Bright Box Theater
A dynamic performance & event venue that showcases some of the best live music, comedy, and entertainment in the area 15 N. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-665-2878 • brightboxwinchester.com
Shenandoah Arts Council
Nonprofits arts organization hosting exhibitions, events, and more 530 Amherst St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-667-5166 • shenarts.org
Shenandoah Conservatory Performances
Performances in music, dance, and theatre 1460 University Dr., Winchester, VA 22601 540-665-4569 • conservatoryperforms.org
Shenandoah University
Summer Music Theatre
Summer productions of Broadway musicals 1460 University Dr., Winchester, VA 22601 540-665-4569 • ssmtva.com
Top of Virginia Artisan Trail
Trail connecting artisan galleries, agri-artisans, and all things local 540-886-1684 • visitwinchesterva.com/?s=Top+of+Virginia
Winchester Little Theatre
Producing quality live community theatre since 1929 315 W. Boscawen St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-3331 • wltonline.org
Winchester and Frederick County were once Shawnee Indian camping grounds to which Pennsylvania Quakers came to settle in the 1730s. In the 18th and 19th centuries, The Great Valley Road, now known as Route 11, served as a migration trail.
Throughout history, the Winchester-Frederick County area has played an important role in the development of our nation. Winchester was the first English-speaking town west of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and Frederick County was the military and political training ground for George Washington.
In Winchester, visitors can walk the same streets that George Washington, Patsy Cline, and Stonewall Jackson once walked. See impressive monuments of polar explorer Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, General Daniel Morgan of Revolutionary War fame, and George Washington, the father of our country. View the amazing architecture of buildings that witnessed
Cline’s Farm
Seasonal produce and pick-your-own strawberries and pumpkins 920 Hopewell Rd., Clear Brook, VA 22624 540-662-5684 • Find us on Facebook
Digging Daylilies
Field grown daylily farm offering numerous varieties for sale 454 Marple Rd., Winchester, VA 22603 540-514-5424 • facebook.com/diggingdaylilies
Fox Urban Farms
Hydroponic farming growing many varieties of lettuces, leafy greens, herbs, micro-greens and edible flowers 1001 S. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-336-6896 • foxurbanfarms.com
Freight Station Farmers Market
Joint venture with Cline’s Farm in Winchester and Mayfair Farm in Bunker Hill, West Virginia. Baked goods, eggs, preserves, wild caught Alaskan fish, tree fruits, berries, vegetables 920 Hopewell Rd., Clear Brook, VA 22624 304-229-3457 • facebook.com/freightstationfarmersmarket
Hedgebrook Farm & Herds Inn
Working dairy farm offering educational tours and a farm stay experience at Herds Inn 690 Shady Elm Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 540-869-4100 • hedgebrook.com
Petting zoo, pirate ship, jungle gym, seasonal pumpkin patch, hayrides, corn maze, haunted house 933 Barley Ln., Winchester, VA 22602 540-667-7377 • thepumpkin-patch.net
Marker Miller
and Farm Market
Wagon rides, playground, picnic areas, pick-your-own local produce, and bakery
3035 Cedar Creek Grade, Winchester, VA 22602 540-662-1391 • markermillerorchards.com
Newtown Local Market
Open late May-October offering produce, baked goods, local crafts
805 Fairfax St., Stephens City, VA 22655 540-869-3087 • facebook.com/newtownlocalmarket
Richard’s Fruit Market
Beef, vegetables, fruit, fresh baked desserts, wine, and pick-your-own flowers
6410 Middle Rd., Middletown, VA 22645 540-869-1455 • richardsfruitmarket.com
some of our nation’s greatest events and leaders. Six major battles took place in Winchester and Frederick County during the Civil War, and the town changed hands approximately 72 timesmore than any other town in the country!
A Civil War Orientation Center is located in the Winchester-Frederick County Visitor Center. A brief film will introduce you to Civil War sites within the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation National Historic District. 38 Civil War Trail signs, posted throughout the community, interpret troop movements and battles of that stirring time.
