50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

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The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019


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The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019


Addressing feeling cold often

As people age, many report feeling chilly even when the temperature outside is warm. Studies have shown that older people are more likely to have slightly colder body temperatures than their younger counterparts. Feeling cold can be the result of the natural aging process, or it may be symptomatic of a medical condition. Understanding the reasons behind chilliness can help people take proper action.

no longer be as quick to direct blood vessels in order to constrict to keep body temperature up.

Aging adults can feel cold for various reasons. As people age, their metabolisms slow down, leading to decreased energy. During times of low energy output, one can feel cold. The American Geriatric Society Foundation for Health suggests that individuals with slower metabolisms may not produce enough heat from their own bodies to stay warm.

Certain medical conditions or medications may be to blame, too. SUNY Upstate Medical University offers that some drugs, like beta blockers, can decrease heart rate, which can reduce circulation to the extremities. High cholesterol levels can impair blood flow. Hypothyroidism, or an underperforming thyroid, also can affect a person’s ability to regulate body temperature. It’s imperative that people speak with their doctors to rule out any medical conditions or medication issues that may be contributing to their

Circulation issues also may be a concern. As people age, the walls of their blood vessels may lose their elasticity, negatively affecting circulation as a result. Vasoreceptors also may

Inadequate fat storage may also be a contributor. Older people generally have less subcutaneous fat stores and muscle mass, both of which can insulate their bodies from cold weather. As a result, they may have trouble regulating body temperature. Exercise and healthy eating may help remedy this situation.

feelings of being cold. The following are some additional steps aging men and women can take to stay warm. • Make sure you are at a healthy weight for your gender and age. • Get the cardiovascular system pumping by exercising more. • Layer clothing until you feel comfortable so that you are not adjusting the thermostat as frequently. • Wear a vest to keep your chest warm to prevent heat being drawn from the extremities. Often the body will sacrifice heat in the hands and feet to keep its core warm. • Invest in wool socks and blankets, as wool will help wick away moisture from the body. Feeling cold is usually nothing out of the ordinary when a person gets older. Fortunately, there are ways that older men and women can stay warm.

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019


The Northern Virginia Daily

Experts: Plan for long-term care, but hope to never use it By Josette Keelor The Northern Virginia Daily

When do people start thinking about long-term care insurance? Usually when someone they know needs it, said Candy Grimsley, independent agent with Crawford Insurance Agency in Strasburg. “If they watch somebody go through that, then they think about it,” she said. But while she encourages people to think about a long-term care policy, she said it’s not something to jump into lightly. “People need to shop around,” she said. “They need to be very careful, and they need to talk with somebody that they really trust.”

Long-term care insurance protects people if they find themselves with a long recovery from an illness, injury or disability and need at-home care or extended care in an assisted-living facility or nursing home. Long-term care insurance reimburses policyholders for the care they receive at home or in a facility, starting after a month or two of services.

Unlike some other types of insurance, long-term care insurance is something to buy in case you need it Because long-term care insurance picks up where while hoping you never will. health insurance leaves off, it can also provide peace of mind. Grimsley said people should consider all A 2018 bulletin by the American Association of Retired Persons reports that half of all Americans 65 or outcomes and make the best choice they can for themselves or their loved ones. older will require paid long-term care someday.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) put 2017 estimates a little lower, saying 40 percent of people 65 and older will use paid care, though it also says someone who turned 65 that year would have an almost 70 percent chance of needing some type of long-term care services, either paid or unpaid, in their remaining years. Though one-third of today’s 65-year-olds may never need long-term care services, HHS (https://longterm care.acl.gov) says at least 20 percent will need it for longer than five years. The average is 3.7 years for women and 2.2 for men. About 7.2 million Americans have long-term care insurance, the AARP reports. That’s a little more than 2 percent.

The risks of insurance

“Even your car insurance…” she said. “You don’t put insurance on your car hoping to have a wreck so you use it.” However, she said the chance of not having it and needing it is unthinkable. “It would scare me to death.”

