732 Facilitating Creative Thinking Process Book

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DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking ⅼ Professor Bruce Claxton

Garima Gupta ∙ Nese Gunduz ∙ Numploy Yanasiddhi (Summer) Yaqiong Qiao ∙ Ming An ∙ Haowei Sun


Copyright: The editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views of Savannah College of Art and Design. It was produced in the Fall Quarter of 2016 and covers the period between September and December 2016. Apple Macintosh OS X computers were using Adobe Creative Cloud Software (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) and MS documents were used to design all 125 pages. Typeface families Avenir, Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, Franklin Gothic were used. All images were created in 732 Fall Quarter unless otherwise noted.

6 Discover

Popular Media Scan ∙ OAC Maps ∙ Convergence Map

33 Solidify

Secondary Research Insights ∙ Primary Research Interview Insights ∙ Primary Research Cultural Probe Insights

Introduction The Team ∙ Tools & Techniques ∙ Brief About the Client ∙ The DESIGN Model ∙ Project Timeline

21 Examine Interviews ∙ Field Visit ∙ Cultural Probe


61 Go!

Opportunity Statement ∙ Goals and Wishes ∙ Select & Merge Ideas ∙ Advantages & Concerns ∙ Building Solution


Final Presentation


Imagine Opportunities ∙ 2x2 Matrix ∙ Preparation of Workshop

69 Nurture Workshop Nurture ∙ ARS Nurture




SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Introduction As professionals, we live in a fast-paced environment and sometimes we need breaks to shift our thinking by enhancing our creativity to embrace opportunities. This process book will illuminate the process of a creative thinking workshop; the preparation that takes place before the workshop, the session itself and how we nurture the ideas that emerge during the workshop.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016








SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



ABOUT OUR TEAM Six of us from different countries and backgrounds with different sets of skills and attitudes came together for a journey to learn, discover and imagine. We bonded well because we are a small group of people, who were open to share and hear different ideas.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



MFA Industrial design


MA Design Management

Nese was born in Istanbul, Turkey. She learnt to see the big picture and develop empathy for people with her bachelor’s degree in Sociology. She is now getting her MA in Design Management at SCAD learning to focus on details as well and create opportunities.

Garima Gupta

MA Design Management

Born and brought up in New Delhi India, Garima is a Spatial Designer currently doing a masters in Design Management. She is finding the balance between the left and right brain by leveraging the power of design thinking to facilitate creative problem solving and solutions.

Ming is a graduate student at Savannah College of Art and Design, originally from China. He enjoys listening music, reading, and sketching. He is an easy going person and a team player. With his great passion for design, he hopes to be a successful designer in the future.

Summer (Yaqiong) Qiao MA Design Management

Summer is a resident of the world illuminated by creative stories. She describe herself as a Design Thinker + Innovation Strategist = Storyteller Summer.

Haowei Sun

MFA In Industrial Design

Hao was an industrial designer base in China, now pursuing his master degree in SCAD. He define himself as a problem solver, aesthetic builder and, of course, creativity facilitator.

Numploy Yanasiddhi MA Design Management

She is originally from Bangkok, Thailand. She did her undergraduate in advertising and worked for advertising agency for a while. After she found her passion about creative solution and management, she decided to follow her dream by studying master degree in design management at SCAD.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



ABOUT 732 CLASS Facilitating creative thinking course developed our skills to apply creative process on demand. We learned about lateral thinking principles and generative methods to conduct creative exploration and problem-solving sessions with groups comprised of people from diverse backgrounds, goals and experiences. Working with real businesses, we gained exposure and insights to how things work in a professional field.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES We have a toolkit full of techniques to train ourselves for getting novel ideas. As a design team, we prefer intuitive techniques over linear to generate ideas, create new business opportunities, products and services. These techniques help us see problems as opportunities and provide solutions.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




FUTURE FRUIT Thinkertoys Michael Michalko

This tool helps to get prepared for the unpredictable future with several alternative plans. After a challenge is identified, forces are identified that have impacts on the challenge. Next step is to make a list of several different potential scenarios that may happen in the future. The more possible future scenarios you envision, the more outcomes you can create.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




IDEATOONS Thinkertoys Michael Michalko

A way to get ideas by using abstract symbols instead of words. Ideatoons are a part of visual thinking that will help you to see the new and hidden features between attributes. Instead of writing attributes of a challenge, drawing abstract graphic symbols that can represent the attributes. Then try to force relationships and record the most valuable arrangement. This will help you to consider your challenge in a unique way.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016





Thinkertoys Michael Michalko

SCAMPER modifies new things with things that already exist. It stands for: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate and Reverse/ Rearrange. We question what other material can be used, try force fitting it to something else, change the way we see it, change the size, question what else we can use it for, take something away and try not doing the certain thing. By asking questions about existing things it helps you come up with new ideas. EXAMPLE What procedure can I substitute for my current one? How can I combine prospecting with some other SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Reverse Assumptions

Manager’s Guide to Fostering Innovation & Creativity Charles Prather We tend to assume things about our problems in hand. With this tool, you take the assumptions and reverse them. After selecting the most humorous or outrageous assumptions, we try to implement them into our solution! EXAMPLE Assumption: We are open during normal business hours. Reverse Assumption: We are not open during normal business hours. IDEA Stay open 24 hours for college students. SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Force Associations

Manager’s Guide to Fostering Innovation & Creativity Charles Prather With this tool, we force an association between our problem and something completely unrelated. We list the concepts surrounding the unrelated item that we chose, and try to apply those concepts into developing a solution for our problem. EXAMPLE Dehumidifier (our unrelated item) makes the invisible visible. IDEA Make the customers more visible to us with an up-to-date database. SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




6 Thinking Hats

Lateral Thinking Edward de Bono

Bono identifies 6 ways that our thinking can be challenged. Different colors are assigned for different directions of thinking. Blue hat focuses on process, while white on facts and red on feelings. Person wearing the green hat should come up with creative solutions, yellow hat focuses on benefits and black is cautious. The six thinking hats indicate problems and solutions about an idea the thinker may come up with.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Art Rise Savannah (ARS) is a non-profit arts organization that works to provide arts accessibility and opportunities for artists and residents in Savannah, Georgia. The organization was started in 2013 by Clinton Edminster. ARS aims to build a sustainable, creative economy for Savannah and provide financial opportunities for local artists. They have three programs to support their mission; Non-Fiction Gallery (soon to be called Art Rise Gallery), First Friday Art March and Savannah Art Informer an online magazine.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016








D.E.S.I.G.N. Model by our professor Bruce Claxton merges the rigor of science with the art of design. It is a nonlinear approach to find opportunities, therefore the process can start from any step, as long as it does not skip any of the steps. D is for Discover, where we develop feelings and knowledge about our case by immersing, observing and documenting. E is for Examine; here we translate feelings into facts by using techniques like mind mapping and affinitizing. S is for Solidify; where we analyze the collected data. I stands for Imagine-ing the possibilities. We create ideas, dream and generate compelling solutions. In Go! phase, that G stands for; we do it! We implement our solution and make it happen. Finally, N stands for Nurture, a part where we focus on the future of our idea and analyze its impact. Some of the phases are convergent whereas others are divergent.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Timeline & Schedule W1



Tools and Techniques










Hurricane Break

Workshop with creative coast

Workshop 1 with ARS

Workshop 2 with ARS

Final Presentation

We had 5 weeks to apply the D.E.S.I.G.N Model to our subject, ARS. We defined a timeline to help guide our efforts. Even though plans are linear in nature, unlike our process, it allowed us to anchor our efforts and keep us on track. Many times we had to shift our previously planned schedules to suit current situations.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016








cultural factors

Popular Media Scan

O.A. C Maps

Convergence Map

‘Discover’ was the initial phase of our process. To develop feelings and knowledge about ARS, our team indulged in secondary research. We scanned popular media to deepen our understanding about the organization first, then placing the information we gained through the scan into Offering-Activity-Culture Maps we identified the similarities and differences of ARS programs. SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



POPULAR MEDIA SCAN We started our research with a quick but effective popular media scan to see the broad subjects surrounding ARS; their programs, revenue streams, their mission and vision. As a group, we tried to understand different business models such as non-profit vs. not-for-profit, to clearly find where ARS fits. We sought out information on other successful Art March models and compared them with FFAM. SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016





First Friday Art March

Non-Fiction Gallery


Savannah Art Informer

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Offering-Activity-Culture Maps We used three ways to look at ARS’s programs and the opportunities in them. Their ‘offerings’, the ‘activities’ people do with the offerings and the ‘cultural context’ in which people use those offerings. Our group used the information we conducted from our popular media scan to identify the offerings.