Business Forms • Stationary • Invitations
Fresh baked pies, jams, jellies, apple cider, salsa, canned peaches, pickles, dressings, local produce, beer tastings, and gifts. Open daily 1488 Senseny Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 6656 N. Frederick Pike, Cross Junction, VA 22625 540-888-4164 • 800-713-1414 • shawneesprings.com
Shen Val Farm Market
Produce, beef, bakery, flowers, and more 2180 Fairfax Pike, White Post, VA 22663 540-868-0366 • facebook.com/shenval
Sonrise Flower Farm
Family-owned nursery specializing in daylilies sold by the clump, unique perennials, and cut flowers. Open May-November 2691 Back Mountain Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 540-931-7512 • sonriseflowerfarm.com
Spring Valley Farm Market
Fresh fruit and produce daily from their farm in Augusta, West Virginia. Open daily 2454 Northwestern Pike, Winchester, VA 22603 540-773-4820 • facebook.com/winchesterspringvalleyfarmmarket
The Homestead Farm at Fruit Hill Orchard
Fifth generation family-owned market with fresh organicallygrown produce, baked goods and Thursday night “Bluegrass on the Farm” event with a new addition Sugar Shack Ice Cream Stand. Open Spring through Fall with a Christmas shop. 2502 N. Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603 540-323-0221 • thehomesteadfarmatfruithillorchard.com
Virginia Farm Market
Open-air market offering fruit, local produce, and baked goods with play area/picnic pavilion 1881 N. Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603 540-665-8000 • virginiafarmmarket.com
West Oaks Farm Market
Fruits and vegetables, meats, deli, bakery, country gifts, local products, live music, festivals, weddings, private events 4305 Middle Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 540-539-8175 • westoaksfarm-market.com
Winchester Farmer’s Market
Open year-round Tuesdays and Saturdays 447 Amherst St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-539-3255 • tinyurl.com/ywmbbdbx
Millions of Americans can trace their heritage to Frederick County, Virginia! During the 1730s, it was the destination of early settlers –newly arrived English, Scots, Irish, and German immigrants who came from Pennsylvania in search of inexpensive, fertile farmland.
Today, Frederick County offers a wealth of opportunities for genealogists and historians. The Frederick County Clerk’s records were never lost or burned; they cover 1743 to the present.
Frederick County has Civil War battlefields, beautiful public parks, Winchester Speedway, Winchester Regional Airport, and Rock Harbor Golf Course.
Family owned farm markets, featuring locally grown fruits, vegetables and meats, are plentiful. Frederick County’s stately antebellum courthouse with its huge white pillars served as a hospital and prison during the Civil War, and is now home to the Shenandoah Valley Civil War Museum. The statue of a Confederate soldier, standing guard outside is the most photographed point-ofinterest in the area. fcva.us
What an Opioid is How opioids affect
How to recogni e an Opioid Overdoes How to help so eone experiencing an overdose .
April 16th, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Jun 18th, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Northwestern Community Services Board does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Winchester’s best and oldest ghost tour. Started over two decades ago, the stories and history of Winchester have been gathered and passed down from guide to guide. History will meet hauntings as you walk from location to location and tell the history behind the buildings and then the encounters with residents who have never left. Tours start at 8 pm on the front steps of the John Handley Regional Library. Tours usually last 90 minutes and currently end near the south end of Old Town. The cost is $20 for adults; children 11 and younger are free. Tours are available year-round and reservations are strongly suggested, especially around Halloween. Reservations: 540-692-6366, Email information@apparitiontrail.com. www.apparitiontrail.com
Golf course, driving range, mini-golf, go-karts, batting cages, laser tag
4490 Valley Pike, Stephens City, VA 22655 Golf Center: 540-869-8600; Fun Center: 540-698-1276
Dinosaur Land
Retro roadside attraction with over 50 life-size dinosaurs 3848 Stonewall Jackson Hwy., White Post, VA 22663 540-869-2222 • dinosaurland.com
Classic two-screen drive-in theater 5890 Valley Pike, Stephens City, VA 22655 540-665-6982 • thefamilydi.com
Come cool off at the Old Town Winchester Splash Pad located on the south end of the Loudoun Street Mall. Over 20 spray heads dance up and down at multiple levels each minute. After dark, watch as the water is illuminated in Red, White and Blue. Pets are prohibited. Open daily 10:30 am-7 pm 540-535-3660 • oldtownwinchesterva.com
