2015 Holiday Gift Guide

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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

The Northern Virginia Daily


behind holiday gifts


he holiday season is a time to celebrate with friends and family. Several holidays are celebrated in this relatively short time period, making this one of the most festive times of the year. Many holiday celebrations focus on the exchange of presents, which may be exchanged with relatives, friends and even coworkers. But are you familiar with the origins of exchanging gifts? Gift exchanges trace their origins to both religious and secular traditions, each of which has helped shape the holidays into what they are today.

“hanukkah” actually means “dedication” in Hebrew.

The Jews, including Judah Maccabee, helped drive the Syrians out of Jerusalem. In one of Judaism’s most central texts, People exchange gifts on Christmas Eve or Maccabee and others witnessed a miracle Christmas Day all over the world. For at the temple. Even though there was only Christians, Christmas celebrates the birth enough oil to keep a menorah’s candles of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe burning for one day, the flames continued was a gift from the Creator. for eight nights. From a religious standpoint, gifting others Traditionally, gelt, or money, was given as around Christmastime can be traced back a Hanukkah gift. Many Hanukkah gift to the stories of the Three Kings (also givers aim to give gifts that are thoughtful referred to as the “Three Wise Men”) who and sweet. Money is not exchanged as visited Jesus after his birth. Frankincense, much today, with other gifts taking its a fragrance involved in worship; gold; and place. myrrh, an incense associated with funerals, was presented. These gifts symbolized worship in Christ, that He would be the Kwanzaa is an American holiday that pays King of Kings, and that suffering and homage to traditions and cultural infludeath would come to Him. ences from Africa. The holiday was develAnother giver of gifts is part of many oped in 1966 by Maulana Ndabezitha Christmas celebrations. St. Nicholas, a Karenga. The focus of Kwanzaa is on famfourth century saint, is a beloved figure ily and the harvest as well as certain prinacross the globe who has a reputation for ciples, such as unity and faith. giving gifts in secret and helping the Gifts make up one of the seven symbols of needy. The figure of “Santa Claus” is Kwanzaa celebrations. However, gift-sharbased on St. Nicholas, and the blending of ing is not the central part of this special the two has evolved as history has mixed holiday. Gifts are symbolic of the labor with folklore and personal traditions. and love of parents and the commitments made and kept by their children.




Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish celebration that commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. The word

Gifts are exchanged in abundance this time of year. The traditions behind the giving of presents is far-reaching and based in religious, secular and cultural traditions.


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Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015


How to...

approach your holiday spending

manage credit this holiday season



oliday shopping takes up a considerable amount of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Shoppers who scour in-store and online retailers in the hunt for the perfect gift annually spend hundreds of billions of dollars during such pursuits, and what they swipe when making purchases could go a long way toward how their new years begin.

he holiday season can be both exciting and expensive. The excitement stems from chances to see family and friends, while the expenses often stem from holiday shopping for those very same loved ones.

Many shoppers run into financial trouble come the holiday season, when the temptation to overspend on holiday gifts can be tough to resist. But the following are a handful of ways shoppers can stretch their budgets and avoid going broke this holiday season.

Overreliance on credit cards to make holiday purchases can prove crippling once the calendar turns to January. According to an analysis of statistics from the Federal Reserve, the average household consumer debt in the United States was more than $15,700 as of June of 2015. That’s roughly one-tenth the average mortgage debt, suggesting that many consumers are relying too heavily on credit cards when making their purchases.

Agree to spending limits. Come the holiday season, many people overspend on gifts for their immediate family members. Before shopping season begins, speak with members of your immediate family to discuss spending limits on gifts, agreeing that you each won’t spend more than an agreed upon amount of dollars on gifts for any one person. Come to a consensus on a reasonable limit and urge family members not to exceed that limit no matter what.

This holiday season, consumers concerned about swiping their credit cards too often can take the following steps to more effectively manage their credit.

Determine how much you can spend. Many people find themselves overextended financially come the holiday season because they never bother to sit down before the season begins to determine how much they can afford to spend. Set some time aside before your first holiday shopping excursion to examine your finances. Such an examination should give you a ballpark figure of how much you can spend. Keep a tally of all of your purchases with you whenever you go shopping, updating the list with each new purchase you make. Tracking spending can help you stay within your budget.

convenient way to shop than you’ve grown accustomed to, it will save you the grief of large credit card bills come January. Holiday shopping can easily get out of hand. But shoppers who commit to spending only what they can afford before their first shopping trip can make it through the season with their finances intact.

Know what you can afford. Swiping now and dealing with the consequences in January is a recipe for a rocky new year. In some cases, it can benefit consumers to make purchases with their credit cards as opposed to their debit cards. For instance, when making purchases online, it’s often safer to use a credit card rather than a debit card linked to your checking and savings accounts, as using the latter can make your life’s savings vulnerable to hackers. But don’t start swiping your

Did you know?

Go shopping with a plan. Visiting the mall or a town shopping center without any idea of what you’re looking for is a recipe for overspending. Put some thought and research into your holiday shopping so you aren’t spending time wandering around and buying on impulse, which can increase your chance of overspending. The more thought you put into your shopping, the more you can comparison shop and find the best price for each gift.

Start early. If your holiday shopping list is long or if you know money will be tight come the holiday season, begin your holiday shopping early. Doing so allows you to stretch your spending out over several months as opposed to several weeks. Shopping early also gives you more time to comparison shop and find the best price.

Resist the temptation to put it all on plastic. Credit and debit cards are more convenient than cash, especially now that you can buy everything from cups of coffee to big-ticket items with the swipe of a card. But cash can be your friend when holiday shopping, especially if you have a history of overspending during the holiday season. Leave cards at home when holiday shopping, spending only the cash you have in your pocket. While this may be a less

The 2014 holiday shopping season was the best for retail sales since 2011. According to the National Retail Federation, total holiday retail sales in November and December of 2014 reached $616.1 billion, a 4 percent increase from the previous year. Non-store holiday sales, which indicate e-commerce and online sales, increased by nearly 7 percent to just below $102 billion. The increase in spending did not appear to be limited to any particular area, as technology company First Data reported all 50 states experienced positive sales growth during the 2014 holiday shopping period. While spending trends benefited retailers in the United States, such was not the case in Canada, where Statistics Canada reported a 2 percent drop in sales in December, despite a small increase of 0.4 percent just a month prior. Spending on clothing and accessories, two sectors that often benefit come the holiday season, showed a nearly 6 percent drop for the holiday season.

credit cards until you know what you can afford. Examine your finances and only use your credit card if you know you can repay the balance before it incurs any interest. If you can’t pay the balance in full at the time the payment is due, use a debit card so you are only spending money you already have and not taking out what amounts to a high-interest loan on your holiday purchases. Resist retailer cards. When making instore purchases, chances are the cashier will invite you to sign up for a retailer credit card, even offering an immediate discount if you do so at the registers. While this discount may seem too tempting to ignore, keep in mind that many retailer credit cards come with considerably higher interest fees on balances that are not paid off in full. So that discount at the register may end up costing you more money if you get to January and can’t pay the balance in its entirety. Try not to juggle cards. Many shoppers juggle multiple cards to avoid building up too big a balance on one particular card during the holiday season. But that’s an easy way to lose track of how much you have spent. Rather than juggling cards, use only the one with the lowest interest rate. Monitor your balances. Swiping a credit card is easy and hassle-free, and many retailers both big and small now accept various types of cards. Keep a close eye on your balances, checking them online after each shopping trip. This can help you control your spending and also can alert you to any fraudulent activity. Shoppers who must use their credit cards this holiday season can employ several strategies to ensure they don’t dig themselves into a financial hole by the end of December.

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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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The Benefits

to buying local this holiday season H oliday shopping dominates many people’s free time between the day after Thanksgiving and the final days before Christmas. While many people may shop ‘til they drop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, those days still account for a relatively small amount of the hundreds of billions of dollars that are spent each holiday season.

owners in Raleigh recirculated their revenue in the local economy was job creation. While national chains also create jobs, such jobs only benefit your community if the chains are located within your community. If your local mall is a considerable drive away, chances are the chains within that mall are not employing many of your fellow community members. Local businesses in your community are more likely to employ residents of your town.

