1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
How to boost productivity by upgrading your payment process:
Saving time & money in the public sector
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
1.3 Fraud is still there although
ssssvolumes are low
Manual processes are inefficient and costly, and this challenge is particularly evident in the public sector, affecting many municipalities and government agencies. This largely happens because of a mix of reasons, including but not limited to funding, beaurocratic rules or organizations being slow to change. But doing so can better engage your citizens and help your organization.
From account management to customer communications, billing, collections and more –the more you can automate your processes, the more efficient your organization can be.
For these reasons, municipalities and government agencies should be looking for ways to save costs and streamline processes while maintaining essential services for citizens.
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Learn how you can help your citizens help you – through tools specifically built to:
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
• Decrease staff workload and eliminate cumbersome manual processes to streamline operations
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Improving citizen engagement can also save costs, help you capture more revenue, and maximize agency resources.
• Enable citizens to make more informed choices that protect their own resources and community resources, by reducing risk and cost.
• Make it faster, easier and less expensive for citizens to make accurate, on time payments – even if they own multiple properties
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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Save Time and Money—Plus Improve Citizen Engagement
Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
For most municipalities and government agencies, requesting and receiving payments is the primary interaction with citizens. And many of these interactions are manual, require a paper check, a stamp and possibly even a trip to a post office or your office.
Manual payments are also slow, inefficient and offer notoriously poor user experiences. So efficiency, cost effectiveness and customer experience are key reasons why digital payments have the potential to completely transform your operations.
Citizens increasingly prefer to make payments online rather than writing a check. In fact, almost half of Americans have not written a single check in the past year.
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
And among those who have, half of those wrote only one check a month, most likely to pay a utility or other government agency.1
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
Checks written each month in
5% wrote more than 12
12% wrote fewer than 6
55% of Americans wrote any checks in 2022
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Digital Payments Are Today’s Way to Pay
9 out of 10 Americans use digital payments2
23% wrote a check once a month
15% wrote a couple
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Cost of Paper Checks vs. Cost of Digital Payments
Paper check processing is incredibly resource intensive and costly to a business.
From account management, to customer communications, billing and collections – all these manual processes quickly add up and the cost only increases with the volume of checks that require processing.
So, the more you can automate your processes, the more efficient your organization can be.
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
10x more for paper checks
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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The True Cost of Manual Processes
Direct Costs Can Be Immense
For most municipalities and government agencies, the payment process is a major part of operating expenses because it monopolizes a large number of human resources.
Upgrading to a digital payment solution can reduce your direct costs. Most savings are the result of increasing accuracy, automating payment processing and eliminating paper handling and human errors.
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Direct cost savings typically occur from reducing or eliminating:
• manual labor
• printing
• postage
• past-due payments
What if there’s a low adoption rate?
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
Automating payments and online billing are only useful if people are actually using these features. With the right payment provider—one that offers a great digital experience for citizens— high adoption rates are a key to success.
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Using built-in tools to increase customer engagement, a truly modern solution can significantly increase adoption rates.
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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The True Cost of Manual Processes
Indirect Costs Add Up Fast
For your citizens and your team, the indirect costs of manual processing are harder to quantify, but they can be significant:
• More invoicing or payment errors
• More fraud exposure
• Lost value of employees doing higher-level tasks
• Poor customer experiences
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Perhaps the hardest indirect cost to measure is the day-today disruptions from a high volume of inbound calls or walkin visits from citizens. When they don’t have access to an easyto-use online account, they will consume significantly more oneon-one customer service time.
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Municipalities and government agencies also need to communicate critical health, safety or services information to citizens.
With a manual workflow, these emergency alerts can be slow or delayed, once again generating a flurry of calls and drop-ins from concerned or confused citizens. But a full-service payment and citizen engagement platform incorporates these essential communications right into the system, making it easier than ever to ensure your citizens are well informed.
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Evaluating a payments provider?
Various providers offer different sets of features to handle common workflows. Look for these key features:
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
• Government expertise
• Next business day funding
• Auto and recuring payments
• Electronic billing (e-billing)
• Notifications and Payment Reminder Alerts to Citizens
• Multilingual dashboard configuration
• Text and Pay and Pay-by-Email
• Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
• 24/7 self-service account and payments management
• Online access to view billing statements and payment histories
• Consolidated accounts: multiple properties under one login
• US-based English and Spanish citizen support
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
• Fast notifications and payment reminder alerts to citizens
• Real-time reports with dashboard capabilities
• Ability to disable access to payment channels from high-risk citizens
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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Beyond Payments: The Value of Engaged Citizens
Better Citizen Engagement Means More Revenue
People prefer digital payments because they are fast and easy. More citizens can and will make accurate, on-time payments when they can pay with their preferred channel.
In fact, many citizens will opt for AutoPay—with Nuvei, clients have enjoyed an 800% increase in annual AutoPay enrollments— improving cash flow and reducing time spent on collections. These on-time payments can have a very positive impact on how your agency operates.
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Digital payments can also eliminate the friction commonly associated with paying bills for multiple properties. These property owners have historically had a disjointed customer experience that can be solved with a consolidated online account. When you are electronically connected to citizens, it’s fast and easy to share information, including payment notifications, emergency alerts and tips for managing utility consumption and protecting community resources, enabling citizens to make more informed choices.
