as hard as they possibly can, making for a bit of friendly

competition. Both rappers are on-point lyrically and technically in this song, making for a song that is among the better tracks on this album. The song’s beat may be somewhat off-putting at first, but it sure to grow on most listeners. Next is the album’s penultimate track, “Headlights”, a very emotional song that is executed very well. The song features Nate Ruess, of the band Fun., who sings the song’s hook. Surprisingly enough, Ruess does a very good job on this song; his singing further contributes to the already emotional tone of the song. The song’s beat is based on a slow, sentimental piano piece, which

fits very well. Eminem dedicates this song to his mother, who he has had trouble getting along with in the past, even releasing songs in which he attacks her character. In this piece, however, Eminem attempts to make amends with his mother, saying that they should put their past behind them, and that he still loves her, as she is his mother. This song is quite touching, yet doesn’t come across as overly emotional or cheesy. It is one of the better songs on the album, and a worthy addition to Eminem’s collection of rap-ballads. The album ends on another strong note, with the song “Evil Twin”, in which Eminem raps

from his own perspective and the perspective of his alter ego “Slim Shady”, switching between the two personas throughout the song. This song has one of the most interesting beats on the album, based upon a sinister electronic progression, which adds to the overall tone of the song very well. Eminem again contemplates his career, this time in an intentionally cocky manner, fitting with the persona of his ‘Evil Twin’ very well. There is even a little surprise at the end of the song, featuring Ken Kaniff, everyone’s favorite pervert. This song is sure to be appreciated by all of Eminem’s core fans, and is among the best on the album.

All things considered, The Marshall Mathers LP 2 is a very good album. It has future Eminem classics such as “Bad Guy”, “Rap God”, and “Evil Twin”, and some very good tracks in their own right, such as “Love Game”, “Brainless”, and “Berzerk”. The album does have a couple of fumbles, such as “Stronger Than I Was”, and a few mediocre tracks like “Survival” and “The Monster”, but, when one looks at the whole picture, the good tracks on this album outweigh the bad and mediocre ones considerably. I had a great time listening to it, and it is a worthy purchase for all Eminem fans. Overall Score: 9/10


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Professional Development Day: Day classes canceled. Evening classes (4 p.m. and later) will meet. Student Government Meeting PTK Induction Program Council Meeting Spark Launch Deadline for IP Contracts for Fall 2014 Final Exam Schedule posted on Pipeline Announcements Last day to withdraw from a credit course or the College with a "W" grade Presidential Scholar Meeting Patriots' Day Commencement Student Government Meeting Student Council Meeting Earth Day


Date and Time

North Shore DB208, LW307 Lynn Gym DB208, LW 307 Danvers North Shore North Shore North Shore

April 1, 2014

Apr 9, 2014 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM) Apr 9, 2014 (6:00 PM - 8:30 PM) Apr 10, 2014 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) Apr 14, 2014 (12:00 PM - 1:30 PM) Apr 18, 2014 Apr 18, 2014

Danvers Lounge No Classes Salem State DB208, LW307 DB125 Lynn Woods Penny Brooke Rd.

Apr 18, 2014 (2:30 PM - 4:30 PM) Apr 21, 2014 Apr 22, 2014 Apr 23, 2014 (2:30 PM - 4:00 PM) Apr 24, 2014 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) Apr 26, 2014

Apr 18, 2014




STAFF WRITER, INTERVIEW CONDUCTED BY CALVIN GIL EDITOR IN CHIEF deadlines and inevitably six or seven deadlines are all in the same week and it can be very, very stressful. You just have got to stop and say ‘you know what? Here’s why I’m doing it, its almost there.’ You’re halfway there once you start so really just try to remain focused on the end result and you should be okay. Don’t be afraid to ask for help either that’s the other thing that’s really important. A lot of times people don’t ask for help because they think it’s a sign of weakness but its okay to ask for help.”

Overall, what inspired or made you feel it was time to move on? Gut Instinct? Do you have any plans or ideas of where you may be heading next? “I think it’s just a good time in my life for me to try some new ventures, to try some new things.”

