14-AUTRICHE OGUT DR Greisberger

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A New Research and Technology Program


Building of Tomorrow


Background Building of Tomorrow (1999–2007)  750

proposal - 250 research projects

 25

Mio EUR project funding

 25

demonstration projects

 Austria

has the highest density of passive houses


 Boom

for sustainable renovation and construction

 Innovative

technologies and products / services

 Successful

construction industry and consulting


New buildings Utendorfgasse: social housing in passive house standard, Vienna

construction costs less than 1055 €/m² passive house standard (≤ 15 kWh/m²a, ≤ 10 W/m², n50 ≤ 0,6/h) primary energy consumption ≤ 120 kWh/m²a

Historical buildings Demonstration building „Tschechenring“, Felixdorf, Lower Austria


renovation of a historical workers‘ development from 1880 extension of housing space by attic development thermal optimization of the envelope with interior insulation due to the protected facade comparable costs to conventional building methods use of renewable energy (central wood chips heating)

Public buildings (II) Renovation of the School in Schwanenstadt, Upper Austria

first passive house renovation of a school use of prefabricated wooden elements reduce of heat use of 400 MWh/a compared to existing building additional costs of 8 % for renovation to passive house standard substantial gain of quality for users

The next step: 

A new thematic RTD-Programme

Building of Tomorrow 


The idea:

„ From Zero-Energy-Buildings to PLUS -Energy-Buildings“ 

Running from 2008 – 2011

Budget 35 Mio. EURO Konzept 5. September 2008

PLUS means ‌


buildings as generators of energy


from the building to the settlement

strengthening technological leadership

from single to series manufacturing visible demonstration projects intensified networking and education ‌

4 action lines Action lines



Key technologies and concepts

Further development of the technological basis towards „Plus Energy Buildings“; innovative concepts and technologies for retrofitting

Stimulation, research, development (RTD-guidelines)

Supporting industrial implementation

Transition from first product development to series manufacturing

Investments (credits/liabilities) stimulation, R&D

Key projects: towards demonstration projects

Multiannual, strategic projects to initiate trend-setting demonstration projects (buildings, settlements etc.)

Investments RTD-instruments focussed on key projects and proactive project coaching

Strategies, networking and education/training

Know-how-transfer, human resources, international cooperation and strategic works

Events, scholarships, grants, awards

What is new ? 

Joint execution by three institutions: FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency), aws (the promotional bank of the Republic of Austria) and ÖGUT (Austrian Society for Environment and Technology)

Program owner: Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology

Funding of RT D as well as investment

Extensive project coaching

1st call for proposals: 138 proposals, 61 Mio. Euro

Information: www.HAUSderZukunft.at

Thank you for your attention! Further Details


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