Shoppers now have a bevy of options at their disposal as they embark on holiday shopping season. Traditional in-store retailers are still around, and online shopping continues to grow in popularity with each holiday season. But many holiday shoppers are looking to buy local this holiday season, and such a decision can pay a host of dividends for both shoppers and the communities they call home.

Shopping local may provide access to more unique gifts. In addition to the economic benefits of buying local, shoppers may find merchandise made by local craftsmen is more unique than mass-produced items found on the shelves of national retailers. Recipients may cherish more unique items that they cannot find on their own, and that appreciation may even spur them to visit more local retailers after the holiday season has come and gone, benefiting their own communities in so Buying local benefits your local economy. Studies from Civic Economics, an economics doing. and strategics planning firm, found that inde- Local business may provide a more personal touch. Buying from national chains has its pendent, locally-owned retailers return a far greater percentage of their revenue into their advantages, but customer service is not always one of them. Should your loved ones local economies than national chain stores. encounter problems with their gift that One such study examined the disparity requires assistance, they might be forced to between revenue recirculation among independent, locally-owned businesses in Raleigh, wait on the phone for extended periods of time as they and thousands of others wait for North Carolina, versus four major national customer service representatives to answer chains in the city. The former recirculated 51.1 percent of revenue into the local econo- their calls. Local businesses do not deal with nearly the volume of customers as national my, while the latter recirculated less than 14 retailers and, therefore, are capable of percent. Similar results were discovered in addressing concerns more quickly and permany cities, indicating that buying local not only benefits local business owners, but also sonally than large chains. the communities those owners and their cus- Buying local not only benefits small business tomers call home. owners, but it also pays dividends for their Buying local creates jobs in your communi- customers and the communities they call home. ty. One of the biggest ways local business

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Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily



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November 2015



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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

The Northern Virginia Daily

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your purchases during the holidays H

oliday shoppers spend billions of dollars during the holiday rush. Although the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day make up a season marked by giving and sharing joy with others, criminals are well aware that the holiday season can be a prime time to rip off consumers. Shoppers need to remain extra diligent to safeguard against theft and other not-sojolly crimes.

At the store

lit area of the lot. It gets dark early during the holiday season, and you want to feel safe bringing packages to your car.

Store all items out of view, such as in the trunk. If you have an SUV, invest in a cargo bed cover that covers packages.

If ever you do not feel comfortable walking to your vehicle alone, shop with a friend or ask a security guard to accompany you to your vehicle.

Purchasing power

Be aware of your surroundings at all times while at the mall or other stores. Packages, wallets or purses should never be left unattended. Take notice if anyone is standing too close to you, asking them to respect your personal space if necessary.

Paying cash for purchases can alleviate debt come the new year, but credit cards also have their advantages. Credit card companies do not hold cardholders accountable for unauthorized purchases made with a stolen card. This peace of mind can make it safer for shoppers to use credit cards over cash or debit cards when making their holiday purchases.

Try to reduce distractions while you do your holiday shopping. This may mean leaving the kids at home so you can focus better on the task at hand or letting incoming calls go to voicemail while you shop.

If shopping takes you online, restrict buying to well-established businesses whose reputations can be verified. Make sure that purchases are made through a secure website or server to reduce your risk of falling victim to hackers.

Make frequent trips to the car so that you can free yourself of cumbersome packages. Being laden down with bags or Packages left outside of empty homes boxes can make you an easy target for a can be ripe for the picking by thieves. thief. Establish an agreement with neighbors that you will take in each other’s packages so they aren’t left unattended on Parking lots are notoriously crowded dur- front porches or in doorways. ing the holiday season, so you may not The holiday season should be a joyous be able to get an ideal spot. However, time, but shoppers should still exercise a make every attempt to park near the certain level of caution when buying gifts entrance of the store or at least in a well- for their loved ones.

Buddy system

In the parking lot

Merry Christmas from King James Galleries of Winchester We offer a wide variety of art and other gifts that highlight our local history and places that are special to us!

New John Paul Strain Book $50

Stop by the gallery and let us help you pick the perfect gifts for your family and friends.

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Home Sweet Home Edinburg- $100

Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015


How to

avoid the holiday shopping rush H

oliday shopping can be both fun and hectic. While it’s fun to scour stores looking for can’t-miss gifts for your loved ones, shopping amongst the crowds also can prove hectic.

While online shopping has made department stores somewhat less crowded come the holiday season, the National Retail Federation notes that online shopping during the 2014 holiday season accounted for just one-sixth of all holiday shopping. The opportunity to see and feel potential gifts in person compels many people to do the majority of their holiday shopping in-store, and there are ways for such shoppers to avoid the holiday shopping rush as they begin their quests for the perfect gifts.

Shop during off-peak hours. Weekends and weeknight evenings tend to be the busiest times to go holiday shopping. Professionals who have weekends off may put off their shopping during the week, choosing to do so on Saturday and Sunday afternoons when they have extra time to browse and comparison shop. Shopping off-peak hours, such as during weekday mornings or even early mornings on weekends, is a great way to avoid crowds. Parents of young children might want to take a morning or even a full day off of work to get their holiday shopping done so they can avoid shopping with their kids in tow. You can probably move around more quickly if you choose to shop while the kids are in school, and this also affords you time to find gifts for the kids.

Make a list. Knowing what you want to buy online can decrease the amount of time you spend wandering around malls and stores. The longer you linger without an idea of what to buy, the greater the chance you will be joined by fellow shoppers. If possible, call stores before you leave the house to confirm if they have certain items in stock, or buy items online from retailers who offer an in-store pickup option. Checkout lines for in-store pickup items are often separated from more traditional checkout lines, further reducing your risk of waiting in long lines.

Shop local businesses. Small local businesses may not boast the inventory of larger retailers you’re liable to encounter at the mall, but local small businesses tend to deal with thinner crowds than national stores during the holiday season. Items in such businesses may be more unique than items sold at nationwide retailers, and when you shop at smaller businesses, you likely won’t be forced to hunt for parking spots or wait on long checkout lines.

Start shopping early. Crowds only grow bigger and more impatient between Black Friday and the final days before Christmas, so shoppers who can find the time to shop before the height of the shopping season might find parking lots and checkout lines more to their liking. In addition, shopping early affords shoppers more time to find the best deals.

The holiday shopping rush hits full swing in the weeks before Christmas Day, but there are many ways shoppers can get their shopping done and avoid the crowds at the same time.

Did you know? Many people begin their holiday shopping around the end of summer, when retailers first begin to roll out new clothing lines and mark down existing items to make way for new inventory. Beginning holiday shopping near the end of summer or the beginning of fall may seem a little early, but early shoppers often find that starting earlier affords them more time to find the right gifts at the right prices. Early shoppers can comparison shop without the specter of the fastapproaching holiday hanging over their heads, and comparison shopping helps consumers feel more confident that they are getting the best deals possible. Starting early with regard to holiday shopping also allows shoppers avoid the financial crunch that shoppers who wait until the holiday season begins often feel. Spreading out spending over several months as opposed to the handful of weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas is a great way for shoppers to avoid buying too many gifts on credit, which can make for a penny-pinching start to the new year when bills come due in early- to mid-January.

