Nurul Farhana Mat Sundari G1926428
15th October 2020 ; Reflection on Introduction of Practice Teaching The first class started with me feeling awkward and scared of what will happen. I mean, this is the first semester that we had a full online class without any face to face class first. It is different from the last semester as we at least knew each other for about one month before MCO started. I am quite nervous also because I have my niece besides me all the time. But the class flow is good and Dr started with the introduction session and went through numbers of assignments we need to submit. These include teaching philosophy, weekly reflection, lesson plan, case study, discussion, article review and microteaching. No exam so the marks come from the assignments and assessments. As to the portfolio, it is needed as a collection of our works, it could help us in job seeking. The best part of the portfolio is the teaching philosophy,i think. It is like questioning dearself about why I choose this path. What made me change major after completing 4 years in a totally different course. Quite a challenge actually but a need in making myself clear of what to expect from myself. Next Dr share the learning outcomes of this course which is to identify various components of specific teaching skills to be applied, to interpret the characteristic of a good lesson that include Quranic teaching and prophetic teaching methods, to produce a realistic and suitable lesson plan and to practice and apply specific teaching skill correctly through microteaching. But what is microteaching? Micro Teaching is a practice teaching skill but in a smaller size, that's why it is called microteaching. It is better actually if we can do microteaching in a face to face class, that way we can evaluate each other better, we can see each other's skill in teaching, the various expressions or even explanations , a lot more than if we do it online. But we have to look at this as a challenge in developing education. How education needs to be continued in any manners and any challenges.