Left: Egg Rock from Ocean Street, Nahant; Right: Castle Rock as Seen from Forty Steps Beach, Nahant; photography by Kurt Eddy for the Poetry of Places website in the Nahant section, created as a TAC project by Carl Carlsen, professor emeritus.
In December we awarded TAC grants to more faculty
than ever before: 45. Ten of the grants are for technology integration projects, many of which are focused on developing OER (Open Educational Resources) to reduce or eliminate the cost of textbooks for students. The rest of the awards are for the development of hybrid and online courses. (continued on p. 2)
TAC Projects
Cre d i t s
The Edge is a publication of Technology Across the Curriculum. The editor is Terri Whitney, professor of English and faculty coordinator of TAC. Layout is by Ejyo Katagiri from the marketing department. Photography by Kurt Eddy, Media Services, and Jean Hodgin, professor emerita. Contributors to this issue are TAC award recipients; Eugene Zhorov, adjunct faculty, Natural Sciences; Laura Rubin, Dean of STEM and Education; and Andrea Millligan, Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation. The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
Blackboard Learn
Hybrid Courses
STEM Tech Project
29 FACULTY MEMBERS (cont. from p. 1)
A few of these are for seven week accelerated hybrid courses, a new model which has its particular challenges — for faculty and for students. The college is making an effort to provide students with a variety of ways to continue their education and to make that education
as inexpensive as possible. At the same time, we want to ensure that the quality of that education remains high. TAC faculty are very aware of the difficulties of achieving these goals, but they all conveyed their eagerness to experiment. Thus for this issue of The Edge, we have asked faculty to tell us what they are most looking forward to with their projects and also what challenges they anticipate. Remarks are by the TAC faculty; if a faculty member did not
Dept. of Graphic Design
comments for this issue of The Edge, we
Dept. of Computer Science, Emerita
printed his/her name and the subject of
OER for Web Fluency Online Course
Multimedia Materials for Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship (MGT 206OL)
Trying to teach a Web Fluency course
I am creating online MGT 206 course
We have also included two articles by
with a print textbook is really difficult.
audio and visual presentations. My
Andrea Milligan, Director of the Center
Even if the textbook is revised often,
focus is to offer students multiple
for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation,
some content is outdated almost as
methods to learn course content based
one on hybrid courses and one spot-
soon as it is published. My challenge
on their preferred method of learning.
lighting two new tools in Blackboard
is to find current, Open Educational
The greatest challenge I think I’ll have
Learn, as well as a short article on a
Resources (OER) that meet the objec-
while working on this project is to be
STEM-funded online course devel-
tives of this course and are accessible
interesting and entertaining. I’ve taken
opment project. As more and more
to my students, in terms of readability,
online courses and realized that a re-
faculty are developing hybrid courses,
conventionality and clarity of language,
hash of the textbook is boring and un-
we thought an article on best practic-
and the knowledge demands of the
necessary. I am really looking forward
es in such courses would be helpful,
to finding new tools and creative ways
respond to our invitation to contribute
the project.
of engaging online students.
especially as this is probably the most challenging course delivery format.
I think that if I can find appropriate OER for my Web Fluency course, I can save my students the cost of a textbook and increase the quality of the content of the course. Not only should the OER replace the printed text, but they should enhance the students’ experience by exposing them to contemporary digital resources not available in print. I am looking forward to identifying exciting and engaging OER for my course.
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
Dept. of Natural Science
OER: Environmental Science: A Case Studies Approach
Dept. of Behavioral Science
I am using the TAC grant to imple-
Redesign Your Online Class: Introduction to Psychology
ment historical and current case stud-
Dept. of Natural Science Multimedia Materials for Biology 1: General Biology (BIO 105) NSCC’s biotechnology program has been offering only one section
ies into the Environmental Science
My greatest challenge with this
of the BIO 105 course once a year,
course that I teach. Teaching a course
project will be re-formatting a
usually in the fall. Due to the course
such as Environmental Science is
6-week class to a 4-week session in
features which were designed for
much more meaningful and impactful
a very short time frame. I did most
science majors, it was challenging
when using real-life examples. It will
of the work during winter break.