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First Friday Art March

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First Friday Art March Core Culture

FFAM Offering


Live Events


South Business







Revenue Opportunity



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Non-Fiction Gallery

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Non-Fiction Gallery Core Culture

NFG Offering



Local Crafts


Community Building


Engage SCAD


Communication Channel





SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Savannah Art Informer

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Savannah Art Informer Core Culture Awareness






Accessible to Everyone

Activity Motivate the Art Community



SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



CONVERGENCE MAP After identifying the cultures of the gallery, First Friday Art March and Savannah Art Informer, we wanted to see what all the programs had in common. Therefore our team created a convergence diagram. There were some cultures that all three programs had in common which are aligned with ARS’s vision.

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SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016







Field Visit

Cultural Probe

We continued our process by ‘Examine’-ing. Since our model is nonlinear, this phase occurred almost simultaneously with the former and latter phases. ‘Examine’s scope was our primary research; we interviewed stakeholders and did a cultural probe to develop insights on people’s awareness and feelings about ARS. SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




With our intent and content defined, we were ready to move into more specific inquiries about ARS. Our group interviewed fifteen people in total who are directly or indirectly related to ARS. These include local artists, ARS founder and employees, owners and employees of the locations that participate in FFAM, owners of other galleries in the city and a financial expert.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- EXAMINE Executive Director Clinton Edminster


Managing Director

Heather MacRae

Kayla Goggin

City of Savannah Department of Cultural Affairs

House of Strut Erica Jarman

Rebecca Brown

“We are the operators of Art Rise Savannah” “We are the volunteers of Art Rise Savannah” “We are the potential members of Art Rise Savannah”

City Market Art Gallery

City Market Art Gallery Sue Gouse

Christina Edwards

Intern, Non Fiction Gallery

“I am a financial analyzer of Art Rise Savannah” “We are the participating locations of First Friday Art March”

Weijiao yan

City Market Art Gallery

Finance Expert Patrick Kelsey

Robin Sterns

“We are the founders of First Friday Art March”

Florence Bartender

Stephen White

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




“Although the scale of Non-fiction gallery is quite small, but I think it’s very professional. Every 2 months, art-rise organize meetings to help interns to know each other” “I think Art Rise Savannah really did a good job in local art events. They are really influential in Savannah” “I wanna make people feel good when they come here and have a good experiences for example, music should be pleased people first and always keep smiling with friendly personality. So, they will feel great and relax” “The DCA expect Art March to increase educational outreach component, trying to implement more engagement about the neighborhood beyond. Just being as effective as they can be” “I would like Art March can always connect with musicians. focus on local artists and local musics. Actually, a good art march happened a long time ago” ”The Art March works really well in terms of bringing in different audiences and definitely in boosting sales on those particular Fridays. It’s also been really beneficial in terms of meeting the other businesses around the area.” “Art March definitely provides a means of communication between the businesses not during the art march which is pretty cool. Then also it brings the community together for an event that’s fun and accessible.”

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




“Art March definitely provides a means of communication between the businesses not during the art march which is pretty cool. Then also it brings the community together for an event that’s fun and accessible.” “There are different beneficiaries of the art march, one is the audience, artists, business people or business members.” ”It’s been interesting watching, sort of i can see it from both the business owner perspective from Starlandia but then also running the art march and seeing it from there. But at the same time, sometimes it’s a little difficult bc im so in the middle of all of it to have a good understanding of its impact. So we do a lot of work on try to do surveys, ask the community about how we’re doing.” ”What we found that most people are making purchases of the things that the stores have. So art purchases are probably much lower than that.” “Businesses are very interested in having First Friday Art March. But our ma in mission is to support local artists.” ”First Friday Art March has become a business focused event and we’re trying to figure out how to shift that towards the artist.” “It is one of our busiest nights each month, and our top attendance has been about 500 people during the 3 hour event. We also host an Art Market in our upstairs Annex space, where we invite other artists to set up booths to sell their work.” SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




“We inform people about the Art March by sharing our Open Studio event via facebook & other social media, as well as publicizing the featured exhibition’s reception during the Art March” “98% of Savannah is unaware of Art March.” “Businesses are very interested in having First Friday Art March. But our main mission is to support local artists.” ”First Friday Art March has become a business focused event and we’re trying to figure out how to shift that towards the artist.” ”First Friday Art March grew beyond what we expected it to, fairly quickly and quite successfully as well.” We keep Art March flyers and maps in our front window display as well as take away maps in our front lobby for Art March participants to use. We are incredibly happy with Art Rise’s Art March event and we’re pleased to be part of it each month. “Most of the increase in sales has to do with selling food and beverage items. We do sell some art but it is a very small percentage compared to our other revenue centers.” “We promote our involvement in the Art March through social media and press release to print media.” “Revenue Grants is one of the prime sources of revenue for ARS.” “Art rise is doing good in term of traffic but they should do more good. They should keep it going, today tomorrow and future”

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Managing Director Kayla Goggin

“Revenue Grants are one of the primary financial resources for ARS.”

Intern, Non Fiction Gallery Weijiao Yan “The number of visitors who come to non-fiction gallery always go high during First Friday Art March.”

City Market Art Gallery Robin Sterns “I knew nothing about how to be and how to make a living as an artist when I first came here. I tried to figure out, so I joined some local art organizations, like Art Rise Savannah, Arc Savannah and Tybee Arts Association.”

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Finance Expert Patrick Kelsey

House of Strut Erica

“Art Rise Savannah should look at the membership and things that are going on to create new proposal for corporation and corporate membership. For example, online profile, online membership etc.”

“I would like Art March to always connect with musicians, focusing on local artist and local music. Actually, its been a long time since we had a good FFAM.”

City of Savannah Department of Cultural Affairs ( DCA) Rebecca Brown “The DCA expects Art March to increase educational outreach component, and try to implement more engagement in the neighborhood and beyond.”

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Field Visit

Our group visited Non-Fiction Gallery on an opening night to feel the environment and observe artists and visitors. We got a chance to talk to people and gain some insights from them.

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SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Cultural Probe

We participated in a FFAM to understand how people perceive ARS. We asked them questions about why they participate in the art march and whether or not they are willing to buy art. This deepened our understanding of how aware people are of ARS and their programs and what their expectations are.

