June 27 2012
Come in from theCold
10,605 Copies DELIVERED FREE throughout the Kaipara
All eyes on the sky by Kim Munro
Free-falling from 12,000 feet to a parachute descent over Baylys Beach at sunset will highlight a weekend of sky-diving thrills for Kaipara
Rotary disperses funds
Rotary Club has been distributing funds to a wide range of community activities and charities …
Kaipara backdrop for WRC showdown Drivers from some of the top rally sports teams on earth were full of praise for the region …
A colonial gem with hidden secrets
The grand old Maungaturoto hotel has been through many changes during its journey through history …
If you’ve ever wanted to make a parachute jump in your home town now is your chance. The Kauri Coast Skydiving Carnival will run from Friday, August 10 to Sunday, August 12, organised by Northland-based Skydive Ballistic Blondes in conjunction with the Otamatea Aero Club. “The carnival will be a three-day extravaganza of adrenaline, action and fun,” says Skydive Ballistic Blondes managing director, Kelly Cullen. “The weekend is shaping up to be fun for everyone from first-time tandem jumpers to those happy to sit back and watch the visual spectacle of free-falling demonstrations and enjoy a great family day out.” There will be charity giveaways including two tandem jumps and a scenic flight from the Otamatea Aero Club at Ruawai airfield. “Some of the best sport-jumpers and canopy flyers in New Zealand will be at the carnival, including Rob Pine, tandem master, who has done over 16,000 jumps,” says Kelly. “There will be other jumpers coming from all over including two from Perth who are dead keen to jump on the Kauri Coast and see the Kaipara.” The carnival kicks off Friday afternoon with a skydiving display at Selwyn Park in Dargaville, featuring canopy pilots from around the country who fly small, high-performance parachutes low to the ground at speeds of up to 90 miles per hour. On Friday evening there will be a launch party in Dargaville along with the opportunity to meet the professionals. “Also at the carnival will be tandem master and canopy pilot, Kieran Baldwin, who is looking to compete in the Canopy Pilot championships in Dubai at the end of the year.” Saturday will be an all-day event at the Ruawai airfield with tandem jumps, ‘sporties’ free-falling displays as well as live music, food and entertainment for the whole family followed in the evening by beach drops over Baylys Beach at sunset. “The beach drops are spectacular. We are the only skydiving operation in New Zealand licenced to land on the beach. I have done a jump on the beach at sunset and it was a real spine-tingling experience.”
The carnival continues on Sunday at the Ruawai airfield with tandem skydiving and the grand finale will be the charity skydive raffle draw and presentation of the fundraising cheques to the three local high schools, Dargaville High School, Ruawai College and Otamatea High. The Otamatea Aero Club, which operates from the Ruawai airfield, has welcomed the opportunity to be involved in the event. “The club has a relatively small membership so we are always happy for a bit of activity that generates interest in our club,” says member James Foster. For the thrill seekers who want to experience free-falling from 12,000 feet there will be tandem skydives on offer including a spectacular drop over Baylys Beach at sunset. The Kaipara Lifestyler will be running a competition for a free tandem jump prize on Sunday in support of Circus Kumarani. Tickets for the event are available from the Kaipara Lifestyler Phone 09 439 6933, Otamatea Aero Club Ph 09 439 2346, Ellecee Café Ph 09 439 2992 and Skydive Ballistic Blondes, Kelly Cullen, Phone 0800 695867 or email
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June 27 - 2012
Caring caller recognised
The Kaipara Lifestyler is published with pride by NorthSouth Multi Media Ltd, a privately owned Kaipara company. Phone: 09 439 6933 or 0800 466 793 • Fax: 09 439 6930 Email: • Postal Address: PO Box 474, Dargaville Physical Address: Lifestyler House, 107 River Road, Dargaville Kaipara Lifestyler Editor at large: Paul Campbell 09 439 6933 General Manager: Deb Wright 021 639 696 Editorial: Graphic Design: Kim Munro David Stevens Brian Eastwood Gavin Bainbridge Jewelie Sterling Emily Stevens Jan Balcombe Accounts: Lesley Robinson
Advertising: Andy Bryenton Lisa Moffat Kylie Baucke
Production: Jenny Crundwell
Circulation: Laurie Willetts
Photographer: Caryl Smith 021 110 5627 Read The Lifestyler online — Opinions expressed in this publication, by advertisers or contributors, are not necessarily those of NorthSouth Multi Media Ltd.
Kaipara Lifestyler distribution details 10,600 copies printed weekly and distributed on Wednesdays to every residential and rural home throughout the district including Dargaville, Ruawai, Paparoa, Matakohe, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Mangawhai and Wellsford. Tangiteroria RD1, Dargaville RD1, RD2, RD3, RD4, RD6, RD7, RD9, RD10, Te Kopuru RD1, Ruawai RD1, RD2, Paparoa RD1, Maungaturoto RD1, RD4, Matakohe RD1, Kaiwaka RD, Mangawhai, Wellsford residential, and Wellsford RD2, RD3, RD4, RD5, RD6, RD7.
St John volunteer Frank Champness was recently honoured with a nine-year service medal at a presentation at the Dargaville Ambulance Station. Frank and his late wife Betty were the first husband and wife caring caller team Living alone or being house-bound often means people miss out on daily human contact, someone to chat to, laugh with and share news with. The service is free and provides the opportunity for friendship and regular contact over the telephone. The volunteer will phone to have a chat and at the same time check that all is well and a reminder to take medication if needed. Frank has had the same client
since he started in Dargaville, almost seven years ago. “You get to know the person well over a long period of time,” says Mr Champness. He has also at times taken on extra clients when there has been a shortage of callers. “I have slowed up a bit lately so I don’t do quite as much but if the need is there I will always step up to help.”
Taniwha Shield 2012 update
Otamatea-Rodney Taniwha Primary School Team 2012 with Fonterra sponsored beanies and backpacks
The Otamatea-Rodney squad, of 22 boys have been hard out training. Northland Rugby’s Brad Tehaara attended the team training and says he was “impressed with the attitude, skill, and level of understanding of the laws of the game. The team has gelled together nicely.”
Frank Champness, receiving his service medal at a presentation in Dargaville
O Ho pe m n e
“We were very fortunate to play Silverdale J1, an open weight team on Sunday, June 17 at Silverdale Rugby Grounds. With each practice game the boy’s rugby skills are backed up with great communication on the field. They again proved to us their commitment, strength, team work, with another huge improvement from the previous weekend’s game at Kamo. We have been focusing on fitness this week and asking a bit more from our boys, with slice of team building mixed in,” said manager, Catherine Stewart. “Regular updates are on Facebook under Otamatea-Rodney. This gives the squad the opportunity to show off the teams achievements and promote our sponsors and it’s been created so the community, families and sponsors can follow the boy’s progress. On Sunday, June 24 another practice game in Ruawai will be played against, a mixed team from around the district and following the game a fundraising auction will be held for a picnic table built by the squad as a team building exercise. Fundraising is still continuing, with raffle tickets being sold around the Kaipara.