Four levels of learning through play 19 W. Cork St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-722-2020 • discoverymuseum.net
Interactive escape game located inside the Bright Center in Old Town Winchester. Choose between two different rooms. Themes change every two months. You have one hour to complete the puzzles. Points are given for puzzles solved and time used so you can compete with other teams. Team photos and scores are posted on our Facebook page. Created by husband and wife team Jason Shaffer and Sofi Shaffer. 9 N. Loudoun St., Suite 105, Winchester, VA 22601 540-313-0003 • worldsawayescape.com worldsawayec@gmail.com
& Frederick County Guide
107 N. Kent St., Winchester, VA 22601
• Chairman At-Large
Josh Lucwig 703-955-0750
• Back Creek District
John Jewell 202-359-5071
• Gainesboro District
Heather H. Lockridge 540-664-4184
• Opequon District
Robert W. Wells 540-869-1168
• Red Bud District
Blaine P. Dunn 540-665-8006
• Shawnee District
Robert Liero 540-664-3911
• Stonewall District
Judith McCann-Slaughter, Vice Chair 540-533-2410
• Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors
Ann W. Phillips
• County Administrator
Mike Bollhoefer 540-665-5600
• Building Inspections
Mark Fleet 540-665-5650
• Clerk of Court
Sarah Kahle
• Commissioner of Revenue
Tonya C. Sibert
• Commonwealth’s Attorney
Hon. Ross Spicer 540-665-6383
• Esther Boyd Animal Shelter 540-667-9192
• Frederick Co. Attorney
Roderick B. Williams
• Fire and Rescue
Steven Majchrzak, Chief 540-665-5618
• GIS Andrew Farrar
• Landfill
Joe Wilder
• Parks and Recreation
Stacy Herbaugh, Director 540-665-5678
• Sanitation 540-868-1061
• Sheriff Lenny Millholland 540-662-6168
• Social Services
Tamara Green, Director 540-665-5688, ext. 109
• Treasurer
C. William Orndorff Jr.
& museums
Abram’s Delight Museum
Winchester’s oldest home
1340 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-6519 • winchesterhistory.org
Belle Grove Plantation
1797 Antebellum Manor House 336 Belle Grove Rd., Middletown, VA 22645 540-869-2028 • bellegrove.org
Cedar Creek Battlefield
Home of the annual October reenactment 8437 Valley Pike, Middletown, VA 22645 540-869-2064 • 540-869-3051 • ccbf.us
Cedar Creek & Belle Grove
National Historical Park
Free programs and tours by National Park Rangers interpret the Battle of Cedar Creek 7712 Main St., Middletown, VA 22645 540-869-3051 • nps.gov/cebe
Civil War Orientation Center
1400 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Winchester, VA 22601 540-542-1326 • shenandoahatwar.org
George Washington’s Office Museum
Used by Washington while he directed the construction of Fort Loudoun
32 W. Cork and Braddock streets, Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-4412 • winchesterhistory.org
Glen Burnie Historic Home
The Glen Burnie House sits on land that Winchester founder James Wood surveyed, claimed, and then settled in 1735 Part of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley 901 Amherst St., Winchester • 540-662-1473 / 888-556-5799
Godfrey Miller Historic Home and Fellowship Center
Built in 1785, this historic home is open to the public the first Friday of each month beginning in April through November. 28 S. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-667-5869 • godfreymillerhome.org
Handley Regional Library
Stewart Bell Jr. Archives - Collection of materials dating from 1732 100 W. Piccadilly St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-6550
• Voting Registrar
Rich Venskoske
• Winchester Regional Airport
491 Airport Rd. Winchester, VA 22602
Frederick County School Board
• Superintendent
Dr. George C. Hummer 540-662-3888
• Back Creek District
Scott Sturdivant, Chair 540-327-5871 sturdivants@fcpssb.net
• Gainesboro District
Frank Funes funesf@fcpssb.net
• Opequon District
Daryl Bell 540-550-5842 belld@fcpssb.net
• Red Bud District
Ellen G. White whitee@fcpssb.net
• Shawnee District
Miles B. Adkins 540-247-9072 adkinsm@fcpssb.net
• Stonewall District
Linda Martin martinl@fcpssb.net
• Member at Large
Dianna Klein, Vice Chair 540-212-9296
& Frederick
Hollingsworth Mill
Located next to Abrahm’s Delight house, was built in 1833 by David Hollingsworth, the great-grandson of Abraham Hollingsworth, Frederick County’s first settler. 1360 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-9041 • handleyregional.org
Kernstown Battlefield
388-acre park, home of the First and Second Battles of Kernstown 610 Battle Park Dr., Winchester, VA 22601 540-450-7835 • kernstownbattle.org
Korean War Memorial
Honors veterans killed in Korea from 10 surrounding counties 1001 E. Cork St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-4946 • winchesterva.gov/parks
