ISCM 2013 E Exhibition munication & Informatio on Library Comm 27 Febru uary ~ 21 March M 2014 BOOKS O ON DISPLAY A. (2013). Preecarious Japa an. Durham : Duke Univeersity Press. [[CALL NO. HC C462.95.A438 8] Allison, A 2011). Percep ption and com mmunication n in intercultu ural spaces. LLanham, MD D: Arasarattnam, L. A. (2 U University Pr ress of America.[CALL NO O. P91.A662] 11). Public reelations in glo obal cultural contexts : m multi‐paradigm matic Bardhan, N., & Weavver, C. K. (201 p perspectives . New York: R Routledge. [C CALL NO. HM M1221.P976U U] Bonvillaiin, N. (2008).. Language, cculture, and ccommunicattion : the mea aning of messsages (5th ed.). Upper S Saddle River, , N.J.: Pearso on Prentice H Hall. [CALL NO O. P35.B723 2008] Bowe, H. J., & Martin n, K. (2007). C Communicattion across cu ultures : mutual understa anding in a gllobal world. C Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge Un niversity Presss.[CALL NO. P94.6.B786]] Brown, K K. H., & Mach hiko, T. (2012 2). Deco Japa an : shaping art & culturee, 1920‐1945 5. Alexandria,, Va. : Art S Services Inte ernational. [C CALL NO. N73 355.5.A76B87 78] g Japan : thee quest for a ffuture that w works (1st Chandler, C., Chhor, H., & Salsberrg, B. (2011).. Reimagining e ed.). San Fran ncisco : VIZ M Media LLC. [C CALL NO. HC4 462.95.R363] Crueger,, A., & Cruegeer, W. (2010). Keramik ko osmos Japan = Ceramic cosmos Japan n : the Cruegeer c collection. Tü übingen : Waasmuth Verlaag [CALL NO. NK4167.K39 9] d social theorry. London ; N New York: Ro outledge. Davis, A.. (2010). Political communication and [ [CALL NO. JA A85.D261] D. G. (2010). M Modernist trravel writing : intellectualls abroad. Co olumbia, Mo..: University of Farley, D M Missouri Pre ss. [CALL NO O. PN56.M54FF231] Fraser, K K. M. (2011). Photographyy and Japan. London : Reeaktion Books. [CALL NO. TR105.F841]] G. J., Johnson, T., & Wantaa, W. (2010).. Internationa al media com mmunication in a global a age. New Golan, G Y York: Routled dge.[CALL NO O. PN4784.F6 6I61NC] apan : an eth hnography off real lives an nd consumeriized Goldstein‐Gidoni, O. (2012). Houssewives of Ja d domesticity. New York, N NY : Palgrave Macmillan. [[CALL NO. HQ Q1762.G624]] Hamaya,, H., Yamamo oto, K., Keller, J., Maddoxx, A., Iizawa, K., Kaneko, R R., et al. (201 13). Japan's m modern d divide : the p photographs of Hiroshi Ha amaya and K Kansuke Yam mamoto. Los A Angeles, California: J. P Paul Getty M Museum.[CALLL NO. TR646 6.J3J35] he Routledgee hand of lang guage and in ntercultural ccommunication. Milton Park, Jackson, J. (2012). Th A Abingdon, Ox xon ; New Yo ork, NY: Routtledge.[CALL NO. P94.6.R R869]
Kastarlak, B. I., & Barber, B. K. (2012). Fundamentals of planning and developing tourism. Boston: Pearson. [CALL NO. G155.A1K19] Lean, M. L., David, M. K., & Ngew, Y. M. (2011). Bringing the gap of cross‐cultural communication. Kuala Lumpur: Section for Co‐curricular Courses, External Faculty Electives & TITAS (SKET), University of Malaya. [CALL NO. HM1211.B858] Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2011). Experiencing intercultural communication : an introduction (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw‐Hill.[CALL NO. HM1211.M381E 2011] Maude, B. (2011). Managing cross‐cultural communication : principles and practice. Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.[CALL NO. HM1211.M447] McKinley, M. M. (2012). Ethics in marketing and communications : towards a global perspective. Houndsmill, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.[CALL NO. HF5387.E84em] Mehta, G. K., & MacDonald, D. (2011). New Japan architecture : recent works by the world's leading architects. Tokyo ; Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle. [CALL NO. NA1555.6.M498] Morris‐Suzuki, T. (2010). Borderline Japan : foreigners and frontier controls in the postwar era. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press. [CALL NO. JV8723.M877] Neuliep, J. W. (2012). Intercultural communication : a contextual approach (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.[CALL NO. HM1211.N487 2012] Nikolaev, A. G. (2011). Ethical issues in international communication. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.[CALL NO. P96.I5E84] Orgad, S. (2012). Media representation and the global imagination. Cambridge ; Malden, MA: Polity.[CALL NO. HM1206.R68] Patel, F., Li, M., & Sooknanan, P. (2011). Intercultural communication : building a global community. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.[CALL NO. HM1211.P295] Paulston, C. B., Kiesling, S. F., & Rangel, E. S. (2012). The hand of intercultural discourse and communication. Oxford: Wiley‐Blackwell.[CALL NO. P94.6.H236h] Phillips, R. (1997). Mapping men and empire : a geography of adventure. London ; New York: Routledge. [CALL NO. PR830.A38P562] Pollock, N. R., & Sudo, R. (2012). Made in Japan : 100 new products. London : Merrell. [CALL NO. TS171.4.P777] Prasol, A. F. (2010). Modern Japan : origins of the mind : Japanese traditions and approaches to contemporary life. Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ : London : World Scientific. [CALL NO. DS822.5.P911] Schodt, F. L. (2011). Dreamland Japan : writings on modern manga (Collector ed.). Berkeley, California: Stone Bridge Press. [CALL NO. PN6790.J3S363d]
Shannon, A. P., & Okerlund, L. (2012). Finding Japan : early Canadian encounters with Asia. Vancouver : Heritage. [CALL NO. DS832.7.C3S528] Sharpely, R., & Stone, P. (2012). Contemporary tourist experience : concepts and consequences. London ; New York: Routledge.[CALL NO. G155.A1C761] Smith, R. D. (2009). Strategic planning for public relations (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge. [CALL NO. HM1221.S657 2009] Sorrells, K. (2013). Intercultural communication : globalization and social justice. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.[CALL NO. HM1211.S714] Ting‐Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C. (2012). Understanding intercultural communication (2nd ed.). New York ; Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press.[CALL NO. GN345.6.T588 2012] Wachanga, D. N. (2011). Cultural identity and new communication technologies : political, ethnic and ideological implications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. [CALL NO. HN780.Z9C968] Wood, J. T. (2012). Communication in our lives (6th ed.). Boston, Mass.: Cengage. [CALL NO. P90.W876c 2012] Zou, S., & Fu, H. (2011). International marketing : emerging markets (1st ed.). Bingley: Emerald Jai. [CALL NO. HF5415.12.D44I61] Notes: These 39 books titles come from various NTU Libraries and are on display in Communication & Information Library (CMIL) from 27 February ‐ 21 March 2014. Please explore the Library Catalogue ( for more titles. Books are available for loan after the exhibition. Please fill up the Reservation Forms available at CMIL if you wish to reserve. For enquiries, please call 6790 6927.