PRESS RELEASE: Huge thanks to our major sponsor Wilson Earthmoving — great to have you on board. Thank you to our sponsors: Kaipara Lifestyler, Doidges Tyres, Ruakaka and Wellsford, Paparoa Hotel, Jacques Four Square, Kaiwaka, Rob Dickens Carriers, Gas Maungaturoto, Maungaturoto Hotel, Ellecees Café, RD1 Ruawai, Kaipara Kumara, Kevin Reid Contracting, Mike Colthurst — Silver Fern Farms, Ruawai Four Square and Fonterra for providing backpacks and beanies for the team. Special thanks to Carters, Dargaville, Maungaturoto, Mangawhai and Warkworth for donating kitset picnic tables.
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Gold cup coming to town The iconic Melbourne Cup will be paraded in a colourful street festival in Dargaville on Friday, August 31 as part of the annual Emirates Melbourne Cup Tour. Taking off in July, the Cup will tour Australia before jumping over the ditch to New Zealand. The all-day event, hosted by the Dargaville Racing Club, will provide an opportunity to see the 18-carat trophy valued at AU$175,000. “This is a great opportunity for Dargaville to be promoted. We have been working on this for many months and are thrilled to be one of two racing clubs selected in New Zealand. All funds raised will be given back to the community,” says Dargaville Racing
Rotary disperses funds
Club secretary, Basil Smith. The tour will include a street festival with food, live music and performers, and a parade of the Cup as well as visits to local schools, hospitals and aged care homes. “We are still working out the finer details of the event but we aim to make it a fun community day, to get the whole town involved and to attract people from outlying areas to come over.” “The chance to get dressed up as jockeys, colouring competitions and cup-themed fashion parades are just some of the ideas for school activities.” For more information, contact Barry Smith 09 439 1000.
Information clinics in Mangawhai
A full house at the Mangawhai meeting briefing from auditor generals office
More than 500 people turned out last Sunday to a briefing on the AuditorGeneral’s role in inquiring into Kaipara District Council debt incurred over the Mangawhai wastewater EcoCare project. “There was standing room only, with some people unable to find room at the Senior Citizen’s Hall, said Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayer’s chair, Bruce Rogan. “The assistant Attorney-General, Legal, Nicola White, briefed the gathering on her inquiry. Clinics to gather local information will be held next month. In the meantime, there was a show of hands to show growing support to withhold rates from the Kaipara District Council, as well as the Northland Regional Council.”
Students from Tinopai School were delighted to receive Dictionaries for Schools
Maungaturoto and Districts Rotary Club has been disbursing funds to a wide range of community activities and charities, with more than $11,000 being distributed to causes from the Christchurch earthquake appeal to supplying books for schools. Among those on the receiving end were these youngsters at Tinopai School. The club is meanwhile calling for applicants for its annual Presidents Scholarship of $1,000. “The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate the likelihood of achievement in a chosen course
of study and to have had involvement in leadership within a school or wider community,” said co-president, Bet Nelley. “For a small club we punch above our weight when it comes to giving to our community. We had a Rotary presence, organised by Vern Dark from Maungaturoto, in the recent car rally through the Kaipara. In fact we serve the areas of Mangawhai, Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto, Paparoa and Matakohe.”
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June 27 - 2012
This is a series of regular articles keeping you informed of happenings on our harbour today, and from bygone days — truly the ‘Jewel of the Kaipara’.
When things happen on the water by Paul Campbell
“It can happen in a moment. A wave over the bow, then one over the stern, and she’s all over.” Bobby and Caryl Smith have a weekend property at Tinopai, and are stalwart community supporters, with Bobby crewing aboard the North Kaipara Coastguard cutter out of Tinopai, the Wha Sang, skippered by Allan Crabbe. Saturday, June 16, was just another day in paradise as Bobby worked clearing vegetation, the Kaipara Harbour in the background like a millpond. “Then Caryl got the call from the coastguard, so it was drop everything and get across to Allan’s place and
get the Wha Sang in the water,” said Bobby. “Apparently the 14-foot boat in trouble was spotted from the wharf and those people rang the fire party who called us in turn. At the beach we were joined on board by Peter Hardstaff.” Wha Sang is well equipped for coastguard emergencies with two inflatable life rafts, as well as comprehensive first aid equipment, a defibrillator, and fire-fighting equipment.
I S C U SHOWCAS M Y R T N U E CO hosted by
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Rescue debriefing: Allan Crabbe and Bobby Smith review the drama
“In this case it was a matter of water everywhere,” quipped Bobby. “When we neared the boat in trouble it was upside down with the two occupants sitting on the hull. We learned later that a wave had come over the bow, then another over the stern, and that was it. What had been a perfectly calm sea suddenly changed with the tide as a wind came up. Caryl reckoned it had gone from flat calm to rough as guts in 10 minutes.” Allan and Bobby surmised that the upturned boat was drifting, so they aligned Wha Sang to edge in with the tide-flow to make a rescue pickup. “But we found that the anchor had fallen out of the upturned boat and it caught and stopped it. We came in on a swell and we were suddenly holed.
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At first we didn’t know we were taking water, until the motor stopped. After that we switched in the bilge pump which coped with the seawater, but we couldn’t restart the engine.” With matters taking a turn for the worse, help arrived in the form of local, Peter Hawkes, skippering Happy Hours, who took the two disabled craft under tow. “That was a big ask for one boat, but then Pahi’s Barry Mocket, at the helm of Kahala, came up harbour and took over Wha Sang’s tow, leaving Peter to bring in the capsized craft. We came into the beach as by this time it was too rough at the ramp. The boats were quickly out and on their trailers.” Caryl was waiting ashore with dry clothes and hot food. “The rescued guys were a bit hypothermic after the time in the water, so it was hot food and dry clothes. Even Bobby was chilled after being in water to his waist, with the wind chill factor.” The damage to Wha Sang is expected to keep it out of action for a little while. “However, we have other craft ready and my own boat will be on standby meantime,” said Bobby. “It all worked out in the end — but it shows how things can change really fast out on the water. Help from Barry and Peter saved the day. I guess it’s about everyone on the water being prepared, and able to help when things just happen.”
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Publican back on deck Kaipara backdrop for WRC showdown The new owner of the Wellsford Inn, Pete Gardner, has taken over the reins which means that for the first time in years the hotel will have an on-site publican The Wellsford Inn is the definitive Kiwi local serving the folks of Wellsford for over 40 years as a place for friends to meet, a venue for parties and a place for sports clubs to meet after the game, along with a good hearty meal. Pete believes that a good local should be at the core of a community. “Great service is at the heart of hospitality. The Inn is a focal point for many events and it is up to management to provide the people with what they need,” says Pete. Gardner has a vast experience in hospitality having managed hotels from Gisborne to Morrinsville, and more recently in Whangarei where he ran two hotels consecutively. “We are setting up a loyalty club, providing safe away trips with the courtesy van, supporting the local rugby team as well as bringing in a new karaoke machine and pool tables.” The accommodation will receive a face-lift, all thirteen rooms will be refurbished and most of the rooms will have ensuites. “I was keen to stay in the north as I believe it has a great hospitality industry and I see a lot of potential for the Inn.”