for a course instructor to find an
be challenging to locate appropriate
I updated the course with recent
adequate textbook for a reasonable
historical cases studies around which
research (short articles) and new
price. To resolve this, I tried to bring
to introduce the science involved in
videos to improve application of
a low-cost learning opportunity to
the various topics and to narrow in on
course material. I streamlined some
the course students last year.
current cases. However, I am confident
grading (started using rubrics, more
that these efforts will help me create
auto-graded items) so I spend less
In my continuing effort to provide
a dynamic, interactive, and meaning-
time grading.
a low cost option with last year’s
ful course in which my students can
TAC grant, I aim this year to fully
learn the science involved and begin
integrate Open Educational Resourc-
to think critically about the issues that
es (OER) materials with my course
impact our future.
materials and include all instructor teaching materials such as slides. This year, with collected and organized images and learning materials from last year, I will generate lecture
My focus is to offer students multiple methods to learn course content based on their preferred method of learning. I’ve taken online courses and realized that a rehash of the textbook is boring and unnecessary. I am really looking forward to finding new tools and creative ways of engaging online students.
— Sandy
slides which cover all content in the subject and exam questions. I hope to switch the BIO 105 course to a no or low cost course in the spring 2017.
Dept. of Graphic Design
Multimedia Materials for Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
OER for Social Problems
OER for Human Growth and Development
together this project is to design the
I am very excited to be working on the
Hybrid for Basic Accounting 1
course in a way that is engaging and
creation of a Human Growth and De-
interesting to students. At the same
velopment online course for our North
I think the greatest challenge of con-
time, it is important to find the right
Shore Community College students. I
verting Basic Accounting 1 to a hybrid
balance between the instructor’s
am also very happy to be incorporating
is the loss of face-to-face time with stu-
expectations on what the student’s
Open Educational Resources (OER).
dents in the classroom. Students will
learning outcomes should be and the
These educational resources have a
benefit from a reduced number of class
expectation students bring to class in
Creative Commons license and can be
sessions per week because offering hy-
terms of time dedication.
shared with others for free. I am hoping
brid versions of our classes helps them
to create an amazing and affordable
with their busy working schedule, but
The grant for this course also includes
learning experience for the students
the challenge is how to create useful
an OER component. I am looking
in all of my Human Growth and
online assignments that can give them
forward to finding a variety of open
Development courses, whether they
the opportunity to come to a reduced
source materials that will help me to
are enrolled in the classroom or online.
number of classes and still master the
engage and make students interested
This project will lead to a significant
accounting technique, which requires
in domestic and global contemporary
reduction in the cost of textbooks for
a lot of practice and repetition.
social issues.
students. I have a lot of work ahead of
Dept. of Behavioral Science
Dept. of Behavioral Science
The greatest challenge with putting
Adjunct, Dept. of Practical Nursing OER for Microbiology
Dept. of Business
me but I am confident that it will be
I am really motivated to tackle this
worth it.
challenge and give myself the opportunity to design activities I have not tried before in my on-campus classes. One of the things I will try, which is not a traditional feature in introductory accounting classes, is including discussion boards in Blackboard Learn where students will have to respond
LUCIANO SAPPIA Dept. of Business
Redesign of Introduction to Business Online and Flipped Course/OER/Mobile Devices The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
to their peers in terms of what we traditionally do on an individual basis in accounting. I’m really looking forward to observing those exchanges of ideas in written form.