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
This is real citizen engagement that goes beyond the billing cycle, and can save you money while creating a greater sense of community. Your citizen engagement can improve immensely with a digital platform that integrates invoicing, billing and communications.
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
With more information at their fingertips—literally on their smartphones—they are much more likely to pay on time and employ resource-saving measures.
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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Citizen Portal Benefits
Uniting Billing and Engagement for Citizens
There are many payments providers that offer a so-called “digital solution” for citizen billing. Unfortunately, most of these systems do not focus on citizen adoption.
If your current platform is not delivering the features you need, or it’s lacking the adoption rates to really be effective, consider switching to a purposebuilt solution—one designed specifically for the needs of municipalities and government agencies.
Nuvei Government Suite is a platform that has been helping municipalities and government agencies automate billing and drive citizen engagement for more than 30 years.
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
In fact, our clients have seen a 42% increase in eBilling enrollment, which saves money spent on printing, postage and payment processing.
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
• Notifications and alerts built right into the platform so you don’t have to purchase this function from yet another third-party vendor
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Purpose-built, our platform includes a wide array of musthave features that make billing, account management and communications easy for citizens thanks to:
• Multilingual capabilities— you can add any language to the dashboard to support and empower nonEnglish or ESL speakers
• Multiple property groupings so one property owner can see all accounts in one place
• Two-way communication, which makes it easier for citizens to correspond with you
• Built-in marketing and incentives, such as citizen adoption contests
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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Administrator Portal Benefits
Uniting Billing and Engagement for Employees
Nuvei Government Suite has earned the top spot on many municipalities’ wish lists, thanks to exceptional features that enable immediate connections to citizens, custom and scheduled reporting, and configurable dashboard options.
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Here is an overview of the benefits your team can enjoy when you choose Nuvei Government Suite:
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
• Automated billing and payments processing, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value tasks
• Streamlined operations without manual errors that require remediation
• Increased revenue with more on-time and complete payments
• A client success manager who provides help with onboarding, a marketing and communications plan, and ongoing customer adoption initiatives
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
• Access to bilingual, fulltime support and call-center representatives who can provide timely assistance to ensure business continuity and operational excellence
• Better visibility into citizen accounts, so it’s easier to answer customer inquiries
• Configurable dashboard reporting to provide timely insights into agency operations
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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A Nuvei Success Story
How a Texas Utility Saved $48,000 in Fees with Nuvei
Hays Utility North Corporation, a regional water utility serving 16 municipalities and 620,000 citizens, chose Nuvei Government Suite to automate their billing and communications.
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
Thanks to eager adoption by their customers, Hays has:
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
• Replaced their old paper billing system with e-billing, saving money on printing and postage
• Reduced stress on employees, who have more time to do higher-value work
• Let Nuvei resolve delinquent payments, eliminating countless hours of collection activities
• Been empowered to offer better customer service, resulting in more engaged citizens
• Saved $48,000 in one year— all in monthly processing fees
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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Trust Nuvei to Help You Save Money
Nuvei has a proven track record of helping municipalities and government agencies modernize. That’s why you can count on us to provide an extensive array of purpose-built features and functions that can improve your operations—including the musthaves listed on page 7.
Furthermore, Nuvei has:
• Over 30 years serving government agencies
• More than 3,000 government agencies served
• $2.5 Billion volume processed annually
• 8 million payments processed annually
• 30+ states served
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Streamlining payments with Nuvei
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
It’s time to invest in your municipality’s future. Not only do citizens prefer digital payments and communications, they often like to “set it and forget it”—meaning you get more on-time payments with automation.
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
Upgrading from legacy payment systems, caters to the digital preferences of citizens and streamlines municipal operations, enhancing service quality and reducing complexities.
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei’s modular, flexible, and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next-gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 50 markets, 150 currencies and 680 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.
1.3 Fraud is still there although ssssvolumes are low
Despite a decrease i n ticket s ales, fraud remains very m uch present. C us tomer refunds for fraudulent tr avel bookings may result in losses for tr avel act ors. Airlines and tr avel agent s also need to b e aware of ‘ double d ipping’ to e nsure that customers do not both reques t a refund and s tart a chargeback for the same transac tion.
North America:
Since the s tart of the pandemic , e- commerce has seen a n increase i n bot and ‘carding’ at tack s9, occurring as a result of compromised cu stomer
Carrie Coletta carrie.coletta@nuvei.com
Gregg Bavisotto
data falling in to wrong hands. Bot s are then used to c omplete fraudulent small v alue p urchases, which increase in value as time goes on. Account takeover10 i s another example of f raud w ith increased ac tivi ty d ue t o the COVI D- 19 c risis; purchases are then m ade using stored p ayment details or l oyalty p oint s. A irlines and OTAs m ust implement the right rules and securi ty t o avoid fraud, especially a s an i ncreasing number o f online v oucher s are being used i n the tr avel indust ry
For more information, visit www.nuvei.com/gov
Juliette Iles
Vice President - Finance Strate gy & Development at Emira tes
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