Mount Hebron Cemetery
Community cemetery with grave stones dating back to the 1760s 305 E. Boscawen St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-4868 • mthebroncemetery.org
Museum of the Shenandoah Valley
Galleries and exhibitions, gardens, and year-round events 901 Amherst St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-1473 • 888-556-5799 • themsv.org
Newtown History Center
Preserves the history of a frontier settlement and its wagon industry 5408 Main St., Stephens City, VA 22655 540-869-1700 • newtownhistorycenter.org
Patsy Cline Historic House
Restored home of country music star and Winchester native, Patsy Cline
608 S. Kent St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-5555 • celebratingpatsycline.org
POW-MIA Memorial
Tribute to service members listed as Prisoners of War or Missing in Action
In Jim Barnett Park - 1001 E. Cork St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-4946 • winchesterva.gov/parks
Rose Hill Park
1.25-mile walking trail and interpretive signs on the site of the First Battle of Kernstown on the grounds of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley 1871 Jones Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 540-662-1473 • themsv.org/visit
• State Delegate William D. (Bill) Wiley, 32nd District (R)
Capitol Office: General Assembly Building 201 N. 9th St. Richmond, VA 23219
Office: 804-698-1032
District Office: P.O. Box 2034
Winchester, VA 22604
• Delegate C. Todd Gilbert, 33rd District (R)
General Assembly Building
201 N. 8th St. Richmond, VA 23219
District Office: P.O. Box 309
Woodstock, VA 22664
• Delegate Delores Oates, 31st District (R)
General Assembly Building 201 N. 9th St. Richmond, VA 23219
Office: 804-698-1031
District Office: 424A South St., Box 230 Front Royal, VA 22630
& Frederick County
• Senator Timmy French, District 1 (R)
General Assembly Building, Room No. 603
P.O. Box 396
Richmond, VA 23218
District Office: P.O. Box 628
Woodstock, VA 22664 540-325-8767
• Congressman Ben Cline, 6th District 2443 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-4606 202-225-5431
District office:
100 N. Loudoun St., Suite 120 Winchester, VA 22601 540-546-0876
• Senator Mark R. Warner (D) 231 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-2023 warner.senate.gov
• Senator Timothy (Tim) M. Kaine (D) 231 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 202-224-4024 kaine.senate.gov
• Gov. Glenn A. Youngkin
1111 E. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23219
P.O. Box 1475 Richmond, VA 23218
Shenandoah Valley Civil War Museum
Antebellum courthouse which served as a hospital and prison during the Civil War 20 N. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-542-1145 • civilwarmuseum.org
Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum
19 W. Cork St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-722-2020 • discoverymuseum.net
Site of George Washington’s
Historic Fort Loudoun
Cell phone audio tour and signage
419 N. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 fiwf.dsg@comcast.net
Audio Tour: 540-665-2046 • fiwf.org
Star Fort
Preserved Civil War earthworks fortification
503 Fortress Dr., Winchester, VA 22603 540-740-4545 • shenandoahatwar.org/visit
Stonewall Confederate Cemetery
Resting place for 2,575 Confederate soldiers
305 E. Boscawen St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-4868 • mthebroncemetery.org
Stonewall Jackson’s Headquarters
Used by General Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson during the winter of 1861-1862
415 N. Braddock St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-667-5505 • winchesterhistory.org
Third Winchester Battlefield Park
Nearly 600 acres, visitor center, and walking/biking path with signage
541 Redbud Rd., Winchester, VA 22603 540-740-4545
Winchester National Cemetery
Burying ground for thousands of Union soldiers
401 National Ave., Winchester, VA 22601 540-825-0027 • cem.va.gov/cems/nchp/winchester.asp
Winchester is the oldest city west of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and it was founded in 1744 by Colonel James Wood of England. The town was originally named Frederick Town after Frederick, father of George III of England. In 1752, the name was changed to Winchester in honor of the ancient English capital.
Old Town Winchester’s two-block pedestrian mall was the first one of its kind in Virginia. In Old Town, visitors can dine alfresco, discover unique shops, see centuries-old architecture, and explore museums. Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum, George Washington’s Office Museum, Shenandoah Valley Civil War Museum, and Stonewall Jackson’s Headquarters are located in Old Town.