Hybrid World History 2
7-Week Accelerated Hybrid CMP 102: Composition 2
7 -Week Accelerated Hybrid CMP 101: Composition 1
hybrid World History 2 course as this
Right now, what I’m finding most
I am working on creating a 7-week,
will allow me to rethink and retool a
challenging is compressing what is
accelerated, hybrid CMP 101: Introduc-
course I have been teaching for years.
often a 15-week class into the acceler-
tion to Composition class to be offered
Nevertheless, I will be transitioning
ated format without losing any of the
in Lynn beginning in Fall 2017. I am
from a face-to-face class that meets
key components of the course. I am,
very excited about piloting this new
at least twice a week to only meeting
however, looking forward to what
model of a Comp 1 class.
once a week. Figuring out the balance
I hope will be added depth in our
between work students will do outside
examinations of the various works of
the class and work they will do in the
literature we’ll be reading since this
class could be challenging.
exploration will involve both online
Dept. of History
Dept. of English
Dept. of English
I am looking forward to creating a
discussion posts that students will be able to reflect upon before submitting and more spontaneous, follow-up, in-person discussions of the material.
I am most looking forward to turning my teaching strategies upside down to adapt to the online environment. I anticipate feeling fresh enthusiasm for teaching after developing this class.
I am really motivated to tackle [creating useful online assignments that can give students the opportunity to attend a reduced number of classes and still master accounting techniques] and give myself the opportunity to design activities I have not tried before in my on-campus classes.
As far as challenges, I am most wor-
ried about the lack of face-to-face time with students, which is where I feel my strength in teaching lies. I will
Dept. of Communication Skills
have to find ways to engage students
Hybrid First Year Experience: Mindfulness
make them laugh, and just generally
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
without being there to cheer them on,
Arcos-Castrejon Dept.of Business Hybrid Basic Accounting 1
encourage them in their efforts. PAGE 5
7-Week Accelerated Hybrid Substance Abuse and Society and Substance Abuse Counseling for Individuals
Hybrid Elementary Spanish for Criminal Justice Careers
Hybrid History of Sexuality HIS 136
Drug and Alcohol Program
Dept. of Cultural Arts
Dept. of History
I am creating a hybrid version of my I’m planning to develop a course that
History of Sexuality course that will
Many drug and alcohol courses are
targets Spanish used by professionals in
run in spring 2018. I look forward to
presently being developed in distance
the criminal justice field (police officers,
playing with Blackboard Learn’s tools,
learning and hybrid formats as the
corrections officers, parole officers,
such as wikis and portfolios, in creative
department launches an Accelerated
firefighters and court officers). It is also
ways. I would like the course to meet
Substance Abuse Counseling Certifi-
exciting to develop this course in a hy-
once a week, which might pose a
cate program, tailored to the needs of
brid model with flexible participation.
pedagogical challenge for me to solve.
working adults in the human service
This class will run simultaneously in a
hybrid and online format. Students will benefit from the flexibility that comes
Specific to DRG 201 Substance Abuse
with an online class. They will also have
Counseling for Individuals, the great-
the opportunity to attend a face-to face
est challenge will be selecting videos
class and meet with the instructor and
and other content that will reinforce
fellow classmates whenever necessary.
in-class modeling of counseling techniques offered by the professor. I’m specifically excited by the prospect of bringing a new demographic group of students to the college and being able to reach the many adult learners in our community who are
Adjunct, Dept. of Human Services Hybrid Helping Skills in Human Services
Adjunct, Drug and Alcohol Program 7-week Accelerated Hybrid Physiological and Medical Aspects of Drug Abuse
increasingly interested in addiction prevention, intervention, and treatment.
Dept. of Behavioral Science
Developing a hybrid course is both exciting and challenging. I was slow
Hybrid Social Problems
in getting started and many times
[Editor’s note: Carlos will also be
thought why did I say that I would
developing OER for this course. See his
participate. In retrospect, I am grateful
comments in that section of the article.]
for the opportunity and look forward to rolling out the course for the fall semester.