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SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016






Secondary Research Insights

Primary Research Interview Insights

In this phase, we solidify the data we gathered from our primary and secondary researches. Our convergence map and cultural probe that we conducted when examining gave us insights to who participates in the FFAM, the awareness level and how people view ARS. Primary Research Cultural Probe Insights SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Secondary Research Insights



SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Secondary Research Insights







Provides creative & financial opportunities to local artists

Become more than just doers but learners

Marketing & communication channel

Art awareness in Savannah is low

ARS increased tourists by 10-20%

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Secondary Research Insights





Provide art education and workshops Improvise and improve marketing and communication channels Increase accessibility Create more art awareness and more awareness for ARS Create ARS community in Savannah amongst local artists and businesses Explore revenue opportunities Make Savannah a thriving art economy

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016






Create a long-term relationship between artists, ARS and businesses

Secondary Research Insights




Currently has a good following

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Secondary Research Insights



To do collaborative events/programs with SCAD community To create different age group based activities Do more live events/activities at different ARS locations Community friendly events and activities To make ARS activities more informative NFG Members Only Exhibitions to strengthen the community loyalty To attract more tourists to ARS activities To engage in cross disciplinary collaboration To create a unique Savannah identity for ARS

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Primary Research Interview Insights







More educational programs

Attract more tourists

Make activities more informative

Guide participating locations

Price range diversity

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Primary Research Interview Insights

To engage in more educational, teaching and training programs To improve marketing and communication channels To attract more tourists to Art Rise activities To invite/involve more culturally diverse members in different Art Rise programs To make Art Rise activities more informative To share information about art displayed at participating locations during FFAM To reinforce the First Friday Art March To engage more art forms e.g. Artisanal Food To engage fund raising activities To apply and get more revenue grants To make SAI available in different mediums and places To attract more donors and to recognize them on different Art Rise communication channel To engage more volunteers in different Art Rise activities To engage a permanent/full time workforce for Art Rise operations To engage more culturally diverse people working for them To put price range about art work according to the audience of the participating location To guide/ influence participating locations to have more engaging events during the FFAM

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016







1. What brings you here today?


1. What brings you here today?

2. Do you know about Art Rise Savannah?


2. Do you know about Art Rise Savannah?


3. Do you know about the First Friday Art March?


3. Do you know about the First Friday Art March?


4. Do you know about the Non-fiction gallery?


4. Do you know about the Non-fiction gallery?


5. Do you know about Savannah Art informer?


5. Do you know about Savannah Art informer?


6. How did you find out about Art March?

6. How did you find out about Art March?

7. What are your top 3 favorite locations?

7. What are your top 3 favorite locations?

8. Walk / Trolley / Own Car?

8. Walk / Trolley / Own Car?

9. One thing you want to add to Art March?

9. One thing you want to add to Art March?

10. Did you buy art or will you buy art today?





Primary Research Cultural Probe Insights



10. Did you buy art or will you buy art today? DMGT 732


1. What brings you here today?







1. What brings you here today?

2. Do you know about Art Rise Savannah?


2. Do you know about Art Rise Savannah?


3. Do you know about the First Friday Art March?


3. Do you know about the First Friday Art March?


4. Do you know about the Non-fiction gallery?


4. Do you know about the Non-fiction gallery?


5. Do you know about Savannah Art informer?


5. Do you know about Savannah Art informer?


6. How did you find out about Art March?

6. How did you find out about Art March?

7. What are your top 3 favorite locations?

7. What are your top 3 favorite locations?

8.Walk / Trolley / Own Car?

8. Walk / Trolley / Own Car?

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Age Range 14

Most participants of FFAM are aged from 18 to 30, and the percentage of females outnumbers males.

12 10





8 6 4 2 0






SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Local / Visitor 37% SCAD Student & Professors





Other Local Residents

Local residents occupy the majority of the participants in FFMA. Among the local participants, SCAD students and professors account for substantial proportion (37%).


SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Awareness 100% 20% 80%




60% 40% 20%

80% 47%


About 80% of the FFAM participants know about the FFAM, nearly half of the participants know about ARS and NFG. However, only 25% people have heard about SAI.


0% Know ARS


Know NFG

Know SAI

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How did you find out about Art March? 30

Most people find out about FFAM by word of mouth. But it seems that the online propaganda of FFAM does not work so well.

25 20 15 10 5 0 Word of Mouth

Art Rise


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Will you buy art? Par cipants

Willing to buy art 60%

60 50














Most participants are local, but visitors are more willing to buy art.





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Favorite Locations

The top three favorite locations are Foxy Loxy Cafe, Non-Fiction Gallery and Sulfur Studios.

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2x2 Matrix

Preparation of workshop

In this phase, we imagine possible opportunities for ARS with the information collected through our research from multiple channels. Our group placed the imagined opportunities onto a 2x2 matrix to understand their feasibilities. We also imagine our workshop; how do we want to facilitate, what activities we want to include and how to perfect the small details for a good creative thinking session. SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Art education and workshops

Opportunities of

Secondary Research

Marketing and communication channels

SCAD Collaborative events with SCAD

Attract more tourists

Long term relationship with artists

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Improve environment and experience

Opportunities of

Primary Research Interview

More focus on local artists

Improve interactions between local artists

Engage fund raising activities

More cultural diversity

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



More activities for people aged from 18 to 30

Opportunities of

Primary Research Cultural Probe

Enhance the awareness


Cooperate with SCAD students and professors

More ads in popular locations in FFAM

Strengthen the online propaganda

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Opportunity Statement for Art Rise Savannah Creative Workshop


Statement of Workshop

How might we expand the revenue streams while focusing their activities of Art Rise Savannah?

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Revenue Generation Experiences Identity Events & Activities Age Groups






Marketing & Communication

2X2 Matrix for Opportunities


Time Spent

Long term Relationship

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Preparation of Workshop

Finalizing a Location Sending Invites Preparing; Agenda, Research Poster, Welcome Poster, Idea Table Sheet SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -



GO ! We conducted a creative thinking workshop with three board members of ARS including their founder. As a group, we internalized our research material and the insights we gained in the previous phases and applied the techniques we learned from our course.



Go! SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -






SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

CREATIVE THINKING WORKSHOP This session revolves around the technique of creative problem solving with the partner - Art Rise Savannah. Clinton Edminster, Kayla Goggin and Ryan Madson were a part of this three hour workshop along with ten SCAD students and Prof. Bruce Claxton.

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- GO -

OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT How might we expand the revenue streams while focusing the activities of Art Rise Savannah?

The following Opportunity Statement was recognized with brief discussion with the partner before the workshop SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -


All ideas must begin with the statement “I wish ... �

The objective of this section of the process is to speculate possible solutions that may help tackle the identified opportunity statement.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

I wish ARS attracted more cultural tourists

I wish we could reinforce ARS awareness in general, not only FFAM

power m e o t h s i Iw heir t e t a e r c artists to aces own sp

ore m d a h e w I wish attract o t s e i t i v i t ac iences d u a t n e r e diff


SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

I wish we could create more powerful experiences for Savannah community

I wish to go live and engage in online activities more often

I wish the artists could be there as representatives to talk about their work

I wish ARS could appeal to people’s imagination and feelings


I wish hotel motel tax would support us

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- GO -

EXCURSION Excursion is a tool we use to move away from the subject matter to another area of exploration to discover ideas. This technique helps get the contributors out of the monotonous mindset and come up with fresh insights for the problem statement. We then club the insights from the excursion topic and apply it to our problem statement.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

I wish for more fashion activities I wish the state would see FFAM as a huge cultural benefit I wish ARS supported and empowered artists with low opportunities; underground artists



What if‌ The First Friday Art march was conducted in Paris?

I wish anyone would create art not only artists

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

I wish ARS could create the best Southern experience

I wish Savannah could be an art city, with more art everywhere

I WISH... I wish the participating locations would sponsor artists for events

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

I wish ARS could demonstrate its value in an economic and political way

I wish ARS was viewed as an economic development tool, therefore could be supported by tourism and other departments.


SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

EXCURSION TO DISNEYLAND What are the revenue streams for Disneyland?

y r a n i Imagrience e p x e

t n e m n o r i v l en


Merchandize Ticket upfront

Festival oriented activities

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

I wish ARS could appeal to people’s imagination and feelings

I wish local businesses other than restaurants and galleries would engage in the FFAM too


I wish the participant locations would have a better connection with FFAM I wish for ticket sales for various ARS and FFAM events

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- GO -


Each member was given 5 dots to vote for their favorite ideas. They had the liberty of using all their votes for one idea or splitting them over different ideas.

