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SCENARIO: Stafford Castle is an important local landmark that serves a number of purposes in the local

community. As well as the historic and cultural significance, it attracts nature lovers and host events such as outdoor theatre and music festivals for young and old alike. Currently the information for Stafford Castle exists on a fairly uninspiring council web page that doesn’t capture the spirit of the venue. This provides us with an opportunity. We want you to create an app/website/interface that showcases Stafford Castle and encourages tourism and investment. You will need to begin by researching the functions and potential of the site before identifying potential target markets and an appropriate direction for the brand. At this level we expect to see thorough documentation of each stage of the design process and consideration for usability as well as aesthetics.



Before any design work is undertaken, you need to lay some foundations with some valuable research. The research can be broken down into two broad sections: Inspiration and Information. Information: • You will need to know about the history of Stafford Castle and gather information about the different purposes it now fulfils. • Once you understand the activities and events that occur at Stafford Castle, you can gather information about the different kinds of people who use it (Target Audience/Market). You will ultimately need to make a decision about the kind of people you want to appeal to when you produce your interface Inspiration: • Investigate similar attractions/venues that have a much more developed online presence and analyse/evaluate their interfaces to help you observe good practice so that that you can develop your own strategy. •

Look more broadly beyond attractions to apps and interfaces that are generally considered very good. What makes them very good? Again, more evaluation is required to achieve high grades and gain a deeper understanding.

This task provides evidence for: P1 P2 P3 M1 D1 Evidence to be submitted: • Digital journal/sketchbook containing documented research


Now armed with lots of information you should formulate a strategy and work on two aspects of the design: aesthetics and UX. Begin by working quickly and potentially on paper. This isn’t initially about producing artwork, but about exploring the potential and possibilities of the brief. I expect to see strong links to your target audience and thoughts about functionality here. UX: • What content do you want to include on your interface? What do you want people to be able to do with your interface? How will people navigate your site? You will need to create a wireframe of your site/app that demonstrates how it will work. This will also provide you with a list of content that needs to be produced. Aesthetics • What will it look like? Here you are expected to investigate fonts, colours, layout and style. Using your knowledge of visual communication should help you to choose appropriate methods and techniques. This task provides evidence for: P3 P4 P5 M2 D1 D2 Evidence to be submitted: • Digital journal/sketchbook containing scanned ideas sheets, wireframes and written justification


You will begin this stage by selecting one approach. This approach must be fully justified by relating your decisions back to the functionality and intended use by your target audience. It is suggested that you present at least two visuals to your target audience for testing to help you reach an appropriate conclusion. Once complete you can start to create screen mockups in Adobe Photoshop setting your document to an appropriate resolution and using grids and guides as you have been taught previously. As well as producing the visuals you will also be taught how to use ‘Invision’ and CMS to create a working, interactive interface. Invision is an industry standard online piece of software that allows designers to create interfaces that can be tested and trialled before heavy investment is put into coding and web development. This task provides evidence for: P5 P6 M3 D2 Evidence to be submitted: • Digital journal/sketchbook containing 2x visual concepts, screen shots of interface development from Photoshop and Invision along with written justifications.


With a functioning mock-up of you interface, you will run tests to gather evidence of usability. It is vital that you evidence the feedback you receive on your interface. You can use Invision to leave feedback comments on the project itself and you can also text a link to your project so you can get impartial people (preferably your target market) to give you feedback as well. I would expect to see the considered design of questions to show that you are asking valid questions that provide you with specific answers that could have actionable outcomes. If you want to earn high grades this should occur regularly to inform direction and decision-making. This task provides evidence for: P7 P8 M4 D2 Evidence to be submitted: • Digital journal/sketchbook containing planning of questionnaires, responses/feedback received, evaluation of data acquired.


Gathering feedback and opinions is excellent practice, but also a waste of time if you don’t analyse the information and act upon it. It is therefore equally vital that you evidence the changes you have made as a result of feedback that you receive. This task provides evidence for: P5 P6 M3 D2 Evidence to be submitted: • Digital journal/sketchbook containing screen shots of refinement to interfaces directly influenced by results of testing


Once all testing and designing is complete, you must present your design work in a creative manner along with an evaluation. There is an example of UI (user interface) presentation on the 2nd page of this brief to help you, but I’d encourage you to research and find some others so that your work looks unique. The evaluation can be in the form of a vlog or written, I’ll leave it up to you to choose a method that suits you. This task provides evidence for: P5 P6 M3 D2 Evidence to be submitted: 1. Portfolio presentation sheet containing final designs. 2. Link to working interface. 3. Evaluation (vlog/written)


27/01/2019 17/01/2020

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