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
Hybrid Introduction to Marketing
Hybrid Database Calendar Management
Dept. of Business
Adjunct, Dept. of Office Administration
This course has four on-campus
Dept. of Criminal Justice Hybrid Crisis Intervention in the Field of Criminal Justice I anticipate the most significant chal-
meetings of about 2.5 hours each. The
My greatest challenge will be to
lenge with a hybrid course is creating
first meeting is ideal for kicking off
motivate all students to take the time
engaging, hands- on research and writ-
course expectations -- eliminating the
to read weekly learning modules
ing projects for students to complete
confusion that sometimes happens
from cover to cover and become fully
independently and outside of class
with an online only course. At the last
acquainted with the course infor-
time and then build on the knowledge
meeting students present their mar-
mation folder. There is no second
they glean from those assignments,
keting plans -- something that works
guessing course expectations and
with interactive assignments and dis-
better face- to- face than online. This
assignments if students view this
cussions in the classroom. The chal-
delivery of this course as a hybrid is
lenge will be to ensure that students
designed to be a pathway to 200-level
complete their independent work prior
marketing courses, which are primar-
I am looking forward to creating vid-
to class in order to make the in-class
ily offered on line. Simultaneously
eos for my training topics relative to
time as productive and enriching as
with this development I am creating
course content. I have created videos
possible. If even one or two students
independent, open, presentations
in the past, and I enjoy the process as
come unprepared, it can be a challenge
and lecture videos. Marketing tactics
it helps me perfect my teaching skills
to stick with the plan for the classroom
change continually. What’s hot today
for new content. As an instructor,
time since not everyone is starting
is dead tomorrow!
one of the best rewards I can receive
from the same base of knowledge and
is to witness my students grasp dif-
understanding of the content.
My greatest challenge with this project
ficult material through the modes of
is creating a series of presentations
instruction I have provided for them.
I have taught CRJ 108 as a face-to-face
and lecture videos that are timeless;
class and online, so providing a hybrid
with supplementary materials that
option to students will allow me to
will be updated every semester. I am
blend what works best in face-to-face
looking forward to the challenges of
classes with assignments and projects
packaging this course so that students
which have already been proven to
can achieve the outcomes I’ve estab-
work well for online learning.
lished for success.
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
7-Week Accelerated Hybrid CMP 101: Composition 1 My challenge is not the hybrid portion of the course but the accelerated design. To squeeze 15 weeks of informa-
Dept. of Communication Skills Hybrid CMP 101: Composition 1 and COM 015: ALP seminar
Dept. of Communication Skills Hybrid CMP 101: Composition 1 and COM 015: ALP seminar
tion into half the time is daunting at the very least. This is especially true of a Composition 1 course, which imparts so many fundamental skills without which students would find it very difficult to succeed on a college level. The condensed nature of the
I consider my greatest challenge to be balancing the in-class activities with
ALP (Accelerated Learning Program)
course also demands a much higher
the online activities and making sure
has become worthwhile support for
commitment from students than a
everything is clearly laid-out for the
the CMP 101 course, and, to date, it
regular course, which is a concern and
students. I am most looking forward to
has been very successful. To com-
means, of course, that it’s up to me to
teaching ALP in a new way that gives
plement the curriculum, a hybrid
provide that necessary motivation and
students more flexibility with their
course will be beneficial and exciting
to students. It is stimulating to me because the planning and organization
In a course of this kind, organization is
of the courses should elicit a deeper
key. The F2F and online lessons must
understanding of the material being
work together in perfect alignment,
presented. The challenge will be to
especially with such a large amount
encourage students to adhere to the
of information being delivered in so
material and to make interesting the
short a time. Luckily, I love structural
independent research/presentation of
challenges and, for me, this is in part
the curriculum for the hybrid piece.
a structural exercise, a puzzle to be solved, if you will. I will also add that the online component of the course continues to greatly improve my own
I love structural challenges and, for me, this is in part a structural exercise, a puzzle to be solved . . . —John
” Zamparelli,
online skills. That form of teaching does not come naturally to me, so I’m looking forward to learning and practicing the various technological resources (there’s a long list!) that can
Dept. of English
7-Week Accelerated Hybrid CMP 101: Composition 1
make an online experience engaging and effective for our students. They won’t be the only ones learning, that’s for sure!
