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13 JAN Studio Orientation & Design Workshop
The studio started off with an orientation of studio "Ephemeral Landscape" by tutor, Ms Guo Lehana and Ms Wong Ruen Qing. This was followed up the briefing on the semester schedule.
For the next half of the studio session, the students were grouped into groups of 4 for the Site drawing workshop. In this workshop, the following topics were covered and discussed:
- Drawing conventions in plan and section drawing
- Lineweights
- Annotations style
A site walk around the chosen site, the landscape area surrounding Technoedge cantenn at the College of Design and Engineering, was then conducted and students were tasked to map out the site using the following given prompts:
- Colors
- Lines
- Texture
- Form
20 JAN Project 1 E xercise 1 Plan & Section - Pin Up Submission and Presentation
Project 1 is the documentation of the current state of the site. For Exercise 1 of Project 1, the students are tasked to map out the site using the human body as a measuring tool. As part of the submission criteria, students pinned up their drawings of site plan and section and presented their work to the studio. The students are encouraged to provide their critical feedback to each other.
27 JAN Project 1 Exercise 2 Model - Submission and Presentation
For this week, the students were tasked to create 3 site conceptual models that represents the quality of the site. The models were supposed to continue the narrative as expressed in the plan and section drawings.

03 FEB Project 1 Exercise 3 Visual Narrative - Pin Up Submission and Presentation
As a concluding exercise for this project, the studio were given the tasks of creating a visual narrative through a selected point of view (e.g. from the perspective of a bird etc.). The students were given the room to decide the mode of presentation, either through drawing, models, or both.