For one day of gravel-crunching, exhaust-flaming racing, the world was watching the Kaipara and drivers from some of the top rally sports teams on earth were full of praise for the region “These are absolutely my favourite roads in the world,” said American driver Ken Block, racing for Monster Energy. “This has been the most enjoyable day of my rallying career despite one little spin. I hope conditions stay dry for tomorrow so we can continue to enjoy these roads.” The co-founder of streetwear label DC wasn’t alone in appreciating the winding roads around Batley, Maungaturoto and Waipu gorge. Top-of-the table Citroen team mates, Sebastien Loeb and Mikko Hirvonen, slugged it out stage for stage throughout the day, with Loeb increasing his lead in steady increments from Special Stage 12 onwards. Their intense rivalry left third-placed Ford driver Petter Solberg over a minute and twenty seconds behind — a gap which was never to close. Sebastien Loeb built on his meticulous driving on Saturday to claim his third New Zealand rally crown, gaining valuable points for the ongoing World Rally leaderboard.
Perhaps the biggest winners, though, were the dedicated motorsport fans of the Kaipara, who turned out to witness world-class rally action right on their doorstep. And with the stars of the WRC acclaiming the Kaipara leg of the event as difficult, technical, exciting and fun, it’s a safe bet that this global sports event will be back again in years to come.
PUBLIC NOTICE - TREE REGULATIONS Trees close to power lines can be dangerous. Falling branches can break lines, causing fire and the risk of electrocution. A person who touches a tree which is in contact with a power line can suffer an electric shock. In high winds trees can damage power lines and equipment, causing power failures and danger to the public. The Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 (Tree Regulations 2003) were introduced to ensure that trees are kept away from power lines to protect the security of the electricity supply and for everyone’s safety. The risk of property damage (eg from fire) is also reduced. Under the Regulations, trees must be kept clear of power lines as shown here: The Growth Limit Zone is the minimum space surrounding any power line that must be kept clear of trees and other vegetation. The size of this zone depends on the voltage of the power lines. The following table shows the clearances needed for the power lines that have a span of up to 150 metres.
GROWTH LIMIT ZONE Distance in any direction from any point on the lines or equipment (d)
The tree in this illustration will need to be cut or trimmed because it encroaches the Growth Limit Zone
Greater clearances than shown above are needed for lines with spans longer than 150 metres.
The Notice Zone extends one metre beyond the Growth Limit Zone.The Tree Regulations 2003 require that trees encroaching the Growth Limit Zone must be cut or trimmed to (at least) the outside edge of the Notice Zone.
Liability and Offences Northpower and Tree Owners must comply with these Tree Regulations 2003 or face penalties. Northpower is required under the Tree Regulations 2003 to advise tree owners of their obligations and the penalties for NOT meeting their obligations, i.e. 1. Tree owners who receive a Cut or Trim Notice are required to ensure that the tree(s) is cut or trimmed to outside of the notice zone in the time required by the notice. 2. Tree owners must also ensure that they advise Northpower of the time and location of this work at least three (3) working days prior to work being undertaken. Penalties Apply Tree owners who fail to comply with these requirements could be fined up to $10,000 plus up to $500 a day for a continuing offence. In addition, tree owners could also be liable for costs if Northpower lines or equipment are damaged by their tree(s). Tree Work to be done by Competent AuthorisedTree Workers Because cutting and trimming trees around power lines is dangerous and potentially lethal, only electrically competent tree workers authorised by Northpower may do this work near Northpower Network Lines. Unauthorised workers – including tree and property owners together with any equipment they may be using – are not permitted to come within four metres of any live power lines nor to cut or trim any tree which has any growth within four metres of live power lines, without written consent (from Northpower for Northpower Lines). Tree Surveys Northpower regularly inspects their network lines as required by the regulations and notifies tree owners of any identified tree problems. In all cases it is the tree owner who decides the future of their tree(s) i.e. if the tree(s) is trimmed or removed. In some situations this tree work is done by Northpower at their expense. Call Northpower (09) 430 1803 for more information regarding any charges for tree clearance work. More Information This notice provides you with the information as required by the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003. More detailed information is available on our website or by calling 09 430 1803.
TICKETS FOR TANDEM SKYDIVE ON SALE AT: The Kaipara Lifestyler, 107 River Rd, Dargaville 09 439 6933 ElleCeé Café, Freyberg Road, Ruawai 09 439 2992 Otamatea Aero Club, Ruawai 09 439 2346
June 27 - 2012
Kaipara Band are Rocking On Sunday, June 10, 33 bands competed in the heats, of the Northland Smokefree Rockquest. Twelve groups successfully advanced to the Northland final One of the bands, Deadweight Empire is made up of students from two local schools. Tasman Salter who is the singer, songwriter and guitar, is a Year 13 student from Ruawai College. This is his fourth year competing in the Smokefree Rockquest. In 2010 his band made it to the final. Jake Williamson who plays bass, Jack Powell lead guitar and Ryan Bradley the drummer, are from Otamatea High School. This is their first Rockquest. The band has been together since mid 2011 and has had a couple of performances while working on original songs, fitting in with school and work commitments. Songs in the Rockquest must be original. In the heats, bands perform one song and in the finals they have seven minutes and may play two songs. This year’s Northland final is on Saturday, June 30, at Forum North, Whangarei, from 7.00pm. This night is fun and there are lots of giveaways. Cost is $15.00 per person; tickets are available from Ticketek or at the door. The 12 bands are from all
over Northland and are competing for great prizes and a chance to enter the National Final. Details and news about the band can be found at the Deadweight Empire or the Raupo School of Rock Facebook page. The Smokefree Rockquest website is full of information about the events at http://
Spruce up for town The Dargaville Business Forum held a recent workshop on town development in collaboration with Kaipara District Council Economic Development Also present at the workshop was Karen Remetis from the Town Centre Development Group. Ms Remetis has previously addressed the group on the importance of strategic planning. “Ms Remetis provided great ideas for getting the ball rolling. One of the short term goals set by the group was to initiate a mainstreet clean-up. We can’t do it alone, we really need the support of shop owners,” says Dargaville Business Forum chairwoman, Pat Milich. “We need to keep the township looking clean and tidy. At the end of the day it doesn’t cost much for a tin of paint,” adds Pat.
