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I N T E R N A T I O N A L I S L A MI C U N I V E R S I T Y MA L A Y S I A K u l i y y a h o f A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d E n v i r o n me n t a l D e s i g n D e p a r t me n t o f A r c h i t e c t u r e C O U R S E


A A R 2 2 4 4 C U L T U R E A N D A R C H IT E C T U R E S E M E S T E R 2 2 0 1 9 /2 0 2 0

A S S I G N ME N T J o u r n a l A s s i g m e n t A r c h i t e c t u r e + C u l t u r e : V i s i t o r c e n t e r o r f i s h e r m a n f a c i l i t i e s

L E C T U R E R A s s o c .

P r o f .

D r .

H a n i t a b i n t i A b d u l M a j i d



P a n t a i S r i T u j o h a n d K a m p u n g B a r u N e l a y a n i n T u m p a t , K e l a n t a n


A P P L I C A T I O N C A N V A . C O M

S O U R C E S W W W . K O S A M U I. C O M W W W . A C T I V IT Y F A N . C O M E N . W I K I P E D IA . O R G /W IK I/K O _ S A M U I

Contents of Precedents 3



Tumpat, Kelantan, Malaysia

4 5 7 14

Background Local Culture Facilities Activites


Bophut, Ko Samoi, Thailand

15 16 18 25

Background Local Culture Facilities Activites






Introduction This magazine is made to complete the assignment of AAR 2244 Culture and Architecture which require students to conduct an analysis on visitor centre or fishermen facilities as precedence studies to support design task in studio. The magazine consists of culture and architecture of the two fishermen villages chosen to conduct studies and analysis based on two fishermen villages both local and overseas and its surrounding environment. The magazine explain how the chosen fishermen villages functions in a given environment, its genius loci, architectural styles and relationship to history, geography, people and culture. The fishermen villages chosen are from tumpat, Malaysia and Bophut, Thailand.

View of Pantai Sri Tujoh at the area of lagoon which is surrounded by Casuarina trees.

Background Tumpat is a district in Kelantan, Malaysia

which has a population of majority being the Malays with significant Siamese, Indian and Chinese. Tumpat is famous for its beaches and Siamese temples such as Pantai Sri Tujuh, Pantai Suri, Pantai Geting, Wat Machimmaram, Wat Prachumthat Canaram, Wat Phikulthong Vararam and Wat Phothivihan. Tumpat has several lagoons across its district. One of the lagoons is located at Pantai Sri Tujoh which is now is one of the famous beaches in Kelantan and also located at Kampung Baru Nelayan which is famous with its fishermen's jetty.

The signage of Tumpat right at the corner of the road can be seen. on my way to the destination.



Local Culture Muzium Wau Kelantan

The roof of Muzium Wau Kelantan has the Malay architecture characteristics which it has tunjuk buah butung at the most top of the roof and has double pitched roof (bumbung cerun bertingkat). The sketch above shown the elevation of Muzium Wau roof.

The sketch of Muzium Wau's roof

In this Museum Wau, it has a collection of wau from all over the country in Malaysia that has variety of shapes and details that are vary from each other.

The sketch of Muzium Wau in Tumpat which is located right beside dry fish market at the entrance of Pantai Sri Tujoh.

Local Culture Galeri Kraf, Seni Lukis dan Batik Next to the Muzium Wau is the Galeri Kraf, Seni Lukis dan Batik where it showcases local artworks including batik and traditional kites.

The sketch of Galeri Kraf, Seni Lukis dan Batik's roof The roof has the architecture of bumbung rumah Negeri Sembilan which has pointy end at both end of the roof that comes fom the combination of Minangkabau architecture and bumbung panjang. The sketches shown above are the elevation views of the roof of Galeri Kraf, Seni Lukis dan Batik.

Sketch of Galeri Kraf, Seni Lukis dan Batik which located beside Muzium Wau

Muzium Wau Kelantan is located just right beside the dry seafood marketplace. Here, it also has a gallery for arts collection just next to it as picture shown below.