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
Online Criminal Investigation
Online Constitutional Interpretations of Criminal Procedure
the tech itself. I have to learn a new
I am grateful to have been selected
I will be re-designing two existing
system in addition to learning the
as recipient of a TAC grant and look
online courses (CRJ 105 and 106)
best practices for teaching online.
forward to collaborating with our
into one new course (CRJ 107). This
But Andrea Milligan has been
current criminal justice faculty to
will be my fourth time working with
invaluable, and I am confident she
further develop and expand distance
Academic Technology on a project,
will guide me through the learning
learning CJ courses.
and I am truly looking forward to
Dept. of Cultural Arts Online Ethics
Adjunct, Dept. of Criminal Justice
Dept. of Criminal Justice
The greatest challenge has been
curve step-by-step.
once again having the opportunity to design a course with them. My pre-
I am looking forward to a new way
vious experiences have always been
of teaching. Andrea said it up front,
quite informative and helpful. I don’t
and she was right: Teaching online
foresee any difficulties at this time.
is not a matter of uploading a faceto-face course to Blackboard Learn; it is learning an entirely new system and rewriting the course entirely. I anticipate gaining new skills that I can apply to my F2F courses as well as online. That is an exciting idea.
BRUCE CIARAMELLA Human Services Practitioner Program Online Introduction to Mental Health Work
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
Online Hotel Operations
Redesign Online Radiologic Pathology from 1 Credit to 3 Credits
Dept. of Hospitality and Tourism
Dept. of Radiologic Technology
MARYBETH NELSON Dept. of Business
Online Intermediate Accounting 2 The TAC grant to develop and offer ACC 202 Intermediate Accounting
This course will be the first course of its kind offered as part of the Hospitality
In my 2017 TAC project, I will be
2 will offer students the opportu-
and Tourism (TGD) program, and is an
adding to last year’s TAC funded online
nity to continue with Intermediate
open elective for other programs. This
Radiologic Pathology Course. This is
Accounting in an online mode.
teaching methodology will offer an al-
an online course that explores differ-
Effective Fall 2016 students could
ternative to the traditional classroom,
ent pathology seen within diagnostic
complete the Accounting Certifi-
which is not always convenient for
radiographic images. YouTube videos
cate online. Effective Spring 2018,
our students. The greatest challenge
were used to demonstrate the subtle-
students will be able to complete the
will be to find new methodologies to
ties within radiographic images that
entire 60-degree Accounting Degree
ensure student interest and retention
indicate a pathological condition. This
in the online format.
course helps students read radiographic images and understand potential
I’m looking forward to developing my
treatment and prognosis of the disor-
first online course as I’ve always done
ders seen. This year’s TAC grant will
hybrids. I now feel that I’m ready and
be used to make this 1 credit summer
am no longer afraid to learn/develop
course into a 3 credit fall course.
new technology platforms. Also, an informal survey of past students found that they enjoy using Blackboard Learn and having more flexibility in their course schedule.
Adjunct, Dept. of Practical Nursing Online Overview of Microbiology I have had the pleasure to be a part of the current Teaching and Learning Online course. The TAC grant has allowed me to get great support in developing an online microbiology course. We have had superior guidance from Andrea Milligan and our other instructors. The added benefit of learning from colleagues that I would not have been working with normally has been truly beneficial. I think my biggest challenge is wading through the vast online resources in order to find appropriate material to include in my course. I am looking forward to having materials that will engage the students and help them throughout their nursing careers.
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
Dept. of Behavioral Science
Adjunct, Dept. of Fire Protection and Safety
Online Human Growth and Development
Online Introduction to Hazardous Materials
[Editor’s note: Maria will also be developing OER for this course. See her comments in that section of the article.]
I’m looking forward to getting my class to the students that can’t get into the classroom because of their other commitments in life. The challenge
is building a course that engages 28
Dept. of Culinary Arts
students that are all in different places
Online Food and Beverage Cost Control
at different times and finding a way to duplicate the meaningful discus-
I am excited to be working on a TAC
sion and mutual learning atmosphere
grant to create an online version of
normally found in a classroom. Not
CFS 228 Food & Beverage Cost Control.
all students have schedules that allow
This course is primarily cost account-
them to get into a classroom. I look
ing for students interested in the food
forward to seeing that environment
service/hospitality field. I love the
develop as students get involved and
content in this course and have always
learn from each other as they learn
enjoyed teaching it in the classroom.