One of the initiatives that came out of the workshop was to appeal directly to property owners to have the shop facades repainted. “The town is looking tired and needs a paint. We have formulated a budget campaign to encourage landlords and tenants to maintain the buildings. A well looked after building is also more attractive to tenants and more saleable,” says economic development facilitator, Chris Donahoe. “We want to see Dargaville moving ahead but we really need the rest of the community to get behind us,” says Pat.
School Holiday Fun at Kiwi North 2nd to 16th July 2012
At the Kiwi House Kiwi, Ruru, Gecko, Insects and Native Fish are all waiting to meet you. The Samsung Experience Truck with the NZ Mobile Olympic Museum The mobile Olympic experience, interactive digital experiences, Olympic memorabilia 3rd to 8th July
Te Tau Hou Maori Matariki in the Museum An Exhibition Celebrating Maori New Year.
Have you got a “mystery” rock at home? Visit the Rock & Mineral Club to identify it, or maybe make a stone animal. Wednesday to Sunday both weeks. Ride the big train $2.50 & tractor $2.00 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday both weeks 10am to 2pm
Explore the Heritage Park and its historic buildings Family $35, Adults $15, Seniors $10, Child $5. Kiwi North is open every day 10am to 4pm. Gate 1, 500 SH14, Maunu, Whangarei 09 438 9630
Catch the Green bus to our gate, Route 6
A colonial gem with hidden secrets The grand old Maungaturoto hotel has been through many changes during its journey through over a century of history, but the most recent has to rank as one of the most exciting With new management at the helm the beautiful old building (brought here by barge as part of a high-stakes gamble between the brewery and the temperance league in 1902) is being restored piece by piece to its rightful place as the living heart of Maungaturoto. Evidence of this transformation abounds within, with the new lounge bar and restaurant now open for business. Amid the warm, friendly ambience of two blazing open fireplaces under their colonial mantels and the mellow hue of macrocarpa tabletops it’s easy to believe you’re back in a more simple time. A quick scan of the menu reveals flavours old and new, from succulent steaks to BBQ lamb, calamari to Cajun salmon. And The Maungaturoto hotel has a new menu, while the influences from foreign designed by new head chef Chris culinary traditions are new, the prices and the hearty sizes of the served on basil pesto penne and a helpings seem to come from the same plate of tender chunks of lamb bathed time as the historic photographs lining in tomato and yoghurt sauce. So large and filling were these dishes that the the walls. We tried the calamari, which was thought of dessert never surfaced! New chef Chris has an accomplished presented as a tangled skein of crispcoated, golden strands, lightly herbed resume, having worked for several and texturally perfect. The soup of the years as head chef at famed day was a chowder replete with fat seafood restaurant Swashbucklers. scallops, whole prawns, mussels on He’s also taught new chefs how to the shell and a decadent cream base. cook at an A-grade level, and now he It’s notable that these entrees were has brought his artistry north to the man-sized — or perhaps even main Maungaturoto Hotel — a welcome sized! The main course was even more addition to the region for lovers of impressive, with a chicken parmigiana fine food!
Film-makers workshop Experienced film maker and editor James Brackenbury recently addressed budding movie makers with an eye for competing in the Dargaville Short Film Competition at a free workshop held at the Lighthouse Church A former TVNZ editor with over 35 years’ experience, James gave advice on editing techniques, special effects and the use of background music as well as a critique of previous years’ film entries. The competition, which is an annual event, is for movies with a maximum length of eight minutes and comprises three categories, primary school, secondary school and open. Entries are judged on creativity, entertainment value and relevance to the Kaipara. There will be cash prizes as well as ‘Weta Collectibles’ books signed by Sir Richard Taylor. James has edited such iconic New Zealand shows as Country Calendar and more recently Sensing Murder, Our People Our Century and Location Location.
“It’s all in the planning down to every last shot. In Peter Jackson movies, they shoot a miniature of the big movie first with every shot, line and effect storyboarded beforehand.” “However, there is always a contingency plan because nothing ever turns out as planned, the weather turns bad or the actor breaks a leg.” James will act as film-making consultant giving free advice and mentoring to all the contestants. Contact Jacoba Ph 4393538.
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KAipArA’s OnLy regiOnAL newspAper — Kaipara Owned and Operated
10,600 Copies DeLiVereD Free throughout the Kaipara
15% OFF all advertising* for all SuperGold card holders * Discount applies off standard rate card.
Lisa Moffat
Andy Bryenton
Kylie Baucke
Call us! We can get your message out there
Phone: 09 439 6933 • 0800 466 793 • email:
‘We Deliver’ Creating jobs for Kaipara people
June 27 - 2012
Come in from theCold With the Widest range and the best value in Wood fires, gas fires and efficient heating, We are your number one choice for a
Warmer Winter
102 Jervois street, rD2 Dargaville, Po BoX 377 0800 326 123 09 439 6124
DRYSCAN Infrared Solutions
free flue kit With masport fires. hurry offer ends 29th June
WHAT YOU SEE WHAT WE SEE Dark patches indicate moisture from leaking butynol roof above
ACT NOW! Call Bryce 021 892 056
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Are your floors too cold for your paws this winter? If you’d prefer soft, warm carpet underfoot then send your humans to visit me at Dargaville Flooring Xtra! Your local home of
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Call 09 439 8868
Gas Fire? Gas Cooking? Gas Hot Water? Gas & Tyre SER V ICES
50 Normanby St, Dargaville
Are you enjoying a hassle free winter? Our clients are!
Delivering from Aranga to Brynderwyn and everywhere in-between* *Please ring for current delivery areas
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Come in from theCold SuStainable, energy efficient & non-toxic inSulation Supplied or in inStalled in your home or buSineSS
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Funding supported from EECA’s ENERGYWISETM Programme. Heat Pump Subsidies (conditions apply). New Homes & Renovations. Ceiling & Underfloor Specialists. Cost Effective. Free No-obligation quotes.
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Keep the heat where it belongs… INSIDE YOUR HOME
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Winter’s coming,
we have the spa deal for you Eco 4 person 10amp Plug-in
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Need a bit of real hospitality? Come to the
Wellsford Inn • Pokies Machines • Pool tables • TAB • Juke box • Karaoke • Sky TV • Raffles Hours: Mon 12pm till late, Tue-Sun 11am till late
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June 27 - 2012
PLAN YOUR BUILDING 2012 We are the natural choice
Rural Buildings Tailored to suit your requirements
• Solid timber construction to last the test of time • Country cottage, beach home or rustic getaway – at a fraction of the cost Call us today to talk about what we can do for you
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Photos & Designs on website 09 431 2638 021 487 055 KaiwaKa
ProPerty Maintenance & rePair • Kitchen/Bathroom Fit Outs • Decks (new or repairs) • Fences & Repairs • Wet Wall Lining • Flooring Repairs • Interior Exterior Wall Linings • Locks, Latches & Catches • Clothes Lines • Hedge Trimming • Weed Killing • Concreting • Tree Cut Down (up to 5m) • Water Blasting & Chem Washes• Rental Repairs • Rubbish Removal • Section Cleanups • Windows & Doors (new or old) • House Renovations • Letter Boxes • Plus Much More
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Open the door to your dream home! Keith Hay delivers a range of homes especially suited to the New Zealand environment and way of life. We are proud to be a New Zealand owned family business founded in 1938. With our experience, more than 22,000 satisfied customers and a five year personal guarantee, Keith Hay is still New Zealand’s most trusted home builder!