Facilities The Jetty In Kampung Baru Nelayan, the only fishing facilities provided here is the jetty. The jetty here is made from wood as it had been here for a long time and had not undergo any major modification since then. It functions well for the fishermen as the deck is completely fine as the wood just has slight breakage. The jetty also has markers for every parking for the boats to ease the fishermen to park their boats. This is where the fishermen loading the fresh seafood to be sell or to bring back for their family. Usually the seafood that had been caught by the fishermen are fishes, prawns and clams. In this village, it has no other fishermen facilities nor cultural facilities as it is mainly for the houses of the residents of the village. Cultural facilities can be found at Pantai Sri Tujoh as it is the attraction place among the tourist. Jetty in Tumpat is mostly used by the community that lived near to the area of Tumpat.

Facilities The Jetty Along the road towards Pantai Sri Tujoh, there are several personal jetties that can be found just beside the road. One of them is this jetty that I found very unique as it has a strong spirit of genius local which still in use by the fisherman but it looks like it had been in a very bad condition where the wooden deck are all dislocated and very not sturdy to be use. However, the fisherman still use it very well to place his boats and loading the fish. This shows that even it looks old on the outside but it actually still very strong and can still be use. Actually, these kind of old facilities is precious for the cultural heritage as it shows the identity of the place.

The picture of a jetty that can be seen from the road that still in use by a local.



Facilities MyKP

MyKP or known as MyKomuniti Perikanan is also established here to provide the concept of consolidation and improvement of programs implemented by the department with the coastal and inland fisheries communities which can help the fisherman to increase their incomes. This facility is build just for the fishermen use.

Fish Breeding The locals also do raise fish commercially in enclosures which known as fish farming system. Fish farming is one of the most popular methods used in aquaculture in coastal areas and protected river estuaries that can increase the production of livestock. It has the mid-modern technology of fish breeding and not very traditional way of breeding fish which is good for the fishermen but not for the visitors that want to learn about the history of fish breeding.

The picture of MyKomuniti Perikanan signage which can be seen from the road on the way to Pantai Sri Tumpatl. Behind it is one of the fish breeding area managed by the local community.


Facilities Seafood Dry Market At the main gate of Pantai Sri Tujoh, there is a seafood dry market just right beside the road where the locals sell seafood products lsuch as dried fishes and budu. Most of the seller are women who are the wife of the fishermen, so when their husbands are out for fishing, they will sell the seafood here from noon till evening.

This facility is fully utilise by the sellers but it has not a very good appearance of a seafood marketplace as it looks more like a large concrete gazebo with handmade extending sun-shading which underneath it is where some people selling seafood products which they display the products on the table. It had not much major modification since the last ten years when I visit this place.The picture below is the seafood market of Pantai Sri Tujoh.

Dried fish, salted fish and many more seafood products are sell here.

The physical state of dry fish market in Tumpat.



Picture of Masjid Al-Zakirin's roof which has the influence of Malay traditional house.

Masjid AlZakirin

The sketch below shown the view of the mosque from its front side.

Pantai Sri Tujoh also has Masjid Al- Zakirin that is built to make ease for the visitors to perform prayers. This mosque's roof also has the same Malay architecture characteristics as Muzium Wau where it has double pitched roof (bumbung cerun bertingkat) and buah butung at the top most of the roof as shown in the pictures. The mosque is located beside the lagoon of Pantai Sri Tujoh.


Facilities Street market There are also mini street market at Pantai Sri Tujoh where they sell food varying from various type of fritters and beverages. This street market is just a popup tent which had been a culture in Kelantan market.

The sketch shows mini street market and stalls that enhance casual atmosphere because of the open-air style application.


There are also semi-indoor stalls selling food and beverages along the road. The architecture of the stalls' roof is also similar to the roof architecture of Muzium Wau and Al-Zakirin mosque which it has double pitched roof.


Facilities Accomodation Accommodation also available to the visitors who wants to spend the night here. This is one of the chalets that can be found here.

The sketch show one of the chalets in Tumpat that still preserves its identity of traditional Malay construction.

This chalet has the characteristic of the roof of Rumah Limas Bungkus Terengganu which usually can be found in Terengganu state. The sketch below shows the elevation view of the roof of the chalet.

This is the zoom out of the chalet's roof which has the resemblance of Rumah Limas Bungkus Terengganu.

Most of the functional building here including mosque, gallery and museum are build based on the Malay traditional architecture as shown in the sketch above except that it is not built on stilt as in the older days, houses are raise on stilts to avoid wild animals. It can be seen that this place still preserved its local identity and its culture.