Dept. of Natural Science
from the course.
The challenge will be to create an active
Online The Body in Health and Disease
“classroom” through the online format.
I am looking forward to reaching a wider range of students with an online course . . . I plan to record ‘minilectures,’ post readings for discussion assignments, and to have quizzes/tests in the online format. —Chuck
” Wall,
I enjoy student stories and always en-
I teach a variety of biology classes, and
courage classroom participation.
I am broadly interested in nutrition, fitness, and human physiology. I am look-
I am excited to create a vibrant com-
ing forward to reaching a wider range
munity online as the college moves
of students with an online course. I am
to include this in the many online
also looking forward to extensive use of
options. In the past, I have had students
the discussion board features in Black-
from Johnson & Wales, Southern New
board as a way to get students engaged
Hampshire, Tufts, Boston University
with the material.
and many other colleges take part in the summer section. By offering an
My biggest challenge will be condens-
online option we can reach students
ing all of the course information into
from those colleges and beyond. I am
an online format that is watchable/
honored to have been selected to create
readable for the students. I plan to
this course and look forward to its
record “mini-lectures,” to post readings
September launch.
for discussion assignments, and to have quizzes/tests in the online format.
Dept. of Natural Science Online The Body in Health and Disease
Some of this I have already done with
Adjunct, Fire Protection and Safety
face-to-face classes, but some of this will be new to me so I look forward to learning how to do all of this in a completely online environment.
Online Fire Protection Systems and Equipment The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
QWICKLY ATTENDANCE TOOL Qwickly Attendance is a new tool in Blackboard Learn for attendance tracking and grading. It is available under the Course Tools in the course Control Panel. More information on Qwickly Attendance is available at https://www.goqwickly.com/attendance Qwickly Attendance allows faculty to: • Automatically create a graded column in Blackboard Learn to keep a running grade for attendance. • Manually enter student attendance or provide a PIN in class for students to login and record their own attendance. • Send an email to students when they
Qwickly by Andrea Milligan,
Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation
are marked as absent for the day to acknowledge that they were missed in class. • Export attendance data to a CSV file. Qwickly Attendance is available within a Blackboard Learn course site through the Control Panel > Course Tools. Students can view their attendance record via Tools on the course menu (this can be hidden from students on the Tools page). Faculty can also hide the Grade Center column from students in the Full Grade Center.
In January, we implemented a new tool, called Qwickly, into
our Blackboard Learn environment. There are two components to Qwickly. Qwickly Attendance allows faculty to easily record and track attendance with their Blackboard Learn course sites. And the Qwickly Multi-Course Tool allows faculty to quickly make their course sites within Blackboard Learn available from a single location.
The first time Qwickly Attendance is used within a Blackboard Learn course site, faculty will be prompted to set up the attendance settings. More information on setting up and using Qwickly Attendance is available on our resource guide at https://goo.gl/eGQAkB
QWICKLY MULTI-COURSE TOOL The Qwickly Multi-Course Tool is a Blackboard Learn add-on that allows faculty to manage several course tasks, all from one place at the same time. Through the Qwickly Multi-Course Tool, faculty can
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
One of the 24 mottos which Roger Babson had
make multiple course sites available or
carved into Dogtown boulders by Finnish quar-
unavailable, send the same email (with at-
rymen from Poetry of Places website created
tachments) to students in multiple cours-
with a TAC grant by Carl Carlsen, professor
es, and post the same announcement into
emeritus (photography by Kurt Eddy).
multiple course sites. PAGE 12
BLACKBOARD: QWICKLY (cont. from p. 12) The Qwickly module is available on the Blackboard Learn My Home page (by default, it is in the right column below the ThinkingStorm module). The following tools are available through the Qwickly module: • Course Availability Toggle course availability on or off.
by Andrea Milligan, Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation
• Post Announcement Post announcement to multiple courses. • Send Email
One of the 24 mottos which Roger
Send email to multiple courses.