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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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Regifting in a tactful fashion F

ew things can be as embarrassing as opening a gift only to find that what is nestled beneath the tissue paper and wrapping is an item you know isn’t new. Even more embarrassing are those times when the gift you just opened is something you actually gave the gift giver in months or years past. Regifting can be a touchy subject. Some people are completely against the practice, while others feel that passing on items they have little use for is a creative way to recycle and reduce waste. No matter its reputation, regifting is pretty common. A 2012 Holiday Regifting Survey from online classifieds site Bookoo found a whopping 92 percent of respondents believe it’s completely acceptable to regift items, and more than 87 percent believe they have been on the receiving end of a regifted item. Other research also sheds light on the popularity of regifting. According to a 2014 American Express Spending & Saving Tracker survey, 76 percent of participants feel regifting is acceptable. No matter which side you support in the great regifting debate, recognize there is a right and a wrong way to regift.

idea. Before regifting, try to find the right match for the gift. If you can’t, donate the item instead.

memory, so keep a running list in a notebook or on a file on your computer. Try to regift between different social circles, too. This way you can avoid any potentially Be sure the gift is in good condition. A regifted item Consider whether the gift has use for someone else. It embarrassing situations. should be in working order, clean and not noticeably used. is one thing to regift an item just to get it out of your If you suspect you will regift an item, keep the original Embrace regifting. Take regifting out of the shadows by home, and another to do so because you think it would be packaging — better yet, don’t open the box — and offer it making the process a centerpiece of your holiday celebraa better fit for someone else. Perhaps you received a set in like-new condition. If the item has been gathering dust tions. Participate in a grab bag of regifted items. You of crochet hooks and blanket patterns because you mennever know what you might pull out of the bag, and it tioned in passing that you may want to take up the hobby, or smells musty from being in a basement, it may not be fit for gifting. may add some lighthearted joy to holiday gatherings. but realized it’s simply not your thing. It’s fine to gift Keep a gift list file. The first rule of regifting is not to those hooks and books with some new yarn to someone Regifting no long carries the stigma it once did. When regift an item to the person who originally gave it to you. done right, regifting can be a cost-effective and earth-conwho is an avid fan of crochet. But passing on a garden gnome to a friend who lives in an apartment is not a good It can be difficult to keep track of who gave what from scious way to share joy with others.

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Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015


Cost-saving measures when gifting a large family


xchanging gifts with loved ones is one of the joys of the holiday season. But it can be challenging to reign in holiday spending when your shopping list is especially lengthy. Fortunately, there are many ways for holiday shoppers to cut costs this season.

Create a limited gift exchange. Speak with other family members who also may be feeling the pinch of holiday spending to establish a gift exchange system. Rather than purchasing a gift for everyone in the family, split the list accordingly. Maybe everyone will only be expected to purchase gifts for the children, instead of buying for kids and adults. Propose that you only exchange gifts with immediate family members and not your extended family, such as your cousins, aunts and uncles. Develop a system that works for everyone so no one feels like they need to break the bank this holiday season.

Host a holiday grab bag. Grab bags are great ways to exchange gifts without going broke. In a traditional grab bag, everyone brings a gift that does not exceed a predetermined value and puts it in the bag. Each family member then pulls a gift out of the bag. Allow everyone the option to swap with one another if one gift

is more fitting for a particular person.

to spend if every gift should be around $30.

contribute as much as they can afford.

Set a price limit. Decide in advance that gifts should not exceed a certain price. This way if you are budgeting for the holidays you will have a better understanding of what you can expect

Pool your resources. Rather than giving many little gifts, pool your resources with some relatives and give a single big-ticket gift. Each person can contribute the same amount, or family members can

Give an experience. Sometimes the gift of an experience, such as tickets to a sporting event or a night at the theater, can make a thoughtful and impressive gift. Again, other family members can

contribute, and collectively you can enjoy a night on the town or another adventure. Having a large family can be expensive come the holiday season. However, there are ways to curtail your spending without taking any joy out of the holidays.


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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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a child’s first holiday special A

baby’s life is filled with milestones. First smiles, first steps and first words are just a few of the moments parents will treasure.

A baby’s first holiday season is another special time to cherish. Shoppers seeking gifts to make a baby’s first holiday special have many clever, cute and functional items to choose from. Several of these gifts can become keepsakes to be tucked into memory boxes for growing kids to look at later in life. Christmas pajamas: What better way to await for the arrival of Christmas than in a pair of snuggly pajamas? Send pajamas ahead of Christmas Day so that new parents will have plenty of adorable photo opportunities as their baby boy or girl tears open the gifts. Stores stock several different fun and festive prints, or look into pajamas that can be personalized. Photo print package: Photography packages can involve the entire expanding family and will catalog special moments in time. Purchase studio or on-location time with a private photographer, or use one of the popular photography chains found in malls and department stores. Personalized framed print: Commemorate the first holiday season with your child by getting a print made with his or her name and age. Leave a space on the print so that the child’s parents can customize it even further with their son or daughter’s footprints. Include a matted frame and child-safe ink or paint to complete the gift. Keepsake ornament: Some families embrace the tradition of adding a new ornament to their Christmas trees each year. Purchase an ornament for the new baby with the year so he or she can join in the tradition. Crochet or knit blanket: Crafty individuals can make a blanket that the newest addition to the family can enjoy during the chilly days of winter. These blankets often become treasured keepsakes that may be passed down throughout the family or kept tucked away for kids so they can give them to their own children once they start their own families. Rocking horse: Babies don’t wait long before they start to run around and climb. A classic rocking horse makes for a fun baby gift, and rocking horses come in many different styles. If you are the family carpenter, you can even purchase some unfinished wood from a craft store and then make this into a homemade gift your favorite little guy or gal will always cherish. Piggy bank: Foster good saving habits by gifting a personalized piggy bank. Get kids off on the right foot by depositing a few dollars into the bank before giving the gift.


A new baby brings many changes and fun experiences. Gift-givers can make a baby’s first holiday season one filled with joy and whimsy with creative gift ideas.

Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015


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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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no food fanatic should go without F

ood plays a big role come the holiday season, when friends and family tend to gather around the dinner table to share good meals and catch up on the year’s happenings. But while food plays an integral role at holiday gatherings, food also makes a great gift for that friend or family member on your holiday list who loves to savor a good meal no matter the time of year.

her own fruits and vegetables. Locally grown produce has become increasingly popular among foodies focused on ecoconscious cooking practices, and it does not get much more local than home cooks’ own backyards.

Cutlery set: Though it’s easy to overlook, cutlery goes a long way toward making home cooks’ jobs easier. The right cutlery set, which may include one or two chef’s knives, a vegetable knife, a santoku knife, Thanks in part to celebrity chefs and telea bread knife, and other knives home vision shows that teach viewers how to make gourmet meals at home, it’s now eas- cooks will appreciate, can make preparing a meal easier and more efficient than ier than ever before for food lovers to cooking without a set. High-end cutlery expand their culinary horizons. Gifting sets can cost several hundred dollars, but such food fanatics can be fun and may shoppers on more limited budgets can still even inspire a love of unique cuisine in find quality cutlery sets for less money. holiday shoppers, especially those who consider the following gift ideas. Food getaway: Many foodies love to travel Cooking kit: Ingredients and other essential elements of good meals were once taken for granted. But more and more foodies are now creating their own foods from scratch. Bacon fans may fall in love with a kit that helps them cure and smoke their own bacon, while those who love fresh, homemade bread may appreciate a bread-making kit that includes flour, a pan, some recipes, and other items necessary to make the perfect homemade loaf of bread. Cooking kit options are vast so find a food your loved one can’t go without and purchase the appropriate kit. Gardening tools: While the holiday season might not seem like the ideal time to buy your favorite foodie some gardening tools, such items make the perfect gift for your loved one who wants to grow his or

so they can experience cuisines popular overseas or in different regions of the country. Men and women whose spouses love food can plan a food-themed getaway weekend to a locale that specializes in a type of food their significant others enjoy or have always wanted to try. For example, men and women who love lobster may enjoy a trip to Maine’s annual Lobster Festival, while those who can’t get enough barbecue may appreciate a trip to one of the country’s more notable barbecue spots, such as Memphis, Kansas City, North Carolina or Texas. Food-themed gifts make the perfect holiday present for food fanatics, and shoppers have an endless array of options to satisfy their favorite foodies’ appetites.

BRING IN THIS AD FOR 10% OFF any day of the week on items not already on sale - Expires 11/25/15.


