‘GO-FAR 2013’ Exhibition Communication & Information Library (ACRC) 7 – 26 October 2013
BOOKS ON DISPLAY Boyer, D. (2013). The life informatic : newsmaking in the digital era. Ithaca : Cornell University Press. [Call No. PN4784.E53B791] Cornea, C. (2013). Dramatising disaster : character, event, representation. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Call No. PN1995.9.D55D763] Ehrlich, G. (2013). Facing the wave : a journey in the wake of the tsunami. New York: Pantheon Books. [Call No. GC222.J3E33] Elliot, D. (2013). Fukushima : impacts and implications. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan. [Call No. TK1365.J3E46] Funabashi, Y. (2011). Lessons from the disaster : risk management and the compound crisis presented by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Tokyo : The Japan Times. [Call No. QE537.2.J3L641] Haddow, G. (2009). Disaster communications in a changing media world. Burlington, MA : ButterworthHeinemann. [Call No. HV551.2.H127] Handa, Y. (2012). Mighty silence : images of destruction : the great 2011 earthquake and tsunami of east Japan and Fukushima. Milan : Skira ; London : Thames & Hudson. [Call No. HV600.H236] Hane, M. (2013). Modern Japan : a historical survey. Boulder, CO : Westview Press. [Call No. DS881.H237 2013] Hindmarsh, R. (2013). Nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi : social, political and environmental issues? New York: Routledge. [Call No. TK136.J3N964] Kingston, J. (2012). Natural disaster and nuclear crisis in Japan : response and recovery after Japan's 3/11. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge. [Call No. HV600.N285] Kingston, J. (2013). Contemporary Japan : history, politics, and social change since the 1980s. Chichester, West Sussex ; Malden, MA : John Wiley & Sons. [Call No. DS891.K55] Kivikuru, U. (2009). After the tsunami : crisis communication in Finland and Sweden. Göteborg : Nordicom. [Call No. HV555.S8A258] Knight, M. (2013). Social media for journalists : principles & practice. Los Angeles : SAGE. [Call No. PN4784.E5K71] Kolodzy, J. (2013). Practicing convergence journalism : an introduction to cross-media storytelling. New York, NY : Routledge. [Call No. PN4784.O62K81p] Lancaster, K. (2013). Video journalism for the web : a practical introduction to documentary storytelling. New York : Routledge. [Call No. PN1995.9.D6L244] McCargo, D. (2013). Contemporary Japan. Basingstoke, Hampshire [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan. [Call No. DS889.M123] 1
Pantti, M. (2012). Disasters and the media. New York : Peter Lang. [Call No. PN4784.D57P198] Rogers, S. (2013). Facts are sacred : the power of data. London : Faber and Faber. [Call No. PN4781.R729] Seneviratne, K. (2006). Media's challenge : Asian Tsunami and beyond. Singapore : Asian Media Information and Communication Centre. [Call No. GC222.I5M489] Simpson, R. (2006). Covering violence : a guide to ethical reporting about victims and trauma. New York : Columbia University Press. [Call No. PN4784.D57S613] Sliwinski, S. (2011). Human rights in camera. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. [Call No. JC571.S633] Turner, B. (2013). Specialist journalism. London ; New York : Routledge. [Call No. PN4784.S58S741] Wilkinson, J. (2013). Principles of convergent journalism. New York : Oxford University Press. [Call No. PN4781.W686]
AVS ON DISPLAY Allder, M. (2012). Journey to the disaster zone [videorecording] : Japan 3/11. Toronto, Ontario: CBC Learning. [Call No. QE537.2.J3J86] Gillings, A. (2012). Fukushima [videorecording] : is nuclear power safe? England: BBC Active. [Call No. TK9152.F961] Richard, B. (2011). Japan's killer quake [videorecording]. United States : PBS Distribution. [Call No. QE537.2.J3J35] E-BOOKS Suzuki, I. & Kaneko, Y. (2013). Japan’s Disaster Governance [electronic resource] : How was the 3.11 Crisis Managed? New York: Springer. [http://link.springer.com.ezlibproxy1.ntu.edu.sg/]
Notes: These 23 books and 3 AV titles come from various NTU Libraries and are on display in Communication & Information Library (CMIL) from 7 - 26 October. Please explore the Library Catalogue (http://opac.ntu.edu.sg) for more titles.
DVDs on display are available for viewing at CMIL during the exhibition. Please approach the Service Desk for assistance.
Books are available for loan after the exhibition. Please fill up the Reservation Forms available at the CMIL if you wish to reserve.
For enquiries, please call 6790 6927.