FFA Week 2025

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FFA is a dynamic youth organization that changes lives and prepares members for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, which give members the tools to achieve real-world success.

Members are future farmers, chemists, veterinarians, government officials, entrepreneurs, bankers, international business leaders, teachers and premier professionals in many career fields.

What the letters FFA stand for

The official name of the organization is the National FFA Organization.

The letters “FFA” stand for Future Farmers of America. These letters are a part of our history and our heritage that will never change. But FFA is not just for students who want to be production farmers; FFA also welcomes members who aspire to careers as teachers, doctors, scientists, business owners and more. For this reason, the name of the organization was updated in 1988 after a vote of national convention delegates to reflect the growing diversity and new opportunities in the industry of agriculture.

Today, the National FFA Organization

remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

FFA continues to help the next generation rise up to meet those challenges by helping its members to develop their own unique talents and explore their interests in a broad range of agricultural career pathways. So today, we are still the Future Farmers of America. But, we are the Future Biologists, Future Chemists, Future Veterinarians, Future Engineers and Future Entrepreneurs of America, too.

FFA Mission

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

To accomplish its mission, FFA:

• Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership.

• Increases awareness of the global and technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to our well-being.

• Strengthens the confidence of agriculture students in themselves and their work.

• Promotes the intelligent choice and establishment of an agricultural career.

• Encourages achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs.

• Encourages wise management of economic, environmental and human resources of the community.

• Develops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations and social interaction.

• Builds character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism.

• Promotes cooperation and cooperative attitudes among all people.

• Promotes healthy lifestyles.

• Encourages excellence in scholarship.

FFA Motto

The FFA motto gives members 12 short words to live by as they experience the opportunities in the organization.

Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.


The cross section of the ear of corn provides the foundation of the emblem, just as corn has historically served as the foundation crop of American agriculture. It is also a symbol of unity, as corn is grown in every state of the nation.

The rising sun signifies progress and holds a promise that tomorrow will bring a new day glowing with opportunity.

The plow signifies labor and tillage of the soil, the backbone of agriculture and the historic foundation of our country’s strength.

The eagle is a national symbol which serves as a reminder of our freedom and ability to explore new horizons for the future of agriculture.

The owl, long recognized for its wisdom, symbolizes the knowledge required to be successful in the industry of agriculture.

The words “Agricultural Education” and “FFA” are emblazoned in the center to signify the combination of learning and leadership necessary for progressive agriculture.


President: Brooke Ray

Vice Presidents:

Taylor Leland

Faith Sortzi

Keriana Stottlemyer

Dara Trail

Student Advisor: Taylor Jennelle

Secretary: Anna Ritenour

Treasurer: Karissa Jones

Reporter: Hailey Waybright

Sentinel: Baylie Fadeley

Parliamentarian: Hunner Gregoire

Junior Officers

President: Grace Bushong

Vice Presidents: Ethan Street

Shayleigh Tusing

Secretary: Riley Smith

Reporter: Max Ross

Sentinel: Deztinee Fishback

central high school

Learning to Do

All students enrolled in agricultural education courses have the opportunity to become an FFA member. As an integral part of the FFA club experience, agriculture classes allow students to take part in hands-on projects, presentations, and field trip experiences. Students can enroll in agriculture classes beginning in ninth grade, and can take a variety of classes, including agricultural business, veterinary science, plant science, agricultural production, and more.

Doing to Learn

Outside of the traditional classroom, our members have the opportunity to expand their knowledge through FFA Career & Leadership Development Events (CDEs & LDEs). Members can choose from a multitude of contests in a field they may be interested in in order to learn more about that certain area and compete against other chapters’ members at area, federation, state, and national levels. Teams that compete in CDEs and LDEs have the special opportunity to travel to the state FFA convention, and sometimes even the National

FFA Convention. This year, the Agricultural Issues team earned a trip to Indianapolis to present their project at the National Convention. This year, our members have competed in the following CDEs and LDEs:

• Floriculture

• Meats Evaluation

• Poultry

• Parliamentary Procedure

• Agricultural Issues

• Soils/Land Judging

• Food Science

• Forestry - our team won the federation and area contests and will compete at the state level in April.

