Recommended Readings on Baygi Aung Soe Illustrations

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On Bagyi Aung Soe, modern Burmese art in the twentieth-century, illustration in Myanmar and the related, please find below a list of readings for your perusal. Some of the publications in Burmese are available on the same page of this database. We would be grateful to be informed of new writings on or by Aung Soe, so that they might be shared here.

Amar, Ludu Daw. Modern Burmese Painting [Burmese]. Yangon: Yarpyae, Kyee Pwar Yae, 1997. Aung Khin, U. Reminiscences of Burmese Art. Mandalay: Ludu Kyipwaye, 1996. Aung Myint, U. “Summary of Modern Burmese Art.” Manuscript (ca 1995). Aung Soe, Bagyi. “Burmese Painting.” [Burmese] Padauk Pwinthit (October 2006) [Original date and publication unknown]: 86-87. −. Poetry Without Words [Burmese]. Yangon: Wun Shway Ein, 1993 [1978]. −. “The Illustration of Poems.” [Burmese] Nway U (June 1988): 114-115. −. “Bagyi Aung Soe Mistaken.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (ca 1987): 62-66. −. “Batik Painting.” [Burmese] Sabai Phyu (February 1987): 59-60. −. “Painting of the Mind.” [Burmese] Panyoksun (October 1986): 48-50. −. “Non-Objective Art.” [Burmese] Hkyeyi (August 1986): 72-73. −. “The New Style of Burmese Painting After the 20th Century.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (1985): n.p. −. “Not to Take the Wrong Route.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (ca 1985): n.p. −. “Confessions of a Painter.” [Burmese] Sabai Phyu (October 1985): 51-54. −. From Tradition to Modernity [Burmese]. Yangon: Khin May Si Sapay, 1978. −. Preface to Poems by Daung Nwe Swe [Burmese]. Yangon: U Bo Han, 1978. −. “Burmese Lacquer.” [Burmese] Pangyi (November 1959): 87-90. −. “Traditional Burmese Forms.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (June 1954): 103105. −. “Soviet Painting.” [Burmese] Shumawa (February 1954): 159-167. −. “Indian Painting.” [Burmese] Myawadi (February 1954): 107-109. −, “Ba Yin Galay.” [Burmese] Kyemon (May 1950): 11, 12, 95. −, “Sāntiniketan.” [Burmese] Thway Thauk (May 1953): 25-29.

−. “Lino-cut.” [Burmese] Shumawa (July 1952): 15-17, 218. −. “U Hla Bau.” [Burmese] Taya (August 1949): 92-94. Dagon Taya. “A Fleeting Portrait: Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] Insights on Painting. Yangon: Yarpyae, 1997: 243-252 [Hkyeyi (October 1990): 25-30]. Daughter of Bagyi Aung Soe. “Sincerity is the Only Beauty.” [Burmese] Malayyan (August 1990): 50-52. Goux, Geneviève. “La littérature birmane contemporaine: les magazines en Birmanie.” [French: Contemporary Burmese literature: periodicals in Burma] DREA thesis, INALCO, 1991. Guillard, Ginette. “Essai sur le dessin humoristique birman.” [French: Essay on Burmese comic strip] DEA thesis, INALCO, 1990. Hla Ba. “Psychotic Art and Shumawa.” [Burmese] Shumawa (February 1953): 31-33. Kaung Nyunt. “The Artist-illustrators of Periodicals: Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (ca 1987): 128-136. Ker, Yin. “Unpacking the Legacy of an Exceptional Artist from Myanmar: Bagyi Aung Soe (1923/24–1990).” In Southeast Asia Research Reader. Singapore: National Gallery Singapore. Upcoming in 2016. −. “Along Plate Boundaries: Felicitous ‘Misalignments’ in Bagyi Aung Soe’s Manaw Maheikdi Dat Painting.” Southeast of Now. Upcoming in 2016. −. “Bagyi Aung Soe (1923/24–1990): Strategies for an Autonomous and Compassionate Modernity.” Modern Art Quarterly. Upcoming in 2016. −. “From Śāntiniketan to Yangon and Beyond: Considerations on an Ashram’s Vision for a Contextualised Narrative of Modern Burmese & Southeast Asian Art.” ARTL@S Bulletin. Upcoming in 2016. −. “Kin Maung (Bank) (1908–1983) and Bagyi Aung Soe (1924–1990): Two Models of ‘Modern’ Myanma Art and the Question of its Emergence.” [Chinese] Modern Art Quarterly (June 2014): 62-75. −. “A Short Story of Bagyi Aung Soe in Five Images.” Field Notes: Mapping Asia (December 2013): 33-46.