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- GO -


MERGING IDEAS I wish to empower artists to create their own space

I wish ARS could demonstrate its value in an economic and political way

I wish ARS would diversify its outreach

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

How can we… Demonstrate the value of Art Rise in an economic & political way?


SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

How can we‌ Demonstrate the value of Art Rise in an economic & political way? Help create public arts commission Leveraging the existing communication network and connections

Gaining advantage from aspiring business to build future relationships

Art Rise generating opportunities for artists and not just real estate in starland

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -

Enhance quality of programs. Create relationships with community


More influence that can be translated into money.


Bring more revenue

Being realistic about number of people employed City currently does a poor job of promoting art/artist in Savannah

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- GO -

How can we overcome this concern?

Purchasing art can bring vendors and artists money

Play to what people dream and aspiration and capture their imagination and feeling


Art Rise Savannah can offer some core products and services that can improve the sales of products and services related to the core products SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016


- GO -


Demonstrate the value of Art March in an economic and political way

By making everyone an artist By taking city leaders on tours, exploring the “why of art� Develop ways to showcase art success in Savannah

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- GO -

Focus on Non-Fiction Gallery and its value having some key ideas from here

Make a board to collect golden ideas for the next sessionW

Strategies for networking with politicians during First Friday Art March


SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016






Workshop Nurture

Art Rise Savannah Nurture

The most critical part of our process was nurturing. First we used IBM’s Grid Feedback Model to examine how we could improve our session. Then more importantly, we went on to evaluate the ideas generated in our workshop and enrich them. We took it to the next level by creating a Business Model Canvas for ARS and a timeline for their possible future activities.

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Really informed Really organized Good preparation Complete research Good time control

How to address client misalignment? How to choose an appropriate activity for specific theme? How can we have high energy and creativity all the time during the workshop? How do we politely direct the client back to the session from their internal discussions?

Some activities/strategies could have been better Shifted away from our HMW question while focusing on activities A lot of discussion among the clients The energy could be higher

Deeper review with client on research More activities, longer goals and wishes More practice using exercises/excursions Write ideas on post-its and give it to the facilitator Find a way/ a thing related political and economical

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



WHAT IF ARS... Facilitated art events and created job opportunities

Was an economic development tool

Had strong relationships with SEDA and City of SAV

Had a strong relationship with SCAD

Was supported by Hotel/ Motel tax

Had tours with City Leaders Had an art residency program

Created a special volunteer program for SCAD students Created an art economy

Board members were strong political leaders

Was a tourist destination


Demonstrate the value of Art Rise Savannah in an economic and political way?

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




VALUE PROPOSITION FOR Art Rise Savannah Potential Government Funders

The city of Savannah WHO

Seek unique art culture & economic value in Savannah

THE Art Rise Savannah Programs OFFERING A not-for-profit art group that engages with local artists & empowers them economically and benefit the neighborhood.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



FOR Local artists and community

VALUE PROPOSITION FOR Art Rise Savannah Potential Audience

WHO Seek for unique art experience and opportunities

THE Art Rise Savannah OFFERING Art voice of Savannah

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SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



- Periodic Newsletters and books shared with the city officials. - FFAM conversations with Savannah leaders at different locations. - FFAM special trolley tour or march with leaders. - Workshops & Art events. - Attract Art-centric businesses to Savannah in order to create job opportunities. - Artist Incubator Program - Branding & Advertising - Marketing - Participation in Savannah Thanksgiving & St. Patrick's Parade.

KEY PARTNERS -Government of Savannah -SEDA -Department of Cultural Affairs -Other art organizations

KEY RESOURCES - People: Editors; Designers UX/UI - Branding; PR; Marketing; Sales; Publishers. - Place: Workshops; Incubator; Different FFAM locations. - Volunteers. - Leaders of Savannah.


- Renting - Hiring people - Printing newsletters / books / billboards - Advertising - Media expenditures - Events planning & organization costs


For the city of Savannah, who seek unique art culture and economic value in Savannah ARS programs that offers a not-for-profit art group that engages with local artists and empowers them economically and benefit the neighborhood.

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS - Community - Co-creation - Collaboration - Utilization / Leverage Resources - Mutual benefit / recognition - Assistance

CHANNELS - Local news & newspaper - Social Media (YT, FB, IG, Event pages & Live) - Visit Savannah Organization (local website) - Old Savannah Tours - Local Businesses - Word of Mouth - Terrestrial Advertising

CUSTOMER SEGMENTS - Artists - Savannah locals (families, neighborhoods, elderly, kids, disabled) -Tourists -SCAD & other students - Local businesses - Art focussed & others - Savannah government - Military - School


- Government funding - Revenue grants - Increased membership fees - Fundraising events - Sponsorships

- Merchandise selling - Art competitions - Donations - FFAM participating locations

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Art Rise Savannah Future Vision In our timeline for ARS, we suggest them to publish a newsletter and organize workshops monthly to increase awareness, join SCAD’s Sidewalk Festival and organize a MEGA Art March Event including coffee and conversations and special tours with artists and community leaders within first three months. For next year, ARS could participate in the Christmas parade and invite art centric businesses to create new job opportunities in Savannah. By 2020, we believe they would be in condition to create their own Incubator Program.

3 Years


1 Years DEC

0-3 Months SAI




MAR Branding and Advertising

Monthly Newsletter




City and Local Magazine





Invite Art Centric Business to create new job opportunities

Special Sidewalk Fest @ Bull Street

Monthly Workshop


Participate in Christmas Parade


Art Rise Savannah

Incubator Program

MAR Coffee and Conversation Special / MEGA Art March Event

Special Tours

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732 AHA!


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03 99 39



Final Presentation We wanted to make a presentation to our class walking them through our journey of working with ARS while showcasing what we have learned in the class throughout the quarter. Therefore we wanted to create a presentation within a workshop, going hand-in-hand, and interacting with our audience (classmates).


Summary SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Opportunity Statement

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Goals and Wishes

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Excursion to Design Journey

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Building Solution

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Multi-cultural Surprise

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Thank You!

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers How did you get to know about Art Rise Savannah? One of my classmates who also majors in art management but already graduated was the executive director of non-fiction gallery. In order to gain more experience about curating exhibition, which will contribute to my final exhibition as well as career planning, I applied to the internship of this gallery. Then I found that this gallery was a project under Art Rise Savannah. Why would you like to become the intern of Art Rise Savannah? Although the scale of Non-fiction galley is quite small, but I think it’s very professional. During my application to the internship, there were someone recruiting my background material, the director also told me about my main work and what kind of experience would I gain in the intern. The working time is quite flexible, too. By working for different kinds of exhibitions in non-fiction gallery I really got a lot of suggestions and inspiration for my own graduate exhibition.


A current intern in Non-fiction Gallery Who: Weijiao Yan When: Oct 31. 2016

What do you always do when working as an intern for Art Rise Savannah? Well, usually: Friday Evening: Opening Ceremony, I always provide beverages to visitors, take notes on the number of visitors, and communicate with visitors as well.Saturday/ Monday afternoon: Exhibition, I’m responsible for receiving visitors, interpreting the art works and answering some questions.Monday Morning: The director tells the interns about the weekly work, the interns sign up their working time schedule. Tuesday to Thursday: Prepare for the Exhibition, I help to prepare for next exhibition, and sometimes I help marketing coordinator with taking videos, and then post it on the Instagram.Every 2 months, art-rise organize meetings to help interns to know each other. Have you been to First Friday Art March? Y/N Yes, the number of visitors who come to non-fiction gallery always go high during First Friday Art March. Do you know about the Savannah Art Informer Newsletter? I heard about it but I’m not familiar with it. Marketing Coordinator always post “Art Round” on the social media and then “@savannah art informer”

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers How did you get to know about Art Rise Savannah? I started to know about Art Rise Savannah when I once joint in the Art March. Why would you like to become the intern of Art Rise Savannah? I have never worked as an intern, actually I have been a volunteer in there, not the intern. But I think working as a volunteer and working as an intern is quite similar in several ways. After all, I had access to a lot of things related to conducting exhibition and bringing into contact with artists. So, for me, I really learnt a lot during the volunteer in Art Rise Savannah, and I guess that intern might teach me more. I have a friend who is not interning in Art Rise Savannah, and she told me that the internship in Art Rise Savannah was so educational.