Earning to Live

Our chapter members work each year to raise money to support the opportunities provided by our organization, including public speaking workshops, area and federation CDE and LDE contests, class field trips, and state and national FFA conventions. This year, our chapter raised money for

activities through bake sales, 50-50 raffles, our fruit, meat, and cheese fundraiser, and our strawberry fundraiser. Through fundraising for our events, members recognize and appreciate the importance of teamwork and tenacity.

Living to Serve

Our members take pride in serving their community, representing the chapter, and growing as leaders. Throughout the year, members have the opportunity to give back to the community, increase agricultural

literacy, and interact with the next generation of FFA members. This year, our members had the opportunity to take part in the following activities:

• Prepare 25 complete holiday meal boxes for families in our community

• Food For America, Farming Fun Day, Fishing Clinic

• Food and supply drives, donating food to local organizations

• Reading to elementary school students

• Wreaths Across America

Happy National FFA week!

Students in Veterinary Science class engage in a hands-on learning activity.
Members participate in agriculture literacy activities with first graders.
Members at 2024 Virginia FFA State Convention. Agricultural Issues team and Food Science Team placed first.

The North Fork Middle School FFA Chapter has been very active.

Our FFA chapter has served the community through a flower arranging workshop at Life Care Center of New Market and through an educational booth at Mount Jackson’s first Tater Fest. We also supported the Wreaths Across America program.

Students have sharpened their skills in the Jr. Dairyman’s and Hippology Contests at the State Fair of Virginia. They placed in the Federation FFA Quizbowl and Plant Sciences Career Development

Events (CDEs) and won the Federation Agriscience Mechanics Contest. Currently, students are preparing for the FFA Chapter Conduct of Meeting and Stockman’s contests.

Always down for an adventure, our FFA members enjoy exploring agriculture outside of the Valley. We traveled to the Pennsylvania Farm Show and took 10 students to National FFA Convention, where we toured a commercial goldfish farm

In class, we’ve enjoyed visits from Clinedinst Taxidermy and a representative of Shamrock Farms. We also hosted a Jersey bottle calf, affectionately named Bambi, and continue to maintain our trout and tilapia tanks. In each event, our FFA members strive to demonstrate premier leadership, personal growth and career success. They make a difference in their community and are preparing to become the future of Shenandoah County agriculture.

Peter Muhlenberg FFA has had a busy year since State Convention in June. At State Convention, we had 11 members participating in teams that competed in Quiz Bowl, Small Animal Care, Plant Science, and Hippology. All teams brought home blue, red, and yellow ribbons to show their hard work. The Quiz Bowl team placed top 4 in the buzzer round the Small Animal team placed 8th.

Since the school year has started, we have been able to host monthly meetings with guest speakers, demonstrations, and fun activities for members! We also continue to participate in local activities such as parades to show our students hard work and interact with community members. In October, we were able to attend National Convention, during December we teamed up with the PMMS FCCLA to make a meal for a local food bank, and in January six officers attended FFA Day at the Capital where they met with numerous delegates and senators to discuss the importance of agriculture Education.

Looking at the rest of the year, we are excited to celebrate FFA week with dress up days, prizes for members, and a breakfast for teachers. We are just as excited for our end of year activities. These activities include growing lettuce in our hydroponics system for a local food bank, continued participation in Federation competitions, attendance of our Area Leadership Conference, and our end of year banquet.

If you are able to attend this banquet, be prepared to meet our chapter officer team, members that have been working hard through the year, as well as our Discovery and Greenhand Degree recipients.

signal knob middle school

skyline high school

The Skyline FFA Chapter has hosted and participated in many local, area and state events this year. We have focused on educating our community about agricultural education and FFA, as it is relatively new in our school system. Membership has increased exponentially and we’re looking forward to having a record number of student members participating in activities this year.

Many of our FFA members were able to experience National Convention for the first time this year due to the generosity of our sponsors. We were able to participate in industry and college tours, network with agricultural professionals, and attend many general sessions of the convention.

