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ISCM 2013 E Exhibition munication & Informatio on Library Comm 27 Febru uary ~ 21 March M 2014 BOOKS O ON DISPLAY A. (2013). Preecarious Japa an. Durham : Duke Univeersity Press. [[CALL NO. HC C462.95.A438 8] Allison, A 2011). Percep ption and com mmunication n in intercultu ural spaces. LLanham, MD D: Arasarattnam, L. A. (2 U University Pr ress of America.[CALL NO O. P91.A662] 11). Public reelations in glo obal cultural contexts : m multi‐paradigm matic Bardhan, N., & Weavver, C. K. (201 p perspectives . New York: R Routledge. [C CALL NO. HM M1221.P976U U] Bonvillaiin, N. (2008).. Language, cculture, and ccommunicattion : the mea aning of messsages (5th ed.). Upper S Saddle River, , N.J.: Pearso on Prentice H Hall. [CALL NO O. P35.B723 2008] Bowe, H. J., & Martin n, K. (2007). C Communicattion across cu ultures : mutual understa anding in a gllobal world. C Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge Un niversity Presss.[CALL NO. P94.6.B786]] Brown, K K. H., & Mach hiko, T. (2012 2). Deco Japa an : shaping art & culturee, 1920‐1945 5. Alexandria,, Va. : Art S Services Inte ernational. [C CALL NO. N73 355.5.A76B87 78] g Japan : thee quest for a ffuture that w works (1st Chandler, C., Chhor, H., & Salsberrg, B. (2011).. Reimagining e ed.). San Fran ncisco : VIZ M Media LLC. [C CALL NO. HC4 462.95.R363] Crueger,, A., & Cruegeer, W. (2010). Keramik ko osmos Japan = Ceramic cosmos Japan n : the Cruegeer c collection. Tü übingen : Waasmuth Verlaag [CALL NO. NK4167.K39 9] d social theorry. London ; N New York: Ro outledge. Davis, A.. (2010). Political communication and [ [CALL NO. JA A85.D261] D. G. (2010). M Modernist trravel writing : intellectualls abroad. Co olumbia, Mo..: University of Farley, D M Missouri Pre ss. [CALL NO O. PN56.M54FF231] Fraser, K K. M. (2011). Photographyy and Japan. London : Reeaktion Books. [CALL NO. TR105.F841]] G. J., Johnson, T., & Wantaa, W. (2010).. Internationa al media com mmunication in a global a age. New Golan, G Y York: Routled dge.[CALL NO O. PN4784.F6 6I61NC] apan : an eth hnography off real lives an nd consumeriized Goldstein‐Gidoni, O. (2012). Houssewives of Ja d domesticity. New York, N NY : Palgrave Macmillan. [[CALL NO. HQ Q1762.G624]] Hamaya,, H., Yamamo oto, K., Keller, J., Maddoxx, A., Iizawa, K., Kaneko, R R., et al. (201 13). Japan's m modern d divide : the p photographs of Hiroshi Ha amaya and K Kansuke Yam mamoto. Los A Angeles, California: J. P Paul Getty M Museum.[CALLL NO. TR646 6.J3J35] he Routledgee hand of lang guage and in ntercultural ccommunication. Milton Park, Jackson, J. (2012). Th A Abingdon, Ox xon ; New Yo ork, NY: Routtledge.[CALL NO. P94.6.R R869]

Kastarlak, B. I., & Barber, B. K. (2012). Fundamentals of planning and developing tourism. Boston: Pearson. [CALL NO. G155.A1K19] Lean, M. L., David, M. K., & Ngew, Y. M. (2011). Bringing the gap of cross‐cultural communication. Kuala Lumpur: Section for Co‐curricular Courses, External Faculty Electives & TITAS (SKET), University of Malaya. [CALL NO. HM1211.B858] Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2011). Experiencing intercultural communication : an introduction (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw‐Hill.[CALL NO. HM1211.M381E 2011] Maude, B. (2011). Managing cross‐cultural communication : principles and practice. Houndmills, Basingstoke Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.[CALL NO. HM1211.M447] McKinley, M. M. (2012). Ethics in marketing and communications : towards a global perspective. Houndsmill, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.[CALL NO. HF5387.E84em] Mehta, G. K., & MacDonald, D. (2011). New Japan architecture : recent works by the world's leading architects. Tokyo ; Rutland, Vt. : Tuttle. [CALL NO. NA1555.6.M498] Morris‐Suzuki, T. (2010). Borderline Japan : foreigners and frontier controls in the postwar era. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press. [CALL NO. JV8723.M877] Neuliep, J. W. (2012). Intercultural communication : a contextual approach (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.[CALL NO. HM1211.N487 2012] Nikolaev, A. G. (2011). Ethical issues in international communication. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.[CALL NO. P96.I5E84] Orgad, S. (2012). Media representation and the global imagination. Cambridge ; Malden, MA: Polity.[CALL NO. HM1206.R68] Patel, F., Li, M., & Sooknanan, P. (2011). Intercultural communication : building a global community. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.[CALL NO. HM1211.P295] Paulston, C. B., Kiesling, S. F., & Rangel, E. S. (2012). The hand of intercultural discourse and communication. Oxford: Wiley‐Blackwell.[CALL NO. P94.6.H236h] Phillips, R. (1997). Mapping men and empire : a geography of adventure. London ; New York: Routledge. [CALL NO. PR830.A38P562] Pollock, N. R., & Sudo, R. (2012). Made in Japan : 100 new products. London : Merrell. [CALL NO. TS171.4.P777] Prasol, A. F. (2010). Modern Japan : origins of the mind : Japanese traditions and approaches to contemporary life. Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ : London : World Scientific. [CALL NO. DS822.5.P911] Schodt, F. L. (2011). Dreamland Japan : writings on modern manga (Collector ed.). Berkeley, California: Stone Bridge Press. [CALL NO. PN6790.J3S363d]

Shannon, A. P., & Okerlund, L. (2012). Finding Japan : early Canadian encounters with Asia. Vancouver : Heritage. [CALL NO. DS832.7.C3S528] Sharpely, R., & Stone, P. (2012). Contemporary tourist experience : concepts and consequences. London ; New York: Routledge.[CALL NO. G155.A1C761] Smith, R. D. (2009). Strategic planning for public relations (3rd ed.). New York: Routledge. [CALL NO. HM1221.S657 2009] Sorrells, K. (2013). Intercultural communication : globalization and social justice. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.[CALL NO. HM1211.S714] Ting‐Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C. (2012). Understanding intercultural communication (2nd ed.). New York ; Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press.[CALL NO. GN345.6.T588 2012] Wachanga, D. N. (2011). Cultural identity and new communication technologies : political, ethnic and ideological implications. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. [CALL NO. HN780.Z9C968] Wood, J. T. (2012). Communication in our lives (6th ed.). Boston, Mass.: Cengage. [CALL NO. P90.W876c 2012] Zou, S., & Fu, H. (2011). International marketing : emerging markets (1st ed.). Bingley: Emerald Jai. [CALL NO. HF5415.12.D44I61] Notes:  These 39 books titles come from various NTU Libraries and are on display in Communication & Information Library (CMIL) from 27 February ‐ 21 March 2014. Please explore the Library Catalogue ( for more titles.  Books are available for loan after the exhibition. Please fill up the Reservation Forms available at CMIL if you wish to reserve.  For enquiries, please call 6790 6927.

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