Winchester is also home to the culturally and academically vibrant Shenandoah University, which offers performances, lectures, masterclasses, and lifelong learning opportunities. Each year, Winchester hosts its signature event, the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival. winchesterva.gov
Apple Blossom Mall
Over 90 stores, specialty merchants and restaurants 1850 Apple Blossom Dr., Winchester, VA 22601 540-665-0202 • simon.com/mall/apple-blossom-mall
Creekside Town Center
Shop, dine, or stroll along brick sidewalks, and enjoy the best of both worlds: Main Street friendliness and city sophistication 3103 Valley Ave., Winchester, VA 22602 540-667-2479 • creeksideproperties.com
Old Town Winchester
Historic district with two-block pedestrian mall features an eclectic blend of boutiques, antiques, fine furnishings, art, and clothing Loudoun Street between Cork and Piccadilly streets Old Town Welcome Center at 33 E. Boscawen St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-535-3660 • visitotw.com
Rouss City Hall
15 N. Cameron St., Winchester, VA 22601
540-667-1815 winchesterva.gov
City Council
• Mayor John David Smith Jr.
• Ward 1
Richard Bell, Vice President Les Veach
• Ward 2
Emily Rose Windle
John Hill, Vice Mayor
• Ward 3
Kim Herbstritt, President Corey Sullivan
• Ward 4
Kathy Tagnesi
Philip “Phil” Milstead
• City Manager
Dan Hoffman 540-667-1815, ext. 1502
• Building Official
Tom Mayhew 540-667-1815, ext. 1481
• Clerk of Court
William D. Gardner 540-667-5770
• Commissioner of Revenue
Ann T. Burkholder 540-667-1815, option 4
• Commonwealth Attorney
Heather Hovermale 540-722-7940
• Fire and Rescue
Jon Henschel, Chief 540-662-2298
• Parks and Recreation
Chris Konyar, Director 540-662-4946
• Police Chief Amanda Behan
• Sheriff
William Sales
540-667-5770, ext. 457, 459 or 460
• Social Services
Amber Dopkowski, Director 540-662-3807
• Treasurer
Jeffrey L. Barbour
540-667-1815, option 3
• Voting Registrar
Elizabeth Martin 540-545-7910
• Zoning Administrator
Alfredo Gutierrez Velasquez 540-667-1815, option 7
Winchester Public Schools wps.k12.va.us
• School Superintendent
Dr. Jason Van Heukelum
School Board members
Marie Imoh, Chair at Large
Melissa Harris, At Large
Stuart Eiland, At Large
• Ward 1
Michael Birchenough
• Ward 2
Carmen Crawford
• Ward 3
Elyus Wallace
• Ward 4
Bryan Pearce-Gonzales
• Clerk of the Board
Bonnie Sandy
The 25-acre preserve in Winchester is a calcareous muck fen and home to over 300 plant species and 180 kinds of birds. Twenty of the Preserve’s plant species appear on Virginia’s Rare Plants List, including two species found nowhere else in the Commonwealth. In addition, no other limestone-floored wetland in Virginia has as many rare plants. It includes marshes, which are sunny and covered by grasses and wildflowers, and swamps which are shady and filled with trees and shrubs. A map can be found at tinyurl.com/2ars88fj
Learn advanced 4×4 off-road driving techniques on tours with experienced guides on a thirty-mile course of rocks, ruts, creek crossings, and mud pits at The Cove Campground. 980-A Cove Rd., Gore, Winchester, VA 22637 540-333-6875 • appalachianoffroadadventure.com
Golf course, driving range, mini-golf, go-karts, batting cages, laser tag
4490 Valley Pike, Stephens City, VA 22655
Golf Center: 540-869-8600; Fun Center: 540-698-1276
Horse farm with scenic trail rides, horse riding lessons, horse boarding
225 Morgan Rd., Cross Junction, VA 22625 540-303-0569 • walking-after-midnight.com
An axe throwing lounge above Union Jack Pub & Restaurant. Their coaches will show you basic throws to have you sticking shots in no time.
101 N. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-751-8745 • chasinaxe.com
3-acre fishing lake, picnic shelters and tables, three pickleball courts, paved walking paths, outdoor pool, playground, four sand volleyball courts, vintage red caboose 130 Poolside Dr., Clear Brook, VA 22624 540-665-5678 • fcprd.net
Element Adventures
Guided cycling, hiking/backpacking, bike/camping, winery, and farmers market tours of the Shenandoah Valley. Choose from preplanned tours, custom tours, or self-guided adventures. Bike rentals also available.