In January, Skyline FFA took six members to Richmond, Virginia for FFA Day at the

Capitol. Members were able to interact with state legislators and legislative staff members to share about their experiences of their time in the agriculture classroom, their SAEs and in their FFA chapters.

• Touch-A-Truck - SKMS FFA Members hosted an immersive experience for first grade students to explore machinery in agriculture. This event consisted of over 15 unique pieces of equipment and over 150 first grade students. The purpose of this activity was to educate students on the importance of agricultural machinery and its use in our daily lives.

• FFA Day at the Capitol17 members and officers participated in the second

annual FFA Day at the Capitol in Richmond, VA. During the event, students advocated for agriculture by meeting with their state level representatives. Students also had the opportunity to meet Governor Glenn Youngkin in the halls of the capitol building.

• White House Turkey Pardoning - 8 chapter officers were invited as guests of President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden to attend the White House Turkey Pardoning with National FFA Officers. Those in attendance heard from the president as he referenced the importance of agricultural education programs such as 4-H & FFA.

Our FFA chapter is celebrating FFA week this year with Drive Your Tractor to School Day, an Ice Cream Social, presenting to our school board, chapter dinner and a

stonewall jackson high school

The Stonewall Jackson FFA Chapter has continued to focus on educating younger students about the importance of agriculture.

Our FFA officers and members have teamed up with Ashby Lee Elementary School throughout this year to provide opportunities for a variety of grades to learn about many aspects of the agriculture industry. The following are several of the events we have done with the students.

The SJ FFA Officers kicked off the year at the Shenandoah County Fair giving tours to the second and fifth grade students from the county. The tours included a variety of stations including livestock animals, equipment, small animals and exhibits. SJ FFA

Secretary Brooklyn Clark said “We had so much fun showing the kids around the fair. Several of us were able to show the students our own animals we showed during the week. The baby calf in the dairy barn was quite a hit with them!.”

A long standing tradition of many FFA groups is the participation in the Food For America Program.

According to the National FFA Organization, the program was created in 1975 to introduce elementary school children to the process of

how food gets from farm to consumer.

Our FFA officers were excited to have the fourth grade students at ALES participate in our Food for America Program this year. Southland


Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, and Warren County Farm Bureaus are proud to support FFA activities in our communities— during National FFA Week, Feb. 15-22, and every day!

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of its members by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural


through agricultural education

Today’s members are tomorrow’s leaders of Virginia’s No 1 industry and we salute our FFA members, advisers, volunteers and alumni!

Dairy visited the students the day before our program to talk about the dairy industry. During our program, students rotated through a variety of stations including animal feeds, farm machinery, green house and animals.

SJ FFA Vice President Karlei Baker who served as a group leader said “The farm equipment was one of the favorite stations for the students. They really enjoyed sitting on the equipment, especially the tractor and acting like they were driving.”

Our FFA members and advisors would agree the PALS Program is one of our favorite service projects. Partners in Active Learning Support is a program through the National FFA Organization. According to the National FFA Organization website, the objective of the PALS Program is to improve interpersonal, human relations and leadership skills through a long-term mentoring program. Our students teamed up with the Kindergarten class at ALES and have enjoyed their newfound friendships with the elementary school students.

Each month, our members read a different book related to agriculture to the elementary school students and complete a hands-on activity with them. When asked about the program, Kindergarten teacher Lisa Godsey said “Once a month the Kindergarten students are treated to a unique learning experience by the Agriculture students at Stonewall Jackson High School. The children anticipate the visit from the

“big kids” and the chance to hear them share a story and a related art or craft activity. The Agriculture students are prompt and excited to share their knowledge with our youngest students. The choice of texts presented give our kindergartners visuals and vocabulary about an important topic to this area, the use of land to enrich and support daily living. A craft accompanies the lesson and helps the students connect the text to the concept being taught. As much as the students enjoy the activities, their biggest excitement is having time with older students who can share new concepts and explain them with engaging activities.” Our members would agree.

SJ FFA member Andora Franklin is a regular face for the PALS program. She said ‘The kids get so excited to see us each month. I enjoy helping them with the projects and seeing them grow each month. It is a highlight for their and our day.”

strasburg high school

Strasburg FFA has been very busy this year. Here are some highlights!