Long-term costs A big consideration people have when they buy insurance is that Medicare doesn’t cover long-term care. “Other federal programs, such as the Older Americans Act and the Department of Veterans Affairs pay for long-term care services,” the HHS reports, “but only for specific populations and in certain circumstances.”

Medicare pays 100 percent of short-term medical costs for up to 20 days, Grimsley explained. From 20 to 100 days, they pay all but $170.50 per day, she Long-term care insurance could feel like a waste of money to those who pay into a policy they may never said. use, Grimsley said. “After that, you’re on your own if you don’t have a She had one such client paying on a cancer policy in long-term care policy,” she said.

Buying insurance can be as risky as not buying it.

the event of one day developing cancer and needing treatment.

The average Medicare-covered stay in a nursing home is 22 days, according to the HHS.

In Winchester, the average cost of long-term care ranges from $61 a day (for adult day health services) to $350 a day (for a private room in a nursing home), which insurance company Genworth reports at its website, https://www.genworth.com. Home health aide services average $127 a day in Winchester, a stay at an assisted living facility is $152 a day, and a semi-private room at a nursing home is $333 a day, the site reports. In Harrisonburg, those same services range on average from $57 to $317 per day. The state median for long-term care services ranges from $70 to $280. Someone without insurance who ends up needing long-term care is “at the mercy of Medicaid,” Grimsley said. If using Medicaid, she said, “You have to go wherever they put you.” Furthermore, Medicaid picks up costs only after other payment options are exhausted. That can mean having to sell your home and assets to pay for your stay in a facility that accepts Medicaid payments. “Long-term care [insurance] gives you the power of choice and control,” Grimsley said. It also protects the policyholder’s assets, such as savings, investments and any items they would want to leave their family. Most people haven’t planned for the financial risks of

The Northern Virginia Daily

long-term care, according to the AARP bulletin. “If you pay out of pocket,” it says, “you’ll spend $140,000 on average.”

What you’ll pay Women are likely to pay far more for long-term care insurance policies because they tend to live longer than men and on average require longer periods of long-term care. Mutual of Omaha has an online calculator at mutual ofomaha.com/long-term-care-insurance calculator where those looking into getting insurance can estimate their monthly payments for a policy. These are only estimates because policies will take into account other factors such as current health and medical history.

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

been paying in unless you have a policy that gives you money back should you never need long-term care. And since companies are allowed to raise premiums as you get older or as cost of living rates go up, the only benefit to starting early would be to protect against the unexpected. The longer clients wait to buy a policy, the likelier they’ll pay more or not get approved at all, Grimsley said. Clients will need to answer questions on their medical health and interests, she said. The policy they get will depend on their competency to answer questions, as well as their medical history. “You always have to think ahead,” Grimsley said. “If you’re chronically ill and needing long-term care, you’re not going to be able to get it.”

By their calculator, a 55-year-old single woman livWhere it’s available ing in Strasburg and looking for a monthly benefit of $4,556 (about $150 a day based on 365 days a year, The Virginia Retirement System is working through or roughly $164,000 over three years) would pay Genworth to offer its employees long-term care plans $265 a month. through its voluntary group long-term insurance programs, beginning this fall, according to its webA 55-year-old single man living in Strasburg would site www.varetire.org. These are employee-paid pay $164 each month for the same policy. plans. Couples might cut costs if both partners have policies. A 55-year-old married woman living in Strasburg would pay an estimated $186 a month if her husband also has a policy. He would pay $115 per month.

“In terms of the number of long-term care insurance policyholders, Genworth is the largest in the nation,” the American Association of Long-Term Care Insurance says at its website www.aaltci.org/long-termcare-insurance-companies. However, the site adds, The longer people pay into a policy, the better “In recent years, they sell few policies to new buymonthly rate they’ll get, Grimsley said. However, companies are allowed to alter rates as policyholders ers.” age, so the rate they’ll pay when they buy a policy Mutual of Omaha, it says, “is on track to sell more might not be the rate they’ll pay 10 years later. traditional (individual) long-term care insurance Long-term care insurance can bring peace of mind to policies than any other carrier. The company does aging Americans, but the reality is that most people not sell policies directly and there are many moving parts to their coverage. Thus, we recommend speakcan’t afford to spend $200 or $300 a month ($2,400ing to a knowledgeable LTC insurance specialist.” $3,600 a year) on insurance.