Activities Water ride

At Pantai Sri Tujoh also has a water ride activity where the visitors can paddle the boat on their own. It has paddle duck boats else than the usual paddle boats.

However, this activity does not shows the identity of the place as it can be found in other countries as well. There should be water ride of sampan or local mini boats to enhance the local identity. The ticket counter for the water ride activities is floating on the water and it has simple characteristic of Malay traditional architecture which has pitched roof and is made of timber as shown in the sketch beside.


The seating is beside the lagoon where visitors usually will sit here to enjoy the view and feel the breeze. The seating is just plainly made of concrete which acts as the seating and also barrier of the water from go up to the land. Actually, this is the culture of the locals where they prefer to sit just by the side of the lagoon rather than seating inside a buiding.


Background Koh Samui

Is an island off the east coast of Thailand which is Thailand's second largest island after Phuket. The island was probably first inhabited about 15 centuries ago, settled by fishermen from the Malay Peninsula and southern China. Bophut Beach is one of the famous beaches in Koh Samui for being the most elegant and well-preserved place on the island. Bophut is one of the few places on Samui that retains some of the island's original Thai-Chinese atmosphere. The traditional core of Bophut, the Fisherman's Village, is a charming village on the east side of the beach.

Picture show the jetty of Koh Samui in Thailand that is used both for tourism and industrial purpose.


Local culture Selling There are locals who wanders around the beach selling food and handmade items to support their living.

Some of them will just walk by the beach while carrying baskets full of things to sell to on their shoulders to be sell by the visitors nearby the beach.

The fishermen also do this to support their living when they can not go out to the sea to catch fish because of the bad weather like monsoon and heavy rain season.

An old man is carrying baskets full with the items to be sell on his shoulders. There are also some of them who think out of box, selling fruits on a small boat in the water by the seaside to capture visitors' attention to buy the fruits as it is a rare sight for the visitors that come to that place as shown in the picture below.


Local Culture The locals also produce handmade crafts to be sell at the night market. The motives of the products are usually inspired from flora and fauna of the place.


Local souvenirs such as bags are made from 'sarong' which is the local type of clothes that has floral decoration and has variety of colours to choose from.

Wood Crafts

The wood craft shop that sells wood carvings decorations applies yellow lighting effect to create an ambiance of traditional vibe in the shop.

The picture shows crafts with motives inspired from animals and human.

Facilities Jetty

At Bophut Beach, there is a jetty for ships and boats for both fishermen' and visitors' use. It is a wooden jetty which still preserves the local identity of the place as shown in the sketch beside. There is an old jetty which had been used by the fishermen in older times but had been seriously damaged and no longer in use now as just half of the decking that exist. The locals just preserves the jetty as it is one of the heritage that show =s the cukture of fishermen in that place had been existed long time ago.

This jetty however is used just for loading fish or picking up passengers and not for the boat parking. The boats will park along the seaside of the beach.



Facilities Night market

Every Friday there is an evening market held Fisherman’s Village in Bophut. It’s a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with the road closed to traffic popular market attracts Ko Samui residents as tourists.

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The market is full of pop-up tents and extended shops where the shop owner will put small kiosks in front of their shops at night while during daylight they just do their selling business inside the shop. The sketch show the scenery of night market in Bophut when it is packed with people. This is the culture of the people in Bophut where they prefer outdoor market rather than market in the building as outdoor market will make the visitors able to feel the culture of the place.



Shops The architecture of the place is highlighted with lines of old wooden Chinese shop-houses, interspaced with a few modern buildings that match the tone, it retains a distinctly Mediterranean feel of the boutique shops there. Old Chinese shop-houses crowd the narrow street many with sympathetic conversions to modern use as small trendy shops as shown in the pictures. The pictures show shops that has influence of other countries style of building constructions that had been applied to the building in the area of Bophut.


Facilities Cafes

The cafes here has both traditional and modern building construction as shown in the pictures above and below. This old part of Bophut Beach obviously takes its name from the fact that it was once home to a thriving fishing community. More recently, the fishermen have moved on and the main pier has collapsed, but the old wooden shop houses remain, with a warren of narrow alleys running between many of them, giving the village a charming old look and feel.

There are cafes that has the mixture of Mediterranean feeling in its building design as the old building had been modernized and modified so that it can be fully utilized as a cafe.