State FFA Convention

June 2024

Seventeen FFA members from our chapter traveled to Virginia Tech from June 24-27, 2024 for the 98th Virginia FFA State Convention! Chapter achievements include:

• Superior Chapter - Gold rating.

• National Chapter - Gold rating (top 10% in Virginia).

• Public Relations Award - Gold rating.

Several teams competed in a variety of CDEs. Here are their results:

Senior Ag. Mechanics

Participants - Nolan Froemel, Sadie Lineweaver, Jacob Stickley, Ben White

The team placed 4th place in the state. Jacob placed 6th and Ben placed 8th in the state.

Junior Ag. Mechanics

Participants - Phillip Henry, Emilee Shipe, Gatlin Strosnider, William Welch

The team placed 8th place in the state.



Employment Skills

Participant - Hannah Fisher Hannah placed 7th in the state.

Marketing Plan

Participants - Kathryn Gimple, Sophia Tefft, Chloe Welch

The team placed 4th place in the state.

Vet. Science

Participants - Bailey Langston, Lydia Mochoruk, Tinleigh Rusher, Emilee Shipe

The team received a bronze rating. Other recognitions include:

• Kerrigan Bauserman - Beef Production Entrepreneurship Proficiency Winner

• Hannah Fisher - Agricultural Sales Placement Proficiency Winner

• State Degree Recipients - Kerrigan Bauserman, Jake Curry, Hannah Fisher, Tinleigh Rusher

• Scholarship Recipients - Hannah Fisher (National FFA Scholarship) and Kerrigan Bauserman (Virginia FFA Scholarship)

Our delegation also visited the Career Show at Squires and met with many business leaders from across the state of Virginia.

During the Wednesday night session, the Virginia Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Matt Lohr spoke to the members, and the Keynote Speaker was Governor Glenn Youngkin.

Soils CDE

November 5,


On November 5, 2024 eight of our members competed in the Virginia State Soils Career Development

Event held at Giles High School.

The FFA team placed 1st in the FFA contest.

Team members consisted of:

Ben White - High Individual

Nolan Froemel - 2nd High Individual

Sadie Lineweaver - 9th High


Luci Toman - 14th High Individual

The 4H team placed 1st in the 4-H contest

Team members consisted of:

Jacob Weidling - High Individual

Gatlin Strosnider - 4th High


Piper Dellinger - 5th High Individual

Mia Schneider - 8th High Individual

These members will participate in the National Land and Range Judging Contest in Oklahoma at the end of April 2025.

Virginia FFA Day at the Capitol

January 23, 2025

On January 23, members of Strasburg FFA participated in Virginia FFA Day at the Capitol in Richmond! Our members met with legislators and shared their FFA stories to elevate the importance of FFA and agriculture education.

We had the opportunity to meet with: Senator Timmy French, Delegate Todd Gilbert, Delegate Delores Oates, and Delegate William ‘Bill’ Wiley.

We also stopped by the offices of Delegate Robert S. Bloxom Jr. and Delegate Candi Mundon King.

After lunch, we took a group picture on the steps of the Capitol building.

We were fortunate to have Governor Glenn Youngkin, First Lady Suzanne Youngkin, Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Matt Lohr and others join us for the picture.

They also brought words of encouragement for our members!

Club Day

Each month, our FFA chapter meets during club day.

The chapter officers plan each meeting, which consists of announcements, a team building or community service activity, and a snack.

Some of the events during club day this year have included: a pumpkin painting contest, a gingerbread house contest, and creating Cake Mix Celebration Kits, which were donated to Family Promise and Grandparents as Parents (GAP).

warren co. high school warren co. middle school

Warren County High School FFA members have maintained a busy calendar since State Convention in June.

Members participated in the Warren County Fair in late July and early August and hosted the FFA of Warren County informational booth in the Wonder Building that week.

Since September, WCHS FFA members have traveled to the Virginia State Fair, Virginia Tech, as well as the state capitol for Leadership and Career Development events.