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Call or visit one of our friendly sales team now and see what we can do for you!
Builders of Quality Homes Renovations – Extensions – Decks and general carpentry – Subcontracting – Light Commercial
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Your local Certified Builders More than just licensed building practitioners, your local Certified Builders are guaranteed trade qualified professionals, offering comprehensive guarantees for your peace of mind. For a better build, call the association which stands by its members — Certified Builders
Grant Tregidga Builders Ltd
We provide service from pre planning to the finish
Members of CBANZ Gold and Platinum card status.
Your guarantee to a NZ trade qualified builder
• Farm Buildings • Decks, Fences • All scopes of alteration & additions • Right through to Architectural Homes
Licensed Building Practitioner Carpentry and Site 2
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Key Qualifications
With 30 years in the business, Darryl Tregidga Builders Ltd believes in what he does and is passionate about the building trade. The certified builder has two qualified staff and two third year apprentices adding up to a five man professional unit that works fast and very efficiently. The Certified Builders Association of New Zealand Inc was established in 1998 to recognise and promote qualified builders. Unless the builder is trade qualified they cannot become a member. “The principal objective of the association
registered builder
Making your ideas a reality Phone 021 854 167 A/H 09 439 4167
is to provide New Zealand consumers with the assurance that our members are trade qualified builders who adhere to strict guidelines for standards of workmanship and business practice, backed up by our first home owners Guarantee and Insurances to suit your build” says Darryl. “That is our company statement as well.” The fundamental aim of the association is to promote the skill of its members, establishing a clearly identifiable level of competence, consistency and excellence. The consumer benefits from the knowledge that association members are trade qualified.
“I cannot speak highly enough of the workmanship and quality of the work Nick and his team delivered on our renovation. We couldn’t have asked for a better job and a better team. Thanks guys.”
Home Grown Design & Build
Nick Smith 027 664 2799
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Only a trade qualified builder can offer superior craftsmanship and peace of mind
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June 27 - 2012
More power, more fuel economy with DAE innovation Ute sales at Field Days have been staggering this year, with a modern crop of hard-working machines like the Ford Ranger, Mitsubishi Triton and Toyota Hilux taking the concept of the ute to a whole new level. Comfort and versatility have been added to the tough, practical small truck, and a large part of this is the adoption of common-rail diesel technology. Now imagine that you could improve even further on this technological leap. One company has — the Italian diesel tuning specialists Impulso.
* GST off RRP for all STIHL powered equipment. Offer excludes all STIHL Cordless and HS 45 Hedgetrimmer models. See in-store for further details. Offer valid until 30 June 2012 or while stocks last.
09 431 8288
Impulso manufacture performance upgrade chips for common rail diesel vehicles — everything from cars and utes to tractors and trucks. Their patented technology means that by simply plugging in a small computer you can boost the fuel economy and the performance of your vehicle, saving money and offering more ready power to get the job done. Tried and tested results of up to 40% more power and 20% more fuel economy have been recorded with no other modifications but the Impulso unit.
“Fresh neW & used sToCK arriving daiLy” Cars
NEW Kuga TiTanium SUV AWD 2.5 Turbo Petrol, 19" alloy wheels, leather, dual zone a/c, keyless start, etc. – drive away with full tank of fuel .............................................................$49,990 NEW TerriTory TX, RWD, 4.0 Petrol, 6 speed auto, 7 seater – drive away with full tank of fuel ...........$44,990 11 FaLCon FG XT, painted edge, pre-registered, delivery kms only .........................................................................$36,990 11 mondeo 2.0 TD Zetec, auto, very low kms, driven by co-director ......................................................................$35,990 11 mondeo 2.0 TD Zetec, auto, 8,000km, painted morello red, safety plus economy....................................... $33,990 11 mondeo 2.3 auto liftback – only 21,700km, driven by Ford executive, huge savings .....................................$27,990 11 FiesTa AB35 manual, Mountune performance kit, 104kw of power, body kit, spoilers, leather trim, personalised number plate AB35YP (Only 35 built) ...................................................... $32,990 11 FiesTa 1.6TD manual, highlight silver, 20,000km, FREE RUC, mudflaps fitted, preregistered, delivery kms only ...................................................................................................$25,000 10 FaLCon FG XR6, painted ego, only 39,200km, tow bar, .....................................................................................$29,490 10 FaLCon FG XR6, 1 owner, 45,500km, painted nitro blue, excellent value ........................................................$28,990 10 FaLCon FG XR6, 1 owner, only 22,000km. Immaculate, towbar, monsoons etc ............................................$34,990 10 FoCus 2.0, auto, 1 owner, only 5,700km, immaculate, painted ocean blue .....................................................$29,990 09 FaLCon G6E, 1 city owner, only 17,000km, painted kashmir, rear spoiler, just like new ................................$36,990 09 FaLCon FG XR6, painted nitro blue, is great value, drives extremely well ...................................................... $22,490 08 TerriTory TX AWD, 6 speed auto, 79,000km, 7 seater, always popular .....................................................$28,990 07 TerriTory TX AWD, 2 owners, high kms but great order, tow bar, reverse camera etc .............................$20,990 07 FaLCon BF11 XT, 1 owner, only 25,000km, reverse camera, painted ego .........................................................$20,990 06 BF FALCON XR6, 2 owners, 141,000km, 6 speed auto, mercury silver ................................................................$15,990 05 FaLCon BAII XT, well above average condition, 127,000km, HD towbar .........................very Cheap aT $8,490 05 TerriTory TX AWD, 7 seater, tow bar, 137,000km, painted offshore blue ....................................................$19,990 05 mondeo 3.0ST, 6 speed manual. 155,000km, performance plus .....................................................................$14,990 03 FoCus 2.0 Zetec, manual, 94,000km, looks and drives great .............................................................................$11,990 02 nissan BLueBird 1.5, auto, only 52,500km, very tidy....................................................................................... $9,490 02 miTsuBishi 3.5P Ralliart sedan, auto, painted red, only 23,000km, immaculate. .......................................$11,990 02 FaLCon AU III XR6, 184,000km, looks great............................................................................................................. $7,990 99 Laser 1.8 GLXi, manual, 5 door hatch, 2 local owners, drives great ................................................................... $6,490 98 maZda CapeLLa 2.5 wagon, auto, alloy wheels, CD stacker, nice condition ..................................................$5,990
Light Commercials
08 miTsuBishi TriTon 3.2TD GLS, 4x4, auto, crew cab, canopy, tuff deck, nudge bar, 1 owner, 89,000km ...$29,990 07 maZda BT50 Cab-plus, 4WD Alloy, flatdeck, 2 owners (very hard to find) ....................................................$22,750 07 ranger XL 4WD Supercab, flatdeck, only 87,000km. Very hard to find.........................................................$30,990 05 maZda BounTy 2.5TD, 4x4, super cab, flat deck, tow bar, always very popular, nudge bar ....................$18,990 04 nissan navara 3.0TD Venturer, 4x4, crew cab, 1 owner .......................................................................due in soon 00 Courier 2.5 XL 4x2, crew cab, petrol, well above average..................................................................................$11,990
Ring us today. Finance subject to credit approval.