Babson had carved into Dogtown
• Needs Grading
boulders by Finnish quarrymen from
Display the number of items submitted but not yet graded. The Course Availability feature in Qwickly allows instructors to toggle course availability on or off in one location for all courses. The task of hunting down this setting inside the course is simplified. It now takes just seconds to make all courses available.
Poetry of Places website created with a TAC grant by Carl Carlsen, professor emeritus (photography by Kurt Eddy).
In the past few years, we have seen an increase in the number of hybrid courses developed through the Technology Across the Curriculum (TAC) Program. In the spring 2017 semester, 27 hybrid course sections were offered as compared to 113 online course sections. Through the Technology Across the Curriculum
To set your course availability using Qwickly: 1. In the Qwickly module, click Course Availability to see a list
process, approximately 15 new hybrid course sections will be offered in fall 2017.
of courses. 2. Click the on/off button for each class (on is for available and off is
Here at North Shore Community College,
for unavailable).
The Open Learning Consortium (OLC)
hybrid courses have a section code of CT
defines a hybrid course as a course where
and receive a note stating that this course
list of courses. The My Home page
“online activity is mixed with classroom
“meets partially online and partially in
may need to be refreshed to see the
meetings, replacing a significant per-
the classroom with a reduced number of
changes. The easiest way to do that
centage, but not all required face-to-face
classroom meetings.”
is to click on My Home again.
instructional activities” (Source: https://
3. Click Course Availability to close the
onlinelearningconsortium.org/updatMore information about how to make
courses available, send email to multiple courses, or post announcements to multiple courses is available on our resource guide at https://goo.gl/hBx01I. If you have any questions about Qwickly Attendance or the Qwickly Multi-Course Tool, please contact the NSCC Blackboard Helpdesk at bbhelp@northshore.edu. The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
expectations as well as have time for an
All official hybrid courses (those
initial group project. Meetings 2 and 3
One of the important characteristics to
designated with the CT section code)
focus on complex group projects and
note about hybrid courses is that sched-
are designed and developed by faculty
presentations. During the final meeting,
uled face-to-face seat time is reduced so
through the TAC process in partner-
students present a final paper to the
that some in-class learning activities are
ship with instructional technology and
group. Student success rates are higher
replaced by online learning activities.
design team members from the Center
than strictly online classes.”
The scheduled face-to-face time can take
for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation
many forms. Typically, a face-to-face
(CTLI). Designing a hybrid course can
course that meets in the classroom once
often be more challenging than de-
a week for 2 hours 45 minutes will meet
signing an online course as thoughtful
“I was happy to find that the hybrid por-
in the classroom once a week for 1 hour
consideration needs to be given to what
tion of the course led to greater student
15 minutes as a hybrid; a face-to-face
types of activities are best delivered in
involvement. Students who usually ‘sit
course that meets in the classroom twice
the face-to-face classroom as well as in
back’ in class are required to complete
a week for 1 hour 15 minutes will meet
the online environment, and then these
reflections and discussion boards about
in the classroom once a week for 1 hour
face-to-face and online learning activi-
the online content assigned. This was
15 minutes as a hybrid; and a face-to-
ties are blended together into a learning
also reflected in students coming to face-
face course that meets in the classroom
environment that offers the “best of
to-face classes better prepared and over-
three times a week for 50 minutes will
both worlds.” It is extremely important
all class grades improved. Hybrid courses
meet in the classroom twice a week for
to ensure that the online activities are
utilizing audio, video, PowerPoints, and
50 minutes as a hybrid. At NSCC, we also
developed to complement, enhance, and
written activities during online learning
have hybrid courses that meet in the
extend the in-class activities and are not
when combined with hands -on class-
classroom three or four times through-
just added-on. Many faculty who design
room activities are an excellent way to
out the semester with the remaining
hybrid courses will incorporate flipped
address multiple learning styles.”
time spent online. Without scheduled
learning strategies where students spend
face-to-face seat time reduction, the
time in class actively engaging with
course would just be a face-to-face
each other and applying what they have
course with online learning activities
HYBRID COURSES (cont. from p. 13)
— Dianne McDermott Cerasuolo Business Department
— Anne Jerome OTA Program
(sometimes called a technology-enhanced or web-enhanced course).