WCHS FFA members traveled to National Convention in Indianapolis and brought home ideas to create their own Day of Service, where high school members


traveled to Warren County Middle School to teach students how to make woven potholders, which will be donated to Warren County CCAP.

WCHS FFA also hosted a winter Make and Take class on beginner sourdough with Ali Marangoni of Oak Bear

The Warren County Middle School FFA Chapter has experienced significant growth over the past year, and we’re excited about the bright future ahead. From hands-on learning experiences to leadership development opportunities, our members have gained valuable skills and made lasting memories.

Farms teaching the basics of sourdough making to a full class.

Currently members are applying for chapter degrees and awards to demonstrate their learning through various FFA activities and personal Supervised Agricultural Experience projects.

Our chapter has expanded our agricultural footprint both inside and outside the classroom. We’ve cultivated a vegetable garden that thrives in our outdoor space and the classroom, where students gain firsthand knowledge of plant science.

In addition, we’ve had the joy of hatching baby chicks and caring for six classroom rabbits, providing students with valuable mental therapy through these interactions. These experiences offer our members a well-rounded introduction to agriculture and its many facets.

Throughout the year, our chapter has been busy participating in various Career Development Events (CDEs), where our members have learned about different aspects of agriculture while honing their skills.

Our students attended the Northern Area FFA Rally, where they participated in mock CDE contests, and took part in the Rockingham County Skill-a-thon where our members met Dr. Temple Grandin. Our members also competed in three Stockmen’s Contests, showcasing their knowledge and abilities in the agricultural field. We concluded the year with the annual banquet alongside the Warren County High School FFA, celebrating our collective achievements.

Several successful fundraisers have also supported our chapter’s activities. Alongside the Warren County FFA Chapters, we have hosted events like Vera Bradley Bingo, Fresh Strawberries sales, and Meat Stick sales. These fundraisers help fund trips and educational experiences for our members. We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their continued support.

In addition to fundraising, our chapter organized hands-on Maker’s Workshops including fun projects like Succulent Pumpkins and Wreath Making. These workshops have allowed our members to develop creativity while learning new skills to share with others.

One of the highlights of the year was when five of our

members along with WCHS attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana for the first time last October. Members explored the FFA Career Expo, attended workshops and sessions as well as bonded with each other. Ten of our members attended the Virginia State FFA Convention in June.

This experience provided numerous leadership opportunities through CDEs, and our members participated in contests like Small Animal Care, Plant Science, and Agricultural Mechanics.

Everyone returned home with ribbons, proud of their accomplishments and eager for future contests.

Our chapter has also focused on leadership development.

The Colt Leadership Conference kicked off the training for our new officer team in Strasburg, setting the stage for a year of growth and leadership. In November, we attended the Virginia FFA Leadership Workshop, where we learned how to engage with Virginia Delegates and Senators during legislative sessions. During Virginia FFA Day at the Capitol this past January, ten of our members had the opportunity to meet with lawmakers, gaining invaluable insights into the legislative process.

As part of our celebration for National FFA Week, we’re hosting a Spirit Week with exciting activities like trivia contests, “Hide the Pig,” Ag Olympics, and Fast Ag Facts.

Our chapter has also put together staff appreciation gifts, and we will conclude the week with a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast on Friday, recognizing the important role educators play in our success.

Giving back to the community is an essential part of our chapter’s mission. This year,

we participated in Apple Gleaning for the Blue Ridge Food Bank and collected personal care items for Hurricane Helene victims and CCAP. Additionally, we have partnered with Signal Knob Middle School FFA for various educational opportunities, including attending the Virginia State Fair, the Virginia Tech Middle School Leadership Conference, and the Grow Your Own program at Virginia State University last spring. We are grateful for these partnerships and look forward to future collaborations.

Furthermore, for the first time, FFA of Warren County has partnered with Warren County 4-H, marking the beginning of many years of FFA youth participation in the Warren County Fair.

As we reflect on a successful year, we are excited for the opportunities the future holds for the Warren County Middle School FFA Chapter. We look forward to continuing to grow, learn, and serve our community in the coming year.

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