the best of an uncertain future. Other options are hybrid policies and reverse mortgages. Whole life insurance can be used for long-term care, the AARP says, but unlike the older variety of longterm care insurance, these hybrid policies will return money to your heirs if you don’t end up needing longterm care. “You don’t run traditional policies’ risk of a rate hike because you lock in your premium upfront,” the AARP says. However, hybrid policies also cost two or three times as much as traditional policies, meaning you’re paying extra just to ensure you get money back later. “If you want insurance, start looking in your 50s or early 60s, before premiums rise sharply or worsening health rules out robust coverage,” the AARP says. “Initial premiums at age 65, for example, are 8 to 10 percent higher than those for new customers who are 64.” Grimsley said some companies allow clients a provision in their policies to get a return of premium if they’ve paid in for so many years and don’t put in any claims for their insurance. “Understand what you’re buying,” she said. “You don’t just want a home health care policy.” In the case of reverse mortgages, the website www.payingforseniorcare.com cautions that it’s not for everyone, but might be a good idea in the following situations: • Single or married seniors in good health who can remain in their home and/or receive long-term care at home. • A married senior whose partner is receiving care but who is in good enough health themselves to remain at home

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners says some experts recommend people spend no more than 5 percent of their income on a long-term care policy. To stay within that range, a 55-year-old Strasburg couple would need to have a combined yearly income of at least $72,000.

State Farm Mutual Automobile, Thrivent Financial, National Guardian Life, and Northwestern Mutual offer policies, but State Farm only sold about 850 plans nationwide in 2018. Out of the seven million long-term care insurance policies Americans had that year, the AALTCI calls that “a very small number.”

“Reverse mortgages are not the best option for married couples when both spouses require care,” the site says. “Reverse mortgages become due when the last borrower moves from the home or passes away. Renting or selling the home may be a better option.

In 2017, Shenandoah County reported a median household income of $53,934, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and Warren County reported a median household income of $65,353. Nationwide, the median household income for 2016 was reported as $59,039.

Transamerica was once a leading provider of longterm care insurance, but the AALTCI reports no current information the company offers on new plans for individual policyholders.

“However, if the proceeds from a reverse mortgage can be used to pay for in-home care that enables the seniors to continue living comfortably at home, then a reverse mortgage is still an option,” the site explains.

Grimsley said policies vary depending on the company and the client’s needs. And although potential clients will want to start planning years before they might need long-term care, she said she hasn’t talked with anyone as young as their 20s who wants to start paying on a policy.

Met Life, John Hancock, Prudential, UNUM and CNA - which all used to be leading providers of longEveryone hopes they can stay at home in their determ care insurance - no longer offer new plans to inclining years, she said, but life is unpredictable. dividuals, according to the AALTCI. “There may come a time when we just can’t be there Alternatives anymore.”

Bankers Life & Casualty insurance policies are only sold by Bankers Life & Casualty career agents.

Grimsley said it’s important to consider all options before buying long-term care and weigh the risks of having it versus not having it.

Policies don’t pay you more based on how long you’ve Long-term care insurance isn’t the only way to make Contact Josette Keelor at jkeelor@nvdaily.com


50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

Make vacations and travel a key component of retirement

The Northern Virginia Daily

When the time comes to bid farewell to conference calls, meetings and daily commutes, retirees have open schedules to fill with whichever activities they choose. Travel is one exciting way to pass the time. Traveling can be a rewarding prospect for active seniors, particularly those who successfully preplanned for retirement and have the income to fund various excursions. Many seniors, both in the United States and Canada, find that travel tops their to-do lists once they retire. According to Senior Travel magazine, new travel options are emerging for newly minted retirees looking for something a little different from the status quo. The list of destinations retirees have at their disposal is limitless. The following ideas are some of the more popular ways retirees choose to travel. Road trips rule. Taking to the highways and byways is an excellent way to see the country. Seniors can customize their routes depending on which places they want to visit. RV travel can be as comfortable or as rustic as travelers prefer. Many seniors spend months traveling in their campers, which offer many of the same amenities of home. Campsites and special RV hook-up sites offer the other necessities of

The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

traveling the open road.

their desires take them.