BENEFITS OF HYBRID COURSES There are many benefits to hybrid courses for both faculty and students including:
• Flexibility and convenience in course scheduling
I was happy to find that the hybrid portion of the course led to greater student involvement. Students who usually ‘sit back’ in class are required to complete reflections and discussion boards about the online content assigned.
— Anne Jerome, OTA Program
• Reduced commuting costs due to
• Transition from face-to-face to
• In-person interactions with faculty
• Inclusion of instructional opportu-
“My hybrid courses are structured to
in class sessions, I focus on the proce-
nities that do not lend themselves
be an on-ramp for students to subse-
dure aspects of the accounting we are
to online
quently be more successful in online
covering in any particular chapter. I
courses. Face-to-face meetings are once
provide some background for why these
per month for 2.5 hours. Having that
procedural accounting functions happen
• Active learning opportunities for
much time in the first class means I can
and go through the accounting with
students within the classroom
get everyone up to speed on the course
the student. I present the procedure,
less class meeting times online courses
“I teach Financial Accounting in the
What is it like to teach a hybrid course?
hybrid format, and it is structured to
Four faculty who are currently teaching
meet in class on Monday and Wednes-
hybrid courses share their perspectives.
day for 50 minutes and then what I call
and other students
the ‘Friday Online Day.’ During the
• Integration of online learning activities
The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017
HYBRID COURSES (cont. from p. 14)
It is extremely important to ensure that the online activities are developed to complement, enhance, and extend the inclass activities and are not just added-on.
Viking Ship, Norway from TAC photography project by Jean Hodgin, Professor Emerita.
do examples with the students, then have the students repeat the procedures with a separate problem on their own. During the online class day, I have the students focus on the conceptual and analytical topics in the chapter. Students will review interactive presentations and then complete exercises. Friday online days are graded so students must complete the work. Otherwise their grade is impacted.”
— J ohn Bosco Business Department
“An engaging e-learning course requires careful planning and implementation on the part of the instructor. The assign-
Contributors: Eugene Zhorov, adjunct faculty in Natural Sciences,
and Laura Rubin, Dean of STEM and Education
Eugene Zhorov and Natacha Miller, adjunct instructors in
the Natural Sciences Department, are working with Laura Rubin,
ments and activities should be engross-
Dean of STEM and Education, to develop a technology project
ing in order to attract and encourage
funded by the Department of Labor TAACCCT IV grant. We invit-
students to remain actively involved. Students need to know that their contin-
ed them to submit information about their project, and Eugene
ued participation is the key to having a
sent the following:
successful e-learning experience.”
— I rene Fernandez Cultural Arts Department
I am joining NSCC in preparation for
for professionals trying to advance their
teaching new courses in a new certifi-
careers. I see great potential in targeting
cation program entitled Quality Assur-
such a broad population and preparing
ance and Control for the Biotechnology
professionals to make safe medicinal
Industry. After over twenty years in the
Please feel free to contact Andrea Milli-
pharmaceutical industry, I am looking
gan at amilliga@northshore.edu to con-
forward to sharing my perspective and
I am looking forward to the roll-out of
tinue the conversation around hybrid
experience with NSCC students.
this QA/QC certification program in the
Fall of 2017 and hope to see it grow to the This is a technology reach field, and I
graduate level! I believe that it will be a
expect that the QA/QC program will be
great addition to the NSCC STEM portfolio.
attractive to students looking for the opportunity to learn about the field and The EDGE: 26th edition
Spring 2017