BY KEVIN HAYES, SENIOR SPORTS WRITER with the same fire again. Marvin Barnes was good for a while but the drug problem escalated to the point he missed games, earning a release in January. Billy Knight played such poor defense he was booed out of the Garden and he had to be traded for Indiana Pacers center Rick Robey. To give an idea of how clueless Brown was, early in the season the Celtics needed scoring help. Brown wanted LA Lakers guard Earl Tatum and Auerbach to send a 2nd round pick for him and some cash. Instead Brown traded a first round pick and his own money for Tatum. Auerbach could only shake his head at the incompetence. Auerbach managed to turn that into a positive by trading Tatum to the Detroit Pistons for veteran guard Chris Ford. Satch Sanders was fired after a 2-12 start and Brown was so cheap, he didn’t hire a head coach to replace him. They just made Dave Cowens player coach for the rest of the season. Curtis Rowe was acting up, White was hurt, Cowens was stressed out, Havlicek was gone…it was all going down the drain. Red tried the best he could, trading Dennis Awtrey, signed to replace Kunnert after the swap, for a first round pick. Jo-Jo knew his days were numbered and the C’s weren’t going anywhere so he requested to be traded to a contender so he could go out with one last world title. Instead Brown traded him to the lowly Golden State Warriors, where there was a seven-foot backup center that would come into the story later, for a draft pick. Still, Red had Larry Bird on his way the next season and three first round picks to build around. The season was a disaster but there was still hope right? WRONG! Brown and Ellie separated and now Brown was with Phyllis George, Google her. One night Brown was at a New York Knicks game and Phyllis remarked that she loved watching center Bob McAdoo, the guy that Brown sold two years earlier, play. Brown turned to Knicks owner Sonny Werblin and

said “How much for Big Mac?” There went the three first round picks that Red had carefully orchestrated to get. No one would have blamed Red for quitting right then and there. They didn’t need Bob as they already had Cowens and he was more like Rowe and Wicks than he was like Silas or Havlicek. McAdoo hated Boston so much he slept on Cedric Maxwell’s couch the rest of the season rather than find a place to stay. Cowens and Mac immediately butted heads over playing time and Bob went as far to claim Cowens purposely sat him to lower his impending free agent value. The only good thing was

You were Editor In Chief for the Pennon?” Were you a dual enrollment student at the time? “I was. I came here when I was in high school. My last two years of high school I did here at North Shore. I got my Associates Degree and my High School Diploma at the

same time. Dual enrollment you have the option at the time to do all your classes at the college. I did all my classes at the college, which was neat. It is funny because I remember when we used to actually have to take the Pennon on a disk up to the printing company. We couldn't send it through email ‘cause the files were too big. It’s kind of neat that we can just email it now. Back then it was in NH, now it’s in MA. The program’s a little different now but I think, for me, it was the best thing I ever did in my life. I mean coming here, changed my life. Coming here, I met so many great people and professors and faculty. I

was a quiet student; I didn’t really want to get involved. Dean John Duff, was my advisor and he was like ‘get involved with the Pennon, get involved with the Pennon.’ Finally he bugged me enough that I finally got involved with the Pennon. And it was the best thing I did. I met so many good friends and people. It really got me out of my shell and I loved it. I think the whole dual enrollment program, there was so much support and it really pushed me to keep going with school. Now, I kept going all the way towards my doctorate so I definitely give the school credit for that.”

you feel you might want to share before this interview ends? “I’ve really enjoyed working here. I’ve loved it. I love the students; I love everything about the college. Everybody that comes through here is amazing and has so much talent and I've seen people use it, which is really nice. I hope that you guys do a great job with the Pennon. I hope to be on your list. I want to get on the mailing list so I can still read it. I love it and you know, I would love to keep in touch. If you guys ever have any questions, by all means, you can definitely shoot me an email. I’ll always stay in touch.”

Walter Brown to the current regime of Wyc Grousbeck, which means let Auerbach run the show and get the heck out of the way, Brown would have been fine. As it was, Brown’s constant tinkering killed team chemistry, morale and hopes all in one year! The low point of the season occurred on March 9th, 1979 when they got humiliated 160-117 to Earl Tatum and the Pistons. Red stormed into the lockerroom after the game and chewed everyone out, saying most won’t be back the next season. Mercifully the season drew to a close and there were two final kicks in the pants. Curtis Rowe and Bob McAdoo posed for the team picture before the season finale then packed their bags and left. They didn’t even bother to stick around to the end. The final kick was when coach Cowens decided to light up a cigar to signify the end of the season but couldn’t get the thing lit as the Celtics put away the New Jersey Nets by a score of 127-101. The final totals were 29 wins and 53 losses, their lowest win total since 1950 before Bob Cousy and Auerbach were even in town. Thankfully, Red Auerbach found a way to turn the tide. He convinced Harry Mangurian to buy out Brown and John went on to become governor of Kentucky, amazing country we live in huh? When all was said and done John Y. Brown ruined three franchises in four years and who knows what else would have happened had he stayed or if Red bolted for the Knicks? Here’s a sickening thought, what if Brown included Larry Bird in the franchise swap instead of Freeman Williams, who turned out to be a complete bust for San Diego? What about the Celtics after Brown left? Larry Bird was the real deal and the team would not have another losing season for 15 years, winning three world championships in the next eight years to follow. So if you think the Celtics are in rough shape now, at least Danny Ainge has a plan to turn things around. As you’ve just read, it could be worse; you could have a Kentucky Fried Idiot running things.