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Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015


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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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to help promote physical activity M

swim as children, but a refresher course can help loved ones who have not dipped their toes in any water in recent years. Such lessons also may ignite (or reignite) a passion for swimming, which is a wonderful exercise that can promote weight loss and cardiovascular health while helping men and women develop toned muscles. Find a local swim club or gym that offers Resolving to lose weight is one of the more popular resolutions men and women lessons, and go along for the first few lesmake each year. But you don’t need to wait sons to help calm any nerves your loved until the calendar turns to January to start one might have. helping a loved one achieve his or her goal Healthy cookbook: Effective, long-term of losing weight in the new year. If a weight loss requires both diet and exercise. friend or family member has expressed a A cookbook full of healthy recipes can desire to slim down in the new year, the prove an invaluable resource for men and following items can make great holiday women who recognize the role healthy gifts that help your loved ones get a head foods play in losing weight and keeping start on their weight loss goals. the weight off. Many adults cite a lack of Yoga mat and DVD: Yoga has grown time as the primary reason they eat increasingly popular in recent years. unhealthy foods, so look for a cookbook According to a survey from the National that offers healthy recipes that can be Institutes of Health, nearly 10 percent of cooked up quick. adults in the United States participated in Fitness tracker: Fitness trackers come in yoga in 2012, up from 5 percent in 2002. many shapes and sizes, but many allow Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and users to count their steps and track the disget in shape, and it can help men and tances they travel in a typical day. More women feel more flexible. That increased flexibility can help men and women look- advanced models may even help men and ing to lose weight, making a yoga mat and women track the amount of calories they’ve consumed, both on a daily basis DVD an ideal holiday gift. Such gifts are and over time. Such devices can prove even better for men and women who may feel intimidated by exercising after a long motivational to men and women looking to lose weight, providing detailed daily inforlayoff, as they can dust off the cobwebs mation they can use to track and see their from the comforts of their own homes. progress. Offer to come over and show them some basic moves and help them in their first Holiday gifts that aim to help men and few sessions if you’re already familiar with women looking to lose weight can pay divyoga. idends long after the holiday season has Swimming lessons: Many people learn to come and gone. aking New Year’s resolutions is a popular tradition once the holiday season has come and gone. Such resolutions often serve as catalysts for something positive, whether it’s saving more money in the year ahead or spending more time with family.




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The Northern Virginia Daily

Holiday Gift Guide


for on-the-go loved ones


November 2015

All Pets Cremation Center

Old Time Primitives


Old Town Development Board

Andrick’s Gifts & Collectibles

Ole Timer’s Antiques

Anytime Fitness - Strasburg

P.C. Enterprises LLC - Gun Shop

Appleland Sports Center

Pangle Real Estate

Beidler’s Furniture

Pat’s Cakes & Deli

Belle Grove

Pathways to Wellness


Posey Thisisit Llamas

Beltone Hearing Aid Center

any people love to travel, but some take their wanderlust to another level. Men and women who seem perpetually on-the-go may not stop to discuss items on their holiday wish lists, but holiday shoppers can find the right gifts for those loved ones who never seem to stop for long before moving on to the next place.

Blue Peacock Antiques Bluebells Blye’s Jewelers Inc.


Bone & Joint Specialists

Whether the wanderer on your holiday shopping list prefers to travel domestically or overseas, he or she can’t hit the road without certain gear. Camping afficionados might appreciate a new mini-stove or grill so they can eat like kings no matter how far they retreat into their favorite forests. For the international jetsetter on your list, perhaps a new set of luggage might make the perfect holiday gift. If your budget is a more tight, consider a traveler’s kit with luxury shampoo, conditioner and body wash and lotion.


Boscawen Gold & Silver Brigitte Smith Craft Show C&C Express Wash Country Rhodes Farm Country Treasures Creekside Collectibles & Gifts

Part of the joy of traveling is documenting a trip with a great camera. Cameras come in a wide range of styles, and good cameras can range from a couple hundred dollars to more expensive models that cost upwards of a thousand dollars. If your budget does not allow for a more expensive camera, give your loved one some cash toward buying a new camera for his or her next adventure. If money is no object, do your homework, researching cameras based on your loved one’s interests. More adventurous travelers might want cameras that can withstand the wear and tear of outdoor sports, while travelers who focus more on sightseeing might not benefit from cameras designed for more daring photographers. Research cameras online, and ask employees at local electronics retailers which type of camera is best suited to the traveler on your list.

D & P Rentals D&H Guns Delaware North @ Shenandoah National Park Dove’s Gift Shop Eastern Elevator Co. Eleventy-Seven Toy Shop Fine Line, LLC Finks’ Jewelry Store

Airline miles

Fort Valley Nursery

Many airlines allow customers to transfer their airline miles to whomever they choose. Some airlines, such as Delta, allow miles to be transferred to a maximum of four people, and such transfers incur both a fee per mile transferred and a transaction fee. In addition, airlines may limit how many miles you can transfer or only allow members of their mileage programs to transfer their miles to other members. Airline miles can be a great gift for travel enthusiasts, saving them substantial amounts of money. Learn the ins and outs of your mileage program before giving miles as a gift.

Four Seasons Sunroom Frederick Co. Parks & Rec.

Royal Oak Computers Rudolph Small Engine Sensual Nights Shen Valley Tires Shenandoah Confections Shenandoah Conservatory Arts Academy Shenandoah Heritage Market Shenandoah Music Shenandoah Potters Guild Shenandoah Valley Cultural Museum & Gift Shop Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum Shenandoah Valley Golf Club Simply Charming Boutique Spring House Tavern Stephens City Outlet Store Stokes General Store

Theatre Shenandoah

Gloria Stickley

Hearing Aid Services Horton’s Nursery Iron Rose Jala Yoga James E. Zerkel, Inc. James River Equipment Jean’s Jewelers

Travel enthusiasts range from weekend warriors who can’t wait to arrive at their favorite campsite to international jetsetters. Holiday shoppers can find a host of gifts suited to all types of travelers this holiday season.

Regency Lakes

Gallery One

Head Of The Class Dog Training

If you know a loved one will be traveling to a particular locale in the near future, look into his or her destination and book a unique experience for him or her. For example, travelers headed to London may appreciate a tour of the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace. Men and women visiting New York City for the first time might appreciate a boat tour to the Statue of Liberty or a nighttime boat ride along the Hudson and East Rivers that allows them to take in Manhattan’s famed skyline under the stars. Such experiences can make trips that much more memorable.

R.A.C. Pool Center

T&R Firearms & Shooting Supplies

Harvest Moon Natural Foods


Pot Town Organics

Funkhouser Real Estate Group

Hand & Stone, Winchester

If the traveler on your shopping list prefers to travel by car rather than airplane, a gas card can go a long way toward trimming the cost of his or her travels.


The Christmas Gallery The Flea Market The Home Store The Polka Dot Pot Thinker Toys This N That Thomas Family Dentistry Timeless Wines Town Of Front Royal Triplett Tech

Katrina’s Hallmark

UPS Store #735

King James Galleries

Valley Home Care

LL McKee Salon

Weichert Realty

Massanutten Resort

Wightman Insurance

Massanutten St. Gallery

Willows At Meadow Branch

Mastercraft Carpet/Interiors

Winchester Book Gallery

Miss Kitty’s Herbs

Winchester Church of God

Mowery Orchard

Woodbine Farm Market

Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Entry form must be returned to the Northern Virginia Daily by 4pm on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. Week 2 winners will be announced in the newspaper on Saturday, November 21, 2015. Grand Prize winners will be announced in the newspaper on Saturday, December 12, 2015. Mailing address: 152 N. Holliday St., Strasburg, VA 22657. Only original contest entry forms will be accepted. Northern Virginia Daily employees and Contracted Carriers for the NVD and their relatives are not eligible to register to win. Certificate must be chosen from one of the advertising businesses listed above. No purchase necessary. Need not be present to win; odds of winning depend on total number of entries received. 251255

Week 2 Contest Entry Form - Gift Certificate from area businesses Name_________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State______ ZIP______________


Phone__________________________ E-mail ________________________ Name of business for gift certificate _______________________________ *Return this form to the Daily by Wednesday, November 18, 2015*


Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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for the movie buff in your life M

any movie buffs can instantly rattle off extensive lists of their favorite films, sharing information such as when the movies were released, who directed them and, of course, who played the leads. Holiday shoppers on the hunt for the perfect gift for the film buffs in their lives might be a little intimidated by their loved ones’ encyclopedic knowledge of movies. Such knowledge can make it difficult to find gifts that friends or family members will truly appreciate, but the following are a handful of ideas to consider gifting to the movie lover in your life.

making your own by buying sever- pers’ budgets but will provide lots al individual DVD’s and wrapping of bang for their gift-giving buck. them together. Gift certificate: Gift certificates Streaming membership: to the movie theater are another Streaming services like Netflix great gift for the old school film and Amazon Prime are growing fan who still prefers seeing all more popular by the day, and film the new releases in the theater. fans would no doubt appreciate Movie tickets can stretch film having instant access to the hunfans’ budgets, especially for those dreds of films available to subfilm lovers who need to see every scribers of these services. A 12big-budget blockbuster or month subscription to Netflix or OscarŽ candidate in the theater. Amazon Prime, which offers addi- A gift certificate may be just tional benefits when shopping on what your favorite film fan wants Amazon.com, won’t break shopto see in his or her stocking this

holiday season.

systems that can cost several thouSound system: For those holiday sand dollars. If you think a sound shoppers working with big budg- system is all your loved one needs ets, a sound system that enhances to make the most of his or her the experience of watching movies movie watching experience, speak at home might be just the thing to to him or her before buying the system, footing the full bill if you light up your favorite film fan’s smile this season. Surround sound can or offering to contribute a certain amount of dollars toward the systems give movie watchers at home an experience similar to that sound system of his or her dreams. enjoyed by moviegoers in the the- Film fans can be fun to shop for ater. Such systems can vary concome the holiday season, and siderably with regard to price, shoppers have a host of options at with smaller systems costing far their disposal to make their less than larger, more advanced favorite film buffs happy.

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Box set: Box sets make great gifts for film fans, whether those fans prefer a particular genre of film or appreciate the work of a certain director. Fans of horror movies may appreciate the “Horror Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection,� a comprehensive collection of classic horror films that includes the likes of “The Indestructible Man,� starring Lon Chaney, Sr., and “Night of the Living Dead,� starring Judith O’Dea. Fans of director Quentin Tarantino may enjoy the “Tarantino XX 8-Film Collection,� which includes some of the director’s most beloved films, including “Reservoir Dogs� and “Pulp Fiction.� If you can’t find a box set to your loved one’s liking, consider

Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015



for the avid readers on your list


ift giving is made easier when shoppers are in tune with their loved ones’ interests. Knowing a friend’s or relative’s likes and dislikes can provide a starting point as you begin your holiday shopping. Reading is one interest or hobby that has never gone out of style. People who enjoy reading tend to devour book after book and are always eager for the next installment from their favorite authors. Books and other reading materials can make perfect gifts for anyone with a love for literature.

First edition texts

Collectors very often are interested in the first edition or first printing of classic books. Publishers may offer only a limited number of books in a first edition or first printing, and such editions tend to be rare.

Nook® from Barnes & Noble are two of the more popular stand-alone reading tablets. E-reader apps also are available through Apple and Amazon to work on various mobile devices. A tablet can be a welcome gift, especially for a reader who appreciates on-demand reading material.

Protective case Help readers protect their tablets with protective cases. These run the gamut from the utilitarian to the decorative. Some tablet cases are designed to look like books themselves, with a soft interior cushion for the e-reader and a hard shell to keep it safe.

Book accessories

Readers need their own collections of accessories that cater to their love of the written word. Look for clocks made out of literary volumes, lamps that look like a A first edition of a favorite book can make stacked book collection or framed photos a cherished gift. These books often can be of favorite book covers. Some publishers identified by a unique numbering system offer printed works reissued in decorative or even by the words “first edition” or covers to make the books an eye-catching “first printing” on the copyright page. addition to any home’s décor. Work with a reputable bookshop or dealer Someone who lends out favorite works to find expensive and rare prints. may like a personalized library embosser, which will imprint a book page with the name of the person loaning out his or her Some book purists stand by their decisions collection of books. to only read paper copies of their favorite books, feeling there’s something special or more enjoyable about holding a hardcover Whether they are carrying books back to the or paperback in one’s hands and making library or traveling with an e-reader in tow, progress through paper pages. Others are enamored with the convenience and porta- avid readers might appreciate a functional bility of having an entire library saved on a tote bag. Order pre-printed literary tote bags digital device. E-readers come in different or customize a tote based on the tastes of the sizes and offerings from various manufac- gift’s recipient. It even can feature photographs or the jacket of a favorite book. turers. The Kindle® from Amazon and

Digital reading device

Book tote



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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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for your dearest die-hard sports fans F

favorite sports on television rather than in person. Remarkable advancements in technology have made watching the game at home not much different than being there in person, and watching from home won’t require fans to pay for travel, parking or tickets. A new smart television that makes it possible for sports fans to stream out-oftown games or watch online highlights on big screens may be just the thing your Fortunately, shoppers don’t need to know a favorite fanatic is hoping for this season. lot about sports to find holiday gifts that will elicit cheers from their favorite sports fans. The following are just a handful of Some sports fans are not merely content to gifts that would make any sports fan happy watch their favorite sports; they also want this holiday season. to compete. Devoted fans of mixed martial inding the perfect holiday gift for the family sports fan can be fun for shoppers who also can’t get enough of their favorite sports. But shoppers who don’t know the Super Bowl from the World Series might not have the first idea about what to get the person on their list who seemingly spends all of his or her free time following the home team.


arts might appreciate a membership to a local MMA gym, where they can mimic their favorite competitors’ moves all while Many sports fans dream of attending a championship game, whether that game is getting in shape and meeting like-minded men and women who share their passion the Super Bowl in the National Football League, the World Series in Major League for MMA. Offer to pay for the first several Baseball, an NBA Finals game, or whatever months of a loved one’s membership, or if your budget allows, buy a 12-month memsport most stokes a particular sports fan’s bership. If MMA is not your loved one’s passion. Tickets have long been a go-to gift thing, then pay his or her entry fees into a for sports fans, but holiday shoppers who local sports league, such as a summer softwant to go above and beyond may want to ball league or a competitive basketball purchase tickets to the championship of a league for adults. friend or loved one’s favorite sport. Super Bowl tickets tend to be the most expensive tickets in American sports, and such a costly gift might be more than your holiday The sports attire business is booming, and budget can handle. Championships in other no sports fan’s wardrobe is complete withsports tend to be expensive, but more reaout a handful of items that profess his or sonably priced than Super Bowl tickets. If her love for a favorite team. Visit a local possible, ask a friend or relative to split the sporting goods store to stock up on clothes cost of a pair of tickets. that help your favorite fan fit in when he or she attends a game or visits a nearby bar or restaurant to take in the game with fellow fans. Many sports fans now prefer to watch their

Championship tickets



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Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015

The Fun alternative to “Black Friday” designed to promote both local and independently-owned businesses during the holidays. Wear plaid while shopping Downtown businesses!


Donʼt forget

PLAID  FRIDAY Nov. 27th!


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Gift Certificates


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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

The Northern Virginia Daily

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Don’t Forget

to gift holiday hosts dinner in the kitchen.


illions of people will travel this holiday season, and many of them will lay their heads to rest in the homes of family and friends. Hosting guests come the holiday season can make this time of year that much more special, but hosting also is a significant undertaking that asks a lot of the men and women who open their homes to loved ones. Guests who want to express their gratitude for their holiday hosts can do so in any number of ways, and the following are a handful of ideas that would surely please your hosts this holiday season.

Night out on the town Holiday hosts have a lot on their plates. Before guests arrive, hosts clean their homes top to bottom and may even rearrange rooms in their homes to accommodate overnight guests. Once the guests arrive, hosts work to cater to their guests’ needs. Guests can show their hosts how much they appreciate them by paying for a night out on the town. Babysit hosts’ kids so mom and dad can enjoy a night out together, or take the whole family out and foot the bill. A night out can be enjoyable for all involved, and it gives hosts the night off from cooking dinner.