Dargaville Ford
54 Normanby Street DARGAVILLE P 09 439 7315 F 09 439 5961 Lindsay 09 439 7152 or 027 499 1516 Jonathan 09 439 5273 or 021 100 1048
Go Further
Previously the only accepted way to gain such a boost was by ‘remapping’ the vehicle’s computer. However this process is a once-only, non reversible fix — with sometimes negligible results. In contrast, the
More power for tractors, trucks, and utes from Impulso
Impulso unit has ten different settings which can be switched between for more power or greater economy, and when it’s disconnected it’s as if it was never there. Imagine gaining extra horsepower for your tractor to tackle those big jobs, or giving your truck the get up and go to climb hills in a higher gear. In fact, imagine what such a system could do for any of your diesel vehicles — especially if you’re putting in a lot of miles... or a lot of hectares! Huge gains in power and fuel efficiency really can come from the smart computer control of an Impulso unit, making your farm machinery, your tractor, or your truck that important fraction more economical to run. Any modern diesel engine can benefit from some smart tuning - see DAE for more information on this advancement.
“Is your vehIcle ready for WINTer?” call in for Wofs, repairs or have a service full or basic, brakes, air-con, and transmission flush. Try out the new team! We now stock KOBA batteries – best price, top quality!
Agents for
“Keeping your car humming”
Morfett Auto Services
Open Mon–Fri 8am–5pm • A/H 027 283 5051 Cnr Parore & Normanby St, Dargaville • Phone 09 439 6377
FILTERS & OIL • Oil, fuel and air filters • Hydraulic filters • Managed filter system for fleets • Kaipara’s largest range of filters & oil • Fleet discounts $ • Agip oil
95.00 +GST #58040807
Exclusive stockists of IMPULSO performance tuning chips for diesel engines
Offer ends 30/6/2012 or while stocks last
Phone 0800 323 727 • 09 439 3089 26-30 Normanby Street, Dargaville •
Rex Preston
Dave Phillips Dave Phillips, well known Awakino Point dairy and kumara farmer and former long serving president of Northland Field Days, has died. Dave took on the Field Days job in 1994 after the retirement of first president Roger Gillatt. “Dave was the Dargaville Racing Club’s liaison officer with the Field Days” remembers Roger. “But when he saw what we were doing he decided to help out. We had realised that our Jaycees group needed more people and he was one of the first to join us.” He went on to serve for a remarkable seventeen years as president. He retired from the presidency last year saying that “it was time to step aside and let someone else have a go”. Dave oversaw many changes during his years of service, with the biggest probably being the shift in 2008 from North Road to their new headquarters in Awakino Point East Road. “You could not get a nicer, more pleasant fellow “ says Roger. “Dave was a quiet man. I would call him a quiet
achiever who got things done. It was good to have him working along side you when there were problems to solve.” Dave Phillips was 64 years of age.
Rex Neil Preston, known affectionately as Pa, passed away on June 8 aged 85 at Dargaville Hospital. Born 14 January 1927 in a little hospital in Ruawai, Rex was a farming, community and family man. The second son of William and Lucy Preston, William having arrived in Ruawai in 1919 on crutches from World War I service. Rex was a pioneer of large herd farming, building his farm up to the second highest producing farm in Northland in the 1970s. A great believer in the potential of the Ruawai flats through drainage, he served on the Raupo Drainage Board for 40 years and the New Zealand Executive of the Drainage Board. He established the first dairy farm discussion group in Ruawai in the early 1970s and was on the Northern Wairoa experimental farm committee for many years. He was also chairman of the Ruawai Bobby Calf Pool. Rex was an active member of the National Party and chaired the party’s Ruawai branch as well as an executive of the Northland Electorate.
A particular highlight of Rex’s time as chairman was in 1983 when Dr Lockwood Smith, now Speaker of the House, approached Rex about contesting the Kaipara electorate which had been vacated by the late Peter Wilkinson. Rex became Lockwood’s campaign manager and they formed a formidable team campaigning hard for many months. With no previous National Party experience, he was elected ahead of Winston Peters and others with 75 collective years of National Party experience behind them. To this day Lockwood is adamant that he would not have had a political career without Rex. The Masonic Lodge was also a large part of Rex’s life. He was master of the Ruawai lodge three times and became a member of the Dargaville Pono lodge when the Ruawai branch closed. Although passionate about his farming and community, Rex’s greatest love was his family. He is survived by his wife Colleen, children Erin, Lyall, Garth and Cherie, 13 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.