Facilities Restaurants


The open-air dining can be easily found here as most of the restaurants will set up the tables and chairs along the beach for the dinner as this will produce a greater atmosphere and experience for the customers. Many of the buildings on the beach side of the road are open at the back, offering remarkable views across the sea. These are mostly restaurants, many of which have tables which spread out onto the sand of the adjacent beach where the visitors can have their dinner on the sandy beach to enjoy the view and to feel the cool breeze of sea.


Facilities Hotels & Resorts Here, it has many hotels and resorts provided to the visitors which ranging from low budget hotels to luxury hotels.

Most of the famous hotels and resorts are located along the beach as visitors prefer to stay in accommodation where they can see spectacular views of the place especially rooms that facing the beach which are always in demand.

The picture shows the bird-eye view of the hotels and resorts that produces tropical vibes as it is surrounded by the trees and located just along the coastal area.

Facilities Hotels & Resorts The hotels also has the traditional Thailand architecture which can be seen from the distictive feature of the hotel roof that has Roof Gable or known as Ngao, is the elegant curved decoration at the ends of the peaked bargeboards surrounding the gable as shown below.

The sketch above shows the architecture of Thailand traditional house that has few similar elements with Malay traditional house which are raised on stilts, using natural materials and high pitched roof. One of the significant difference is the decoration at the ends of peaked bargeboards that can only be found in the architecture of Thailand traditional house.

The hotels and resorts in Ko Samui mostly have pitched roof because of the tropical climate in Thailand that hot and humid all year long. Pitched roof allows the rain to go down smoothly off the roof and protect the users from direct sunlight with the help of the roof eaves all around the roof which as well gives shades to its inhabitant as shown in the sketch and pictures.



Activities Performances At night, in the middle of Bophut Fisherman Village market,usually there will be performances such as singing and dancing performed by the local dancers and street performers to entertain the visitors.


The main attraction here is the market as it has a quite huge night market for the visitors to have a great shopping on the local crafts and souvenirs with the architecture of rustic-style local boutique stores, where they simply extending their racks and shelves out onto the now carless streets to take part in the weekly walking street.

Jet Ski

Another activity that can be done here is the speedboat ride where visitors can have a ride to enjoy the views of the sea. This activity also suitable to those who loves water sport activities.

Synthesis Rough Design idea

Issue: architecture of the facilities indeed has the characteristics of traditional architecture, however the material used had been modified, which it use mostly timber and concrete. This made the architecture has lesser sense of traditional identity.

Using mostly natural material like timber to show stronger identity of the place as the traditional architecture in Malaysia and Thailand use material mostly timber and bamboo. Good type of timber can be use to make the building last longer such as bakau, chengal, red meranti and merbau.

Balanced facilities Issue: the facilities in these two precedents in Tumpat and Koh Samoi are more towards to tourist-based fishing village which lacks in local culture facilities Solution: Facilities need to be balance between local culture based and tourist-based



Synthesis Space planning

Issue: entrance need to highlight the culture of the place as how in Tumpat where there is dry market at the entrance, not like in Koh Samoi, it highlights the shops and the restaurants which are not the local culture facilities of the place. This is because local culture can show the identity of the place

Local culture facilities is locate near to entrance. To enhance the identity, function and culture of the place.

Behind local culture facilities is the tourist facilities which is the semipublic area.


Conclusion From both of the two precedents in Tumpat, Malaysia and Koh Samui, Thailand, it can be seen that these two fishing village are not a perfect fishing village in terms of the architecture, facilities, space and culture. It need improvements so that it can benefits both the locals and the tourist as these precedents are more towards tourist-based, give importance to tourist more than the locals. The fishing village should have balance facilities both for the local and the tourists. The locals facilities can be visited by the tourist and the tourist facilities are handled by locals. This will give benefits to both of the locals and the tourist. Some of the architecture in the surrounding place are also been modified and improved. It still have the characteristics of traditional architecture but the are few components of the building that had been upgraded or been build to have a sturdier building as natural materials can rot and decay, that is why most of the building are made with bricks or concrete to make the building last longer. There are some of the facilities that still preserve its original traditional architecture, this is a good initiative to conserve the traditional architecture as it shows a strong identity of the place. This can be conclude that these two precedents has its own pros and cons that can be followed and need to be avoid in the design.


Produced by AmyRoslaimi

Published and © copyright 2020 Amy Roslaimi Publishing Created in Malaysia

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