- APPENDIX A former volunteer in Non-fiction Gallery Who: Fiona Li When: Nov 1. 2016 Have you been to First Friday Art March? Y/N Yes, like what I have told you, I have been to Art March, I thought it’s a good event and educational, and meaningful. It actually attracted a lot of people. Do you know about the Savannah Art Informer Newsletter? I actually never heard about this stuff. Maybe because I have left Art Rise quite a while ago.

How did you feel about Art Rise Savannah when you worked for them? It really could lead me to get access to something that I had never met when studying in college. My major is Art Management, so I really lack of chances to apply my skills learnt in school, and Art Rise Savannah did offer me this kind of chances. For example, last time when I helped to prepare for Art March, I received guests, printed out some brochures, and worked on some set-up things, which really taught me some practical skills relevant to my major. And the knowledge was some kind of basic skills of my career. And the people in Art Rise were so nice, and willing to share their experience and knowledge. What’s more, in Savannah, I think Art Rise Savannah really did a good job in local art events. They are really influential in Savannah.

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Could you tell me about your life story? I moved here in Savannah 17 years ago and before that, I stayed in Africa for 23 years. I also did an art works such as painting and Art gallery. I love doing an art, painting and almost everything about art. Actually, I don’t call myself as an artist but I call myself as having fun with what I do. People always say i’m an artist but I don’t think so. Could you tell me about a brief story of A.T Hun Gallery? A.T Hun Gallery has been opened for 20 years. I worked here almost 15 years with the owner of A.T Hun Gallery. I love working here. I have a lot of good contacts. In this gallery, we have a lot of artists that willing to participate in our gallery. We starts from almost zero in this gallery and now it’s nice to see this gallery keep growing. This’s a very good things that I like. Do you have any concept for your art gallery and how can you attract people to come here and buy an artwork here? Yes, we have. We’re kind of different than the other gallery for sure. For me, the place is the most important things in the gallery if you have a good gallery but it’s in the wrong street. You really have to pay more to have a great place for your gallery. You should take a risk and put more art works and products to make people see what your gallery have.Our concept, we try to be different than the other.

- APPENDIX The manager of A.T Hun Gallery Who : Brigette Pirlot When : 3rd November 2.30 pm We try to not be organize but actually it’s organize. In this gallery, you will see that we separate the artworks and artists. We have 75 % of local artist in Savannah, then, GA My thought is like I wanna make people feel good when they come here and have a good experiences for example, music should be pleased people first and always keep smiling with friendly personality. So, they will feel great and relax. How you ever heard about Artrise in Savannah? I heard about it, I know but didn’t pay attention in that but I did know about Art Walk Savannah. We were members of Art walk for a while but right now we already stop for membership. I think it wasn’t work very well for us so, we’re not member anymore.

What did Art walk do for your gallery? They did almost nothing for our gallery. They just had a sign on the map and I think it not working very well for our gallery. I think we should find something to promote art better. We have a really wonderful place in here with the great location but I believe here, we can do better. What is your expectation or if you can improve for Art walk or Art rise savannah, what would you like to? I think they should probably do more event around to attract family better. They should do more activities for attracting people to come here than just put the sign in brochure.

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Could you briefly talk about what the department of cultural affairs except for the city Savannah? (vision) To foster innovative programming and services as a means of increasing the diversity and the quality of available cultural and artistic offerings, of raising the community’s awareness of the benefits gained from such programs, and of ensuring that the arts are used to enrich the quality of life within the City of Savannah. In what ways did the Cultural affairs department get to know Art Rise Savannah and become a supporter of them? In 2014, at very beginning, Art Rise savannah applying a small grant program, called waive a dream. After this, then they move on to the other programs. Next year they apply a four year Art March program. Is Art Rise applying grants here? By doing the application process, all non-profit organization can get grants. The department of cultural affairs only support the Art March program. What makes you to decide which program you will fund? DCA just facilitate the process, the commission (18) of DCA review all the applications, and make recommendations. The city council (members of community) and mayor decide whether approve or not about funding. The commission has a pretty intensive matrix to evaluate the organization. from Diversity, Accessibility of arts, Collaborative Relationships, Youth Programming, Entrepreneurial Arts Education and economic development.

- APPENDIX City of Savannah - The Department of Cultural Affairs Who: Rebecca Brown [contract coordinator] When: 2th November 2:30 pm How would you describe the First Friday Art March ? The first Friday Art March is great way to be implemented in an organization for arts and culture outside of historical district, and the neighborhood that focused on the community, also offers economic opportunity for business surround that area, and for young people to expose different art. How the department participate in Art March? The cultural arts gallery of department of cultural affairs is the member (vender location) of Art Rise. What kind of events and activities usually happen in Art March? What do u think the impact of Art March? Art March provide opportunity for for people to be active in the community. for neighborhoods and young people to engage, supporting local young artists, and do educational portion, provide opportunity for younger and small kids involved. What you expect more for Art March? They doing good for marketing, not only here, but also New York Times twice.The DCA expect Art March to increase educational outreach component, trying to implement more engagement about the neighborhood beyond. Just being as effective as they can be. The commission expect more for the diversity on the board. The commission want to see more educational programs open to the public. not only festivals, but something more effective in teaching, training on different art rise. If you can improve Art March what would you like to do? I would like to add more educational portion on it.

What would you do as a supporter of First Friday Art March? DCA provide fundings, some services( evaluate wether open to the public), and additional marketing. (online website, newsletter, upcoming event.)

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Could you please tell a brief story about this great place and vintage fashion? For the house of strut, what I am doing now is to make a list of all the hotels, and passing the informative cards about my store to them. I think both online and on ground experience are very important. I would like to grab more scad project to my business, raising awareness is what I need to do first. In what ways did you get to know Art Rise Savannah and want to become a participating location in art march? I know Art rise from Clinton and Starlandia, since we are neighbourhood. Are you a member of Art Rise Savannah? No, but I am a vendor, as a participating location at First Friday Art March. How would you describe the First Friday Art March? I think Art March has a very good consistency, because it happened on every month First Friday, and it support the business at the south area. How do you participate in Art March? As a participating location of Art March what kind of events and activities usually happen here? I usually hold a lot of events for parties and music events, during the experience, I educate my customers about fashion knowledge. Are the bands here local or not? They are local actually.

- APPENDIX The owner of the House of Strut Who: Erica Jarman When: 3th November 4:00pm How often artwork changed here? Usually one month, but the artwork presented in the House of Strut are not from the members of art rise. Will you have more people to visit this vantage fashion store during the art marchWill it improve the business here? Are people interesting in the art here? ( selling artwork?) More people will come here at Art March. What people usually do here at that day? Do they know art march, do they know Art Rise? Do you do additional help for art Rise and art march? I am not sure whether people know art march or art rise. I usually passing flyers. What you expect more for Art March? I think the Starlandia district is getting too big. the bigger it gets, the less impactful, I’d like to keep it in forthysi, victory. I would like Art March can always connect with musicians. focus on local artists and local musics. Actually, a good art march happened a long time ago. Indeed, the weather influence art march a lot. If you can improve Art March, what would you like to do? I suggest art march do more advertising. It could be a tight layout. It needs to go back to the art march, to go back to the vendor. we need to have a musical element, like pop up a band. Also, I wish we could have an outdoor audience store which we used to. Apart from this, we can targeting more tourists and we should giving information in people’s hand. Not the big poster.