Kaipara Service Directory
CHICKEN FERTILISER & LIME A natural, cost effective all year round N.P.K fertiliser for pasture, maize crops, market gardens & small blocks. We supply, cart & spread. Also: • Lime • Wood shavings • Metal • Sand
Phone: 021 724 327 (Neil) or 021 270 6828 (Bruce)
Office: 09 299 64 86
Pick Up & Delivery Service Available Conditions apply
LocaL D e a Le r s f o r :
Comber & Seymour ltd
Normanby St, Dargaville Craftsmen, Plumbers, Drainlayers Sheetmetal, AND Roofing Contractors
Phone 09 439 7270 We Service The Kaipara District
Floor Sanding Greg Brownie
Locally owned and operated • Floor restoration • New floors sanded and coated
• Prepwork • Concrete grinding
Quality workmanship guaranteed 3 Parore St, Dargaville • Ph 09 439 8881 Colin and Janice Clement
Standard Clean To Full Valet
Phone 027 439 7565 or 439 7564
relax revise renew web:
phone: 09
439 6880
8 Portland Street Dargaville
Specialists in Skin Health Skin Rejuvenation Permanent Hair Reduction Anti-aging Treatments All aspects of beauty therapy
The team at Hammonds provide the highest quality legal service and advice in all areas of law and business
Phone us, we’re here to help
PHONE 09 439 7099
Hokianga Rd, Dargaville • Email
Kaipara Flooring Company • Carpet & vinyl • Residential & commercial • Floor preparation • Top quality installations • Measure & quote • Mobile service
Ph: 021 540 224 or 09 439 8723
Lyn’s Creations Cakes for all occasions no job too big or too small Phone Lyn
09 439 0751
Phone 09 946 9886 | Mobile 021 515 415 32 Hurndall Street, Maungaturoto
The local law firm committed to you and your community
Phone / Fax: 09 439 7172 E:
• Audio Visual • Domestic Wiring • Lighting Shop • Security / CCTV Systems • Heat Pumps • Refrigeration • Repairs & Maintenance • Cowshed Electrical Systems • Air Conditioning / Ventilation
WindoW & door ServiceS WINDOW & DOOR SERVICES
Supply, InStallatIon tallat on & Serv ServIcIng ng
Glass Replacement - Insurance • Catdoors • Security Doors & Grills • Insect Doors & Windows • Interior Sliding / Wardrobe Doors • Locks, Stays Catches • Replacement Windows & Doors
WINDOW & DOOR 32 gladstone ladstone St, Dargaville SERVICES Mob 027 275 0918, ph/Fax h/Fax 09 439 6458
June 27 - 2012
Gold Card Directory BAYLYS BEACH
Horacane Roofing Ltd
Window & Door Services Ltd
Kim’s Hair at Baylys
500 Aranga Station Road, RD9..... 021 0828 5868
32 Gladstone Street ........................ 09 439 6458
4 Ocean View Terrace ...................... 09 439 6759
Jo’s Home Cookery
138 Victoria Street .......................... 09 439 5435
A Natural Approach
Kaipara Lifestyler
154 Hurndall Street......................... 09 431 9199
32 Victoria Street ............................ 09 439 0646
107 River Road ............................... 09 439 6933
Kaipara Flooring
AD Focus
Lyndsey Bargh Physiotherapy
32 Hurndall Street........................... 09 946 9886
Cnr Totara Street ............................. 09 439 8824
18 Huia Crescent ............................ 09 439 1656
Maungaturoto Butchery
Ahlayz Restaurant & Fresh Fish
McCoy & Thomas Sports Hunting & Fishing NZ
158 Hurndall Street......................... 09 431 8061
95 Victoria Street ............................ 09 439 8212
92 Victoria Street ............................ 09 439 8520
ATS Property Maintenance
McKay’s 100% Electrical
Carters Mangawhai
23 Awakino Road ............................ 09 439 8628
87 Victoria Street ............................ 09 439 8305
Moir Street ..................................... 09 431 4060
B R Vincent Ltd
Newman Engineering (2004) Ltd
52 Beach Road ............................... 09 439 6395
14-16 Beach Road .......................... 09 439 5065
Bogue Real Estate
BNZ Bank
NZ Ventures Ltd T/A Computer Worx
14 Queen Street ............................. 09 425 7959
69 Victoria Street ............................ 09 439 3171
122 Victoria Street .......................... 021 413 565
Davison Electrical Contractors
Parkview Motel 36 Carrington Street ........................ 09 439 8339
New Dimensions Hair Studio
15 Hokianga Road........................... 09 439 7184
Dargaville Sewing & Curtain Centre
Randall Architecture Ltd
59 Normanby Street ........................ 09 439 8540
25 Clyde Street ............................... 09 439 0099
Elfhood Naturals (Thyme For You)
Roy’s V8 Shop
Teens & Tweens
138 Victoria Street .......................... 09 439 5697
9 Liverpool Street............................ 09 439 5813
173 Rodney Street .......................... 09 423 8569
Health Options
Ray White Jean Johnson Realty
Wright Design
116 Victoria Street .......................... 09 439 4379
6 Pouto Street ................................ 09 439 7575
72 Spindler Road ............................ 09 423 8092
161 Rodney Street .......................... 09 423 8096
Peppers Café 171 Rodney Street .......................... 09 423 7549
Kaipara Lifestyler Classifieds
Phone 09 439 6933
Closing date for classified advertising for the 4 July 2012 edition is 10am, Monday 2 July 2012. See our terms and conditions online at For Sale
For Sale
½ PRICE Beds — Beds & More Outlet Store, Ruawai. Clearance lines, seconds, deleted models. Dozens of beds at ½ price or less. 22 Freyberg Road, Ruawai. Phone 09 439 2243. Open Monday — Friday 8am — 4pm. ½ PRICE Beds — Beds & More Outlet Store, Ruawai. Clearance lines, seconds, deleted models. Dozens of beds at ½ price or less. 22 Freyberg Road, Ruawai. Phone 09 439 2243. Open Monday — Friday 8am — 4pm. ½ PRICE Beds — Beds & More Outlet Store, Ruawai. Clearance lines, seconds, deleted models. Dozens of beds at ½ price or less. 22 Freyberg Road, Ruawai. Phone 09 439 2243. Open Monday — Friday 8am — 4pm. BRAKE PADS. Large range in stock. Auto One Dargaville 09 439 8219. CAR BATERIES. Is yours sounding tired? See Auto One Dargaville 09 439 8219.
Full range of Plumbing fittings available in store. Trade/Retail welcome
09 439 6123
bright leaf
bark Mulch In BULK ™
Plumbing and Heating Centre 102 Jervois Street, Dargaville
Classified Advertising Call
09 439 6933
excellent moisture retention & weed suppression
Ph berNie 09 439 6785
BORDER COLLIE puppies, full breed, B/W male & females $400.00 each. 2x Red males $500.00 each. Ready 21st July, wormed & vaccinated. Phone Rowie 09 431 6033 Paparoa. CHEESE PRESS, Dutch Style, solid untreated timber, light weight, simple to use, fits moulds to approx 1.8kg. Unvarnished $70.00 or Varnished $85.00 + courier. Email Phone 09 431 8717. JUMP STARTS. For that emergency start. Auto One Dargaville 09 439 8219. OIL AND FILTER DEAL. 4Ltr 15W/40. $39.95 Auto One Dargaville 09 439 8219. PINE CONES – Dry. $15.00 per sack, free delivery in Dargaville. Phone 021 228 2671.
Property Maintenance ALL BUILDING maintenance & repairs. Roofing, windows, kitchens & bathrooms. Fences & decks etc. Phone Owen 09 439 1872 or 027 441 6253.
Property Maintenance WATER TANK Vacuum clean, Full tank OK, Waste no more than 1000 litres. $250.00 for up to 25,000 litre tank. Also full pump out and scrub and leaks fixed. Phone Wals 09 437 3936 or 021 932 225.
Wanted to Buy HONDA XR 200, Round yr 2000. Going or not, Phone 021 228 2671.
Nurseries and Plants
Toenail & Fingernail Cutting Service
WHOLESALE PRICES direct to the public. Quality native and coastal tolerant plants available from Babylon Coast Gardens Ltd now. Make the most of the planting season and purchase in bulk. Great discounts for purchases of 50 plants or more. Open Saturdays 10am to 4pm and at other times by prior arrangement. Located at 1246 Babylon Coast Road Dargaville. Phone 09 439 4223.
09 439 6068
Work Wanted
Ruawai Homekills
CHIMNEY SWEEPING & Servicing. Make sure your chimney is clean for insurance purposes. Is your chimney/flue/fire box safe for this winter? Have it cleaned, safety checked, repaired. Phone John 09 439 5289 or 022 642 1376 Crawford Solutions.