BY SUSAN SULLIVAN DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL AID STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES Keep in mind that withdrawals or “walk-aways” will impact your eligibility for the future as determined by Satisfactory Academic Progress.

more than 150% of the published length of your program. For example, if you are enrolled in a 2-year Associates degree; the maximum period that you can receive a Subsidized loan is 3 years (150% of 2 years = 3 years). Please visit our website for more information about the Subsidized loan.


Brown wasn’t the sole owner of the team. He had a silent partner Harry Mangurian who would be silent no longer when the McAdoo trade occurred. The Knicks wanted Brown to pay MacAdoo’s entire salary, which would have bankrupted the team. Red called up Harry and asked what he should do and Harry’s response was “(Expletive) John Y. Brown! Tell the Knicks if they include his salary the deal’s off!” The rift between Red and Brown got worse as Brown would openly mock him in front of former players and the team. The problem was John loved making deals and toyed with the lives of the players. Many of them had families and to be traded to different cities means relocating and endless moving. Had he been like every other owner from


Any final pearls of wisdom

PELL GRANT MAXIMUM ELIGIBILITY The Department of Education has instituted a limit on the Pell Grant. Students are limited to Pell Grants for up to 6 years of fulltime student (12 semester/600%). The Department put this regulation into place because they want students to complete a program and receive their degrees. For example, if you w e r e enrolled part-time, y o u would have used 50% of your eligibility. This is important to keep in mind if you are planning to further your education with a bachelor’s degree. You will want to make sure you are taking the classes you need for your program and that you do not have too many withdrawals or courses with low grades. Students who have already used 600% of their Pell Grant eligibility are no longer eligible to receive the Pell Grant. You can check your eligibility through the National Student Loan Data System at SUBSIDIZED LOAN MAXIMUM ELIGIBILITY There is also a limit on the maximum period of time (measured in academic years) that you can receive Subsidized loans. You may not receive a Subsidized loan for

Repeat Courses When repeating or retaking a course, students may receive financial aid for a course that they previously failed. That means, if you received a grade of F or withdrew from the course, you may repeat it and receive financial aid. Students may also receive financial aid for up to one more attempt when repeating or retaking courses that they have previously passed with a grade of D or better regardless of the grade. For example, if you took a course and received a C grade, you can take it one more time a n d receive financial aid. If you received an F, then repeated the course and received a D grade, you could take it one more time and financial aid will pay. Please remember taking repeat courses counts in the number attempted, so it may affect your Satisfactory Academic progress! We hope this information helps you in obtaining academic success. If you are ever questioning why your financial aid changed or if something in the future may affect it, please contact our office. The Student Financial Service Office is located on both the Danvers and the Lynn campus. You can always email the office at There is also a list of financial aid counselors available on our website.




BY SANDY ROCHON ALUMNI COORDINATOR Eddie Borash is president and owner of Sir Speedy Printing in Boston. In September he will celebrate his 35th business anniversary. I caught up with him recently to discuss his education, career path and thoughts on North Shore Community College. Education: Eddie approached his high school graduation from Saint Mary’s in Lynn with uncertainty about his future. He pondered his options and considered military service before ultimately deciding to enroll at North Shore Community College, a decision that he feels has served him well. Eddie explains, “NSCC was my foundation for life. After going to school there I felt there were opportunities in life that I never knew existed. It gave me a chance.” His advice: “Everyone gets a chance in life and when you get that chance you must take advantage of it.” His fond memories of NSCC include the business program he was in, great faculty members like Dr. Sheldon Brown, and playing for the basketball team where he was a star player. The NSCC team regularly played against the freshman teams of the four-year schools and he recalls playing Harvard and nearly being recruited to Harvard for basketball.