Cater a meal If your family is too big to take out or if the family simply prefers to stay in and enjoy one another’s company, pay for a catered meal to be delivered to your hosts’ home. This can be a great way to catch up, and hosts can join in the fun because they won’t be busy preparing


Gift to the kids? New puppy!

If you want to give your holiday hosts something practical, then some linens they can use right away make great gifts. Quality bed sheets, some warm blankets and some soft, high-quality towels can help hosts replenish their linen closets, and they might appreciate using these new items once the holiday season has come and gone.

Cook breakfast Another great way to show your appreciation to your holiday hosts is to make breakfast for everyone each morning during your stay. Let your hosts relax with a cup of coffee while you prepare breakfast each morning for everyone staying at the house. Hosts will no doubt appreciate the hassle-free mornings, and a fresh, homecooked meal is a great way to express your own appreciation for their hospitality. Holiday hosts accept a lot of responsibility when welcoming guests into their homes. Guests can show their appreciation for this hospitality in numerous ways.


Farm Market



Also choose YUMMY GOODIES from our pantry for your holiday dinners... or create a HOLIDAY BASKET for that someone special!


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Men and women who offer to host for the holidays likely don’t mind hosting at other times of the year as well. A brand new wine rack can make for a great gift for your friend or relative who loves to host dinner parties throughout the year. Stock the rack with a couple of bottles of wine and crack one open to celebrate your loved one’s new toy.

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Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015


The advantages of last-minute holiday shopping T

ackling tasks well in advance has many advantages, and often it is in one’s best interest to be ahead of the game, including when the game at hand is holiday shopping. But men and women who simply can’t get a head start on their holiday shopping need not fear, as waiting until the eleventh hour to do the bulk of your shopping can have some distinct advantages, too. Consumer Reports’ 2012 Holiday Poll found 9 percent of shoppers — an estimated 17 million people — planned to shop in stores on Christmas Eve in 2012. Many stores are still open on Christmas Eve, even if the doors are only unlocked for a limited number of hours. That gives shoppers one last chance to find the perfect presents. In addition to having more time to decide on gifts, here are some other benefits to shopping later in the season. Smaller crowds: As the holiday season winds down, many shoppers have already completed their shopping. Fewer people tend to be in stores in the final days before Christmas, as they are readying their homes for company or making travel plans. This can be a prime time for shopping and getting through malls or other retailers in less time. Discounted prices: Anxious to reduce inventory and make the most of end-of-the-year profits, stores may discount merchandise

even further for fast sale. Shoppers anxious to save a little bit more or come in under budget may find waiting to shop is to their financial advantage. Lower chance of discovery: One difficulty of shopping early is keeping all of the gifts hidden for the duration of the month. Waiting until later to shop means only having to camouflage gifts for a few days. When you wait,

curious kids are less likely to find it may not be worth the investtheir gifts before the big day. ment. Last-minute specials: Some More time to plan: By the end of online retailers offer “doorbuster” the holiday season you may have sales at various times during the a better idea of what you need to holiday shopping season. These purchase. You also may have sales may offer additional dispolled others regarding what they counts or even free shipping. Just be sure to balance the benefits of are giving, reducing the chances the discount against the shipping of giving duplicate gifts. price. If it means having to pay a Gift cards galore: Some people premium for overnight shipping, prefer to give gift cards, which

are available all season long. Consumer Reports says 62 percent of last-minute shoppers grab gift cards. If you fall into that category, waiting to buy the cards won’t be an issue so long as you make it to the stores before they close. Last-minute shopping has its advantages. If time is ticking away, there are still deals to be had.

WINCHESTER’S BEST KEPT SECRET ...for unique gift ideas! 41 Boscawen St., Winchester, Va. 540-667-6065

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We are paying the best prices for your broken jewelery, dental gold, pre 1964 U.S. Silver Coins, and we specialize in Gold & Silver Coins and .999 Silver and Sterling! - SHOP AND COMPARE Voted 4th year in a row for Best Place to Sell Gold, Best Jewelry Store, Best Pawn Shop!



Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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Make sure

your treasured gifts arrive on time C ome the holiday season, shipping companies work around the clock to ensure packages, merchandise and more make it to their destinations on time. What would December holidays be without gifts under the tree?

In 2013, overtaxed carriers failed to meet Christmas deadlines for many packages. Some analysts say big retailers and carriers may have underestimated consumers’ growing reliance on online shopping — especially for last-minute presents. Since those mishaps, both UPS and FedEx have spent millions on upgrades. More fuel-efficient planes, upgrades to air cargo networks and improved infrastructure and ground shipping operations have helped shipping companies better handle the increased volume.

of big retailers now offer various options that allow customers to purchase items online and pick them up in a nearby store. In-stock items may be available the same day, while others may have to be shipped to the store for a later pickup. Enter shipping parameters. Signing up for either My FedEx or MyUPS gives you a little extra control over how packages are sent to you. For example, you can request that packages be held at a delivery center or you can presign for deliveries. These perks can help limit some lost or delayed packages.

Use proper postage. Bulky envelopes or large packages are better off brought to the post office for shipping instead of mailing them from home. Inadequate postage could stall delivery of your items and have them As shipping companies work harder to ensure returned to you. holiday packages arrive at their destinations Research shipping cut-off dates. Shipping on time, there also are things consumers can carriers often list the “last days to ship� for do to increase the chances that gifts make it their services so that packages will arrive by under the tree before the big day. the date you need them. This way you can Shop as early as possible. If you plan to buy plan around the cutoffs. online or ship gifts to family and friends, shop early so the gifts have time to make it to Sign up for membership programs. Online their destinations. Make a list of all the peo- retailers, such as Amazon, offer expedited shipping on many products as part of their ple whose gifts you will need to mail, then membership programs. For example, Amazon shop for their gifts first so you will have Prime-eligible products will generally arrive ample time for them to arrive on time. within two business days as part of your Double-check all mailing addresses. Make annual membership fee. The added cost may sure you have the correct addresses for all friends or family members you will be send- be well worth the peace of mind fast shipping ing gifts to. An incorrect address can result in provides. packages being returned to sender or floating around in shipping limbo. All of this only decreases the likelihood that gifts will arrive on time. Consider a ship-to-store option. A number

An increase in online shopping as well as families living further apart has led to a high volume of gifts being shipped around the holidays. Plan accordingly so that gifts will arrive on time.

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Limit one coupon per customer. Not valid with other offers. Restrictions apply. Valid and redeemable only when presented at a paricipating location. The UPS Store centers are independently owned and operated. Š 2015 The UPS Store, Inc. Offer expires 1/31/16

10539 Winchester Ave Bunker Hill, WV 25413 Around back from Sensual Nights

Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015



your holiday gifts A s families spread out across the country and even across the globe, the holidays can become a little more difficult to navigate. According to AAA, a federation of motor clubs throughout the United States, roughly 90 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more for year-end holidays.

well as the value of the package. Presents under a certain value may be duty-free or tax-exempt. Check with customs to get a better idea of the shipping regulations.

Plane ride

Shopping for gifts may have taken some time, but now you will have to figure out how to get those gifts where they need to go. The following are some pointers for holiday celebrants who are driving, flying, taking a bus, or shipping gifts.

Airlines have specific regulations in place regarding which items can and cannot be brought on planes, at least inside of the cabin. Thanks to increased security measures, restrictions are greater than they once were. Transportation Security Administration officers may have to inspect items for safety purposes. It may be better to leave gifts unwrapped and then wrap them after the flight to avoid hassles during the screening process. Liquids, including foods, may need to be put in a checked bag if they exceed 3.4 ounces. Consider shipping delicate items ahead of time if you are concerned about breakage.

Shipping dates

Packing the car

If the goal is to purchase and ship gifts near and far, starting early has its advantages. Thousands upon thousands of cards and packages are shipped each day during the holiday season. In 2013, shipping giant UPS projected 132 million deliveries during the last week before Christmas, and actual figures exceeded those expectations.