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Let’s talk about Starlandia, can you describe the business shortly? It’s a reclaimed art supply store.we sell new and used art supplies that are traded in from the community at large. We organize them and we sell them. Who would you say is your largest customer base? Students between the ages of 18-25 attending one of the 3 colleges in Savannah. How and in what ways does Starlandia participates in the Art March Every first friday. We do different sales. Open from 6-9. Work with loop-it up Savannah. We do kids activities down here and we feature some art work. Another non-profit in Savannah. Focusing on reaching out to underserved communities. They connect kids with art and art resources. We understand Starlandia is a silver sponsor of Art Rise, can you talk about that a little bit? That’s through the printing. So Starlandia provides kind of in-kind donation, which is not necessarily a monetary donation, it’s a trade of a particular object or a service. So we trade printing services at a highly discounted rate to Art Rise Savannah in exchange for that. What are your observations about the Art March from the perspective of a participating location owner? The Art March works really well in terms of bringing in different audiences and definitely in boosting sales on those particular Fridays. It’s also been really beneficial in terms of meeting the other businesses around the area. Which has been kind of cool. So we’re excited about that.

- APPENDIX Founder of ARS / Owner of Starlandia Who: Clinton Edminster When: 2th November 2:30 pm What are your observations about the Art March from the aspect of the owner of the Art Rise? I think there is a lot of overlap over there. Art March definitely provides a means of communication between the businesses not during the art march which is pretty cool. Then also it brings the community together for an event that’s fun and accessible. Focusing on those aspects: fun and accessible. There are different beneficiaries of the art march, one is the audience, artists, business people or business members. So it all kinda comes together. It’s been interesting watching, sort of i can see it from both the business owner perspective from Starlandia but then also running the art march and seeing it from there. But at the same time, sometimes it’s a little difficult bc im so in the middle of all of it to have a good understanding of its impact. So we do a lot of work on try to do surveys, ask the community about how we’re doing. Would you say that Savannah locals are familiar with this event now? Are most people aware? No. 98% of Savannah is unaware of Art March. I would say maybe a little bit less than that. There is a huge percentage of sav community that is not aware of the FFAM so we have a lot of growth potential there. We have such a narrow minded approach of what you and i think sav is. Sav is a very large community 270,000 people. Downtown represents about 10,000. It differs in different areas. So like downtown a lot of people, a very high percentage of people know about the FFAM. In Ardsley Park, a very high percentage of people know about the FFAM. outside of there and in the rest of the city, absolutely not. It’s very interesting. Why do you think that is the case? Focus. It has a lot to do with transportation. People are in their cars and we don’t use the marketing mediums that people living outside of downtown are looking at. We don’t advertise on TV, or the radio or on billboards. The south side is dominated by transportation and by traffic. So people are in their cars all the time or they are at home on fb. All these different ways of reaching people. I think a big one radio and billboards. we looked into possibly doing . its called terrestrial advertising. Stuff on billboards and stuff around.

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers (Cont.) You looked into it, is there a reason why you did not pursue with it? Funding. Do people usually buy art during the march? Yes i think based on some of our older reports, usually about %30 of people made a purchase during the FFAM. But we’re not exactly sure, it’s difficult to kind of figure out if that is a purchase from the store or purchase from the artist in the store. Because we have so many different types. So like you can go to the sentient bean and purchase a cup of coffee or purchase art. So how are you doing that. What we found that most ppl are making purchases of the things that the stores have. So art purchases are probably much lower than that. so that’s one thing we’re working on. Does it have a noticeable impact on the sales? During the art march night 50-250% increase for most businesses. FFAM is hugely beneficial for the businesses, not so much for the artists. Why? Art work tends to be more expensive. Sometimes it’s not immediately purchasable. Original idea was that it would be all about the arts. But the need from the community especially here in the starland, much more business focused. Businesses are very interested in having FFAM. But our main mission is to support local artists. How is a FFAM day like for you? Morning social media marketing. Afternoon set up. 6-9 execution and 9-10 breakdown.

- APPENDIX Founder of ARS / Owner of Starlandia Who: Clinton Edminster When: 2th November 2:30 pm Can you expand on the set-up? Setting up the equipment, indie arts market, lights, wires, checking vendors in. Signage, balloons. Make sure that the stores have their signs out. Photos of what we’re doing. Getting the gallery prepped. Make sure everybody looks good, temperature is set. Everything is organized. Kids activities.. If we’re doing a band, that.. FFAM is structurally dynamic on where the bands will be etc. it’s consistent on the first friday. To keep it from getting still we change things a bit. Do you help other stores set up too? No. Favorite location of art march? Changes according to who’s having a band, who has cool artwork on display. House of Strut does a really good job in social media advertising etc. other places not so much. It’s really about the businesses. Sometimes businesses complain like nobody showed up to my space. Well you either had a boring show or you didn’t market it correctly. What is your future vision of FFAM? We’re working on that. I would need to check with the board first to share it. Bc it has an effect on the businesses involved. I’m hoping on saturday we can get into more ideas with you guys. How many members does ARS have? How do you communicate with those members? I think a hundred. Mainly through email, phone calls sometimes. Would you say that your members are loyal to ARS? Very loyal. They are up to date to ARS activities. And that’s greatly increased in the past 6 months. Them being up to speed due to Kayla’s work.

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers

Could First Friday Art March bring any advantage to Sulfur Studios? If yes, What kind of advantage? First Friday Art March is a huge asset to Sulfur Studios. We encourage all of our studio renters to open their studios to the public during the Art March so that people in the community can see artists at work. It is one of our busiest nights each month, and our top attendance has been about 500 people during the 3 hour event. We also host an Art Market in our upstairs Annex space, where we invite other artists to set up booths to sell their work. We always have an exhibition in our main gallery downstairs, and the increased foot traffic allows the featured exhibition to get a high level of visibility. Are you involved with any other art walks? If yes, how many? and can you share their names with us? We are not currently involved with any other art walks, but we do host studio tours from time to time. Do you need to work with more employees during the Art March? Do you need additional help/work for the Art March? We are always looking for volunteers to assist us during Art March and at any of our events in general. Emailing info@sulfurstudios.org is the best way to get in touch to get involved in volunteering with us.

- APPENDIX The Co-founder of Sulfur Studios Who: Emily Earl When: 3rd November Does Sulfur Studios sell a lot of artwork? What about the price range of the art works sold? Art sales definitely varies from exhibition to exhibition. We have sold work in a wide range of prices over the years. How popular is Art Rise Savannah / Art March among the artists in Sulfur Studios? Art Rise Savannah & the Art March is very popular with our renters, the increased foot traffic during the Art March aides them in selling their work and reaching new audiences. Do you inform people about the Art March? We inform people about the Art March by sharing our Open Studio event via facebook & other social media, as well as publicizing the featured exhibition’s reception during the Art March. Are there any information/signage about the First Friday Art March in Sulfur Studios? We keep Art March flyers and maps in our front window display as well as take away maps in our front lobby for Art March participants to use. What influence do you wish Art March to bring to you? We are incredibly happy with Art Rise’s Art March event and we’re pleased to be part of it each month!

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Are you involved with any other art walks? If yes, how many? and can you share their names with us? No How is your relationship different with each of them? Not applicable Does the First Friday Art March increase Foxy Loxy’s sales? Yes If yes, how much of those sales are from selling art and how much from selling regular goods? Most of the increase in sales has to do with selling food and beverage items. We do sell some art but it is a very small percentage compared to our other revenue centers. Do you need to work with more employees during the Art March? Do you need additional help/work for the Art March? We currently staff the cafe the same as we would any other night but their shifts do last longer since there is more clean-up to do, i.e. dishes, courtyard, etc.