Genealogical tourism is popular. People hoping to trace their ancestry and visit their ancestral homelands are one of the fastest-growing travel segments. Visiting an old church in Europe where ancestors were married or buying food from a market in which a great aunt or uncle once worked leads retirees on many international adventures. Such trips provide travelers with a unique opportunity to understand their roots up close and personal while enjoying some international travel along the way.

Enjoy a relaxing seaside trip. A seaside vacation can be the perfect trip for seniors who want to put their feet up and sip some cocktails while watching the waves lap the shores. Many beach resorts offer all-inclusive packages for different age groups. Meals, excursions and hotel rooms can be bundled into one affordable, confusion-free price.

Go cruising. Speaking of allinclusive vacationing, cruising seems tailor-made for those ages 50 and older because it offers the convenience of accommodations, food, entertainment, and Exotic tours can be exciting transportation all in one. The destinations. History buffs or various activities offered on the adventure-seeking couples may be ship mean travelers can find ways particularly attracted to exotic travel destinations that are slightly to spend their time how they see off of the beaten path. Travel tours fit. Cruising couples can opt to spend all of their time on the ship may take vacationers to enjoying carefully prepared meals destinations such as excavation and entertainment or disembark sites or backpacking through the and explore the various ports of call rainforest. With passport in hand, seniors can go just about anywhere along the way.


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50+ Healthy Living - July 2019


The Northern Virginia Daily

Some potentially surprising facts about menopause Menopause is a process nearly all healthy women will go through naturally. During menopause, women will begin to experience irregular menstrual cycles to the point where menstruation will cease altogether. WebMD states that most women will enter menopause — marked by not having a period for a duration of one year — on or around the age of 50. Some women experience menopause in their 40s, while others experience it closer to 60.

In many cases, a woman entering menopause will not cease menstruating all at once. According to the North American Menopause Society, ovary fluctuations occur gradually. It can take anywhere from three to five years before menstruation fully ceases. As ovary function fluctuates, so do hormone levels. This leads to periods being closer together or further apart, lighter or heavier.


Hormone replacement therapy is an option. England’s National Institute of Health and Care Excellence recently changed its view of hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, which was once deemed dangerous due to the perception that it increased a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. In its review of the evidence, NICE found that if 1,000 women aged 50 were not undergoing HRT, around 22 Weight gain can occur if women let would be expected to develop breast it. Menopausal women may need to Many women find they are cancer over seven years. If the same reassess their diets and exercise apprehensive about menopause, number were put on combined habits. During menopause, ovaries which is one of the biggest hormonal make fewer sex hormones, and one estrogen and progesterone changes women experience. treatment, there would be around might experience a hormonal Difficulty understanding menopause imbalance. As a result, the body may five more cases and the slightly may be fueled by misinformation, respond by trying to protect itself by increased risk only lasts as long as including misconceptions about this storing fat, especially around the women are on the therapy. time of life. Becoming educated waist, hips and thighs. Working with Everyone doesn’t experience the about menopause can help women a nutritionist and a doctor may help same symptoms. Many women are alleviate any anxiety they feel. women develop a plan to maintain prone to hot flashes and mood changes, while others may sail Periods largely don’t stop overnight. healthy weights throughout

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through menopause without noticing much difference. It’s an unpredictable time of life, and women should adapt as their symptoms appear. Intimacy doesn’t have to wane. While hormonal changes can affect libido, speaking with a doctor about symptoms, including vaginal dryness, can open up a discussion focusing on solutions. Be on the lookout for mental symptoms as well. Changes in emotions, memory and concentration during perimenopause and menopause due to sudden shifts in hormones are possible. Be aware that these conditions may be linked to menopause and that they, too, can be managed. Menopause is an inevitability for women. By removing the mystery, women approaching and entering menopause can get the understanding and relief they need.

