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Planting Strategies
masTerpLanning & pLanTing sTraTegies
mudfLaTs sTudy & fauna moVemenT eCoLogiCaL sTraTegy
Showcasing potential avifauna flow from the coast into the site into the land (streetscape)
mudfLaTs sTudy & fauna moVemenT
Mudflats contribute significantly to the ecology of an area. Mudflats support a high abundance of infauna, or animals that are found within the mud.
Many of the birds are migratory, and they feed on the animals in the mudflats to refuel.
Waders iNfauNa herons
The abundanCe of These animaLs Then supporT The many speCies of birds and oTher fauna in The area.
Apart from their ecological value, mudflats are also able to prevent or reduce coastal erosion.
Macro Green Space Study
proximiTy of green spaCes & aCTiViTies
siTe is aCCessibLe by pubLiC TransporTaTion,hoWeVer,proximiTy To enTranCes of green spaCes are noTWiThinThe400mradiusWaLking disTanCe
Programmatic Configuration
a series of informaL spaCes
Migrant workers are being pickup by trucks to be send back to their dorm, far from their workplace
These are spots which represents informal pickup points and congregation spaces
Layers of sTreeTsCape aLong pandan road exisTing proposed
Linear moVemenT fragmenTed green Canopy aggregaTing aVaiLabLe open spaCe & emphasizing on eCoLogiCaL poinT gaTheringpoinT for users
CreaTe seamLess indusTriaL LandsCape fruiTTreesaTTraCTing aVifauna, baTs breaking free from exisTing barriers dense green buffer improVe fragmenTaTion of green Canopy draWing pLanT speCies from siTe onTo sTreeTsCape To CreaTe and enhanCe eCoLogiCaL ConneCT V Ty sofTbarriers,inTroduCinggreenWaLLsTobLur The boundary / barriers
Phase Of Ecological Corrirdor
groWing & eVoLVing LandsCape
The design inTerVenTionof sTraTegiCaLLy pLanTing VegeTaTion manage To improVe The green spaCes inTheindusTriaL LandsCape
When The LandsCape (VegeTaTion) sTarTs To groW and maTure, T WouLd end up CoVering The siTeandmerges ouT aLong The sTreeTsCape, CreaTing a kind of green Canopy / umbreLLa
VegeTaTion WouLd be dense enough To proVide or CreaTesuiTabLe habiTaT for fauna, WhiCh Then aCTs as sTepping sTones inTo The sTreeTsCape
Change CouLd happen approximaTeLy 10 yearsLaTerWhenVegeTaTionsTarTsTomaTured and CreaTe a dense VegeTaTed Canopy aCTing Like agreen roof spreading aCross The enTire indusTriaL area
Future Predictions
diagarm iLLusTraTing eCoLogiCaL aspeCTs of siTe users Working in The indusTriaL area, CouLd noW enjoy green spaCe WiThin Their ConVenienCe, They are W Thin The 400m radius To agreen spaCe disTriCT VieW pLaying a CruCiaL roLe in singapore’s eCoLogy & biodiVersiTy riCh in CommuniTy aCTiViTies, CommunaL bonding, aCTing as a CommuniTy hub bringing peopLe from aLL WaLks of Life To Learn and undersTand eVerydayindusTriaLWorking Life deVeLop good Working eThiCs, good aTT Tude, soCiaL VaLues and physiCaL and menTaL WeLL - being pLaTformforThetraNsfErofkNowLEDGE aND iNformatioN beyond The siTe and ineViTabLy, The region broaDEN thE paraDiGm of CoasTaL LandsCape/mangroVesfromTheporTTooTher parTs of The WorLd
Mitigating Microclimate In The Industrial Area
Gao Chenchen
With the increasing world population and urbanization, the need for reducing urban temperature and their related health consequences is becoming more critical. The design of pandan road aims to investigate the magnitude and the potential of street space cooling to mitigate the heat caused by urban heat island effect. It is an attempt to reduce the impact of industrialisation on the surrounding environment for the future climate change.
The temperature in the site is relatively higher than its surroundings and the cause of the phenomenon is due to high hardscape percentage and reliance in drainage conventions to allow efficient discharge of surface runoff. The wall between the street and factory area creates a barrier that makes the streetscape fragmentized where there is inadequate space for tree planting to provide more shade to cool the area. In addition to the heat and barrier, the design of connecting public space is also required to be addressed.
Three strategies are used in creating a design solution and a plan for the site, the project aims to mitigate specific development impacts and compensate lost ecological functions.
Firstly, by integrating the fragmentized green space and removing of existing barrier between the street and factory. The design will implement movable landscapes, private planting spaces and private car parking spaces to create a more continuous green space within the urban environment. Secondly, based on the topography and the precipitation, the design of bioswale is applied to slow down the rainwater while providing evaporation from plants to cool the area.
Lastly, the simplex structure of trees in the site is redesigned to provide more shade for the thermal comfort of people while enriching the biodiversity of the site, cooling the place for workers to commute and rest outdoors.
With these interventions, the design fully utilises the potential space in the street and change the existing impermeable area into a more resilient green space.
Microclimate Condition
Site Condition
The climate in the urban canopy layer, below the roofs in the spaces between building can vary significantly within a distance of even a few metres. This means that the starting point will be the small scale level of the street.
Based on the existing topography and soil condition, the design strategy is to utilize stormwater management to cool the area and increase the habitat condition of the area. Through the design of bioretention swale, rain garden for infiltration, lawn for purification and activities through these areas. The design of storm water system based on the process of rain water stream can effectively cool the area because the evaporation of the water and vegetaion can cool down the temperature. Meanwhile, the areas are designed combined with urban trees planted in consideration of the breeze wind.
pLanTing sTraTegy
Canopy trees
Acacia cincinnata
Pellacalyx axillaris
Peltophorum pterocarpun
Nephelium lappaceum
Calophy putcherrimum
Mid-canopy trees
Planchonella obovata
Acacia auriculiformis
Sea hibiscuis
Understorey trees
Agerstroemia speciosa
Hymenaea courbaril
Syzygium zeylanicum
Undergrowth trees
Plumeria obtusa
Leea indica
Mimosa pudica
Trees are planted to provide more shade for the area, and in consideration of the wind corridor. The wind speed will up because of the open space and topography. The area will have more shade and cool breeze through.