All Beef hung for two weeks Salami ~ Bacon ~ Ham ~ Sausages Hamburger Patties
OFFAL HOLES 750 dia x 5.5m deep with concrete lid with lift out hatch $385.00 Phone Wals Holes 09 437 3936 or 021 932 225.
FRUIT & FARM Trees, Grown in the North for the North. Adams Nurseries, Connell Rd, Waipu, Ph: 09 432 0121.
ATS PROPERTY Maintenance & Repair. Fences & Repairs • Kitchen/Bathroom Fitouts • Waterblasting• Flooring Repairs • Decks • Windows & Latches • Plus much more. No job too small. Phone/fax 09 439 8628. Cell 027 455 7750.
MAINTANE – Property Maintenance and Repair to painting, building, fences, and much much more. Refs if required. Ph Jay T on 021 0292 9095 or 09 439 4618.
Work Wanted SAND BLASTING. Rust never sleeps. Blast, prime, topcoat for structural steel, barns, cowsheds, tanks, machinery, chassis, swimming pools. Western Blast ‘n’ Paint. Phone 09 439 6330.
Full service slaughtering & processing of Beef, Sheep, Pigs, Deer, Goats and Game Birds (process only)
Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon, Ham & Salami Over 25 years experience For prompt & professional service contact Wayne or Annette Phone 09 439 2020 • Cell 021 401 934 Information Packs Available Covering the Kaipara and Whangarei Regions
Nick Evans MSF UK Osteopath for Back Pain Relief
We buy and remove Cars complete & incomplete - Tractors - Trucks - Roofing Iron Batteries, Copper - Brass - Aluminium etc.
Little River Transport Ltd Beach Road Dargaville Monday-Friday 8-5 Sat-Sun 8-3
Phone 09 439 4940 Work with your local licensed dealer
Dargaville Bobcat Services
09 439 2620 021 185 4856
GAS FITTERS Certified gas fitters available for all your gas installations and maintenance requirements. Service agents for Bosch & Rinnai Califonts. 102 Jervois St, Dargaville
Plumbing and Heating Centre 0800 326 123
• Siteworks • Hedge Removal • Metalling • Drainage • Pole Holes
Ph Bernie 09 439 6785
Kaipara Lifestyler Classifieds
Phone 09 439 6933
Closing date for classified advertising for the 4 July 2012 edition is 10am, Monday 2 July 2012. See our terms and conditions online at Death Notices
Public Notices
TIER, TED (Arnold Edward) At home with his family on Monday June 18, 2012. Now at peace. So very dearly loved husband of Margaret. Very much loved Dad of Sharon and Dean Noble, Craig and Tracey Tier, Vivienne and Kurt Brandso, and the late Carolyn-Kay. Bestest Grandpa ever to Sephanie and Antoniya Noble. Jordan, Karley and Mitchell Tier, Liam and Kaelyn Brandso. Loved and valued Step-Dad “Ted” to Brian and Kathy, Paul and Kathryn, David and Jodi Randall. Always cherished Pa to Latesha, Cindy, Aaron, Kimberley, Claire and Ross Randall. In his 79th year. “Taken from us too soon, never forgotten. You will always have a place in our hearts and memories. Love always - Your family.” In lieu of flowers, a donation to GI Cancer Institute (NZ) Limited; to support Clinical Research in NZ for Gastrointestinal Cancers, would be appreciated. A celebration of Ted’s life was held at the Lighthouse Function Centre, Harding Park Dargaville on Saturday 23rd June 2012. Followed by interment at Mount Wesley Lawn Cemetery Dargaville. All communications to Margaret Tier, PO Box 37 Dargaville 0340. Hart Funeral Services Ltd FDANZ Dargaville.
FREE & CONFIDENTIAL NW Family Budgeting Service. Advice & complete money management if required. Call at 5 Portland Street or Phone 09 439 8592. REMINDER. ANNUAL Short Film Competition. Closes 30 June 2012 1pm to Walden’s or 5pm to Jacoba. Information and specialist help is available to individuals and groups. Contact Kaye 09 439 8227 or 09 439 1504 or Jacoba 09 439 7356 or 027 441 9924 or SMALL BUSINESSES. For team building success, board Daisy for an up river cruise. Phone Sue Taylor 09 439 4975 email: TOWN & AROUND Passenger Service for medical appointments and shopping trips. Phone for bookings 09 439 6306.
Land for Lease
Situations Vacant
Thursdays 2.30-5.30pm AD Focus Carpark, Dargaville Fresh & Local
Flatmate Wanted FLATMATE REQUIRED, Dargaville area, $100.00pw + shared expenses. Suit mature, tidy person with job, Phone 021 125 4391 or 09 439 5041 A/H.
Public Notices
PENSIONER UNITS TO BUY Two bedroom Units in the Hokianga Rd Masonic Village, Dargaville available to buy under a license to occupy. Great value, sunny units. Purchase price under $100,000. Weekly levy $85.00. Suitable for independent, active, over 60’s. Masons and non-Masons very welcome. For an application form or more information, visit or call Chris Mason (09) 438 3109.
Bereavement Support
Group will be held on: Monday 2 July 2012 10am - 12 noon Nurses’ Lounge Community Health, Dargaville Hospital
‘Beginnings & Endings – Our Stories’ Josie Scott will be facilitating
This is an informal group that shares experiences and supports each other
Enquiries to Gina 09 439 3330 ext 6716
Public Notices
Sale Of Liquor Act 1989 Section (31)2 Application For Somal Minhas Ltd of Auckland (Retailer) has made application to the District Licensing Agency at Kaipara for the grant of an Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at Shop 1, 1917-1925 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka known as Hi-Way Liquor. The general nature of the business to be conducted is a Liquor Store.
32 ACRES, close to town for cropping or grazing. Phone a/h 09 439 6386.
ROOFER WANTED Trainee – Reliable, fit and must have a good attitude. Training will be given. Must have own vehicle. Mangawhai area. Phone Simon 0274 795 509.
Public Notices
Inquiry into the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme The Inquiry team from the Office of the Auditor General will be at the Te Arai Library Building (situated beside the Mangawhai Village Hall) on Thursday 12th, Friday 13th and Saturday 14th July 2012 to hear from the community. Please contact us if you would like to meet with us to express your views and share your experiences about the wastewater scheme. Please telephone or email Jude by 2pm on Friday 6th July to schedule a time on one of the days listed.
The days on which and the hours during which liquor is intended to be sold under the licence are Monday to Sunday 8am to 11pm. This application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kaipara District Licensing Agency at 1919 State Highway 1, Kaiwaka.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the grant of the application may, not later than 10 working days from 20th June file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Agency at Private Bag 1001, Dargaville.
This is the second publication of this notice. This first notice was published on 20/06/2012.
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