- APPENDIX The owner of Foxy Loxy Who: Jennifer Jenkins When: 2nd November How often are the artworks changed? How often do you display new artists’ works? We change out the downstairs gallery every 2 months. Are there brochures available for customers’ to read and learn about the artworks? We provide information about the artist(s) along with the price list on two clipboards hung on the walls in the downstairs area. Do you inform people about the Art March? We promote our involvement in the Art March through social media and press release to print media. Are there any information/signage about the First Friday Art March in Foxy Loxy? Maps of the Art March are available at Foxy, they are dropped off several days before Art March by Art Rise. We also put a sign out on the front sidewalk that states that we are an Art March stop.

Does Foxy Loxy sell a lot of artwork? We have found that we sell a decent amount of artwork in the $25 - $50 range. For this reason and my own artistic interests we focus on hand pulled prints. These tend to be a little cheaper since there are multiples but we really try to avoid digital reproductions of work. We now display work in ready-made frames to keep the price in that $25 - $50 range.

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Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers

What are the activities of ARS? There are 3 prime programs that we are doing - FFAM, NFG and SAI. There are other multilevel programs that operate under the umbrella of these prime programs. Eg: Loop it up Savannah, Deep Center. The idea is to have a deeper engagement with people / partner with them mostly partnership. What is the role that board of directors play in term of working for Artrise? The board deals with organisation, we have board meeting every month. 3 of us - Clinton, Heather and me meet the board to discuss about product / goal / direction / art focus for Art Rise. How do nonprofits work to generate revenue stream? We’re doing a little bit differently than other non-profit organization. We have a big profit from community outreach, gain donation from community, art march also help to generate a lot of revenue grant. Art March consistently generates revenue streams in every month for us. Other source could be artist membership, we have 143 members. We have a corporate member which operate on a different level. They are not artist member but they’re sponsoring Art and the overall organization. There is a construction company which has been a corporate sponsor for years. What do they get in return? Advertising & PR. Let’s them know about everything that we do first so, they can be involved and create a good relationship Why are activities of ARS only active in Starland? Because we started it 4 years ago only. We didn’t have a place in mind. We are all volunteers and freelance. Difficult for doing in downtown and starland is accessible. Some studios work here Savannah Art walk / Arc Savannah do you know about that? Yes, I know. They do a communication for us as well

- APPENDIX Editor in Chief, Savannah Art Informer and Managing Director, Art Rise. Who: Kayla Goggin When: November 1, 9:30 am How is Artrise different from them? Did you consider them as a competitor? They are a partner to us. Savannah is small town to have competitors. We have a good relationship with them. Being in competition is not our purpose / mission at all. It’s good to make friend with other organization How is Foxy Loxy during First Friday Art march different than the other day? People will come and have coffee before heading to a gallery, all business work together What is your relationship with Old Savannah Tour, are they sponsors? We don’t actively work with the old savannah tour, they just give us a discounted price for the trolley. Tourism will be happy if we give information to them about Art March and Art Rise. Can you tell me Savannah Art Informer and how it works? Helps to promote local artists. Communicate with them and the city and it’s a good resources for people Non- fiction gallery functions? Find an opportunity for an artist to engage and we need an artist to follow. We have Hector to organize the event / studio How do people know about SAI ? Website and mainly word of mouth What is your aspiration for SAI? Offering art reviews, be more active with press releases. Artist is primary audience, so making more artists aware about it. Help grow audience Any suggestion? Since the opportunity that we are exploring in the workshop is going to be about generating revenue. Revenue Grants is one of the prime sources of revenue for ARS and you might want to explore that more.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Do you know about Art Rise Savannah/In what ways did you get to know about Art Rise Savannah? Yes. I saw it on facebook. Are you a member of Art Rise SAV? Yes, I came to Savannah two years ago and wanted to be an artist here. I think they just started Art Rise at that time. I know nothing about how to be, how to make a living as an artist when I first came here. I tried to figure out, so I joined some local art organizations, like Art Rise Savannah, Arc Savannah, Tybee Arts Association. And I used to live near the Starlandia. Now I have my own studio here at City Market. It`s not at Starland area. So I only participate the Art Walk here. Oh, and I still receive emails from Art Rise. Have you been to First Friday Art March? Yes, I`ve been there several times.

- APPENDIX Local Artist at City Market Who: Robin Sterns When: 1rd October 3.30 pm Do you know about Non-fiction gallery? Yes, I’ve heard about it. Are you a member of them? No. How often do you go to Non-fiction gallery? Not very often. I`ve been there once. Have you exhibited your artworks there? No, I used to think about renting their gallery and showing my works there. But now I have my studio here, so I think I can exhibit my works in my own studio. Do you know about the Savannah Art Informer Newsletter? Yes, but I’ve never read it.

What is your favorite activity? I like to see what people are creating, like their mix of works and also students` unique works. Like I’ve seen a flower pot that made by woods. And a woman who make customized jewelrys and handmade necklace. Could you share a memorable experience about First Friday Art March? I have some negative thing to say about First Friday Art March. I’m afraid of the dangerous neighborhoods at that area, it’s not safe at night. So my friends and I usually go there and leave earlier. If they can change the time that would be great. And I think the Art Walk here used to be the same time, but they changed to 2-6pm later.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Interview Transcription

- APPENDIX Local Artist at City Market Who: Sue Gouse When: 1rd October 3.40 pm

Interview Question & Answers Do you know about Art Rise Savannah/In what ways did you get to know about Art Rise Savannah? Yes. Online I think. Are you a member of Art Rise SAV? No, I’m not. Have you been to First Friday Art March? I know it, but I’ve never been there. We have an Art Walk here at city market. Since my studio is here, and I’m old and tired, so I only have time to participate one. I think there is also another one called Art on the River at the bay area. And I used to be the president of Arc Savannah, but believe me, it’s a nightmare. And I think Art Walk here used to be the same time with Art Rise Art March at First Friday of every month, then it changed to the first Saturday of each month. And I think that Art Rise and Arc Savannah have considered merge together. Do you know about Non-fiction gallery? No. Do you know about the Savannah Art Informer Newsletter? No.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Do you know about Art Rise Savannah/In what ways did you get to know about Art Rise Savannah? Yes. And I`m a friend of Clinton. Are you a member of Art Rise SAV? Yes, I am. Have you been to First Friday Art March? Yes, I’ve been there many times. What is your favorite location? My favourite location is Sulfur Studios, they have a lot of art works to see at Art March. And Gypsy World is also really good. What is your favorite activity? My favorite activity at Art March is going to the opening and to see the artist and artworks.

- APPENDIX Local Artist at Kobo Gallery Who: Christina Edwards When: 1rd October 4.00 pm Do you know about Non-fiction gallery? Yes. Are you a member of them? No. I’m not. How often do you go to Non-fiction gallery? Not very often, 2 or 3 times a year. Have you exhibited your artworks there? No. I have my artworks here. Do you know about the Savannah Art Informer Newsletter? Yes, I know about Art Informer, usually I read it 2 or 3 times a month. I think It’s like a weekly sum up of Art Rise exhibitions and activities.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers How do people fund Art Rise Savannah? We have membership fundings, people who pay fees to become a member of Art Rise Savannah. we have sponsorships also. What about tonight exhibition show? This is our first non-fiction fellowship show. Show tonight is our first fellowship exhibition selected in Non-fiction Gallery.The artist is our fellowship, before she submitted proposal.She wants to integrate more with the local community. How do artists know Art Rise savannah and to become a membership? We just have a member only show back in September, so it encourage people to join Art Rise so they can have their works on the show. We have over 60 artists showing and exhibiting in this pace in a time. So it was kind of a membership drive to get people to become a member, have their work on the show. And we got another one scheduled on Spring some time. It offers opportunities for local artists and encourage them to know Art Rise Savannah. How do we know what’s coming up in Non-fiction gallery? It should be shown on the website, we update on website every week to let people know what’s coming up. Sometimes we also have musicians come in the show.