The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

Ridesharing keeps seniors on the move Losing the ability to drive and get around is one of the most challenging aspects of growing older for seniors. This loss of independence can result in loneliness, depression and isolation. Often seniors have to rely on family to take them places, leaving them at the mercy of a friend or relative’s schedule. Ridesharing services such as Uber, Lyft, Sidecar, and many others can fill the transportation void for older adults and help them regain their lost independence. Many traditional paratransit services (door-to-door transit, often limited to those over 65 and disabled) may be less convenient than ridesharing services, and it may be challenging to find a company that services rural areas. Plus, reservations may need to be made a day in advance, with limited drop-off locations available. That makes it hard for seniors to make spontaneous plans, again taking away some of their independence. But flexible ridesharing services may provide the flexibility seniors are hoping for.

Connecting with ridesharing services requires only a cursory education in mobile technology. According to a recent report from the Consumer Electronics Association, 46 percent of senior households have smartphones and 40 percent have tablets. Many seniors are becoming more techsavvy, meaning they have the wherewithal to navigate apps and websites that can connect them with a ride. And if they aren’t, a quick primer from a young friend or relative can stoke their confidence.

Before engaging a ridesharing service, seniors should familiarize themselves with how such services work and take steps to ensure their safety.

Many ridesharing services are

linked directly to a credit card account. Passengers should not have to pay in cash. If the driver requests it, this should raise a red flag. Report the driver to the service. Confirm that the driver matches the profile and the vehicle that was indicated on the ride app. Never get in the car unless there is verification. Ask for an estimate regarding the cost of the trip and if those costs can increase considerably during the ride. Budget-conscious seniors should avoid services whose rates can fluctuate dramatically after riders get in the vehicle. Look into Uber ASSIST as another option. Seniors who require a little help to get in and out of the car or those who need wheelchairs or other devices can choose the Uber ASSIST option on their apps. This ensures their driver will be specially trained and is capable of helping with the transfer. New senior ridesharing services, such as Lift Hero in California, are now hitting the market as well. Ridesharing services are changing the way people get around. While ridesharing might have been designed with millennials in mind, it has become the new go-to for seniors who are not ready to give up their independence.



The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

Sexual health as one ages Aging brings about many changes in a person’s body. Some of these changes, such as hair becoming gray and/or white, are widely known, while others may come as a surprise to people who have only begun to experience them. It is normal for sexual desire and other issues affecting intimacy to change as a person ages. However, that doesn’t mean that seniors’ sex lives need to cease or change dramatically. Remaining open to ideas and continuing to communicate with one’s partner can keep couples’ relationships going strong well into their golden years.

menopause may discover physical changes to their vaginas, including a shortening and narrowing of this part of the body. Stiffness and less lubrication also may occur in this area, impacting their comfort and enjoyment. As men get older, their ability to have and keep an erection may diminish. Sexual issues are sometimes a byproduct of illness or certain prescription medications. Chronic pain, arthritis, surgery, and even incontinence also can impede intimacy. These are largely treatable conditions, but patients must be willing to first open a dialogue with their physicians.

The National Institute on Aging Communication offers that certain normal physical changes can impact intimacy. These Couples are urged to talk about their intimacy goals. One person bodily changes may be hormonal. Women who have gone through may not be fully aware of a

partner’s desires. Other issues can be addressed as well. Discuss any discomfort or sexual problems that can affect the relationship. Couples can bring

situations to light so they can manage their issues together. This can bring about a mutually acceptable solution that benefits both partners and prevents one