If a holiday road trip is in your future, space constraints may require you to be a little creative when packing the car. Shop for smaller gifts, including gift cards, which are easier to transport. Advise family and friends that you will have limited space so they should not go overboard with regard to gifts given to you in return.

Many shipping services will get packages to recipients on time, but customers can help them along by sending them several weeks before the holidays. Shipping later in the season may incur additional fees for priority shipping. Always check sellers’ “purchase by” dates to ensure items will arrive on time.

Heed safety precautions and do not obscure driver visibility in the car by stacking presents too high. Also, secure boxes and packages in the car so they do not slide or move around. Anything that is not secured can become airborne in the event of a collision, increasing the risk for injury. Items placed on roof racks should be tightly secured so they don’t fall off and present a hazard.

Families that are spread out must decide where to spend the holidays together. But in some cases, families can’t all be together, so celebrations must be handled remotely and gifts shipped to waiting recipients.

Items that will be shipped internationally should include a detailed description as

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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

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The Northern Virginia Daily

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your home for new gifts this season A

re you ready for the boxes and packages that are set to arrive under the tree? If your home annually bursts with everything from children’s toys to electronics to clothing, it may be time to take inventory and prepare for the gifts that have yet to find their way into your home. Before the first strand of garland goes up and before you begin thinking about holiday wish lists, set a plan in motion to reduce what you already have in the house. This project can include the entire family and tie into holiday volunteerism that highlights this season of giving. There’s a very good chance that your closets are brimming with items that are collecting dust or haven’t seen the light of day in some time. Make these the fist things to go. If something hasn’t been used in a year or more, add it to the donation pile. Kids’ rooms and play areas may be some of the areas most overrun with belongings. Children are likely to get many new toys and other gifts throughout the year, so focus most of your energy on these spaces, cutting kids some slack if they don’t want to part with certain items. If children are reluctant to part with some of their belongings, stress the point that donating helps others who are less fortunate. Involve kids in the donation process, letting them see where their unused clothes and other supplies will go. This can make giving away older toys less traumatic and more personal. Adults also should pay attention to any belongings they can spare. Take advantage of holiday donation trucks in the area to clear your home of bulky sweaters, linens, older furniture, or kitchen supplies. These trucks service some well-known charities and associations, and items will be appreciated and put to great use.



Use the weeks prior to the holiday rush to create space for any gifts that might be arriving under your tree before Christmas Day. A little cleaning and decluttering can go a long way toward helping the less fortunate in your community.

Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015

Educational toys, games, science, puzzles, & more for all ages!

2015 ASTRA Best Toys list just announced and available at Thinker Toys!

Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10-6 202 S. Braddock Street, Winchester (Next to the Discovery Museum) (540) 450-8780 • WWW.THINKERTOYSVA.COM





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Open Plaid Friday NOV. 27th

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We have GREAT GI FTS for Christma s!


Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

The Northern Virginia Daily

Stock up and organize holiday gift wrap M

any people spend a significant portion of the holiday season selecting and wrapping gifts. After all of the effort that goes into finding the perfect gift, many gift-givers want to dress those gifts up in eye-catching packages. As the holiday season hits full swing, now is the time to get wrapping supplies in order. Begin by shopping the sales. Some people save money by stocking up on wrapping supplies at the end of the holiday season. Those who do not look so far ahead may want to buy gift wrap and bags when these items first appear on the shelves, which affords shoppers a larger selection to choose from. Although you may be tempted to go for the least expensive wrapping paper available, investing in something a little thicker may make wrapping easier, as thicker paper is less likely to tear. Select one or two paper designs so you do not have to think too much about which paper to use for which gifts.

Hold on to wrapping supplies In addition to the billions of dollars shoppers spend each year on holiday gifts, quite a lot of money is spent on the bags, boxes and paper used to wrap those gifts. Unity Marketing says the average person spends between $70 and $100 on wrapping supplies during the holiday season. While it is nice to add some new items to the wrapping mix each year, collecting and conserving bags and tissue is a wise and ecofriendly, cost-saving measure. For those hosting the holidays this year, set up two storage bins in the room where you and your loved ones will be unwrapping presents. One bin can be used to collect clothing boxes that are in good shape, while the other can be used to organize gift bags and bows. Encourage guests to take some of the used wrapping paper to use again next year.

in one sitting, or maybe you will wrap each gift as you make new purchases. Either way, keeping supplies at the ready and organized can make wrapping go more When shopping, also grab a substantial quickly. Wrapping paper and ribbon can be supply of tape because you will need a lot stored on a modified towel rack that hangs of it. You probably will have some nonsym- over the back of a door, or invest in a wrapmetrical shaped gifts or ones that could get ping paper storage container so everything swallowed up in a lot of wrapping paper. will be together when the time comes to You way mant to choose bags or gift boxes begin wrapping. A folding table or even an to wrap such items. ironing rack can make for good horizontal surfaces on which to tackle the wrapping. Get creative with gift bags by purchasing solid-color bags and using stamps to dress Remember also to keep an envelope nearby up the design. This way the wrapping looks with any gift receipts so that they can be like it was customized for each recipient. included with the gifts as you wrap them. Let kids help, as they may have fun adding Holiday shoppers’ work doesn’t end after ribbon or bows to dress up gifts even furgifts are purchased. Now is the time for ther. wrapping and stockpiling all of the supplies Set up a dedicated spot to tackle the wrapping. Perhaps you want to wrap everything Plaid Friday

needed to make holiday gifts that much more attractive.

Time to book your Holiday Party in our Event Room!

November 27 – Downtown Businesses The fun alternative to “Black Friday.” Designed to promote both local and independently-owned businesses during the holidays. Wear plaid while shopping.

We can accommodate up to 110 people!

Old Town Parade & Tree Lighting Ceremony November 30 at 7 pm

Route: Piccadilly at Cameron to Braddock to Cork at Cameron


Santa’s Headquarters December 11 at 5-7 pm & December 12 at 11 am–1 pm Godfrey Miller Center Take your own photos with Santa!

d Sports Cen n a l l e 4490 Valley Pike, te p r p Stephens City VA

For your Christmas shopping list we stock brand name golf clubs, bags, shoes, balls & golf accessories.

Gift Certificates

Holly Jolly Celebration December 12 at 12 pm–5 pm Loudoun Street Mall. Caroling and holiday activities including 2 holiday carriages offering rides from 1–3 pm. Specials at shops and restaurants all day.

First Night Winchester December 31


Celebrate New Year’s Eve in Old Town Winchester. Visit FirstNightWinchester.com for more details.


Thank you to Winchester Parks & Recreation for assistance with Santa’s HQ & the parade!



Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015



greeting cards G

reeting cards are a popular method of correspondence throughout the year. Cards are purchased for birthdays, graduations and milestone events. One of the more popular times of the year to find cards purchased and sent in bulk is during the holiday season. The Greeting Card Association claims 1.6 billion Christmas card units (including boxed cards) are purchased for Christmas. Many people consider sending cards essential to their holiday traditions. Here are some statistics on greeting cards and ways to improve upon your Christmas card sending process. • Women purchase an estimated 80 percent of all greeting cards and will spend more time choosing a card than men. • The vast majority of individually purchased cards are between $2 and $4 in price. Christmas card economy is found by purchasing boxed cards in bulk. • The visual design of a greeting card is the first to capture a person’s attention, but the saying within will have a greater impact. Consider purchasing cards that are blank inside so you can add your own personalized sentiments. • For the perfect balance of imagery and verse, try a photo greeting card. This way you can customize both the image and the wording. They’re even effective for business correspondence. Simply use a picture of your office team or other workers in place of a family photo. • Personalized cards need to be purchased early to allow for production. Try to get your orders in by early November to leave you time to address and mail them. • Buy extra cards than you think you need. This way you can send reciprocal greetings to a person who has mailed you a card this year. • If you want your card to stand out from the masses, consider sending it separately from the big holidays. Thanksgiving or New Year’s cards can be unique. • Try your hand at creating your own greeting cards from papercrafting materials. You also can embellish ready made greeting cards with stamps, glitter, stickers, and other customized effects. • Keep a database of addresses saved on your computer. Then you can print address labels and save much time hand-addressing Christmas cards. Your address list can later be customized for other friend or family events. • Check the postage of your card. Oddly shaped envelopes or even square cards may require extra postage because they could be processed by hand at postal facilities. • The Greeting Card Association says that even though many people use digital means of communication, greeting card traditions are still popular and even are being adopted by today’s youth.