2009 S. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-5744 • elementsport.com
Stephens City, five miles south of Winchester, is the second oldest town in the Shenandoah Valley. During the late 18th and early 19th century, the town was renowned for its production of wagons. Situated as it is on present-day U.S. 11 - formerly known as the old Valley Turnpike or the Great Wagon Road - town inhabitants have witnessed the movement of travelers for over 250 years.
Attractions in the Stephens City area include Newtown History Center, Sherando Park, Family Drive-In Theatre, Valerie Hill Vineyard & Winery, and The Inn at Vaucluse, a bed and breakfast surrounded by a large limestone spring. stephenscity.org
1033 Locust St. Stephens City, VA 22655 540-869-3087 stephenscity.org • Mayor Mike Diaz • Town Manager and Planner Mike Majher • Town Clerk Kelly Thatcher • Town Treasurer Steve Rickards
Town Council
Butch Fravel, Vice Mayor
Regina Swygert-Smith
Pete Fravel
Mariah Smith
Tina Stevens
Brian Woodruff
The park consists of 11 acres, much of which is rolling open field. Existing amenities include a playground, a ½ basketball court, three picnic tables and a 0.5 mile walking path, pickleball court, broad jump, 4 square 102 Potomac Place, Winchester, VA 22602 540-665-5678 • fcprd.net
Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity that involves using GPS devices to locate hidden containers. Some caches even require the geocacher to solve puzzles. Geocaching is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, families, clubs or groups. The Winchester-Frederick County Convention & Visitors Bureau developed two caching adventures: A Historical Tour of Winchester: tinyurl.com/3v7umwjkl and the Winchester-Frederick County Civil War Geo-Trail: tinyurl.com/mrx6u2ft
Provides safe facilities and accommodations for both bicyclists and pedestrians, to access major destinations in the city. The circle connects areas of historic, recreational, educational and natural interest. Some of those attractions include Glen Burnie Historic House & Gardens/Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, Jim Barnett Park, Shenandoah University, Old Town Winchester, and the Abrams Creek Wetlands Preserve.
Jim Barnett Park
Indoor/outdoor pools, pavilions, playgrounds, gymnasium, fitness room, racquetball court, dog park, trails, Christianson Familyland, disc golf course, BMX track, horseshoe courts, billiards table, facility rentals, Wilkins Lake with public fishing, arboretum, sensory trail 1001 E. Cork St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-4946 • winchesterva.gov/parks
Lake Frederick
117 acre lake with fishing pier, boat launch, bait and tackle shop, and walking trail
1 Lake Frederick Dr., White Post, VA 22633 540-248-9360 • dgif.virginia.gov
Mac’s Roller Rink
5030 Front Royal Pike, White Post, 22663 540-869-2129 • macsrollerrink.com
Northside Lanes
6 Richards Ave., Winchester, VA 22601 540-667-1470 • nslanes.com
Located 10 miles south of Winchester, this quaint Frederick County town has hosted travelers for over 200 years. The Wayside Inn, located on U.S. 11, is reportedly America’s longest-running inn.
