2 minute read
the brief & deliverables
Project 2 Brief
Create a LAND-ART using burlap and with the given prompt as inspiration
Each team will be allocated 10m of fabric3
The artwork should sit sensitively on the site and should not cause any lasting damages to the environment It should cover at a minimum of 4m x 4m in area
The artwork should be sited at least 3m away from the main pathway and 1m away from any tree trunks You are allowed and recommended to add the use of another material to make the fabric structural and/or for the installation of the material
Guiding Questions
What are the keywords of the given prompt?
How is the given prompt related to the site experience and what aspect of it can you draw out to form a design concept? What additional material can you add to make the fabric more structural?
Are there any fabric construction methodology which you can tap on to create the artwork?
In assembling
What are the steps required to transport and install your artwork on site? How would you anchor the artwork without causing lasting damage to the site?
In positioning of the artwork on site
In Project 1, you’ve studied and observed various aspects of the site, how does this affect the way this artwork is situated? How should your artwork be viewed / experienced?
The second project is a design and build project using burlap, a fabric made of jute fibers that is commonly used in creating gunny sacks. The project involves designing a form based on a given prompt, while also considering how form changes according to different experiences and perspectives. This project ends with the building of the actual design on the site.
Land Art Prompts1
Deliverables for Presentation on Week 7: Final artwork installed on chosen site 2 x A1 panels to include, but not limited to, the graphic representation of the following:

Plans and Section of the artwork
How the design concept is derived based on site study and the study of the given prompt
How is the positioning and location of the artwork decided
Detailing of the construction methodology
Mock-up models (as produced in week 5 & 6)
Video animation (e.g. using original footage of the site and stop-motion techniques) on how this artwork will evolve over time. (You may utilize soundtrack from sounds collected from the site)

Documentation required (compiled into an A4 booklet with proper cover, title, and names of contributors – hardcopy submission & submission on Canvas on Week 8):
The Concept – expressed through sketches & models
The Construction – logistic list, installation methodology, the drawings of the installation details required
The Record – artifacts that documents the entire process (concept to installation) and its end-product, e.g. photographs, videos
Artwork / Land-Art
Christo and Jeanne. Claude. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://christojeanneclaude.net/artworks/valley-curtain/ Yerebakan, B. O. C. (2022, December 23). Three textile exhibitions prove fabric is an enduring medium for storytelling. Metropolis. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://metropolismag.com/viewpoints/textile-exhibition-roundup/ Smithson, R. (n.d.). The spiral jetty. The Spiral Jetty | Holt/Smithson Foundation. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https:// holtsmithsonfoundation.org/spiral-jetty-1
Fabric & Construction Related
Mangukiya , J. (2022, January 15). Using fabrics in architecture. RTF | Rethinking The Future. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/fresh-perspectives/a6094- using-fabrics-in-architecture/ Poskin, A. (2022, September 7). How to sew by hand: 6 helpful stitches for home sewing projects. Apartment Therapy. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/how-tosew-basic-stitches-221433 Life, S. (2022, September 15). How to tie the 7 basic scout knots. Scout Life magazine. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https:// scoutlife.org/outdoors/176401/how-to-tie-the-7-basic-scout-knots/
1 graphics used are taken from the submitted works of the respective groups

by Choo Wei