−. “The Making, Reading and Seeing of the Formless: Manaw Maheikdi Dat Painting of Bagyi Aung Soe (1923/24–1990).” [French: Figurer, voir et lire l’insaisissable : la peinture manaw maheikdi dat de Bagyi Aung Soe (1923/24–1990)] PhD dissertation, University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), 2013. −. “Modern Art According to Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] In The Legacy of Bagyi Aung Soe: Twentieth Death Anniversary [Burmese], 108-136. Yangon: Swiftwinds, 2010. −. “Virtual Salon of Bagyi Aung Soe (1924–1990).” Accessed January 10, 2016. −. “’Mad Art’ or Modern Burmese Art According to Bagyi Aung Soe’s Illustrations.” [French: L’ ‘art fou’ ou l’art moderne birman selon les illustrations de Bagyi Aung Soe] In La question de l’art en Asie orientale, edited by Flora Blanchon, 387-404. Paris: Presses de l’université de Paris-Sorbonne, 2008. −. “Modern Art According to Bagyi Aung Soe.” Journal Of Burma Studies 10 (2005/2006): 83-157. −. “The Illustrations of Bagyi Aung Soe: A Popular Modern Art?” [French: L’œuvre illustré de Bagyi Aung Soe: un art populaire moderne?] Masters 2 (D.E.A.) thesis, University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), 2006. −. “Bagyi Aung Soe’s Modern Art.” [French: L’art moderne chez Bagyi Aung Soe] Masters 1 (Maîtrise) thesis, University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), 2001. Khin One. “The Re-examination of Traditional to Modern Art.” [Burmese] Yaut Nu Wai (September 1995): 93-96. Khin Mya Zin. Myanmar Women Artists [Burmese]. Yangon: Swiftwinds, 2007. −, “Notes of Nostalgia.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (October 1999): 73-75. Khin Than Phyu. “The Master of Painting.” [Burmese] Myin Kwin (July 2008): 207-210. −, “Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] In Modern Burmese Artists. Yangon: Di Yay U, 2005. Kin Maung Yin and Zaw Zaw Aung. “Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] In Knowledge of Art, 43-47. Yangon: Shwe Parabaik Sapay, 1997. Kt Tint Lwin Tw. “Top Ten Contemporary Artists In Myanmar (16 Nov. 99).” Thavibu Gallery: Contemporary Art from Thailand, Vietnam and Burma. Accessed August 3, 2013: http://www.Thavibu.Com/Articles/Atc15.Htm

Lin Yaung Tin. “Master Bagyi Aung Soe and I.” [Burmese] Yokshin A-myutay (January 2004): 106-110. Linn (Hsay-I). “The Dots Around the Circle.” [Burmese] Pan (October 1986): 104-107 [Institute Of Medicine I Annual Magazine (1984–1985)]. Ma Thanegi. Paw Oo Thett: His Life and His Creativity. Yangon: Swiftwinds, 2004. −. “A Bridge To The Future.” Asian Art News, XII (4) (2002): 70-73. −. “After The Exile: Art In Myanmar.” The Arts Magazine (January-February 1998): 3537. −. Khin Maung Nyung and Sein Myo Myint. Myanmar Painting: From Worship to SelfImaging. Ho Chi Minh City: Education Publishing House, 2006. −. “Modern Art”. Manuscript (1996). Maung Thet Kyu. “The Master of Painting U Aung Soe or Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] Phupwin Wayway (ca 1990): 75-77. Maung Yan. “Bagyi Aung Soe: the Pioneer.” [Burmese] Padauk Pwinthit (October 2006): 88-90. Maung Yan Way. “Graphic Art.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (August 1988). Min Thu Wun (U Wun). “The Beginnings of the Story of Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] Manuscript (ca 1991). Mye Chit Thu. “The Bare Innocence of Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] A-hla Pan-nya. (ca 1997): 20-27. Myint Lwin Khaing. “The Creator and Painter of Magical Painting.” [Burmese] Periodical of Musical Videos (1988): 41-43, 77-81. Ngwe Kyi. “Bagyi Aung Soe’s Philosophy.” [Burmese] Mahaythi (ca 1985): 96-99. Paragu, U. “Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] Mahaythi (November 2000): 148-152.

Ranard, Andrew. Burmese Painting: A Linear and Lateral History. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2009. Shwe Aung Thein. The Madman [Burmese]. Yangon: Aung Kyaw Mo Sapay, 1969. Shwe Min Tha. “Bagyi Aung Soe: The Truth That Touches.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (ca 1991): 63-65. The Legacy of Bagyi Aung Soe: Twentieth Death Anniversary [Burmese]. Yangon: Swiftwinds, 2010. Thein Han, U. “Contemporary Burmese Art.” In Perspective of Burma: An Atlantic Monthly Supplement, 15. New York: Intercultural Publications, 1958. −, “Art in Burma.” In Modern Art of Asia: New Movements and Old Traditions, edited by Japan Cultural Forum, 7-11. Tokyo: Toto Shuppan Company, 1961. Tein Moe Hlaing. “The Bagyi Aung Soe I Know.” [Burmese] Thutitwairson (September 2000): 88-92. Thaung, U. “Cultivating the Children with Religious Culture Produces Good Results.” Washington Missourian, June 7, 1978: 12d. Thu Maung. “’Aung Soe’, ‘Beauty Spots’, ‘Line’ and ‘Painting’.” [Burmese] Shwe A-myutay (January 2006): 60-62. Wong, Susie. “Six Artists Show Work from Our Neighbourhood.” The Straits Times, October 19, 1996. Ye Shan Ti. “Poetry Without Words or Bagyi Aung Soe.” [Burmese] Unidentified publication (ca 1991). Zaw Hein (Min Zaw). “Study of the Works of Bagyi Aung Soe, a Modern Painter.” [Burmese] Diploma in Painting thesis, University Of Culture, 1998. Zaw Lynn. “Contemporary Myanmar Painting As ‘Art In Its Second Function’.” Department of Philosophy, Yangon University, 2000.

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