Attractions include Cedar Creek Battlefield, Belle Grove Plantation, Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historic Park, and Richard’s Fruit Market. Middletown is also the home of Laurel Ridge Community College. During patriotic holidays and reenactments, the town dresses itself with numerous flags – and is a sight to behold. middletownva.gov
Town Council
Carolyn Aliff
Ahayla Rickard
Stephanie Mitchell
Dr. Diane Newman
Jacob Skeith
Northwestern Community Services Board does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. SAVE THE DATE! S 2 , 2024 For the 3rd Annual Suicide Prevention Motorcycle Ride
Onelife Fitness
Indoor sports arena and fitness center with rock climbing wall
251 Commonwealth Ct., Winchester, VA 22602 540-667-4653 • onelifefitness.com
Rock Harbor Golf Course
36 dynamic golf holes with six sets of tees on each hole; a course distinctive for rock and water
365 Rock Harbor Dr., Winchester, VA 22602 540-722-7111 • rockharborgolf.com
Rose Hill Park
Open daily 8 am-Dusk. Enjoy the historic and scenic features of the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley’s Rose Hill Farm. A 1.2 mile interpreted walking trail through fields and woods and includes a spur trail to a reconstructed section of stone wall. 1871 Jones Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 540-665-5678 • themsv.org/visit/rose-hill
Rocking S Ranch
More than horseback tours, these trail rides follow the foothills and ridges of the beautiful northern Shenandoah Valley. Available year-round, call for reservations. 564 Glaize Orchard Rd., Winchester, VA 22603 540-678-8501 • therockingsranch.com
Shenandoah Valley Fly Fishing
316 W. Leicester St., Winchester, VA 22601 571-606-0307 • shenandoahvalleyflyfishing.com
Sherando Park
Fishing lake, lighted ball fields, picnic shelters and tables, locke gazebo, hiking trails, outdoor pool, 18-hold disc golf, 9-hole junior disc golf, playgrounds, soccer fields, volleyball court, bike park, outdoor fitness equipment. Bocce courts, outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts at Sherando High School 255 Lakeview Circle, Stephens City, VA 22655 540-665-5678 • fcprd.net
Stonewall Park
Baseball and softball fields
235 Hot Run Dr., Stephenson, VA 22656
3,000 mountain acres with boating, fishing, hiking, a sandy beach with swimming, ATV trails, a target range, 100 campsites, and cabins
980 Cove Rd., Gore, VA 22637 540-858-2882 • covecampground.com
• Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Residential members: 800-552-3904
Business members: 800-920-9288
• Shenandoah Valley Electric Cooperative 540-450-0111 or 800-234-7832
• H.N. Funkhouser & Co. 540-662-9000 or 800-343-6556
• Holtzman Oil Corp. (Oil) 540-477-3131
• Holtzman Oil Corp. (Propane) 540-465-9200
• Comcast 855-870-1311
• Comcast (Internet) 855-870-1311
• Dish 888-716-2474
• Direct TV 800-531-5000
• HughesNet 844-737-2700
• Lumos Networks 844-284-9641
• Verizon 540-723-9163
• Visual Link 540-754-1630
• Wave2Net 540-667-2672
• Winchester Wireless 540-665-0800
• Washington Gas 540-869-1111 or 800-566-7436
Virginia Dental Implant Institute (VDII) is Virginia’s premiere Dental Implant Center. Jeff Dickson, DMD, MS, MS and his specialized team work hard providing patients the highest level of advanced dental care anywhere in Virginia and beyond. A specialist in tooth removal, dental implants, sedation, and laser gum treatment, Dr. Dickson practices a full scope of advanced dentistry including the life changing All-on-4© (teeth in a day).
The All-on-4© process at VDII has changed hundreds of lives by substituting a denture for teeth that are fully screwed in and supported with dental implants. After careful planning with an engineer, this process is usually completed in one day making it a lift changing experience.
Dr. Dickson has been a “Top Doctor” award winner every year since 2018 and recently voted by his dental peers as one of Virginia’s top dentists. VDII has also been recognized as one of the country’s “All-on-4© Treatment Centers of Excellence.”
These credentials and experience has led to Dr. Dickson amassing a patient base far beyond the Shenandoah Valley making him one of the most sought after dental implant specialists. Because Dr. Dickson has such a wide ranging patient base, that prompted him to rebrand in 2021 from Shenandoah Valley Implant Institute-Winchester to Virginia Dental Implant Institute.
What Sets VDII and Dr. Jeff Dickson Apart?