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Overall health

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

Play it safe

Seniors who are single can broaden their horizons and resolve to get Paying attention to overall health out and meet new people. However, can positively impact sexual when the time comes to engage in intimacy. Exercising regularly, sexual activity, seniors should be eating a healthy diet, drinking smart about it, regardless of their plenty of fluids, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, age. People age 55 years or older and managing stress in your life account for one-quarter of all can help in your daily life and in Americans living with HIV, reports the bedroom. Speak with a doctor if the Centers for Disease Control a particular medication is and Prevention. In 2013, people age impacting your health in a negative 50 and over constituted more than way. There may be another, less 27 percent of new AIDS diagnoses. invasive option you and your Older adults are also at risk of physician can explore. other sexually transmitted infections. Condoms may seem like Think creatively something for younger people to Intimacy is more than just worry about, but they’re a necessity intercourse. Intimacy may include for older adults as well. touching, closeness, fantasies, role playing, and much more. The Mayo Sexual health is something seniors think about as the years pass. Clinic says people can help their Remaining healthy, engaged and partners understand what they want from them. Discuss something communicative with a spouse or that seems exciting and find a way partner can ensure couples enjoy to include it in your sex life if both sexual intimacy for as long as partners are willing. possible.




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The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019


How seniors can preserve their brains

Physical activity and proper diet and nutrition can help people age 50 and older maintain their physical health. But there are also ways aging men and women can preserve brain health in an effort to prevent or delay the cognitive decline that affects millions of seniors across the globe.

any single activity. Harvard Medical School also states that volunteering, caring for others and pursuing hobbies may benefit the brains of older adults.

A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found participants who reported higher levels of purpose in life exhibited It’s easy to overlook the importance superior cognitive function despite the accumulation of abnormal of keeping the brain healthy. protein depositions (amyloid However, a decline in brain plaques and neurofibrillary function can result in poor tangles) in the brain, a hallmark of concentration, memory loss and a Alzheimer’s disease. Having a host of other issues. Sometimes, by purpose also may help those who do the time symptoms present not have Alzheimer’s disease. themselves, it may be too late to reverse any damage. In addition to the suggestions mentioned above, those who want Research suggests that a to boost brain health can consider combination of nutrition and these strategies. mental, social and physical

activities may have a greater impact with regard to maintaining and improving brain health than

examined cognitive function in people ages 45 to 70. Researchers found evidence of cognitive decline in the 45-year-old participants as well as the older participants. It’s never too early to put a brain health plan into motion. Read more books. Reading can open individuals up to new vocabulary and scenarios that promote a stronger brain and recall ability. Enrolling in an education course at a local college, community center or online also may be beneficial.

Hit the gym. Several studies suggest an association between physical activity and reduced risk of cognitive decline. This could be because exercise elevates heart rate, which pumps more blood to Start exercising the brain early the brain and body. Supplement with DHA. DHA is on. A study published in 2012 in an omega-3 fatty acid that is the British Medical Journal

dominant in the brain. Adhere to a Mediterranean diet, which is generally high in natural sources of omega-3, including fish and monounsaturated fats from olives, olive oil, nuts and seeds. Supplements also may help, but individuals should consult with their doctors about which products to take. Challenge the mind. Men and women can engage in challenging activities that stray from their routines. Puzzles, strategic games, jigsaw puzzles, or difficult hobbies can benefit the brain. Keep a close-knit group of friends. Regular conversation and social interaction is a key component of any brain health wellness plan. Slowing cognitive decline and promoting greater brain health should be a priority for adults of all ages.

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The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019


Seniors and exercise: Tips to avoid injuries, get healthy

Exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Daily exercise can improve mood, promote an active lifestyle and reduce a person’s risk for a host of ailments, including diabetes and heart disease.

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Despite the importance of exercise, many people live sedentary lifestyles into their golden years. Seniors who want to embrace a healthier way of life and get more physically active should first consult with their physicians before beginning an exercise regimen. Certain medications may limit just how far seniors can push themselves, while preexisting conditions may make specific types of exercise off limits. After discussing their limitations with their physicians and developing a safe exercise routine, seniors can heed the following tips to avoid injury but still get healthy. smartphone to track your progress. Apply the same slow approach to Pick a partner. Whether it’s a spouse or a friend who is physically strength training exercises, lifting active or wants to be, try exercising only very light weights at first before gradually increasing weight with a partner, at least initially. Doing so can provide the motivation as your body acclimates to the you need and partners can serve as exercises. safety nets should you need Stretch. Bodies that have been assistance completing an exercise or inactive for lengthy periods of time suffer an injury and require medical are inflexible, and lack of flexibility attention. Personal trainers can increases your risk for injury. The serve as your partner, and many AAOS recommends that seniors gyms offer discounts to seniors on warm up their bodies before personal training services. stretching with five to 10 minutes of low-intensity activity such as Start slowly. Seniors who have not been physically active for some walking. Then stretch gently, remembering to relax and breathe time should take a gradual during each stretch. approach to exercise. Instead of