wedding invitations, and it was this position that led to him discovering the printing industry. In 1979, he bought a Sir Speedy franchise and opened his store on Boylston Street, a very highvolume location that has received multiple awards. Boston Marathon 2013: During his years in

Boston there have been times he will never forget- mostly good, but not all. Last year on Patriot’s Day, Eddie was at his store just a block over from the finish line of the Boston Marathon. He and his son Jake who also works there left work and were walking away when the first bomb exploded about 30 yards from them. The chaos that followed was unlike anything he had ever experienced, but Eddie considers himself very lucky- just minutes before, he had made the decision to delay an errand that would have brought them in the other direction and directly into the area where the second bomb detonated. Like all of the businesses in the area that were shut down in the days following this tragic event, business suffered and the financial impact was very difficult. Despite this, following the bombing Eddie described Boston as “one of the greatest cities in the world to be in because the people care and the city is strong.” Business Success: Ed’s franchise has been a top performer in the Sir Speedy organization, consistently a Top 10 location for the past 25 years. In 2012, he was honored for outstanding sales achievement, ranking #2 of more than 500 Sir Speedy locations worldwide. Congratulations to Eddie on 35 years of business success!

keep the information quiet. It’s hard to get to the bottom of something that nobody will speak about or stop something that the industries pretend don't exist. Most people I ask about fracking have never even heard of it before and neither did I until I was shown two amazing documentaries my senior year of high school. An environmental activist and film director, Josh Fox created two inspirational and informative documentaries, Gasland (2010) and Gasland II (2013). Both of them are narrated by Josh and filmed by him and his team. They go collecting digital information a b o u t hydraulic fracking, whether it be getting kicked out of boardroom meetings

about drilling because of his interrogating or interviewing victims who have continually suffered because of frackings dangerous effects. All of these videos were compiled into documentaries that opened a whole new perspective on what America is doing to it’s own people and the immense health risks that are increasing in families living around fracking wells. Being taxpaying and hard working residents of this state we need to be aware about what’s going on around us, especially with our environment. This single environment is going to be consistent throughout the upbringing of our future generations. It is our choice to do research and become enlightened on what oil/gas companies and the government is doing right under our noses. Once we know about things as serious and secretive as fracking, all we can do is spread the word to our friends and family. I am doing my part to share the knowledge I was given about fracking and hoping that you will all do the same. Both Gasland documentaries can be found on Youtube and Netflix and I cannot rave more about how welldirected and informational they are. Please do your part, please go green and always remember Frack Is Wack.

Eddie graduated in 1974 and transferred to Salem State to complete his Bachelor Degree in Business. He knew that he wanted to be an entrepreneur but had not yet identified the industry he would work in. He held a couple of different jobs before he found his career direction: he worked as a teacher and assistant basketball coach in Franklin, MA for a while then found a teaching position in his hometown of Lynn. His next job was selling



Keith Haring, a wellknown graffiti artist, spray painted a mural at a local park in Harlem, NY in 1986. The painting started a nationwide controversy with it’s message, stating in bold letters, “Crack Is Wack.” Now we have a new toxin being spread around, something most people are unaware of and something a lot of people have kept secret because of money, something killing innocent lives... fracking. Frack is the new crack and it is becoming a major problem for millions of Americans that have been bribed into silence. Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, is a form of industrial gas drilling being supported by our president and our government. Simply put, oil and gas companies are taking good water, mixing it with bad chemicals and shooting it up into wells to force out the natural gas. Wastewater, with the pollutants still in it, rises up to the surface and is “stored for disposal”. These chemicals have been dumped into waterways, as well as into the land, resulting in cancerfilled drinking water, sick residents, dying animals, flammable tap water and millions of American residents who have been silenced. Silenced into not reporting their testimonies about

how hard it is living in a polluted environment. The Federal Energy Act of 2005 had a provision in it known as the “Halliburton Loophole” that made it legal for fracking to continue without it violating the underground injection requirements put in place by the Safe Drinking Water Act. So pretty much, the regulations on the safety of our water are being manipulated so that oil and gas companies can continue to drill on American property without getting blamed for the toxic outcome. This is being shielded from the eyes of the public and endangering many lives. As of today, fracking is happening in many states including: New York, Louisiana,

Colorado, Ohio, Michigan, Texas, New Jersey, New Mexico and the list goes on. Many investigations have been done on fracking but the large oil and gas companies

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