A Healthier You for the Holidays!

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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

The Northern Virginia Daily

Keep poinsettias

looking great through the holidays A long with the fragrant evergreens and twinkling lights synonymous with the holiday season, poinsettias make up a key component of holiday decorating.

Unlike holly and some of the other greenery that is commonly associated with the holidays, poinsettias do not naturally thrive in the colder temperatures. These plants originate in southern Mexico and were considered an exotic plant when first introduced to the United States by Joel Robert Poinsett, the first American ambassador to Mexico.

Poinsettias can be fickle plants and ones that gardening novices may find challenging to maintain. The plants are comprised of green foliage, colorful (often red) flower bracts, and the actual flowers of the plants, which are the red or green buttonlike parts nestled in the center of the bracts.

Because they are a tropical plant, poinsettias can be damaged by exposure to low temperatures, even if they are only exposed for short periods of time. They should be wrapped and protected against the elements when brought home. For maximum plant life, poinsettias need to be placed near a warm, sunny window, or another area that has ample amounts of light. They thrive in temperatures between 60 and 75 F and should be kept away from warm or cold drafts.

Water the plant whenever the surface feels dry to the touch. Water until it drains out the bottom, but don’t let the plant sit in water. Over- or under-watering can cause leaves to drop prematurely and wilt. If your home lacks in humidity, you may need to water the plant more frequently. Poinsettias do not need to be fertilized while the plant is in bloom.

The Ohio State University Extension says poinsettias can be reflowered the following Christmas, but unless a yearlong schedule of care is observed, the results usually are not good. You can speak with a gardening expert or consult online resources for the proper care schedule. Caring for a poinsettia year-round involves gradually drying out the plant and storing it in a cool location. The plant later will be moved outdoors and then back inside and pruned to keep a full shape.

Poinsettias are short-day plants, which means they flower about 10 weeks after the daylight shortens to about 12 hours or less. Therefore, to have the plant in full flower by Christmas, it will have to be kept in complete darkness between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m. from the first part of October until Thanksgiving. Many people find the affordability of poinsettias makes it more convenient to buy new ones each year than try to foster regrowth.

Contrary to popular belief, poinsettias are not poisonous to humans or animals, but they should not be ingested due to the potential for allergic reactions. Poinsettias can help remove pollutants from indoor air, which is advantageous during the winter months when doors and windows are typically kept closed.

Select plants that have dark green foliage and no low or damaged leaves. This ensures the best success for keeping poinsettias looking healthy and vibrant throughout the holiday season.

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Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015


Christmas tree

varieties and care


n evergreen tree decked out in lights and ornaments is one of the universal symbols of the holiday season. The Christmas tree tradition is believed to have originated in Germany in the 15th or 16th centuries, when trees were decorated with edibles, such as nuts and fruits. They were later decorated with candles and eventually lights.

Through the centuries, people have trekked to forests, Christmas tree farms and commercial lots to pick the perfect trees for their holiday displays. The National Christmas Tree Association says more than 33 million real trees are purchased each year, making the tree business a billiondollar industry. While there are scores of evergreen varieties, certain tree types are more popular than others and thus more available for purchase. The following are some of the more popular trees come Christmastime. excellent natural shape and requires little pruning to look like the perfect Christmas tree. It’s not very fragrant, but the tree needles may give off an unpleasant odor when crushed.

foremost Christmas tree species in the United States. It has soft needles that are dark green in color. Those needles radiate in all directions from the branches to give the tree a full look. The needles, when crushed, have a sweet fragrance. Douglas firs tend to live long when cut.

Scotch Pine: A classic conical shape and very good needle retention help make the Scotch pine a popular tree to cut for the Leyland Cypress: This cypress is one of Fraser Fir: Another popular fir for holidays. Scotch pines also are quite prevathe more popular Christmas trees in the Christmas is the Fraser fir. The needles are lent thanks to the tree’s adaptability to a southeastern United States. The tree will bicolored, with dark green on top and silbe very dark green to almost gray in color. wide range of climates. ver on the bottom. More fragrant than its It has little aroma. Some people choose the Eastern White Pine: A delicate green cousin, the Douglas, the Fraser also boasts Leyland because it does not produce sap, color and long needles are found on this a slender profile, which makes it suitable which is great for those with sap allergies. tree. Another popular pine, the rich frafor smaller rooms. Colorado Blue Spruce: An attractive blue- grance of the white pine may make it green foliage and a good symmetrical form preferable to those who like their homes to smell of evergreen. is what attracts many people to the blue spruce. The Colorado Blue Spruce has an Douglas Fir: The Douglas fir is one of the Nothing can guarantee the health and

Tree maintenance

appearance of a tree after it is brought into a home. But choosing a recently cut tree that has good needle retention can help. Here are other tips for a long-lasting tree. • Use a sharp saw to cut an inch off of the trunk base to remove the sappy covering that forms from cutting. This will improve water intake. • Fill a tree stand reservoir with warm water. Expect the tree to drink heavily in the beginning. • Keep the reservoir filled every day and check to see how much water the tree is using. • Place the tree far from heaters or other drying sources.



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Eastern Redcedar: Branches of the tree are compact and form a pyramid-shaped crown. The trees should be a dark, shiny green color. The eastern redcedar is not a true cedar tree, but a member of the juniper family. This tree can make a great cut tree with a homespun look and a pungent fragrance.



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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015

The Northern Virginia Daily

Save energy on holiday decorating with these tips


he holiday season allows people to transform their homes into wonderlands of lights, garlands and poinsettias. Each family has its own holiday traditions, and decorations are a part of many of those traditions.

Decorations might be awe-inspiring, but those that include lights often lead to substantially higher energy bills. Fortunately, there are ways for homeowners, whether they prefer subtle displays or more overthe-top arrangements, to save money and still celebrate the holiday season in style.

Switch to more efficient lights. A great way to ensure holiday displays consume less energy is to change the bulbs being strung. Incandescent lights can use 80 to 90 percent more energy than LED lights. Gradually replace older light strands with newer, energy-efficient LEDs. Not only do LEDs require less energy, but they also can last longer than incandescent bulbs, meaning you won’t have to replace them as frequently as more traditional bulbs. Furthermore, lower wattage usage means you can attach more strands of lights together safely.

Use timers. Timers can be set to turn lights on and off at specific times, ensuring lights aren’t turning on during the daytime or being left on into the night by forgetful homeowners. Timers also are a good safety precaution. A dark house that is normally lit up can advertise to thieves that no one is home. When lights turn on with a timer, it will create the illusion that it is business as usual in your residence. some wire and twine. Shop yard sales for Use homemade decorations. You also can gently used decorations that still have years save energy and money by recycling materi- of utility left. Sew ornaments from scraps of als into holiday décor. Trim branches from fabric or clothing that no longer fits. Each of these ideas reduces reliance on manufactrees and use them in vases for an instant tured decorations that consume energy durwintry look. Prune an evergreen on your ing production and fuel while being transproperty and make your own wreath with

ported from factories to store shelves.

play as well.

Rely on extension cords. You can extend the length of displays without using more lights by spacing out light strands with extension cords. Intersperse spotlights to add attention to key elements of your dis-

Turn off interior lights. If a Christmas tree is illuminating a front window, turn off the lights in your home, as the tree may provide enough light to make a living room or den extra cozy.

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Holiday Gift Guide

November 2015



The Northern Virginia Daily

November 2015

Holiday Gift Guide

The Northern Virginia Daily



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