- APPENDIX Board of Director/Treasurer; Owner of Non-fiction gallery Who: Heather Macrae When: 28th October 8:00 pm How people use this space? In September, we did a membership show. All the members submitted their piece of work, some submitted more so we have to selected. We elected pretty conceive 52 pieces show. We do membership show, we do jewelry show, fellowships, and we have musicians, workshops and special events for people. We have panel discussions. We looking this space as a local point of community, so it can adapted to whatever their need is. Right now, the major part of using this space is people rent it for jewelry show. This space is now Non-fiction gallery run it so it offers more flexibilities for our fellowships. We do fellowship program as a business of Art Rise Savannah. The non-profit organization sometimes has business with profit organization for specific projects. What is your main challenge? We have only three people on the ground to run Art Rise. Our challenge is now how to make money, pay everybody, make the organization moving forward, and also our mission is to provide local artists with opportunities What type of memberships you have? There are different ways to be supporters. Kayla is now our manager director, she is responsible for regular brands, for structuring how memberships are and develop it. There are different membership

Is this space rented ? Yes, this is a rented space.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers What is the differences between non-profit organization and not for profit organization? Non Profit Organization has 2 classification which mean earn and un earn revenue and for non for profit, it’s unable to naturally support themselves to earn revenue For example,SCAD is non-profit organization. SCAD earn revenue by tuition and SCAD un-earn revenue is a fundraising, individual donation, foundation, corporate money and fundraising events. How about Art Rise savannah? How this organization work as a non-profit organization? For Art Rise, there is a small amount of earn revenue which come by the rental fee of non-fiction gallery, participation fee, first friday art march and membership fee which could be earn and un-earn revenue. For un-earn or contributive income, there come from individual donation city grants, foundation grants, corporate grants, state grants or different kind of grants. What do people get back? If people don’t get back anything, it means un-earn income but if membership get benefit, it means earn income.

- APPENDIX Finance Expert Who : Patrick A. Kelsey When : 2nd November 4.30 pm Can non-profit ever make profit? Non-profit does not mean no profit. The mission of full profit is “ To make money” but not for profit is “Not to make money but they have to make money which could be small amount or big”. All non-profit organization have to make money for their investors. How the non-profit organization can expand the revenue stream? It have a couple way to go. It can grow more organically for example Artrise this year they made 100 thousand dollar and then, it go back to company. In the other way, non-profit organization receive a new revenue or new grants so, they can expand or develop the new programs. How might we streamline the revenue for Artrise and focus on the activity? The problems of Art rise is lack of people. They don’t have people to take care all of activities. And Art rise is not big enough to have high profit or revenue. So, maybe they should look at the membership and things that going on to create new proposal for corporation and corporate membership for example, online profile, online membership etc. They should set up online platform to apply automatically for credit card.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers (Cont.) Can non-profit organization own a building? Yes, they can own a building but for non-fiction gallery should be an entire building instead of blog. Art rise is doing good in term of traffic but they should do more good. They should keep it going, today tomorrow and future. For example, fundraising campaign. Their name who donate can be appear it in the wall and space like SCAD MOA. Artrise has a goodwill but they need more goodwill. They should strengthen fundraising network. Do non-profit pay taxes? Yes and no. they can reduce some taxes How can we make a process for money? Now, not really efficient. They should skill up. They can’t do just brochure or paper for every transaction. It could not be effective because it take time for processing the money. They should moving away for paper to online, application or the other way which make it more easier.

- APPENDIX Finance Expert Who : Patrick A. Kelsey When : 2nd November 4.30 pm What could be 3 opportunities that have a potential to create or expand more revenue for Art rise? They should increase more stuff, In order to grow they should they a risk. They should focus on money making things and find supporter and do some fundraising event. They should add more attractiveness for funder. What make funder to invest money for non-profit? Meet their needs and people serve which means who is artrise serve. For artist, local or tourism.Non-profit usually don’t show how much they can making money. Can non profit distribute money to their stakeholder? Yes, They can distributing net income to employee for example, SCAD makes a lot of money and they distribute to faculty for bonus and salary. For Artrise, Clinton can pay himself but board will check it and support for everything. Board is all trustee in artrise

Do you have any good example for non-profit organization? Look at Guidestar website. They have many non-profit organization that we can look at it. In Savannah, we have Savannah dance , Arc Savannah etc.

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



Interview Transcription

Interview Question & Answers Do you know about ARS and their activities? Yes I do, I know they do the first friday art march, a lot of people come to florence. We are supposed to sign off the map they are carrying and then they get discounted drinks. A 6$ drink for 2 and 10$ one for 6. Also there is the bingo event. What is Bingo? Bingo is the game that we play at Florence since Aug this year. There is 5$ donation for it and 15 people can play at a time. What value does FFAM bring to ARS and Florence? For Florence, it is advertising. Also it aligns with their goals of doing community collaboration. The celebrity chef is famous in Georgia for his community work, therefore there are a lot of regulars and people from the neighbourhood that come. I don’t think FFAM majorly impacts the footfall, this place is already very famous.

- APPENDIX Florence Bartender Who: Stephen When: November 1, 9:30 am How does Florence participate or display art? Florence has 2 galleries. The downstairs cafe can accommodates the work of 1 artist (6 pieces) and the upstairs gallery accommodates 2 (10-15 pieces). We also put up a FFAM board outside. Who shares information about the artists? Are the artists present there? The artists are not usually present and there is no information about the artists. Clinton usually comes to drop off some art march maps sometimes, but no information about the artists. As Bartenders and people working there, we would be more than happy to discuss more information about the artworks and artist and help in selling them. How do people who come for Art March, come to Florence? Do they walk/take trolley/car? Not sure

How many people come get the form signed by you? As a whole, maximum 50 and minimum 3

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Secondary research Insights transcription Central circle: Art education Become more than just doers but learners Educative classes & workshops Marketing & communication channel 2 major ways: Website & membership show Needs regular update Change “Non-fiction gallery” to “Art rise gallery” Accessible to everyone Art community accessible Art awareness 2% people in Savannah know about FFAM Provides creative & financial opportunities to local artists Engage Chatham county public Local crafts Artists need to live in Chatham county during fellowship Create loyalty Supporting the value of art SAI is read by 4600 people with 600 reads per week Community building Art force in the south Increase Savannah art aspect Thriving art economy Sustainable creative economy Motivates the art community Revenue Opportunities Local business profit 50%~250% from art and sales Informative





FFAM+SAI Tying businesses to artists/art Promoting local business in Savannah NFG+SAI Good following Fellowship winner writes monthly blog post on SAI

Make Savannah a better place Adapt local needs ARS participants are mostly 21-31 years old, race: Caucasian For kids and family Tourism culture Southern hospitality ARS increased tourists by 10-20% Belief in the potential of Savannah Community friendly Community based (Local based) Award for the winners Engage artists & SCAD students SCAD student resources Cross-genre artistic collaboration Engaging the state authorities Entertainment Activities/performing music Musicians Music festival Fellowship winner creates & executes a public art workshop Live events Neighborhood Entertainment Savannah identity Branding Walking friendly Bike friendly Sustainable growth through a cycle of evaluation action results NFG member-only exhibitions to strengthen the community loyalty Price to rent the non-fiction gallery: $500/week (+$45 if Art March) 50 submissions, 60 artists (September Membership Show) 2 member shows: 1.September 2.Spring Fellowship winner undertakes 5 hours/week of gallery work Fellowship winner gets one week of free rental space at NFG Fellowship winner creates a body of work for the NFG

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016




Cultural Probe Results

SCAD l DMGT 732 Facilitating Creative Thinking | Professor Bruce Claxton l Fall 2016



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