• Free consultation
• Modern dental building and office
• State-of-the-art diagnostic and minimally invasive treatment technologies
• Top Doctor Award Winner since 2018
• Recently voted by his peers as one of Virginia’s Top Dentists
• Recognized as National Allon-4© Center of Excellence for full arch tooth replacement
• Over a hundred 5 star Google Reviews
VDII is the culmination of the ongoing vision for a center of excellence to practice state-of-the-art dental implant and periodontal work. VDII is conveniently located across from Winchester Medical Center in Winchester, VA in the Gateway Professional Center. As seen in Virginia Living Magazine
Third Winchester Battlefield Path
A 5-mile walking/biking path with scenic views and interpretive signage 541 Redbud Rd., Winchester, VA 22603 540-740-4545 • shenandoahatwar.org/visit
Tuscarora Trail
Bypass route of the Appalachian Trail offering a variety of terrain, shelters and valley overlooks. Various access points in Frederick County 703-242-0315 • 703-242-0968 • patc.net
Free and open 365 days a year, this living museum features plants and trees from around the world, walking trails, picnic area, wetlands, and a 300-tree ginkgo grove 400 Blandy Farm Ln., Boyce, VA 22620 540-837-1758 • blandy.virginia.edu
Winchester Green Circle Trail
A walking and biking trail encircling the City of Winchester. 540-662-4946 • winchesterva.gov/green-circle-trail
Winchester Royals Baseball
This collegiate, wooden bat Valley Baseball League team plays at Bridgeforth Field 1001 E. Cork St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-4466 • winchesterroyals.org
Winchester Skating and Family Fun Center 1629 Berryville Pike, Winchester, VA 22603 540-667-6464 • winchesterskate.com
Winchester Speedway
3/8 mile dirt track with racing on Saturday nights March-October 950 Airport Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 540-667-8143 • winchestervaspeedway.com
Winchester Sportsplex
Indoor sports arena and fitness center with rock climbing wall. Hosts indoor sporting events. 221 Commonwealth Ct., Winchester, VA 22602 540-869-0100 • winchester-sportsplex.business.site
Winchester Wheelmen
A group of cycling advocates in the Shenandoah Valley. Visit their website for information on biking events, scenic road rides and mountain biking trails in Winchester-Frederick County. winchesterwheelmen.org
Alesatian Brewing Co.
Nanobrewery located on second floor of Roma Wood-Fired Pizzeria 21 & 23 North Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-667-2743 • alesatianbrewing.com
Briedé Family Vineyards
Specializes in sparkling wines and features French Champagnes 450 Green Spring Rd., Winchester, VA 22603 540-664-2048 • briedevineyards.com
Broken Window Brewing Co.
Premier nano brewery specializing in a wide variety of craft beers 14 W. Boscawen St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-660-9577 • brokenwindowbrewing.com
CRUSH Wine Bar
Offers over 100 global wines, select craft beers, high-end sake and well-aged port. 3031-103 Valley Ave., Winchester, VA 22601 540-550-0103 • thecrushwinebar.com
Escutcheon Brewing Co.
Local brewery and taproom
142 W. Commercial St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-773-3042 • escutcheonbrewing.com
James Charles Winery
Enjoy wine tastings with mountain views 4063 Middle Rd., Winchester, VA 22602 540-931-4386 • jamescharleswine.com
Misty Mountain Meadworks
661 Warm Springs Rd., Winchester, VA 22603 540-336-2273 • mistymountaimead.com
Murphy Beverage Co.
Offers hard to find craft beers and boutique wines 167 N. Loudoun St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-723-9719 • murphybeverage.com
Old Town Cidery
326 N. Cameron St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-662-6251 • oldtowncidery.com
The Wine Room at Taylor Pavilion
Over 70 selections available by the glass 120 Indian Alley N, Suite 100, Winchester, VA 22601 540-686-0545 • taylorwineroom.com
Are you looking for a place to take unused and unneeded medication?
Dispose of your medication responsibly
April 27th, 2024 October 29th, 2024
Clarke County
Clarke County Sheriff’s Office
100 North Church St. Berryville
Warren County
CVS Pharmacy 800 John Marshall Hwy Front Royal
Timbrook Public Safety Center
231 East Piccadilly St. Winchester Frederick County/Winchester
Winchester/Frederick Joint Judicial Center
5 North Kent St., Winchester
Shenandoah County Sheriff's Office 810 N. Main St Suite 1
Woodstock, VA 22664
New Market
Police Department 9418 John Sevier Rd
New Market, VA 22844
Page County
Page County Sheriff's Office
108 S. Court St Luray, VA 22835
CVS Pharmacy 2207 Valley Ave. Winchester
Frederick County Sheriff’s Office
1080 Coverstone Dr. Winchester
Virginia CVS Pharmacy, LLC
221 West Reservoir Rd Woodstock, VA 22664
Strasburg Police Department
174 East King Street Strasburg, VA 22657
Valerie Hill Vineyard and Winery
Farm winery with historic tasting house 1687 Marlboro Rd., Stephens City, VA 22655 540-869-9567 • valeriehillwinery.com
Winchester Brew Works
Lively nano-brewery offering nine rotating taps 320 N. Cameron St., Winchester, VA 22601 540-692-9242 • winchesterbrewworks.com
Winchester Ciderworks
Handcrafted Virginia hard cider 2504 N. Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603 540-686-7632 • winchesterciderworks.com
Hard water is terrible for the in fixtures in your home:
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