1. Cohesive physical, digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda

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Cohesive Physical and Digital Futures for Safe and Accessible Spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda


The concept consists of digital and physical interventions, motivated by objectives of improving health tourism, preserving and enhancing urban heritage, and promoting an online community. The digital intervention consists in expanding the existing app, Bad Tabarz 2 go, for Friedrichroda as well. In the future we see the possibility of applying it to as many cities as possible.

As for the physical interventions, it would be a question of improving the accessibility and the comfort of the existing public spaces, the idea being that this concept then extend to several cities and not be limited.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

The digital intervention that we design allows several groups of people to have touristic, informational, and fun routes adapted to their capacities and interests, based on students, families, children and retired people.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

We observed several problems in the cities of Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda besides their potentials. The first problem is the difficulty of accessing certain public spaces by bicycle or even by walking. The second problem, is the discomfort in these public spaces. We have therefore chosen a public space in each of the two cities (Spindlerplatz in Bad Tabarz and Puschkin Park in Friedrichroda) which are representative of these problems but which are also potentially attractive and central spaces in

the tourist development of the city. At Spindlerplatz in Bad Tabarz a lot of people gather because it is a central space but it is very uncomfortable and even dangerous due to the road that crosses it. At Puschkin Park in Friedrichroda, the space is almost perfect: there is a great view from above over the landscape, seating areas, a fountain, and a natural environment. The problem is that you have to climb several stairs to access it, which does not leave the possibility for everyone to take advantage of this space.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

The objectives are therefore to promote health tourism with courses and training on the digital application, to highlight the urban heritage with selfguided tours, to make the city more attractive through games, challenges, etc. Also, we want to develop public spaces and therefore intervene physically, to allow better accessibility and better safety for pedestrians regarding cars. Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

Based on our objectives, in addition to our specific locations, we have identified other areas in both cities with potential digital and physical interventions. For physical interventions, we selected other public spaces, both green such as parks, green yards, and urban spaces, as candidates for creating healthier and more comfortable/hospitable spaces.

In urban heritage, digital interventions can be applied to existing urban heritage sites marked with blue dots. These are houses, monuments of urban culture and heritage, statues and other interesting historical details of neighborhoods in both cities that carry cultural and historical value. Using digital programs, we promote both recreational tourism and online community programs, thereby embracing our three specific programs.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

The way the main public square of Bad Tabarz exists now is at a crossroads. Here residents/guests approach, spend time, hangout and other activities. We are promoting our physical program, to make this area friendly for people, as well as introduce more aspects of safety against the presence of passing cars.

It includes the changes in road planning, and making existing public space wide and open. Our main principle is the pedestrian area for the place, so we promote the changes of the material of the asphalt to cobblestones, which indicates welcoming people and warning cars about the entrance to the pedestrian zone.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

The application therefore influences the interaction with the public space and will activate certain areas, buildings to which the tourist would probably not have paid attention without the application. The pedestrian area also allows freedom of movement and therefore a greater feeling of comfort than when the road crossed the square.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS - SPINDLERPLATZ, BAD TABARZ Here, you can see a photomontage of the arrival at the pedestrian area which is now quieter and far from the nuisance of cars.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

DIGITAL INTERVENTIONS - SPINDLERPLATZ, BAD TABARZ The app will therefore make it possible to be guided to this place which will be central in the city. This digital intervention involves geo-tagging existing historical monuments to provide centralized information, as well as information on current events in the city.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS - SPINDLERPLATZ, BAD TABARZ Here is a more central photomontage of the pedestrian area. You can see a truck on the right which can continue to serve shops but which does not have priority. The physical intervention gives the pedestrian freedom and priority in the square.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

DIGITAL INTERVENTIONS - SPINDLERPLATZ, BAD TABARZ Games as well as informational tours will allow tourists to learn more about the city and its heritage. This also provides the opportunity for residents to explore parts of the city they haven’t seen before or learned about.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

In the case of the city of Friedrichroda we see our physical interventions making Puschkin Park more accessible for target groups like retired people and people in wheelchairs. We do this by addressing the issue of elevation in the landscape with well designed ramps across the main stairs. This makes this park accessible and convenient and comfortable for all and from all sides, without leaving anyone outside of the vision.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

Again, the application influences the interaction in the sense that it will bring people together in several central places. Among them, Puschkin Park, the access to which is modified will enable this area which is not easily perceptible.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS - PUSCHKIN PARK, FRIEDRICHRODA Here is a photomontage of the existing pedestrian access via the stairs as well as the physical intervention which consists of a more flexible access: bicycles and people in wheelchairs can now access the plaza on the hill.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

DIGITAL INTERVENTIONS - PUSCHKIN PARK, FRIEDRICHRODA Digital interventions like using games on the app can attract the tourists to the park. This can be through individual or group challenges like finding monuments, or identifying the landscape through tools such as location tracking and augmented reality.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

PHYSICAL INTERVENTIONS - PUSCHKIN PARK, FRIEDRICHRODA The physical intervention of the new access to this space would therefore make it possible to attract more people: cyclists, the elderly, people in wheelchairs, perhaps even children, etc.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

DIGITAL INTERVENTIONS - PUSCHKIN PARK, FRIEDRICHRODA The app offers to follow routes and therefore brings people together in public spaces. It can also encourage physical activity and promote healthier lifestyle choices, which can be connected to those in your personalized online community.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

In conclusion, with the aid of digital and physical interventions, we want to attract people to the cities of Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda. This strategy is complementary: one guides and encourages digitally and the other physically changes the space.

Cohesive physical and digital futures for safe and accessible spaces in Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda ― Alice IRIZARRY, Nursultan TYNCHTYKBEK UULU, Hildegarde ALLAIN NEW APPROACHES FOR A SMARTER AND HEALTHIER THURINGIA ― Bauhaus Summaery 2021

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