heading right for the treadmill, exercise bike or elliptical machine, start walking every day. When it rains, find a treadmill you can walk on. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends seniors begin by determining how many steps they can take in a day and then gradually working toward 10,000 to 15,000 steps per day. Utilize step counting apps on your

Switch things up. When strength training, do not work the same muscle group two days in a row. Muscles need time to recover. If you prefer circuit strength training where you exercise various muscle groups in one day, do not strength train on back-to-back days, leaving at least one day in between strength training sessions so muscles have ample time to recover.

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50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

What is a silent stroke? The brain is a complex organ responsible for controlling many different bodily functions. When working at optimal capacity, the brain is a wonder to behold. When illness or trauma affects the brain, various parts of the body may not work as they should.

consequences. Researchers have found that silent stroke is associated with impairments in tests of cognitive function rather than movement-oriented performance tests like rising from a chair. Almost 50 percent of studied silent strokes affected frontal circuit components of the brain, such as the frontal cortex, One of the more devastating things basal ganglia and thalamus. Lesions that can affect the brain is stroke. in these brain structures Stroke describes a sudden stoppage compromised executive functions and of blood from reaching the brain. Harvard Medical School states that if were related to vascular dementia. Another study showed associations a large number of brain cells are starved of blood supply, they can die. between silent stroke and visual field deficits, weakness in walking on With their demise, a person’s heels, history of memory loss, memory and ability to speak and migraines, and lower scores in move can be compromised. cognitive function tests. While many strokes come on The “silent” part of a silent stroke also refers to the areas of the brain that the stroke affects. Experts at Harvard Medical School explain that, during a silent stroke, an interruption in blood flow destroys areas of cells in a part of the brain that is “silent,” meaning that it doesn’t control any vital functions. Researchers say that, over Silent cerebral infarction, often referred to as “SCI” or “silent stroke,” time, the damage from silent strokes can accumulate, leading to more and is a brain injury likely caused by a more problems with memory. blood clot interrupting blood flow to the brain, offers the American Stroke Collectively, silent strokes become silent no longer. Association. Silent strokes increase risk for other strokes and can be a There are certain ways to reduce the sign of progressive brain damage. A risk of any type of stroke. These silent stroke is typically only noticed include: as a side component of an MRI of the • managing high blood pressure and brain. Many times patients do not high cholesterol levels recall having a stroke and never felt any symptoms. Silent strokes should • quitting smoking • reducing the risk of diabetes and not be mistaken for mini-strokes. Mini-stroke is a brief but discrete effectively treat the condition if it is and memorable event, with present symptoms appearing for a few • losing weight to prevent obesity minutes or a few hours. • exercising and avoid a sedentary According to a study on silent stroke lifestyle titled “Functional and Cognitive • taking a low-dose aspirin or a drug Consequences of Silent Stroke that prevents blood clots. Discovered Using Brain Magnetic Silent strokes largely go Resonance Imaging in an Elderly unrecognized but can lead to Population” and published in the significant brain injury. Getting the Journal of the American Geriatrics facts can help men and women Society, silent strokes are quite reduce their risk for silent stroke. common and can have serious suddenly, certain factors may indicate a person is at risk. Such factors may include prior heart attacks, genetics, high blood pressure, smoking, or a prior stroke. However, in a particular type of stroke — a “silent stroke” — symptoms are far more subtle and difficult to spot.

The Northern Virginia Daily

The Northern Virginia Daily

50+ Healthy Living - July 2019



50+ Healthy Living - July 2019

The Northern Virginia Daily

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