UBD Blogging & Commenting

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Grade 5 Blogging & Commenting Standards Met: 2a of NETS for Students

Enduring Understanding: By the end of this year, we want the students to understand the benefits of communicating and responding to an authentic audience. We would also aim to see the students develop a love of writing.

GRASPS Task: Goal: Express our ideas, thoughts opinions with readers and writers locally and around the world.

Essential Questions: How can I express myself online? How can I communicate with others? What is an authentic audience?

Six Facets of Understanding: Explain: How you are connecting with other people and the purpose, or motivation behind this.

Role: Writer, blogger Audience: Initially other classmates and members of the school community. Then expanding to friends and family around the world and finally other student bloggers at different international schools. Situation: The students are managing and maintaining an ePortfolio with a blogging section. We want them to develop a love of writing and not be instructed to write, but do it on their own volition. We want the students to engage other bloggers and comment on their posts. Product: A blog that they or anyone else they allow, that can be accessed anywhere in the world. The students are also to engage other writes through commenting on blogs.

Interpret: Other writer’s blogs and comment accordingly and respectfully whilst drawing upon prior experiences to make a connection with what the author has written. Make valued judgements on one’s own life and reflect through blogging. Apply: Appropriate writing and editing skills to maintain a correct, easy-to-read blog. The writer needs to be mindful of his/her audience. Have perspective: Share your views on particular aspects of a Grade 5 students life. Express how you feel about current affairs locally and globally. Empathize: Comment in regard to other bloggers’ feelings and perceptions. Try to connect with a blogger and offer advice or assistance, or even share personal experiences and/or prior knowledge. Have self-knowledge: Reflect periodically on

how one self develops as a writer and a person. Compare earlier blog entries to recent ones and note differences in voice and experience.

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